Processing command (at Snapshots0.v0.bpl(41,5)) assert false; >>> DoNothingToAssert Snapshots0.v0.bpl(41,5): Error BP5001: This assertion might not hold. Processing command (at Snapshots0.v0.bpl(8,5)) assert false; >>> DoNothingToAssert Snapshots0.v0.bpl(8,5): Error BP5001: This assertion might not hold. Processing command (at Snapshots0.v0.bpl(19,5)) assert false; >>> DoNothingToAssert Snapshots0.v0.bpl(19,5): Error BP5001: This assertion might not hold. Processing command (at Snapshots0.v0.bpl(30,5)) assert false; >>> DoNothingToAssert Snapshots0.v0.bpl(30,5): Error BP5001: This assertion might not hold. Boogie program verifier finished with 0 verified, 4 errors Snapshots0.v0.bpl(41,5): Error BP5001: This assertion might not hold. Processing command (at Snapshots0.v1.bpl(19,5)) assert true; >>> DoNothingToAssert Processing command (at Snapshots0.v1.bpl(30,5)) assert false; >>> DoNothingToAssert Snapshots0.v1.bpl(30,5): Error BP5001: This assertion might not hold. Processing command (at Snapshots0.v1.bpl(41,5)) assert true; >>> DoNothingToAssert Boogie program verifier finished with 2 verified, 2 errors Snapshots0.v0.bpl(41,5): Error BP5001: This assertion might not hold. Processing command (at Snapshots0.v2.bpl(19,5)) assert true; >>> DoNothingToAssert Processing command (at Snapshots0.v2.bpl(30,5)) assert true; >>> DoNothingToAssert Boogie program verifier finished with 2 verified, 1 error Processing command (at Snapshots1.v0.bpl(13,5)) assert 1 != 1; >>> DoNothingToAssert Snapshots1.v0.bpl(13,5): Error BP5001: This assertion might not hold. Boogie program verifier finished with 1 verified, 1 error Processing command (at Snapshots1.v1.bpl(13,5)) assert 2 != 2; >>> DoNothingToAssert Snapshots1.v1.bpl(13,5): Error BP5001: This assertion might not hold. Boogie program verifier finished with 1 verified, 1 error Processing call to procedure P2 in implementation P1 (at Snapshots1.v2.bpl(5,5)): Processing command (at Snapshots1.v2.bpl(5,5)) assert false; >>> DoNothingToAssert Snapshots1.v2.bpl(5,5): Error BP5002: A precondition for this call might not hold. Snapshots1.v2.bpl(10,3): Related location: This is the precondition that might not hold. Processing command (at Snapshots1.v2.bpl(14,5)) assert 2 != 2; >>> DoNothingToAssert Boogie program verifier finished with 1 verified, 1 error Boogie program verifier finished with 1 verified, 0 errors Boogie program verifier finished with 1 verified, 0 errors Processing call to procedure P0 in implementation P0 (at Snapshots2.v2.bpl(6,5)): Processing command (at Snapshots2.v2.bpl(6,5)) assert F0(); >>> DoNothingToAssert Boogie program verifier finished with 1 verified, 0 errors Processing call to procedure P0 in implementation P0 (at Snapshots2.v3.bpl(6,5)): >>> added after: a##post##0 := a##post##0 && false; Processing command (at Snapshots2.v3.bpl(6,5)) assert F0(); >>> DoNothingToAssert Boogie program verifier finished with 1 verified, 0 errors Boogie program verifier finished with 1 verified, 0 errors Processing call to procedure P0 in implementation P0 (at Snapshots2.v5.bpl(7,5)): >>> added axiom: ##extracted_function##1() == F0() >>> added before precondition check: assume {:precondition_previous_snapshot} ##extracted_function##1(); Processing command (at Snapshots2.v5.bpl(7,5)) assume {:precondition_previous_snapshot} ##extracted_function##1(); >>> MarkAsFullyVerified Processing command (at Snapshots2.v5.bpl(7,5)) assert F0(); >>> MarkAsFullyVerified Processing command (at Snapshots2.v5.bpl(3,1)) assert F0(); >>> MarkAsFullyVerified Boogie program verifier finished with 1 verified, 0 errors Processing command (at Snapshots3.v0.bpl(2,1)) assert G(); >>> DoNothingToAssert Boogie program verifier finished with 1 verified, 0 errors Processing command (at Snapshots3.v1.bpl(2,1)) assert G(); >>> DoNothingToAssert Snapshots3.v1.bpl(6,1): Error BP5003: A postcondition might not hold on this return path. Snapshots3.v1.bpl(2,1): Related location: This is the postcondition that might not hold. Boogie program verifier finished with 0 verified, 1 error Boogie program verifier finished with 3 verified, 0 errors Processing call to procedure P2 in implementation P1 (at Snapshots4.v1.bpl(14,5)): >>> added after: a##post##0 := a##post##0 && false; Processing command (at Snapshots4.v1.bpl(23,5)) assert false; >>> DoNothingToAssert Snapshots4.v1.bpl(23,5): Error BP5001: This assertion might not hold. Processing command (at Snapshots4.v1.bpl(28,3)) assert G(); >>> DoNothingToAssert Snapshots4.v1.bpl(33,1): Error BP5003: A postcondition might not hold on this return path. Snapshots4.v1.bpl(28,3): Related location: This is the postcondition that might not hold. Boogie program verifier finished with 2 verified, 2 errors Processing command (at Snapshots5.v0.bpl(5,5)) assert false; >>> DoNothingToAssert Boogie program verifier finished with 1 verified, 0 errors Processing command (at Snapshots5.v1.bpl(5,5)) assert false; >>> DoNothingToAssert Snapshots5.v1.bpl(5,5): Error BP5001: This assertion might not hold. Boogie program verifier finished with 0 verified, 1 error Processing command (at Snapshots6.v0.bpl(13,5)) assert y == 0; >>> DoNothingToAssert Boogie program verifier finished with 1 verified, 0 errors Processing call to procedure N in implementation M (at Snapshots6.v1.bpl(11,5)): >>> added axiom: (forall y##old##0: int, y: int :: { ##extracted_function##1(y##old##0, y) } ##extracted_function##1(y##old##0, y) == (y##old##0 == y)) >>> added before: y##old##0 := y; >>> added after: a##post##0 := a##post##0 && ##extracted_function##1(y##old##0, y); Processing command (at ) a##post##0 := a##post##0 && ##extracted_function##1(y##old##0, y); >>> AssumeNegationOfAssumptionVariable Processing command (at Snapshots6.v1.bpl(13,5)) assert y == 0; >>> MarkAsPartiallyVerified Snapshots6.v1.bpl(13,5): Error BP5001: This assertion might not hold. Boogie program verifier finished with 0 verified, 1 error Processing command (at Snapshots7.v0.bpl(14,5)) assert y < 0; >>> DoNothingToAssert Boogie program verifier finished with 1 verified, 0 errors Processing call to procedure N in implementation M (at Snapshots7.v1.bpl(12,5)): >>> added axiom: (forall y: int, z: int :: { ##extracted_function##1(y, z) } ##extracted_function##1(y, z) == (y < z)) >>> added before: y##old##0 := y; >>> added after: a##post##0 := a##post##0 && ##extracted_function##1(y, z); Processing command (at ) a##post##0 := a##post##0 && ##extracted_function##1(y, z); >>> AssumeNegationOfAssumptionVariable Processing command (at Snapshots7.v1.bpl(14,5)) assert y < 0; >>> MarkAsPartiallyVerified Boogie program verifier finished with 1 verified, 0 errors Processing command (at Snapshots8.v0.bpl(8,5)) assert 0 < call0formal#AT#n; >>> DoNothingToAssert Processing command (at Snapshots8.v0.bpl(10,5)) assert 0 <= x; >>> DoNothingToAssert Boogie program verifier finished with 1 verified, 0 errors Processing call to procedure N in implementation M (at Snapshots8.v1.bpl(8,5)): >>> added axiom: (forall call0formal#AT#n: int :: { ##extracted_function##1(call0formal#AT#n) } ##extracted_function##1(call0formal#AT#n) == (0 < call0formal#AT#n)) >>> added axiom: (forall call1formal#AT#r: int :: { ##extracted_function##2(call1formal#AT#r) } ##extracted_function##2(call1formal#AT#r) == (0 < call1formal#AT#r)) >>> added before precondition check: assume {:precondition_previous_snapshot} ##extracted_function##1(call0formal#AT#n); >>> added after: a##post##0 := a##post##0 && ##extracted_function##2(call1formal#AT#r); Processing