//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- using System; using System.Text; using System.IO; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using Microsoft.Contracts; using Microsoft.Basetypes; using Microsoft.Boogie.VCExprAST; // Erasure of types using premisses (forall x :: type(x)=T ==> p(x)) namespace Microsoft.Boogie.TypeErasure { using Microsoft.Boogie.VCExprAST; // When using type premisses, we can distinguish two kinds of type // parameters of a function or map: parameters that occur in the // formal argument types of the function are "implicit" because they // can be inferred from the actual argument types; parameters that // only occur in the result type of the function are "explicit" // because they are not inferrable and have to be given to the // function as additional arguments. // // The following structure is used to store the untyped version of a // typed function, together with the lists of implicit and explicit // type parameters (in the same order as they occur in the signature // of the original function). internal struct UntypedFunction { public readonly Function! Fun; // type parameters that can be extracted from the value parameters public readonly List! ImplicitTypeParams; // type parameters that have to be given explicitly public readonly List! ExplicitTypeParams; public UntypedFunction(Function! fun, List! implicitTypeParams, List! explicitTypeParams) { Fun = fun; ImplicitTypeParams = implicitTypeParams; ExplicitTypeParams = explicitTypeParams; } } public class TypeAxiomBuilderPremisses : TypeAxiomBuilderIntBoolU { public TypeAxiomBuilderPremisses(VCExpressionGenerator! gen) { base(gen); TypeFunction = HelperFuns.BoogieFunction("dummy", Type.Int); Typed2UntypedFunctions = new Dictionary (); MapTypeAbstracterAttr = null; } // constructor to allow cloning [NotDelayed] internal TypeAxiomBuilderPremisses(TypeAxiomBuilderPremisses! builder) { TypeFunction = builder.TypeFunction; Typed2UntypedFunctions = new Dictionary (builder.Typed2UntypedFunctions); base(builder); MapTypeAbstracterAttr = builder.MapTypeAbstracterAttr == null ? null : new MapTypeAbstractionBuilderPremisses(this, builder.Gen, builder.MapTypeAbstracterAttr); } public override Object! Clone() { return new TypeAxiomBuilderPremisses(this); } public override void Setup() { TypeFunction = HelperFuns.BoogieFunction("type", U, T); base.Setup(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // generate axioms of the kind "forall x:U. {Int2U(U2Int(x))} // type(x)=int ==> Int2U(U2Int(x))==x" protected override VCExpr! GenReverseCastAxiom(Function! castToU, Function! castFromU) { List! triggers; VCExprVar! var; VCExpr! eq = GenReverseCastEq(castToU, castFromU, out var, out triggers); VCExpr! premiss; if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.TypeEncodingMethod == CommandLineOptions.TypeEncoding.None) premiss = VCExpressionGenerator.True; else premiss = GenVarTypeAxiom(var, ((!)castFromU.OutParams[0]).TypedIdent.Type, // we don't have any bindings available new Dictionary ()); VCExpr! matrix = Gen.ImpliesSimp(premiss, eq); return Gen.Forall(HelperFuns.ToList(var), triggers, "cast:" + castFromU.Name, matrix); } protected override VCExpr! GenCastTypeAxioms(Function! castToU, Function! castFromU) { Type! fromType = ((!)castToU.InParams[0]).TypedIdent.Type; return GenFunctionAxiom(castToU, new List (), new List (), HelperFuns.ToList(fromType), fromType); } private MapTypeAbstractionBuilderPremisses MapTypeAbstracterAttr; internal override MapTypeAbstractionBuilder! MapTypeAbstracter { get { if (MapTypeAbstracterAttr == null) MapTypeAbstracterAttr = new MapTypeAbstractionBuilderPremisses (this, Gen); return MapTypeAbstracterAttr; } } internal MapTypeAbstractionBuilderPremisses! MapTypeAbstracterPremisses { get { return (MapTypeAbstractionBuilderPremisses)MapTypeAbstracter; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // function that maps individuals to their type // the field is overwritten with its