// The partition step of Quick Sort picks a 'pivot' element from a specified subsection // of a given integer array. It then partially sorts the elements of the array so that // elements smaller than the pivot end up to the left of the pivot and elements larger // than the pivot end up to the right of the pivot. Finally, the index of the pivot is // returned. // The procedure below always picks the first element of the subregion as the pivot. // The specification of the procedure talks about the ordering of the elements, but // does not say anything about keeping the multiset of elements the same. var A: [int]int; const N: int; procedure Partition(l: int, r: int) returns (result: int) requires 0 <= l && l+2 <= r && r <= N; modifies A; ensures l <= result && result < r; ensures (forall k: int, j: int :: l <= k && k < result && result <= j && j < r ==> A[k] <= A[j]); ensures (forall k: int :: l <= k && k < result ==> A[k] <= old(A)[l]); ensures (forall k: int :: result <= k && k < r ==> old(A)[l] <= A[k]); { var pv, i, j, tmp: int; pv := A[l]; i := l; j := r-1; // swap A[l] and A[j] tmp := A[l]; A[l] := A[j]; A[j] := tmp; goto LoopHead; // The following loop iterates while 'i < j'. In each iteration, // one of the three alternatives (A, B, or C) is chosen in such // a way that the assume statements will evaluate to true. LoopHead: // The following the assert statements give the loop invariant assert (forall k: int :: l <= k && k < i ==> A[k] <= pv); assert (forall k: int :: j <= k && k < r ==> pv <= A[k]); assert l <= i && i <= j && j < r; goto A, B, C, exit; A: assume i < j; assume A[i] <= pv; i := i + 1; goto LoopHead; B: assume i < j; assume pv <= A[j-1]; j := j - 1; goto LoopHead; C: assume i < j; assume A[j-1] < pv && pv < A[i]; // swap A[j-1] and A[i] tmp := A[i]; A[i] := A[j-1]; A[j-1] := tmp; assert A[i] < pv && pv < A[j-1]; i := i + 1; j := j - 1; goto LoopHead; exit: assume i == j; result := i; }