command (at Snapshots8.v1.bpl(8,5)) assume {:precondition_previous_snapshot} ##extracted_function##1(call0formal#AT#n); >>> MarkAsFullyVerified Processing command (at Snapshots8.v1.bpl(8,5)) assert 0 < call0formal#AT#n; >>> MarkAsFullyVerified Processing command (at ) a##post##0 := a##post##0 && ##extracted_function##2(call1formal#AT#r); >>> AssumeNegationOfAssumptionVariable Processing command (at Snapshots8.v1.bpl(10,5)) assert 0 <= x; >>> MarkAsPartiallyVerified Boogie program verifier finished with 1 verified, 0 errors Processing command (at Snapshots9.v0.bpl(8,5)) assert 0 < call0formal#AT#n; >>> DoNothingToAssert Processing command (at Snapshots9.v0.bpl(8,5)) assert true; >>> DoNothingToAssert Processing command (at Snapshots9.v0.bpl(10,5)) assert 0 <= x; >>> DoNothingToAssert Boogie program verifier finished with 1 verified, 0 errors Processing call to procedure N in implementation M (at Snapshots9.v1.bpl(8,5)): >>> added axiom: (forall call0formal#AT#n: int :: { ##extracted_function##1(call0formal#AT#n) } ##extracted_function##1(call0formal#AT#n) == (0 < call0formal#AT#n && true)) >>> added axiom: (forall call1formal#AT#r: int :: { ##extracted_function##2(call1formal#AT#r) } ##extracted_function##2(call1formal#AT#r) == (0 < call1formal#AT#r && true)) >>> added before precondition check: assume {:precondition_previous_snapshot} ##extracted_function##1(call0formal#AT#n); >>> added after: a##post##0 := a##post##0 && ##extracted_function##2(call1formal#AT#r); Processing command (at Snapshots9.v1.bpl(8,5)) assume {:precondition_previous_snapshot} ##extracted_function##1(call0formal#AT#n); >>> MarkAsFullyVerified Processing command (at Snapshots9.v1.bpl(8,5)) assert 0 < call0formal#AT#n; >>> MarkAsFullyVerified Processing command (at ) a##post##0 := a##post##0 && ##extracted_function##2(call1formal#AT#r); >>> AssumeNegationOfAssumptionVariable Processing command (at Snapshots9.v1.bpl(10,5)) assert 0 <= x; >>> MarkAsPartiallyVerified Boogie program verifier finished with 1 verified, 0 errors Processing command (at Snapshots10.v0.bpl(8,5)) assert 0 < call0formal#AT#n; >>> DoNothingToAssert Processing command (at Snapshots10.v0.bpl(12,5)) assert 0 <= x; >>> DoNothingToAssert Boogie program verifier finished with 1 verified, 0 errors Processing call to procedure N in implementation M (at Snapshots10.v1.bpl(8,5)): >>> added axiom: (forall call0formal#AT#n: int :: { ##extracted_function##1(call0formal#AT#n) } ##extracted_function##1(call0formal#AT#n) == (0 < call0formal#AT#n)) >>> added axiom: (forall call1formal#AT#r: int :: { ##extracted_function##2(call1formal#AT#r) } ##extracted_function##2(call1formal#AT#r) == (0 < call1formal#AT#r)) >>> added before precondition check: assume {:precondition_previous_snapshot} ##extracted_function##1(call0formal#AT#n); >>> added after: a##post##0 := a##post##0 && ##extracted_function##2(call1formal#AT#r); Processing command (at Snapshots10.v1.bpl(8,5)) assume {:precondition_previous_snapshot} ##extracted_function##1(call0formal#AT#n); >>> MarkAsFullyVerified Processing command (at Snapshots10.v1.bpl(8,5)) assert 0 < call0formal#AT#n; >>> MarkAsFullyVerified Processing command (at ) a##post##0 := a##post##0 && ##extracted_function##2(call1formal#AT#r); >>> AssumeNegationOfAssumptionVariable Processing command (at Snapshots10.v1.bpl(12,5)) assert 0 <= x; >>> MarkAsPartiallyVerified Boogie program verifier finished with 1 verified, 0 errors Processing command (at Snapshots11.v0.bpl(7,5)) assert 0 < call0formal#AT#n; >>> DoNothingToAssert Processing command (at Snapshots11.v0.bpl(9,5)) assert 0 <= x; >>> DoNothingToAssert Snapshots11.v0.bpl(7,5): Error BP5002: A precondition for this call might not hold. Snapshots11.v0.bpl(13,3): Related location: This