class Collection { ghost var footprint:set; var elements:seq; function Valid():bool reads this, footprint; { this in footprint } method GetCount() returns (c:int) requires Valid(); ensures 0<=c; { c:=|elements|; } method Init() modifies this; ensures Valid() && fresh(footprint -{this}); { elements := []; footprint := {this}; } method GetItem(i:int ) returns (x:T) requires Valid(); requires 0<=i && i<|elements|; ensures elements[i] ==x; { x:=elements[i]; } method Add(x:T ) requires Valid(); modifies footprint; ensures Valid() && fresh(footprint - old(footprint)); ensures elements == old(elements) + [x]; { elements:= elements + [x]; } method GetIterator() returns (iter:Iterator) requires Valid(); ensures iter != null && iter.Valid(); ensures fresh(iter.footprint) && iter.pos == -1; ensures iter.c == this; { iter:= new Iterator; call iter.Init(this); } } class Iterator { var c:Collection; var pos:int; ghost var footprint:set; function Valid():bool reads this, footprint; { this in footprint && c != null && -1 <= pos && null !in footprint } method Init(coll:Collection) requires coll != null; modifies this; ensures Valid() && fresh(footprint - {this}) && pos == -1; ensures c == coll; { c := coll; pos := -1; footprint := {this}; } method MoveNext() returns (b:bool) requires Valid(); modifies footprint; ensures fresh(footprint - old(footprint)) && Valid() && pos == old(pos) + 1; ensures b == HasCurrent() && c == old(c); { pos := pos+1; b := pos < |c.elements|; } function HasCurrent():bool //??? requires Valid(); reads this, c; { 0 <= pos && pos < |c.elements| } method GetCurrent() returns (x:T) requires Valid() && HasCurrent(); ensures c.elements[pos] == x; { x := c.elements[pos]; } } class Client { method Main() { var c := new Collection; call c.Init(); call c.Add(33); call c.Add(45); call c.Add(78); var s := []; call iter := c.GetIterator(); call b := iter.MoveNext(); while (b) invariant iter.Valid() && b == iter.HasCurrent() && fresh(iter.footprint); invariant c.Valid() && fresh(c.footprint) && iter.footprint !! c.footprint; //disjoint footprints invariant 0 <= iter.pos && iter.pos <=|c.elements| && s == c.elements[..iter.pos] ; invariant iter.c == c; decreases |c.elements| - iter.pos; { call x := iter.GetCurrent(); s := s + [x]; call b := iter.MoveNext(); } assert s == c.elements; //verifies that the iterator returns the correct things call c.Add(100); } }