// RUN: %boogie -noinfer %s > %t // RUN: %diff %s.expect %t const a:bool; const b:bool; const c:bool; const d:bool; function f(int) returns (bool); axiom (forall x:int :: f(x) <== x >= 0); procedure P() { assert (a ==> (b ==> c) ==> d) == (d <== (c <== b) <== a); assert (a ==> b ==> c) == (c <== (a ==> b)); // error assert f(23); assert f(-5); // error } procedure Q0(x: int) { assert x == 2; // error assert x == 2; // nothing reported for this line, since control cannot reach here } procedure Q1(x: int) { assert {:subsumption 0} x == 2; // error assert x == 2; // error (because the subsumption attribute above makes the execution 'forget' the condition) } procedure Q2(x: int) { assert x == 2; // error assert {:subsumption 0} x == 2; // nothing reported for this line, since control cannot reach here } procedure Q3(x: int) { assert {:subsumption 0} x == 2; // error assert {:subsumption 0} x == 2; // error (because the subsumption attribute above makes the execution 'forget' the condition) }