// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Threading;
using System.IO;
using Microsoft.Boogie;
using Graphing;
using AI = Microsoft.AbstractInterpretationFramework;
using Microsoft.Contracts;
using Microsoft.Basetypes;
using Microsoft.Boogie.VCExprAST;
namespace VC
using Bpl = Microsoft.Boogie;
public class VCGen : ConditionGeneration
/// Constructor. Initializes the theorem prover.
public VCGen(Program! program, string/*?*/ logFilePath, bool appendLogFile)
// throws ProverException
this.appendLogFile = appendLogFile;
this.logFilePath = logFilePath;
// base();
private static AssumeCmd! AssertTurnedIntoAssume(AssertCmd! assrt)
Expr! expr = assrt.Expr;
switch (CommandLineOptions.Clo.UseSubsumption) {
case CommandLineOptions.SubsumptionOption.Never:
expr = Expr.True;
case CommandLineOptions.SubsumptionOption.Always:
case CommandLineOptions.SubsumptionOption.NotForQuantifiers:
if (expr is QuantifierExpr) {
expr = Expr.True;
assert false; // unexpected case
return new AssumeCmd(assrt.tok, expr);
/// Get the where clauses from the in- and out-parameters as
/// a sequence of assume commands.
/// As a side effect, this method adds these where clauses to the out parameters.
private static CmdSeq! GetParamWhereClauses(Implementation! impl)
requires impl.Proc != null;
TokenTextWriter debugWriter = null;
if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.PrintWithUniqueASTIds) {
debugWriter = new TokenTextWriter("", Console.Out, false);
debugWriter.WriteLine("Effective precondition from where-clauses:");
Substitution formalProcImplSubst = Substituter.SubstitutionFromHashtable(impl.GetImplFormalMap());
CmdSeq! whereClauses = new CmdSeq();
// where clauses of in-parameters
foreach (Formal! f in impl.Proc.InParams)
if (f.TypedIdent.WhereExpr != null) {
Expr e = Substituter.Apply(formalProcImplSubst, f.TypedIdent.WhereExpr);
Cmd c = new AssumeCmd(f.tok, e);
if (debugWriter != null) { c.Emit(debugWriter, 1); }
// where clauses of out-parameters
assert impl.OutParams.Length == impl.Proc.OutParams.Length;
for (int i = 0; i < impl.OutParams.Length; i++) {
Variable f = (!)impl.Proc.OutParams[i];
if (f.TypedIdent.WhereExpr != null) {
Expr e = Substituter.Apply(formalProcImplSubst, f.TypedIdent.WhereExpr);
Cmd c = new AssumeCmd(f.tok, e);
Variable fi = (!)impl.OutParams[i];
assume fi.TypedIdent.WhereExpr == null;
fi.TypedIdent.WhereExpr = e;
if (debugWriter != null) { c.Emit(debugWriter, 1); }
if (debugWriter != null) { debugWriter.WriteLine(); }
return whereClauses;
private static void
ThreadInBlockExpr(Implementation! impl,
Block! targetBlock,
BlockExpr! blockExpr,
bool replaceWithAssert,
TokenTextWriter debugWriter){
// Go through blockExpr and for all blocks that have a "return e"
// as their transfer command:
// Replace all "return e" with "assert/assume e"
// Change the transfer command to "goto targetBlock"
// Then add all of the blocks in blockExpr to the implementation (at the end)
foreach (Block! b in blockExpr.Blocks){
ReturnExprCmd rec = b.TransferCmd as ReturnExprCmd;
if (rec != null){ // otherwise it is a goto command
if (replaceWithAssert){
Ensures! ens = new Ensures(rec.tok, false, rec.Expr, null);
Cmd! c = new AssertEnsuresCmd(ens);
b.Cmds.Add(new AssumeCmd(rec.tok, rec.Expr));
b.TransferCmd = new GotoCmd(Token.NoToken,
new StringSeq(targetBlock.Label),
new BlockSeq(targetBlock));
if (debugWriter != null){
blockExpr.Emit(debugWriter, 1,false);
private static void AddAsPrefix(Block! b, CmdSeq! cs){
CmdSeq newCommands = new CmdSeq();
b.Cmds = newCommands;
/// Modifies an implementation by inserting all preconditions
/// as assume statements at the beginning of the implementation
private static void InjectPreconditions(Implementation! impl)
requires impl.Proc != null;
TokenTextWriter debugWriter = null;
if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.PrintWithUniqueASTIds) {
debugWriter = new TokenTextWriter("", Console.Out, false);
debugWriter.WriteLine("Effective precondition:");
Substitution formalProcImplSubst = Substituter.SubstitutionFromHashtable(impl.GetImplFormalMap());
Block! originalEntryPoint = (!) impl.Blocks[0];
Block! currentEntryPoint = (!) impl.Blocks[0];
CmdSeq! currentClump = new CmdSeq(); // to hold onto contiguous "regular" preconditions
// (free and checked) requires clauses
for (int i = impl.Proc.Requires.Length-1; 0 <= i; i--){
// need to process the preconditions from bottom up, because
// for any that are BlockExprs, we need to thread them on
// to the top of the implementation
Requires req = impl.Proc.Requires[i];
Expr! e = Substituter.Apply(formalProcImplSubst, req.Condition);
BlockExpr be = req.Condition as BlockExpr;
if (be != null){
if (currentClump.Length > 0){
AddAsPrefix(currentEntryPoint, currentClump);
currentClump = new CmdSeq();
ThreadInBlockExpr(impl,currentEntryPoint, be,false,debugWriter);
currentEntryPoint = (!)be.Blocks[0];
Cmd! c = new AssumeCmd(req.tok, e);
if (debugWriter != null) { c.Emit(debugWriter, 1); }
if (currentClump.Length > 0){
AddAsPrefix(currentEntryPoint, currentClump);
if (currentEntryPoint != originalEntryPoint){
string EntryLabel = "PreconditionGeneratedEntry";
Block! newEntry = new Block(new Token(-17, -4),EntryLabel,new CmdSeq(),
new GotoCmd(Token.NoToken,
new StringSeq(currentEntryPoint.Label),
new BlockSeq(currentEntryPoint)));
List newBody = new List();
impl.Blocks = newBody;
if (debugWriter != null) { debugWriter.WriteLine(); }
/// Modifies an implementation by inserting all postconditions
/// as assert statements at the end of the implementation
/// The unified exit block that has
/// already been constructed for the implementation (and so
/// is already an element of impl.Blocks)
private static void InjectPostConditions(Implementation! impl, Block! unifiedExitBlock, Hashtable/*TransferCmd->ReturnCmd*/! gotoCmdOrigins)
requires impl.Proc != null;
TokenTextWriter debugWriter = null;
if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.PrintWithUniqueASTIds) {
debugWriter = new TokenTextWriter("", Console.Out, false);
debugWriter.WriteLine("Effective postcondition:");
string ExitLabel = "ReallyLastGeneratedExit";
Block! newExit = new Block(new Token(-17, -4),ExitLabel,new CmdSeq(),new ReturnCmd(Token.NoToken));
Block! currentEntryPoint = newExit;
CmdSeq! currentClump = new CmdSeq(); // to hold onto contiguous "regular" postconditions
Substitution formalProcImplSubst = Substituter.SubstitutionFromHashtable(impl.GetImplFormalMap());
// (free and checked) ensures clauses
for (int i = impl.Proc.Ensures.Length-1; 0 <= i; i--){
// need to process the postconditions from bottom up, because
// for any that are BlockExprs, we need to thread them on
// to the top of the implementation
Ensures ens = (impl.Proc).Ensures[i];
if (!ens.Free) { // free ensures aren't needed for verifying the implementation
Expr! e = Substituter.Apply(formalProcImplSubst, ens.Condition);
BlockExpr be = ens.Condition as BlockExpr;
if (be != null){
if (currentClump.Length > 0){
AddAsPrefix(currentEntryPoint, currentClump);
currentClump = new CmdSeq();
currentEntryPoint = (!)be.Blocks[0];
Ensures! ensCopy = (Ensures!) ens.Clone();
ensCopy.Condition = e;
Cmd! c = new AssertEnsuresCmd(ensCopy);
((AssertEnsuresCmd) c).ErrorDataEnhanced = ensCopy.ErrorDataEnhanced;
if (debugWriter != null) { c.Emit(debugWriter, 1); }
if (currentClump.Length > 0){
AddAsPrefix(currentEntryPoint, currentClump);
GotoCmd gtc = new GotoCmd(Token.NoToken,
new StringSeq(currentEntryPoint.Label),
new BlockSeq(currentEntryPoint));
gotoCmdOrigins[gtc] = unifiedExitBlock.TransferCmd;
unifiedExitBlock.TransferCmd = gtc;
if (debugWriter != null) { debugWriter.WriteLine(); }
/// Get the pre-condition of an implementation, including the where clauses from the in-parameters.
private static CmdSeq! GetPre(Implementation! impl)
requires impl.Proc != null;
TokenTextWriter debugWriter = null;
if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.PrintWithUniqueASTIds) {
debugWriter = new TokenTextWriter("", Console.Out, false);
debugWriter.WriteLine("Effective precondition:");
Substitution formalProcImplSubst = Substituter.SubstitutionFromHashtable(impl.GetImplFormalMap());
CmdSeq! pre = new CmdSeq();
// (free and checked) requires clauses
foreach (Requires! req in impl.Proc.Requires)
Expr! e = Substituter.Apply(formalProcImplSubst, req.Condition);
Cmd! c = new AssumeCmd(req.tok, e);
if (debugWriter != null) { c.Emit(debugWriter, 1); }
if (debugWriter != null) { debugWriter.WriteLine(); }
return pre;
/// Get the post-condition of an implementation.