is the precondition that might not hold. Boogie program verifier finished with 0 verified, 1 error Processing call to procedure N in implementation M (at Snapshots11.v1.bpl(7,5)): >>> added axiom: (forall call0formal#AT#n: int :: { ##extracted_function##1(call0formal#AT#n) } ##extracted_function##1(call0formal#AT#n) == (0 < call0formal#AT#n)) >>> added axiom: (forall call1formal#AT#r: int :: { ##extracted_function##2(call1formal#AT#r) } ##extracted_function##2(call1formal#AT#r) == (0 < call1formal#AT#r)) >>> added before precondition check: assume {:precondition_previous_snapshot} ##extracted_function##1(call0formal#AT#n); >>> added after: a##post##0 := a##post##0 && ##extracted_function##2(call1formal#AT#r); Processing command (at Snapshots11.v1.bpl(7,5)) assume {:precondition_previous_snapshot} ##extracted_function##1(call0formal#AT#n); >>> DropAssume Processing command (at Snapshots11.v1.bpl(7,5)) assert 0 < call0formal#AT#n; >>> RecycleError Processing command (at Snapshots11.v1.bpl(9,5)) assert 0 <= x; >>> MarkAsPartiallyVerified Snapshots11.v0.bpl(7,5): Error BP5002: A precondition for this call might not hold. Snapshots11.v0.bpl(13,3): Related location: This is the precondition that might not hold. Boogie program verifier finished with 0 verified, 1 error Processing command (at Snapshots12.v0.bpl(7,5)) assert false; >>> DoNothingToAssert Boogie program verifier finished with 1 verified, 0 errors Processing call to procedure N in implementation M (at Snapshots12.v1.bpl(5,5)): >>> added after: a##post##0 := a##post##0 && false; Processing command (at Snapshots12.v1.bpl(7,5)) assert false; >>> DoNothingToAssert Snapshots12.v1.bpl(7,5): Error BP5001: This assertion might not hold. Boogie program verifier finished with 0 verified, 1 error Processing command (at Snapshots13.v0.bpl(7,5)) assert false; >>> DoNothingToAssert Boogie program verifier finished with 1 verified, 0 errors Processing call to procedure N in implementation M (at Snapshots13.v1.bpl(5,5)): >>> added after: a##post##0 := a##post##0 && false; Processing command (at Snapshots13.v1.bpl(7,5)) assert false; >>> DoNothingToAssert Snapshots13.v1.bpl(7,5): Error BP5001: This assertion might not hold. Boogie program verifier finished with 0 verified, 1 error Processing command (at Snapshots14.v0.bpl(7,5)) assert false; >>> DoNothingToAssert Boogie program verifier finished with 1 verified, 0 errors Processing call to procedure N in implementation M (at Snapshots14.v1.bpl(5,5)): >>> added axiom: ##extracted_function##1() == (F() && G()) >>> added after: a##post##0 := a##post##0 && ##extracted_function##1(); Processing command (at ) a##post##0 := a##post##0 && ##extracted_function##1(); >>> AssumeNegationOfAssumptionVariable Processing command (at Snapshots14.v1.bpl(7,5)) assert false; >>> MarkAsPartiallyVerified Snapshots14.v1.bpl(7,5): Error BP5001: This assertion might not hold. Boogie program verifier finished with 0 verified, 1 error Processing command (at Snapshots15.v0.bpl(5,5)) assert true; >>> DoNothingToAssert Processing command (at Snapshots15.v0.bpl(9,5)) assert true; >>> DoNothingToAssert Processing command (at Snapshots15.v0.bpl(13,5)) assert false; >>> DoNothingToAssert Boogie program verifier finished with 1 verified, 0 errors Processing call to procedure N in implementation M (at Snapshots15.v1.bpl(7,5)): >>> added after: a##post##0 := a##post##0 && false; Processing call to procedure N in implementation M (at Snapshots15.v1.bpl(11,5)): >>> added after: a##post##1 := a##post##1 && false; Processing command (at Snapshots15.v1.bpl(5,5)) assert true; >>> MarkAsFullyVerified Processing command (at Snapshots15.v1.bpl(9,5)) assert true; >>> MarkAsPartiallyVerified Processing command (at Snapshots15.v1.bpl(13,5)) assert