class PriorityQueue { var N: int; // capacity var n: int; // current size ghost var Repr: set; // set of objects that make up the representation of a PriorityQueue var a: array; // private implementation of PriorityQueue function Valid(): bool reads this, Repr; { MostlyValid() && (forall j :: 2 <= j && j <= n ==> a[j/2] <= a[j]) } function MostlyValid(): bool reads this, Repr; { this in Repr && a in Repr && a != null && a.Length == N+1 && 0 <= n && n <= N } method Init(capacity: int) requires 0 <= capacity; modifies this; ensures Valid() && fresh(Repr - {this}); ensures N == capacity; { N := capacity; a := new int[N+1]; n := 0; Repr := {this}; Repr := Repr + {a}; } method Insert(x: int) requires Valid() && n < N; modifies this, a; ensures Valid() && fresh(Repr - old(Repr)); ensures n == old(n) + 1 && N == old(N); { n := n + 1; a[n] := x; SiftUp(n); } method SiftUp(k: int) requires 1 <= k && k <= n; requires MostlyValid(); requires (forall j :: 2 <= j && j <= n && j != k ==> a[j/2] <= a[j]); requires (forall j :: 1 <= j && j <= n ==> j/2 != k); // k is a leaf modifies a; ensures Valid(); { var i := k; assert MostlyValid(); while (1 < i) invariant i <= k && MostlyValid(); invariant (forall j :: 2 <= j && j <= n && j != i ==> a[j/2] <= a[j]); invariant (forall j :: 1 <= j/2/2 && j/2 == i && j <= n ==> a[j/2/2] <= a[j]); { if (a[i/2] <= a[i]) { return; } a[i/2], a[i] := a[i], a[i/2]; i := i / 2; } } method RemoveMin() returns (x: int) requires Valid() && 1 <= n; modifies this, a; ensures Valid() && fresh(Repr - old(Repr)); ensures n == old(n) - 1; { x := a[1]; a[1] := a[n]; n := n - 1; SiftDown(1); } method SiftDown(k: int) requires 1 <= k; requires MostlyValid(); requires (forall j :: 2 <= j && j <= n && j/2 != k ==> a[j/2] <= a[j]); requires (forall j :: 2 <= j && j <= n && 1 <= j/2/2 && j/2/2 != k ==> a[j/2/2] <= a[j]); // Alternatively, the line above can be expressed as: // requires (forall j :: 1 <= k/2 && j/2 == k && j <= n ==> a[j/2/2] <= a[j]); modifies a; ensures Valid(); { var i := k; while (2*i <= n) // while i is not a leaf invariant 1 <= i && MostlyValid(); invariant (forall j :: 2 <= j && j <= n && j/2 != i ==> a[j/2] <= a[j]); invariant (forall j :: 2 <= j && j <= n && 1 <= j/2/2 && j/2/2 != i ==> a[j/2/2] <= a[j]); { var smallestChild; if (2*i + 1 <= n && a[2*i + 1] < a[2*i]) { smallestChild := 2*i + 1; } else { smallestChild := 2*i; } if (a[i] <= a[smallestChild]) { return; } a[smallestChild], a[i] := a[i], a[smallestChild]; i := smallestChild; assert 1 <= i/2/2 ==> a[i/2/2] <= a[i]; } } } // ---------- Alternative specifications ---------- class PriorityQueue_Alternative { var N: int; // capacity var n: int; // current size ghost var Repr: set; // set of objects that make up the representation of a PriorityQueue var a: array; // private implementation of PriorityQueue function Valid(): bool reads this, Repr; { MostlyValid() && (forall j :: 2 <= j && j <= n ==> a[j/2] <= a[j]) } function MostlyValid(): bool reads this, Repr; { this in Repr && a in Repr && a != null && a.Length == N+1 && 0 <= n && n <= N } method Init(capacity: int) requires 0 <= capacity; modifies this; ensures Valid() && fresh(Repr - {this}); ensures N == capacity; { N := capacity; a := new int[N+1]; n := 0; Repr := {this}; Repr := Repr + {a}; } method Insert(x: int) requires Valid() && n < N; modifies this, a; ensures Valid() && fresh(Repr - old(Repr)); ensures n == old(n) + 1 && N == old(N); { n := n + 1; a[n] := x; SiftUp(); } method SiftUp() requires MostlyValid(); requires (forall j :: 2 <= j && j <= n && j != n ==> a[j/2] <= a[j]); modifies a; ensures Valid(); { var i := n; assert MostlyValid(); while (1 < i) invariant i <= n && MostlyValid(); invariant (forall j :: 2 <= j && j <= n && j != i ==> a[j/2] <= a[j]); invariant (forall j :: 1 <= j/2/2 && j/2 == i && j <= n ==> a[j/2/2] <= a[j]); { if (a[i/2] <= a[i]) { return; } a[i/2], a[i] := a[i], a[i/2]; i := i / 2; } } method RemoveMin() returns (x: int) requires Valid() && 1 <= n; modifies this, a; ensures Valid() && fresh(Repr - old(Repr)); ensures n == old(n) - 1; { x := a[1]; a[1] := a[n]; n := n - 1; SiftDown(); } method SiftDown() requires MostlyValid(); requires (forall j :: 4 <= j && j <= n ==> a[j/2] <= a[j]); modifies a; ensures Valid(); { var i := 1; while (2*i <= n) // while i is not a leaf invariant 1 <= i && MostlyValid(); invariant (forall j :: 2 <= j && j <= n && j/2 != i ==> a[j/2] <= a[j]); invariant (forall j :: 1 <= j/2/2 && j/2 == i && j <= n ==> a[j/2/2] <= a[j]); { var smallestChild; if (2*i + 1 <= n && a[2*i + 1] < a[2*i]) { smallestChild := 2*i + 1; } else { smallestChild := 2*i; } if (a[i] <= a[smallestChild]) { return; } a[smallestChild], a[i] := a[i], a[smallestChild]; i := smallestChild; assert 1 <= i/2/2 ==> a[i/2/2] <= a[i]; } } }