private static CmdSeq! GetPost(Implementation! impl)
requires impl.Proc != null;
if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.PrintWithUniqueASTIds) { Console.WriteLine("Effective postcondition:"); }
// Construct an Expr for the post-condition
Substitution formalProcImplSubst = Substituter.SubstitutionFromHashtable(impl.GetImplFormalMap());
CmdSeq! post = new CmdSeq();
foreach (Ensures! ens in impl.Proc.Ensures)
if (!ens.Free) {
Expr! e = Substituter.Apply(formalProcImplSubst, ens.Condition);
Ensures! ensCopy = (Ensures!) ens.Clone();
ensCopy.Condition = e;
Cmd! c = new AssertEnsuresCmd(ensCopy);
((AssertEnsuresCmd) c).ErrorDataEnhanced = ensCopy.ErrorDataEnhanced;
if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.PrintWithUniqueASTIds) { c.Emit(new TokenTextWriter("", Console.Out, false), 1); }
if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.PrintWithUniqueASTIds) { Console.WriteLine(); }
return post;
#region Soundness smoke tester
class SmokeTester
VCGen! parent;
Implementation! impl;
Block! initial;
Program! program;
int id;
Dictionary! copies = new Dictionary();
Dictionary! visited = new Dictionary();
VerifierCallback! callback;
internal SmokeTester(VCGen! par, Implementation! i, Program! prog, VerifierCallback! callback)
parent = par;
impl = i;
initial = i.Blocks[0];
program = prog;
this.callback = callback;
internal void Copy()
initial = GetCopiedBlocks()[0];
internal void Test()
throws UnexpectedProverOutputException;
void TopologicalSortImpl()
Graph dag = new Graph();
dag.AddSource((!)impl.Blocks[0]); // there is always at least one node in the graph
foreach (Block b in impl.Blocks)
GotoCmd gtc = b.TransferCmd as GotoCmd;
if (gtc != null)
assume gtc.labelTargets != null;
foreach (Block! dest in gtc.labelTargets)
impl.Blocks = new List();
foreach (Block! b in dag.TopologicalSort()) {
void Emit()
EmitImpl(impl, false);
// this one copies forward
Block! CloneBlock(Block! b)
Block fake_res;
if (copies.TryGetValue(b, out fake_res)) {
return (!)fake_res;
Block! res;
res = new Block(b.tok, b.Label, new CmdSeq(b.Cmds), null);
copies[b] = res;
if (b.TransferCmd is GotoCmd) {
foreach (Block! ch in (!)((GotoCmd)b.TransferCmd).labelTargets) {
foreach (Block! p in b.Predecessors) {
return res;
// this one copies backwards
Block! CopyBlock(Block! b)
Block fake_res;
if (copies.TryGetValue(b, out fake_res)) {
// fake_res should be Block! but the compiler fails
return (!)fake_res;
Block! res;
CmdSeq seq = new CmdSeq();
foreach (Cmd! c in b.Cmds) {
AssertCmd turn = c as AssertCmd;
if (!turnAssertIntoAssumes || turn == null) {
} else {
res = new Block(b.tok, b.Label, seq, null);
copies[b] = res;
foreach (Block! p in b.Predecessors) {
return res;
List! GetCopiedBlocks()
// the order of nodes in res is random (except for the first one, being the entry)
List res = new List();
foreach (KeyValuePair kv in copies) {
GotoCmd go = kv.Key.TransferCmd as GotoCmd;
ReturnCmd ret = kv.Key.TransferCmd as ReturnCmd;
if (kv.Key != initial) {
if (go != null) {
GotoCmd copy = new GotoCmd(go.tok, new StringSeq(), new BlockSeq());
kv.Value.TransferCmd = copy;
foreach (Block! b in (!)go.labelTargets) {
Block c;
if (copies.TryGetValue(b, out c)) {
} else if (ret != null) {
kv.Value.TransferCmd = ret;
} else {
assume false;
return res;
// check if e is true, false, !true, !false
// if so return true and the value of the expression in val
bool BooleanEval(Expr! e, ref bool val)
LiteralExpr lit = e as LiteralExpr;
NAryExpr call = e as NAryExpr;
if (lit != null && lit.isBool) {
val = lit.asBool;
return true;
} else if (call != null &&
call.Fun is UnaryOperator &&
((UnaryOperator)call.Fun).Op == UnaryOperator.Opcode.Not &&
BooleanEval((!)call.Args[0], ref val)) {
val = !val;
return true;
// this is for the 0bv32 != 0bv32 generated by vcc
else if (call != null &&
call.Fun is BinaryOperator &&
((BinaryOperator)call.Fun).Op == BinaryOperator.Opcode.Neq &&
call.Args[0] is LiteralExpr &&
val = false;
return true;
return false;
bool IsFalse(Expr! e)
bool val = false;
return BooleanEval(e, ref val) && !val;
bool CheckUnreachable(Block! cur, CmdSeq! seq)
throws UnexpectedProverOutputException;
DateTime start = DateTime.Now;
if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.Trace) {
System.Console.Write(" soundness smoke test #{0} ... ", id);
callback.OnProgress("smoke", id, id, 0.0);
Token tok = new Token();
tok.val = "soundness smoke test assertion";
seq.Add(new AssertCmd(tok, Expr.False));
Block! copy = CopyBlock(cur);
copy.Cmds = seq;
List! backup = impl.Blocks;
impl.Blocks = GetCopiedBlocks();
copy.TransferCmd = new ReturnCmd(Token.NoToken);
if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.TraceVerify) {
System.Console.WriteLine(" --- smoke #{0}, before passify", id);
parent.current_impl = impl;
parent.PassifyImpl(impl, program);
Hashtable! label2Absy;
Checker! ch = parent.FindCheckerFor(impl, CommandLineOptions.Clo.SmokeTimeout);
VCExpr! vc = parent.GenerateVC(impl, out label2Absy, ch);
impl.Blocks = backup;
if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.TraceVerify) {
System.Console.WriteLine(" --- smoke #{0}, after passify", id);
ch.BeginCheck((!) impl.Name + "_smoke" + id++, vc, new ErrorHandler(label2Absy));
ProverInterface.Outcome outcome = ch.ReadOutcome();
parent.current_impl = null;
DateTime end = DateTime.Now;
TimeSpan elapsed = end - start;
if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.Trace) {
System.Console.WriteLine(" [{0} s] {1}", elapsed.TotalSeconds,
outcome == ProverInterface.Outcome.Valid ? "OOPS" :
"OK" + (outcome == ProverInterface.Outcome.Invalid ? "" : " (" + outcome + ")"));
if (outcome == ProverInterface.Outcome.Valid) {
// copy it again, so we get the version with calls, assignments and such
copy = CopyBlock(cur);
copy.Cmds = seq;
impl.Blocks = GetCopiedBlocks();
impl.Blocks = backup;
return true;
return false;
const bool turnAssertIntoAssumes = false;
void DFS(Block! cur)
throws UnexpectedProverOutputException;
if (visited.ContainsKey(cur)) return;
visited[cur] = true;
CmdSeq! seq = new CmdSeq();
foreach (Cmd! cmd_ in cur.Cmds) {
Cmd! cmd = cmd_;
AssertCmd assrt = cmd as AssertCmd;
AssumeCmd assm = cmd as AssumeCmd;
CallCmd call = cmd as CallCmd;
bool assumeFalse = false;
if (assrt != null) {
// we're not going any further
// it's clear the user expected unreachable code here
// it's not clear where did he expect it, maybe it would be right to insert
// a check just one command before
if (IsFalse(assrt.Expr)) return;
if (turnAssertIntoAssumes) {
cmd = AssertTurnedIntoAssume(assrt);
} else if (assm != null) {
if (IsFalse(assm.Expr)) assumeFalse = true;
} else if (call != null) {
foreach (Ensures! e in ((!)call.Proc).Ensures) {
if (IsFalse(e.Condition)) assumeFalse = true;
if (assumeFalse) {
CheckUnreachable(cur, seq);
GotoCmd go = cur.TransferCmd as GotoCmd;
ReturnCmd ret = cur.TransferCmd as ReturnCmd;
assume !(go!= null&&go.labelTargets==null&&go.labelNames!=null&&go.labelNames.Length>0) ;
if (ret != null || (go != null && ((!)go.labelTargets).Length == 0)) {
// we end in return, so there will be no more places to check
CheckUnreachable(cur, seq);
} else if (go != null) {
bool needToCheck = true;
// if all of our children have more than one parent, then
// we're in the right place to check
foreach (Block! target in (!)go.labelTargets) {
if (target.Predecessors.Length == 1) {
needToCheck = false;
if (needToCheck) {
CheckUnreachable(cur, seq);
foreach (Block! target in go.labelTargets) {
class ErrorHandler : ProverInterface.ErrorHandler {
Hashtable! label2Absy;
public ErrorHandler(Hashtable! label2Absy) {
this.label2Absy = label2Absy;
public override Absy! Label2Absy(string! label) {
int id = int.Parse(label);
return (Absy!) label2Absy[id];
#region Splitter
class Split
class BlockStats {
public bool big_block;
public int id;
public double assertion_cost;
public double assumption_cost; // before multiplier
public double incomming_paths;
public List! virtual_successors = new List();
public List! virtual_predecesors = new List();
public Dictionary? reachable_blocks;
public readonly Block! block;
public BlockStats(Block! b, int i)
block = b;
assertion_cost = -1;
id = i;
readonly List! blocks;
readonly List! big_blocks = new List();
readonly Dictionary! stats = new Dictionary();
readonly int id;
static int current_id;
Block? split_block;
bool assert_to_assume;
List! assumized_branches = new List();
public AssertCmd? first_assert;
double score;
bool score_computed;
double total_cost;
int assertion_count;
double assertion_cost; // without multiplication by paths
Hashtable/*TransferCmd->ReturnCmd*/! gotoCmdOrigins;
VCGen! parent;
Implementation! impl;
Dictionary! copies = new Dictionary();
bool doing_slice;
double slice_initial_limit;
double slice_limit;
bool slice_pos;
Dictionary! protected_from_assert_to_assume = new Dictionary();
Dictionary! keep_at_all = new Dictionary();
// async interface
private Checker checker;
private int splitNo;
internal ErrorReporter reporter;
public Split(List! blocks, Hashtable/*TransferCmd->ReturnCmd*/! gotoCmdOrigins, VCGen! par, Implementation! impl)
this.blocks = blocks;
this.gotoCmdOrigins = gotoCmdOrigins;
this.parent = par;
this.impl = impl;
this.id = current_id++;
public double Cost
get {
return total_cost;
public bool LastChance
get {
return assertion_count == 1 && score < 0;
public string Stats
get {
return string.Format("(cost:{0:0}/{1:0}{2})", total_cost, assertion_cost, LastChance ? " last" : "");
public void DumpDot(int no)
using (System.IO.StreamWriter sw = System.IO.File.CreateText(string.Format("split.{0}.dot", no))) {
sw.WriteLine("digraph G {");
List saved = assumized_branches;
assumized_branches = new List();
assumized_branches = saved;
foreach (Block! b in big_blocks) {
BlockStats s = GetBlockStats(b);
foreach (Block! t in s.virtual_successors) {
sw.WriteLine("n{0} -> n{1};", s.id, GetBlockStats(t).id);
sw.WriteLine("n{0} [label=\"{1}:\\n({2:0.0}+{3:0.0})*{4:0.0}\"{5}];",
s.id, b.Label,
s.assertion_cost, s.assumption_cost, s.incomming_paths,
s.assertion_cost > 0 ? ",shape=box" : "");
string filename = string.Format("split.{0}.bpl", no);
using (System.IO.StreamWriter sw = System.IO.File.CreateText(filename)) {
int oldPrintUnstructured = CommandLineOptions.Clo.PrintUnstructured;
CommandLineOptions.Clo.PrintUnstructured = 2; // print only the unstructured program
bool oldPrintDesugaringSetting = CommandLineOptions.Clo.PrintDesugarings;
CommandLineOptions.Clo.PrintDesugarings = false;
