-------------------- Simple.dfy -------------------- // Simple.dfy class MyClass { var x: int; method M(s: bool, lotsaObjects: set) returns (t: object, u: set, v: seq>) requires s; modifies this, lotsaObjects; ensures t == t; ensures old(null) != this; { x := 12; while (x < 100) invariant x <= 100; { x := x + 17; if (x % 20 == 3) { x := this.x + 1; } else { this.x := x + 0; } call t, u, v := M(true, lotsaObjects); var to: MyClass; call to, u, v := M(true, lotsaObjects); call to, u, v := to.M(true, lotsaObjects); assert v[x] != null ==> null !in v[2 .. x][1..][5 := v[this.x]][..10]; } } function F(x: int, y: int, h: WildData, k: WildData): WildData { if x < 0 then h else if x == 0 then if if h == k then true else false then h else if y == 0 then k else h else k } } datatype List { Nil; Cons(T, List); } datatype WildData { Something; JustAboutAnything(G, myName: set, int, WildData); More(List); } class C { var w: WildData; var list: List; } Dafny program verifier finished with 0 verified, 0 errors -------------------- TypeTests.dfy -------------------- TypeTests.dfy(95,9): Error: sorry, cannot instantiate collection type with a subrange type TypeTests.dfy(4,13): Error: incorrect type of function argument 0 (expected C, got D) TypeTests.dfy(4,13): Error: incorrect type of function argument 1 (expected D, got C) TypeTests.dfy(5,13): Error: incorrect type of function argument 0 (expected C, got int) TypeTests.dfy(5,13): Error: incorrect type of function argument 1 (expected D, got int) TypeTests.dfy(11,4): Error: incorrect type of method in-parameter 0 (expected int, got bool) TypeTests.dfy(12,4): Error: incorrect type of method out-parameter 0 (expected int, got C) TypeTests.dfy(12,4): Error: incorrect type of method out-parameter 1 (expected C, got int) TypeTests.dfy(20,9): Error: because of cyclic dependencies among constructor argument types, no instances of datatype 'Nothing' can be constructed TypeTests.dfy(23,9): Error: because of cyclic dependencies among constructor argument types, no instances of datatype 'NeverendingList' can be constructed TypeTests.dfy(55,9): Error: Assignment to array element is not allowed in this context (because this is a ghost method or because the statement is guarded by a specification-only expression) TypeTests.dfy(64,6): Error: Duplicate local-variable name: z TypeTests.dfy(66,6): Error: Duplicate local-variable name: x TypeTests.dfy(69,8): Error: Duplicate local-variable name: x TypeTests.dfy(72,6): Error: Duplicate local-variable name: y TypeTests.dfy(79,17): Error: member F in class C does not refer to a method TypeTests.dfy(80,17): Error: a method called as an initialization method must not have any result arguments TypeTests.dfy(89,10): Error: Assignment to range of array elements must have a simple expression RHS; try using a temporary local variable TypeTests.dfy(90,2): Error: Assignment to range of array elements must have a simple expression RHS; try using a temporary local variable TypeTests.dfy(96,9): Error: sorry, cannot instantiate type parameter with a subrange type TypeTests.dfy(97,6): Error: sorry, cannot instantiate 'array' type with a subrange type TypeTests.dfy(98,6): Error: sorry, cannot instantiate 'array' type with a subrange type 22 resolution/type errors detected in TypeTests.dfy -------------------- NatTypes.dfy -------------------- NatTypes.dfy(7,10): Error: value assigned to a nat must be non-negative Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 NatTypes.dfy(31,5): Error: value assigned to a nat must be non-negative Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 NatTypes.dfy(19,3): anon10_LoopHead (0,0): anon10_LoopBody NatTypes.dfy(19,3): anon11_Else (0,0): anon3 (0,0): anon12_Then (0,0): anon9 NatTypes.dfy(38,14): Error: assertion violation Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 (0,0): anon4_Then NatTypes.dfy(40,14): Error: assertion violation Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 (0,0): anon4_Then NatTypes.dfy(54,16): Error: assertion violation Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 (0,0): anon3_Then NatTypes.dfy(71,16): Error: assertion violation Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 (0,0): anon5_Else (0,0): anon6_Then NatTypes.dfy(89,9): Error: value assigned to a nat must be non-negative Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 (0,0): anon3_Then NatTypes.dfy(104,45): Error: value assigned to a nat must be non-negative Execution trace: (0,0): anon6_Else (0,0): anon7_Else (0,0): anon8_Then Dafny program verifier finished with 12 verified, 8 errors -------------------- SmallTests.dfy -------------------- SmallTests.dfy(30,11): Error: index out of range Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 SmallTests.dfy(61,36): Error: possible division by zero Execution trace: (0,0): anon12_Then SmallTests.dfy(62,51): Error: possible division by zero Execution trace: (0,0): anon12_Else (0,0): anon3 (0,0): anon13_Else SmallTests.dfy(63,22): Error: target object may be null Execution trace: (0,0): anon12_Then (0,0): anon3 (0,0): anon13_Then (0,0): anon6 SmallTests.dfy(82,24): Error: target object may be null Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 SmallTests.dfy(81,5): anon9_LoopHead (0,0): anon9_LoopBody (0,0): anon10_Then SmallTests.dfy(116,5): Error: call may violate caller's modifies clause Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 (0,0): anon4_Else (0,0): anon3 SmallTests.dfy(129,7): Error: call may violate caller's modifies clause Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 (0,0): anon3_Then SmallTests.dfy(131,7): Error: call may violate caller's modifies clause Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 (0,0): anon3_Else SmallTests.dfy(171,11): Error: foreach assignment may update an object not in the enclosing method's modifies clause Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 (0,0): anon4_Else (0,0): anon3 SmallTests.dfy(199,14): Error: assertion violation Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 (0,0): anon12_Then SmallTests.dfy(206,14): Error: assertion violation Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 (0,0): anon12_Else (0,0): anon3 (0,0): anon13_Then SmallTests.dfy(226,12): Error: assertion violation Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 (0,0): anon12_Else (0,0): anon3 (0,0): anon13_Else (0,0): anon6 (0,0): anon14_Then (0,0): anon11 SmallTests.dfy(272,24): Error BP5002: A precondition for this call might not hold. SmallTests.dfy(250,30): Related location: This is the precondition that might not hold. Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 SmallTests.dfy(267,19): anon3_Else (0,0): anon2 SmallTests.dfy(307,3): Error BP5003: A postcondition might not hold on this return path. SmallTests.dfy(301,11): Related location: This is the postcondition that might not hold. Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 (0,0): anon18_Else (0,0): anon11 (0,0): anon23_Then (0,0): anon24_Then (0,0): anon15 (0,0): anon25_Else Dafny program verifier finished with 41 verified, 14 errors -------------------- Definedness.dfy -------------------- Definedness.dfy(8,7): Error: possible division by zero Execution trace: (0,0): anon3_Else Definedness.dfy(15,16): Error: possible division by zero Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 Definedness.dfy(24,16): Error: target object may be null Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 Definedness.dfy(25,21): Error: target object may be null Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 (0,0): anon3_Then Definedness.dfy(26,17): Error: possible division by zero Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 Definedness.dfy(33,16): Error: target object may be null Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 Definedness.dfy(50,18): Error: target object may be null Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 Definedness.dfy(55,18): Error: target object may be null Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 Definedness.dfy(77,7): Error: target object may be null Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 Definedness.dfy(78,5): Error: possible violation of function precondition Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 Definedness.dfy(79,10): Error: possible violation of function precondition Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 Definedness.dfy(84,14): Error: possible division by zero Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 Definedness.dfy(84,23): Error: possible division by zero Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 Definedness.dfy(85,15): Error: possible division by zero Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 Definedness.dfy(90,12): Error: possible division by zero Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 Definedness.dfy(97,15): Error: possible division by zero Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 Definedness.dfy(97,5): anon8_LoopHead (0,0): anon8_LoopBody Definedness.dfy(97,5): anon9_Else (0,0): anon3 Definedness.dfy(106,23): Error: possible violation of function precondition Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 Definedness.dfy(105,5): anon13_LoopHead (0,0): anon13_LoopBody (0,0): anon14_Then Definedness.dfy(112,17): Error: possible violation of function precondition Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 Definedness.dfy(105,5): anon13_LoopHead (0,0): anon13_LoopBody Definedness.dfy(105,5): anon14_Else (0,0): anon3 (0,0): anon15_Then (0,0): anon6 Definedness.dfy(111,5): anon16_LoopHead (0,0): anon16_LoopBody (0,0): anon17_Then Definedness.dfy(122,17): Error: possible violation of function precondition Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 Definedness.dfy(121,5): anon7_LoopHead (0,0): anon7_LoopBody (0,0): anon8_Then Definedness.dfy(122,22): Error BP5004: This loop invariant might not hold on entry. Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 Definedness.dfy(123,17): Error: possible violation of function precondition Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 Definedness.dfy(121,5): anon7_LoopHead (0,0): anon7_LoopBody (0,0): anon8_Then Definedness.dfy(132,15): Error: possible division by zero Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 Definedness.dfy(132,5): anon9_LoopHead (0,0): anon9_LoopBody Definedness.dfy(132,5): anon10_Else (0,0): anon3 Definedness.dfy(151,15): Error: possible division by zero Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 Definedness.dfy(145,5): anon17_LoopHead (0,0): anon17_LoopBody Definedness.dfy(145,5): anon18_Else (0,0): anon3 (0,0): anon19_Then (0,0): anon5 (0,0): anon20_Then (0,0): anon8 Definedness.dfy(151,5): anon21_LoopHead (0,0): anon21_LoopBody Definedness.dfy(151,5): anon22_Else (0,0): anon11 Definedness.dfy(170,17): Error: possible violation of function precondition Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 Definedness.dfy(162,5): anon19_LoopHead (0,0): anon19_LoopBody Definedness.dfy(162,5): anon20_Else (0,0): anon3 (0,0): anon21_Then (0,0): anon6 Definedness.dfy(169,5): anon22_LoopHead (0,0): anon22_LoopBody (0,0): anon23_Then (0,0): anon24_Then (0,0): anon11 Definedness.dfy(191,24): Error: possible violation of function precondition Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 Definedness.dfy(193,11): Error: foreach assignment may update an object not in the enclosing method's modifies clause Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 Definedness.dfy(195,33): Error: range expression must be well defined Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 Definedness.dfy(201,18): Error: RHS of assignment must be well defined Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 Definedness.dfy(210,19): Error: possible division by zero Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 Definedness.dfy(208,5): anon7_LoopHead (0,0): anon7_LoopBody (0,0): anon8_Then Definedness.dfy(210,23): Error BP5004: This loop invariant might not hold on entry. Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 Definedness.dfy(210,28): Error: possible division by zero Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 Definedness.dfy(208,5): anon7_LoopHead (0,0): anon7_LoopBody (0,0): anon8_Then Definedness.dfy(231,46): Error: possible violation of function postcondition Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 (0,0): anon5_Else Definedness.dfy(238,22): Error: target object may be null Execution trace: (0,0): anon5_Then (0,0): anon2 (0,0): anon6_Then Definedness.dfy(254,24): Error: possible violation of function postcondition Execution trace: (0,0): anon7_Then (0,0): anon2 (0,0): anon8_Else Dafny program verifier finished with 23 verified, 34 errors -------------------- FunctionSpecifications.dfy -------------------- FunctionSpecifications.dfy(31,13): Error: possible violation of function postcondition Execution trace: (0,0): anon10_Else (0,0): anon11_Else (0,0): anon12_Then (0,0): anon13_Else (0,0): anon7 (0,0): anon9 FunctionSpecifications.dfy(40,24): Error: possible violation of function postcondition Execution trace: (0,0): anon12_Else (0,0): anon15_Else (0,0): anon16_Then (0,0): anon11 FunctionSpecifications.dfy(53,11): Error: cannot prove termination; try supplying a decreases clause Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 (0,0): anon9_Then (0,0): anon3 Dafny program verifier finished with 3 verified, 3 errors -------------------- ResolutionErrors.dfy -------------------- ResolutionErrors.dfy(10,16): Error: 'decreases *' is not allowed on ghost loops ResolutionErrors.dfy(22,11): Error: array selection requires an array2 (got array3) ResolutionErrors.dfy(23,12): Error: sequence/array selection requires a sequence or array (got array3) ResolutionErrors.dfy(24,11): Error: array selection requires an array4 (got array) 4 resolution/type errors detected in ResolutionErrors.dfy -------------------- Array.dfy -------------------- Array.dfy(10,12): Error: assignment may update an array element not in the enclosing method's modifies clause Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 (0,0): anon5_Then (0,0): anon2 (0,0): anon6_Then Array.dfy(17,16): Error: target object may be null Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 Array.dfy(24,6): Error: index out of range Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 Array.dfy(48,20): Error: assertion violation Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 Array.dfy(56,12): Error: assignment may update an array element not in the enclosing method's modifies clause Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 (0,0): anon5_Then (0,0): anon2 (0,0): anon6_Then Array.dfy(63,12): Error: assignment may update an array element not in the enclosing method's modifies