//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Diagnostics.Contracts; using Microsoft.Boogie.VCExprAST; // Class for constructing and collecting the axioms of the partial // order <:. The class also manages "unique" attributes of constants // and generated the necessary assumptions for the theorem prover. // TODO: there should be an interface so that different ways to handle // ordering relations can be accessed uniformly namespace Microsoft.Boogie { public class OrderingAxiomBuilder { [ContractInvariantMethod] void ObjectInvariant() { Contract.Invariant(Gen != null); Contract.Invariant(Translator != null); Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullElements(OneStepFuns)); Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullElements(Constants)); Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullElements(CompleteConstantsOpen)); Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullElements(AllAxioms)); Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullElements(IncAxioms)); } private readonly VCExpressionGenerator Gen; private readonly Boogie2VCExprTranslator Translator; private readonly IDictionary OneStepFuns; private readonly List Constants = new List(); // A list to handle constants whose direct children are fully // specified (the "complete" keyword). Constants are removed from // the list as soon as the corresponding axiom has been generated, // which means that from this point on no further children can be // added private readonly List CompleteConstantsOpen = new List(); // list in which all axioms are collected private readonly List AllAxioms = new List(); // list in which axioms are incrementally collected private readonly List IncAxioms = new List(); public OrderingAxiomBuilder(VCExpressionGenerator gen, Boogie2VCExprTranslator translator) { Contract.Requires(gen != null); Contract.Requires(translator != null); this.Gen = gen; this.Translator = translator; OneStepFuns = new Dictionary(); Constants = new List(); CompleteConstantsOpen = new List(); AllAxioms = new List(); IncAxioms = new List(); } public OrderingAxiomBuilder(VCExpressionGenerator gen, Boogie2VCExprTranslator translator, OrderingAxiomBuilder builder) { Contract.Requires(gen != null); Contract.Requires(translator != null); Contract.Requires(builder != null); this.Gen = gen; this.Translator = translator; OneStepFuns = new Dictionary(builder.OneStepFuns); Constants = new List(builder.Constants); CompleteConstantsOpen = new List(builder.CompleteConstantsOpen); AllAxioms = new List(builder.AllAxioms); IncAxioms = new List(builder.IncAxioms); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Used to axiomatise the disjoint-sub-dag specs that are // described by parents with the "unique" flag private Function OneStepFunFor(Type t) { Contract.Requires(t != null); Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result() != null); Function res; if (!OneStepFuns.TryGetValue(t, out res)) { VariableSeq args = new VariableSeq(); args.Add(new Formal(Token.NoToken, new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken, "arg0", t), true)); args.Add(new Formal(Token.NoToken, new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken, "arg1", t), true)); Formal result = new Formal(Token.NoToken, new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken, "res", t), false); res = new Function(Token.NoToken, "oneStep", new TypeVariableSeq(), args, result); OneStepFuns.Add(t, res); } return cce.NonNull(res); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private void AddAxiom(VCExpr axiom) { Contract.Requires(axiom != null); if (axiom.Equals(VCExpressionGenerator.True)) return; AllAxioms.Add(axiom); IncAxioms.Add(axiom); } // Return all axioms that were added since the last time NewAxioms // was called public VCExpr GetNewAxioms() { Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result() != null); CloseChildrenCompleteConstants(); VCExpr res = Gen.NAry(VCExpressionGenerator.AndOp, IncAxioms); IncAxioms.Clear(); return res; } // return all axioms public VCExpr Axioms { get { Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result() != null); CloseChildrenCompleteConstants(); return Gen.NAry(VCExpressionGenerator.AndOp, AllAxioms); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Generate the normal axioms for a partial order relation public void Setup() { TypeVariable alpha = new TypeVariable(Token.NoToken, "alpha"); Contract.Assert(alpha != null); List typeParams = new List(); typeParams.Add(alpha); List triggers = new List(); VCExprVar x = Gen.Variable("x", alpha); Contract.Assert(x != null); VCExprVar y = Gen.Variable("y", alpha); Contract.Assert(y != null); VCExprVar z = Gen.Variable("z", alpha); Contract.Assert(z != null); List boundVars = new List(); // reflexivity boundVars.Add(x); AddAxiom(Gen.Forall(typeParams, boundVars, triggers, new VCQuantifierInfos("bg:subtype-refl", -1, false, null), Gen.AtMost(x, x))); // transitivity boundVars = new List(); boundVars.Add(x); boundVars.Add(y); boundVars.Add(z); triggers = new List(); triggers.Add(Gen.Trigger(true, Gen.AtMost(x, y), Gen.AtMost(y, z))); VCExpr body = Gen.Implies(Gen.And(Gen.AtMost(x, y), Gen.AtMost(y, z)), Gen.AtMost(x, z)); Contract.Assert(body != null); AddAxiom(Gen.Forall(typeParams, boundVars, triggers, new VCQuantifierInfos("bg:subtype-trans", -1, false, null), body)); // anti-symmetry boundVars = new List(); boundVars.Add(x); boundVars.Add(y); triggers = new List(); triggers.Add(Gen.Trigger(true, Gen.AtMost(x, y), Gen.AtMost(y, x))); body = Gen.Implies(Gen.And(Gen.AtMost(x, y), Gen.AtMost(y, x)), Gen.Eq(x, y)); AddAxiom(Gen.Forall(typeParams, boundVars, triggers, new VCQuantifierInfos("bg:subtype-antisymm", -1, false, null), body)); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public void AddConstant(Constant c) { Contract.Requires(c != null); AddAxiom(GenParentConstraints(c)); Constants.Add(c); if (c.ChildrenComplete) CompleteConstantsOpen.Add(c); // ensure that no further children are added to closed // children-complete constants Contract.Assert(!(c.Parents != null && Contract.Exists(c.Parents, p => cce.NonNull((Constant)p.Parent.Decl).ChildrenComplete && !CompleteConstantsOpen.Contains((Constant)p.Parent.Decl)))); } // Generate the constraints telling that parents of a constant are // strictly greater than the constant itself, and are the minimal // elements with this property private VCExpr GenParentConstraints(Constant c) { Contract.Requires(c != null); Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result() != null); VCExpr res = VCExpressionGenerator.True; if (c.Parents == null) return res; VCExprVar cAsVar = Translator.LookupVariable(c); VCExprVar w = Gen.Variable("w", c.TypedIdent.Type); // Parents of c are proper ancestors of c foreach (ConstantParent p in c.Parents) { Contract.Assert(p != null); VCExprVar par = Translator.LookupVariable(cce.NonNull(p.Parent.Decl)); res = Gen.AndSimp(res, Gen.Neq(cAsVar, par)); res = Gen.AndSimp(res, Gen.AtMost(cAsVar, par)); } // Parents are direct ancestors of c (no other elements are in // between c and a parent) foreach (ConstantParent p in c.Parents) { Contract.Assert(p != null); VCExprVar par = Translator.LookupVariable(cce.NonNull(p.Parent.Decl)); Contract.Assert(par != null); VCExpr antecedent1 = Gen.AtMost(cAsVar, w); Contract.Assert(antecedent1 != null); VCExpr antecedent2 = Gen.AtMost(w, par); Contract.Assert(antecedent2 != null); VCExpr body = Gen.Implies(Gen.And(antecedent1, antecedent2), Gen.Or(Gen.Eq(cAsVar, w), Gen.Eq(par, w))); Contract.Assert(body != null); res = Gen.AndSimp(res, Gen.Forall(w, Gen.Trigger(true, antecedent1, antecedent2), body)); } // Ancestors of c are only c itself and the ancestors of the // parents of c VCExpr minAncestors = Gen.Eq(cAsVar, w); Contract.Assert(minAncestors != null); foreach (ConstantParent p in c.Parents) { Contract.Assert(p != null); minAncestors = Gen.Or(minAncestors, Gen.AtMost(Translator.LookupVariable(cce.NonNull(p.Parent.Decl)), w)); } VCExpr antecedent = Gen.AtMost(cAsVar, w); Contract.Assert(antecedent != null); res = Gen.AndSimp(res, Gen.Forall(w, Gen.Trigger(true, antecedent), Gen.Implies(antecedent, minAncestors))); // Constraints for unique child-parent edges foreach (ConstantParent p in c.Parents) { Contract.Assert(p != null); if (p.Unique) res = Gen.AndSimp(res, GenUniqueParentConstraint(c, cce.NonNull((Constant)p.Parent.Decl))); } return res; } // Generate axioms that state that all direct children of c are // specified; this is the dual of the axiom stating that all direct // ancestors of a constant are known private VCExpr GenCompleteChildrenConstraints(Constant c) { Contract.Requires(c != null); Contract.Requires(c.ChildrenComplete); Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result() != null); VCExprVar cAsVar = Translator.LookupVariable(c); VCExprVar w = Gen.Variable("w", c.TypedIdent.Type); VCExpr maxDescendants = Gen.Eq(cAsVar, w); foreach (Constant d in Constants) { Contract.Assert(d != null); if (d.Parents != null && Contract.Exists(d.Parents, p => c.Equals(p.Parent.Decl))) maxDescendants = Gen.Or(maxDescendants, Gen.AtMost(w, Translator.LookupVariable(d))); } VCExpr antecedent = Gen.AtMost(w, cAsVar); Contract.Assert(antecedent != null); return Gen.Forall(w, Gen.Trigger(true, antecedent), Gen.Implies(antecedent, maxDescendants)); } private void CloseChildrenCompleteConstants() { foreach (Constant c in CompleteConstantsOpen) { Contract.Assert(c != null); AddAxiom(GenCompleteChildrenConstraints(c)); } CompleteConstantsOpen.Clear(); } // Generate the axiom ensuring that the sub-dags underneath unique // child-parent edges are all disjoint private VCExpr GenUniqueParentConstraint(Constant child, Constant parent) { Contract.Requires(child != null); Contract.Requires(parent != null); Contract.Requires(child.TypedIdent.Type.Equals(parent.TypedIdent.Type)); Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result() != null); VCExprVar w = Gen.Variable("w", child.TypedIdent.Type); Contract.Assert(w != null); VCExpr antecedent = Gen.AtMost(w, Translator.LookupVariable(child)); Contract.Assert(antecedent != null); VCExpr succedent = Gen.Eq(Gen.Function(OneStepFunFor(child.TypedIdent.Type), Translator.LookupVariable(parent), w), Translator.LookupVariable(child)); Contract.Assert(succedent != null); return Gen.Forall(w, Gen.Trigger(true, antecedent), Gen.Implies(antecedent, succedent)); } } }