List backup = impl.Blocks;
impl.Blocks = blocks;
impl.Emit(new TokenTextWriter(filename, sw, false), 0);
impl.Blocks = backup;
CommandLineOptions.Clo.PrintDesugarings = oldPrintDesugaringSetting;
CommandLineOptions.Clo.PrintUnstructured = oldPrintUnstructured;
int bsid;
BlockStats! GetBlockStats(Block! b)
BlockStats s;
if (!stats.TryGetValue(b, out s)) {
s = new BlockStats(b, bsid++);
stats[b] = s;
return (!)s;
double AssertionCost(PredicateCmd c)
return 1.0;
void CountAssertions(Block! b)
BlockStats s = GetBlockStats(b);
if (s.assertion_cost >= 0) return; // already done
s.big_block = true;
s.assertion_cost = 0;
s.assumption_cost = 0;
foreach (Cmd c in b.Cmds) {
if (c is AssertCmd) {
double cost = AssertionCost((AssertCmd)c);
s.assertion_cost += cost;
assertion_cost += cost;
} else if (c is AssumeCmd) {
s.assumption_cost += AssertionCost((AssumeCmd)c);
foreach (Block! b in Exits(b)) {
if (s.virtual_successors.Count == 1) {
Block next = s.virtual_successors[0];
BlockStats se = GetBlockStats(next);
if (next.Predecessors.Length > 1 || se.virtual_successors.Count != 1) return;
s.virtual_successors[0] = se.virtual_successors[0];
s.assertion_cost += se.assertion_cost;
s.assumption_cost += se.assumption_cost;
se.big_block = false;
Dictionary! ComputeReachableNodes(Block! b)
BlockStats s = GetBlockStats(b);
if (s.reachable_blocks != null) {
return s.reachable_blocks;
Dictionary blocks = new Dictionary();
s.reachable_blocks = blocks;
blocks[b] = true;
foreach (Block! succ in Exits(b)) {
foreach (Block! r in ComputeReachableNodes(succ).Keys) {
blocks[r] = true;
return blocks;
double ProverCost(double vc_cost)
return vc_cost * vc_cost;
void ComputeBestSplit()
if (score_computed) return;
score_computed = true;
assertion_count = 0;
foreach (Block! b in blocks) {
foreach (Block! b in blocks) {
BlockStats bs = GetBlockStats(b);
if (bs.big_block) {
foreach (Block! ch in bs.virtual_successors) {
BlockStats chs = GetBlockStats(ch);
if (!chs.big_block) {
Console.WriteLine("non-big {0} accessed from {1}", ch, b);
assert false;
total_cost = ProverCost(DoComputeScore(false));
score = double.PositiveInfinity;
Block? best_split = null;
List! saved_branches = new List();
foreach (Block! b in big_blocks) {
GotoCmd gt = b.TransferCmd as GotoCmd;
if (gt == null) continue;
BlockSeq targ = (!)gt.labelTargets;
if (targ.Length < 2) continue;
// caution, we only consider two first exits
double left0, right0, left1, right1;
split_block = b;
left0 = DoComputeScore(true);
right0 = DoComputeScore(false);
for (int idx = 1; idx < targ.Length; idx++) {
left1 = DoComputeScore(true);
right1 = DoComputeScore(false);
double current_score = ProverCost(left1) + ProverCost(right1);
double other_score = ProverCost(left0) + ProverCost(right0);
if (other_score < current_score) {
current_score = other_score;
if (current_score < score) {
score = current_score;
best_split = split_block;
if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.VcsPathSplitMult * score > total_cost) {
split_block = null;
score = -1;
} else {
assumized_branches = saved_branches;
split_block = best_split;
void UpdateIncommingPaths(BlockStats! s)
if (s.incomming_paths < 0.0) {
int count = 0;
s.incomming_paths = 0.0;
if (!keep_at_all.ContainsKey(s.block)) return;
foreach (Block! b in s.virtual_predecesors) {
BlockStats! ch = GetBlockStats(b);
if (ch.incomming_paths > 0.0) {
s.incomming_paths += ch.incomming_paths;
if (count > 1) {
s.incomming_paths *= CommandLineOptions.Clo.VcsPathJoinMult;
void ComputeBlockSetsHelper(Block! b, bool allow_small)
if (keep_at_all.ContainsKey(b)) return;
keep_at_all[b] = true;
if (allow_small) {
foreach (Block! ch in Exits(b)) {
if (b == split_block && assumized_branches.Contains(ch)) continue;
ComputeBlockSetsHelper(ch, allow_small);
} else {
foreach (Block! ch in GetBlockStats(b).virtual_successors) {
if (b == split_block && assumized_branches.Contains(ch)) continue;
ComputeBlockSetsHelper(ch, allow_small);
void ComputeBlockSets(bool allow_small)
Debug.Assert(split_block == null || GetBlockStats(split_block).big_block);
if (assert_to_assume) {
foreach (Block! b in allow_small ? blocks : big_blocks) {
if (ComputeReachableNodes(b).ContainsKey((!)split_block)) {
keep_at_all[b] = true;
foreach (Block! b in assumized_branches) {
foreach (Block! r in ComputeReachableNodes(b).Keys) {
if (allow_small || GetBlockStats(r).big_block) {
keep_at_all[r] = true;
protected_from_assert_to_assume[r] = true;
} else {
ComputeBlockSetsHelper(blocks[0], allow_small);
bool ShouldAssumize(Block! b)
return assert_to_assume && !protected_from_assert_to_assume.ContainsKey(b);
double DoComputeScore(bool aa)
assert_to_assume = aa;
foreach (Block! b in big_blocks) {
GetBlockStats(b).incomming_paths = -1.0;
GetBlockStats(blocks[0]).incomming_paths = 1.0;
double cost = 0.0;
foreach (Block! b in big_blocks) {
if (keep_at_all.ContainsKey(b)) {
BlockStats s = GetBlockStats(b);
double local = s.assertion_cost;
if (ShouldAssumize(b)) {
local = (s.assertion_cost + s.assumption_cost) * CommandLineOptions.Clo.VcsAssumeMult;
} else {
local = s.assumption_cost * CommandLineOptions.Clo.VcsAssumeMult + s.assertion_cost;
local = local + local * s.incomming_paths * CommandLineOptions.Clo.VcsPathCostMult;
cost += local;
return cost;
CmdSeq! SliceCmds(Block! b)
CmdSeq! seq = b.Cmds;
if (!doing_slice && !ShouldAssumize(b)) return seq;
CmdSeq! res = new CmdSeq();
foreach (Cmd! c in seq) {
AssertCmd a = c as AssertCmd;
Cmd! the_new = c;
bool swap = false;
if (a != null) {
if (doing_slice) {
double cost = AssertionCost(a);
bool first = (slice_limit - cost) >= 0 || slice_initial_limit == slice_limit;
slice_limit -= cost;
swap = slice_pos == first;
} else if (assert_to_assume) {
swap = true;
} else {
assert false;
if (swap) {
the_new = AssertTurnedIntoAssume(a);
return res;
Block! CloneBlock(Block! b)
Block res;
if (copies.TryGetValue(b, out res)) {
return (!)res;
res = new Block(b.tok, b.Label, SliceCmds(b), b.TransferCmd);
GotoCmd gt = b.TransferCmd as GotoCmd;
copies[b] = res;
if (gt != null) {
GotoCmd newGoto = new GotoCmd(gt.tok, new StringSeq(), new BlockSeq());
res.TransferCmd = newGoto;
int pos = 0;
foreach (Block! ch in (!)gt.labelTargets) {
assert doing_slice ||
(!assert_to_assume ==> (keep_at_all.ContainsKey(ch) || assumized_branches.Contains(ch)));
if (doing_slice ||
((b != split_block || assumized_branches.Contains(ch) == assert_to_assume) &&
keep_at_all.ContainsKey(ch))) {
return res;
Split! DoSplit()
List newBlocks = new List();
Hashtable newGotoCmdOrigins = new Hashtable();
foreach (Block! b in blocks) {
Block tmp;
if (copies.TryGetValue(b, out tmp)) {
if (gotoCmdOrigins.ContainsKey(b)) {
newGotoCmdOrigins[tmp] = gotoCmdOrigins[b];
foreach (Block! p in b.Predecessors) {
Block tmp2;
if (copies.TryGetValue(p, out tmp2)) {
return new Split(newBlocks, newGotoCmdOrigins, parent, impl);
Split! SplitAt(int idx)
assert_to_assume = idx == 0;
doing_slice = false;
return DoSplit();
Split! SliceAsserts(double limit, bool pos)
slice_pos = pos;
slice_limit = limit;
slice_initial_limit = limit;
doing_slice = true;
Split! r = DoSplit();
Console.WriteLine("split {0} / {1} -->", limit, pos);
List tmp = impl.Blocks;
impl.Blocks = r.blocks;
EmitImpl(impl, false);
impl.Blocks = tmp;
return r;
void Print()
List tmp = impl.Blocks;
impl.Blocks = blocks;
EmitImpl(impl, false);
impl.Blocks = tmp;
public Counterexample! ToCounterexample()
BlockSeq trace = new BlockSeq();
foreach (Block! b in blocks) {
foreach (Block! b in blocks) {
foreach (Cmd! c in b.Cmds) {
if (c is AssertCmd) {
return AssertCmdToCounterexample((AssertCmd)c, (!)b.TransferCmd, trace, null, new Dictionary());
assume false;
public static List! DoSplit(Split! initial, double max_cost, int max)
List res = new List();
while (res.Count < max) {
Split best = null;
int best_idx = 0, pos = 0;
foreach (Split! s in res) {
s.ComputeBestSplit(); // TODO check total_cost first
if (s.total_cost > max_cost &&
(best == null || best.total_cost < s.total_cost) &&
(s.assertion_count > 1 || s.split_block != null)) {
best = s;
best_idx = pos;
if (best == null) break; // no split found
Split! s0, s1;
bool split_stats = CommandLineOptions.Clo.TraceVerify;
if (split_stats) {
Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} -->", best.split_block == null ? "SLICE" : ("SPLIT@" + best.split_block.Label), best.Stats);
if (best.split_block != null) {
GotoCmd g = best.split_block.TransferCmd as GotoCmd;
if (g != null) {
Console.Write(" exits: ");
foreach (Block! b in (!)g.labelTargets) {
Console.Write("{0} ", b.Label);
Console.Write(" assumized: ");
foreach (Block! b in best.assumized_branches) {
Console.Write("{0} ", b.Label);
if (best.split_block != null) {
s0 = best.SplitAt(0);
s1 = best.SplitAt(1);
} else {
best.split_block = null;
s0 = best.SliceAsserts(best.assertion_cost / 2, true);
s1 = best.SliceAsserts(best.assertion_cost / 2, false);
if (true) {
List ss = new List();
try {
best.SoundnessCheck(new Dictionary(), best.blocks[0], ss);
} catch (System.Exception e) {
assert false;
if (split_stats) {
Console.WriteLine(" --> {0}", s0.Stats);
Console.WriteLine(" --> {0}", s1.Stats);
if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.TraceVerify) {
res[best_idx] = s0;
return res;
public Checker! Checker
get {
assert checker != null;
return checker;
public WaitHandle ProverDone
get {
assert checker != null;
return checker.ProverDone;
public void ReadOutcome(ref Outcome cur_outcome, out bool prover_failed)
throws UnexpectedProverOutputException;
ProverInterface.Outcome outcome = ((!)checker).ReadOutcome();
if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.Trace && splitNo >= 0) {
System.Console.WriteLine(" --> split #{0} done, [{1} s] {2}", splitNo, checker.ProverRunTime.TotalSeconds, outcome);
if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.VcsDumpSplits) {
prover_failed = false;
switch (outcome) {
case ProverInterface.Outcome.Valid:
case ProverInterface.Outcome.Invalid:
cur_outcome = Outcome.Errors;
case ProverInterface.Outcome.OutOfMemory:
prover_failed = true;
if (cur_outcome != Outcome.Errors && cur_outcome != Outcome.Inconclusive)
cur_outcome = Outcome.OutOfMemory;
case ProverInterface.Outcome.TimeOut:
prover_failed = true;
if (cur_outcome != Outcome.Errors && cur_outcome != Outcome.Inconclusive)
cur_outcome = Outcome.TimedOut;
case ProverInterface.Outcome.Undetermined:
prover_failed = true;
if (cur_outcome != Outcome.Errors)
cur_outcome = Outcome.Inconclusive;