false; >>> MarkAsPartiallyVerified Snapshots15.v1.bpl(13,5): Error BP5001: This assertion might not hold. Boogie program verifier finished with 0 verified, 1 error Processing command (at Snapshots16.v0.bpl(14,5)) assert F(0) == 1; >>> DoNothingToAssert Boogie program verifier finished with 1 verified, 0 errors Processing command (at Snapshots16.v1.bpl(14,5)) assert F(0) == 1; >>> DoNothingToAssert Snapshots16.v1.bpl(14,5): Error BP5001: This assertion might not hold. Boogie program verifier finished with 0 verified, 1 error Processing command (at Snapshots17.v0.bpl(28,5)) assert true; >>> DoNothingToAssert Processing command (at Snapshots17.v0.bpl(25,9)) assert false; >>> DoNothingToAssert Processing command (at Snapshots17.v0.bpl(12,13)) assert true; >>> DoNothingToAssert Processing command (at Snapshots17.v0.bpl(20,13)) assert x == 1; >>> DoNothingToAssert Boogie program verifier finished with 1 verified, 0 errors Processing call to procedure N in implementation M (at Snapshots17.v1.bpl(14,13)): >>> added after: a##post##0 := a##post##0 && false; Processing call to procedure N in implementation M (at Snapshots17.v1.bpl(16,13)): >>> added after: a##post##1 := a##post##1 && false; Processing call to procedure N in implementation M (at Snapshots17.v1.bpl(23,9)): >>> added after: a##post##2 := a##post##2 && false; Processing command (at Snapshots17.v1.bpl(28,5)) assert true; >>> MarkAsFullyVerified Processing command (at Snapshots17.v1.bpl(25,9)) assert false; >>> MarkAsPartiallyVerified Processing command (at Snapshots17.v1.bpl(12,13)) assert true; >>> MarkAsFullyVerified Processing command (at Snapshots17.v1.bpl(20,13)) assert x == 1; >>> MarkAsPartiallyVerified Snapshots17.v1.bpl(20,13): Error BP5001: This assertion might not hold. Snapshots17.v1.bpl(25,9): Error BP5001: This assertion might not hold. Boogie program verifier finished with 0 verified, 2 errors Processing command (at Snapshots18.v0.bpl(7,9)) assert 0 == 0; >>> DoNothingToAssert Processing command (at Snapshots18.v0.bpl(17,9)) assert 1 != 1; >>> DoNothingToAssert Processing command (at Snapshots18.v0.bpl(20,5)) assert 2 != 2; >>> DoNothingToAssert Boogie program verifier finished with 1 verified, 0 errors Processing call to procedure N in implementation M (at Snapshots18.v1.bpl(9,9)): >>> added after: a##post##0 := a##post##0 && false; Processing call to procedure N in implementation M (at Snapshots18.v1.bpl(10,9)): >>> added after: a##post##1 := a##post##1 && false; Processing command (at Snapshots18.v1.bpl(7,9)) assert 0 == 0; >>> MarkAsFullyVerified Processing command (at Snapshots18.v1.bpl(17,9)) assert 1 != 1; >>> MarkAsPartiallyVerified Processing command (at Snapshots18.v1.bpl(20,5)) assert 2 != 2; >>> MarkAsPartiallyVerified Snapshots18.v1.bpl(17,9): Error BP5001: This assertion might not hold. Snapshots18.v1.bpl(20,5): Error BP5001: This assertion might not hold. Boogie program verifier finished with 0 verified, 2 errors Processing command (at Snapshots19.v0.bpl(5,5)) assert 2 == 2; >>> DoNothingToAssert Processing command (at Snapshots19.v0.bpl(7,5)) assert 1 != 1; >>> DoNothingToAssert Snapshots19.v0.bpl(7,5): Error BP5001: This assertion might not hold. Boogie program verifier finished with 0 verified, 1 error Processing call to procedure N in implementation M (at Snapshots19.v1.bpl(5,5)): >>> added axiom: ##extracted_function##1() == (2 == 2) >>> added before precondition check: assume {:precondition_previous_snapshot} ##extracted_function##1(); Processing command (at Snapshots19.v1.bpl(5,5)) assume {:precondition_previous_snapshot} ##extracted_function##1(); >>> MarkAsFullyVerified Processing command (at Snapshots19.v1.bpl(5,5)) assert 2 == 2; >>> MarkAsFullyVerified Processing command (at Snapshots19.v1.bpl(7,5)) assert 