actual value in "Setup" private Function! TypeFunction; public VCExpr! TypeOf(VCExpr! expr) { return Gen.Function(TypeFunction, expr); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Generate type premisses and type parameter bindings for quantifiers, functions, procedures // let-bindings to extract the instantiations of type parameters public List! GenTypeParamBindings(// the original bound variables and (implicit) type parameters List! typeParams, List! oldBoundVars, // VariableBindings to which the translation // TypeVariable -> VCExprVar is added VariableBindings! bindings, bool addTypeVarsToBindings) { // type variables are replaced with ordinary variables that are bound using a // let-expression if (addTypeVarsToBindings) { foreach (TypeVariable! tvar in typeParams) bindings.TypeVariableBindings.Add(tvar, Gen.Variable(tvar.Name, T)); } // extract the values of type variables from the term variables List! UtypedVars = new List (oldBoundVars.Count); List! originalTypes = new List (oldBoundVars.Count); foreach (VCExprVar var in oldBoundVars) { VCExprVar! newVar = bindings.VCExprVarBindings[var]; if (newVar.Type.Equals(U)) { UtypedVars.Add(newVar); originalTypes.Add(var.Type); } } UtypedVars.TrimExcess(); originalTypes.TrimExcess(); return BestTypeVarExtractors(typeParams, originalTypes, UtypedVars, bindings); } public VCExpr! AddTypePremisses(List! typeVarBindings, VCExpr! typePremisses, bool universal, VCExpr! body) { VCExpr! bodyWithPremisses; if (universal) bodyWithPremisses = Gen.ImpliesSimp(typePremisses, body); else bodyWithPremisses = Gen.AndSimp(typePremisses, body); return Gen.Let(typeVarBindings, bodyWithPremisses); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Extract the instantiations of type variables from the concrete types of // term variables. E.g., for a function f(x : C a), we would extract the // instantiation of "a" by looking at the concrete type of "x". public List! BestTypeVarExtractors(List! vars, List! types, List! concreteTypeSources, VariableBindings! bindings) { List! typeParamBindings = new List (); foreach (TypeVariable! var in vars) { VCExpr extractor = BestTypeVarExtractor(var, types, concreteTypeSources); if (extractor != null) typeParamBindings.Add( Gen.LetBinding((VCExprVar)bindings.TypeVariableBindings[var], extractor)); } return typeParamBindings; } private VCExpr BestTypeVarExtractor(TypeVariable! var, List! types, List! concreteTypeSources) { List allExtractors = TypeVarExtractors(var, types, concreteTypeSources); if (allExtractors.Count == 0) return null; VCExpr bestExtractor = allExtractors[0]; int bestExtractorSize = SizeComputingVisitor.ComputeSize(bestExtractor); for (int i = 1; i < allExtractors.Count; ++i) { int newSize = SizeComputingVisitor.ComputeSize(allExtractors[i]); if (newSize < bestExtractorSize) { bestExtractor = allExtractors[i]; bestExtractorSize = newSize; } } return bestExtractor; } private List! TypeVarExtractors(TypeVariable! var, List! types, List! concreteTypeSources) requires types.Count == concreteTypeSources.Count; { List! res = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < types.Count; ++i) TypeVarExtractors(var, types[i], TypeOf(concreteTypeSources[i]), res); return res; } private void TypeVarExtractors(TypeVariable! var, Type! completeType, VCExpr! innerTerm, List! extractors) { if (completeType.IsVariable) { if (var.Equals(completeType)) { extractors.Add(innerTerm); } // else nothing } else if (completeType.IsBasic) { // nothing } else if (completeType.IsCtor) { CtorType! ctorType = completeType.AsCtor; if (ctorType.Arguments.Length > 0) { // otherwise there are no chances of extracting any // instantiations from this type TypeCtorRepr repr = GetTypeCtorReprStruct(ctorType.Decl); for (int i = 0; i < ctorType.Arguments.Length; ++i) { VCExpr! newInnerTerm = Gen.Function(repr.Dtors[i], innerTerm); TypeVarExtractors(var, ctorType.Arguments[i], newInnerTerm, extractors); } } } else if (completeType.IsMap) { TypeVarExtractors(var, MapTypeAbstracter.AbstractMapType(completeType.AsMap), innerTerm, extractors); } else { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Fail("Don't know how to handle this type: " + completeType); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Symbols for representing functions // Globally defined functions private readonly IDictionary! Typed2UntypedFunctions; // distinguish between implicit and explicit type parameters internal static void SeparateTypeParams(List! valueArgumentTypes, TypeVariableSeq! allTypeParams, out List! implicitParams, out List! explicitParams) { TypeVariableSeq! varsInInParamTypes = new TypeVariableSeq (); foreach (Type! t in valueArgumentTypes) varsInInParamTypes.AppendWithoutDups(t.FreeVariables); implicitParams = new List (allTypeParams.Length); explicitParams = new List (allTypeParams.Length); foreach (TypeVariable! var in allTypeParams) { if (varsInInParamTypes.Has(var)) implicitParams.Add(var); else explicitParams.Add(var); } implicitParams.TrimExcess(); explicitParams.TrimExcess(); } internal UntypedFunction Typed2Untyped(Function! fun) { UntypedFunction res; if (!Typed2UntypedFunctions.TryGetValue(fun, out res)) { assert fun.OutParams.Length == 1; // if all of the parameters are int or bool, the function does // not have to be changed if (forall{Formal f in fun.InParams; UnchangedType(((!)f).TypedIdent.Type)} && UnchangedType(((!)fun.OutParams[0]).TypedIdent.Type) && fun.TypeParameters.Length == 0) { res = new UntypedFunction(fun, new List (), new List ()); } else { List! argTypes = new List (); foreach (Variable! v in fun.InParams) argTypes.Add(v.TypedIdent.Type); List! implicitParams, explicitParams; SeparateTypeParams(argTypes, fun.TypeParameters, out implicitParams, out explicitParams); Type[]! types = new Type [explicitParams.Count + fun.InParams.Length + 1]; int i = 0; for (int j = 0; j < explicitParams.Count; ++j) { types[i] = T; i = i + 1; } for (int j = 0; j < fun.InParams.Length; ++i, ++j) types[i] = TypeAfterErasure(((!)fun.InParams[j]).TypedIdent.Type); types[types.Length - 1] = TypeAfterErasure(((!)fun.OutParams[0]).TypedIdent.Type); Function! untypedFun = HelperFuns.BoogieFunction(fun.Name, types); untypedFun.Attributes = fun.Attributes; res = new UntypedFunction(untypedFun, implicitParams, explicitParams); if (U.Equals(types[types.Length - 1])) AddTypeAxiom(GenFunctionAxiom(res, fun)); } Typed2UntypedFunctions.Add(fun, res); } return res; } private VCExpr! GenFunctionAxiom(UntypedFunction fun, Function! originalFun) { List! originalInTypes = new List (originalFun.InParams.Length); foreach (Formal! f in originalFun.InParams) originalInTypes.Add(f.TypedIdent.Type); return GenFunctionAxiom(fun.Fun, fun.ImplicitTypeParams, fun.ExplicitTypeParams, originalInTypes, ((!)originalFun.OutParams[0]).TypedIdent.Type); } internal VCExpr! GenFunctionAxiom(Function! fun, List! implicitTypeParams, List! explicitTypeParams, List! originalInTypes, Type! originalResultType) requires originalInTypes.Count + explicitTypeParams.Count == fun.InParams.Length; { if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.TypeEncodingMethod == CommandLineOptions.TypeEncoding.None) { return VCExpressionGenerator.True; } List! typedInputVars = new List(originalInTypes.Count); int i = 0; foreach (Type! t in originalInTypes) { typedInputVars.Add(Gen.Variable("arg" + i, t)); i = i + 1; } VariableBindings! bindings = new VariableBindings (); // type parameters that have to be given explicitly are replaced // with universally quantified type variables List! boundVars = new List (explicitTypeParams.Count + typedInputVars.Count); foreach (TypeVariable! var in explicitTypeParams) { VCExprVar! newVar = Gen.Variable(var.Name, T); boundVars.Add(newVar); bindings.TypeVariableBindings.Add(var, newVar); } // bound term variables are replaced with bound term variables typed in // a simpler way foreach (VCExprVar! var in typedInputVars) { Type! newType = TypeAfterErasure(var.Type); VCExprVar! newVar = Gen.Variable(var.Name, newType); boundVars.Add(newVar); bindings.VCExprVarBindings.Add(var, newVar); } List typeVarBindings = GenTypeParamBindings(implicitTypeParams, typedInputVars, bindings, true); VCExpr! funApp = Gen.Function(fun, HelperFuns.ToVCExprList(boundVars)); VCExpr! conclusion = Gen.Eq(TypeOf(funApp), Type2Term(originalResultType, bindings.TypeVariableBindings)); VCExpr conclusionWithPremisses = // leave out antecedents of function type axioms ... they don't appear necessary, // because a function can always be extended to all U-values (right?) // AddTypePremisses(typeVarBindings, typePremisses, true, conclusion); Gen.Let(typeVarBindings, conclusion); if (boundVars.Count > 0) { List triggers = HelperFuns.ToList(Gen.Trigger(true, HelperFuns.ToList(funApp))); return Gen.Forall(boundVars, triggers, "funType:" + fun.Name, conclusionWithPremisses); } else { return conclusionWithPremisses; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// protected override void AddVarTypeAxiom(VCExprVar! var, Type! originalType) { if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.TypeEncodingMethod == CommandLineOptions.TypeEncoding.None) return; AddTypeAxiom(GenVarTypeAxiom(var, originalType, // we don't have any bindings available new Dictionary ())); } public VCExpr! GenVarTypeAxiom(VCExprVar! var, Type! originalType, IDictionary! varMapping) { if (!var.Type.Equals(originalType)) { VCExpr! typeRepr = Type2Term(originalType, varMapping); return Gen.Eq(TypeOf(var), typeRepr); } return VCExpressionGenerator.True; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// internal class MapTypeAbstractionBuilderPremisses : MapTypeAbstractionBuilder { private readonly TypeAxiomBuilderPremisses! AxBuilderPremisses; internal MapTypeAbstractionBuilderPremisses(TypeAxiomBuilderPremisses! axBuilder, VCExpressionGenerator! gen) { base(axBuilder, gen); this.AxBuilderPremisses = axBuilder; } // constructor for cloning internal MapTypeAbstractionBuilderPremisses(TypeAxiomBuilderPremisses! axBuilder, VCExpressionGenerator! gen, MapTypeAbstractionBuilderPremisses! builder) { base(axBuilder, gen, builder); this.AxBuilderPremisses = axBuilder; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Determine the type parameters of a map type that have to be // given explicitly when applying the select function (the // parameters that only occur in the result type of the // map). These parameters are given as a list of indexes sorted in // ascending order; the index i refers to the i'th bound variable // in a type [...]... public List! ExplicitSelectTypeParams(MapType! type) { List res; if (!explicitSelectTypeParamsCache.TryGetValue(type, out res)) { List! explicitParams, implicitParams; TypeAxiomBuilderPremisses.SeparateTypeParams(type.Arguments.ToList(), type.TypeParameters, out implicitParams, out explicitParams); res = new List (explicitParams.Count); foreach (TypeVariable! var in explicitParams) res.Add(type.TypeParameters.IndexOf(var)); explicitSelectTypeParamsCache.Add(type, res); } return (!)res; } private IDictionary!>! explicitSelectTypeParamsCache = new Dictionary!> (); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// protected override void GenSelectStoreFunctions(MapType! abstractedType, TypeCtorDecl! synonym, out Function! select, out Function! store) { Type! mapTypeSynonym; List! typeParams; List! originalInTypes; GenTypeAxiomParams(abstractedType, synonym, out mapTypeSynonym, out typeParams, out originalInTypes); // select List! explicitSelectParams, implicitSelectParams; select = CreateAccessFun(typeParams, originalInTypes, abstractedType.Result, synonym.Name + "Select", out implicitSelectParams, out explicitSelectParams); // store, which gets one further argument: the assigned rhs originalInTypes.Add(abstractedType.Result); List! explicitStoreParams, implicitStoreParams; store = CreateAccessFun(typeParams, originalInTypes, mapTypeSynonym, synonym.Name + "Store", out implicitStoreParams, out explicitStoreParams); // the store