assert false;
public void BeginCheck(VerifierCallback! callback, int no, int timeout)
splitNo = no;
impl.Blocks = blocks;
checker = parent.FindCheckerFor(impl, timeout);
Hashtable/**/! label2absy;
VCExpr! vc = parent.GenerateVC(impl, out label2absy, checker);
if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.vcVariety == CommandLineOptions.VCVariety.Local) {
reporter = new ErrorReporterLocal(gotoCmdOrigins, label2absy, impl.Blocks, parent.incarnationOriginMap, callback);
} else {
reporter = new ErrorReporter(gotoCmdOrigins, label2absy, impl.Blocks, parent.incarnationOriginMap, callback);
if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.TraceVerify && no >= 0)
Console.WriteLine("-- after split #{0}", no);
string! desc = (!) impl.Name;
if (no >= 0)
desc += "_split" + no;
checker.BeginCheck(desc, vc, reporter);
private void SoundnessCheck(Dictionary! cache, Block! orig, List! copies)
PureCollections.Tuple t = new PureCollections.Tuple(new PureCollections.Capacity(1 + copies.Count));
int i = 0;
t[i++] = orig;
foreach (Block! b in copies) {
t[i++] = b;
if (cache.ContainsKey(t)) { return; }
cache[t] = true;
for (int i = 0; i < orig.Cmds.Length; ++i) {
Cmd cmd = orig.Cmds[i];
if (cmd is AssertCmd) {
int found = 0;
foreach (Block! c in copies) {
if (c.Cmds[i] == cmd) {
if (found == 0) {
throw new System.Exception(string.Format("missing assertion: {0}({1})", cmd.tok.filename, cmd.tok.line));
foreach (Block! exit in Exits(orig)) {
List! newcopies = new List();
foreach (Block! c in copies) {
foreach (Block! cexit in Exits(c)) {
if (cexit.Label == exit.Label) {
if (newcopies.Count == 0) {
throw new System.Exception("missing exit " + exit.Label);
SoundnessCheck(cache, exit, newcopies);
protected VCExpr! GenerateVC(Implementation! impl, out Hashtable/**/! label2absy, Checker! ch)
TypecheckingContext tc = new TypecheckingContext(null);
label2absy = new Hashtable/**/();
VCExpr! vc;
switch (CommandLineOptions.Clo.vcVariety) {
case CommandLineOptions.VCVariety.Structured:
vc = VCViaStructuredProgram(impl, label2absy, ch.TheoremProver.Context);
case CommandLineOptions.VCVariety.Block:
vc = FlatBlockVC(impl, label2absy, false, false, false, ch.TheoremProver.Context);
case CommandLineOptions.VCVariety.BlockReach:
vc = FlatBlockVC(impl, label2absy, false, true, false, ch.TheoremProver.Context);
case CommandLineOptions.VCVariety.Local:
vc = FlatBlockVC(impl, label2absy, true, false, false, ch.TheoremProver.Context);
case CommandLineOptions.VCVariety.BlockNested:
vc = NestedBlockVC(impl, label2absy, false, ch.TheoremProver.Context);
case CommandLineOptions.VCVariety.BlockNestedReach:
vc = NestedBlockVC(impl, label2absy, true, ch.TheoremProver.Context);
case CommandLineOptions.VCVariety.Dag:
if (((!)CommandLineOptions.Clo.TheProverFactory).SupportsDags) {
vc = DagVC((!)impl.Blocks[0], label2absy, new Hashtable/**/(), ch.TheoremProver.Context);
} else {
vc = LetVC((!)impl.Blocks[0], label2absy, ch.TheoremProver.Context);
case CommandLineOptions.VCVariety.Doomed:
vc = FlatBlockVC(impl, label2absy, false, false, true, ch.TheoremProver.Context);
assert false; // unexpected enumeration value
return vc;
void CheckIntAttributeOnImpl(Implementation! impl, string! name, ref int val)
if (!((!)impl.Proc).CheckIntAttribute(name, ref val) || !impl.CheckIntAttribute(name, ref val)) {
Console.WriteLine("ignoring ill-formed {:{0} ...} attribute on {1}, parameter should be an int", name, impl.Name);
public override Outcome VerifyImplementation(Implementation! impl, Program! program, VerifierCallback! callback)
throws UnexpectedProverOutputException;
if (impl.SkipVerification) {
return Outcome.Inconclusive; // not sure about this one
callback.OnProgress("VCgen", 0, 0, 0.0);
ConvertCFG2DAG(impl, program);
SmokeTester smoke_tester = null;
if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.SoundnessSmokeTest) {
smoke_tester = new SmokeTester(this, impl, program, callback);
Hashtable/*TransferCmd->ReturnCmd*/ gotoCmdOrigins = PassifyImpl(impl, program);
double max_vc_cost = CommandLineOptions.Clo.VcsMaxCost;
int tmp_max_vc_cost = -1, max_splits = CommandLineOptions.Clo.VcsMaxSplits,
max_kg_splits = CommandLineOptions.Clo.VcsMaxKeepGoingSplits;
CheckIntAttributeOnImpl(impl, "vcs_max_cost", ref tmp_max_vc_cost);
CheckIntAttributeOnImpl(impl, "vcs_max_splits", ref max_splits);
CheckIntAttributeOnImpl(impl, "vcs_max_keep_going_splits", ref max_kg_splits);
if (tmp_max_vc_cost >= 0) {
max_vc_cost = tmp_max_vc_cost;
Outcome outcome = Outcome.Correct;
int cores = CommandLineOptions.Clo.VcsCores;
Stack work = new Stack();
List currently_running = new List();
work.Push(new Split(impl.Blocks, gotoCmdOrigins, this, impl));
bool keep_going = max_kg_splits > 1;
int total = 0;
int no = max_splits == 1 && !keep_going ? -1 : 0;
bool first_round = true;
bool do_splitting = keep_going || max_splits > 1;
double remaining_cost = 0.0, proven_cost = 0.0;
if (do_splitting) {
remaining_cost = work.Peek().Cost;
while (work.Count > 0 || currently_running.Count > 0) {
bool prover_failed = false;
Split! s;
if (work.Count > 0 && currently_running.Count < cores) {
s = work.Pop();
if (first_round && max_splits > 1) {
prover_failed = true;
remaining_cost -= s.Cost;
} else {
if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.Trace && no >= 0) {
System.Console.WriteLine(" checking split {1}/{2}, {3:0.00}%, {0} ...",
s.Stats, no + 1, total, 100 * proven_cost / (proven_cost + remaining_cost));
callback.OnProgress("VCprove", no < 0 ? 0 : no, total, proven_cost / (remaining_cost + proven_cost));
s.BeginCheck(callback, no,
(keep_going && s.LastChance) ? CommandLineOptions.Clo.VcsFinalAssertTimeout :
keep_going ? CommandLineOptions.Clo.VcsKeepGoingTimeout :
} else {
WaitHandle[] handles = new WaitHandle[currently_running.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < currently_running.Count; ++i) {
handles[i] = currently_running[i].ProverDone;
int index = WaitHandle.WaitAny(handles);
s = currently_running[index];
if (do_splitting) {
remaining_cost -= s.Cost;
s.ReadOutcome(ref outcome, out prover_failed);
if (do_splitting) {
if (prover_failed) {
// even if the prover fails, we have learned something, i.e., it is
// annoying to watch Boogie say Timeout, 0.00% a couple of times
proven_cost += s.Cost / 100;
} else {
proven_cost += s.Cost;
callback.OnProgress("VCprove", no < 0 ? 0 : no, total, proven_cost / (remaining_cost + proven_cost));
if (prover_failed && !first_round && s.LastChance) {
string! msg = "some timeout";
if (s.reporter != null && s.reporter.resourceExceededMessage != null) {
msg = s.reporter.resourceExceededMessage;
callback.OnCounterexample(s.ToCounterexample(), msg);
outcome = Outcome.Errors;
assert prover_failed || outcome == Outcome.Correct || outcome == Outcome.Errors;
if (prover_failed) {
int splits = first_round && max_splits > 1 ? max_splits : max_kg_splits;
if (splits > 1) {
List tmp = Split.DoSplit(s, max_vc_cost, splits);
max_vc_cost = 1.0; // for future
first_round = false;
//tmp.Sort(new Comparison(Split.Compare));
foreach (Split! a in tmp) {
remaining_cost += a.Cost;
if (outcome != Outcome.Errors) {
outcome = Outcome.Correct;
} else {
assert outcome != Outcome.Correct;
if (outcome == Outcome.TimedOut) {
string! msg = "some timeout";
if (s.reporter != null && s.reporter.resourceExceededMessage != null) {
msg = s.reporter.resourceExceededMessage;
} else if (outcome == Outcome.OutOfMemory) {
string! msg = "out of memory";
if (s.reporter != null && s.reporter.resourceExceededMessage != null) {
msg = s.reporter.resourceExceededMessage;
if (outcome == Outcome.Correct && smoke_tester != null) {
callback.OnProgress("done", 0, 0, 1.0);
return outcome;
public class ErrorReporter : ProverInterface.ErrorHandler {
Hashtable/*TransferCmd->ReturnCmd*/! gotoCmdOrigins;
Hashtable/**/! label2absy;
List! blocks;
protected Dictionary! incarnationOriginMap;
protected VerifierCallback! callback;
internal string? resourceExceededMessage;
static private System.IO.TextWriter? modelWriter;
static protected TextWriter! ModelWriter {
get {
if (ErrorReporter.modelWriter == null)
ErrorReporter.modelWriter = CommandLineOptions.Clo.PrintErrorModelFile == null ? Console.Out : new StreamWriter(CommandLineOptions.Clo.PrintErrorModelFile, false);
return ErrorReporter.modelWriter;
public ErrorReporter(Hashtable/*TransferCmd->ReturnCmd*/! gotoCmdOrigins,
Hashtable/**/! label2absy,
List! blocks,
Dictionary! incarnationOriginMap,
VerifierCallback! callback)
this.gotoCmdOrigins = gotoCmdOrigins;
this.label2absy = label2absy;
this.blocks = blocks;
this.incarnationOriginMap = incarnationOriginMap;
this.callback = callback;
// base();
public override void OnModel(IList! labels, ErrorModel errModel) {
if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.PrintErrorModel >= 1 && errModel != null) {
Hashtable traceNodes = new Hashtable();
foreach (string! s in labels) {
Absy! absy =Label2Absy(s);
if (traceNodes.ContainsKey(absy))
System.Console.WriteLine("Warning: duplicate label: " + s + " read while tracing nodes");
traceNodes.Add(absy, null);
BlockSeq! trace = new BlockSeq();
Block! entryBlock = (!) this.blocks[0];
assert traceNodes.Contains(entryBlock);
Counterexample newCounterexample = TraceCounterexample(entryBlock, traceNodes, trace, errModel, incarnationOriginMap);
if (newCounterexample == null) return;
#region Map passive program errors back to original program errors
ReturnCounterexample returnExample = newCounterexample as ReturnCounterexample;
if (returnExample != null)
foreach (Block! b in returnExample.Trace) {
assume b.TransferCmd != null;
ReturnCmd cmd = (ReturnCmd) gotoCmdOrigins[b.TransferCmd];
if (cmd != null)
returnExample.FailingReturn = cmd;
callback.OnCounterexample(newCounterexample, null);
public override Absy! Label2Absy(string! label)
int id = int.Parse(label);
return (Absy!) label2absy[id];
public override void OnResourceExceeded(string! msg)
resourceExceededMessage = msg;
public override void OnProverWarning(string! msg)
public class ErrorReporterLocal : ErrorReporter {
public ErrorReporterLocal(Hashtable/*TransferCmd->ReturnCmd*/! gotoCmdOrigins,
Hashtable/**/! label2absy,
List! blocks,
Dictionary! incarnationOriginMap,
VerifierCallback! callback)
base(gotoCmdOrigins, label2absy, blocks, incarnationOriginMap, callback); // here for aesthetic purposes
public override void OnModel(IList! labels, ErrorModel errModel) {
// We ignore the error model here for enhanced error message purposes.
