IntReal.bpl(7,8): Error: invalid argument types (int and real) to binary operator >= IntReal.bpl(8,8): Error: invalid argument types (int and real) to binary operator <= IntReal.bpl(9,8): Error: invalid argument types (int and real) to binary operator < IntReal.bpl(10,8): Error: invalid argument types (int and real) to binary operator > IntReal.bpl(12,9): Error: invalid argument types (int and real) to binary operator == IntReal.bpl(13,8): Error: invalid argument types (int and real) to binary operator + IntReal.bpl(14,8): Error: invalid argument types (int and real) to binary operator - IntReal.bpl(15,8): Error: invalid argument types (int and real) to binary operator * IntReal.bpl(16,8): Error: invalid argument types (int and real) to binary operator div IntReal.bpl(17,8): Error: invalid argument types (int and real) to binary operator mod IntReal.bpl(19,12): Error: invalid argument types (real and int) to binary operator == IntReal.bpl(25,8): Error: invalid argument types (int and real) to binary operator ** IntReal.bpl(29,14): Error: invalid argument types (real and int) to binary operator == IntReal.bpl(31,13): Error: invalid argument types (int and real) to binary operator == IntReal.bpl(34,6): Error: argument type int does not match expected type real IntReal.bpl(35,6): Error: argument type real does not match expected type int IntReal.bpl(47,8): Error: invalid argument types (real and int) to binary operator div IntReal.bpl(48,8): Error: invalid argument types (real and int) to binary operator mod 18 type checking errors detected in IntReal.bpl