module M { class T { } class U { } } module N { class T { } // error: duplicate class name } module U imports N { // fine, despite the fact that a class is called U--module names are in their own name space } module V imports T { // error: T is not a module } module A imports B, M { class Y { } } module B imports N, M { class X { } } module G imports A, M, A, H, B { // error: cycle in import graph } module H imports A, N, I { } module I imports J { } module J imports G, M { } // --------------- calls module X2 imports X1 { class MyClass2 { method Down(x1: MyClass1, x0: MyClass0) { call x1.Down(x0); } method WayDown(x0: MyClass0, g: ClassG) { call x0.Down(); call g.T(); // allowed, because this follows import relation var t := g.TFunc(); // allowed, because this follows import relation } method Up() { } method Somewhere(y: MyClassY) { call y.M(); // error: does not follow import relation } } } module X1 imports X0 { class MyClass1 { method Down(x0: MyClass0) { call x0.Down(); } method Up(x2: MyClass2) { call x2.Up(); // error: does not follow import relation } } } module X0 { class MyClass0 { method Down() { } method Up(x1: MyClass1, x2: MyClass2) { call x1.Up(x2); // error: does not follow import relation } } } module YY { class MyClassY { method M() { } method P(g: ClassG) { call g.T(); // allowed, because this follows import relation var t := g.TFunc(); // allowed, because this follows import relation } } } class ClassG { method T() { } function method TFunc(): int { 10 } method V(y: MyClassY) { call y.M(); // error: does not follow import relation } } method Ping() { call Pong(); // allowed: intra-module call } method Pong() { call Ping(); // allowed: intra-module call } method ProcG(g: ClassG) { call g.T(); // allowed: intra-module call var t := g.TFunc(); // allowed: intra-module call } // ---------------------- some ghost stuff ------------------------ class Ghosty { method Caller() { var x := 3; ghost var y := 3; call Callee(x, y); // fine call Callee(x, x); // fine call Callee(y, x); // error: cannot pass in ghost to a physical formal call Theorem(x); // fine call Theorem(y); // fine, because it's a ghost method } method Callee(a: int, ghost b: int) { } ghost method Theorem(a: int) { } } // ---------------------- illegal match expressions --------------- datatype Tree { Nil; Cons(int, Tree, Tree); } function NestedMatch0(tree: Tree): int { match tree case Nil => 0 case Cons(h,l,r) => match tree // error: cannot match on "tree" again case Nil => 0 case Cons(hh,ll,rr) => hh } function NestedMatch1(tree: Tree): int { match tree case Nil => 0 case Cons(h,l,r) => match l case Nil => 0 case Cons(h0,l0,r0) => match r case Nil => 0 case Cons(h1,l1,r1) => h + h0 + h1 } function NestedMatch2(tree: Tree): int { match tree case Nil => 0 case Cons(h,l,r) => match l case Nil => 0 case Cons(h,l0,tree) => // fine to declare another "h" and "tree" here match r case Nil => 0 case Cons(h1,l1,r1) => h + h1 } function NestedMatch3(tree: Tree): int { match tree case Nil => 0 case Cons(h,l,r) => match l case Nil => 0 case Cons(h0,l0,r0) => match l // error: cannot match on "l" again case Nil => 0 case Cons(h1,l1,r1) => h + h0 + h1 }