// It is only printed to the command line.
if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.PrintErrorModel >= 1 && errModel != null) {
if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.PrintErrorModelFile != null) {
List traceNodes = new List();
List assertNodes = new List();
foreach (string! s in labels) {
Absy node = Label2Absy(s);
if (node is Block) {
Block b = (Block)node;
} else {
AssertCmd a = (AssertCmd)node;
assert assertNodes.Count > 0;
assert traceNodes.Count == assertNodes.Count;
foreach (AssertCmd a in assertNodes) {
// find the corresponding Block (assertNodes.Count is likely to be 1, or small in any case, so just do a linear search here)
foreach (Block b in traceNodes) {
if (b.Cmds.Has(a)) {
BlockSeq trace = new BlockSeq();
Counterexample newCounterexample = AssertCmdToCounterexample(a, (!)b.TransferCmd, trace, errModel, incarnationOriginMap);
callback.OnCounterexample(newCounterexample, null);
assert false; // there was no block that contains the assert
protected void ConvertCFG2DAG(Implementation! impl, Program! program)
impl.PruneUnreachableBlocks(); // This is needed for VCVariety.BlockNested, and is otherwise just an optimization
current_impl = impl;
variable2SequenceNumber = new Hashtable/*Variable -> int*/();
incarnationOriginMap = new Dictionary();
#region Debug Tracing
if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.TraceVerify)
Console.WriteLine("original implementation");
EmitImpl(impl, false);
#region Debug Tracing
if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.TraceVerify)
Console.WriteLine("after desugaring sugared commands like procedure calls");
EmitImpl(impl, true);
#region Convert program CFG into a DAG
#region Use the graph library to figure out where the (natural) loops are
#region Create the graph by adding the source node and each edge
Graph! g = GraphFromImpl(impl);
g.ComputeLoops(); // this is the call that does all of the processing
if (!g.Reducible)
throw new VCGenException("Irreducible flow graphs are unsupported.");
#region Cut the backedges, push assert/assume statements from loop header into predecessors, change them all into assume statements at top of loop, introduce havoc statements
foreach (Block! header in (!) g.Headers)
IDictionary backEdgeNodes = new Dictionary();
foreach (Block! b in (!) g.BackEdgeNodes(header)) { backEdgeNodes.Add(b, null); }
#region Find the (possibly empty) prefix of assert commands in the header, replace each assert with an assume of the same condition
CmdSeq prefixOfPredicateCmdsInit = new CmdSeq();
CmdSeq prefixOfPredicateCmdsMaintained = new CmdSeq();
for (int i = 0, n = header.Cmds.Length; i < n; i++)
PredicateCmd a = header.Cmds[i] as PredicateCmd;
if (a != null)
if (a is AssumeCmd) {
} else {
Bpl.AssertCmd c = (AssertCmd) a;
Bpl.AssertCmd b = new Bpl.LoopInitAssertCmd(c.tok, c.Expr);
b.ErrorData = c.ErrorData;
b = new Bpl.LoopInvMaintainedAssertCmd(c.tok, c.Expr);
b.ErrorData = c.ErrorData;
header.Cmds[i] = new AssumeCmd(c.tok,c.Expr);
else if ( header.Cmds[i] is CommentCmd )
// ignore
break; // stop when an assignment statement (or any other non-predicate cmd) is encountered
#region Copy the prefix of predicate commands into each predecessor. Do this *before* cutting the backedge!!
for ( int predIndex = 0, n = header.Predecessors.Length; predIndex < n; predIndex++ )
Block! pred = (!)header.Predecessors[predIndex];
// Create a block between header and pred for the predicate commands if header has more than one successor
// or if pred is a back edge node
GotoCmd gotocmd = pred.TransferCmd as GotoCmd;
if ((backEdgeNodes.ContainsKey(pred)) || (gotocmd != null && gotocmd.labelNames != null && gotocmd.labelNames.Length > 1))
Block! newBlock = CreateBlockBetween(predIndex, header);
// if pred is a back edge node, then now newBlock is the back edge node
if (backEdgeNodes.ContainsKey(pred))
pred = newBlock;
// Add the predicate commands
if (backEdgeNodes.ContainsKey(pred)){
else {
#region Cut the back edge
foreach (Block! backEdgeNode in (!)backEdgeNodes.Keys)
Debug.Assert(backEdgeNode.TransferCmd is GotoCmd,"An node was identified as the source for a backedge, but it does not have a goto command.");
GotoCmd gtc = backEdgeNode.TransferCmd as GotoCmd;
if (gtc != null && gtc.labelTargets != null && gtc.labelTargets.Length > 1 )
// then remove the backedge by removing the target block from the list of gotos
BlockSeq remainingTargets = new BlockSeq();
StringSeq remainingLabels = new StringSeq();
assume gtc.labelNames != null;
for (int i = 0, n = gtc.labelTargets.Length; i < n; i++)
if ( gtc.labelTargets[i] != header )
gtc.labelTargets = remainingTargets;
gtc.labelNames = remainingLabels;
// This backedge is the only out-going edge from this node.
// Add an "assume false" statement to the end of the statements
// inside of the block and change the goto command to a return command.
AssumeCmd ac = new AssumeCmd(Token.NoToken,Expr.False);
backEdgeNode.TransferCmd = new ReturnCmd(Token.NoToken);
#region Remove the backedge node from the list of predecessor nodes in the header
BlockSeq newPreds = new BlockSeq();
foreach ( Block p in header.Predecessors )
if ( p != backEdgeNode )
header.Predecessors = newPreds;
#region Collect all variables that are assigned to in all of the natural loops for which this is the header
VariableSeq varsToHavoc = new VariableSeq();
foreach (Block! backEdgeNode in (!) g.BackEdgeNodes(header))
foreach ( Block! b in g.NaturalLoops(header,backEdgeNode) )
foreach ( Cmd! c in b.Cmds )
IdentifierExprSeq havocExprs = new IdentifierExprSeq();
foreach ( Variable! v in varsToHavoc )
IdentifierExpr ie = new IdentifierExpr(Token.NoToken, v);
// pass the token of the enclosing loop header to the HavocCmd so we can reconstruct
// the source location for this later on
HavocCmd hc = new HavocCmd(header.tok,havocExprs);
CmdSeq newCmds = new CmdSeq();
foreach ( Cmd c in header.Cmds )
header.Cmds = newCmds;
#endregion Convert program CFG into a DAG
#region Debug Tracing
if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.TraceVerify)
Console.WriteLine("after conversion into a DAG");
EmitImpl(impl, true);
protected Hashtable/*TransferCmd->ReturnCmd*/! PassifyImpl(Implementation! impl, Program! program)
Hashtable/*TransferCmd->ReturnCmd*/ gotoCmdOrigins = new Hashtable/*TransferCmd->ReturnCmd*/();
Block/*?*/ exitBlock = GenerateUnifiedExit(impl, gotoCmdOrigins);
#region Debug Tracing
if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.TraceVerify)
Console.WriteLine("after creating a unified exit block");
EmitImpl(impl, true);
#region Insert pre- and post-conditions and where clauses as assume and assert statements
CmdSeq cc = new CmdSeq();
// where clauses of global variables
foreach (Declaration d in program.TopLevelDeclarations) {
GlobalVariable gvar = d as GlobalVariable;
if (gvar != null && gvar.TypedIdent.WhereExpr != null) {
Cmd c = new AssumeCmd(gvar.tok, gvar.TypedIdent.WhereExpr);
// where clauses of in- and out-parameters
// where clauses of local variables
foreach (Variable! lvar in impl.LocVars) {
if (lvar.TypedIdent.WhereExpr != null) {
Cmd c = new AssumeCmd(lvar.tok, lvar.TypedIdent.WhereExpr);
Block! entryBlock = (!) impl.Blocks[0];
entryBlock.Cmds = cc;
//CmdSeq! post = GetPost(impl);
#region Debug Tracing
if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.TraceVerify)
Console.WriteLine("after inserting pre- and post-conditions");
EmitImpl(impl, true);
#region Debug Tracing
if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.TraceVerify)
Console.WriteLine("after adding empty blocks before all blocks with more than one predecessor");
EmitImpl(impl, true);
#region Peep-hole optimizations
if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.RemoveEmptyBlocks){
#region Get rid of empty blocks
Block! entryBlock = (!) impl.Blocks[0];
#endregion Get rid of empty blocks
#region Debug Tracing
if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.TraceVerify)
Console.WriteLine("after peep-hole optimizations");
EmitImpl(impl, true);
#endregion Peep-hole optimizations
// #region Constant Folding
// #endregion
// #region Debug Tracing
// if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.TraceVerify)
// {
// Console.WriteLine("after constant folding");
// EmitImpl(impl, true);
// }
// #endregion
return gotoCmdOrigins;
static Counterexample TraceCounterexample(Block! b, Hashtable! traceNodes, BlockSeq! trace, ErrorModel errModel, Dictionary! incarnationOriginMap)
// After translation, all potential errors come from asserts.
CmdSeq! cmds = b.Cmds;
TransferCmd! transferCmd = (!)b.TransferCmd;
for (int i = 0; i < cmds.Length; i++)
Cmd! cmd = (!) cmds[i];
// Skip if 'cmd' not contained in the trace or not an assert
if (!(cmd is AssertCmd) || !traceNodes.Contains(cmd))
return AssertCmdToCounterexample((AssertCmd)cmd, transferCmd, trace, errModel, incarnationOriginMap);
GotoCmd gotoCmd = transferCmd as GotoCmd;
if (gotoCmd != null)
foreach (Block! bb in (!)gotoCmd.labelTargets)
if (traceNodes.Contains(bb)){
return TraceCounterexample(bb, traceNodes, trace, errModel, incarnationOriginMap);
return null;
// Debug.Fail("Could not find failing node.");
// throw new Microsoft.Contracts.AssertException();
static void /*return printable error!*/ ApplyEnhancedErrorPrintingStrategy (Bpl.Expr! expr, Hashtable /*Variable -> Expr*/! incarnationMap, MiningStrategy errorDataEnhanced, ErrorModel! errModel, Dictionary! exprToPrintableValue, List! relatedInformation, bool printInternalStateDumpOnce, Dictionary! incarnationOriginMap) {
if (errorDataEnhanced is ListOfMiningStrategies) {
ListOfMiningStrategies loms = (ListOfMiningStrategies) errorDataEnhanced;
List! l = loms.msList;
for (int i = 0; i < l.Count; i++) {
MiningStrategy ms = l[i];
if (ms != null) {
ApplyEnhancedErrorPrintingStrategy(expr, incarnationMap, l[i], errModel, exprToPrintableValue, relatedInformation, false, incarnationOriginMap);
else if (errorDataEnhanced is EEDTemplate /*EDEverySubExpr*/) {
EEDTemplate eedT = (EEDTemplate) errorDataEnhanced;
string reason = eedT.reason;
List listOfExprs = eedT.exprList;
if (listOfExprs != null) {
List holeFillers = new List();
for (int i = 0; i < listOfExprs.Count; i++) {
bool alreadySet = false;
foreach (KeyValuePair kvp in exprToPrintableValue) {
Bpl.Expr! e = kvp.Key;
Bpl.Expr! f = listOfExprs[i];
// the strings are compared instead of the actual expressions because
// the expressions might not be identical, but their print-out strings will be
if (e.ToString() == f.ToString()) {
object o = kvp.Value;
if (o != null) {
alreadySet = true;
if (!alreadySet) {
// no information about that Expression found, so put in
reason = FormatReasonString(reason, holeFillers);
if (reason != null) {
relatedInformation.Add("(related information): "+reason);
} else {
// define new templates here!
if (printInternalStateDumpOnce) {
ComputeAndTreatHeapSuccessions(incarnationMap, errModel, incarnationOriginMap, relatedInformation);
// default action: print all values!
foreach (KeyValuePair kvp in exprToPrintableValue) {
object o = kvp.Value;
if (o != null) {
// We do not want to print LiteralExprs because that gives things like 0 == 0.
// If both arguments to the string.Format are the same it is also useless,
// as that would print e.g. $a == $a.
if (!(kvp.Key is LiteralExpr)&& kvp.Key.ToString() != o.ToString()) {
string boogieExpr;
// check whether we are handling BPL or SSC input
if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.RunningBoogieOnSsc) {
boogieExpr = Helpers.PrettyPrintBplExpr(kvp.Key);
} else {
boogieExpr = kvp.Key.ToString();
relatedInformation.Add("(internal state dump): "+string.Format("{0} == {1}", boogieExpr, o));
static void ComputeAndTreatHeapSuccessions(System.Collections.Hashtable! incarnationMap, ErrorModel! errModel, Dictionary! incarnationOriginMap, List! relatedInformation) {
List heapSuccList = ComputeHeapSuccessions(incarnationMap, errModel);
TreatHeapSuccessions(heapSuccList, incarnationMap, errModel, incarnationOriginMap, relatedInformation);
static List ComputeHeapSuccessions(System.Collections.Hashtable! incarnationMap, ErrorModel! errModel) {
// find the heap variable
Variable heap = null;
ICollection ic = incarnationMap.Keys;
foreach (object o in ic) {
if (o is GlobalVariable) {
GlobalVariable gv = (GlobalVariable) o;
if (gv.Name == "$Heap") {
heap = gv;
List heapIdSuccession = new List();
if (heap == null) {
// without knowing the name of the current heap we cannot create a heap succession!