clause Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 (0,0): anon5_Then (0,0): anon2 (0,0): anon6_Then Array.dfy(95,18): Error: assertion violation Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 Array.dfy(107,6): Error: insufficient reads clause to read array element Execution trace: (0,0): anon7_Else (0,0): anon8_Then (0,0): anon9_Then Array.dfy(115,6): Error: insufficient reads clause to read array element Execution trace: (0,0): anon7_Else (0,0): anon8_Then (0,0): anon9_Then Array.dfy(131,10): Error: assignment may update an array element not in the enclosing method's modifies clause Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 Array.dfy(138,10): Error: assignment may update an array element not in the enclosing method's modifies clause Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 Dafny program verifier finished with 22 verified, 11 errors -------------------- MultiDimArray.dfy -------------------- MultiDimArray.dfy(53,21): Error: assertion violation Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 (0,0): anon11_Then (0,0): anon12_Then MultiDimArray.dfy(80,25): Error: assertion violation Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 (0,0): anon5_Then (0,0): anon6_Then Dafny program verifier finished with 8 verified, 2 errors -------------------- NonGhostQuantifiers.dfy -------------------- NonGhostQuantifiers.dfy(13,5): Error: quantifiers in non-ghost contexts must be compilable, but Dafny's heuristics can't figure out how to produce a bounded set of values for 'n' NonGhostQuantifiers.dfy(42,4): Error: quantifiers in non-ghost contexts must be compilable, but Dafny's heuristics can't figure out how to produce a bounded set of values for 'n' NonGhostQuantifiers.dfy(46,4): Error: quantifiers in non-ghost contexts must be compilable, but Dafny's heuristics can't figure out how to produce a bounded set of values for 'd' NonGhostQuantifiers.dfy(50,4): Error: quantifiers in non-ghost contexts must be compilable, but Dafny's heuristics can't figure out how to produce a bounded set of values for 'n' NonGhostQuantifiers.dfy(74,5): Error: quantifiers in non-ghost contexts must be compilable, but Dafny's heuristics can't figure out how to produce a bounded set of values for 'i' NonGhostQuantifiers.dfy(78,5): Error: quantifiers in non-ghost contexts must be compilable, but Dafny's heuristics can't figure out how to produce a bounded set of values for 'j' NonGhostQuantifiers.dfy(88,5): Error: quantifiers in non-ghost contexts must be compilable, but Dafny's heuristics can't figure out how to produce a bounded set of values for 'j' NonGhostQuantifiers.dfy(103,5): Error: quantifiers in non-ghost contexts must be compilable, but Dafny's heuristics can't figure out how to produce a bounded set of values for 'j' NonGhostQuantifiers.dfy(111,10): Error: quantifiers in non-ghost contexts must be compilable, but Dafny's heuristics can't figure out how to produce a bounded set of values for 'y' NonGhostQuantifiers.dfy(120,8): Error: quantifiers in non-ghost contexts must be compilable, but Dafny's heuristics can't figure out how to produce a bounded set of values for 'x' NonGhostQuantifiers.dfy(137,8): Error: Assignment to non-ghost variable is not allowed in this context (because this is a ghost method or because the statement is guarded by a specification-only expression) 11 resolution/type errors detected in NonGhostQuantifiers.dfy -------------------- AdvancedLHS.dfy -------------------- AdvancedLHS.dfy(32,23): Error: target object may be null Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 (0,0): anon15_Else Dafny program verifier finished with 7 verified, 1 error -------------------- Modules0.dfy -------------------- Modules0.dfy(7,8): Error: Duplicate name of top-level declaration: T Modules0.dfy(13,7): Error: module T named among imports does not exist Modules0.dfy(24,7): Error: import graph contains a cycle: H -> I -> J -> G Modules0.dfy(51,6): Error: inter-module calls must follow the module import relation (so module X2 must transitively import YY) Modules0.dfy(62,6): Error: inter-module calls must follow the module import relation (so module X1 must transitively import X2) Modules0.dfy(72,6): Error: inter-module calls must follow the module import relation (so module X0 must transitively import X1) Modules0.dfy(91,4): Error: inter-module calls must follow the module import relation (so module _default must transitively import YY) Modules0.dfy(116,16): Error: ghost variables are allowed only in specification contexts Modules0.dfy(130,11): Error: old expressions are allowed only in specification and ghost contexts Modules0.dfy(131,11): Error: fresh expressions are allowed only in specification and ghost contexts Modules0.dfy(132,11): Error: allocated expressions are allowed only in specification and ghost contexts Modules0.dfy(148,10): Error: match source expression 'tree' has already been used as