1 != 1; >>> RecycleError Snapshots19.v0.bpl(7,5): Error BP5001: This assertion might not hold. Boogie program verifier finished with 0 verified, 1 error Processing command (at Snapshots20.v0.bpl(9,9)) assert 1 != 1; >>> DoNothingToAssert Processing command (at Snapshots20.v0.bpl(13,9)) assert 2 != 2; >>> DoNothingToAssert Processing command (at Snapshots20.v0.bpl(16,5)) assert 3 != 3; >>> DoNothingToAssert Snapshots20.v0.bpl(13,9): Error BP5001: This assertion might not hold. Boogie program verifier finished with 0 verified, 1 error Processing call to procedure N in implementation M (at Snapshots20.v1.bpl(7,9)): >>> added axiom: ##extracted_function##1() == (0 != 0) >>> added after: a##post##0 := a##post##0 && ##extracted_function##1(); Processing command (at Snapshots20.v1.bpl(9,9)) assert 1 != 1; >>> MarkAsPartiallyVerified Processing command (at Snapshots20.v1.bpl(13,9)) assert 2 != 2; >>> RecycleError Processing command (at Snapshots20.v1.bpl(16,5)) assert 3 != 3; >>> MarkAsPartiallyVerified Snapshots20.v1.bpl(9,9): Error BP5001: This assertion might not hold. Snapshots20.v0.bpl(13,9): Error BP5001: This assertion might not hold. Boogie program verifier finished with 0 verified, 2 errors Processing command (at Snapshots21.v0.bpl(7,9)) assert 1 != 1; >>> DoNothingToAssert Processing command (at Snapshots21.v0.bpl(11,9)) assert 2 != 2; >>> DoNothingToAssert Processing command (at Snapshots21.v0.bpl(14,5)) assert 3 != 3; >>> DoNothingToAssert Snapshots21.v0.bpl(7,9): Error BP5001: This assertion might not hold. Snapshots21.v0.bpl(11,9): Error BP5001: This assertion might not hold. Boogie program verifier finished with 0 verified, 2 errors Processing command (at Snapshots21.v1.bpl(7,9)) assert 1 == 1; >>> DoNothingToAssert Processing command (at Snapshots21.v1.bpl(11,9)) assert 2 != 2; >>> RecycleError Processing command (at Snapshots21.v1.bpl(14,5)) assert 3 != 3; >>> DoNothingToAssert Snapshots21.v0.bpl(11,9): Error BP5001: This assertion might not hold. Snapshots21.v1.bpl(14,5): Error BP5001: This assertion might not hold. Boogie program verifier finished with 0 verified, 2 errors Processing command (at Snapshots22.v0.bpl(7,9)) assert 1 != 1; >>> DoNothingToAssert Processing command (at Snapshots22.v0.bpl(11,9)) assert 2 == 2; >>> DoNothingToAssert Processing command (at Snapshots22.v0.bpl(14,5)) assert 3 == 3; >>> DoNothingToAssert Snapshots22.v0.bpl(7,9): Error BP5001: This assertion might not hold. Boogie program verifier finished with 0 verified, 1 error Processing command (at Snapshots22.v1.bpl(7,9)) assert 1 == 1; >>> DoNothingToAssert Processing command (at Snapshots22.v1.bpl(11,9)) assert 2 == 2; >>> MarkAsFullyVerified Processing command (at Snapshots22.v1.bpl(14,5)) assert 3 == 3; >>> DoNothingToAssert Boogie program verifier finished with 1 verified, 0 errors Processing command (at Snapshots23.v0.bpl(7,9)) assert 1 != 1; >>> DoNothingToAssert Processing command (at Snapshots23.v0.bpl(11,9)) assert 2 == 2; >>> DoNothingToAssert Processing command (at Snapshots23.v0.bpl(14,5)) assert 3 == 3; >>> DoNothingToAssert Snapshots23.v0.bpl(7,9): Error BP5001: This assertion might not hold. Boogie program verifier finished with 1 verified, 1 error Snapshots23.v0.bpl(7,9): Error BP5001: This assertion might not hold. Processing command (at Snapshots23.v1.bpl(22,5)) assert 4 == 4; >>> DoNothingToAssert Boogie program verifier finished with 1 verified, 1 error Processing command (at Snapshots23.v2.bpl(8,9)) assert 1 != 1; >>> RecycleError Processing command (at Snapshots23.v2.bpl(12,9)) assert 2 == 2; >>> MarkAsFullyVerified Snapshots23.v0.bpl(7,9): Error BP5001: This assertion might not hold. Boogie program verifier finished with 1 verified, 1 error Processing command (at