// RUN: %boogie -typeEncoding:n -logPrefix:0n %s > %t // RUN: %diff %s.n.expect %t // RUN: %boogie -typeEncoding:p -logPrefix:0p %s > %t // RUN: %diff %s.p.expect %t // RUN: %boogie -typeEncoding:a -logPrefix:0a %s > %t // RUN: %diff %s.a.expect %t // XFAIL: * // Spec# program verifier version 0.90, Copyright (c) 2003-2008, Microsoft. // Command Line Options: /print:debug.txt AddMethod.dll type real; type elements; type struct; type name; type any; type exposeVersionType; type Field a; type Heap = [ref,Field x]x; var $Heap: Heap where IsHeap($Heap); type ActivityType; var $ActivityIndicator: ActivityType; function IsHeap(h: Heap) returns (bool); const unique $allocated: Field bool; const unique $elements: Field elements; function DeclType222(Field a) returns (name); axiom DeclType222($elements) == System.Object; const unique $inv: Field name; const unique $localinv: Field name; const unique $exposeVersion: Field exposeVersionType; axiom DeclType222($exposeVersion) == System.Object; const unique $sharingMode: Field any; const unique $SharingMode_Unshared: any; const unique $SharingMode_LockProtected: any; const unique $ownerRef: Field ref; const unique $ownerFrame: Field name; const unique $PeerGroupPlaceholder: name; function ClassRepr(class: name) returns (ref); function ClassReprInv(ref) returns (name); axiom (forall c: name :: { ClassRepr(c) } ClassReprInv(ClassRepr(c)) == c); axiom (forall T: name :: !($typeof(ClassRepr(T)) <: System.Object)); axiom (forall T: name :: ClassRepr(T) != null); axiom (forall T: name, h: Heap :: { h[ClassRepr(T), $ownerFrame] } IsHeap(h) ==> h[ClassRepr(T), $ownerFrame] == $PeerGroupPlaceholder); function IncludeInMainFrameCondition(f: Field a) returns (bool); axiom IncludeInMainFrameCondition($allocated); axiom IncludeInMainFrameCondition($elements); axiom !IncludeInMainFrameCondition($inv); axiom !IncludeInMainFrameCondition($localinv); axiom IncludeInMainFrameCondition($ownerRef); axiom IncludeInMainFrameCondition($ownerFrame); axiom IncludeInMainFrameCondition($exposeVersion); axiom !IncludeInMainFrameCondition($FirstConsistentOwner); function IsStaticField(f: Field a) returns (bool); axiom !IsStaticField($allocated); axiom !IsStaticField($elements); axiom !IsStaticField($inv); axiom !IsStaticField($localinv); axiom !IsStaticField($exposeVersion); function $IncludedInModifiesStar(f: Field a) returns (bool); axiom !$IncludedInModifiesStar($ownerRef); axiom !$IncludedInModifiesStar($ownerFrame); axiom $IncludedInModifiesStar($exposeVersion); axiom $IncludedInModifiesStar($elements); function ValueArrayGet(elements, int) returns (any); function ValueArraySet(elements, int, any) returns (elements); function IntArrayGet(elements, int) returns (int); function IntArraySet(elements, int, int) returns (elements); function RefArrayGet(elements, int) returns (ref); function RefArraySet(elements, int, ref) returns (elements); axiom (forall A: elements, i: int, x: any :: ValueArrayGet(ValueArraySet(A, i, x), i) == x); axiom (forall A: elements, i: int, j: int, x: any :: i != j ==> ValueArrayGet(ValueArraySet(A, i, x), j) == ValueArrayGet(A, j)); axiom (forall A: elements, i: int, x: int :: IntArrayGet(IntArraySet(A, i, x), i) == x); axiom (forall A: elements, i: int, j: int, x: int :: i != j ==> IntArrayGet(IntArraySet(A, i, x), j) == IntArrayGet(A, j)); axiom (forall A: elements, i: int, x: ref :: RefArrayGet(RefArraySet(A, i, x), i) == x); axiom (forall A: elements, i: int, j: int, x: ref :: i != j ==> RefArrayGet(RefArraySet(A, i, x), j) == RefArrayGet(A, j)); function ArrayIndex(arr: ref, dim: int, indexAtDim: int, remainingIndexContribution: int) returns (int); function ArrayIndexInvX(arrayIndex: int) returns (indexAtDim: int); function ArrayIndexInvY(arrayIndex: int) returns (remainingIndexContribution: int); axiom (forall a: ref, d: int, x: int, y: int :: { ArrayIndex(a, d, x, y) } ArrayIndexInvX(ArrayIndex(a, d, x, y)) == x); axiom (forall a: ref, d: int, x: int, y: int :: { ArrayIndex(a, d, x, y) } ArrayIndexInvY(ArrayIndex(a, d, x, y)) == y); axiom (forall a: ref, i: int, heap: Heap :: { IntArrayGet(heap[a, $elements], i) } IsHeap(heap) ==> InRange(IntArrayGet(heap[a, $elements], i), $ElementType($typeof(a)))); axiom (forall a: ref, i: int, heap: Heap :: { $typeof(RefArrayGet(heap[a, $elements], i)) } IsHeap(heap) && RefArrayGet(heap[a, $elements], i) != null ==> $typeof(RefArrayGet(heap[a, $elements], i)) <: $ElementType($typeof(a))); axiom (forall a: ref, T: name, i: int, r: int, heap: Heap :: { $typeof(a) <: NonNullRefArray(T, r), RefArrayGet(heap[a, $elements], i) } IsHeap(heap) && $typeof(a) <: NonNullRefArray(T, r) ==> RefArrayGet(heap[a, $elements], i) != null); function $Rank(ref) returns (int); axiom (forall a: ref :: 1 <= $Rank(a)); axiom (forall a: ref, T: name, r: int :: { $typeof(a) <: RefArray(T, r) } a != null && $typeof(a) <: RefArray(T, r) ==> $Rank(a) == r); axiom (forall a: ref, T: name, r: int :: { $typeof(a) <: NonNullRefArray(T, r) } a != null && $typeof(a) <: NonNullRefArray(T, r) ==> $Rank(a) == r); axiom (forall a: ref, T: name, r: int :: { $typeof(a) <: ValueArray(T, r) } a != null && $typeof(a) <: ValueArray(T, r) ==> $Rank(a) == r); axiom (forall a: ref, T: name, r: int :: { $typeof(a) <: IntArray(T, r) } a != null && $typeof(a) <: IntArray(T, r) ==> $Rank(a) == r); function $Length(ref) returns (int); axiom (forall a: ref :: { $Length(a) } 0 <= $Length(a) && $Length(a) <= int#2147483647); function $DimLength(ref, int) returns (int); axiom (forall a: ref, i: int :: 0 <= $DimLength(a, i)); axiom (forall a: ref :: { $DimLength(a, 0) } $Rank(a) == 1 ==> $DimLength(a, 0) == $Length(a)); function $LBound(ref, int) returns (int); function $UBound(ref, int) returns (int); axiom (forall a: ref, i: int :: { $LBound(a, i) } $LBound(a, i) == 0); axiom (forall a: ref, i: int :: { $UBound(a, i) } $UBound(a, i) == $DimLength(a, i) - 1); const unique $ArrayCategoryValue: name; const unique $ArrayCategoryInt: name; const unique $ArrayCategoryRef: name; const unique $ArrayCategoryNonNullRef: name; function $ArrayCategory(arrayType: name) returns (arrayCategory: name); axiom (forall T: name, ET: name, r: int :: { T <: ValueArray(ET, r) } T <: ValueArray(ET, r) ==> $ArrayCategory(T) == $ArrayCategoryValue); axiom (forall T: name, ET: name, r: int :: { T <: IntArray(ET, r) } T <: IntArray(ET, r) ==> $ArrayCategory(T) == $ArrayCategoryInt); axiom (forall T: name, ET: name, r: int :: { T <: RefArray(ET, r) } T <: RefArray(ET, r) ==> $ArrayCategory(T) == $ArrayCategoryRef); axiom (forall T: name, ET: name, r: int :: { T <: NonNullRefArray(ET, r) } T <: NonNullRefArray(ET, r) ==> $ArrayCategory(T) == $ArrayCategoryNonNullRef); const unique System.Array: name; axiom System.Array <: System.Object; function $ElementType(name) returns (name); function ValueArray(elementType: name, rank: int) returns (name); axiom (forall T: name, r: int :: { ValueArray(T, r) } ValueArray(T, r) <: ValueArray(T, r) && ValueArray(T, r) <: System.Array); function IntArray(elementType: name, rank: int) returns (name); axiom (forall T: name, r: int :: { IntArray(T, r) } IntArray(T, r) <: IntArray(T, r) && IntArray(T, r) <: System.Array); function RefArray(elementType: name, rank: int) returns (name); axiom (forall T: name, r: int :: { RefArray(T, r) } RefArray(T, r) <: RefArray(T, r) && RefArray(T, r) <: System.Array); function NonNullRefArray(elementType: name, rank: int) returns (name); axiom (forall T: name, r: int :: { NonNullRefArray(T, r) } NonNullRefArray(T, r) <: NonNullRefArray(T, r) && NonNullRefArray(T, r) <: System.Array); function NonNullRefArrayRaw(array: ref, elementType: name, rank: int) returns (bool); axiom (forall array: ref, elementType: name, rank: int :: { NonNullRefArrayRaw(array, elementType, rank) } NonNullRefArrayRaw(array, elementType, rank) ==> $typeof(array) <: System.Array && $Rank(array) == rank && elementType <: $ElementType($typeof(array))); axiom (forall T: name, U: name, r: int :: U <: T ==> RefArray(U, r) <: RefArray(T, r)); axiom (forall T: name, U: name, r: int :: U <: T ==> NonNullRefArray(U, r) <: NonNullRefArray(T, r)); axiom (forall A: name, r: int :: $ElementType(ValueArray(A, r)) == A); axiom (forall A: name, r: int :: $ElementType(IntArray(A, r)) == A); axiom (forall A: name, r: int :: $ElementType(RefArray(A, r)) == A); axiom (forall A: name, r: int :: $ElementType(NonNullRefArray(A, r)) == A); axiom (forall A: name, r: int, T: name :: { T <: RefArray(A, r) } T <: RefArray(A, r) ==> T != A && T == RefArray($ElementType(T), r) && $ElementType(T) <: A); axiom (forall A: name, r: int, T: name :: { T <: NonNullRefArray(A, r) } T <: NonNullRefArray(A, r) ==> T != A && T == NonNullRefArray($ElementType(T), r) && $ElementType(T) <: A); axiom (forall A: name, r: int, T: name :: { T <: ValueArray(A, r) } T <: ValueArray(A, r) ==> T == ValueArray(A, r)); axiom (forall A: name, r: int, T: name :: { T <: IntArray(A, r) } T <: IntArray(A, r) ==> T == IntArray(A, r)); axiom (forall A: name, r: int, T: name :: { RefArray(A, r) <: T } RefArray(A, r) <: T ==> System.Array <: T || (T == RefArray($ElementType(T), r) && A <: $ElementType(T))); axiom (forall A: name, r: int, T: name :: { NonNullRefArray(A, r) <: T } NonNullRefArray(A, r) <: T ==> System.Array <: T || (T == NonNullRefArray($ElementType(T), r) && A <: $ElementType(T))); axiom (forall A: name, r: int, T: name :: { ValueArray(A, r) <: T } ValueArray(A, r) <: T ==> System.Array <: T || T == ValueArray(A, r)); axiom (forall A: name, r: int, T: name :: { IntArray(A, r) <: T } IntArray(A, r) <: T ==> System.Array <: T || T == IntArray(A, r)); function $ArrayPtr(elementType: name) returns (name); function $ElementProxy(ref, int) returns (ref); function $ElementProxyStruct(struct, int) returns (ref); axiom (forall a: ref, i: int, heap: Heap :: { heap[RefArrayGet(heap[a, $elements], i), $ownerRef] } { heap[RefArrayGet(heap[a, $elements], i), $ownerFrame] } IsHeap(heap) && $typeof(a) <: System.Array ==> RefArrayGet(heap[a, $elements], i) == null || $IsImmutable($typeof(RefArrayGet(heap[a, $elements], i))) || (heap[RefArrayGet(heap[a, $elements], i), $ownerRef] == heap[$ElementProxy(a, 0 - 1), $ownerRef] && heap[RefArrayGet(heap[a, $elements], i), $ownerFrame] == heap[$ElementProxy(a, 0 - 1), $ownerFrame])); axiom (forall a: ref, heap: Heap :: { IsAllocated(heap, a) } IsHeap(heap) && IsAllocated(heap, a) && $typeof(a) <: System.Array ==> IsAllocated(heap, $ElementProxy(a, 0 - 1))); axiom (forall o: ref, pos: int :: { $typeof($ElementProxy(o, pos)) } $typeof($ElementProxy(o, pos)) == System.Object); axiom (forall o: struct, pos: int :: { $typeof($ElementProxyStruct(o, pos)) } $typeof($ElementProxyStruct(o, pos)) == System.Object); function $StructGet(struct, name) returns (any); function $StructSet(struct, name, any) returns (struct); axiom (forall s: struct, f: name, x: any :: $StructGet($StructSet(s, f, x), f) == x); axiom (forall s: struct, f: name, f': name, x: any :: f != f' ==> $StructGet($StructSet(s, f, x), f') == $StructGet(s, f')); function ZeroInit(s: struct, typ: name) returns (bool); function $typeof(ref) returns (name); function $BaseClass(sub: name) returns (base: name); axiom (forall T: name :: { $BaseClass(T) } T <: $BaseClass(T) && (T != System.Object ==> T != $BaseClass(T))); function AsDirectSubClass(sub: name, base: name) returns (sub': name); function OneClassDown(sub: name, base: name) returns (directSub: name); axiom (forall A: name, B: name, C: name :: { C <: AsDirectSubClass(B, A) } C <: AsDirectSubClass(B, A) ==> OneClassDown(C, A) == B); function $IsValueType(name) returns (bool); axiom (forall T: name :: $IsValueType(T) ==> (forall U: name :: T <: U ==> T == U) && (forall U: name :: U <: T ==> T == U)); const unique System.Boolean: name; axiom $IsValueType(System.Boolean); const unique System.Object: name; function $IsTokenForType(struct, name) returns (bool); function TypeObject(name) returns (ref); const unique System.Type: name; axiom System.Type <: System.Object; axiom (forall T: name :: { TypeObject(T) } $IsNotNull(TypeObject(T), System.Type)); function TypeName(ref) returns (name); axiom (forall T: name :: { TypeObject(T) } TypeName(TypeObject(T)) == T); function $Is(ref, name) returns (bool); axiom (forall o: ref, T: name :: { $Is(o, T) } $Is(o, T) <==> o == null || $typeof(o) <: T); function $IsNotNull(ref, name) returns (bool); axiom (forall o: ref, T: name :: { $IsNotNull(o, T) } $IsNotNull(o, T) <==> o != null && $Is(o, T)); function $As(ref, name) returns (ref); axiom (forall o: ref, T: name :: $Is(o, T) ==> $As(o, T) == o); axiom (forall o: ref, T: name :: !