} else {
object oHeap = incarnationMap[heap];
if (oHeap != null) {
string currentHeap = oHeap.ToString();
int currentHeapId;
if (errModel.identifierToPartition.TryGetValue(currentHeap, out currentHeapId)) {
while (currentHeapId != -1) {
if (!heapIdSuccession.Contains(currentHeapId)) {
currentHeapId = ComputePredecessorHeapId(currentHeapId, errModel);
} else {
// looping behavior, just stop here and do not add this value (again!)
if (heapIdSuccession.Count > 0) {
int heapId = heapIdSuccession[heapIdSuccession.Count-1];
List strl = errModel.partitionToIdentifiers[heapId];
if (strl != null && strl.Contains("$Heap")) {
// we have a proper succession of heaps that starts with $Heap
return heapIdSuccession;
} else {
// no proper heap succession, not starting with $Heap!
return null;
} else {
// no heap succession found because either the $Heap does not have a current incarnation
// or because (unlikely!) the model is somehow messed up
return null;
static int ComputePredecessorHeapId(int id, ErrorModel! errModel) {
//check "$HeapSucc" and "store2" functions:
List heapSuccPredIdList = new List();
List> heapSuccFunc;
errModel.definedFunctions.TryGetValue("$HeapSucc", out heapSuccFunc);
if (heapSuccFunc != null) {
foreach (List heapSuccFuncDef in heapSuccFunc) {
// do not look at the else case of the function def, so check .Count
if (heapSuccFuncDef != null && heapSuccFuncDef.Count == 3 && heapSuccFuncDef[1] == id) {
// make sure each predecessor is put into the list at most once
if (!heapSuccPredIdList.Contains(heapSuccFuncDef[0])) {
List store2PredIdList = new List();;
List> store2Func;
errModel.definedFunctions.TryGetValue("store2", out store2Func);
if (store2Func != null) {
foreach (List store2FuncDef in store2Func) {
// do not look at the else case of the function def, so check .Count
if (store2FuncDef != null && store2FuncDef.Count == 5 && store2FuncDef[4] == id) {
// make sure each predecessor is put into the list at most once
if (!store2PredIdList.Contains(store2FuncDef[0])) {
if (heapSuccPredIdList.Count + store2PredIdList.Count > 0) {
if (store2PredIdList.Count == 1) {
return store2PredIdList[0];
} else if (store2PredIdList.Count == 0) {
if (heapSuccPredIdList.Count == 1) {
return heapSuccPredIdList[0];
} else { //(heapSuccPredIdList.Count > 1)
if (heapSuccPredIdList.Count == 2) {
// if one of the 2 is a self-loop, take the other!
if (heapSuccPredIdList[0] == id) {
return heapSuccPredIdList[1];
} else if (heapSuccPredIdList[1] == id) {
return heapSuccPredIdList[0];
} else {
//no self-loop, two different predecessors, cannot choose
return -1;
} else {
// at least 3 different predecessors available, one of them could be a self-loop, but
// we cannot choose between the other 2 (or more) candidates
return -1;
} else {
// more than one result in the succession coming from store2, no way
// to decide which is right, end here
return -1;
} else {
// no predecessor found
return -1;
static void TreatHeapSuccessions (List heapSuccessionList, System.Collections.Hashtable! incarnationMap, ErrorModel! errModel, Dictionary! incarnationOriginMap, List! relatedInformation) {
if (heapSuccessionList == null) {
// empty list of heap successions, nothing we can do!
// primarily look for $o and $f (with skolem-id stuff) and then look where they were last changed!
// find the o and f variables
Variable dollarO = null;
Variable dollarF = null;
ICollection ic = incarnationMap.Keys;
foreach (object o in ic) {
if (o is BoundVariable) {
BoundVariable bv = (BoundVariable) o;
if (bv.Name == "$o") {
dollarO = bv;
else if (bv.Name == "$f") {
dollarF = bv;
if (dollarO == null || dollarF == null) {
// without knowing the name of the current incarnation of $Heap, $o and $f we don't do anything here
} else {
object objO = incarnationMap[dollarO];
object objF = incarnationMap[dollarF];
if (objO != null && objF != null) {
int zidO = errModel.identifierToPartition[objO.ToString()];
int zidF = errModel.identifierToPartition[objF.ToString()];
List> select2Func = null;
if (errModel.definedFunctions.TryGetValue("select2", out select2Func) && select2Func != null) {
// check for all changes to $o.$f!
List heapsChangedOFZid = new List();
int oldValueZid = -1;
int newValueZid = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < heapSuccessionList.Count; i++) {
bool foundValue = false;
foreach (List f in select2Func) {
if (f != null && f.Count == 4 && f[0] == heapSuccessionList[i] && f[1] == zidO && f[2] == zidF) {
newValueZid = f[3];
foundValue = true;
if (!foundValue) {
// get default of the function once Leo&Nikolaj have changed it so the default is type correct
// for now treat it as a -1 !
// the last element of select2Func is the else case, it has only 1 element, so grab that:
// newValueZid = (select2Func[select2Func.Count-1])[0];
newValueZid = -1;
if (oldValueZid != newValueZid) {
// there was a change here, record that in the list:
if (oldValueZid != -1) {
// don't record a change at the "initial" location, which refers to the $Heap in
// its current incarnation, and is marked by the oldValueZid being uninitialized
oldValueZid = newValueZid;
foreach (int id in heapsChangedOFZid) {
//get the heap name out of the errModel for this zid:
List l = errModel.partitionToIdentifiers[id];
List heaps = new List();
if (l!=null) {
foreach (string s in l) {
if (s.StartsWith("$Heap")) {
// easy case first:
if (heaps.Count == 1) {
string heapName = heaps[0];
// we have a string with the name of the heap, but we need to get the
// source location out of a map that uses Incarnations!
ICollection incOrgMKeys = incarnationOriginMap.Keys;
foreach (Incarnation inc in incOrgMKeys) {
if (inc!= null) {
if (inc.Name == heapName) {
Absy source = null;
incarnationOriginMap.TryGetValue(inc, out source);
if (source != null) {
if (source is Block) {
Block b = (Block) source;
string fileName = b.tok.filename;
if (fileName != null) {
fileName = fileName.Substring(fileName.LastIndexOf('\\') + 1);
relatedInformation.Add("(related information): Changed $o.$f here: " + fileName + "(" + b.tok.line + "," + b.tok.col + ")");
} else if (source is Cmd) {
Cmd c = (Cmd) source;
string fileName = c.tok.filename;
if (fileName != null) {
fileName = fileName.Substring(fileName.LastIndexOf('\\') + 1);
relatedInformation.Add("(related information) Changed $o.$f here: " + fileName + "(" + c.tok.line + "," + c.tok.col + ")");
} else {
assert false;
} else {
// more involved! best use some of the above code and try to synchronize joint parts
// here there is more than one "$Heap@i" in the partition, check if they all agree on one
// source location or maybe if some of them are joins (i.e. blocks) that should be ignored
static string FormatReasonString (string reason, List holeFillers) {
if (holeFillers != null) {
// in case all elements of holeFillers are "" we can not say anything useful
// so just say nothing and return null
bool allUnknown = true;
foreach (string s in holeFillers) {
if (s != "") {
allUnknown = false;
if (allUnknown) {
return null;
string[] a = holeFillers.ToArray();
reason = string.Format(reason, a);
return reason;
static object ValueFromZID (ErrorModel! errModel, int id) {
return ValueFromZID(errModel, id, null);
static object ValueFromZID (ErrorModel! errModel, int id, string searchForAlternate) {
object o = errModel.partitionToValue[id];
if (o != null) {
return o;
} else {
// more elaborate scheme to find something better, as in: look at the identifiers that
// this partition maps to, or similar things!
//treatment for 'null':
int idForNull = -1;
if (errModel.valueToPartition.TryGetValue("nullObject", out idForNull) && idForNull == id) {
return "nullObject";
string returnStr = null;
// "good identifiers" if there is no value found are 'unique consts' or
// '$in' parameters; '$in' parameters are treated, unclear how to get 'unique const' info
List identifiers = errModel.partitionToIdentifiers[id];
if (identifiers != null) {
foreach (string s in identifiers) {
//$in parameters are (more) interesting than other identifiers, return the
// first one found
if (s.EndsWith("$in")) {
returnStr = s;
// try to get mappings from one identifier to another if there are exactly
// two identifiers in the partition, where one of them is the identifier for which
// we search for alternate encodings (third parameter of the method) [or an incarnation
// of such an identifier]
if (returnStr == null && searchForAlternate != null && identifiers != null && identifiers.Count == 2) {
if (identifiers[0] == searchForAlternate || identifiers[0].StartsWith(searchForAlternate + ".sk.")) {
returnStr = identifiers[1];
} else if (identifiers[1] == searchForAlternate || identifiers[1].StartsWith(searchForAlternate + ".sk.")) {
returnStr = identifiers[0];
if (returnStr != null) {
return Helpers.BeautifyBplString(returnStr);
return null;
static int TreatInterpretedFunction(string! functionName, List! zargs, ErrorModel! errModel) {
if (zargs.Count != 2) {
//all interpreted functions are binary, so there have to be exactly two arguments
return -1;
else {
object arg0 = ValueFromZID(errModel, zargs[0]);
object arg1 = ValueFromZID(errModel, zargs[1]);
if (arg0 is BigNum && arg1 is BigNum) {
BigNum arg0i = (BigNum)arg0;
BigNum arg1i = (BigNum)arg1;
BigNum result;
if (functionName == "+") {
result = arg0i + arg1i;
} else if (functionName == "-") {
result = arg0i - arg1i;
} else /*if (functionName == "*")*/ {
result = arg0i * arg1i;
int returnId = -1;
if (errModel.valueToPartition.TryGetValue(result, out returnId)) {
return returnId;
} else {
return -1;
else {
//both arguments need to be integers for this to work!
return -1;
static int TreatFunction (string! functionName, List! zargs, bool undefined, ErrorModel! errModel) {
List> functionDef;
if ((!errModel.definedFunctions.TryGetValue(functionName, out functionDef) && functionName != "+" && functionName != "-" && functionName != "*") || undefined) {
// no fitting function found or one of the arguments is undefined
return -1;
} else {
if (functionName == "+" || functionName == "-" || functionName == "*") {
return TreatInterpretedFunction(functionName, zargs, errModel);
assert functionDef != null;
foreach (List pWiseF in functionDef) {
assert pWiseF != null;
// else case in the function definition:
if (pWiseF.Count == 1) {
return pWiseF[0];
// number of arguments is exactly the right number
assert zargs.Count == pWiseF.Count - 1;
if (forall{int i in (0: zargs.Count); zargs[i] == pWiseF[i]}) {
return pWiseF[pWiseF.Count - 1];
// all functions should have an 'else ->' case defined, therefore this should be
// unreachable code!
assert false;
//returned int is zID
static int GetValuesFromModel (Bpl.Expr! expr, Hashtable /*Variable -> Expr*/! incarnationMap, ErrorModel! errModel, Dictionary! exprToPrintableValue)
modifies exprToPrintableValue.*;
// call GetValuesFromModel on all proper subexpressions, returning their value,
// so they only have to be computed once!
