// RUN: %boogie %s > %t // RUN: %diff %s.expect %t // Declare a constant 'K' and a function 'f' and postulate that 'K' is // in the image of 'f' const K: int; function f(int) returns (int); axiom (exists k: int :: f(k) == K); // This procedure will find a domain value 'k' that 'f' maps to 'K'. It will // do that by recursively enlarging the range where no such domain value exists. // Note, Boogie does not prove termination. procedure Find(a: int, b: int) returns (k: int) requires a <= b; requires (forall j: int :: a < j && j < b ==> f(j) != K); ensures f(k) == K; { goto A, B, C; // nondeterministically choose one of these 3 goto targets A: assume f(a) == K; // assume we get here only if 'f' maps 'a' to 'K' k := a; return; B: assume f(b) == K; // assume we get here only if 'f' maps 'b' to 'K' k := b; return; C: assume f(a) != K && f(b) != K; // neither of the two above call k := Find(a-1, b+1); return; } // This procedure shows one way to call 'Find' procedure Main() returns (k: int) ensures f(k) == K; { call k := Find(0, 0); }