$Is(o, T) ==> $As(o, T) == null); axiom (forall h: Heap, o: ref :: { $typeof(o) <: System.Array, h[o, $inv] } IsHeap(h) && o != null && $typeof(o) <: System.Array ==> h[o, $inv] == $typeof(o) && h[o, $localinv] == $typeof(o)); function IsAllocated(h: Heap, o: a) returns (bool); axiom (forall h: Heap, o: ref, f: Field a :: { IsAllocated(h, h[o, f]) } IsHeap(h) && h[o, $allocated] ==> IsAllocated(h, h[o, f])); axiom (forall h: Heap, o: ref, f: Field ref :: { h[h[o, f], $allocated] } IsHeap(h) && h[o, $allocated] ==> h[h[o, f], $allocated]); axiom (forall h: Heap, s: struct, f: name :: { IsAllocated(h, $StructGet(s, f)) } IsAllocated(h, s) ==> IsAllocated(h, $StructGet(s, f))); axiom (forall h: Heap, e: elements, i: int :: { IsAllocated(h, RefArrayGet(e, i)) } IsAllocated(h, e) ==> IsAllocated(h, RefArrayGet(e, i))); axiom (forall h: Heap, e: elements, i: int :: { IsAllocated(h, ValueArrayGet(e, i)) } IsAllocated(h, e) ==> IsAllocated(h, ValueArrayGet(e, i))); axiom (forall h: Heap, o: ref :: { h[o, $allocated] } IsAllocated(h, o) ==> h[o, $allocated]); axiom (forall h: Heap, c: name :: { h[ClassRepr(c), $allocated] } IsHeap(h) ==> h[ClassRepr(c), $allocated]); const $BeingConstructed: ref; const unique $NonNullFieldsAreInitialized: Field bool; const $PurityAxiomsCanBeAssumed: bool; axiom DeclType222($NonNullFieldsAreInitialized) == System.Object; function AsNonNullRefField(field: Field ref, T: name) returns (f: Field ref); function AsRefField(field: Field ref, T: name) returns (f: Field ref); function AsRangeField(field: Field int, T: name) returns (f: Field int); axiom (forall f: Field ref, T: name :: { AsNonNullRefField(f, T) } AsNonNullRefField(f, T) == f ==> AsRefField(f, T) == f); axiom (forall h: Heap, o: ref, f: Field ref, T: name :: { h[o, AsRefField(f, T)] } IsHeap(h) ==> $Is(h[o, AsRefField(f, T)], T)); axiom (forall h: Heap, o: ref, f: Field ref, T: name :: { h[o, AsNonNullRefField(f, T)] } IsHeap(h) && o != null && (o != $BeingConstructed || h[$BeingConstructed, $NonNullFieldsAreInitialized] == true) ==> h[o, AsNonNullRefField(f, T)] != null); axiom (forall h: Heap, o: ref, f: Field int, T: name :: { h[o, AsRangeField(f, T)] } IsHeap(h) ==> InRange(h[o, AsRangeField(f, T)], T)); function $IsMemberlessType(name) returns (bool); axiom (forall o: ref :: { $IsMemberlessType($typeof(o)) } !$IsMemberlessType($typeof(o))); function $AsInterface(name) returns (name); axiom (forall $J: name, s: any, b: ref :: { UnboxedType(Box(s, b)) <: $AsInterface($J) } $AsInterface($J) == $J && Box(s, b) == b && UnboxedType(Box(s, b)) <: $AsInterface($J) ==> $typeof(b) <: $J); function $HeapSucc(oldHeap: Heap, newHeap: Heap) returns (bool); function $IsImmutable(T: name) returns (bool); axiom !$IsImmutable(System.Object); function $AsImmutable(T: name) returns (theType: name); function $AsMutable(T: name) returns (theType: name); axiom (forall T: name, U: name :: { U <: $AsImmutable(T) } U <: $AsImmutable(T) ==> $IsImmutable(U) && $AsImmutable(U) == U); axiom (forall T: name, U: name :: { U <: $AsMutable(T) } U <: $AsMutable(T) ==> !$IsImmutable(U) && $AsMutable(U) == U); function AsOwner(string: ref, owner: ref) returns (theString: ref); axiom (forall o: ref, T: name :: { $typeof(o) <: $AsImmutable(T) } o != null && o != $BeingConstructed && $typeof(o) <: $AsImmutable(T) ==> (forall h: Heap :: { IsHeap(h) } IsHeap(h) ==> h[o, $inv] == $typeof(o) && h[o, $localinv] == $typeof(o) && h[o, $ownerFrame] == $PeerGroupPlaceholder && AsOwner(o, h[o, $ownerRef]) == o && (forall t: ref :: { AsOwner(o, h[t, $ownerRef]) } AsOwner(o, h[t, $ownerRef]) == o ==> t == o || h[t, $ownerFrame] != $PeerGroupPlaceholder))); const unique System.String: name; function $StringLength(ref) returns (int); axiom (forall s: ref :: { $StringLength(s) } 0 <= $StringLength(s)); function AsRepField(f: Field ref, declaringType: name) returns (theField: Field ref); axiom (forall h: Heap, o: ref, f: Field ref, T: name :: { h[o, AsRepField(f, T)] } IsHeap(h) && h[o, AsRepField(f, T)] != null ==> h[h[o, AsRepField(f, T)], $ownerRef] == o && h[h[o, AsRepField(f, T)], $ownerFrame] == T); function AsPeerField(f: Field ref) returns (theField: Field ref); axiom (forall h: Heap, o: ref, f: Field ref :: { h[o, AsPeerField(f)] } IsHeap(h) && h[o, AsPeerField(f)] != null ==> h[h[o, AsPeerField(f)], $ownerRef] == h[o, $ownerRef] && h[h[o, AsPeerField(f)], $ownerFrame] == h[o, $ownerFrame]); function AsElementsRepField(f: Field ref, declaringType: name, position: int) returns (theField: Field ref); axiom (forall h: Heap, o: ref, f: Field ref, T: name, i: int :: { h[o, AsElementsRepField(f, T, i)] } IsHeap(h) && h[o, AsElementsRepField(f, T, i)] != null ==> h[$ElementProxy(h[o, AsElementsRepField(f, T, i)], i), $ownerRef] == o && h[$ElementProxy(h[o, AsElementsRepField(f, T, i)], i), $ownerFrame] == T); function AsElementsPeerField(f: Field ref, position: int) returns (theField: Field ref); axiom (forall h: Heap, o: ref, f: Field ref, i: int :: { h[o, AsElementsPeerField(f, i)] } IsHeap(h) && h[o, AsElementsPeerField(f, i)] != null ==> h[$ElementProxy(h[o, AsElementsPeerField(f, i)], i), $ownerRef] == h[o, $ownerRef] && h[$ElementProxy(h[o, AsElementsPeerField(f, i)], i), $ownerFrame] == h[o, $ownerFrame]); axiom (forall h: Heap, o: ref :: { h[h[o, $ownerRef], $inv] <: h[o, $ownerFrame] } IsHeap(h) && h[o, $ownerFrame] != $PeerGroupPlaceholder && h[h[o, $ownerRef], $inv] <: h[o, $ownerFrame] && h[h[o, $ownerRef], $localinv] != $BaseClass(h[o, $ownerFrame]) ==> h[o, $inv] == $typeof(o) && h[o, $localinv] == $typeof(o)); procedure $SetOwner(o: ref, ow: ref, fr: name); modifies $Heap; ensures (forall p: ref, F: Field a :: { $Heap[p, F] } (F != $ownerRef && F != $ownerFrame) || old($Heap[p, $ownerRef] != $Heap[o, $ownerRef]) || old($Heap[p, $ownerFrame] != $Heap[o, $ownerFrame]) ==> old($Heap[p, F]) == $Heap[p, F]); ensures (forall p: ref :: { $Heap[p, $ownerRef] } { $Heap[p, $ownerFrame] } old($Heap[p, $ownerRef] == $Heap[o, $ownerRef]) && old($Heap[p, $ownerFrame] == $Heap[o, $ownerFrame]) ==> $Heap[p, $ownerRef] == ow && $Heap[p, $ownerFrame] == fr); free ensures $HeapSucc(old($Heap), $Heap); procedure $UpdateOwnersForRep(o: ref, T: name, e: ref); modifies $Heap; ensures (forall p: ref, F: Field a :: { $Heap[p, F] } (F != $ownerRef && F != $ownerFrame) || old($Heap[p, $ownerRef] != $Heap[e, $ownerRef]) || old($Heap[p, $ownerFrame] != $Heap[e, $ownerFrame]) ==> old($Heap[p, F]) == $Heap[p, F]); ensures e == null ==> $Heap == old($Heap); ensures e != null ==> (forall p: ref :: { $Heap[p, $ownerRef] } { $Heap[p, $ownerFrame] } old($Heap[p, $ownerRef] == $Heap[e, $ownerRef]) && old($Heap[p, $ownerFrame] == $Heap[e, $ownerFrame]) ==> $Heap[p, $ownerRef] == o && $Heap[p, $ownerFrame] == T); free ensures $HeapSucc(old($Heap), $Heap); procedure $UpdateOwnersForPeer(c: ref, d: ref); modifies $Heap; ensures (forall p: ref, F: Field a :: { $Heap[p, F] } (F != $ownerRef && F != $ownerFrame) || old($Heap[p, $ownerRef] != $Heap[d, $ownerRef] || $Heap[p, $ownerFrame] != $Heap[d, $ownerFrame]) ==> old($Heap[p, F]) == $Heap[p, F]); ensures d == null ==> $Heap == old($Heap); ensures d != null ==> (forall p: ref :: { $Heap[p, $ownerRef] } { $Heap[p, $ownerFrame] } old($Heap[p, $ownerRef] == $Heap[d, $ownerRef] && $Heap[p, $ownerFrame] == $Heap[d, $ownerFrame]) ==> $Heap[p, $ownerRef] == old($Heap)[c, $ownerRef] && $Heap[p, $ownerFrame] == old($Heap)[c, $ownerFrame]); free ensures $HeapSucc(old($Heap), $Heap); const unique $FirstConsistentOwner: Field ref; function $AsPureObject(ref) returns (ref); function ##FieldDependsOnFCO(o: ref, f: Field a, ev: exposeVersionType) returns (value: any); axiom (forall o: ref, f: Field a, h: Heap :: { h[$AsPureObject(o), f] } IsHeap(h) && o != null && h[o, $allocated] == true && $AsPureObject(o) == o && h[o, $ownerFrame] != $PeerGroupPlaceholder && h[h[o, $ownerRef], $inv] <: h[o, $ownerFrame] && h[h[o, $ownerRef], $localinv] != $BaseClass(h[o, $ownerFrame]) ==> h[o, f] == ##FieldDependsOnFCO(o, f, h[h[o, $FirstConsistentOwner], $exposeVersion])); axiom (forall o: ref, h: Heap :: { h[o, $FirstConsistentOwner] } IsHeap(h) && o != null && h[o, $allocated] == true && h[o, $ownerFrame] != $PeerGroupPlaceholder && h[h[o, $ownerRef], $inv] <: h[o, $ownerFrame] && h[h[o, $ownerRef], $localinv] != $BaseClass(h[o, $ownerFrame]) ==> h[o, $FirstConsistentOwner] != null && h[h[o, $FirstConsistentOwner], $allocated] == true && (h[h[o, $FirstConsistentOwner], $ownerFrame] == $PeerGroupPlaceholder || !(h[h[h[o, $FirstConsistentOwner], $ownerRef], $inv] <: h[h[o, $FirstConsistentOwner], $ownerFrame]) || h[h[h[o, $FirstConsistentOwner], $ownerRef], $localinv] == $BaseClass(h[h[o, $FirstConsistentOwner], $ownerFrame]))); function Box(a, ref) returns (ref); function Unbox(ref) returns (any); type NondetType; function MeldNondets(NondetType, any) returns (NondetType); function BoxFunc(value: a, typ: name) returns (boxedValue: ref); function AllocFunc(typ: name) returns (newValue: ref); function NewInstance(object: ref, occurrence: NondetType, activity: ActivityType) returns (newInstance: ref); axiom (forall value: any, typ: name, occurrence: NondetType, activity: ActivityType :: { NewInstance(BoxFunc(value, typ), occurrence, activity) } Box(value, NewInstance(BoxFunc(value, typ), occurrence, activity)) == NewInstance(BoxFunc(value, typ), occurrence, activity) && UnboxedType(NewInstance(BoxFunc(value, typ), occurrence, activity)) == typ); axiom (forall x: ref, typ: name, occurrence: NondetType, activity: ActivityType :: !$IsValueType(UnboxedType(x)) ==> NewInstance(BoxFunc(x, typ), occurrence, activity) == x); axiom (forall x: any, p: ref :: { Unbox(Box(x, p)) } Unbox(Box(x, p)) == x); function UnboxedType(ref) returns (name); axiom (forall p: ref :: { $IsValueType(UnboxedType(p)) } $IsValueType(UnboxedType(p)) ==> (forall heap: Heap, x: any :: { heap[Box(x, p), $inv] } IsHeap(heap) ==> heap[Box(x, p), $inv] == $typeof(Box(x, p)) && heap[Box(x, p), $localinv] == $typeof(Box(x, p)))); axiom (forall x: a, p: ref :: { UnboxedType(Box(x, p)) <: System.Object } UnboxedType(Box(x, p)) <: System.Object && Box(x, p) == p ==> x == p); function BoxTester(p: ref, typ: name) returns (ref); axiom (forall p: ref, typ: name :: { BoxTester(p, typ) } UnboxedType(p) == typ <==> BoxTester(p, typ) != null); axiom (forall p: ref, typ: name :: { BoxTester(p, typ) } BoxTester(p, typ) != null ==> Box(Unbox(p), p) == p); axiom (forall typ: name, occurrence: NondetType, activity: ActivityType :: { NewInstance(AllocFunc(typ), occurrence, activity) } $typeof(NewInstance(AllocFunc(typ), occurrence, activity)) == typ && NewInstance(AllocFunc(typ), occurrence, activity) != null); axiom (forall typ: name, occurrence: NondetType, activity: ActivityType, heap: Heap :: { heap[NewInstance(AllocFunc(typ), occurrence, activity), $allocated] } IsHeap(heap) ==> heap[NewInstance(AllocFunc(typ), occurrence, activity), $allocated]); const unique System.SByte: name; axiom $IsValueType(System.SByte); const unique System.Byte: name; axiom $IsValueType(System.Byte); const unique System.Int16: name; axiom $IsValueType(System.Int16); const unique System.UInt16: name; axiom $IsValueType(System.UInt16); const unique System.Int32: name; axiom $IsValueType(System.Int32); const unique System.UInt32: name; axiom $IsValueType(System.UInt32); const unique System.Int64: name; axiom $IsValueType(System.Int64); const unique System.UInt64: name; axiom $IsValueType(System.UInt64); const unique System.Char: name; axiom $IsValueType(System.Char); const unique System.UIntPtr: name; axiom $IsValueType(System.UIntPtr); const unique System.IntPtr: name; axiom $IsValueType(System.IntPtr); const int#m2147483648: int; const int#2147483647: int; const int#4294967295: int; const int#m9223372036854775808: int; const int#9223372036854775807: int; const int#18446744073709551615: int; axiom int#m9223372036854775808 < int#m2147483648; axiom int#m2147483648 < 0 - 100000; axiom 100000 < int#2147483647; axiom int#2147483647 < int#4294967295; axiom int#4294967295 < int#9223372036854775807; axiom int#9223372036854775807 < int#18446744073709551615; axiom int#m9223372036854775808 + 1 == 0 - int#9223372036854775807; axiom int#m2147483648 + 1 == 0 - int#2147483647; function InRange(i: int, T: name) returns (bool); axiom (forall i: int :: InRange(i, System.SByte) <==> 0 - 128 <= i && i < 128); axiom (forall i: int :: InRange(i, System.Byte) <==> 0 <= i && i < 256); axiom (forall i: int :: InRange(i, System.Int16) <==> 0 - 32768 <= i && i < 32768); axiom (forall i: int :: InRange(i, System.UInt16) <==> 0 <= i && i < 65536); axiom (forall i: int :: InRange(i, System.Int32) <==> int#m2147483648 <= i && i <= int#2147483647); axiom (forall i: int :: InRange(i, System.UInt32) <==> 0 <= i && i <= int#4294967295); axiom (forall i: int :: InRange(i, System.Int64) <==> int#m9223372036854775808 <= i && i <= int#9223372036854775807); axiom (forall i: int :: InRange(i, System.UInt64) <==> 0 <= i && i <= int#18446744073709551615); axiom (forall i: int :: InRange(i, System.Char) <==> 0 <= i && i < 65536); function $IntToInt(val: int, fromType: name, toType: name) returns (int); function $IntToReal(int, fromType: name, toType: name) returns (real); function $RealToInt(real, fromType: name, toType: name) returns (int); function $RealToReal(val: real, fromType: name, toType: name) returns (real); axiom (forall z: int, B: name, C: name :: InRange(z, C) ==> $IntToInt(z, B, C) == z); function $SizeIs(name, int) returns (bool); function $IfThenElse(bool, any, any) returns (any); axiom (forall b: bool, x: any, y: any :: { $IfThenElse(b, x, y) } b ==> $IfThenElse(b, x, y) == x); axiom (forall b: bool, x: any, y: any :: { $IfThenElse(b, x, y) } !b ==> $IfThenElse(b, x, y) == y); function #neg(int) returns (int); function #and(int, int) returns (int); function #or(int, int) returns (int); function #xor(int, int) returns (int); function #shl(int, int) returns (int); function #shr(int, int) returns (int); function #rneg(real) returns (real); function #radd(real, real) returns (real); function #rsub(real, real) returns (real); function #rmul(real, real) returns (real); function #rdiv(real, real) returns (real); function #rmod(real, real) returns (real); function #rLess(real, real) returns (bool); function #rAtmost(real, real) returns (bool); function #rEq(real, real) returns (bool); function #rNeq(real, real) returns (bool); function #rAtleast(real, real) returns (bool); function #rGreater(real, real) returns (bool); axiom (forall x: int, y: int :: { x % y } { x / y } x % y == x - x / y * y); axiom (forall x: int, y: int :: { x % y } 0 <= x && 0 < y ==> 0 <= x % y && x % y < y); axiom (forall x: int, y: int :: { x % y } 0 <= x && y < 0 ==> 0 <= x % y && x % y < 0 - y); axiom (forall x: int, y: int :: { x % y } x <= 0 && 0 < y ==> 0 - y < x % y && x % y <= 0); axiom (forall x: int, y: int :: { x % y } x <= 0 && y < 0 ==> y < x % y && x % y <= 0); axiom (forall x: int, y: int :: { (x + y) % y } 0 <= x && 0 <= y ==> (x + y) % y == x % y); axiom (forall x: int, y: int :: { (y + x) % y } 0 <= x && 0 <= y ==> (y + x) % y == x % y); axiom (forall x: int, y: int :: { (x - y) % y } 0 <= x - y && 0 <= y ==> (x - y) % y == x % y); axiom (forall a: int, b: int, d: int :: { a % d, b % d } 2 <= d && a % d == b % d && a < b ==> a + d <= b); axiom (forall x: int, y: int :: { #and(x, y) } 0 <= x || 0 <= y ==> 0 <= #and(x, y)); axiom (forall x: int, y: int :: { #or(x, y) } 0 <= x && 0 <= y ==> 0 <= #or(x, y) && #or(x, y) <= x + y); axiom (forall i: int :: { #shl(i, 0) } #shl(i, 0) == i); axiom (forall i: int, j: int :: { #shl(i, j) } 1 <= j ==> #shl(i, j) == #shl(i, j - 1) * 2); axiom (forall i: int, j: int :: { #shl(i, j) } 0 <= i && i < 32768 && 0 <= j && j <= 16 ==> 0 <= #shl(i, j) && #shl(i, j) <= int#2147483647); axiom (forall i: int :: { #shr(i, 0) } #shr(i, 0) == i); axiom (forall i: int, j: int :: { #shr(i, j) } 1 <= j ==> #shr(i, j) == #shr(i, j - 1) / 2); function #min(int, int) returns (int); function #max(int, int) returns (int); axiom (forall x: int, y: int :: { #min(x, y) } (#min(x, y) == x || #min(x, y) == y) && #min(x, y) <= x && #min(x, y) <= y); axiom (forall x: int, y: int :: { #max(x, y) } (#max(x, y) == x || #max(x, y) == y) && x <= #max(x, y) && y <= #max(x, y)); function #System.String.IsInterned$System.String$notnull(Heap, ref) returns (ref); function #System.String.Equals$System.String(Heap, ref, ref) returns (bool); function #System.String.Equals$System.String$System.String(Heap, ref, ref) returns (bool); function ##StringEquals(ref, ref) returns (bool); axiom (forall h: Heap, a: ref, b: ref :: { #System.String.Equals$System.String(h, a, b) } #System.String.Equals$System.String(h, a, b) == #System.String.Equals$System.String$System.String(h, a, b)); axiom (forall h: Heap, a: ref, b: ref :: { #System.String.Equals$System.String$System.String(h, a, b) } #System.String.Equals$System.String$System.String(h, a, b) == ##StringEquals(a, b) && #System.String.Equals$System.String$System.String(h, a, b) == ##StringEquals(b, a) && (a == b ==> ##StringEquals(a, b))); axiom (forall a: ref, b: ref, c: ref :: ##StringEquals(a, b) && ##StringEquals(b, c) ==> ##StringEquals(a, c)); axiom (forall h: Heap, a: ref, b: ref :: { #System.String.Equals$System.String$System.String(h, a, b) } a != null && b != null && #System.String.Equals$System.String$System.String(h, a, b) ==> #System.String.IsInterned$System.String$notnull(h, a) == #System.String.IsInterned$System.String$notnull(h, b)); const $UnknownRef: ref; const unique Bag.a: Field ref; const unique Bag.n: Field int; const unique Microsoft.Contracts.GuardException: name; const unique System.ICloneable: name; const unique Microsoft.Contracts.ObjectInvariantException: name; const unique System.Exception: name; const unique System.Collections.IEnumerable: name; const unique System.Collections.IList: name; const unique Microsoft.Contracts.ICheckedException: name; const unique System.Reflection.MemberInfo: name; const unique Bag: name; const unique System.Reflection.IReflect: name; const unique System.Runtime.InteropServices._MemberInfo: name; const unique System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type: name; const unique System.Collections.ICollection: name; const unique System.Runtime.InteropServices._Exception: name; const unique System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable: name; const unique System.Reflection.ICustomAttributeProvider: name; axiom !IsStaticField(Bag.n); axiom IncludeInMainFrameCondition(Bag.n); axiom $IncludedInModifiesStar(Bag.n); axiom DeclType222(Bag.n) == Bag; axiom AsRangeField(Bag.n, System.Int32) == Bag.n; axiom !IsStaticField(Bag.a); axiom IncludeInMainFrameCondition(Bag.a); axiom $IncludedInModifiesStar(Bag.a); axiom AsRepField(Bag.a, Bag) == Bag.a; axiom DeclType222(Bag.a) == Bag; axiom AsNonNullRefField(Bag.a, IntArray(System.Int32, 1)) == Bag.a; axiom Bag <: Bag; axiom $BaseClass(Bag) == System.Object && AsDirectSubClass(Bag, $BaseClass(Bag)) == Bag; axiom !$IsImmutable(Bag) && $AsMutable(Bag) == Bag; axiom System.Array <: System.Array; axiom $BaseClass(System.Array) == System.Object && AsDirectSubClass(System.Array, $BaseClass(System.Array)) == System.Array; axiom !$IsImmutable(System.Array) && $AsMutable(System.Array) == System.Array; axiom System.ICloneable <: System.ICloneable; axiom System.ICloneable <: System.Object; axiom $IsMemberlessType(System.ICloneable); axiom $AsInterface(System.ICloneable) == System.ICloneable; axiom System.Array <: System.ICloneable; axiom System.Collections.IList <: System.Collections.IList; axiom System.Collections.IList <: System.Object; axiom System.Collections.ICollection <: System.Collections.ICollection; axiom System.Collections.ICollection <: System.Object; axiom System.Collections.IEnumerable <: System.Collections.IEnumerable; axiom System.Collections.IEnumerable <: System.Object; axiom $IsMemberlessType(System.Collections.IEnumerable); axiom $AsInterface(System.Collections.IEnumerable) == System.Collections.IEnumerable; axiom System.Collections.ICollection <: System.Collections.IEnumerable; axiom $IsMemberlessType(System.Collections.ICollection); axiom $AsInterface(System.Collections.ICollection) == System.Collections.ICollection; axiom System.Collections.IList <: System.Collections.ICollection; axiom System.Collections.IList <: System.Collections.IEnumerable; axiom $IsMemberlessType(System.Collections.IList); axiom $AsInterface(System.Collections.IList) == System.Collections.IList; axiom System.Array <: System.Collections.IList; axiom System.Array <: System.Collections.ICollection; axiom System.Array <: System.Collections.IEnumerable; axiom $IsMemberlessType(System.Array); // System.Array object invariant axiom (forall $oi: ref, $h: Heap :: { $h[$oi, $inv] <: System.Array } IsHeap($h) && $h[$oi, $inv] <: System.Array && $h[$oi, $localinv] != $BaseClass(System.Array) ==> true); // Bag object invariant axiom (forall $oi: ref, $h: Heap :: { $h[$oi, $inv] <: Bag } IsHeap($h) && $h[$oi, $inv] <: Bag && $h[$oi, $localinv] != $BaseClass(Bag) ==> 0 <= $h[$oi, Bag.n] && $h[$oi, Bag.n] <= $Length($h[$oi, Bag.a])); procedure Bag.SpecSharp.CheckInvariant$System.Boolean(this: ref where $IsNotNull(this, Bag) && $Heap[this, $allocated], throwException$in: bool where true) returns ($result: bool where true); // user-declared preconditions requires ($Heap[this, $ownerFrame] == $PeerGroupPlaceholder || !($Heap[$Heap[this, $ownerRef], $inv] <: $Heap[this, $ownerFrame]) || $Heap[$Heap[this, $ownerRef], $localinv] == $BaseClass($Heap[this, $ownerFrame])) && $Heap[this, $inv] == System.Object && $Heap[this, $localinv] == $typeof(this) && (forall $p: ref :: $p != null && $Heap[$p, $allocated] && $Heap[$p, $ownerRef] == this && $Heap[$p, $ownerFrame] == Bag ==> $Heap[$p, $inv] == $typeof($p) && $Heap[$p, $localinv] == $typeof($p)); free requires $BeingConstructed == null; free requires $PurityAxiomsCanBeAssumed; modifies $Heap, $ActivityIndicator; // newly allocated objects are fully valid free ensures (forall $o: ref :: { $Heap[$o, $localinv] } { $Heap[$o, $inv] } $o != null && !old($Heap)[$o, $allocated] && $Heap[$o, $allocated] ==> $Heap[$o, $inv] == $typeof($o) && $Heap[$o, $localinv] == $typeof($o)); // first consistent owner unchanged if its exposeVersion is free ensures (forall $o: ref :: { $Heap[$o, $FirstConsistentOwner] } old($Heap)[old($Heap)[$o, $FirstConsistentOwner], $exposeVersion] == $Heap[old($Heap)[$o, $FirstConsistentOwner], $exposeVersion] ==> old($Heap)[$o, $FirstConsistentOwner] == $Heap[$o, $FirstConsistentOwner]); // frame condition ensures (forall $o: ref, $f: Field a :: { $Heap[$o, $f] } IncludeInMainFrameCondition($f) && $o != null && old($Heap)[$o, $allocated] && (old($Heap)[$o, $ownerFrame] == $PeerGroupPlaceholder || !(old($Heap)[old($Heap)[$o, $ownerRef], $inv] <: old($Heap)[$o, $ownerFrame]) || old($Heap)[old($Heap)[$o, $ownerRef], $localinv] == $BaseClass(old($Heap)[$o, $ownerFrame])) && old($o != this || !($typeof(this) <: DeclType222($f)) || !