@echo off setlocal set BOOGIEDIR=..\..\Binaries set BGEXE=%BOOGIEDIR%\Boogie.exe echo ------------------------------ NestedVC.bpl --------------------- %BGEXE% %* /vc:nested NestedVC.bpl echo ------------------------------ UnreachableBlocks.bpl --------------------- %BGEXE% %* /vc:nested UnreachableBlocks.bpl echo ------------------------------ MultipleErrors.bpl --------------------- rem The following tests are rather fickle at the moment--different errors rem may be reported during different runs. Moreover, it is conceivable that rem the error trace would be reported in different orders, since we do not rem attempt to sort the trace labels at this time. rem An interesting thing is that /vc:local can with Simplify report more than one rem error for this file, even with /errorLimit:1. Other than that, only rem local and dag produce VCs to which Simplify actually produces different rem counterexamples. setlocal for %%f in (block local dag) do ( echo. echo ----- /vc:%%f %BGEXE% %* /errorLimit:1 /errorTrace:1 /vc:%%f /logPrefix:-1%%f MultipleErrors.bpl ) for %%f in (local dag) do ( echo. echo ----- /errorLimit:10 /vc:%%f %BGEXE% %* /errorLimit:10 /errorTrace:1 /vc:%%f /logPrefix:-10%%f MultipleErrors.bpl ) endlocal