// Test the implementation of free calls. These calls don't check the preconditions of the // called procedure in the caller. procedure Uncallable(i: int) requires 0 <= i; free requires true; requires false; { } procedure UncallableReturn(i: int) returns (b: bool) requires 0 <= i; free requires true; requires false; { b := true; } function T(b: bool) : bool { b == true } procedure TestCallForall(b: bool) requires T(b); free requires true; ensures T(b); { } procedure NormalCall0() { call Uncallable(0); // error: precondition violation } procedure NormalCall1() { call Uncallable(-1); // error: precondition violation } procedure FreeCall0() { free call Uncallable(0); } procedure FreeCall1() { free call Uncallable(-1); } procedure NormalCall2() { var b: bool; call b := UncallableReturn(0); // error: precondition violation } procedure NormalCall3() { var b: bool; call b := UncallableReturn(-1); // error: precondition violation } procedure FreeCall3() { var b: bool; free call b := UncallableReturn(0); } procedure FreeCall4() { var b: bool; free call b := UncallableReturn(-1); }