type real; type elements; type struct; var $Heap: [ref,name]any; function cast(S) returns (T); function IsHeap(h: [ref,name]any) returns (bool); const unique $allocated: name; const unique $elements: name; const unique $inv: name; const unique $writable: name; const unique $sharingMode: name; const unique $SharingMode_Unshared: name; const unique $SharingMode_LockProtected: name; function ClassRepr(class: name) returns (ref); axiom (forall c0: name, c1: name :: c0 != c1 ==> ClassRepr(c0) != ClassRepr(c1)); axiom (forall T: name :: !($typeof(ClassRepr(T)) <: System.Object)); axiom (forall T: name :: ClassRepr(T) != null); axiom (forall T: name, h: [ref,name]any :: { h[ClassRepr(T), $writable] } IsHeap(h) ==> cast(h[ClassRepr(T), $writable]):bool); function IsDirectlyModifiableField(f: name) returns (bool); axiom !IsDirectlyModifiableField($allocated); axiom IsDirectlyModifiableField($elements); axiom !IsDirectlyModifiableField($inv); axiom !IsDirectlyModifiableField($writable); function IsStaticField(f: name) returns (bool); axiom !IsStaticField($allocated); axiom !IsStaticField($elements); axiom !IsStaticField($inv); axiom !IsStaticField($writable); function ValueArrayGet(elements, int) returns (any); function ValueArraySet(elements, int, any) returns (elements); function RefArrayGet(elements, int) returns (ref); function RefArraySet(elements, int, ref) returns (elements); axiom (forall A: elements, i: int, x: any :: ValueArrayGet(ValueArraySet(A, i, x), i) == x); axiom (forall A: elements, i: int, j: int, x: any :: i != j ==> ValueArrayGet(ValueArraySet(A, i, x), j) == ValueArrayGet(A, j)); axiom (forall A: elements, i: int, x: ref :: RefArrayGet(RefArraySet(A, i, x), i) == x); axiom (forall A: elements, i: int, j: int, x: ref :: i != j ==> RefArrayGet(RefArraySet(A, i, x), j) == RefArrayGet(A, j)); function ArrayIndex(arr: ref, dim: int, indexAtDim: int, remainingIndexContribution: int) returns (int); axiom (forall a: ref, d: int, x: int, y: int, x': int, y': int :: ArrayIndex(a, d, x, y) == ArrayIndex(a, d, x', y') ==> x == x' && y == y'); axiom (forall a: ref, T: name, i: int, r: int, heap: [ref,name]any :: $typeof(a) <: RefArray(T, r) ==> $Is(RefArrayGet(cast(heap[a, $elements]):elements, i), T)); function $Rank(ref) returns (int); axiom (forall a: ref :: 1 <= $Rank(a)); axiom (forall a: ref, T: name, r: int :: { $Is(a, ValueArray(T, r)) } $Is(a, ValueArray(T, r)) ==> $Rank(a) == r); axiom (forall a: ref, T: name, r: int :: { $Is(a, RefArray(T, r)) } $Is(a, RefArray(T, r)) ==> $Rank(a) == r); function $Length(ref) returns (int); axiom (forall a: ref :: { $Length(a) } 0 <= $Length(a)); function $DimLength(ref, int) returns (int); axiom (forall a: ref, i: int :: 0 <= $DimLength(a, i)); axiom (forall a: ref :: $Rank(a) == 1 ==> $DimLength(a, 0) == $Length(a)); function $LBound(ref, int) returns (int); function $UBound(ref, int) returns (int); axiom (forall a: ref, i: int :: { $LBound(a, i) } $LBound(a, i) == 0); axiom (forall a: ref, i: int :: { $UBound(a, i) } $UBound(a, i) == $DimLength(a, i) - 1); const unique System.Array: name; axiom $IsClass(System.Array); axiom System.Array <: System.Object; function $ElementType(name) returns (name); function ValueArray(elementType: name, rank: int) returns (name); axiom (forall T: name, r: int :: { ValueArray(T, r) } ValueArray(T, r) <: System.Array); function RefArray(elementType: name, rank: int) returns (name); axiom (forall T: name, r: int :: { RefArray(T, r) } RefArray(T, r) <: System.Array); axiom (forall T: name, U: name, r: int :: U <: T ==> RefArray(U, r) <: RefArray(T, r)); axiom (forall A: name, r: int :: $ElementType(ValueArray(A, r)) == A); axiom (forall A: name, r: int :: $ElementType(RefArray(A, r)) == A); axiom (forall A: name, r: int, T: name :: { T <: RefArray(A, r) } T <: RefArray(A, r) ==> T == RefArray($ElementType(T), r) && $ElementType(T) <: A); axiom (forall A: name, r: int, T: name :: { T <: ValueArray(A, r) } T <: ValueArray(A, r) ==> T == ValueArray(A, r)); axiom (forall A: name, r: int, T: name :: RefArray(A, r) <: T ==> System.Array <: T || (T == RefArray($ElementType(T), r) && A <: $ElementType(T))); axiom (forall A: name, r: int, T: name :: ValueArray(A, r) <: T ==> System.Array <: T || T == ValueArray(A, r)); function $ArrayPtr(elementType: name) returns (name); function $StructGet(struct, name) returns (any); function $StructSet(struct, name, any) returns (struct); axiom (forall s: struct, f: name, x: any :: $StructGet($StructSet(s, f, x), f) == x); axiom (forall s: struct, f: name, f': name, x: any :: f != f' ==> $StructGet($StructSet(s, f, x), f') == $StructGet(s, f')); function ZeroInit(s: struct, typ: name) returns (bool); function $typeof(ref) returns (name); function Implements(class: name, interface: name) returns (bool); axiom (forall T: name, J: name :: { Implements(T, J) } Implements(T, J) ==> T <: J); function InterfaceExtends(subIntf: name, superIntf: name) returns (bool); axiom (forall J: name, K: name :: { InterfaceExtends(J, K) } InterfaceExtends(J, K) ==> J <: K); function $IsClass(name) returns (bool); axiom (forall C: name :: { $IsClass(C) } $IsClass(C) ==> C <: C); function AsDirectSubClass(sub: name, base: name) returns (sub': name); function OneClassDown(sub: name, base: name) returns (directSub: name); axiom (forall A: name, B: name, C: name :: { C <: AsDirectSubClass(B, A) } C <: AsDirectSubClass(B, A) ==> OneClassDown(C, A) == B); function $IsInterface(name) returns (bool); axiom (forall J: name :: { $IsInterface(J) } $IsInterface(J) ==> J <: System.Object); function $IsValueType(name) returns (bool); axiom (forall T: name :: $IsValueType(T) ==> (forall U: name :: T <: U ==> T == U) && (forall U: name :: U <: T ==> T == U)); const unique System.Object: name; axiom $IsClass(System.Object); function $IsTokenForType(struct, name) returns (bool); function TypeObject(name) returns (ref); const unique System.Type: name; axiom System.Type <: System.Object; axiom (forall T: name :: { TypeObject(T) } $IsNotNull(TypeObject(T), System.Type)); function $Is(ref, name) returns (bool); axiom (forall o: ref, T: name :: { $Is(o, T) } $Is(o, T) <==> o == null || $typeof(o) <: T); function $IsNotNull(ref, name) returns (bool); axiom (forall o: ref, T: name :: { $IsNotNull(o, T) } $IsNotNull(o, T) <==> o != null && $Is(o, T)); function $As(ref, name) returns (ref); axiom (forall o: ref, T: name :: $Is(o, T) ==> $As(o, T) == o); axiom (forall o: ref, T: name :: !