Snapshots24.v0.bpl(7,9)) assert {:subsumption 0} 1 != 1; >>> DoNothingToAssert Processing command (at Snapshots24.v0.bpl(11,9)) assert {:subsumption 1} 5 != 5; >>> DoNothingToAssert Processing command (at Snapshots24.v0.bpl(15,9)) assert {:subsumption 2} 6 != 6; >>> DoNothingToAssert Processing command (at Snapshots24.v0.bpl(19,9)) assert {:subsumption 1} 2 == 2; >>> DoNothingToAssert Processing command (at Snapshots24.v0.bpl(20,9)) assert {:subsumption 2} 4 == 4; >>> DoNothingToAssert Processing command (at Snapshots24.v0.bpl(21,9)) assert 5 == 5; >>> DoNothingToAssert Processing command (at Snapshots24.v0.bpl(24,5)) assert {:subsumption 0} 3 == 3; >>> DoNothingToAssert Snapshots24.v0.bpl(7,9): Error BP5001: This assertion might not hold. Snapshots24.v0.bpl(11,9): Error BP5001: This assertion might not hold. Snapshots24.v0.bpl(15,9): Error BP5001: This assertion might not hold. Boogie program verifier finished with 0 verified, 3 errors Processing command (at Snapshots24.v1.bpl(7,9)) assert {:subsumption 0} 1 == 1; >>> DoNothingToAssert Processing command (at Snapshots24.v1.bpl(11,9)) assert {:subsumption 1} 5 == 5; >>> DoNothingToAssert Processing command (at Snapshots24.v1.bpl(15,9)) assert {:subsumption 2} 6 != 6; >>> RecycleError Processing command (at Snapshots24.v1.bpl(19,9)) assert {:subsumption 1} 2 == 2; >>> DoNothingToAssert Processing command (at Snapshots24.v1.bpl(20,9)) assert {:subsumption 2} 4 == 4; >>> MarkAsFullyVerified Processing command (at Snapshots24.v1.bpl(21,9)) assert 5 == 5; >>> MarkAsFullyVerified Processing command (at Snapshots24.v1.bpl(24,5)) assert {:subsumption 0} 3 == 3; >>> DoNothingToAssert Snapshots24.v0.bpl(15,9): Error BP5001: This assertion might not hold. Boogie program verifier finished with 0 verified, 1 error Processing command (at Snapshots25.v0.bpl(12,5)) assert 0 == 0; >>> DoNothingToAssert Processing command (at Snapshots25.v0.bpl(13,5)) assert x != x; >>> DoNothingToAssert Snapshots25.v0.bpl(13,5): Error BP5001: This assertion might not hold. Boogie program verifier finished with 0 verified, 1 error Processing command (at Snapshots25.v1.bpl(12,5)) assert 0 == 0; >>> MarkAsFullyVerified Processing command (at Snapshots25.v1.bpl(13,5)) assert x != x; >>> RecycleError Snapshots25.v0.bpl(13,5): Error BP5001: This assertion might not hold. Boogie program verifier finished with 0 verified, 1 error Processing command (at Snapshots26.v0.bpl(12,5)) assert 0 == 0; >>> DoNothingToAssert Processing command (at Snapshots26.v0.bpl(13,5)) assert x != x; >>> DoNothingToAssert Snapshots26.v0.bpl(13,5): Error BP5001: This assertion might not hold. Boogie program verifier finished with 0 verified, 1 error Processing command (at Snapshots26.v1.bpl(13,5)) assert 0 == 0; >>> MarkAsFullyVerified Processing command (at Snapshots26.v1.bpl(14,5)) assert x != x; >>> RecycleError Snapshots26.v0.bpl(13,5): Error BP5001: This assertion might not hold. Boogie program verifier finished with 0 verified, 1 error Processing command (at Snapshots27.v0.bpl(12,5)) assert 0 == 0; >>> DoNothingToAssert Processing command (at Snapshots27.v0.bpl(13,5)) assert x != x; >>> DoNothingToAssert Snapshots27.v0.bpl(13,5): Error BP5001: This assertion might not hold. Boogie program verifier finished with 0 verified, 1 error Processing command (at Snapshots27.v1.bpl(14,5)) assert 0 == 0; >>> MarkAsFullyVerified Processing command (at Snapshots27.v1.bpl(15,5)) assert x != x; >>> RecycleError Snapshots27.v0.bpl(13,5): Error BP5001: This assertion might not hold. Boogie program verifier finished with 0 verified, 1 error Processing command (at Snapshots28.v0.bpl(13,5)) assert 0 == 0; >>> DoNothingToAssert Processing command (at Snapshots28.v0.bpl(14,5)) assert x == 0; >>> DoNothingToAssert Boogie program