$IncludedInModifiesStar($f)) && old(true) ==> old($Heap)[$o, $f] == $Heap[$o, $f]); free ensures $HeapSucc(old($Heap), $Heap); // inv/localinv change only in blocks free ensures (forall $o: ref :: { $Heap[$o, $localinv] } { $Heap[$o, $inv] } old($Heap)[$o, $allocated] ==> old($Heap)[$o, $inv] == $Heap[$o, $inv] && old($Heap)[$o, $localinv] == $Heap[$o, $localinv]); free ensures (forall $o: ref :: { $Heap[$o, $allocated] } old($Heap)[$o, $allocated] ==> $Heap[$o, $allocated]) && (forall $ot: ref :: { $Heap[$ot, $ownerFrame] } { $Heap[$ot, $ownerRef] } old($Heap)[$ot, $allocated] && old($Heap)[$ot, $ownerFrame] != $PeerGroupPlaceholder ==> $Heap[$ot, $ownerRef] == old($Heap)[$ot, $ownerRef] && $Heap[$ot, $ownerFrame] == old($Heap)[$ot, $ownerFrame]) && old($Heap)[$BeingConstructed, $NonNullFieldsAreInitialized] == $Heap[$BeingConstructed, $NonNullFieldsAreInitialized]; free ensures (forall $o: ref :: { $Heap[$o, $sharingMode] } old($Heap[$o, $sharingMode]) == $Heap[$o, $sharingMode]); implementation Bag.SpecSharp.CheckInvariant$System.Boolean(this: ref, throwException$in: bool) returns ($result: bool) { var throwException: bool where true, stack0i: int, stack1i: int, stack0b: bool, stack1o: ref, return.value: bool where true, stack50000o: ref, stack0o: ref, SS$Display.Return.Local: bool where true; entry: throwException := throwException$in; goto block2380; block2380: goto block2482; block2482: // ----- nop // ----- load constant 0 stack0i := 0; // ----- load field assert this != null; stack1i := $Heap[this, Bag.n]; // ----- binary operator // ----- branch goto true2482to2550, false2482to2414; true2482to2550: assume stack0i > stack1i; goto block2550; false2482to2414: assume stack0i <= stack1i; goto block2414; block2550: // ----- copy stack0b := throwException; // ----- unary operator // ----- branch goto true2550to2584, false2550to2601; block2414: // ----- load field assert this != null; stack0i := $Heap[this, Bag.n]; // ----- load field assert this != null; stack1o := $Heap[this, Bag.a]; // ----- unary operator assert stack1o != null; stack1i := $Length(stack1o); // ----- unary operator stack1i := $IntToInt(stack1i, System.UIntPtr, System.Int32); // ----- binary operator // ----- branch goto true2414to2550, false2414to2465; true2414to2550: assume stack0i > stack1i; goto block2550; false2414to2465: assume stack0i <= stack1i; goto block2465; block2465: // ----- branch goto block2448; true2550to2584: assume !stack0b; goto block2584; false2550to2601: assume stack0b; goto block2601; block2584: // ----- load constant 0 return.value := false; // ----- branch goto block2567; block2601: assume false; // ----- new object havoc stack50000o; assume $Heap[stack50000o, $allocated] == false && stack50000o != null && $typeof(stack50000o) == Microsoft.Contracts.ObjectInvariantException; assume $Heap[stack50000o, $ownerRef] == stack50000o && $Heap[stack50000o, $ownerFrame] == $PeerGroupPlaceholder; // ----- call assert stack50000o != null; call Microsoft.Contracts.ObjectInvariantException..ctor(stack50000o); // ----- copy stack0o := stack50000o; // ----- throw assert stack0o != null; assume false; return; block2448: // ----- load constant 1 return.value := true; // ----- branch goto block2567; block2567: // ----- copy SS$Display.Return.Local := return.value; // ----- copy stack0b := return.value; // ----- return $result := stack0b; return; } axiom Microsoft.Contracts.ObjectInvariantException <: Microsoft.Contracts.ObjectInvariantException; axiom Microsoft.Contracts.GuardException <: Microsoft.Contracts.GuardException; axiom System.Exception <: System.Exception; axiom $BaseClass(System.Exception) == System.Object && AsDirectSubClass(System.Exception, $BaseClass(System.Exception)) == System.Exception; axiom !$IsImmutable(System.Exception) && $AsMutable(System.Exception) == System.Exception; axiom System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable <: System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable; axiom System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable <: System.Object; axiom $IsMemberlessType(System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable); axiom $AsInterface(System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable) == System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable; axiom System.Exception <: System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable; axiom System.Runtime.InteropServices._Exception <: System.Runtime.InteropServices._Exception; axiom System.Runtime.InteropServices._Exception <: System.Object; axiom $IsMemberlessType(System.Runtime.InteropServices._Exception); axiom $AsInterface(System.Runtime.InteropServices._Exception) == System.Runtime.InteropServices._Exception; axiom System.Exception <: System.Runtime.InteropServices._Exception; // System.Exception object invariant axiom (forall $oi: ref, $h: Heap :: { $h[$oi, $inv] <: System.Exception } IsHeap($h) && $h[$oi, $inv] <: System.Exception && $h[$oi, $localinv] != $BaseClass(System.Exception) ==> true); axiom $BaseClass(Microsoft.Contracts.GuardException) == System.Exception && AsDirectSubClass(Microsoft.Contracts.GuardException, $BaseClass(Microsoft.Contracts.GuardException)) == Microsoft.Contracts.GuardException; axiom !$IsImmutable(Microsoft.Contracts.GuardException) && $AsMutable(Microsoft.Contracts.GuardException) == Microsoft.Contracts.GuardException; // Microsoft.Contracts.GuardException object invariant axiom (forall $oi: ref, $h: Heap :: { $h[$oi, $inv] <: Microsoft.Contracts.GuardException } IsHeap($h) && $h[$oi, $inv] <: Microsoft.Contracts.GuardException && $h[$oi, $localinv] != $BaseClass(Microsoft.Contracts.GuardException) ==> true); axiom $BaseClass(Microsoft.Contracts.ObjectInvariantException) == Microsoft.Contracts.GuardException && AsDirectSubClass(Microsoft.Contracts.ObjectInvariantException, $BaseClass(Microsoft.Contracts.ObjectInvariantException)) == Microsoft.Contracts.ObjectInvariantException; axiom !$IsImmutable(Microsoft.Contracts.ObjectInvariantException) && $AsMutable(Microsoft.Contracts.ObjectInvariantException) == Microsoft.Contracts.ObjectInvariantException; // Microsoft.Contracts.ObjectInvariantException object invariant axiom (forall $oi: ref, $h: Heap :: { $h[$oi, $inv] <: Microsoft.Contracts.ObjectInvariantException } IsHeap($h) && $h[$oi, $inv] <: Microsoft.Contracts.ObjectInvariantException && $h[$oi, $localinv] != $BaseClass(Microsoft.Contracts.ObjectInvariantException) ==> true); procedure Microsoft.Contracts.ObjectInvariantException..ctor(this: ref where $IsNotNull(this, Microsoft.Contracts.ObjectInvariantException) && $Heap[this, $allocated]); // object is fully unpacked: this.inv == Object free requires ($Heap[this, $ownerFrame] == $PeerGroupPlaceholder || !($Heap[$Heap[this, $ownerRef], $inv] <: $Heap[this, $ownerFrame]) || $Heap[$Heap[this, $ownerRef], $localinv] == $BaseClass($Heap[this, $ownerFrame])) && $Heap[this, $inv] == System.Object && $Heap[this, $localinv] == $typeof(this); // nothing is owned by [this,*] and 'this' is alone in its own peer group free requires (forall $o: ref :: $o != this ==> $Heap[$o, $ownerRef] != this) && $Heap[this, $ownerRef] == this && $Heap[this, $ownerFrame] == $PeerGroupPlaceholder; free requires $BeingConstructed == this; free requires $PurityAxiomsCanBeAssumed; modifies $Heap, $ActivityIndicator; // target object is allocated upon return free ensures $Heap[this, $allocated]; // target object is additively exposable for Microsoft.Contracts.ObjectInvariantException ensures ($Heap[this, $ownerFrame] == $PeerGroupPlaceholder || !($Heap[$Heap[this, $ownerRef], $inv] <: $Heap[this, $ownerFrame]) || $Heap[$Heap[this, $ownerRef], $localinv] == $BaseClass($Heap[this, $ownerFrame])) && $Heap[this, $inv] == Microsoft.Contracts.ObjectInvariantException && $Heap[this, $localinv] == $typeof(this); ensures $Heap[this, $ownerRef] == old($Heap)[this, $ownerRef] && $Heap[this, $ownerFrame] == old($Heap)[this, $ownerFrame]; ensures $Heap[this, $sharingMode] == $SharingMode_Unshared; // newly allocated objects are fully valid free ensures (forall $o: ref :: { $Heap[$o, $localinv] } { $Heap[$o, $inv] } $o != null && !old($Heap)[$o, $allocated] && $Heap[$o, $allocated] ==> $Heap[$o, $inv] == $typeof($o) && $Heap[$o, $localinv] == $typeof($o)); // first consistent owner unchanged if its exposeVersion is free ensures (forall $o: ref :: { $Heap[$o, $FirstConsistentOwner] } old($Heap)[old($Heap)[$o, $FirstConsistentOwner], $exposeVersion] == $Heap[old($Heap)[$o, $FirstConsistentOwner], $exposeVersion] ==> old($Heap)[$o, $FirstConsistentOwner] == $Heap[$o, $FirstConsistentOwner]); // frame condition ensures (forall $o: ref, $f: Field a :: { $Heap[$o, $f] } IncludeInMainFrameCondition($f) && $o != null && old($Heap)[$o, $allocated] && (old($Heap)[$o, $ownerFrame] == $PeerGroupPlaceholder || !(old($Heap)[old($Heap)[$o, $ownerRef], $inv] <: old($Heap)[$o, $ownerFrame]) || old($Heap)[old($Heap)[$o, $ownerRef], $localinv] == $BaseClass(old($Heap)[$o, $ownerFrame])) && ($o != this || !(Microsoft.Contracts.ObjectInvariantException <: DeclType222($f))) && old(true) && old(true) ==> old($Heap)[$o, $f] == $Heap[$o, $f]); free ensures $HeapSucc(old($Heap), $Heap); // inv/localinv change only in blocks free ensures (forall $o: ref :: { $Heap[$o, $localinv] } { $Heap[$o, $inv] } old($Heap)[$o, $allocated] && $o != this ==> old($Heap)[$o, $inv] == $Heap[$o, $inv] && old($Heap)[$o, $localinv] == $Heap[$o, $localinv]); free ensures (forall $o: ref :: { $Heap[$o, $allocated] } old($Heap)[$o, $allocated] ==> $Heap[$o, $allocated]) && (forall $ot: ref :: { $Heap[$ot, $ownerFrame] } { $Heap[$ot, $ownerRef] } old($Heap)[$ot, $allocated] && old($Heap)[$ot, $ownerFrame] != $PeerGroupPlaceholder ==> $Heap[$ot, $ownerRef] == old($Heap)[$ot, $ownerRef] && $Heap[$ot, $ownerFrame] == old($Heap)[$ot, $ownerFrame]) && old($Heap)[$BeingConstructed, $NonNullFieldsAreInitialized] == $Heap[$BeingConstructed, $NonNullFieldsAreInitialized]; free ensures (forall $o: ref :: { $Heap[$o, $sharingMode] } $o == this || old($Heap[$o, $sharingMode]) == $Heap[$o, $sharingMode]); procedure Bag..ctor$System.Int32.array$notnull(this: ref where $IsNotNull(this, Bag) && $Heap[this, $allocated], initialElements$in: ref where $IsNotNull(initialElements$in, IntArray(System.Int32, 1)) && $Heap[initialElements$in, $allocated]); // object is fully unpacked: this.inv == Object free requires ($Heap[this, $ownerFrame] == $PeerGroupPlaceholder || !($Heap[$Heap[this, $ownerRef], $inv] <: $Heap[this, $ownerFrame]) || $Heap[$Heap[this, $ownerRef], $localinv] == $BaseClass($Heap[this, $ownerFrame])) && $Heap[this, $inv] == System.Object && $Heap[this, $localinv] == $typeof(this); // initialElements is peer consistent requires (forall $pc: ref :: { $typeof($pc) } { $Heap[$pc, $localinv] } { $Heap[$pc, $inv] } { $Heap[$pc, $ownerFrame] } { $Heap[$pc, $ownerRef] } $pc != null && $Heap[$pc, $allocated] && $Heap[$pc, $ownerRef] == $Heap[initialElements$in, $ownerRef] && $Heap[$pc, $ownerFrame] == $Heap[initialElements$in, $ownerFrame] ==> $Heap[$pc, $inv] == $typeof($pc) && $Heap[$pc, $localinv] == $typeof($pc)); // initialElements is peer consistent (owner must not be valid) requires $Heap[initialElements$in, $ownerFrame] == $PeerGroupPlaceholder || !($Heap[$Heap[initialElements$in, $ownerRef], $inv] <: $Heap[initialElements$in, $ownerFrame]) || $Heap[$Heap[initialElements$in, $ownerRef], $localinv] == $BaseClass($Heap[initialElements$in, $ownerFrame]); // nothing is owned by [this,*] and 'this' is alone in its own peer group free requires (forall $o: ref :: $o != this ==> $Heap[$o, $ownerRef] != this) && $Heap[this, $ownerRef] == this && $Heap[this, $ownerFrame] == $PeerGroupPlaceholder; free requires $BeingConstructed == this; free requires $PurityAxiomsCanBeAssumed; modifies $Heap, $ActivityIndicator; // target object is allocated upon return free ensures $Heap[this, $allocated]; // target object is additively exposable for Bag ensures ($Heap[this, $ownerFrame] == $PeerGroupPlaceholder || !($Heap[$Heap[this, $ownerRef], $inv] <: $Heap[this, $ownerFrame]) || $Heap[$Heap[this, $ownerRef], $localinv] == $BaseClass($Heap[this, $ownerFrame])) && $Heap[this, $inv] == Bag && $Heap[this, $localinv] == $typeof(this); ensures $Heap[this, $ownerRef] == old($Heap)[this, $ownerRef] && $Heap[this, $ownerFrame] == old($Heap)[this, $ownerFrame]; ensures $Heap[this, $sharingMode] == $SharingMode_Unshared; // newly allocated objects are fully valid free ensures (forall $o: ref :: { $Heap[$o, $localinv] } { $Heap[$o, $inv] } $o != null && !old($Heap)[$o, $allocated] && $Heap[$o, $allocated] ==> $Heap[$o, $inv] == $typeof($o) && $Heap[$o, $localinv] == $typeof($o)); // first consistent owner unchanged if its exposeVersion is free ensures (forall $o: ref :: { $Heap[$o, $FirstConsistentOwner] } old($Heap)[old($Heap)[$o, $FirstConsistentOwner], $exposeVersion] == $Heap[old($Heap)[$o, $FirstConsistentOwner], $exposeVersion] ==> old($Heap)[$o, $FirstConsistentOwner] == $Heap[$o, $FirstConsistentOwner]); // frame condition ensures (forall $o: ref, $f: Field a :: { $Heap[$o, $f] } IncludeInMainFrameCondition($f) && $o != null && old($Heap)[$o, $allocated] && (old($Heap)[$o, $ownerFrame] == $PeerGroupPlaceholder || !(old($Heap)[old($Heap)[$o, $ownerRef], $inv] <: old($Heap)[$o, $ownerFrame]) || old($Heap)[old($Heap)[$o, $ownerRef], $localinv] == $BaseClass(old($Heap)[$o, $ownerFrame])) && ($o != this || !