$Is(o, T) ==> $As(o, T) == null); axiom (forall heap: [ref,name]any, o: ref, A: name, r: int :: $Is(o, RefArray(A, r)) ==> heap[o, $inv] == $typeof(o)); axiom (forall heap: [ref,name]any, o: ref, A: name, r: int :: $Is(o, ValueArray(A, r)) ==> heap[o, $inv] == $typeof(o)); function IsAllocated(h: [ref,name]any, o: any) returns (bool); axiom (forall h: [ref,name]any, o: ref, f: name :: { IsAllocated(h, h[o, f]) } IsHeap(h) ==> IsAllocated(h, h[o, f])); axiom (forall h: [ref,name]any, s: struct, f: name :: { IsAllocated(h, $StructGet(s, f)) } IsAllocated(h, s) ==> IsAllocated(h, $StructGet(s, f))); axiom (forall h: [ref,name]any, e: elements, i: int :: { IsAllocated(h, RefArrayGet(e, i)) } IsAllocated(h, e) ==> IsAllocated(h, RefArrayGet(e, i))); axiom (forall h: [ref,name]any, o: ref :: { h[o, $allocated] } IsAllocated(h, o) ==> cast(h[o, $allocated]):bool); axiom (forall h: [ref,name]any, c: name :: { h[ClassRepr(c), $allocated] } IsHeap(h) ==> cast(h[ClassRepr(c), $allocated]):bool); function DeclType(field: name) returns (class: name); function AsNonNullRefField(field: name, T: name) returns (f: name); function AsRefField(field: name, T: name) returns (f: name); function AsRangeField(field: name, T: name) returns (f: name); axiom (forall f: name, T: name :: { AsNonNullRefField(f, T) } AsNonNullRefField(f, T) == f ==> AsRefField(f, T) == f); axiom (forall h: [ref,name]any, o: ref, f: name, T: name :: { h[o, AsRefField(f, T)] } IsHeap(h) ==> $Is(cast(h[o, AsRefField(f, T)]):ref, T)); axiom (forall h: [ref,name]any, o: ref, f: name, T: name :: { h[o, AsNonNullRefField(f, T)] } IsHeap(h) ==> cast(h[o, AsNonNullRefField(f, T)]):ref != null); axiom (forall h: [ref,name]any, o: ref, f: name, T: name :: { h[o, AsRangeField(f, T)] } IsHeap(h) ==> InRange(cast(h[o, AsRangeField(f, T)]):int, T)); const unique System.String: name; axiom (forall h: [ref,name]any, s: ref :: IsHeap(h) && $typeof(s) == System.String ==> h[s, $inv] == $typeof(s) && cast(h[s, $writable]):bool); function AsOwnedField(f: name) returns (name); axiom (forall h: [ref,name]any, o: ref, f: name :: { h[o, AsOwnedField(f)] } IsHeap(h) && cast(h[o, $inv]):name <: DeclType(AsOwnedField(f)) ==> cast(h[o, AsOwnedField(f)]):ref == null || $typeof(cast(h[o, AsOwnedField(f)]):ref) == System.String || !cast(h[cast(h[o, AsOwnedField(f)]):ref, $writable]):bool); axiom (forall h: [ref,name]any, o: ref :: { h[o, $writable] } IsHeap(h) && !cast(h[o, $writable]):bool ==> cast(h[o, $inv]):name == $typeof(o)); function Box(any, ref) returns (ref); function Unbox(ref) returns (any); axiom (forall x: any, p: ref :: { Unbox(Box(x, p)) } Unbox(Box(x, p)) == x); axiom (forall heap: [ref,name]any, x: any, p: ref :: { heap[Box(x, p), $inv] } IsHeap(heap) ==> heap[Box(x, p), $inv] == $typeof(Box(x, p))); function UnboxedType(ref) returns (name); function BoxTester(p: ref, typ: name) returns (ref); axiom (forall p: ref, typ: name :: { BoxTester(p, typ) } UnboxedType(p) == typ <==> BoxTester(p, typ) != null); const unique System.Int16: name; axiom $IsValueType(System.Int16); const unique System.Int32: name; axiom $IsValueType(System.Int32); const unique System.Int64: name; axiom $IsValueType(System.Int64); const unique System.Byte: name; axiom $IsValueType(System.Byte); const unique System.Int16.MinValue: int; const unique System.Int16.MaxValue: int; const unique System.Int32.MinValue: int; const unique System.Int32.MaxValue: int; const unique System.Int64.MinValue: int; const unique System.Int64.MaxValue: int; axiom System.Int64.MinValue < System.Int32.MinValue; axiom System.Int32.MinValue < System.Int16.MinValue; axiom System.Int16.MinValue < System.Int16.MaxValue; axiom System.Int16.MaxValue < System.Int32.MaxValue; axiom System.Int32.MaxValue < System.Int64.MaxValue; function InRange(i: int, T: name) returns (bool); axiom (forall i: int :: InRange(i, System.Int16) <==> System.Int16.MinValue <= i && i <= System.Int16.MaxValue); axiom (forall i: int :: InRange(i, System.Int32) <==> System.Int32.MinValue <= i && i <= System.Int32.MaxValue); axiom (forall i: int :: InRange(i, System.Int64) <==> System.Int64.MinValue <= i && i <= System.Int64.MaxValue); axiom (forall i: int :: { InRange(i, System.Byte) } InRange(i, System.Byte) <==> 0 <= i && i < 256); function $RealToInt(real) returns (int); function $IntToReal(int) returns (real); function $SizeIs(name, int) returns (bool); function $IfThenElse(bool, any, any) returns (any); axiom (forall b: bool, x: any, y: any :: { $IfThenElse(b, x, y) } b ==> $IfThenElse(b, x, y) == x); axiom (forall b: bool, x: any, y: any :: { $IfThenElse(b, x, y) } !b ==> $IfThenElse(b, x, y) == y); function #neg(int) returns (int); function #rneg(real) returns (real); function #rdiv(real, real) returns (real); function #and(int, int) returns (int); function #or(int, int) returns (int); function #xor(int, int) returns (int); function #shl(int, int) returns (int); function #shr(int, int) returns (int); axiom (forall x: int, y: int :: { x % y } { x / y } x % y == x - x / y * y); axiom (forall x: int, y: int :: { x % y } 0 <= x && 0 < y ==> 0 <= x % y && x % y < y); axiom (forall x: int, y: int :: { x % y } 0 <= x && y < 0 ==> 0 <= x % y && x % y < 0 - y); axiom (forall x: int, y: int :: { x % y } x <= 0 && 0 < y ==> 0 - y < x % y && x % y <= 0); axiom (forall x: int, y: int :: { x % y } x <= 0 && y < 0 ==> y < x % y && x % y <= 0); axiom (forall x: int, y: int :: { (x + y) % y } 0 <= x && 0 <= y ==> (x + y) % y == x % y); axiom (forall