if (expr is LiteralExpr) {
// nothing needs to be added to the exprToPrintableValue map, because e.g. 0 -> 0 is not interesting
object o = ((LiteralExpr) expr).Val;
if (o == null) {
o = "nullObject";
int idForExprVal;
if (errModel.valueToPartition.TryGetValue(o, out idForExprVal)) {
return idForExprVal;
} else {
return -1;
else if (expr is IdentifierExpr) {
// if the expression expr is in the incarnation map, then use its incarnation,
// otherwise just use the actual expression
string s = ((IdentifierExpr) expr).Name;
object o = null;
Variable v = ((IdentifierExpr) expr).Decl;
if (v != null && incarnationMap.ContainsKey(v)) {
if (incarnationMap[v] is IdentifierExpr!) {
s = ((IdentifierExpr!) incarnationMap[v]).Name;
} else if (incarnationMap[v] is LiteralExpr!) {
o = ((LiteralExpr!) incarnationMap[v]).Val;
// if o is not null, then we got a LiteralExpression, that needs separate treatment
if (o == null) {
// if the expression (respectively its incarnation) is mapped to some partition
// then return that id, else return the error code -1
if (errModel.identifierToPartition.ContainsKey(s)) {
int i = errModel.identifierToPartition[s];
// if the key is already in the map we can assume that it is the same map we would
// get now and thus just ignore it
if (!exprToPrintableValue.ContainsKey(expr)) {
exprToPrintableValue.Add(expr, ValueFromZID(errModel, i, ((IdentifierExpr) expr).Name));
return i;
} else {
return -1;
} else if (errModel.valueToPartition.ContainsKey(o)) {
int i = errModel.valueToPartition[o];
if (!exprToPrintableValue.ContainsKey(expr))
exprToPrintableValue.Add(expr, ValueFromZID(errModel, i));
return i;
} else {
return -1;
else if (expr is Bpl.NAryExpr) {
Bpl.NAryExpr e = (Bpl.NAryExpr)expr;
List zargs = new List();
bool undefined = false;
// do the recursion first
foreach (Expr argument in ((NAryExpr) expr).Args) {
int zid = -1;
if (argument != null) {
zid = GetValuesFromModel(argument, incarnationMap, errModel, exprToPrintableValue);
// if one of the arguments is 'undefined' then return -1 ('noZid') for this
// but make sure the recursion is complete first1
if (zid == -1) {
undefined = true;
IAppliable! fun = e.Fun;
string functionName = fun.FunctionName; // PR: convert to select1, select2, etc in case of a map?
// same as IndexedExpr:
int id = TreatFunction(functionName, zargs, undefined, errModel);
if (id != -1 && !exprToPrintableValue.ContainsKey(expr)) {
exprToPrintableValue.Add(expr, ValueFromZID(errModel, id));
return id;
else if (expr is Bpl.OldExpr) {
//Bpl.OldExpr e = (Bpl.OldExpr)expr;
// We do not know which heap is the old heap and what the latest state change was,
// therefore we cannot return anything useful here!
return -1;
else if (expr is Bpl.QuantifierExpr) {
Bpl.QuantifierExpr q = (Bpl.QuantifierExpr)expr;
for (int i = 0; i < q.Dummies.Length; i++) {
Bpl.Variable v = q.Dummies[i];
if (v != null) {
// add to the incarnation map a connection between the bound variable v
// of the quantifier and its skolemized incarnation, if available,
// i.e., search through the list of identifiers in the model and look for
// v.sk.(q.SkolemId), only pick those that are directly associated to a value
// DISCLAIMER: of course it is very well possible that one of these incarnations
// could be used without actually having a value, but it seems better to pick those
// with a value, that is they are more likely to contribute useful information to
// the output
List quantVarIncarnationList = new List();
List incarnationZidList = new List();
int numberOfNonNullValueIncarnations = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < errModel.partitionToIdentifiers.Count; j++){
List pti = errModel.partitionToIdentifiers[j];
if (pti != null) {
for (int k = 0; k < pti.Count; k++) {
// look for v.sk.(q.SkolemId)
// if there is more than one look at if there is exactly one with a non-null value
// associated, see above explanation
if (pti[k].StartsWith(v + ".sk." + q.SkolemId) &&
errModel.partitionToValue[errModel.identifierToPartition[pti[k]]] != null) {
quantVarIncarnationList.Add(new Bpl.IdentifierExpr(Bpl.Token.NoToken, pti[k], new Bpl.UnresolvedTypeIdentifier(Token.NoToken, "TName")));
if (errModel.partitionToValue[errModel.identifierToPartition[pti[k]]] != null) {
// only one such variable found, associate it with v
if (quantVarIncarnationList.Count == 1) {
incarnationMap[v] = quantVarIncarnationList[0];
} else if (quantVarIncarnationList.Count > 1 && numberOfNonNullValueIncarnations == 1) {
// if there are multiple candidate incarnations and exactly one of them has a value
// we can pick that one; otherwise it is not clear how to pick one out of multiple
// incarnations without a value or out of multiple incarnations with a value associated
for (int n = 0; n < incarnationZidList.Count; n++) {
if (errModel.partitionToValue[incarnationZidList[n]] != null) {
// quantVarIncarnationList and incarnationZidList are indexed in lockstep, so if
// for the associated zid the partitionToValue map is non-null then that is the one
// thus distinguished incarnation we want to put into the incarnationMap
incarnationMap[v] = quantVarIncarnationList[n];
// generate the value of the body but do not return that outside
GetValuesFromModel(q.Body, incarnationMap, errModel, exprToPrintableValue);
// the quantifier cannot contribute any one value to the rest of the
// expression, thus just return -1
return -1;
else if (expr is Bpl.BvExtractExpr) {
Bpl.BvExtractExpr ex = (Bpl.BvExtractExpr) expr;
Bpl.Expr e0 = ex.Bitvector;
Bpl.Expr e1 = new LiteralExpr(Token.NoToken, BigNum.FromInt(ex.Start));
Bpl.Expr e2 = new LiteralExpr(Token.NoToken, BigNum.FromInt(ex.End));
string functionName = "$bv_extract";
List zargs = new List();
bool undefined = false;
int zid = -1;
zid = GetValuesFromModel(e0, incarnationMap, errModel, exprToPrintableValue);
if (zid == -1) {
undefined = true;
zid = -1;
zid = GetValuesFromModel(e1, incarnationMap, errModel, exprToPrintableValue);
if (zid == -1) {
undefined = true;
zid = -1;
zid = GetValuesFromModel(e2, incarnationMap, errModel, exprToPrintableValue);
if (zid == -1) {
undefined = true;
//same as NAryExpr:
int id = TreatFunction(functionName, zargs, undefined, errModel);
if (id != -1 && !exprToPrintableValue.ContainsKey(expr)) {
exprToPrintableValue.Add(expr, ValueFromZID(errModel, id));
return id;
else if (expr is Bpl.BvConcatExpr) {
// see comment above
Bpl.BvConcatExpr bvc = (Bpl.BvConcatExpr) expr;
string functionName = "$bv_concat";
List zargs = new List();
bool undefined = false;
int zid = -1;
zid = GetValuesFromModel(bvc.E0, incarnationMap, errModel, exprToPrintableValue);
if (zid == -1) {
undefined = true;
zid = -1;
zid = GetValuesFromModel(bvc.E0, incarnationMap, errModel, exprToPrintableValue);
if (zid == -1) {
undefined = true;
//same as NAryExpr:
int id = TreatFunction(functionName, zargs, undefined, errModel);
if (id != -1 && !exprToPrintableValue.ContainsKey(expr)) {
exprToPrintableValue.Add(expr, ValueFromZID(errModel, id));
return id;
else {
assert false; // unexpected Bpl.Expr
return -1;
static Counterexample! AssertCmdToCounterexample (AssertCmd! cmd, TransferCmd! transferCmd, BlockSeq! trace, ErrorModel errModel, Dictionary! incarnationOriginMap) {
List! relatedInformation = new List();
if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.EnhancedErrorMessages == 1) {
if (cmd.OrigExpr != null && cmd.IncarnationMap != null && errModel != null) {
// get all possible information first
Dictionary exprToPrintableValue = new Dictionary();
GetValuesFromModel(cmd.OrigExpr, cmd.IncarnationMap, errModel, exprToPrintableValue);
// then apply the strategies
ApplyEnhancedErrorPrintingStrategy(cmd.OrigExpr, cmd.IncarnationMap, cmd.ErrorDataEnhanced, errModel, exprToPrintableValue, relatedInformation, true, incarnationOriginMap);
// See if it is a special assert inserted in translation
if (cmd is AssertRequiresCmd)
AssertRequiresCmd! assertCmd = (AssertRequiresCmd)cmd;
CallCounterexample cc = new CallCounterexample(trace, assertCmd.Call, assertCmd.Requires);
cc.relatedInformation = relatedInformation;
return cc;
else if (cmd is AssertEnsuresCmd)
AssertEnsuresCmd! assertCmd = (AssertEnsuresCmd)cmd;
ReturnCounterexample rc = new ReturnCounterexample(trace, transferCmd, assertCmd.Ensures);
rc.relatedInformation = relatedInformation;
return rc;
AssertCounterexample ac = new AssertCounterexample(trace, (AssertCmd)cmd);
ac.relatedInformation = relatedInformation;
return ac;
// static void EmitImpl(Implementation! impl, bool printDesugarings) {
// int oldPrintUnstructured = CommandLineOptions.Clo.PrintUnstructured;
// CommandLineOptions.Clo.PrintUnstructured = 2; // print only the unstructured program
// bool oldPrintDesugaringSetting = CommandLineOptions.Clo.PrintDesugarings;
// CommandLineOptions.Clo.PrintDesugarings = printDesugarings;
// impl.Emit(new TokenTextWriter("", Console.Out, false), 0);
// CommandLineOptions.Clo.PrintDesugarings = oldPrintDesugaringSetting;
// CommandLineOptions.Clo.PrintUnstructured = oldPrintUnstructured;
// }
static VCExpr! LetVC(Block! startBlock,
Hashtable/**/! label2absy,
ProverContext! proverCtxt)
Hashtable/**/! blockVariables = new Hashtable/**/();
List! bindings = new List();
VCExpr startCorrect = LetVC(startBlock, label2absy, blockVariables, bindings, proverCtxt);
return proverCtxt.ExprGen.Let(bindings, startCorrect);
static VCExpr! LetVC(Block! block,
Hashtable/**/! label2absy,
Hashtable/**/! blockVariables,
List! bindings,
ProverContext! proverCtxt)
VCExpressionGenerator! gen = proverCtxt.ExprGen;
VCExprVar v = (VCExprVar)blockVariables[block];
if (v == null) {
* For block A (= block), generate:
* LET_binding A_correct = wp(A_body, (/\ S \in Successors(A) :: S_correct))
* with the side effect of adding the let bindings to "bindings" for any
* successor not yet visited.