(Bag <: DeclType222($f))) && old(true) && old(true) ==> old($Heap)[$o, $f] == $Heap[$o, $f]); free ensures $HeapSucc(old($Heap), $Heap); // inv/localinv change only in blocks free ensures (forall $o: ref :: { $Heap[$o, $localinv] } { $Heap[$o, $inv] } old($Heap)[$o, $allocated] && $o != this ==> old($Heap)[$o, $inv] == $Heap[$o, $inv] && old($Heap)[$o, $localinv] == $Heap[$o, $localinv]); free ensures (forall $o: ref :: { $Heap[$o, $allocated] } old($Heap)[$o, $allocated] ==> $Heap[$o, $allocated]) && (forall $ot: ref :: { $Heap[$ot, $ownerFrame] } { $Heap[$ot, $ownerRef] } old($Heap)[$ot, $allocated] && old($Heap)[$ot, $ownerFrame] != $PeerGroupPlaceholder ==> $Heap[$ot, $ownerRef] == old($Heap)[$ot, $ownerRef] && $Heap[$ot, $ownerFrame] == old($Heap)[$ot, $ownerFrame]) && old($Heap)[$BeingConstructed, $NonNullFieldsAreInitialized] == $Heap[$BeingConstructed, $NonNullFieldsAreInitialized]; free ensures (forall $o: ref :: { $Heap[$o, $sharingMode] } $o == this || old($Heap[$o, $sharingMode]) == $Heap[$o, $sharingMode]); implementation Bag..ctor$System.Int32.array$notnull(this: ref, initialElements$in: ref) { var initialElements: ref where $IsNotNull(initialElements, IntArray(System.Int32, 1)) && $Heap[initialElements, $allocated], stack0o: ref, stack0i: int, temp0: exposeVersionType, temp1: ref, temp2: exposeVersionType, stack1i: int, temp3: ref; entry: initialElements := initialElements$in; assume $Heap[this, Bag.n] == 0; goto block3332; block3332: goto block3468; block3468: // ----- nop // ----- copy ----- AddMethod.ssc(13,5) stack0o := initialElements; // ----- unary operator ----- AddMethod.ssc(13,5) assert stack0o != null; stack0i := $Length(stack0o); // ----- unary operator ----- AddMethod.ssc(13,5) stack0i := $IntToInt(stack0i, System.UIntPtr, System.Int32); // ----- store field ----- AddMethod.ssc(13,5) assert this != null; assert $Heap[this, $ownerFrame] == $PeerGroupPlaceholder || !($Heap[$Heap[this, $ownerRef], $inv] <: $Heap[this, $ownerFrame]) || $Heap[$Heap[this, $ownerRef], $localinv] == $BaseClass($Heap[this, $ownerFrame]); havoc temp0; $Heap[this, $exposeVersion] := temp0; $Heap[this, Bag.n] := stack0i; assert !($Heap[this, $inv] <: Bag && $Heap[this, $localinv] != $BaseClass(Bag)) || 0 <= $Heap[this, Bag.n]; assert !($Heap[this, $inv] <: Bag && $Heap[this, $localinv] != $BaseClass(Bag)) || $Heap[this, Bag.n] <= $Length($Heap[this, Bag.a]); assume IsHeap($Heap); // ----- copy ----- AddMethod.ssc(14,5) stack0o := initialElements; // ----- unary operator ----- AddMethod.ssc(14,5) assert stack0o != null; stack0i := $Length(stack0o); // ----- unary operator ----- AddMethod.ssc(14,5) stack0i := $IntToInt(stack0i, System.UIntPtr, System.Int32); // ----- new array ----- AddMethod.ssc(14,5) assert 0 <= stack0i; havoc temp1; assume $Heap[temp1, $allocated] == false && $Length(temp1) == stack0i; assume $Heap[$ElementProxy(temp1, -1), $allocated] == false && $ElementProxy(temp1, -1) != temp1 && $ElementProxy(temp1, -1) != null; assume temp1 != null; assume $typeof(temp1) == IntArray(System.Int32, 1); assume $Heap[temp1, $ownerRef] == temp1 && $Heap[temp1, $ownerFrame] == $PeerGroupPlaceholder; assume $Heap[$ElementProxy(temp1, -1), $ownerRef] == $ElementProxy(temp1, -1) && $Heap[$ElementProxy(temp1, -1), $ownerFrame] == $PeerGroupPlaceholder; assume $Heap[temp1, $inv] == $typeof(temp1) && $Heap[temp1, $localinv] == $typeof(temp1); assume (forall $i: int :: IntArrayGet($Heap[temp1, $elements], $i) == 0); $Heap[temp1, $allocated] := true; call System.Object..ctor($ElementProxy(temp1, -1)); stack0o := temp1; assume IsHeap($Heap); // ----- store field ----- AddMethod.ssc(14,5) assert this != null; assert $Heap[this, $ownerFrame] == $PeerGroupPlaceholder || !($Heap[$Heap[this, $ownerRef], $inv] <: $Heap[this, $ownerFrame]) || $Heap[$Heap[this, $ownerRef], $localinv] == $BaseClass($Heap[this, $ownerFrame]); assert ($Heap[stack0o, $ownerRef] == this && $Heap[stack0o, $ownerFrame] == Bag) || $Heap[stack0o, $ownerFrame] == $PeerGroupPlaceholder; assert $Heap[stack0o, $ownerFrame] == $PeerGroupPlaceholder && $Heap[this, $inv] <: Bag && $Heap[this, $localinv] != $BaseClass(Bag) ==> (forall $pc: ref :: { $typeof($pc) } { $Heap[$pc, $localinv] } { $Heap[$pc, $inv] } { $Heap[$pc, $ownerFrame] } { $Heap[$pc, $ownerRef] } $pc != null && $Heap[$pc, $allocated] && $Heap[$pc, $ownerRef] == $Heap[stack0o, $ownerRef] && $Heap[$pc, $ownerFrame] == $Heap[stack0o, $ownerFrame] ==> $Heap[$pc, $inv] == $typeof($pc) && $Heap[$pc, $localinv] == $typeof($pc)); assert $Heap[stack0o, $ownerFrame] == $PeerGroupPlaceholder && $Heap[this, $inv] <: Bag && $Heap[this, $localinv] != $BaseClass(Bag) ==> $Heap[this, $ownerRef] != $Heap[stack0o, $ownerRef] || $Heap[this, $ownerFrame] != $Heap[stack0o, $ownerFrame]; call $UpdateOwnersForRep(this, Bag, stack0o); havoc temp2; $Heap[this, $exposeVersion] := temp2; $Heap[this, Bag.a] := stack0o; assert !($Heap[this, $inv] <: Bag && $Heap[this, $localinv] != $BaseClass(Bag)) || 0 <= $Heap[this, Bag.n]; assert !($Heap[this, $inv] <: Bag && $Heap[this, $localinv] != $BaseClass(Bag)) || $Heap[this, Bag.n] <= $Length($Heap[this, Bag.a]); assume IsHeap($Heap); // ----- call ----- AddMethod.ssc(15,5) assert this != null; call System.Object..ctor(this); $Heap[this, $NonNullFieldsAreInitialized] := true; assume IsHeap($Heap); goto block3417; block3417: // ----- load field ----- AddMethod.ssc(16,5) assert this != null; stack0o := $Heap[this, Bag.a]; // ----- load constant 0 ----- AddMethod.ssc(16,5) stack1i := 0; // ----- call ----- AddMethod.ssc(16,5) assert initialElements != null; call System.Array.CopyTo$System.Array$notnull$System.Int32$.Virtual.$(initialElements, stack0o, stack1i); // ----- FrameGuard processing ----- AddMethod.ssc(17,3) temp3 := this; // ----- classic pack ----- AddMethod.ssc(17,3) assert temp3 != null; assert $Heap[temp3, $inv] == System.Object && $Heap[temp3, $localinv] == $typeof(temp3); assert 0 <= $Heap[temp3, Bag.n]; assert $Heap[temp3, Bag.n] <= $Length($Heap[temp3, Bag.a]); assert (forall $p: ref :: $p != null && $Heap[$p, $allocated] && $Heap[$p, $ownerRef] == temp3 && $Heap[$p, $ownerFrame] == Bag ==> $Heap[$p, $inv] == $typeof($p) && $Heap[$p, $localinv] == $typeof($p)); $Heap[temp3, $inv] := Bag; assume IsHeap($Heap); // ----- return return; } procedure System.Object..ctor(this: ref where $IsNotNull(this, System.Object) && $Heap[this, $allocated]); // object is fully unpacked: this.inv == Object free requires ($Heap[this, $ownerFrame] == $PeerGroupPlaceholder || !($Heap[$Heap[this, $ownerRef], $inv] <: $Heap[this, $ownerFrame]) || $Heap[$Heap[this, $ownerRef], $localinv] == $BaseClass($Heap[this, $ownerFrame])) && $Heap[this, $inv] == System.Object && $Heap[this, $localinv] == $typeof(this); // nothing is owned by [this,*] and 'this' is alone in its own peer group free requires (forall $o: ref :: $o != this ==> $Heap[$o, $ownerRef] != this) && $Heap[this, $ownerRef] == this && $Heap[this, $ownerFrame] == $PeerGroupPlaceholder; free requires $BeingConstructed == this; free requires $PurityAxiomsCanBeAssumed; modifies $Heap, $ActivityIndicator; // target object is allocated upon return free ensures $Heap[this, $allocated]; // target object is additively exposable for System.Object ensures ($Heap[this, $ownerFrame] == $PeerGroupPlaceholder || !($Heap[$Heap[this, $ownerRef], $inv] <: $Heap[this, $ownerFrame]) || $Heap[$Heap[this, $ownerRef], $localinv] == $BaseClass($Heap[this, $ownerFrame])) && $Heap[this, $inv] == System.Object && $Heap[this, $localinv] == $typeof(this); ensures $Heap[this, $ownerRef] == old($Heap)[this, $ownerRef] && $Heap[this, $ownerFrame] == old($Heap)[this, $ownerFrame]; ensures $Heap[this, $sharingMode] == $SharingMode_Unshared; // newly allocated objects are fully valid free ensures (forall $o: ref :: { $Heap[$o, $localinv] } { $Heap[$o, $inv] } $o != null && !old($Heap)[$o, $allocated] && $Heap[$o, $allocated] ==> $Heap[$o, $inv] == $typeof($o) && $Heap[$o, $localinv] == $typeof($o)); // first consistent owner unchanged if its exposeVersion is free ensures (forall $o: ref :: { $Heap[$o, $FirstConsistentOwner] } old($Heap)[old($Heap)[$o, $FirstConsistentOwner], $exposeVersion] == $Heap[old($Heap)[$o, $FirstConsistentOwner], $exposeVersion] ==> old($Heap)[$o, $FirstConsistentOwner] == $Heap[$o, $FirstConsistentOwner]); // frame condition ensures (forall $o: ref, $f: Field a :: { $Heap[$o, $f] } IncludeInMainFrameCondition($f) && $o != null && old($Heap)[$o, $allocated] && (old($Heap)[$o, $ownerFrame] == $PeerGroupPlaceholder || !(old($Heap)[old($Heap)[$o, $ownerRef], $inv] <: old($Heap)[$o, $ownerFrame]) || old($Heap)[old($Heap)[$o, $ownerRef], $localinv] == $BaseClass(old($Heap)[$o, $ownerFrame])) && ($o != this || !(System.Object <: DeclType222($f))) && old(true) && old(true) ==> old($Heap)[$o, $f] == $Heap[$o, $f]); free ensures $HeapSucc(old($Heap), $Heap); // inv/localinv change only in blocks free ensures (forall $o: ref :: { $Heap[$o, $localinv] } { $Heap[$o, $inv] } old($Heap)[$o, $allocated] && $o != this ==> old($Heap)[$o, $inv] == $Heap[$o, $inv] && old($Heap)[$o, $localinv] == $Heap[$o, $localinv]); free ensures (forall $o: ref :: { $Heap[$o, $allocated] } old($Heap)[$o, $allocated] ==> $Heap[$o, $allocated]) && (forall $ot: ref :: { $Heap[$ot, $ownerFrame] } { $Heap[$ot, $ownerRef] } old($Heap)[$ot, $allocated] && old($Heap)[$ot, $ownerFrame] != $PeerGroupPlaceholder ==> $Heap[$ot, $ownerRef] == old($Heap)[$ot, $ownerRef] && $Heap[$ot, $ownerFrame] == old($Heap)[$ot, $ownerFrame]) && old($Heap)[$BeingConstructed, $NonNullFieldsAreInitialized] == $Heap[$BeingConstructed, $NonNullFieldsAreInitialized]; free ensures (forall $o: ref :: { $Heap[$o, $sharingMode] } $o == this || old($Heap[$o, $sharingMode]) == $Heap[$o, $sharingMode]); procedure System.Array.CopyTo$System.Array$notnull$System.Int32$.Virtual.$(this: ref where $IsNotNull(this, System.Array) && $Heap[this, $allocated], array$in: ref where $IsNotNull(array$in, System.Array) && $Heap[array$in, $allocated], index$in: int where InRange(index$in, System.Int32)); // user-declared preconditions requires array$in != null; requires $LBound(array$in, 0) <= index$in; requires $Rank(this) == 1; requires $Rank(array$in) == 1; requires $Length(this) <= $UBound(array$in, 0) + 1 - index$in; // target object is peer consistent requires (forall $pc: ref :: { $typeof($pc) } { $Heap[$pc, $localinv] } { $Heap[$pc, $inv] } { $Heap[$pc, $ownerFrame] } { $Heap[$pc, $ownerRef] } $pc != null && $Heap[$pc, $allocated] && $Heap[$pc, $ownerRef] == $Heap[this, $ownerRef] && $Heap[$pc, $ownerFrame] == $Heap[this, $ownerFrame] ==> $Heap[$pc, $inv] == $typeof($pc) && $Heap[$pc, $localinv] == $typeof($pc)); // target object is peer consistent (owner must not be valid) requires $Heap[this, $ownerFrame] == $PeerGroupPlaceholder || !($Heap[$Heap[this, $ownerRef], $inv] <: $Heap[this, $ownerFrame]) || $Heap[$Heap[this, $ownerRef], $localinv] == $BaseClass($Heap[this, $ownerFrame]); // array is peer consistent requires (forall $pc: ref :: { $typeof($pc) } { $Heap[$pc, $localinv] } { $Heap[$pc, $inv] } { $Heap[$pc, $ownerFrame] } { $Heap[$pc, $ownerRef] } $pc != null && $Heap[$pc, $allocated] && $Heap[$pc, $ownerRef] == $Heap[array$in, $ownerRef] && $Heap[$pc, $ownerFrame] == $Heap[array$in, $ownerFrame] ==> $Heap[$pc, $inv] == $typeof($pc) && $Heap[$pc, $localinv] == $typeof($pc)); // array is peer consistent (owner must not be valid) requires $Heap[array$in, $ownerFrame] == $PeerGroupPlaceholder || !($Heap[$Heap[array$in, $ownerRef], $inv] <: $Heap[array$in, $ownerFrame]) || $Heap[$Heap[array$in, $ownerRef], $localinv] == $BaseClass($Heap[array$in, $ownerFrame]); free requires $BeingConstructed == null; free requires $PurityAxiomsCanBeAssumed; modifies $Heap, $ActivityIndicator; // hard-coded postcondition ensures (forall $k: int :: { ValueArrayGet($Heap[array$in, $elements], $k) } (index$in <= $k && $k < index$in + $Length(this) ==> old(ValueArrayGet($Heap[this, $elements], $k + 0 - index$in)) == ValueArrayGet($Heap[array$in, $elements], $k)) && (!(index$in <= $k && $k < index$in + $Length(this)) ==> old(ValueArrayGet($Heap[array$in, $elements], $k)) == ValueArrayGet($Heap[array$in, $elements], $k))); ensures (forall $k: int :: { IntArrayGet($Heap[array$in, $elements], $k) } (index$in <= $k && $k < index$in + $Length(this) ==> old(IntArrayGet($Heap[this, $elements], $k + 0 - index$in)) == IntArrayGet($Heap[array$in, $elements], $k)) && (!(index$in <= $k && $k < index$in + $Length(this)) ==> old(IntArrayGet($Heap[array$in, $elements], $k)) == IntArrayGet($Heap[array$in, $elements], $k))); ensures (forall $k: int :: { RefArrayGet($Heap[array$in, $elements], $k) } (index$in <= $k && $k < index$in + $Length(this) ==> old(RefArrayGet($Heap[this, $elements], $k + 0 - index$in)) == RefArrayGet($Heap[array$in, $elements], $k)) && (!