method M(n: nat) { assert 0 <= n; } method Main() { M(25); M(-25); // error: cannot pass -25 as a nat } var f: nat; method CheckField(x: nat, y: int) requires 0 <= y; modifies this; { var y: nat := y; assert 0 <= f; while (0 < y) { f := f + 1; if (15 < f) { f := f - 12; } y := y - 1; } assert 0 <= f; f := x; // no problem f := x + 3; // no problem here either f := x - 3; // error: cannot prove RHS is a nat } method Generic(i: int, t0: T, t1: T) returns (r: T) { if (0 < i) { var n: nat := 5; var j := Generic(i-1, n, -4); assert 0 <= j; // error: the result is an int, not a nat var q := FenEric(n, -4); assert 0 <= q; // error: the result is an int, not a nat } r := t1; } function method FenEric(t0: T, t1: T): T { t1 } datatype Pair = Pr(T, T); method K(n: nat, i: int) { match (Pair.Pr(n, i)) { case Pr(k, l) => assert k == n; // fine: although the type of k is int, we know it's equal to n assert 0 <= k; assert 0 <= l; // error: l is an int } } datatype List = Nil | Cons(nat, T, List); method MatchIt(list: List) returns (k: nat) { match (list) { case Nil => case Cons(n, extra, tail) => var w := MatchIt(tail); assert 0 <= w; assert 0 <= n; // fine assert 0 <= n - 10; // error: possible assertion failure } var m := Sum(list); assert 0 <= m; k := m; } class GenEric { var f: T; } function method GE(d: GenEric): bool { true } method TestGenEric() { var ge; if (ge != null) { var b := GE(ge); var n: nat := ge.f; // error: the generic instantiation uses int, not nat } } function method Sum(list: List): nat { match list case Nil => 0 case Cons(x, y, tail) => x + Sum(tail) } function BadSum(list: List): nat { match list case Nil => 0 case Cons(x, y, tail) => x + BadSum(tail) - 30 // error: may not be a nat } function Abs(x: int): nat { if 0 <= x then x else -x }