verifier finished with 1 verified, 0 errors Processing command (at Snapshots28.v1.bpl(14,5)) assert 0 == 0; >>> DoNothingToAssert Processing command (at Snapshots28.v1.bpl(15,5)) assert x == 0; >>> DoNothingToAssert Snapshots28.v1.bpl(15,5): Error BP5001: This assertion might not hold. Boogie program verifier finished with 0 verified, 1 error Processing command (at Snapshots30.v0.bpl(5,5)) assert 0 == 0; >>> DoNothingToAssert Processing command (at Snapshots30.v0.bpl(5,5)) assert 1 == 1; >>> DoNothingToAssert Processing command (at Snapshots30.v0.bpl(5,5)) assert 2 != 2; >>> DoNothingToAssert Processing command (at Snapshots30.v0.bpl(5,5)) assert 3 == 3; >>> DoNothingToAssert Processing command (at Snapshots30.v0.bpl(5,5)) assert 4 == 4; >>> DoNothingToAssert Snapshots30.v0.bpl(5,5): Error BP5002: A precondition for this call might not hold. Snapshots30.v0.bpl(11,3): Related location: This is the precondition that might not hold. Boogie program verifier finished with 0 verified, 1 error Processing command (at Snapshots30.v1.bpl(5,5)) assert 0 == 0; >>> MarkAsFullyVerified Processing command (at Snapshots30.v1.bpl(5,5)) assert 1 == 1; >>> MarkAsFullyVerified Processing command (at Snapshots30.v1.bpl(5,5)) assert 2 != 2; >>> RecycleError Processing command (at Snapshots30.v1.bpl(5,5)) assert 3 == 3; >>> MarkAsFullyVerified Processing command (at Snapshots30.v1.bpl(5,5)) assert 4 == 4; >>> MarkAsFullyVerified Processing command (at Snapshots30.v1.bpl(6,5)) assert 5 == 5; >>> DoNothingToAssert Snapshots30.v0.bpl(5,5): Error BP5002: A precondition for this call might not hold. Snapshots30.v0.bpl(11,3): Related location: This is the precondition that might not hold. Boogie program verifier finished with 0 verified, 1 error Processing command (at Snapshots31.v0.bpl(10,5)) assert 0 < g; >>> DoNothingToAssert Boogie program verifier finished with 1 verified, 0 errors Processing call to procedure Q in implementation P (at Snapshots31.v1.bpl(9,5)): >>> added axiom: (forall call0old#AT#g: int, g: int :: { ##extracted_function##1(call0old#AT#g, g) } ##extracted_function##1(call0old#AT#g, g) == (call0old#AT#g < g)) >>> added after: a##post##0 := a##post##0 && ##extracted_function##1(call0old#AT#g, g); Processing command (at ) a##post##0 := a##post##0 && ##extracted_function##1(call0old#AT#g, g); >>> AssumeNegationOfAssumptionVariable Processing command (at Snapshots31.v1.bpl(10,5)) assert 0 < g; >>> MarkAsPartiallyVerified Snapshots31.v1.bpl(10,5): Error BP5001: This assertion might not hold. Boogie program verifier finished with 0 verified, 1 error Processing command (at Snapshots32.v0.bpl(10,5)) assert 0 < g; >>> DoNothingToAssert Boogie program verifier finished with 1 verified, 0 errors Processing call to procedure Q in implementation P (at Snapshots32.v1.bpl(8,5)): >>> added axiom: (forall g##old##0: int, g: int :: { ##extracted_function##1(g##old##0, g) } ##extracted_function##1(g##old##0, g) == (g##old##0 < g)) >>> added before: g##old##0 := g; >>> added after: a##post##0 := a##post##0 && ##extracted_function##1(g##old##0, g); Processing command (at ) a##post##0 := a##post##0 && ##extracted_function##1(g##old##0, g); >>> AssumeNegationOfAssumptionVariable Processing command (at Snapshots32.v1.bpl(9,5)) assert 0 < g; >>> MarkAsPartiallyVerified Snapshots32.v1.bpl(9,5): Error BP5001: This assertion might not hold. Boogie program verifier finished with 0 verified, 1 error Processing command (at Snapshots33.v0.bpl(10,5)) assert 0 < g; >>> DoNothingToAssert Boogie program verifier finished with 1 verified, 0 errors Processing call to procedure Q in implementation P (at Snapshots33.v1.bpl(5,5)): >>> added after: a##post##0 := a##post##0 && false; Boogie program verifier finished with 1 verified, 0 errors