@echo off setlocal set BOOGIEDIR=..\..\Binaries set DAFNY_EXE=%BOOGIEDIR%\Dafny.exe set BPLEXE=%BOOGIEDIR%\Boogie.exe set CSC=c:/Windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v4.0.30319/csc.exe for %%f in (BQueue.bpl) do ( echo. echo -------------------- %%f -------------------- %BPLEXE% %* %%f ) for %%f in (Queue.dfy PriorityQueue.dfy ExtensibleArray.dfy BinaryTree.dfy UnboundedStack.dfy SeparationLogicList.dfy ListCopy.dfy ListReverse.dfy ListContents.dfy MatrixFun.dfy pow2.dfy SchorrWaite.dfy Cubes.dfy SumOfCubes.dfy FindZero.dfy TerminationDemos.dfy Substitution.dfy TreeDatatype.dfy KatzManna.dfy Induction.dfy Rippling.dfy Celebrity.dfy UltraFilter.dfy) do ( echo. echo -------------------- %%f -------------------- REM The following line will just run the verifier IF "%COMPILEDAFNY%"=="" %DAFNY_EXE% /compile:0 %* %%f REM Alternatively, the following lines also produce C# code and compile it IF NOT "%COMPILEDAFNY%"=="" %DAFNY_EXE% %* %%f IF NOT "%COMPILEDAFNY%"=="" %CSC% /nologo /debug /t:library /out:out.dll /r:System.Numerics.dll out.cs )