(index$in <= $k && $k < index$in + $Length(this)) ==> old(RefArrayGet($Heap[array$in, $elements], $k)) == RefArrayGet($Heap[array$in, $elements], $k))); // newly allocated objects are fully valid free ensures (forall $o: ref :: { $Heap[$o, $localinv] } { $Heap[$o, $inv] } $o != null && !old($Heap)[$o, $allocated] && $Heap[$o, $allocated] ==> $Heap[$o, $inv] == $typeof($o) && $Heap[$o, $localinv] == $typeof($o)); // first consistent owner unchanged if its exposeVersion is free ensures (forall $o: ref :: { $Heap[$o, $FirstConsistentOwner] } old($Heap)[old($Heap)[$o, $FirstConsistentOwner], $exposeVersion] == $Heap[old($Heap)[$o, $FirstConsistentOwner], $exposeVersion] ==> old($Heap)[$o, $FirstConsistentOwner] == $Heap[$o, $FirstConsistentOwner]); // frame condition ensures (forall $o: ref, $f: Field a :: { $Heap[$o, $f] } IncludeInMainFrameCondition($f) && $o != null && old($Heap)[$o, $allocated] && (old($Heap)[$o, $ownerFrame] == $PeerGroupPlaceholder || !(old($Heap)[old($Heap)[$o, $ownerRef], $inv] <: old($Heap)[$o, $ownerFrame]) || old($Heap)[old($Heap)[$o, $ownerRef], $localinv] == $BaseClass(old($Heap)[$o, $ownerFrame])) && old($o != array$in || !($typeof(array$in) <: DeclType222($f)) || !$IncludedInModifiesStar($f)) && old($o != array$in || $f != $exposeVersion) ==> old($Heap)[$o, $f] == $Heap[$o, $f]); free ensures $HeapSucc(old($Heap), $Heap); // inv/localinv change only in blocks free ensures (forall $o: ref :: { $Heap[$o, $localinv] } { $Heap[$o, $inv] } old($Heap)[$o, $allocated] ==> old($Heap)[$o, $inv] == $Heap[$o, $inv] && old($Heap)[$o, $localinv] == $Heap[$o, $localinv]); free ensures (forall $o: ref :: { $Heap[$o, $allocated] } old($Heap)[$o, $allocated] ==> $Heap[$o, $allocated]) && (forall $ot: ref :: { $Heap[$ot, $ownerFrame] } { $Heap[$ot, $ownerRef] } old($Heap)[$ot, $allocated] && old($Heap)[$ot, $ownerFrame] != $PeerGroupPlaceholder ==> $Heap[$ot, $ownerRef] == old($Heap)[$ot, $ownerRef] && $Heap[$ot, $ownerFrame] == old($Heap)[$ot, $ownerFrame]) && old($Heap)[$BeingConstructed, $NonNullFieldsAreInitialized] == $Heap[$BeingConstructed, $NonNullFieldsAreInitialized]; free ensures (forall $o: ref :: { $Heap[$o, $sharingMode] } old($Heap[$o, $sharingMode]) == $Heap[$o, $sharingMode]); procedure Bag.Add$System.Int32(this: ref where $IsNotNull(this, Bag) && $Heap[this, $allocated], x$in: int where InRange(x$in, System.Int32)); // target object is peer consistent requires (forall $pc: ref :: { $typeof($pc) } { $Heap[$pc, $localinv] } { $Heap[$pc, $inv] } { $Heap[$pc, $ownerFrame] } { $Heap[$pc, $ownerRef] } $pc != null && $Heap[$pc, $allocated] && $Heap[$pc, $ownerRef] == $Heap[this, $ownerRef] && $Heap[$pc, $ownerFrame] == $Heap[this, $ownerFrame] ==> $Heap[$pc, $inv] == $typeof($pc) && $Heap[$pc, $localinv] == $typeof($pc)); // target object is peer consistent (owner must not be valid) requires $Heap[this, $ownerFrame] == $PeerGroupPlaceholder || !($Heap[$Heap[this, $ownerRef], $inv] <: $Heap[this, $ownerFrame]) || $Heap[$Heap[this, $ownerRef], $localinv] == $BaseClass($Heap[this, $ownerFrame]); free requires $BeingConstructed == null; free requires $PurityAxiomsCanBeAssumed; modifies $Heap, $ActivityIndicator; // newly allocated objects are fully valid free ensures (forall $o: ref :: { $Heap[$o, $localinv] } { $Heap[$o, $inv] } $o != null && !old($Heap)[$o, $allocated] && $Heap[$o, $allocated] ==> $Heap[$o, $inv] == $typeof($o) && $Heap[$o, $localinv] == $typeof($o)); // first consistent owner unchanged if its exposeVersion is free ensures (forall $o: ref :: { $Heap[$o, $FirstConsistentOwner] } old($Heap)[old($Heap)[$o, $FirstConsistentOwner], $exposeVersion] == $Heap[old($Heap)[$o, $FirstConsistentOwner], $exposeVersion] ==> old($Heap)[$o, $FirstConsistentOwner] == $Heap[$o, $FirstConsistentOwner]); // frame condition ensures (forall $o: ref, $f: Field a :: { $Heap[$o, $f] } IncludeInMainFrameCondition($f) && $o != null && old($Heap)[$o, $allocated] && (old($Heap)[$o, $ownerFrame] == $PeerGroupPlaceholder || !(old($Heap)[old($Heap)[$o, $ownerRef], $inv] <: old($Heap)[$o, $ownerFrame]) || old($Heap)[old($Heap)[$o, $ownerRef], $localinv] == $BaseClass(old($Heap)[$o, $ownerFrame])) && old($o != this || !($typeof(this) <: DeclType222($f)) || !$IncludedInModifiesStar($f)) && old($o != this || $f != $exposeVersion) ==> old($Heap)[$o, $f] == $Heap[$o, $f]); free ensures $HeapSucc(old($Heap), $Heap); // inv/localinv change only in blocks free ensures (forall $o: ref :: { $Heap[$o, $localinv] } { $Heap[$o, $inv] } old($Heap)[$o, $allocated] ==> old($Heap)[$o, $inv] == $Heap[$o, $inv] && old($Heap)[$o, $localinv] == $Heap[$o, $localinv]); free ensures (forall $o: ref :: { $Heap[$o, $allocated] } old($Heap)[$o, $allocated] ==> $Heap[$o, $allocated]) && (forall $ot: ref :: { $Heap[$ot, $ownerFrame] } { $Heap[$ot, $ownerRef] } old($Heap)[$ot, $allocated] && old($Heap)[$ot, $ownerFrame] != $PeerGroupPlaceholder ==> $Heap[$ot, $ownerRef] == old($Heap)[$ot, $ownerRef] && $Heap[$ot, $ownerFrame] == old($Heap)[$ot, $ownerFrame]) && old($Heap)[$BeingConstructed, $NonNullFieldsAreInitialized] == $Heap[$BeingConstructed, $NonNullFieldsAreInitialized]; free ensures (forall $o: ref :: { $Heap[$o, $sharingMode] } old($Heap[$o, $sharingMode]) == $Heap[$o, $sharingMode]); implementation Bag.Add$System.Int32(this: ref, x$in: int) { var x: int where InRange(x, System.Int32), temp0: ref, stack1s: struct, stack1o: ref, temp1: exposeVersionType, local2: ref where $Is(local2, System.Exception) && $Heap[local2, $allocated], stack0i: int, stack1i: int, stack0b: bool, b: ref where $Is(b, IntArray(System.Int32, 1)) && $Heap[b, $allocated], temp2: ref, stack0o: ref, stack2o: ref, stack3i: int, stack4o: ref, stack4i: int, temp3: exposeVersionType, local4: int where InRange(local4, System.Int32), temp4: exposeVersionType, stack0s: struct; entry: x := x$in; goto block4335; block4335: goto block4488; block4488: // ----- nop // ----- FrameGuard processing ----- AddMethod.ssc(22,13) temp0 := this; // ----- load token ----- AddMethod.ssc(22,13) havoc stack1s; assume $IsTokenForType(stack1s, Bag); // ----- statically resolved GetTypeFromHandle call ----- AddMethod.ssc(22,13) stack1o := TypeObject(Bag); // ----- local unpack ----- AddMethod.ssc(22,13) assert temp0 != null; assert ($Heap[temp0, $ownerFrame] == $PeerGroupPlaceholder || !($Heap[$Heap[temp0, $ownerRef], $inv] <: $Heap[temp0, $ownerFrame]) || $Heap[$Heap[temp0, $ownerRef], $localinv] == $BaseClass($Heap[temp0, $ownerFrame])) && $Heap[temp0, $inv] <: Bag && $Heap[temp0, $localinv] == $typeof(temp0); $Heap[temp0, $localinv] := System.Object; havoc temp1; $Heap[temp0, $exposeVersion] := temp1; assume IsHeap($Heap); local2 := null; goto block4505; block4505: // ----- load field ----- AddMethod.ssc(24,7) assert this != null; stack0i := $Heap[this, Bag.n]; // ----- load field ----- AddMethod.ssc(24,7) assert this != null; stack1o := $Heap[this, Bag.a]; // ----- unary operator ----- AddMethod.ssc(24,7) assert stack1o != null; stack1i := $Length(stack1o); // ----- unary operator ----- AddMethod.ssc(24,7) stack1i := $IntToInt(stack1i, System.UIntPtr, System.Int32); // ----- binary operator ----- AddMethod.ssc(24,7) // ----- branch ----- AddMethod.ssc(24,7) goto true4505to4539, false4505to4522; true4505to4539: assume stack0i != stack1i; goto block4539; false4505to4522: assume stack0i == stack1i; goto block4522; block4539: // ----- load field ----- AddMethod.ssc(30,7) assert this != null; stack0o := $Heap[this, Bag.a]; // ----- load field ----- AddMethod.ssc(30,7) assert this != null; stack1i := $Heap[this, Bag.n]; // ----- store element ----- AddMethod.ssc(30,7) assert stack0o != null; assert 0 <= stack1i; assert stack1i < $Length(stack0o); assert $Heap[stack0o, $ownerFrame] == $PeerGroupPlaceholder || !($Heap[$Heap[stack0o, $ownerRef], $inv] <: $Heap[stack0o, $ownerFrame]) || $Heap[$Heap[stack0o, $ownerRef], $localinv] == $BaseClass($Heap[stack0o, $ownerFrame]); $Heap[stack0o, $elements] := IntArraySet($Heap[stack0o, $elements], stack1i, x); assume IsHeap($Heap); // ----- load field ----- AddMethod.ssc(31,7) assert this != null; local4 := $Heap[this, Bag.n]; // ----- load constant 1 ----- AddMethod.ssc(31,7) stack0i := 1; // ----- binary operator ----- AddMethod.ssc(31,7) stack0i := local4 + stack0i; // ----- store field ----- AddMethod.ssc(31,7) assert this != null; assert $Heap[this, $ownerFrame] == $PeerGroupPlaceholder || !($Heap[$Heap[this, $ownerRef], $inv] <: $Heap[this, $ownerFrame]) || $Heap[$Heap[this, $ownerRef], $localinv] == $BaseClass($Heap[this, $ownerFrame]); havoc temp4; $Heap[this, $exposeVersion] := temp4; $Heap[this, Bag.n] := stack0i; assert !($Heap[this, $inv] <: Bag && $Heap[this, $localinv] != $BaseClass(Bag)) || 0 <= $Heap[this, Bag.n]; assert !($Heap[this, $inv] <: Bag && $Heap[this, $localinv] != $BaseClass(Bag)) || $Heap[this, Bag.n] <= $Length($Heap[this, Bag.a]); assume IsHeap($Heap); // ----- copy stack0i := local4; // ----- branch goto block4658; block4522: // ----- load constant 2 ----- AddMethod.ssc(26,15) stack0i := 2; // ----- load field ----- AddMethod.ssc(26,15) assert this != null; stack1o := $Heap[this, Bag.a]; // ----- unary operator ----- AddMethod.ssc(26,15) assert stack1o != null; stack1i := $Length(stack1o); // ----- unary operator ----- AddMethod.ssc(26,15) stack1i := $IntToInt(stack1i, System.UIntPtr, System.Int32); // ----- binary operator ----- AddMethod.ssc(26,15) stack0i := stack0i * stack1i; // ----- load constant 1 ----- AddMethod.ssc(26,15) stack1i := 1; // ----- binary operator ----- AddMethod.ssc(26,15) stack0i := stack0i + stack1i; // ----- new array ----- AddMethod.ssc(26,15) assert 0 <= stack0i; havoc temp2; assume $Heap[temp2, $allocated] == false && $Length(temp2) == stack0i; assume $Heap[$ElementProxy(temp2, -1), $allocated] == false && $ElementProxy(temp2, -1) != temp2 && $ElementProxy(temp2, -1) != null; assume temp2 != null; assume $typeof(temp2) == IntArray(System.Int32, 1); assume $Heap[temp2, $ownerRef] == temp2 && $Heap[temp2, $ownerFrame] == $PeerGroupPlaceholder; assume $Heap[$ElementProxy(temp2, -1), $ownerRef] == $ElementProxy(temp2, -1) && $Heap[$ElementProxy(temp2, -1), $ownerFrame] == $PeerGroupPlaceholder; assume $Heap[temp2, $inv] == $typeof(temp2) && $Heap[temp2, $localinv] == $typeof(temp2); assume (forall $i: int :: IntArrayGet($Heap[temp2, $elements], $i) == 0); $Heap[temp2, $allocated] := true; call System.Object..ctor($ElementProxy(temp2, -1)); b := temp2; assume IsHeap($Heap); // ----- load field ----- AddMethod.ssc(27,9) assert this != null; stack0o := $Heap[this, Bag.a]; // ----- load constant 0 ----- AddMethod.ssc(27,9) stack1i := 0; // ----- copy ----- AddMethod.ssc(27,9) stack2o := b; // ----- load constant 0 ----- AddMethod.ssc(27,9) stack3i := 0; // ----- load field ----- AddMethod.ssc(27,9) assert this != null; stack4o := $Heap[this, Bag.a]; // ----- unary operator ----- AddMethod.ssc(27,9) assert stack4o != null; stack4i := $Length(stack4o); // ----- unary operator ----- AddMethod.ssc(27,9) stack4i := $IntToInt(stack4i, System.UIntPtr, System.Int32); // ----- call ----- AddMethod.ssc(27,9) call System.Array.Copy$System.Array$notnull$System.Int32$System.Array$notnull$System.Int32$System.Int32(stack0o, stack1i, stack2o, stack3i, stack4i); // ----- store field ----- AddMethod.ssc(28,9) assert this != null; assert $Heap[this, $ownerFrame] == $PeerGroupPlaceholder || !($Heap[$Heap[this, $ownerRef], $inv] <: $Heap[this, $ownerFrame]) || $Heap[$Heap[this, $ownerRef], $localinv] == $BaseClass($Heap[this, $ownerFrame]); assert ($Heap[b, $ownerRef] == this && $Heap[b, $ownerFrame] == Bag) || $Heap[b, $ownerFrame] == $PeerGroupPlaceholder; assert $Heap[b, $ownerFrame] == $PeerGroupPlaceholder && $Heap[this, $inv] <: Bag && $Heap[this, $localinv] != $BaseClass(Bag) ==> (forall $pc: ref :: { $typeof($pc) } { $Heap[$pc, $localinv] } { $Heap[$pc, $inv] } { $Heap[$pc, $ownerFrame] } { $Heap[$pc, $ownerRef] } $pc != null && $Heap[$pc, $allocated] && $Heap[$pc, $ownerRef] == $Heap[b, $ownerRef] && $Heap[$pc, $ownerFrame] == $Heap[b, $ownerFrame] ==> $Heap[$pc, $inv] == $typeof($pc) && $Heap[$pc, $localinv] == $typeof($pc)); assert $Heap[b, $ownerFrame] == $PeerGroupPlaceholder && $Heap[this, $inv] <: Bag && $Heap[this, $localinv] != $BaseClass(Bag) ==> $Heap[this, $ownerRef] != $Heap[b, $ownerRef] || $Heap[this, $ownerFrame] != $Heap[b, $ownerFrame]; call $UpdateOwnersForRep(this, Bag, b); havoc temp3; $Heap[this, $exposeVersion] := temp3; $Heap[this, Bag.a] := b; assert !($Heap[this, $inv] <: Bag && $Heap[this, $localinv] != $BaseClass(Bag)) || 0 <= $Heap[this, Bag.n]; assert !