@echo off setlocal set BGEXE=..\..\Binaries\Boogie.exe for %%f in (test0.bpl) do ( echo -------------------- %%f -------------------- %BGEXE% %* %%f ) for %%f in (test1.bpl test2.bpl test3.bpl test4.bpl test6.bpl) do ( echo -------------------- %%f -------------------- %BGEXE% %* /inline:spec /print:- /env:0 /printInlined /noinfer %%f ) for %%f in (test5.bpl expansion3.bpl expansion4.bpl Elevator.bpl) do ( echo -------------------- %%f -------------------- %BGEXE% %* %%f ) REM Peephole optimizations are so good that Elevator seems worthwhile REM to include twice among these inline tests for %%f in (Elevator.bpl) do ( echo -------------------- %%f with empty blocks -------------------- %BGEXE% /removeEmptyBlocks:0 %* %%f ) echo -------------------- expansion2.bpl -------------------- %BGEXE% %* /proverLog:expansion2.sx expansion2.bpl %SystemRoot%\system32\find.exe /C "xxgz" expansion2.sx %SystemRoot%\system32\find.exe /C "xxf1" expansion2.sx echo -------------------- fundef.bpl -------------------- %BGEXE% %* /print:- /env:0 fundef.bpl %BGEXE% %* fundef2.bpl echo -------------------- polyInline.bpl -------------------- %BGEXE% %* /typeEncoding:predicates /logPrefix:p polyInline.bpl %BGEXE% %* /typeEncoding:arguments /logPrefix:a polyInline.bpl