x: int, y: int :: { (y + x) % y } 0 <= x && 0 <= y ==> (y + x) % y == x % y); axiom (forall x: int, y: int :: { (x - y) % y } 0 <= x - y && 0 <= y ==> (x - y) % y == x % y); axiom (forall a: int, b: int, d: int :: { a % d,b % d } 2 <= d && a % d == b % d && a < b ==> a + d <= b); axiom (forall i: int :: { #shl(i, 0) } #shl(i, 0) == i); axiom (forall i: int, j: int :: 0 <= j ==> #shl(i, j + 1) == #shl(i, j) * 2); axiom (forall i: int :: { #shr(i, 0) } #shr(i, 0) == i); axiom (forall i: int, j: int :: 0 <= j ==> #shr(i, j + 1) == #shr(i, j) / 2); const unique $UnknownRef: ref; const unique System.IComparable: name; const unique Microsoft.Singularity.Applications.ThreadTest: name; const unique System.Threading.Thread: name; const unique System.Collections.IEnumerable: name; const unique System.Threading.ThreadStart: name; const unique System.ICloneable: name; const unique System.MulticastDelegate: name; const unique System.Delegate: name; const unique $stringLiteral0: ref; axiom (forall heap: [ref,name]any :: { cast(heap[$stringLiteral0, $allocated]):bool } IsHeap(heap) ==> cast(heap[$stringLiteral0, $allocated]):bool) && $IsNotNull($stringLiteral0, System.String) && $Length($stringLiteral0) == 13; const unique $stringLiteral1: ref; axiom (forall heap: [ref,name]any :: { cast(heap[$stringLiteral1, $allocated]):bool } IsHeap(heap) ==> cast(heap[$stringLiteral1, $allocated]):bool) && $IsNotNull($stringLiteral1, System.String) && $Length($stringLiteral1) == 14; const unique $stringLiteral2: ref; axiom (forall heap: [ref,name]any :: { cast(heap[$stringLiteral2, $allocated]):bool } IsHeap(heap) ==> cast(heap[$stringLiteral2, $allocated]):bool) && $IsNotNull($stringLiteral2, System.String) && $Length($stringLiteral2) == 11; const unique $stringLiteral3: ref; axiom (forall heap: [ref,name]any :: { cast(heap[$stringLiteral3, $allocated]):bool } IsHeap(heap) ==> cast(heap[$stringLiteral3, $allocated]):bool) && $IsNotNull($stringLiteral3, System.String) && $Length($stringLiteral3) == 18; const unique $stringLiteral4: ref; axiom (forall heap: [ref,name]any :: { cast(heap[$stringLiteral4, $allocated]):bool } IsHeap(heap) ==> cast(heap[$stringLiteral4, $allocated]):bool) && $IsNotNull($stringLiteral4, System.String) && $Length($stringLiteral4) == 19; const unique $stringLiteral5: ref; axiom (forall heap: [ref,name]any :: { cast(heap[$stringLiteral5, $allocated]):bool } IsHeap(heap) ==> cast(heap[$stringLiteral5, $allocated]):bool) && $IsNotNull($stringLiteral5, System.String) && $Length($stringLiteral5) == 14; const unique $stringLiteral6: ref; axiom (forall heap: [ref,name]any :: { cast(heap[$stringLiteral6, $allocated]):bool } IsHeap(heap) ==> cast(heap[$stringLiteral6, $allocated]):bool) && $IsNotNull($stringLiteral6, System.String) && $Length($stringLiteral6) == 15; const unique $stringLiteral7: ref; axiom (forall heap: [ref,name]any :: { cast(heap[$stringLiteral7, $allocated]):bool } IsHeap(heap) ==> cast(heap[$stringLiteral7, $allocated]):bool) && $IsNotNull($stringLiteral7, System.String) && $Length($stringLiteral7) == 11; const unique $stringLiteral8: ref; axiom (forall heap: [ref,name]any :: { cast(heap[$stringLiteral8, $allocated]):bool } IsHeap(heap) ==> cast(heap[$stringLiteral8, $allocated]):bool) && $IsNotNull($stringLiteral8, System.String) && $Length($stringLiteral8) == 19; const unique $stringLiteral9: ref; axiom (forall heap: [ref,name]any :: { cast(heap[$stringLiteral9, $allocated]):bool } IsHeap(heap) ==> cast(heap[$stringLiteral9, $allocated]):bool) && $IsNotNull($stringLiteral9, System.String) && $Length($stringLiteral9) == 20; const unique $stringLiteral10: ref; axiom (forall heap: [ref,name]any :: { cast(heap[$stringLiteral10, $allocated]):bool } IsHeap(heap) ==> cast(heap[$stringLiteral10, $allocated]):bool) && $IsNotNull($stringLiteral10, System.String) && $Length($stringLiteral10) == 22; const unique $stringLiteral11: ref; axiom (forall heap: [ref,name]any :: { cast(heap[$stringLiteral11, $allocated]):bool } IsHeap(heap) ==> cast(heap[$stringLiteral11, $allocated]):bool) && $IsNotNull($stringLiteral11, System.String) && $Length($stringLiteral11) == 21; const unique $stringLiteral12: ref; axiom (forall heap: [ref,name]any :: { cast(heap[$stringLiteral12, $allocated]):bool } IsHeap(heap) ==> cast(heap[$stringLiteral12, $allocated]):bool) && $IsNotNull($stringLiteral12, System.String) && $Length($stringLiteral12) == 23; const unique $stringLiteral13: ref; axiom (forall heap: [ref,name]any :: { cast(heap[$stringLiteral13, $allocated]):bool } IsHeap(heap) ==> cast(heap[$stringLiteral13, $allocated]):bool) && $IsNotNull($stringLiteral13, System.String) && $Length($stringLiteral13) == 22; axiom $IsClass(Microsoft.Singularity.Applications.ThreadTest); axiom Microsoft.Singularity.Applications.ThreadTest <: System.Object && AsDirectSubClass(Microsoft.Singularity.Applications.ThreadTest, System.Object) == Microsoft.Singularity.Applications.ThreadTest; axiom (forall $K: name :: { Microsoft.Singularity.Applications.ThreadTest <: $K } Microsoft.Singularity.Applications.ThreadTest <: $K <==> Microsoft.Singularity.Applications.ThreadTest == $K || System.Object <: $K); function Inv_Microsoft.Singularity.Applications.ThreadTest(object: ref, heap: [ref,name]any) returns (result: bool); axiom (forall this: ref, heap: [ref,name]any :: { Inv_Microsoft.Singularity.Applications.ThreadTest(this, heap) } Inv_Microsoft.Singularity.Applications.ThreadTest(this, heap) <==> true); axiom (forall $o: ref, heap: [ref,name]any :: { cast(heap[$o, $inv]):name <: Microsoft.Singularity.Applications.ThreadTest } { Inv_Microsoft.Singularity.Applications.ThreadTest($o, heap) } IsHeap(heap) && cast(heap[$o, $inv]):name <: Microsoft.Singularity.Applications.ThreadTest ==> Inv_Microsoft.Singularity.Applications.ThreadTest($o, heap)); procedure Microsoft.Singularity.Applications.ThreadTest.FirstThreadMethod(); modifies $Heap; free ensures IsHeap($Heap); free ensures (forall $o: ref, $f: name :: $f != $inv && $o != null && cast(old($Heap)[$o, $allocated]):bool == true && cast(old($Heap)[$o, $writable]):bool == true && (!IsStaticField($f) || !IsDirectlyModifiableField($f)) ==> old($Heap[$o, $f]) == $Heap[$o, $f]); free ensures (forall $o: ref :: old($Heap)[$o, $inv] == $Heap[$o, $inv] || cast(old($Heap)[$o, $allocated]):bool != true); free ensures (forall $o: ref :: cast(old($Heap)[$o, $allocated]):bool ==> cast($Heap[$o, $allocated]):bool); free ensures (forall $o: ref :: old($Heap[$o, $sharingMode]) == $Heap[$o, $sharingMode]); implementation Microsoft.Singularity.Applications.ThreadTest.FirstThreadMethod() { var stack0o: ref, i: int, stack0i: int, stack0b: bool, local1: int, $Heap$block1513$LoopPreheader: [ref,name]any; entry: assume IsHeap($Heap); goto block1479; block1479: goto block1496; block1496: // ----- load constant First thread! ----- C:\Maf\Singularity\base\Applications\Tests\ThreadTest\ThreadTest.cs(21,13) stack0o := $stringLiteral0; // ----- call ----- C:\Maf\Singularity\base\Applications\Tests\ThreadTest\ThreadTest.cs(21,13) call System.Console.WriteLine$System.String(stack0o); // ----- load constant First thread! ----- C:\Maf\Singularity\base\Applications\Tests\ThreadTest\ThreadTest.cs(22,13) stack0o := $stringLiteral1; // ----- call ----- C:\Maf\Singularity\base\Applications\Tests\ThreadTest\ThreadTest.cs(22,13) call Microsoft.Singularity.DebugStub.Print$System.String(stack0o); // ----- load constant 0 ----- C:\Maf\Singularity\base\Applications\Tests\ThreadTest\ThreadTest.cs(24,18) i := 0; goto block1513$LoopPreheader; block1513: // ----- default loop invariant: $inv field ----- C:\Maf\Singularity\base\Applications\Tests\ThreadTest\ThreadTest.cs(24,29) assert (forall $o: ref :: $Heap$block1513$LoopPreheader[$o, $inv] == $Heap[$o, $inv] || cast($Heap$block1513$LoopPreheader[$o, $allocated]):bool != true); assert (forall $o: ref :: cast($Heap$block1513$LoopPreheader[$o, $allocated]):bool ==> cast($Heap[$o, $allocated]):bool); // ----- load constant 10 ----- C:\Maf\Singularity\base\Applications\Tests\ThreadTest\ThreadTest.cs(24,29) stack0i := 10; // ----- binary operator ----- C:\Maf\Singularity\base\Applications\Tests\ThreadTest\ThreadTest.cs(24,29) stack0b := i >= stack0i; // ----- branch ----- C:\Maf\Singularity\base\Applications\Tests\ThreadTest\ThreadTest.cs(24,29) goto true1513to1547, false1513to1530; true1513to1547: assume stack0b == true; goto block1547; false1513to1530: assume stack0b == false; goto block1530; block1547: // ----- load constant First thread done! ----- C:\Maf\Singularity\base\Applications\Tests\ThreadTest\ThreadTest.cs(29,13) stack0o := $stringLiteral3; // ----- call ----- C:\Maf\Singularity\base\Applications\Tests\ThreadTest\ThreadTest.cs(29,13) call System.Console.WriteLine$System.String(stack0o); // ----- load constant First thread done! ----- C:\Maf\Singularity\base\Applications\Tests\ThreadTest\ThreadTest.cs(30,13) stack0o := $stringLiteral4; // ----- call ----- C:\Maf\Singularity\base\Applications\Tests\ThreadTest\ThreadTest.cs(30,13) call Microsoft.Singularity.DebugStub.Print$System.String(stack0o); // ----- return ----- C:\Maf\Singularity\base\Applications\Tests\ThreadTest\ThreadTest.cs(31,10) return; block1530: // ----- load constant [0] ... ----- C:\Maf\Singularity\base\Applications\Tests\ThreadTest\ThreadTest.cs(25,17) stack0o := $stringLiteral2; // ----- call ----- C:\Maf\Singularity\base\Applications\Tests\ThreadTest\ThreadTest.cs(25,17) // Commented out, to avoid problems with the theorem prover nondeterministically choosing this error over the one 12 lines above: call System.Console.WriteLine$System.String(stack0o); // ----- call ----- C:\Maf\Singularity\base\Applications\Tests\ThreadTest\ThreadTest.cs(26,17) call System.Threading.Thread.Yield(); // ----- copy ----- C:\Maf\Singularity\base\Applications\Tests\ThreadTest\ThreadTest.cs(24,37) local1 := i; // ----- load constant 1 stack0i := 1; // ----- binary operator stack0i := local1 + stack0i; // ----- copy i := stack0i; // ----- copy stack0i := local1; // ----- branch goto block1513; block1513$LoopPreheader: $Heap$block1513$LoopPreheader := $Heap; goto block1513; } axiom $IsClass(System.String); axiom System.String <: System.Object && AsDirectSubClass(System.String, System.Object) == System.String; axiom $IsInterface(System.IComparable); axiom (forall $K: name :: { System.IComparable <: $K } System.IComparable <: $K <==> System.IComparable == $K || System.Object == $K); axiom Implements(System.String, System.IComparable); axiom $IsInterface(System.ICloneable); axiom (forall $K: name :: { System.ICloneable <: $K } System.ICloneable <: $K <==> System.ICloneable == $K || System.Object == $K); axiom Implements(System.String, System.ICloneable); axiom $IsInterface(System.Collections.IEnumerable); axiom (forall $K: name :: { System.Collections.IEnumerable <: $K } System.Collections.IEnumerable <: $K <==> System.Collections.IEnumerable == $K || System.Object == $K); axiom Implements(System.String, System.Collections.IEnumerable); axiom (forall $K: name :: { System.String <: $K } System.String <: $K <==> System.String == $K || System.Object <: $K || System.IComparable <: $K || System.ICloneable <: $K || System.Collections.IEnumerable <: $K); axiom (forall $U: name :: { $U <: System.String } $U <: System.String ==> $U == System.String); function Inv_System.String(object: ref, heap: [ref,name]any) returns (result: bool); axiom (forall this: ref, heap: [ref,name]any :: { Inv_System.String(this, heap) } Inv_System.String(this, heap) <==> true); axiom (forall $o: ref, heap: [ref,name]any :: { cast(heap[$o, $inv]):name <: System.String } { Inv_System.String($o, heap) } IsHeap(heap) && cast(heap[$o, $inv]):name <: System.String ==> Inv_System.String($o, heap)); procedure System.Console.WriteLine$System.String(value$in: ref); requires value$in == null || (cast($Heap[value$in, $writable]):bool == true && cast($Heap[value$in, $inv]):name == $typeof(value$in)); modifies $Heap; free ensures IsHeap($Heap); free ensures (forall $o: ref, $f: name :: $f != $inv && $o != null && cast(old($Heap)[$o, $allocated]):bool == true && cast(old($Heap)[$o, $writable]):bool == true && (!IsStaticField($f) || !IsDirectlyModifiableField($f)) ==> old($Heap[$o, $f]) == $Heap[$o, $f]); free ensures (forall $o: ref :: old($Heap)[$o, $inv] == $Heap[$o, $inv] || cast(old($Heap)[$o, $allocated]):bool != true); free ensures (forall $o: ref :: cast(old($Heap)[$o, $allocated]):bool ==> cast($Heap[$o, $allocated]):bool); free ensures (forall $o: ref :: old($Heap[$o, $sharingMode]) == $Heap[$o, $sharingMode]); procedure Microsoft.Singularity.DebugStub.Print$System.String(value$in: ref); requires value$in == null || (cast($Heap[value$in, $writable]):bool == true && cast($Heap[value$in, $inv]):name == $typeof(value$in)); modifies $Heap; free ensures IsHeap($Heap); free ensures (forall $o: ref, $f: name :: $f != $inv && $o != null && cast(old($Heap)[$o, $allocated]):bool == true && cast(old($Heap)[$o, $writable]):bool == true && (!IsStaticField($f) || !IsDirectlyModifiableField($f)) ==> old($Heap[$o, $f]) == $Heap[$o, $f]); free ensures (forall $o: ref :: old($Heap)[$o, $inv] == $Heap[$o, $inv] || cast(old($Heap)[$o, $allocated]):bool != true); free ensures (forall $o: ref :: cast(old($Heap)[$o, $allocated]):bool ==> cast($Heap[$o, $allocated]):bool); free ensures (forall $o: ref :: old($Heap[$o, $sharingMode]) == $Heap[$o, $sharingMode]); procedure System.Threading.Thread.Yield(); modifies $Heap; free ensures IsHeap($Heap); free ensures (forall $o: ref, $f: name :: $f != $inv && $o != null && cast(old($Heap)[$o, $allocated]):bool == true && cast(old($Heap)[$o, $writable]):bool == true && (!IsStaticField($f) || !IsDirectlyModifiableField($f)) ==> old($Heap[$o, $f]) == $Heap[$o, $f]); free ensures (forall $o: ref :: old($Heap)[$o, $inv] == $Heap[$o, $inv] || cast(old($Heap)[$o, $allocated]):bool != true); free ensures (forall $o: ref :: cast(old($Heap)[$o, $allocated]):bool ==> cast($Heap[$o, $allocated]):bool); free ensures (forall $o: ref :: old($Heap[$o, $sharingMode]) == $Heap[$o, $sharingMode]); procedure Microsoft.Singularity.Applications.ThreadTest.SecondThreadMethod(); modifies $Heap; free ensures IsHeap($Heap); free ensures (forall $o: ref, $f: name :: $f != $inv && $o != null && cast(old($Heap)[$o, $allocated]):bool == true && cast(old($Heap)[$o, $writable]):bool == true && (!IsStaticField($f) || !IsDirectlyModifiableField($f)) ==> old($Heap[$o, $f]) == $Heap[$o, $f]); free ensures (forall $o: ref :: old($Heap)[$o, $inv] == $Heap[$o, $inv] || cast(old($Heap)[$o, $allocated]):bool != true); free ensures (forall $o: ref :: cast(old($Heap)[$o, $allocated]):bool ==> cast($Heap[$o, $allocated]):bool); free ensures (forall $o: ref :: old($Heap[$o, $sharingMode]) == $Heap[$o, $sharingMode]); implementation Microsoft.Singularity.Applications.ThreadTest.SecondThreadMethod() { var stack0o: ref, i: int, stack0i: int, stack0b: bool, local1: int, $Heap$block2516$LoopPreheader: [ref,name]any; entry: assume IsHeap($Heap); goto block2482; block2482: goto block2499; block2499: // ----- load constant Second thread! ----- C:\Maf\Singularity\base\Applications\Tests\ThreadTest\ThreadTest.cs(35,13) stack0o := $stringLiteral5; // ----- call ----- C:\Maf\Singularity\base\Applications\Tests\ThreadTest\ThreadTest.cs(35,13) call System.Console.WriteLine$System.String(stack0o); // ----- load constant Second thread! ----- C:\Maf\Singularity\base\Applications\Tests\ThreadTest\ThreadTest.cs(36,13) stack0o := $stringLiteral6; // ----- call ----- C:\Maf\Singularity\base\Applications\Tests\ThreadTest\ThreadTest.cs(36,13) call Microsoft.Singularity.DebugStub.Print$System.String(stack0o); // ----- load constant 0 ----- C:\Maf\Singularity\base\Applications\Tests\ThreadTest\ThreadTest.cs(38,18) i := 0; goto block2516$LoopPreheader; block2516: // ----- default loop invariant: $inv field ----- C:\Maf\Singularity\base\Applications\Tests\ThreadTest\ThreadTest.cs(38,29) assert (forall $o: ref :: $Heap$block2516$LoopPreheader[$o, $inv] == $Heap[$o, $inv] || cast($Heap$block2516$LoopPreheader[$o, $allocated]):bool != true); assert (forall $o: ref :: cast($Heap$block2516$LoopPreheader[$o, $allocated]):bool ==> cast($Heap[$o, $allocated]):bool); // ----- load constant 10 ----- C:\Maf\Singularity\base\Applications\Tests\ThreadTest\ThreadTest.cs(38,29) stack0i := 10; // ----- binary operator ----- C:\Maf\Singularity\base\Applications\Tests\ThreadTest\ThreadTest.cs(38,29) stack0b := i >= stack0i; // ----- branch ----- C:\Maf\Singularity\base\Applications\Tests\ThreadTest\ThreadTest.cs(38,29) goto true2516to2550, false2516to2533; true2516to2550: assume stack0b == true; goto block2550; false2516to2533: assume stack0b == false; goto block2533; block2550: // ----- load constant Second thread done! ----- C:\Maf\Singularity\base\Applications\Tests\ThreadTest\ThreadTest.cs(44,13) stack0o := $stringLiteral8; // ----- call ----- C:\Maf\Singularity\base\Applications\Tests\ThreadTest\ThreadTest.cs(44,13) call System.Console.WriteLine$System.String(stack0o); // ----- load constant Second thread done! ----- C:\Maf\Singularity\base\Applications\Tests\ThreadTest\ThreadTest.cs(45,13) stack0o := $stringLiteral9; // ----- call ----- C:\Maf\Singularity\base\Applications\Tests\ThreadTest\ThreadTest.cs(45,13) call Microsoft.Singularity.DebugStub.Print$System.String(stack0o); // ----- return ----- C:\Maf\Singularity\base\Applications\Tests\ThreadTest\ThreadTest.cs(46,10) return; block2533: // ----- load constant ... [1] ----- C:\Maf\Singularity\base\Applications\Tests\ThreadTest\ThreadTest.cs(40,17) stack0o := $stringLiteral7; // ----- call ----- C:\Maf\Singularity\base\Applications\Tests\ThreadTest\ThreadTest.cs(40,17) // Commented out, to avoid problems with the theorem prover nondeterministically choosing this error over the one 12 lines above: call System.Console.WriteLine$System.String(stack0o); // ----- call ----- C:\Maf\Singularity\base\Applications\Tests\ThreadTest\ThreadTest.cs(41,17) call System.Threading.Thread.Yield(); // ----- copy ----- C:\Maf\Singularity\base\Applications\Tests\ThreadTest\ThreadTest.cs(38,37) local1 := i; // ----- load constant 1 stack0i := 1; // ----- binary operator stack0i := local1 + stack0i; // ----- copy i := stack0i; // ----- copy stack0i := local1; // ----- branch goto block2516; block2516$LoopPreheader: $Heap$block2516$LoopPreheader := $Heap; goto block2516; } procedure Microsoft.Singularity.Applications.ThreadTest.Main$System.String.array(args$in: ref) returns ($result: int); requires args$in == null || (cast($Heap[args$in, $writable]):bool == true && cast($Heap[args$in, $inv]):name == $typeof(args$in)); modifies $Heap; free ensures IsHeap($Heap); free ensures IsAllocated($Heap, $result); free ensures (forall $o: ref, $f: name :: $f != $inv && $o != null && cast(old($Heap)[$o, $allocated]):bool == true && cast(old($Heap)[$o, $writable]):bool == true && (!IsStaticField($f) || !IsDirectlyModifiableField($f)) ==> old($Heap[$o, $f]) == $Heap[$o, $f]); free ensures (forall $o: ref :: old($Heap)[$o, $inv] == $Heap[$o, $inv] || cast(old($Heap)[$o, $allocated]):bool != true); free ensures (forall $o: ref :: cast(old($Heap)[$o, $allocated]):bool ==> cast($Heap[$o, $allocated]):bool); free ensures (forall $o: ref :: old($Heap[$o, $sharingMode]) == $Heap[$o, $sharingMode]); implementation Microsoft.Singularity.Applications.ThreadTest.Main$System.String.array(args$in: ref) returns ($result: int) { var args: ref, stack0o: ref, stack1o: ref, stack50000o: ref, t1: ref, t2: ref, i: int, stack0i: int, stack0b: bool, local3: int, return.value: int, SS$Display.Return.Local: int, $Heap$block3825$LoopPreheader: [ref,name]any; entry: assume IsHeap($Heap); args := args$in; assume $Is(args, RefArray(System.String, 1)); assume cast($Heap[args$in, $allocated]):bool == true; goto block3791; block3791: goto block3808; block3808: stack0o := null; // ----- load function ----- C:\Maf\Singularity\base\Applications\Tests\ThreadTest\ThreadTest.cs(51,13) havoc stack1o; // ----- new object ----- C:\Maf\Singularity\base\Applications\Tests\ThreadTest\ThreadTest.cs(51,13) havoc stack50000o; assume cast($Heap[stack50000o, $allocated]):bool == false && stack50000o != null && $typeof(stack50000o) == System.Threading.ThreadStart; $Heap[stack50000o, $allocated] := true; // ----- call ----- C:\Maf\Singularity\base\Applications\Tests\ThreadTest\ThreadTest.cs(51,13) assert stack50000o != null; call System.Threading.ThreadStart..ctor$System.Object$System.IntPtr(stack50000o, stack0o, stack1o); // ----- copy ----- C:\Maf\Singularity\base\Applications\Tests\ThreadTest\ThreadTest.cs(51,13) stack0o := stack50000o; // ----- new object ----- C:\Maf\Singularity\base\Applications\Tests\ThreadTest\ThreadTest.cs(51,13) havoc stack50000o; assume cast($Heap[stack50000o, $allocated]):bool == false && stack50000o != null && $typeof(stack50000o) == System.Threading.Thread; $Heap[stack50000o, $allocated] := true; // ----- call ----- C:\Maf\Singularity\base\Applications\Tests\ThreadTest\ThreadTest.cs(51,13) assert stack50000o != null; call System.Threading.Thread..ctor$System.Threading.ThreadStart(stack50000o, stack0o); // ----- copy ----- C:\Maf\Singularity\base\Applications\Tests\ThreadTest\ThreadTest.cs(51,13) stack0o := stack50000o; // ----- copy ----- C:\Maf\Singularity\base\Applications\Tests\ThreadTest\ThreadTest.cs(51,13) t1 := stack0o; stack0o := null; // ----- load function ----- C:\Maf\Singularity\base\Applications\Tests\ThreadTest\ThreadTest.cs(52,13) havoc stack1o; // ----- new object ----- C:\Maf\Singularity\base\Applications\Tests\ThreadTest\ThreadTest.cs(52,13) havoc stack50000o; assume cast($Heap[stack50000o, $allocated]):bool == false && stack50000o != null && $typeof(stack50000o) == System.Threading.ThreadStart; $Heap[stack50000o, $allocated] := true; // ----- call ----- C:\Maf\Singularity\base\Applications\Tests\ThreadTest\ThreadTest.cs(52,13) assert stack50000o != null; call System.Threading.ThreadStart..ctor$System.Object$System.IntPtr(stack50000o, stack0o, stack1o); // ----- copy ----- C:\Maf\Singularity\base\Applications\Tests\ThreadTest\ThreadTest.cs(52,13) stack0o := stack50000o; // ----- new object ----- C:\Maf\Singularity\base\Applications\Tests\ThreadTest\ThreadTest.cs(52,13) havoc stack50000o; assume cast($Heap[stack50000o, $allocated]):bool == false && stack50000o != null && $typeof(stack50000o) == System.Threading.Thread; $Heap[stack50000o, $allocated] := true; // ----- call ----- C:\Maf\Singularity\base\Applications\Tests\ThreadTest\ThreadTest.cs(52,13) assert stack50000o != null; call System.Threading.Thread..ctor$System.Threading.ThreadStart(stack50000o, stack0o); // ----- copy ----- C:\Maf\Singularity\base\Applications\Tests\ThreadTest\ThreadTest.cs(52,13) stack0o := stack50000o; // ----- copy ----- C:\Maf\Singularity\base\Applications\Tests\ThreadTest\ThreadTest.cs(52,13) t2 := stack0o; // ----- load constant Starting first thread. ----- C:\Maf\Singularity\base\Applications\Tests\ThreadTest\ThreadTest.cs(54,13) stack0o := $stringLiteral10; // ----- call ----- C:\Maf\Singularity\base\Applications\Tests\ThreadTest\ThreadTest.cs(54,13) call System.Console.WriteLine$System.String(stack0o); // ----- call ----- C:\Maf\Singularity\base\Applications\Tests\ThreadTest\ThreadTest.cs(55,13) assert t1 != null; call System.Threading.Thread.Start(t1); // ----- load constant Started first thread. ----- C:\Maf\Singularity\base\Applications\Tests\ThreadTest\ThreadTest.cs(56,13) stack0o := $stringLiteral11; // ----- call ----- C:\Maf\Singularity\base\Applications\Tests\ThreadTest\ThreadTest.cs(56,13) call System.Console.WriteLine$System.String(stack0o); // ----- load constant Starting second thread. ----- C:\Maf\Singularity\base\Applications\Tests\ThreadTest\ThreadTest.cs(58,13) stack0o := $stringLiteral12; // ----- call ----- C:\Maf\Singularity\base\Applications\Tests\ThreadTest\ThreadTest.cs(58,13) call