class C { var data: int; } method M0(IS: set) { parallel (i | 0 <= i < 20) { i := i + 1; // error: not allowed to assign to bound variable } var k := 0; parallel (i | 0 <= i < 20) { k := k + i; // error: not allowed to assign to local k, since k is not declared inside parallel block } parallel (i | 0 <= i < 20) ensures true; { var x := i; x := x + 1; } ghost var y; var z; parallel (i | 0 <= i) ensures true; { var x := i; x := x + 1; y := 18; // (this statement is not allowed, since y is declared outside the parallel, but that check happens only if the first resolution pass of the parallel statement passes, which it doesn't in this case because of the next line) z := 20; // error: assigning to a non-ghost variable inside a ghost parallel block } parallel (i | 0 <= i) ensures true; { ghost var x := i; x := x + 1; // cool } var ia := new int[20]; parallel (i | 0 <= i < 20) { ia[i] := choose IS; // error: set choose not allowed } var ca := new C[20]; parallel (i | 0 <= i < 20) { ca[i] := new C; // error: new allocation not allowed } parallel (i | 0 <= i < 20) ensures true; { var c := new C; // error: new allocation not allowed } } method M1() { parallel (i | 0 <= i < 20) { assert i < 100; if (i == 17) { break; } // error: nothing to break out of } parallel (i | 0 <= i < 20) ensures true; { if (i == 8) { return; } // error: return not allowed inside parallel block } var m := 0; label OutsideLoop: while (m < 20) { parallel (i | 0 <= i < 20) { if (i == 17) { break; } // error: not allowed to break out of loop that sits outside parallel if (i == 8) { break break; } // error: ditto (also: attempt to break too far) if (i == 9) { break OutsideLoop; } // error: ditto } m := m + 1; } parallel (i | 0 <= i < 20) { var j := 0; while (j < i) { if (j == 6) { break; } // fine if (j % 7 == 4) { break break; } // error: attempt to break out too far if (j % 7 == 4) { break OutsideLoop; } // error: attempt to break to place not in enclosing scope j := j + 1; } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Some soundness considerations // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ghost static method X_M0(y: int) ensures exists o: object :: o != null && fresh(o); // error: not allowed 'fresh' here { var p := new object; } class X_C { ghost var data: int; } ghost static method X_M1(y: int) ensures exists c: X_C :: c != null && != old(; // error: not allowed 'old' here { var c := new X_C; := + 1; } method X_Main() { if (*) { parallel (x) { X_M0(x); } } else { parallel (x) { X_M1(x); } } assert false; } // The following seems to be a legitimate use of a two-state predicate in the postcondition of the parallel statement method X_Legit(c: X_C) requires c != null; modifies c; { := + 1; parallel (x | <= x) ensures old( < x; // error: not allowed 'old' here { } } // X_M2 is like X_M0, but with an out-parameter ghost static method X_M2(y: int) returns (r: int) ensures exists o: object :: o != null && fresh(o); // 'fresh' is allowed here (because there's something coming "out" of this ghost method, namely 'r' { var p := new object; } // The following method exhibits a case where M2 and a two-state parallel ensures would lead to an unsoundness // with the current translation. method X_AnotherMain(c: X_C) requires c != null; modifies c; { := + 1; parallel (x: int) ensures exists o: object :: o != null && fresh(o); // error: not allowed 'fresh' here { var s := X_M2(x); } assert false; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------