($Heap[this, $inv] <: Bag && $Heap[this, $localinv] != $BaseClass(Bag)) || $Heap[this, Bag.n] <= $Length($Heap[this, Bag.a]); assume IsHeap($Heap); goto block4539; block4658: stack0o := null; // ----- binary operator // ----- branch goto true4658to4624, false4658to4641; true4658to4624: assume local2 == stack0o; goto block4624; false4658to4641: assume local2 != stack0o; goto block4641; block4624: // ----- load token ----- AddMethod.ssc(32,5) havoc stack0s; assume $IsTokenForType(stack0s, Bag); // ----- statically resolved GetTypeFromHandle call ----- AddMethod.ssc(32,5) stack0o := TypeObject(Bag); // ----- local pack ----- AddMethod.ssc(32,5) assert temp0 != null; assert $Heap[temp0, $localinv] == System.Object; assert 0 <= $Heap[temp0, Bag.n]; assert $Heap[temp0, Bag.n] <= $Length($Heap[temp0, Bag.a]); assert (forall $p: ref :: $p != null && $Heap[$p, $allocated] && $Heap[$p, $ownerRef] == temp0 && $Heap[$p, $ownerFrame] == Bag ==> $Heap[$p, $inv] == $typeof($p) && $Heap[$p, $localinv] == $typeof($p)); $Heap[temp0, $localinv] := $typeof(temp0); assume IsHeap($Heap); goto block4726; block4641: // ----- is instance // ----- branch goto true4641to4624, false4641to4692; true4641to4624: assume $As(local2, Microsoft.Contracts.ICheckedException) != null; goto block4624; false4641to4692: assume $As(local2, Microsoft.Contracts.ICheckedException) == null; goto block4692; block4692: // ----- branch goto block4726; block4726: // ----- nop // ----- branch goto block4590; block4590: // ----- return return; } axiom System.Type <: System.Type; axiom System.Reflection.MemberInfo <: System.Reflection.MemberInfo; axiom $BaseClass(System.Reflection.MemberInfo) == System.Object && AsDirectSubClass(System.Reflection.MemberInfo, $BaseClass(System.Reflection.MemberInfo)) == System.Reflection.MemberInfo; axiom $IsImmutable(System.Reflection.MemberInfo) && $AsImmutable(System.Reflection.MemberInfo) == System.Reflection.MemberInfo; axiom System.Reflection.ICustomAttributeProvider <: System.Reflection.ICustomAttributeProvider; axiom System.Reflection.ICustomAttributeProvider <: System.Object; axiom $IsMemberlessType(System.Reflection.ICustomAttributeProvider); axiom $AsInterface(System.Reflection.ICustomAttributeProvider) == System.Reflection.ICustomAttributeProvider; axiom System.Reflection.MemberInfo <: System.Reflection.ICustomAttributeProvider; axiom System.Runtime.InteropServices._MemberInfo <: System.Runtime.InteropServices._MemberInfo; axiom System.Runtime.InteropServices._MemberInfo <: System.Object; axiom $IsMemberlessType(System.Runtime.InteropServices._MemberInfo); axiom $AsInterface(System.Runtime.InteropServices._MemberInfo) == System.Runtime.InteropServices._MemberInfo; axiom System.Reflection.MemberInfo <: System.Runtime.InteropServices._MemberInfo; axiom $IsMemberlessType(System.Reflection.MemberInfo); // System.Reflection.MemberInfo object invariant axiom (forall $oi: ref, $h: Heap :: { $h[$oi, $inv] <: System.Reflection.MemberInfo } IsHeap($h) && $h[$oi, $inv] <: System.Reflection.MemberInfo && $h[$oi, $localinv] != $BaseClass(System.Reflection.MemberInfo) ==> true); axiom $BaseClass(System.Type) == System.Reflection.MemberInfo && AsDirectSubClass(System.Type, $BaseClass(System.Type)) == System.Type; axiom $IsImmutable(System.Type) && $AsImmutable(System.Type) == System.Type; axiom System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type <: System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type; axiom System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type <: System.Object; axiom $IsMemberlessType(System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type); axiom $AsInterface(System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type) == System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type; axiom System.Type <: System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type; axiom System.Reflection.IReflect <: System.Reflection.IReflect; axiom System.Reflection.IReflect <: System.Object; axiom $IsMemberlessType(System.Reflection.IReflect); axiom $AsInterface(System.Reflection.IReflect) == System.Reflection.IReflect; axiom System.Type <: System.Reflection.IReflect; axiom $IsMemberlessType(System.Type); // System.Type object invariant axiom (forall $oi: ref, $h: Heap :: { $h[$oi, $inv] <: System.Type } IsHeap($h) && $h[$oi, $inv] <: System.Type && $h[$oi, $localinv] != $BaseClass(System.Type) ==> true); procedure System.Array.Copy$System.Array$notnull$System.Int32$System.Array$notnull$System.Int32$System.Int32(sourceArray$in: ref where $IsNotNull(sourceArray$in, System.Array) && $Heap[sourceArray$in, $allocated], sourceIndex$in: int where InRange(sourceIndex$in, System.Int32), destinationArray$in: ref where $IsNotNull(destinationArray$in, System.Array) && $Heap[destinationArray$in, $allocated], destinationIndex$in: int where InRange(destinationIndex$in, System.Int32), length$in: int where InRange(length$in, System.Int32)); // user-declared preconditions requires sourceArray$in != null; requires destinationArray$in != null; requires $Rank(sourceArray$in) == $Rank(destinationArray$in); requires sourceIndex$in >= $LBound(sourceArray$in, 0); requires destinationIndex$in >= $LBound(destinationArray$in, 0); requires length$in >= 0; requires sourceIndex$in + length$in <= $LBound(sourceArray$in, 0) + $Length(sourceArray$in); requires destinationIndex$in + length$in <= $LBound(destinationArray$in, 0) + $Length(destinationArray$in); // sourceArray is peer consistent requires (forall $pc: ref :: { $typeof($pc) } { $Heap[$pc, $localinv] } { $Heap[$pc, $inv] } { $Heap[$pc, $ownerFrame] } { $Heap[$pc, $ownerRef] } $pc != null && $Heap[$pc, $allocated] && $Heap[$pc, $ownerRef] == $Heap[sourceArray$in, $ownerRef] && $Heap[$pc, $ownerFrame] == $Heap[sourceArray$in, $ownerFrame] ==> $Heap[$pc, $inv] == $typeof($pc) && $Heap[$pc, $localinv] == $typeof($pc)); // sourceArray is peer consistent (owner must not be valid) requires $Heap[sourceArray$in, $ownerFrame] == $PeerGroupPlaceholder || !($Heap[$Heap[sourceArray$in, $ownerRef], $inv] <: $Heap[sourceArray$in, $ownerFrame]) || $Heap[$Heap[sourceArray$in, $ownerRef], $localinv] == $BaseClass($Heap[sourceArray$in, $ownerFrame]); // destinationArray is peer consistent requires (forall $pc: ref :: { $typeof($pc) } { $Heap[$pc, $localinv] } { $Heap[$pc, $inv] } { $Heap[$pc, $ownerFrame] } { $Heap[$pc, $ownerRef] } $pc != null && $Heap[$pc, $allocated] && $Heap[$pc, $ownerRef] == $Heap[destinationArray$in, $ownerRef] && $Heap[$pc, $ownerFrame] == $Heap[destinationArray$in, $ownerFrame] ==> $Heap[$pc, $inv] == $typeof($pc) && $Heap[$pc, $localinv] == $typeof($pc)); // destinationArray is peer consistent (owner must not be valid) requires $Heap[destinationArray$in, $ownerFrame] == $PeerGroupPlaceholder || !($Heap[$Heap[destinationArray$in, $ownerRef], $inv] <: $Heap[destinationArray$in, $ownerFrame]) || $Heap[$Heap[destinationArray$in, $ownerRef], $localinv] == $BaseClass($Heap[destinationArray$in, $ownerFrame]); free requires $BeingConstructed == null; free requires $PurityAxiomsCanBeAssumed; modifies $Heap, $ActivityIndicator; // hard-coded postcondition ensures (forall $k: int :: { ValueArrayGet($Heap[destinationArray$in, $elements], $k) } (destinationIndex$in <= $k && $k < destinationIndex$in + length$in ==> old(ValueArrayGet($Heap[sourceArray$in, $elements], $k + sourceIndex$in - destinationIndex$in)) == ValueArrayGet($Heap[destinationArray$in, $elements], $k)) && (!(destinationIndex$in <= $k && $k < destinationIndex$in + length$in) ==> old(ValueArrayGet($Heap[destinationArray$in, $elements], $k)) == ValueArrayGet($Heap[destinationArray$in, $elements], $k))); ensures (forall $k: int :: { IntArrayGet($Heap[destinationArray$in, $elements], $k) } (destinationIndex$in <= $k && $k < destinationIndex$in + length$in ==> old(IntArrayGet($Heap[sourceArray$in, $elements], $k + sourceIndex$in - destinationIndex$in)) == IntArrayGet($Heap[destinationArray$in, $elements], $k)) && (!(destinationIndex$in <= $k && $k < destinationIndex$in + length$in) ==> old(IntArrayGet($Heap[destinationArray$in, $elements], $k)) == IntArrayGet($Heap[destinationArray$in, $elements], $k))); ensures (forall $k: int :: { RefArrayGet($Heap[destinationArray$in, $elements], $k) } (destinationIndex$in <= $k && $k < destinationIndex$in + length$in ==> old(RefArrayGet($Heap[sourceArray$in, $elements], $k + sourceIndex$in - destinationIndex$in)) == RefArrayGet($Heap[destinationArray$in, $elements], $k)) && (!(destinationIndex$in <= $k && $k < destinationIndex$in + length$in) ==> old(RefArrayGet($Heap[destinationArray$in, $elements], $k)) == RefArrayGet($Heap[destinationArray$in, $elements], $k))); // newly allocated objects are fully valid free ensures (forall $o: ref :: { $Heap[$o, $localinv] } { $Heap[$o, $inv] } $o != null && !old($Heap)[$o, $allocated] && $Heap[$o, $allocated] ==> $Heap[$o, $inv] == $typeof($o) && $Heap[$o, $localinv] == $typeof($o)); // first consistent owner unchanged if its exposeVersion is free ensures (forall $o: ref :: { $Heap[$o, $FirstConsistentOwner] } old($Heap)[old($Heap)[$o, $FirstConsistentOwner], $exposeVersion] == $Heap[old($Heap)[$o, $FirstConsistentOwner], $exposeVersion] ==> old($Heap)[$o, $FirstConsistentOwner] == $Heap[$o, $FirstConsistentOwner]); // frame condition ensures (forall $o: ref, $f: Field a :: { $Heap[$o, $f] } IncludeInMainFrameCondition($f) && $o != null && old($Heap)[$o, $allocated] && (old($Heap)[$o, $ownerFrame] == $PeerGroupPlaceholder || !(old($Heap)[old($Heap)[$o, $ownerRef], $inv] <: old($Heap)[$o, $ownerFrame]) || old($Heap)[old($Heap)[$o, $ownerRef], $localinv] == $BaseClass(old($Heap)[$o, $ownerFrame])) && old($o != destinationArray$in || !($typeof(destinationArray$in) <: DeclType222($f)) || !$IncludedInModifiesStar($f)) && old($o != destinationArray$in || $f != $exposeVersion) ==> old($Heap)[$o, $f] == $Heap[$o, $f]); free ensures $HeapSucc(old($Heap), $Heap); // inv/localinv change only in blocks free ensures (forall $o: ref :: { $Heap[$o, $localinv] } { $Heap[$o, $inv] } old($Heap)[$o, $allocated] ==> old($Heap)[$o, $inv] == $Heap[$o, $inv] && old($Heap)[$o, $localinv] == $Heap[$o, $localinv]); free ensures (forall $o: ref :: { $Heap[$o, $allocated] } old($Heap)[$o, $allocated] ==> $Heap[$o, $allocated]) && (forall $ot: ref :: { $Heap[$ot, $ownerFrame] } { $Heap[$ot, $ownerRef] } old($Heap)[$ot, $allocated] && old($Heap)[$ot, $ownerFrame] != $PeerGroupPlaceholder ==> $Heap[$ot, $ownerRef] == old($Heap)[$ot, $ownerRef] && $Heap[$ot, $ownerFrame] == old($Heap)[$ot, $ownerFrame]) && old($Heap)[$BeingConstructed, $NonNullFieldsAreInitialized] == $Heap[$BeingConstructed, $NonNullFieldsAreInitialized]; free ensures (forall $o: ref :: { $Heap[$o, $sharingMode] } old($Heap[$o, $sharingMode]) == $Heap[$o, $sharingMode]); axiom Microsoft.Contracts.ICheckedException <: Microsoft.Contracts.ICheckedException; axiom Microsoft.Contracts.ICheckedException <: System.Object; axiom $IsMemberlessType(Microsoft.Contracts.ICheckedException); axiom $AsInterface(Microsoft.Contracts.ICheckedException) == Microsoft.Contracts.ICheckedException; procedure Bag.AddAgain$System.Int32(this: ref where $IsNotNull(this, Bag) && $Heap[this, $allocated], x$in: int where InRange(x$in, System.Int32)); // target object is peer consistent requires (forall $pc: ref :: { $typeof($pc) } { $Heap[$pc, $localinv] } { $Heap[$pc, $inv] } { $Heap[$pc, $ownerFrame] } { $Heap[$pc, $ownerRef] } $pc != null && $Heap[$pc, $allocated] && $Heap[$pc, $ownerRef] == $Heap[this, $ownerRef] && $Heap[$pc, $ownerFrame] == $Heap[this, $ownerFrame] ==> $Heap[$pc, $inv] == $typeof($pc) && $Heap[$pc, $localinv] == $typeof($pc)); // target object is peer consistent (owner must not be valid) requires $Heap[this, $ownerFrame] == $PeerGroupPlaceholder || !($Heap[$Heap[this, $ownerRef], $inv] <: $Heap[this, $ownerFrame]) || $Heap[$Heap[this, $ownerRef], $localinv] == $BaseClass($Heap[this, $ownerFrame]); free requires $BeingConstructed == null; free requires $PurityAxiomsCanBeAssumed; modifies $Heap, $ActivityIndicator; // newly allocated objects are fully valid free ensures (forall $o: ref :: { $Heap[$o, $localinv] } { $Heap[$o, $inv] } $o != null && !old($Heap)[$o, $allocated] && $Heap[$o, $allocated] ==> $Heap[$o, $inv] == $typeof($o) && $Heap[$o, $localinv] == $typeof($o)); // first consistent owner unchanged if its exposeVersion is free ensures (forall $o: ref :: { $Heap[$o, $FirstConsistentOwner] } old($Heap)[old($Heap)[$o, $FirstConsistentOwner], $exposeVersion] == $Heap[old($Heap)[$o, $FirstConsistentOwner], $exposeVersion] ==> old($Heap)[$o, $FirstConsistentOwner] == $Heap[$o, $FirstConsistentOwner]); // frame condition ensures (forall $o: ref, $f: Field a :: { $Heap[$o, $f] } IncludeInMainFrameCondition($f) && $o != null && old($Heap)[$o, $allocated] && (old($Heap)[$o, $ownerFrame] == $PeerGroupPlaceholder || !