// RUN: %boogie -typeEncoding:n -logPrefix:0n %s > %t // RUN: %diff %s.n.expect %t // RUN: %boogie -typeEncoding:p -logPrefix:0p %s > %t // RUN: %diff %s.p.expect %t // RUN: %boogie -typeEncoding:a -logPrefix:0a %s > %t // RUN: %diff %s.a.expect %t const a : [int] bool; const b : [int, bool] int; function f(a) returns (int); axiom (forall x : [int] bool :: f(x) == 7); axiom (forall y : [int, bool] int :: f(y) == 7); procedure P() returns () { var x : [int] bool; assert f(a) > 0; assert f(b) > 0; x := a; x[17] := false; x[16] := true; assert x[15] == a[15] && !x[17]; assert f(x) == 7; assert f(x) == 8; // should not be provable } type Field a; const heap : [ref, Field a] a; procedure Q() returns () { assert f(heap) > 0; // should not be provable } procedure R() returns () { var o : ref; var e : Field int, g : Field bool, h : Field (Field int), i : Field int; var heap2 : [ref, Field a] a; heap2 := heap; heap2[o, e] := 17; assert heap2 == heap[o, e := 17]; heap2[o, g] := true; assert heap2[o, e] == 17 && heap2[o, g]; heap2[o, h] := e; assert heap2[o, heap2[o, h]] == 17; heap2[o, i] := 16; assert heap2[o, g]; assert heap2[o, heap2[o, h]] == 17; // should no longer be provable } type ref;