// RUN: %boogie -noinfer %s > %t // RUN: %diff %s.expect %t // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- single trigger function f(int, int) returns (int); axiom (forall x: int, y: int :: f(x,y) < x+y); axiom (forall x: int :: { f(x,10) } f(x,10) == 3); procedure P(a: int, b: int) requires a <= 25 && b <= 30; { start: assert f(a,b) <= 100; return; } procedure Q(a: int, b: int) requires a + 2 <= b; { start: assert f(a,b) == 3; // not provable with the trigger given above return; } procedure R(a: int, b: int) requires a + 2 <= b; { start: assume b <= 10 && 8 <= a; assert f(a,b) == 3; // now, the trigger should fire return; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- multi trigger function g(int, int) returns (int); axiom (forall x: int, y: int :: { g(x,10),g(x,y) } g(x,y) == 3); // multi-trigger procedure S(a: int, b: int) requires a + 2 <= b; { start: assert g(a,b) == 3; // not provable with the trigger given above return; } procedure T(a: int, b: int) requires a + 2 <= b; { start: assume b <= 10 && 8 <= a; assert g(a,b) == 3; // this should trigger return; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- several triggers function h(int, int) returns (int); axiom (forall y: int :: { g(y,y) } { h(y,h(y,10)) } h(y, h(y,y)) == y); // several triggers procedure U0(a: int) { start: assert h(a,h(a,a)) == a; // not provable with the triggers given above return; } procedure U1(a: int, b: int) { start: assume g(a,b) == 5; assert h(a,h(a,a)) == a; // not provable with the triggers given above return; } procedure V0(a: int, b: int) requires a == b; { start: assume g(a,b) == 5; assert h(a,h(a,a)) == a; // this should trigger return; } procedure V1(a: int, b: int) { start: assume a == 10; assert h(a,h(a,a)) == a; // this should trigger return; } procedure V2(a: int, b: int) { start: assume 0 <= h(a,h(a,10)); assume a == 17; assert h(a,h(a,a)) == a; // this should trigger return; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- negated triggers function ka(ref) returns (int); function kb(ref) returns (int); function kbSynonym(ref) returns (int); function isA(ref, name) returns (bool); function isB(ref, name) returns (bool); const $T: name; axiom (forall o: ref :: isA(o, $T) ==> ka(o) < ka(o)); // automatically inferred triggers can be both isA(o,$T) and ka(o) axiom (forall o: ref :: {:nopats isB(o, $T) } isB(o, $T) ==> kb(o) < kbSynonym(o)); // prevent isB(o,$T) from being used as a trigger axiom (forall o: ref :: kb(o) == kbSynonym(o)); procedure W(o: ref, e: int) requires isB(o, $T); { start: assert e > 20; // the isB axiom should not trigger, so this cannot be proved return; } procedure X0(o: ref, e: int) requires isA(o, $T); { start: assert e > 20; // this should trigger the isA axiom, so anything is provable return; } procedure X1(o: ref, e: int, u: int) requires isB(o, $T); { start: assume f(kb(o), kb(o)) == u; assert e > 20; // this should now trigger the isB axiom, so anything is provable return; } procedure X2(o: ref, e: int, u: int) requires isB(o, $T); { start: assert e > 20; // error is report here, providing evidence that the isB axiom has not been triggered return; } type name, ref;