(old($Heap)[old($Heap)[$o, $ownerRef], $inv] <: old($Heap)[$o, $ownerFrame]) || old($Heap)[old($Heap)[$o, $ownerRef], $localinv] == $BaseClass(old($Heap)[$o, $ownerFrame])) && old($o != this || !($typeof(this) <: DeclType222($f)) || !$IncludedInModifiesStar($f)) && old($o != this || $f != $exposeVersion) ==> old($Heap)[$o, $f] == $Heap[$o, $f]); free ensures $HeapSucc(old($Heap), $Heap); // inv/localinv change only in blocks free ensures (forall $o: ref :: { $Heap[$o, $localinv] } { $Heap[$o, $inv] } old($Heap)[$o, $allocated] ==> old($Heap)[$o, $inv] == $Heap[$o, $inv] && old($Heap)[$o, $localinv] == $Heap[$o, $localinv]); free ensures (forall $o: ref :: { $Heap[$o, $allocated] } old($Heap)[$o, $allocated] ==> $Heap[$o, $allocated]) && (forall $ot: ref :: { $Heap[$ot, $ownerFrame] } { $Heap[$ot, $ownerRef] } old($Heap)[$ot, $allocated] && old($Heap)[$ot, $ownerFrame] != $PeerGroupPlaceholder ==> $Heap[$ot, $ownerRef] == old($Heap)[$ot, $ownerRef] && $Heap[$ot, $ownerFrame] == old($Heap)[$ot, $ownerFrame]) && old($Heap)[$BeingConstructed, $NonNullFieldsAreInitialized] == $Heap[$BeingConstructed, $NonNullFieldsAreInitialized]; free ensures (forall $o: ref :: { $Heap[$o, $sharingMode] } old($Heap[$o, $sharingMode]) == $Heap[$o, $sharingMode]); implementation Bag.AddAgain$System.Int32(this: ref, x$in: int) { var x: int where InRange(x, System.Int32), temp0: ref, stack1s: struct, stack1o: ref, temp1: exposeVersionType, local2: ref where $Is(local2, System.Exception) && $Heap[local2, $allocated], stack0i: int, stack1i: int, stack0b: bool, stack0o: ref, local4: int where InRange(local4, System.Int32), temp2: exposeVersionType, b: ref where $Is(b, IntArray(System.Int32, 1)) && $Heap[b, $allocated], temp3: ref, stack2i: int, temp4: exposeVersionType, stack0s: struct; entry: x := x$in; goto block6188; block6188: goto block6341; block6341: // ----- nop // ----- FrameGuard processing ----- AddMethod.ssc(38,13) temp0 := this; // ----- load token ----- AddMethod.ssc(38,13) havoc stack1s; assume $IsTokenForType(stack1s, Bag); // ----- statically resolved GetTypeFromHandle call ----- AddMethod.ssc(38,13) stack1o := TypeObject(Bag); // ----- local unpack ----- AddMethod.ssc(38,13) assert temp0 != null; assert ($Heap[temp0, $ownerFrame] == $PeerGroupPlaceholder || !($Heap[$Heap[temp0, $ownerRef], $inv] <: $Heap[temp0, $ownerFrame]) || $Heap[$Heap[temp0, $ownerRef], $localinv] == $BaseClass($Heap[temp0, $ownerFrame])) && $Heap[temp0, $inv] <: Bag && $Heap[temp0, $localinv] == $typeof(temp0); $Heap[temp0, $localinv] := System.Object; havoc temp1; $Heap[temp0, $exposeVersion] := temp1; assume IsHeap($Heap); local2 := null; goto block6358; block6358: // ----- load field ----- AddMethod.ssc(40,7) assert this != null; stack0i := $Heap[this, Bag.n]; // ----- load field ----- AddMethod.ssc(40,7) assert this != null; stack1o := $Heap[this, Bag.a]; // ----- unary operator ----- AddMethod.ssc(40,7) assert stack1o != null; stack1i := $Length(stack1o); // ----- unary operator ----- AddMethod.ssc(40,7) stack1i := $IntToInt(stack1i, System.UIntPtr, System.Int32); // ----- binary operator ----- AddMethod.ssc(40,7) // ----- branch ----- AddMethod.ssc(40,7) goto true6358to6392, false6358to6375; true6358to6392: assume stack0i != stack1i; goto block6392; false6358to6375: assume stack0i == stack1i; goto block6375; block6392: // ----- load field ----- AddMethod.ssc(46,7) assert this != null; stack0o := $Heap[this, Bag.a]; // ----- load field ----- AddMethod.ssc(46,7) assert this != null; stack1i := $Heap[this, Bag.n]; // ----- store element ----- AddMethod.ssc(46,7) assert stack0o != null; assert 0 <= stack1i; assert stack1i < $Length(stack0o); assert $Heap[stack0o, $ownerFrame] == $PeerGroupPlaceholder || !($Heap[$Heap[stack0o, $ownerRef], $inv] <: $Heap[stack0o, $ownerFrame]) || $Heap[$Heap[stack0o, $ownerRef], $localinv] == $BaseClass($Heap[stack0o, $ownerFrame]); $Heap[stack0o, $elements] := IntArraySet($Heap[stack0o, $elements], stack1i, x); assume IsHeap($Heap); // ----- load field ----- AddMethod.ssc(47,7) assert this != null; local4 := $Heap[this, Bag.n]; // ----- load constant 1 ----- AddMethod.ssc(47,7) stack0i := 1; // ----- binary operator ----- AddMethod.ssc(47,7) stack0i := local4 + stack0i; // ----- store field ----- AddMethod.ssc(47,7) assert this != null; assert $Heap[this, $ownerFrame] == $PeerGroupPlaceholder || !($Heap[$Heap[this, $ownerRef], $inv] <: $Heap[this, $ownerFrame]) || $Heap[$Heap[this, $ownerRef], $localinv] == $BaseClass($Heap[this, $ownerFrame]); havoc temp2; $Heap[this, $exposeVersion] := temp2; $Heap[this, Bag.n] := stack0i; assert !($Heap[this, $inv] <: Bag && $Heap[this, $localinv] != $BaseClass(Bag)) || 0 <= $Heap[this, Bag.n]; assert !($Heap[this, $inv] <: Bag && $Heap[this, $localinv] != $BaseClass(Bag)) || $Heap[this, Bag.n] <= $Length($Heap[this, Bag.a]); assume IsHeap($Heap); // ----- copy stack0i := local4; // ----- branch goto block6562; block6375: // ----- load constant 2 ----- AddMethod.ssc(42,15) stack0i := 2; // ----- load field ----- AddMethod.ssc(42,15) assert this != null; stack1o := $Heap[this, Bag.a]; // ----- unary operator ----- AddMethod.ssc(42,15) assert stack1o != null; stack1i := $Length(stack1o); // ----- unary operator ----- AddMethod.ssc(42,15) stack1i := $IntToInt(stack1i, System.UIntPtr, System.Int32); // ----- binary operator ----- AddMethod.ssc(42,15) stack0i := stack0i * stack1i; // ----- load constant 1 ----- AddMethod.ssc(42,15) stack1i := 1; // ----- binary operator ----- AddMethod.ssc(42,15) stack0i := stack0i + stack1i; // ----- new array ----- AddMethod.ssc(42,15) assert 0 <= stack0i; havoc temp3; assume $Heap[temp3, $allocated] == false && $Length(temp3) == stack0i; assume $Heap[$ElementProxy(temp3, -1), $allocated] == false && $ElementProxy(temp3, -1) != temp3 && $ElementProxy(temp3, -1) != null; assume temp3 != null; assume $typeof(temp3) == IntArray(System.Int32, 1); assume $Heap[temp3, $ownerRef] == temp3 && $Heap[temp3, $ownerFrame] == $PeerGroupPlaceholder; assume $Heap[$ElementProxy(temp3, -1), $ownerRef] == $ElementProxy(temp3, -1) && $Heap[$ElementProxy(temp3, -1), $ownerFrame] == $PeerGroupPlaceholder; assume $Heap[temp3, $inv] == $typeof(temp3) && $Heap[temp3, $localinv] == $typeof(temp3); assume (forall $i: int :: IntArrayGet($Heap[temp3, $elements], $i) == 0); $Heap[temp3, $allocated] := true; call System.Object..ctor($ElementProxy(temp3, -1)); b := temp3; assume IsHeap($Heap); // ----- load field ----- AddMethod.ssc(43,9) assert this != null; stack0o := $Heap[this, Bag.a]; // ----- copy ----- AddMethod.ssc(43,9) stack1o := b; // ----- load constant 0 ----- AddMethod.ssc(43,9) stack2i := 0; // ----- call ----- AddMethod.ssc(43,9) assert stack0o != null; call System.Array.CopyTo$System.Array$notnull$System.Int32$.Virtual.$(stack0o, stack1o, stack2i); // ----- store field ----- AddMethod.ssc(44,9) assert this != null; assert $Heap[this, $ownerFrame] == $PeerGroupPlaceholder || !($Heap[$Heap[this, $ownerRef], $inv] <: $Heap[this, $ownerFrame]) || $Heap[$Heap[this, $ownerRef], $localinv] == $BaseClass($Heap[this, $ownerFrame]); assert ($Heap[b, $ownerRef] == this && $Heap[b, $ownerFrame] == Bag) || $Heap[b, $ownerFrame] == $PeerGroupPlaceholder; assert $Heap[b, $ownerFrame] == $PeerGroupPlaceholder && $Heap[this, $inv] <: Bag && $Heap[this, $localinv] != $BaseClass(Bag) ==> (forall $pc: ref :: { $typeof($pc) } { $Heap[$pc, $localinv] } { $Heap[$pc, $inv] } { $Heap[$pc, $ownerFrame] } { $Heap[$pc, $ownerRef] } $pc != null && $Heap[$pc, $allocated] && $Heap[$pc, $ownerRef] == $Heap[b, $ownerRef] && $Heap[$pc, $ownerFrame] == $Heap[b, $ownerFrame] ==> $Heap[$pc, $inv] == $typeof($pc) && $Heap[$pc, $localinv] == $typeof($pc)); assert $Heap[b, $ownerFrame] == $PeerGroupPlaceholder && $Heap[this, $inv] <: Bag && $Heap[this, $localinv] != $BaseClass(Bag) ==> $Heap[this, $ownerRef] != $Heap[b, $ownerRef] || $Heap[this, $ownerFrame] != $Heap[b, $ownerFrame]; call $UpdateOwnersForRep(this, Bag, b); havoc temp4; $Heap[this, $exposeVersion] := temp4; $Heap[this, Bag.a] := b; assert !($Heap[this, $inv] <: Bag && $Heap[this, $localinv] != $BaseClass(Bag)) || 0 <= $Heap[this, Bag.n]; assert !($Heap[this, $inv] <: Bag && $Heap[this, $localinv] != $BaseClass(Bag)) || $Heap[this, Bag.n] <= $Length($Heap[this, Bag.a]); assume IsHeap($Heap); goto block6392; block6562: stack0o := null; // ----- binary operator // ----- branch goto true6562to6477, false6562to6579; true6562to6477: assume local2 == stack0o; goto block6477; false6562to6579: assume local2 != stack0o; goto block6579; block6477: // ----- load token ----- AddMethod.ssc(48,5) havoc stack0s; assume $IsTokenForType(stack0s, Bag); // ----- statically resolved GetTypeFromHandle call ----- AddMethod.ssc(48,5) stack0o := TypeObject(Bag); // ----- local pack ----- AddMethod.ssc(48,5) assert temp0 != null; assert $Heap[temp0, $localinv] == System.Object; assert 0 <= $Heap[temp0, Bag.n]; assert $Heap[temp0, Bag.n] <= $Length($Heap[temp0, Bag.a]); assert (forall $p: ref :: $p != null && $Heap[$p, $allocated] && $Heap[$p, $ownerRef] == temp0 && $Heap[$p, $ownerFrame] == Bag ==> $Heap[$p, $inv] == $typeof($p) && $Heap[$p, $localinv] == $typeof($p)); $Heap[temp0, $localinv] := $typeof(temp0); assume IsHeap($Heap); goto block6545; block6579: // ----- is instance // ----- branch goto true6579to6477, false6579to6528; true6579to6477: assume $As(local2, Microsoft.Contracts.ICheckedException) != null; goto block6477; false6579to6528: assume $As(local2, Microsoft.Contracts.ICheckedException) == null; goto block6528; block6528: // ----- branch goto block6545; block6545: // ----- nop // ----- branch goto block6443; block6443: // ----- return return; } procedure Bag..cctor(); free requires $BeingConstructed == null; free requires $PurityAxiomsCanBeAssumed; modifies $Heap, $ActivityIndicator; // newly allocated objects are fully valid free ensures (forall $o: ref :: { $Heap[$o, $localinv] } { $Heap[$o, $inv] } $o != null && !old($Heap)[$o, $allocated] && $Heap[$o, $allocated] ==> $Heap[$o, $inv] == $typeof($o) && $Heap[$o, $localinv] == $typeof($o)); // first consistent owner unchanged if its exposeVersion is free ensures (forall $o: ref :: { $Heap[$o, $FirstConsistentOwner] } old($Heap)[old($Heap)[$o, $FirstConsistentOwner], $exposeVersion] == $Heap[old($Heap)[$o, $FirstConsistentOwner], $exposeVersion] ==> old($Heap)[$o, $FirstConsistentOwner] == $Heap[$o, $FirstConsistentOwner]); // frame condition ensures (forall $o: ref, $f: Field a :: { $Heap[$o, $f] } IncludeInMainFrameCondition($f) && $o != null && old($Heap)[$o, $allocated] && (old($Heap)[$o, $ownerFrame] == $PeerGroupPlaceholder || !(old($Heap)[old($Heap)[$o, $ownerRef], $inv] <: old($Heap)[$o, $ownerFrame]) || old($Heap)[old($Heap)[$o, $ownerRef], $localinv] == $BaseClass(old($Heap)[$o, $ownerFrame])) && old(true) && old(true) ==> old($Heap)[$o, $f] == $Heap[$o, $f]); free ensures $HeapSucc(old($Heap), $Heap); // inv/localinv change only in blocks free ensures (forall $o: ref :: { $Heap[$o, $localinv] } { $Heap[$o, $inv] } old($Heap)[$o, $allocated] ==> old($Heap)[$o, $inv] == $Heap[$o, $inv] && old($Heap)[$o, $localinv] == $Heap[$o, $localinv]); free ensures (forall $o: ref :: { $Heap[$o, $allocated] } old($Heap)[$o, $allocated] ==> $Heap[$o, $allocated]) && (forall $ot: ref :: { $Heap[$ot, $ownerFrame] } { $Heap[$ot, $ownerRef] } old($Heap)[$ot, $allocated] && old($Heap)[$ot, $ownerFrame] != $PeerGroupPlaceholder ==> $Heap[$ot, $ownerRef] == old($Heap)[$ot, $ownerRef] && $Heap[$ot, $ownerFrame] == old($Heap)[$ot, $ownerFrame]) && old($Heap)[$BeingConstructed, $NonNullFieldsAreInitialized] == $Heap[$BeingConstructed, $NonNullFieldsAreInitialized]; free ensures (forall $o: ref :: { $Heap[$o, $sharingMode] } old($Heap[$o, $sharingMode]) == $Heap[$o, $sharingMode]); implementation Bag..cctor() { entry: goto block7650; block7650: goto block7701; block7701: // ----- nop // ----- return return; }