// RUN: %boogie -noinfer %s > %t // RUN: %diff %s.expect %t // RUN: %boogie -noinfer -typeEncoding:m %s > %t // RUN: %diff %s.expect %t // -------------------- 1-dimensional arrays -------------------- var A: [ref]int; procedure P0(o: ref, q: ref, y: int) requires o != q; modifies A; ensures A[o] == old(A[o]) + y; ensures (forall p: ref :: A[p] == old(A[p]) || p == o); { var k: int; start: k := A[q]; A[o] := y + A[o]; A[q] := k; return; } procedure P1(o: ref, q: ref, y: int) // This procedure does not have the assumption that o != q. modifies A; // It also does not ensures anything about A[o] ensures (forall p: ref :: A[p] == old(A[p]) || p == o); { var k: int; start: k := A[q]; A[o] := y + A[o]; A[q] := k; return; } procedure P2(o: ref, q: ref, y: int) // This procedure does not have the assumption that o != q. modifies A; ensures A[o] == old(A[o]) + y; { var k: int; start: k := A[q]; A[o] := y + A[o]; A[q] := k; return; } // error: postcondition violated (if o == q) // -------------------- 2-dimensional arrays -------------------- var B: [ref,name]int; const F: name; procedure Q0(o: ref, q: ref, y: int, G: name) requires o != q && F != G; modifies B; ensures B[o,F] == old(B[o,F]) + y; ensures (forall p: ref, f: name :: B[p,f] == old(B[p,f]) || (p == o && f == F)); { var k: int; start: k := B[q,G]; B[o,F] := y + B[o,F]; B[q,G] := k; return; } procedure Q1(o: ref, q: ref, y: int, G: name) // This procedure does not have the assumption that o != q && F != G. modifies B; // It also does not ensures anything about B[o,F] ensures (forall p: ref, f: name :: B[p,f] == old(B[p,f]) || (p == o && f == F)); { var k: int; start: k := B[q,G]; B[o,F] := y + B[o,F]; B[q,G] := k; return; } procedure Q2(o: ref, q: ref, y: int, G: name) requires F != G; // This procedure does not have the assumption that o != q. modifies B; ensures B[o,F] == old(B[o,F]) + y; { var k: int; start: k := B[q,G]; B[o,F] := y + B[o,F]; B[q,G] := k; return; } procedure Q3(o: ref, q: ref, y: int, G: name) requires o != q; // This procedure does not have the assumption that F != G. modifies B; ensures B[o,F] == old(B[o,F]) + y; { var k: int; start: k := B[q,G]; B[o,F] := y + B[o,F]; B[q,G] := k; return; } procedure Q4(o: ref, q: ref, y: int, G: name) // This procedure does not have either of the assumptions o != q and F != G. modifies B; ensures B[o,F] == old(B[o,F]) + y; { var k: int; start: k := B[q,G]; B[o,F] := y + B[o,F]; B[q,G] := k; return; } // error: postcondition violated // -------------------- more tests -------------------- procedure Skip0(o: ref, q: ref, G: name, H: name) modifies A,B; ensures (forall p: ref :: A[p] == old(A[p])); ensures (forall p: ref, g: name :: B[p,g] == old(B[p,g])); { start: return; } procedure Skip1(o: ref, q: ref, G: name, H: name) modifies A,B; ensures (forall p: ref :: A[p] == old(A[p])); ensures (forall p: ref, g: name :: B[p,g] == old(B[p,g])); { var k: int; var l: int; start: k := A[o]; l := A[q]; goto oneWay, theOtherWay; oneWay: A[o] := k; A[q] := l; goto next; theOtherWay: A[q] := l; A[o] := k; goto next; next: k := B[o,G]; l := B[q,H]; goto Lx, Ly; Lx: B[o,G] := k; B[q,H] := l; return; Ly: B[q,H] := l; B[o,G] := k; return; } type name, ref;