var g: int where g == 12; procedure P(x: int where x > 0) returns (y: int where y < 0); requires x < 100; modifies g; ensures -100 < y; implementation P(xx: int) returns (yy: int) { var a: int; var b: int; start: a := xx; call b := P(a); yy := b; return; } type double; function F(double) returns (double); function G(double) returns (bool); procedure Q(omega: double where omega == F(omega), psi: double where psi + 1 == 0, // error: psi doesn't have right type for + pi: double where F(pi), // error: F has wrong return type sigma: double where G(sigma)); const SomeConstant: name; function fgh(int) returns (int); procedure Cnst(n: name where n <: SomeConstant /*this SomeConstant refers to the const*/) returns (SomeConstant: int) { var k: int where k != SomeConstant; // fine, since SomeConstants refers to the out parameter var m: name where m != SomeConstant; // error: types don't match up var r: ref where (forall abc: int :: abc == SomeConstant); var b: bool; start: b := (forall x: int :: fgh(x) < SomeConstant); b := (forall l: name :: l == SomeConstant); // error: SomeConstant here refers to the out parameter return; } type ref, name;