//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (C) 2012 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using Term = Microsoft.Boogie.VCExprAST.VCExpr; using FuncDecl = Microsoft.Boogie.VCExprAST.VCExprOp; using Sort = Microsoft.Boogie.Type; using Microsoft.Boogie.VCExprAST; /** This namespace contains some extensions to allow VCExpr to provide the * interface needed by RPFP and FixedpointVC. */ namespace Microsoft.Boogie.ExprExtensions { class ReferenceComparer : IEqualityComparer where T : class { private static ReferenceComparer m_instance; public static ReferenceComparer Instance { get { return m_instance ?? (m_instance = new ReferenceComparer()); } } public bool Equals(T x, T y) { return ReferenceEquals(x, y); } public int GetHashCode(T obj) { return System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers.GetHashCode(obj); } } public class TermDict : Dictionary { public TermDict() : base(ReferenceComparer.Instance) { } } public enum TermKind { App, Other }; public enum DeclKind { Uninterpreted, And, Implies, Label, Other }; public static class MyExtensions { public static Term[] GetAppArgs(this Term t) { Microsoft.Boogie.VCExprAST.VCExprNAry tn = t as Microsoft.Boogie.VCExprAST.VCExprNAry; return tn.ToArray(); } public static FuncDecl GetAppDecl(this Term t) { Microsoft.Boogie.VCExprAST.VCExprNAry tn = t as Microsoft.Boogie.VCExprAST.VCExprNAry; return tn.Op; } public static string GetDeclName(this FuncDecl f) { return (f as VCExprBoogieFunctionOp).Func.Name; //TODO } public static DeclKind GetKind(this FuncDecl f) { if (f is VCExprBoogieFunctionOp) return DeclKind.Uninterpreted; if (f == VCExpressionGenerator.AndOp) return DeclKind.And; if (f == VCExpressionGenerator.ImpliesOp) return DeclKind.Implies; if (f is VCExprLabelOp) return DeclKind.Label; return DeclKind.Other; } public static bool IsLabel(this Term t) { return (t is VCExprNAry) && (GetAppDecl(t) is VCExprLabelOp); } public static string LabelName(this Term t) { return (GetAppDecl(t) as VCExprLabelOp).label; } public static Sort GetSort(this Term t) { return t.Type; } public static TermKind GetKind(this Term t) { if (t is Microsoft.Boogie.VCExprAST.VCExprNAry) return TermKind.App; return TermKind.Other; } public static bool IsFunctionApp(this Term t) { return t.GetKind() == TermKind.App && t.GetAppDecl().GetKind() == DeclKind.Uninterpreted; } public static bool IsFalse(this Term t) { return t == VCExpressionGenerator.False; } public static Term VCExprToTerm(this Microsoft.Boogie.ProverContext ctx, VCExpr e, LineariserOptions lin){ return e; } } public class Context : Microsoft.Boogie.VCExpressionGenerator { public Term MkTrue() { return VCExpressionGenerator.True; } public Term MkFalse() { return VCExpressionGenerator.False; } public List axioms = new List(); public void AddAxiom(Term ax) { axioms.Add(ax); } public void RemoveAxiom(Term ax) { axioms.Remove(ax); } public FuncDecl MkFuncDecl(string name, FuncDecl f) { Function h = (f as VCExprBoogieFunctionOp).Func; Function g = new Function(Token.NoToken, name, h.InParams, h.OutParams[0]); return BoogieFunctionOp(g); } public FuncDecl MkFuncDecl(string name, Sort rng) { Function g = new Function(Token.NoToken, name, new VariableSeq(), new Constant(Token.NoToken, new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken, "dummy",rng))); return BoogieFunctionOp(g); } public Term MkApp(FuncDecl f, Term[] args) { return Function(f, args); } public Term MkApp(FuncDecl f, Term[] args, Type[]/*!*/ typeArguments) { return Function(f, args, typeArguments); } public Term MkApp(FuncDecl f, Term arg) { return Function(f, arg); } public Term CloneApp(Term t, Term[] args) { var f = t.GetAppDecl(); var typeArgs = (t as VCExprNAry).TypeArguments; if (typeArgs != null && typeArgs.Count > 0) { return MkApp(f, args, typeArgs.ToArray()); } else { return MkApp(f, args); } } public Term MkAnd(Term[] args) { if (args.Length == 0) return True; Term res = args[0]; for (int i = 1; i < args.Length; i++) res = And(res, args[i]); return res; } public Term MkAnd(Term arg1, Term arg2) { return And(arg1, arg2); } public Term MkNot(Term arg1) { return Not(arg1); } public Term MkImplies(Term arg1, Term arg2) { return Implies(arg1, arg2); } public Term MkEq(Term arg1, Term arg2) { return Eq(arg1, arg2); } public Sort MkBoolSort() { return Type.Bool; } public Term MkConst(string name, Sort sort) { return Variable(name, sort); } public Term MkForall(Term[] bounds, Term body) { if (bounds.Length == 0) return body; List vbs = new List(); foreach(var v in bounds) vbs.Add(v as VCExprVar); return Forall(vbs,new List(), body); } public Term MkExists(Term[] bounds, Term body) { if (bounds.Length == 0) return body; List vbs = new List(); foreach (var v in bounds) vbs.Add(v as VCExprVar); return Exists(vbs, new List(), body); } private class Letifier { private class counter { public int cnt = 0; } TermDict refcnt = new TermDict(); List bindings = new List(); TermDict< VCExprVar> bindingMap = new TermDict< VCExprVar>(); int letcnt = 0; Context ctx; public Letifier(Context _ctx) { ctx = _ctx; } private void RefCnt(Term t) { counter cnt; if (!refcnt.TryGetValue(t, out cnt)) { cnt = new counter(); refcnt.Add(t, cnt); } cnt.cnt++; if (cnt.cnt == 1) { var kind = t.GetKind(); if (kind == TermKind.App) { var args = t.GetAppArgs(); foreach (var arg in args) RefCnt(arg); } else if (t is VCExprQuantifier) { RefCnt((t as VCExprQuantifier).Body); } } } private Term Doit(Term t) { VCExprVar v; if (bindingMap.TryGetValue(t, out v)) { return v; } Term res = null; var kind = t.GetKind(); bool letok = false; if (kind == TermKind.App) { var f = t.GetAppDecl(); var args = t.GetAppArgs(); args = args.Select(x => Doit(x)).ToArray(); res = ctx.MkApp(f, args); letok = true; } else if (t is VCExprQuantifier) { var q = t as VCExprQuantifier; var newbody = ctx.Letify(q.Body); if (q.Quan == Quantifier.ALL) res = ctx.Forall(q.BoundVars, q.Triggers, newbody); else res = ctx.Exists(q.BoundVars, q.Triggers, newbody); letok = true; } else res = t; if (letok && refcnt[t].cnt > 1) { VCExprVar lv = ctx.MkConst("fpvc$" + Convert.ToString(letcnt), t.GetSort()) as VCExprVar; VCExprLetBinding b = ctx.LetBinding(lv, res); bindings.Add(b); bindingMap.Add(t, lv); res = lv; letcnt++; } return res; } public Term Letify(Term t) { RefCnt(t); Term res = Doit(t); if (bindings.Count > 0) res = ctx.Let(bindings, res); return res; } } public Term Letify(Term t) { var thing = new Letifier(this); return thing.Letify(t); } }; }