a match source expression in this context Modules0.dfy(187,12): Error: match source expression 'l' has already been used as a match source expression in this context 13 resolution/type errors detected in Modules0.dfy -------------------- Modules1.dfy -------------------- Modules1.dfy(55,3): Error: decreases expression must be bounded below by 0 Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 Modules1.dfy(61,3): Error: failure to decrease termination measure Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 Dafny program verifier finished with 16 verified, 2 errors -------------------- BadFunction.dfy -------------------- BadFunction.dfy(6,3): Error: failure to decrease termination measure Execution trace: (0,0): anon3_Else Dafny program verifier finished with 2 verified, 1 error -------------------- Comprehensions.dfy -------------------- Comprehensions.dfy(9,14): Error: assertion violation Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 (0,0): anon9_Then (0,0): anon10_Then (0,0): anon4 (0,0): anon11_Then (0,0): anon12_Then (0,0): anon8 Dafny program verifier finished with 6 verified, 1 error -------------------- ControlStructures.dfy -------------------- ControlStructures.dfy(5,3): Error: missing case in case statement: Blue Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 (0,0): anon6_Else (0,0): anon7_Else (0,0): anon8_Else (0,0): anon9_Then ControlStructures.dfy(5,3): Error: missing case in case statement: Purple Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 (0,0): anon6_Else (0,0): anon7_Else (0,0): anon8_Then ControlStructures.dfy(14,3): Error: missing case in case statement: Purple Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 (0,0): anon6_Else (0,0): anon7_Else (0,0): anon8_Then ControlStructures.dfy(43,5): Error: missing case in case statement: Red Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 (0,0): anon8_Then (0,0): anon9_Else (0,0): anon10_Then ControlStructures.dfy(51,3): Error: missing case in case statement: Red Execution trace: (0,0): anon8_Else (0,0): anon9_Else (0,0): anon10_Else (0,0): anon11_Else (0,0): anon12_Then ControlStructures.dfy(72,3): Error: alternative cases fail to cover all possibilties Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 (0,0): anon5_Else Dafny program verifier finished with 15 verified, 6 errors -------------------- Termination.dfy -------------------- Termination.dfy(102,3): Error: cannot prove termination; try supplying a decreases clause for the loop Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 Termination.dfy(102,3): anon7_LoopHead (0,0): anon7_LoopBody Termination.dfy(102,3): anon8_Else (0,0): anon3 Termination.dfy(102,3): anon9_Else (0,0): anon5 Termination.dfy(110,3): Error: cannot prove termination; try supplying a decreases clause for the loop Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 Termination.dfy(110,3): anon9_LoopHead (0,0): anon9_LoopBody Termination.dfy(110,3): anon10_Else (0,0): anon11_Then (0,0): anon5 Termination.dfy(110,3): anon12_Else (0,0): anon7 Termination.dfy(119,3): Error: decreases expression might not decrease Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 Termination.dfy(119,3): anon9_LoopHead (0,0): anon9_LoopBody Termination.dfy(119,3): anon10_Else (0,0): anon11_Then (0,0): anon5 Termination.dfy(119,3): anon12_Else (0,0): anon7 Termination.dfy(120,17): Error: decreases expression must be bounded below by 0 at end of loop iteration Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 Termination.dfy(119,3): anon9_LoopHead (0,0): anon9_LoopBody Termination.dfy(119,3): anon10_Else (0,0): anon11_Then (0,0): anon5 Termination.dfy(119,3): anon12_Else (0,0): anon7 Termination.dfy(248,36): Error: cannot prove termination; try supplying a decreases clause Execution trace: (0,0): anon6_Else (0,0): anon7_Else (0,0): anon8_Then Termination.dfy(288,3): Error: decreases expression might not decrease Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 Termination.dfy(288,3): anon10_LoopHead (0,0): anon10_LoopBody Termination.dfy(288,3): anon11_Else Termination.dfy(288,3): anon12_Else (0,0): anon13_Else (0,0): anon8 Dafny program verifier finished with 44 verified, 6 errors -------------------- Use.dfy -------------------- Use.dfy(16,18): Error: assertion violation Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 Use.dfy(26,18): Error: assertion violation Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 Use.dfy(35,18): Error: assertion violation Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 Use.dfy(54,12): Error: assertion violation Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 Use.dfy(84,17): Error: assertion violation Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 Use.dfy(126,23): Error: assertion violation Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 Use.dfy(151,12): Error: assertion violation Use.dfy(143,5): Related location: Related location Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 Use.dfy(160,12): Error: assertion violation Use.dfy(143,5): Related location: Related location Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 Use.dfy(169,12): Error: assertion violation Use.dfy(143,5): Related location: Related location Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 Use.dfy(213,19): Error: assertion violation Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 Dafny program verifier finished with 39 verified, 10 errors -------------------- DTypes.dfy -------------------- DTypes.dfy(15,14): Error: assertion violation Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 DTypes.dfy(53,18): Error: assertion violation Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 DTypes.dfy(123,13): Error: assertion violation DTypes.dfy(94,3): Related location: Related location Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 DTypes.dfy(129,13): Error: assertion violation DTypes.dfy(93,3): Related location: Related location Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 DTypes.dfy(139,12): Error: assertion violation DTypes.dfy(134,6): Related location: Related location DTypes.dfy(93,3): Related location: Related location Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 DTypes.dfy(160,13): Error: assertion violation Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 (0,0): anon5_Then (0,0): anon6_Then (0,0): anon4 Dafny program verifier finished with 27 verified, 6 errors -------------------- TypeParameters.dfy -------------------- TypeParameters.dfy(41,22): Error: assertion violation Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 TypeParameters.dfy(63,27): Error: assertion violation Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 (0,0): anon3_Then (0,0): anon2 TypeParameters.dfy(130,12): Error: assertion violation TypeParameters.dfy(130,28): Related location: Related location Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 (0,0): anon14_Then TypeParameters.dfy(130,32): anon15_Else (0,0): anon5 TypeParameters.dfy(132,12): Error: assertion violation TypeParameters.dfy(132,33): Related location: Related location Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 (0,0): anon17_Then TypeParameters.dfy(132,37): anon18_Else (0,0): anon11 TypeParameters.dfy(146,15): Error BP5005: This loop invariant might not be maintained by the loop. TypeParameters.dfy(146,38): Related location: Related location Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 TypeParameters.dfy(139,3): anon17_LoopHead (0,0): anon17_LoopBody TypeParameters.dfy(139,3): anon18_Else (0,0): anon5 (0,0): anon20_Then (0,0): anon8 TypeParameters.dfy(145,3): anon21_LoopHead (0,0): anon21_LoopBody TypeParameters.dfy(145,3): anon22_Else (0,0): anon13 TypeParameters.dfy(145,3): anon24_Else (0,0): anon15 Dafny program verifier finished with 33 verified, 5 errors -------------------- Datatypes.dfy -------------------- Datatypes.dfy(82,20): Error: assertion violation Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 (0,0): anon20_Else (0,0): anon21_Then (0,0): anon4 (0,0): anon22_Else (0,0): anon23_Then (0,0): anon24_Else (0,0): anon25_Then Dafny program verifier finished with 17 verified, 1 error -------------------- TypeAntecedents.dfy -------------------- TypeAntecedents.dfy(34,13): Error: assertion violation Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 TypeAntecedents.dfy(60,1): Error BP5003: A postcondition might not hold on this return path. TypeAntecedents.dfy(59,15): Related location: This is the postcondition that might not hold. Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 (0,0): anon15_Then (0,0): anon6 (0,0): anon18_Then (0,0): anon8 (0,0): anon19_Then (0,0): anon10 (0,0): anon20_Then (0,0): anon21_Then (0,0): anon14 TypeAntecedents.dfy(68,16): Error: assertion violation Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 (0,0): anon15_Else (0,0): anon16_Then (0,0): anon17_Else Dafny program verifier finished with 12 verified, 3 errors -------------------- SplitExpr.dfy -------------------- Dafny program verifier finished with 5 verified, 0 errors -------------------- Refinement.dfy -------------------- Dafny program verifier finished with 53 verified, 0 errors -------------------- RefinementErrors.dfy -------------------- RefinementErrors.dfy(1,6): Error: Detected a cyclic refinement declaration: C -> B -> A RefinementErrors.dfy(27,11): Error: Coupling invariants can only be declared in refinement classes RefinementErrors.dfy(40,6): Error: Refined class has a member with the same name as in the refinement class: x RefinementErrors.dfy(42,9): Error: Refined class has a member with the same name as in the refinement class: M RefinementErrors.dfy(12,10): Error: Refinement methods can only be declared in refinement classes: M RefinementErrors.dfy(34,10): Error: Different number of output variables 6 resolution/type errors detected in RefinementErrors.dfy