System.Console.WriteLine$System.String(stack0o); // ----- call ----- C:\Maf\Singularity\base\Applications\Tests\ThreadTest\ThreadTest.cs(59,13) assert t2 != null; call System.Threading.Thread.Start(t2); // ----- load constant Started second thread. ----- C:\Maf\Singularity\base\Applications\Tests\ThreadTest\ThreadTest.cs(60,13) stack0o := $stringLiteral13; // ----- call ----- C:\Maf\Singularity\base\Applications\Tests\ThreadTest\ThreadTest.cs(60,13) call System.Console.WriteLine$System.String(stack0o); // ----- load constant 0 ----- C:\Maf\Singularity\base\Applications\Tests\ThreadTest\ThreadTest.cs(62,18) i := 0; goto block3825$LoopPreheader; block3825: // ----- default loop invariant: $inv field ----- C:\Maf\Singularity\base\Applications\Tests\ThreadTest\ThreadTest.cs(62,29) assert (forall $o: ref :: $Heap$block3825$LoopPreheader[$o, $inv] == $Heap[$o, $inv] || cast($Heap$block3825$LoopPreheader[$o, $allocated]):bool != true); assert (forall $o: ref :: cast($Heap$block3825$LoopPreheader[$o, $allocated]):bool ==> cast($Heap[$o, $allocated]):bool); // ----- load constant 30 ----- C:\Maf\Singularity\base\Applications\Tests\ThreadTest\ThreadTest.cs(62,29) stack0i := 30; // ----- binary operator ----- C:\Maf\Singularity\base\Applications\Tests\ThreadTest\ThreadTest.cs(62,29) stack0b := i >= stack0i; // ----- branch ----- C:\Maf\Singularity\base\Applications\Tests\ThreadTest\ThreadTest.cs(62,29) goto true3825to3859, false3825to3842; true3825to3859: assume stack0b == true; goto block3859; false3825to3842: assume stack0b == false; goto block3842; block3859: // ----- load constant 0 ----- C:\Maf\Singularity\base\Applications\Tests\ThreadTest\ThreadTest.cs(66,13) return.value := 0; // ----- branch goto block3876; block3842: // ----- call ----- C:\Maf\Singularity\base\Applications\Tests\ThreadTest\ThreadTest.cs(64,17) call System.Threading.Thread.Yield(); // ----- copy ----- C:\Maf\Singularity\base\Applications\Tests\ThreadTest\ThreadTest.cs(62,37) local3 := i; // ----- load constant 1 stack0i := 1; // ----- binary operator stack0i := local3 + stack0i; // ----- copy i := stack0i; // ----- copy stack0i := local3; // ----- branch goto block3825; block3876: // ----- copy SS$Display.Return.Local := return.value; // ----- copy ----- C:\Maf\Singularity\base\Applications\Tests\ThreadTest\ThreadTest.cs(67,10) stack0i := return.value; // ----- return ----- C:\Maf\Singularity\base\Applications\Tests\ThreadTest\ThreadTest.cs(67,10) $result := stack0i; return; block3825$LoopPreheader: $Heap$block3825$LoopPreheader := $Heap; goto block3825; } axiom $IsClass(System.Threading.ThreadStart); axiom $IsClass(System.MulticastDelegate); axiom $IsClass(System.Delegate); axiom System.Delegate <: System.Object && AsDirectSubClass(System.Delegate, System.Object) == System.Delegate; axiom Implements(System.Delegate, System.ICloneable); axiom (forall $K: name :: { System.Delegate <: $K } System.Delegate <: $K <==> System.Delegate == $K || System.Object <: $K || System.ICloneable <: $K); function Inv_System.Delegate(object: ref, heap: [ref,name]any) returns (result: bool); axiom (forall this: ref, heap: [ref,name]any :: { Inv_System.Delegate(this, heap) } Inv_System.Delegate(this, heap) <==> true); axiom (forall $o: ref, heap: [ref,name]any :: { cast(heap[$o, $inv]):name <: System.Delegate } { Inv_System.Delegate($o, heap) } IsHeap(heap) && cast(heap[$o, $inv]):name <: System.Delegate ==> Inv_System.Delegate($o, heap)); axiom System.MulticastDelegate <: System.Delegate && AsDirectSubClass(System.MulticastDelegate, System.Delegate) == System.MulticastDelegate; axiom (forall $K: name :: { System.MulticastDelegate <: $K } System.MulticastDelegate <: $K <==> System.MulticastDelegate == $K || System.Delegate <: $K); function Inv_System.MulticastDelegate(object: ref, heap: [ref,name]any) returns (result: bool); axiom (forall this: ref, heap: [ref,name]any :: { Inv_System.MulticastDelegate(this, heap) } Inv_System.MulticastDelegate(this, heap) <==> true); axiom (forall $o: ref, heap: [ref,name]any :: { cast(heap[$o, $inv]):name <: System.MulticastDelegate } { Inv_System.MulticastDelegate($o, heap) } IsHeap(heap) && cast(heap[$o, $inv]):name <: System.MulticastDelegate ==> Inv_System.MulticastDelegate($o, heap)); axiom System.Threading.ThreadStart <: System.MulticastDelegate && AsDirectSubClass(System.Threading.ThreadStart, System.MulticastDelegate) == System.Threading.ThreadStart; axiom (forall $K: name :: { System.Threading.ThreadStart <: $K } System.Threading.ThreadStart <: $K <==> System.Threading.ThreadStart == $K || System.MulticastDelegate <: $K); axiom (forall $U: name :: { $U <: System.Threading.ThreadStart } $U <: System.Threading.ThreadStart ==> $U == System.Threading.ThreadStart); function Inv_System.Threading.ThreadStart(object: ref, heap: [ref,name]any) returns (result: bool); axiom (forall this: ref, heap: [ref,name]any :: { Inv_System.Threading.ThreadStart(this, heap) } Inv_System.Threading.ThreadStart(this, heap) <==> true); axiom (forall $o: ref, heap: [ref,name]any :: { cast(heap[$o, $inv]):name <: System.Threading.ThreadStart } { Inv_System.Threading.ThreadStart($o, heap) } IsHeap(heap) && cast(heap[$o, $inv]):name <: System.Threading.ThreadStart ==> Inv_System.Threading.ThreadStart($o, heap)); procedure System.Threading.ThreadStart..ctor$System.Object$System.IntPtr(this: ref, object$in: ref, method$in: ref); modifies $Heap; free ensures IsHeap($Heap); free ensures (forall $o: ref, $f: name :: $f != $inv && $o != null && cast(old($Heap)[$o, $allocated]):bool == true && cast(old($Heap)[$o, $writable]):bool == true && (!IsStaticField($f) || !IsDirectlyModifiableField($f)) ==> old($Heap[$o, $f]) == $Heap[$o, $f]); free ensures (forall $o: ref :: old($Heap)[$o, $inv] == $Heap[$o, $inv] || cast(old($Heap)[$o, $allocated]):bool != true); free ensures (forall $o: ref :: cast(old($Heap)[$o, $allocated]):bool ==> cast($Heap[$o, $allocated]):bool); free ensures (forall $o: ref :: old($Heap[$o, $sharingMode]) == $Heap[$o, $sharingMode]); ensures cast($Heap[this, $writable]):bool == true && cast($Heap[this, $inv]):name == System.Threading.ThreadStart; axiom $IsClass(System.Threading.Thread); axiom System.Threading.Thread <: System.Object && AsDirectSubClass(System.Threading.Thread, System.Object) == System.Threading.Thread; axiom (forall $K: name :: { System.Threading.Thread <: $K } System.Threading.Thread <: $K <==> System.Threading.Thread == $K || System.Object <: $K); axiom (forall $U: name :: { $U <: System.Threading.Thread } $U <: System.Threading.Thread ==> $U == System.Threading.Thread); function Inv_System.Threading.Thread(object: ref, heap: [ref,name]any) returns (result: bool); axiom (forall this: ref, heap: [ref,name]any :: { Inv_System.Threading.Thread(this, heap) } Inv_System.Threading.Thread(this, heap) <==> true); axiom (forall $o: ref, heap: [ref,name]any :: { cast(heap[$o, $inv]):name <: System.Threading.Thread } { Inv_System.Threading.Thread($o, heap) } IsHeap(heap) && cast(heap[$o, $inv]):name <: System.Threading.Thread ==> Inv_System.Threading.Thread($o, heap)); procedure System.Threading.Thread..ctor$System.Threading.ThreadStart(this: ref, start$in: ref); requires start$in == null || (cast($Heap[start$in, $writable]):bool == true && cast($Heap[start$in, $inv]):name == $typeof(start$in)); modifies $Heap; free ensures IsHeap($Heap); free ensures (forall $o: ref, $f: name :: $f != $inv && $o != null && cast(old($Heap)[$o, $allocated]):bool == true && cast(old($Heap)[$o, $writable]):bool == true && (!IsStaticField($f) || !IsDirectlyModifiableField($f)) && ($o != this || !(System.Threading.Thread <: DeclType($f))) ==> old($Heap[$o, $f]) == $Heap[$o, $f]); free ensures (forall $o: ref :: $o == this || old($Heap)[$o, $inv] == $Heap[$o, $inv] || cast(old($Heap)[$o, $allocated]):bool != true); free ensures (forall $o: ref :: cast(old($Heap)[$o, $allocated]):bool ==> cast($Heap[$o, $allocated]):bool); free ensures (forall $o: ref :: $o == this || old($Heap[$o, $sharingMode]) == $Heap[$o, $sharingMode]); ensures cast($Heap[this, $writable]):bool == true && cast($Heap[this, $inv]):name == System.Threading.Thread; ensures $Heap[this, $sharingMode] == $SharingMode_Unshared; procedure System.Threading.Thread.Start(this: ref); requires cast($Heap[this, $writable]):bool == true && cast($Heap[this, $inv]):name == $typeof(this); modifies $Heap; free ensures IsHeap($Heap); free ensures (forall $o: ref, $f: name :: $f != $inv && $o != null && cast(old($Heap)[$o, $allocated]):bool == true && cast(old($Heap)[$o, $writable]):bool == true && (!IsStaticField($f) || !IsDirectlyModifiableField($f)) ==> old($Heap[$o, $f]) == $Heap[$o, $f]); free ensures (forall $o: ref :: old($Heap)[$o, $inv] == $Heap[$o, $inv] || cast(old($Heap)[$o, $allocated]):bool != true); free ensures (forall $o: ref :: cast(old($Heap)[$o, $allocated]):bool ==> cast($Heap[$o, $allocated]):bool); free ensures (forall $o: ref :: old($Heap[$o, $sharingMode]) == $Heap[$o, $sharingMode]); procedure Microsoft.Singularity.Applications.ThreadTest..ctor(this: ref); modifies $Heap; free ensures IsHeap($Heap); free ensures (forall $o: ref, $f: name :: $f != $inv && $o != null && cast(old($Heap)[$o, $allocated]):bool == true && cast(old($Heap)[$o, $writable]):bool == true && (!IsStaticField($f) || !IsDirectlyModifiableField($f)) && ($o != this || !(Microsoft.Singularity.Applications.ThreadTest <: DeclType($f))) ==> old($Heap[$o, $f]) == $Heap[$o, $f]); free ensures (forall $o: ref :: $o == this || old($Heap)[$o, $inv] == $Heap[$o, $inv] || cast(old($Heap)[$o, $allocated]):bool != true); free ensures (forall $o: ref :: cast(old($Heap)[$o, $allocated]):bool ==> cast($Heap[$o, $allocated]):bool); free ensures (forall $o: ref :: $o == this || old($Heap[$o, $sharingMode]) == $Heap[$o, $sharingMode]); ensures cast($Heap[this, $writable]):bool == true && cast($Heap[this, $inv]):name == Microsoft.Singularity.Applications.ThreadTest; ensures $Heap[this, $sharingMode] == $SharingMode_Unshared; implementation Microsoft.Singularity.Applications.ThreadTest..ctor(this: ref) { entry: assume IsHeap($Heap); assume $IsNotNull(this, Microsoft.Singularity.Applications.ThreadTest); assume cast($Heap[this, $allocated]):bool == true; assume cast($Heap[this, $writable]):bool == true && cast($Heap[this, $inv]):name == System.Object; goto block4777; block4777: goto block4794; block4794: // ----- call ----- C:\Maf\Singularity\base\Applications\Tests\ThreadTest\ThreadTest.cs(17,18) assert this != null; call System.Object..ctor(this); // ----- return ----- C:\Maf\Singularity\base\Applications\Tests\ThreadTest\ThreadTest.cs(17,28) assert this != null; assert cast($Heap[this, $writable]):bool == true && System.Object <: cast($Heap[this, $inv]):name; assert cast($Heap[this, $writable]):bool == true && cast($Heap[this, $inv]):name == System.Object; assert Inv_Microsoft.Singularity.Applications.ThreadTest(this, $Heap); $Heap[this, $inv] := Microsoft.Singularity.Applications.ThreadTest; return; } procedure System.Object..ctor(this: ref); modifies $Heap; free ensures IsHeap($Heap); free ensures (forall $o: ref, $f: name :: $f != $inv && $o != null && cast(old($Heap)[$o, $allocated]):bool == true && cast(old($Heap)[$o, $writable]):bool == true && (!IsStaticField($f) || !IsDirectlyModifiableField($f)) && ($o != this || !(System.Object <: DeclType($f))) ==> old($Heap[$o, $f]) == $Heap[$o, $f]); free ensures (forall $o: ref :: $o == this || old($Heap)[$o, $inv] == $Heap[$o, $inv] || cast(old($Heap)[$o, $allocated]):bool != true); free ensures (forall $o: ref :: cast(old($Heap)[$o, $allocated]):bool ==> cast($Heap[$o, $allocated]):bool); free ensures (forall $o: ref :: $o == this || old($Heap[$o, $sharingMode]) == $Heap[$o, $sharingMode]); ensures cast($Heap[this, $writable]):bool == true && cast($Heap[this, $inv]):name == System.Object; ensures $Heap[this, $sharingMode] == $SharingMode_Unshared; type ref, name, any; const null : ref;