// RUN: %boogie -noVerify %s > %t // RUN: %diff %s.expect %t type C a _ b; type D; type E _; var A0 : D; var A1 : C D D D; var A2 : [b, C a b D] C a D [D]a; var A3 : [b, C a int D] C bool ref [bv32]a; var A4 : [a] a; // error: a bound twice var A5 : [a] [a] int; // error: a bound twice var A6 : [a] [b] int; var A7 : [a] [int] int; // error: b does not occur as map argument type C _ _; // error: C is already declared var A8 : C int ref; // error: wrong number of arguments var A9 : A0; // error: undeclared type var A10: F int; // error: undeclared type var A11: E D; var A12: E E D; // error: wrong number of arguments var A13: E (E D); var A14: E E E D; // error: wrong number of arguments var A15: E E int; // error: wrong number of arguments var A16: E (E int); var A17: bv64; var A18: [int] bv64; var A19: C E E D; // error: wrong number of arguments var A20: C (E (E D)) int [int] int; var A21: C ( [a] [b] int) int [int] int; var A22: (D); var A23: ((D)); type ref;