// ---------------------- chaining operators ----------------------------------- method TestChaining0(j: int, k: int, m: int) requires j != k != m; // error: cannot have more than one != per chain requires j == k == m; // dandy requires j < k == m == m+1 != m+2 >= 100; // error: cannot mix < and >= requires j >= k == m == m-1 != m-2 < 100; // error: cannot mix >= and < { } method TestChaining1(s: set, t: set, u: set, x: T, SuperSet: set>) requires s <= t <= u >= s+u; // error: cannot mix <= and >= ensures s <= u; ensures s !! t !! u; // valid, means pairwise disjoint ensures x in s in SuperSet; // error: 'in' is not chaining ensures x !in s in SuperSet; // error: 'in' is not chaining ensures x in s !in SuperSet; // error: 'in' is not chaining ensures x in s == t; // error: 'in' is not chaining { } // ---------------------- calc statements ----------------------------------- method TestCalc() { calc {} // OK, empty calculations are allowed calc { 2 + 3; // OK, single-line calculations are allowed } calc { 2 + 3; calc { // OK: a calc statement is allowed as a sub-hint 2; 1 + 1; } calc { 3; 1 + 2; } { assert true; } // OK: multiple subhints are allowed between two lines 1 + 1 + 1 + 2; { assert 1 + 1 + 1 == 3; } { assert true; } 3 + 2; } calc != { // error: != is not allowed as the main operator of a calculation 2 + 3; 4; } calc { // OK, these operators are compatible 2 + 3; > 4; >= 2 + 2; } calc < { // OK, these operators are compatible 2 + 3; == 5; <= 3 + 3; } calc < { // error: cannot mix < and >= or > 2 + 3; >= 5; > 2 + 2; 6; } calc >= { // error: cannot mix >= and <= or != 2 + 3; <= 5; != 2 + 2; 3; } calc { // error: cannot have more than one != per calc 2 + 3; != 4; != 1 + 2; 3; } }