// RUN: %boogie -typeEncoding:n -logPrefix:0n "%s" > "%t"
// RUN: %diff "%s.n.expect" "%t"
// RUN: %boogie -typeEncoding:p -logPrefix:0p "%s" > "%t"
// RUN: %diff "%s.p.expect" "%t"
// RUN: %boogie -typeEncoding:a -logPrefix:0a "%s" > "%t"
// RUN: %diff "%s.a.expect" "%t"
type List a;
function Cons(x:a, y:List a) returns (List a);
// we need some argument ... ugly
function Nil(a) returns (List a);
function Car(List a) returns (a);
function Cdr(List a) returns (List a);
axiom (forall x:a, y:List a :: Car(Cons(x, y)) == x);
axiom (forall x:a, y:List a :: Cdr(Cons(x, y)) == y);
function Len(List a) returns (int);
axiom (forall x:a :: Len(Nil(x)) == 0);
axiom (forall x:a, y:List a :: Len(Cons(x, y)) == 1 + Len(y));
procedure P(param : a) returns () {
var x:a, NIL : List a, l : List a;
NIL := Nil(x);
assert Len(NIL) == 0;
assert Len(Cons(x,Cons(x,NIL))) == 2;
l := Cons(x,Cons(x,NIL));
assert Len(l) == 2;
l := Cons(x, l);
assert Len(l) == 3 && Car(l) == x && Len(Cdr(l)) < Len(l);
assert (forall m : List a, y : a :: Len(Cons(y, m)) > Len(m));
l := Cdr(l);
assert Len(l) == 2 && Car(l) == x;
assert Len(Cons(x,Cons(x,Cons(x,NIL)))) == 2; // should not be provable
procedure Q() returns () {
var NIL : List int, l : List int;
NIL := Nil(0);
assert Len(NIL) == 0;
assert Len(Cons(1,Cons(2,NIL))) == 2;
l := NIL;
l := Cons(42, l);
l := Cons(Car(l) + 17, Cdr(l));
assert Len(l) == 1 && Car(l) == 59;
assert Len(Cons(1,Cons(2,Cons(3,NIL)))) == 2; // should not be provable