VCExpr SuccCorrect;
GotoCmd gotocmd = block.TransferCmd as GotoCmd;
if (gotocmd == null) {
SuccCorrect = VCExpressionGenerator.True;
} else {
assert gotocmd.labelTargets != null;
List SuccCorrectVars = new List(gotocmd.labelTargets.Length);
foreach (Block! successor in gotocmd.labelTargets) {
VCExpr s = LetVC(successor, label2absy, blockVariables, bindings, proverCtxt);
SuccCorrect = gen.NAry(VCExpressionGenerator.AndOp, SuccCorrectVars);
VCContext context = new VCContext(label2absy, proverCtxt);
VCExpr vc = Wlp.Block(block, SuccCorrect, context);
v = gen.Variable(block.Label + "_correct", Bpl.Type.Bool);
bindings.Add(gen.LetBinding(v, vc));
blockVariables.Add(block, v);
return v;
static VCExpr! DagVC(Block! block,
Hashtable/**/! label2absy,
Hashtable/**/! blockEquations,
ProverContext! proverCtxt)
VCExpressionGenerator! gen = proverCtxt.ExprGen;
VCExpr vc = (VCExpr)blockEquations[block];
if (vc != null) {
return vc;
* For block A (= block), generate:
* wp(A_body, (/\ S \in Successors(A) :: DagVC(S)))
VCExpr SuccCorrect = null;
GotoCmd gotocmd = block.TransferCmd as GotoCmd;
if (gotocmd != null)
foreach (Block! successor in (!)gotocmd.labelTargets) {
VCExpr c = DagVC(successor, label2absy, blockEquations, proverCtxt);
SuccCorrect = SuccCorrect == null ? c : gen.And(SuccCorrect, c);
if (SuccCorrect == null) {
SuccCorrect = VCExpressionGenerator.True;
VCContext context = new VCContext(label2absy, proverCtxt);
vc = Wlp.Block(block, SuccCorrect, context);
// gen.MarkAsSharedFormula(vc); PR: don't know yet what to do with this guy
blockEquations.Add(block, vc);
return vc;
static VCExpr! FlatBlockVC(Implementation! impl,
Hashtable/**/! label2absy,
bool local, bool reach, bool doomed,
ProverContext! proverCtxt)
requires local ==> !reach; // "reach" must be false for local
VCExpressionGenerator! gen = proverCtxt.ExprGen;
Hashtable/* Block --> VCExprVar */ BlkCorrect = BlockVariableMap(impl.Blocks, "_correct", gen);
Hashtable/* Block --> VCExprVar */ BlkReached = reach ? BlockVariableMap(impl.Blocks, "_reached", gen) : null;
List blocks = impl.Blocks;
// block sorting is now done on the VCExpr
// if (!local && ((!)CommandLineOptions.Clo.TheProverFactory).NeedsBlockSorting) {
// blocks = SortBlocks(blocks);
// }
VCExpr proofObligation;
if (!local) {
proofObligation = (VCExprVar!)BlkCorrect[impl.Blocks[0]];
} else {
List conjuncts = new List(blocks.Count);
foreach (Block! b in blocks) {
VCExpr v = (VCExprVar!)BlkCorrect[b];
proofObligation = gen.NAry(VCExpressionGenerator.AndOp, conjuncts);
VCContext! context = new VCContext(label2absy, proverCtxt);
List programSemantics = new List(blocks.Count);
foreach (Block! b in blocks) {
* In block mode,
* For a return block A, generate:
* A_correct <== wp(A_body, true) [post-condition has been translated into an assert]
* For all other blocks, generate:
* A_correct <== wp(A_body, (/\ S \in Successors(A) :: S_correct))
* In doomed mode, proceed as in block mode, except for a return block A, generate:
* A_correct <== wp(A_body, false) [post-condition has been translated into an assert]
* In block reach mode, the wp(A_body,...) in the equations above change to:
* A_reached ==> wp(A_body,...)
* and the conjunction above changes to:
* (/\ S \in Successors(A) :: S_correct \/ (\/ T \in Successors(A) && T != S :: T_reached))
* In local mode, generate:
* A_correct <== wp(A_body, true)
VCExpr! SuccCorrect;
if (local) {
SuccCorrect = VCExpressionGenerator.True;
} else {
SuccCorrect = SuccessorsCorrect(b, BlkCorrect, BlkReached, doomed, gen);
VCExpr wlp = Wlp.Block(b, SuccCorrect, context);
if (BlkReached != null) {
wlp = gen.Implies((VCExprVar!)BlkReached[b], wlp);
VCExprVar okVar = (VCExprVar!)BlkCorrect[b];
VCExprLetBinding binding = gen.LetBinding(okVar, wlp);
return gen.Let(programSemantics, proofObligation);
private static Hashtable/* Block --> VCExprVar */! BlockVariableMap(List! blocks, string! suffix,
Microsoft.Boogie.VCExpressionGenerator! gen)
Hashtable/* Block --> VCExprVar */ map = new Hashtable/* Block --> (Let)Variable */();
foreach (Block! b in blocks)
VCExprVar! v = gen.Variable(b.Label+suffix, Bpl.Type.Bool);
map.Add(b, v);
return map;
private static VCExpr! SuccessorsCorrect(
Block! b,
Hashtable/* Block --> VCExprVar */! BlkCorrect,
Hashtable/* Block --> VCExprVar */ BlkReached,
bool doomed,
Microsoft.Boogie.VCExpressionGenerator! gen)
VCExpr SuccCorrect = null;
GotoCmd gotocmd = b.TransferCmd as GotoCmd;
if (gotocmd != null)
foreach (Block! successor in (!)gotocmd.labelTargets)
// c := S_correct
VCExpr c = (VCExprVar!)BlkCorrect[successor];
if (BlkReached != null)
// c := S_correct \/ Sibling0_reached \/ Sibling1_reached \/ ...;
foreach (Block! successorSibling in gotocmd.labelTargets)
if (successorSibling != successor)
c = gen.Or(c, (VCExprVar!)BlkReached[successorSibling]);
SuccCorrect = SuccCorrect == null ? c : gen.And(SuccCorrect, c);
if (SuccCorrect == null) {
return VCExpressionGenerator.True;
} else if (doomed) {
return VCExpressionGenerator.False;
} else {
return SuccCorrect;
static VCExpr! NestedBlockVC(Implementation! impl,
Hashtable/**/! label2absy,
bool reach,
ProverContext! proverCtxt)
requires impl.Blocks.Count != 0;
VCExpressionGenerator! gen = proverCtxt.ExprGen;
Graph! g = GraphFromImpl(impl);
Hashtable/* Block --> VCExprVar */ BlkCorrect = BlockVariableMap(impl.Blocks, "_correct", gen);
Hashtable/* Block --> VCExprVar */ BlkReached = reach ? BlockVariableMap(impl.Blocks, "_reached", gen) : null;
Block! startBlock = (!) impl.Blocks[0];
VCExpr proofObligation = (VCExprVar!)BlkCorrect[startBlock];
VCContext! context = new VCContext(label2absy, proverCtxt);
Hashtable/*Block->int*/ totalOrder = new Hashtable/*Block->int*/();
List blocks = impl.Blocks;
// block sorting is now done on the VCExpr
// if (((!)CommandLineOptions.Clo.TheProverFactory).NeedsBlockSorting) {
// blocks = SortBlocks(blocks);
// }
int i = 0;
foreach (Block b in blocks) {
totalOrder[b] = i;
VCExprLetBinding programSemantics = NestedBlockEquation((!)impl.Blocks[0], BlkCorrect, BlkReached, totalOrder, context, g, gen);
List ps = new List(1);
return gen.Let(ps, proofObligation);
private static VCExprLetBinding! NestedBlockEquation(Block! b,
Hashtable/*Block-->VCExprVar*/! BlkCorrect,
Hashtable/*Block-->VCExprVar*/ BlkReached,
Hashtable/*Block->int*/! totalOrder,
VCContext! context,
Graph! g,
Microsoft.Boogie.VCExpressionGenerator! gen)
* For a block b, return:
* LET_BINDING b_correct = wp(b_body, X)
* where X is:
* LET (THOSE d \in DirectDominates(b) :: BlockEquation(d))
* IN (/\ s \in Successors(b) :: s_correct)
* When the VC-expression generator does not support LET expresions, this
* will eventually turn into:
* b_correct <== wp(b_body, X)
* where X is:
* (/\ s \in Successors(b) :: s_correct)
* <==
* (/\ d \in DirectDominatees(b) :: BlockEquation(d))
* In both cases above, if BlkReached is non-null, then the wp expression
* is instead:
* b_reached ==> wp(b_body, X)
VCExpr! SuccCorrect = SuccessorsCorrect(b, BlkCorrect, null, false, gen);
List bindings = new List();
foreach (Block! dominee in GetSortedBlocksImmediatelyDominatedBy(g, b, totalOrder))
VCExprLetBinding c = NestedBlockEquation(dominee, BlkCorrect, BlkReached, totalOrder, context, g, gen);
VCExpr X = gen.Let(bindings, SuccCorrect);
VCExpr wlp = Wlp.Block(b, X, context);
if (BlkReached != null) {
wlp = gen.Implies((VCExprVar!)BlkReached[b], wlp);
VCExprVar okVar = (VCExprVar!)BlkCorrect[b];
return gen.LetBinding(okVar, wlp);
/// Returns a list of g.ImmediatelyDominatedBy(b), but in a sorted order, hoping to steer around
/// the nondeterminism problems we've been seeing by using just this call.
static List! GetSortedBlocksImmediatelyDominatedBy(Graph! g, Block! b, Hashtable/*Block->int*/! totalOrder) {
List list = new List();
foreach (Block! dominee in g.ImmediatelyDominatedBy(b)) {
list.Sort(new Comparison(delegate (Block! x, Block! y) {return (int)(!)totalOrder[x] - (int)(!)totalOrder[y];} ));
return list;
static VCExpr! VCViaStructuredProgram
(Implementation! impl, Hashtable/**/! label2absy,
ProverContext! proverCtxt)
#region Convert block structure back to a "regular expression"
RE! r = DAG2RE.Transform((!)impl.Blocks[0]);
VCContext! ctxt = new VCContext(label2absy, proverCtxt);
#region Send wlp(program,true) to Simplify
return Wlp.RegExpr(r, VCExpressionGenerator.True, ctxt);
/// Remove the empty blocks reachable from the block.
/// It changes the visiting state of the blocks, so that if you want to visit again the blocks, you have to reset them...
static BlockSeq! RemoveEmptyBlocks(Block! b)
assert b.TraversingStatus == Block.VisitState.ToVisit;
BlockSeq retVal = removeEmptyBlocksWorker(b, true);
return retVal;
private static BlockSeq! removeEmptyBlocksWorker(Block! b, bool startNode)
BlockSeq bs = new BlockSeq();
GotoCmd gtc = b.TransferCmd as GotoCmd;
// b has no successors
if (gtc == null || gtc.labelTargets == null || gtc.labelTargets.Length == 0)
if (b.Cmds.Length != 0){ // only empty blocks are removed...
return bs;
else if(b.TraversingStatus == Block.VisitState.ToVisit) // if b has some successors and we have not seen it so far...
b.TraversingStatus = Block.VisitState.BeingVisited;
// recursively call this method on each successor
// merge result into a *set* of blocks
Dictionary mergedSuccessors = new Dictionary();
foreach (Block! dest in gtc.labelTargets){
BlockSeq! ys = removeEmptyBlocksWorker(dest, false);
foreach (Block successor in ys){
if (!mergedSuccessors.ContainsKey(successor))
b.TraversingStatus = Block.VisitState.AlreadyVisited;
BlockSeq setOfSuccessors = new BlockSeq();
foreach (Block d in mergedSuccessors.Keys)
if (b.Cmds.Length == 0 && !startNode)
return setOfSuccessors;
// otherwise, update the list of successors of b to be the blocks in setOfSuccessors
gtc.labelTargets = setOfSuccessors;
gtc.labelNames = new StringSeq();
foreach (Block! d in setOfSuccessors)
return new BlockSeq(b);
else // b has some successors, but we are already visiting it, or we have already visited it...
return new BlockSeq(b);
static Graph! GraphFromImpl(Implementation! impl) {
Graph! g = new Graph();
g.AddSource((!)impl.Blocks[0]); // there is always at least one node in the graph
foreach (Block! b in impl.Blocks)
GotoCmd gtc = b.TransferCmd as GotoCmd;
if (gtc != null)
foreach (Block! dest in (!)gtc.labelTargets)
return g;
static void DumpMap(Hashtable /*Variable->Expr*/! map) {
foreach (DictionaryEntry de in map) {
Variable! v = (Variable!)de.Key;
Expr! e = (Expr!)de.Value;
Console.Write(" ");
v.Emit(new TokenTextWriter("", Console.Out, false), 0);
Console.Write(" --> ");
e.Emit(new TokenTextWriter("", Console.Out, false));