function does not have any explicit type parameters assert explicitStoreParams.Count == 0; AxBuilder.AddTypeAxiom(GenMapAxiom0(select, store, abstractedType.Result, implicitSelectParams, explicitSelectParams, originalInTypes)); AxBuilder.AddTypeAxiom(GenMapAxiom1(select, store, abstractedType.Result, explicitSelectParams)); } protected void GenTypeAxiomParams(MapType! abstractedType, TypeCtorDecl! synonymDecl, out Type! mapTypeSynonym, out List! typeParams, out List! originalIndexTypes) { typeParams = new List (abstractedType.TypeParameters.Length + abstractedType.FreeVariables.Length); typeParams.AddRange(abstractedType.TypeParameters.ToList()); typeParams.AddRange(abstractedType.FreeVariables.ToList()); originalIndexTypes = new List (abstractedType.Arguments.Length + 1); TypeSeq! mapTypeParams = new TypeSeq (); foreach (TypeVariable! var in abstractedType.FreeVariables) mapTypeParams.Add(var); mapTypeSynonym = new CtorType (Token.NoToken, synonymDecl, mapTypeParams); originalIndexTypes.Add(mapTypeSynonym); originalIndexTypes.AddRange(abstractedType.Arguments.ToList()); } // method to actually create the select or store function private Function! CreateAccessFun(List! originalTypeParams, List! originalInTypes, Type! originalResult, string! name, out List! implicitTypeParams, out List! explicitTypeParams) { // select and store are basically handled like normal functions: the type // parameters are split into the implicit parameters, and into the parameters // that have to be given explicitly TypeAxiomBuilderPremisses.SeparateTypeParams(originalInTypes, HelperFuns.ToSeq(originalTypeParams), out implicitTypeParams, out explicitTypeParams); Type[]! ioTypes = new Type [explicitTypeParams.Count + originalInTypes.Count + 1]; int i = 0; for (; i < explicitTypeParams.Count; ++i) ioTypes[i] = AxBuilder.T; foreach (Type! type in originalInTypes) { if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.Monomorphize && AxBuilder.UnchangedType(type)) ioTypes[i] = type; else ioTypes[i] = AxBuilder.U; i++; } if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.Monomorphize && AxBuilder.UnchangedType(originalResult)) ioTypes[i] = originalResult; else ioTypes[i] = AxBuilder.U; Function! res = HelperFuns.BoogieFunction(name, ioTypes); if (AxBuilder.U.Equals(ioTypes[i])) { AxBuilder.AddTypeAxiom( AxBuilderPremisses.GenFunctionAxiom(res, implicitTypeParams, explicitTypeParams, originalInTypes, originalResult)); } return res; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The normal axioms of the theory of arrays (without extensionality) private VCExpr! Select(Function! select, // in general, the select function has to // receive explicit type parameters (which // are here already represented as VCExpr // of type T) List! typeParams, VCExpr! map, List! indexes) { List! selectArgs = new List (typeParams.Count + indexes.Count + 1); selectArgs.AddRange(typeParams); selectArgs.Add(map); selectArgs.AddRange(HelperFuns.ToVCExprList(indexes)); return Gen.Function(select, selectArgs); } private VCExpr! Store(Function! store, VCExpr! map, List! indexes, VCExpr! val) { List! storeArgs = new List (indexes.Count + 2); storeArgs.Add(map); storeArgs.AddRange(HelperFuns.ToVCExprList(indexes)); storeArgs.Add(val); return Gen.Function(store, storeArgs); } /// /// Generate: /// (forall m, indexes, val :: /// type(val) == T ==> /// select(store(m, indexes, val), indexes) == val) /// where the quantifier body is also enclosed in a let that defines portions of T, if needed. /// private VCExpr! GenMapAxiom0(Function! select, Function! store, Type! mapResult, List! implicitTypeParamsSelect, List! explicitTypeParamsSelect, List! originalInTypes) { int arity = store.InParams.Length - 2; List inParams = new List(); List quantifiedVars = new List(store.InParams.Length); VariableBindings bindings = new VariableBindings(); // bound variable: m VCExprVar typedM = Gen.Variable("m", originalInTypes[0]); VCExprVar m = Gen.Variable("m", AxBuilder.U); inParams.Add(typedM); quantifiedVars.Add(m); bindings.VCExprVarBindings.Add(typedM, m); // bound variables: indexes List origIndexTypes = new List(arity); List indexTypes = new List(arity); for (int i = 1; i < store.InParams.Length-1; i++) { origIndexTypes.Add(originalInTypes[i]); indexTypes.Add(((!)store.InParams[i]).TypedIdent.Type); } assert arity == indexTypes.Count; List typedArgs = HelperFuns.VarVector("arg", origIndexTypes, Gen); List indexes = HelperFuns.VarVector("x", indexTypes, Gen); assert typedArgs.Count == indexes.Count; inParams.AddRange(typedArgs); quantifiedVars.AddRange(indexes); for (int i = 0; i < arity; i++) { bindings.VCExprVarBindings.Add(typedArgs[i], indexes[i]); } // bound variable: val VCExprVar typedVal = Gen.Variable("val", mapResult); VCExprVar val = Gen.Variable("val", ((!)select.OutParams[0]).TypedIdent.Type); quantifiedVars.Add(val); bindings.VCExprVarBindings.Add(typedVal, val); // add all type parameters into bindings foreach (TypeVariable tp in implicitTypeParamsSelect) { VCExprVar tVar = Gen.Variable(tp.Name, AxBuilderPremisses.T); bindings.TypeVariableBindings.Add(tp, tVar); } List typeParams = new List(explicitTypeParamsSelect.Count); foreach (TypeVariable tp in explicitTypeParamsSelect) { VCExprVar tVar = Gen.Variable(tp.Name, AxBuilderPremisses.T); bindings.TypeVariableBindings.Add(tp, tVar); // ... and record these explicit type-parameter arguments in typeParams typeParams.Add(tVar); } VCExpr! storeExpr = Store(store, m, indexes, val); VCExpr! selectExpr = Select(select, typeParams, storeExpr, indexes); // Create let-binding definitions for all type parameters. // The implicit ones can be phrased in terms of the types of the ordinary in-parameters, and // we want to make sure that they don't get phrased in terms of the out-parameter, so we pass // in inParams here. List letBindings_Implicit = AxBuilderPremisses.GenTypeParamBindings(implicitTypeParamsSelect, inParams, bindings, false); // The explicit ones, by definition, can only be phrased in terms of the result, so we pass // in List(typedVal) here. List letBindings_Explicit = AxBuilderPremisses.GenTypeParamBindings(explicitTypeParamsSelect, HelperFuns.ToList(typedVal), bindings, false); // generate: select(store(m, indices, val)) == val VCExpr! eq = Gen.Eq(selectExpr, val); // generate: type(val) == T, where T is the type of val VCExpr! ante = Gen.Eq( AxBuilderPremisses.TypeOf(val), AxBuilderPremisses.Type2Term(mapResult, bindings.TypeVariableBindings)); VCExpr body; if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.TypeEncodingMethod == CommandLineOptions.TypeEncoding.None || !AxBuilder.U.Equals(((!)select.OutParams[0]).TypedIdent.Type)) { body = Gen.Let(letBindings_Explicit, eq); } else { body = Gen.Let(letBindings_Implicit, Gen.Let(letBindings_Explicit, Gen.ImpliesSimp(ante, eq))); } return Gen.Forall(quantifiedVars, new List(), "mapAx0:" + select.Name, body); } private VCExpr! GenMapAxiom1(Function! select, Function! store, Type! mapResult, List! explicitSelectParams) { int arity = store.InParams.Length - 2; List indexTypes = new List(); for (int i = 1; i < store.InParams.Length-1; i++) { indexTypes.Add(((!)store.InParams[i]).TypedIdent.Type); } assert indexTypes.Count == arity; List! indexes0 = HelperFuns.VarVector("x", indexTypes, Gen); List! indexes1 = HelperFuns.VarVector("y", indexTypes, Gen); VCExprVar! m = Gen.Variable("m", AxBuilder.U); VCExprVar! val = Gen.Variable("val", ((!)select.OutParams[0]).TypedIdent.Type); // extract the explicit type parameters from the actual result type ... VCExprVar! typedVal = Gen.Variable("val", mapResult); VariableBindings! bindings = new VariableBindings (); bindings.VCExprVarBindings.Add(typedVal, val); List! letBindings = AxBuilderPremisses.GenTypeParamBindings(explicitSelectParams, HelperFuns.ToList(typedVal), bindings, true); // ... and quantify the introduced term variables for type // parameters universally List! typeParams = new List (explicitSelectParams.Count); List! typeParamsExpr = new List (explicitSelectParams.Count); foreach (TypeVariable! var in explicitSelectParams) { VCExprVar! newVar = (VCExprVar)bindings.TypeVariableBindings[var]; typeParams.Add(newVar); typeParamsExpr.Add(newVar); } VCExpr! storeExpr = Store(store, m, indexes0, val); VCExpr! selectWithoutStoreExpr = Select(select, typeParamsExpr, m, indexes1); VCExpr! selectExpr = Select(select, typeParamsExpr, storeExpr, indexes1); VCExpr! selectEq = Gen.Eq(selectExpr, selectWithoutStoreExpr); List! quantifiedVars = new List (indexes0.Count + indexes1.Count + 2); quantifiedVars.Add(val); quantifiedVars.Add(m); quantifiedVars.AddRange(indexes0); quantifiedVars.AddRange(indexes1); quantifiedVars.AddRange(typeParams); List! triggers = new List (); VCExpr! axiom = VCExpressionGenerator.True; // first non-interference criterium: the queried location is // different from the assigned location for (int i = 0; i < arity; ++i) { VCExpr! indexesEq = Gen.Eq(indexes0[i], indexes1[i]); VCExpr! matrix = Gen.Or(indexesEq, selectEq); VCExpr! conjunct = Gen.Forall(quantifiedVars, triggers, "mapAx1:" + select.Name + ":" + i, matrix); axiom = Gen.AndSimp(axiom, conjunct); } // second non-interference criterion: the queried type is // different from the assigned type VCExpr! typesEq = VCExpressionGenerator.True; foreach (VCExprLetBinding! b in letBindings) typesEq = Gen.AndSimp(typesEq, Gen.Eq(b.V, b.E)); VCExpr! matrix2 = Gen.Or(typesEq, selectEq); VCExpr! conjunct2 = Gen.Forall(quantifiedVars, triggers, "mapAx2:" + select.Name, matrix2); axiom = Gen.AndSimp(axiom, conjunct2); return axiom; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public class TypeEraserPremisses : TypeEraser { private readonly TypeAxiomBuilderPremisses! AxBuilderPremisses; private OpTypeEraser OpEraserAttr = null; protected override OpTypeEraser! OpEraser { get { if (OpEraserAttr == null) OpEraserAttr = new OpTypeEraserPremisses(this, AxBuilderPremisses, Gen); return OpEraserAttr; } } public TypeEraserPremisses(TypeAxiomBuilderPremisses! axBuilder, VCExpressionGenerator! gen) { base(axBuilder, gen); this.AxBuilderPremisses = axBuilder; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public override VCExpr! Visit(VCExprQuantifier! node, VariableBindings! oldBindings) { VariableBindings bindings = oldBindings.Clone(); // determine the bound vars that actually occur in the body or // in any of the triggers (if some variables do not occur, we // need to take special care of type parameters that only occur // in the types of such variables) FreeVariableCollector coll = new FreeVariableCollector (); coll.Collect(node.Body); foreach (VCTrigger trigger in node.Triggers) { if (trigger.Pos) foreach (VCExpr! e in trigger.Exprs) coll.Collect(e); } List occurringVars = new List (node.BoundVars.Count); foreach (VCExprVar var in node.BoundVars) if (coll.FreeTermVars.ContainsKey(var)) occurringVars.Add(var); occurringVars.TrimExcess(); // bound term variables are replaced with bound term variables typed in // a simpler way List! newBoundVars = BoundVarsAfterErasure(occurringVars, bindings); VCExpr! newNode = HandleQuantifier(node, occurringVars, newBoundVars, bindings); if (!(newNode is VCExprQuantifier) || !IsUniversalQuantifier(node)) return newNode; VariableBindings! bindings2; if (!RedoQuantifier(node, (VCExprQuantifier)newNode, occurringVars, oldBindings, out bindings2, out newBoundVars)) return newNode; return HandleQuantifier(node, occurringVars, newBoundVars, bindings2); } private VCExpr! GenTypePremisses(List! oldBoundVars, List! newBoundVars, IDictionary! typeVarTranslation, List! typeVarBindings, out List! triggers) { // build a substitution of the type variables that it can be checked // whether type premisses are trivial VCExprSubstitution! typeParamSubstitution = new VCExprSubstitution (); foreach (VCExprLetBinding! binding in typeVarBindings) typeParamSubstitution[binding.V] = binding.E; SubstitutingVCExprVisitor! substituter = new SubstitutingVCExprVisitor (Gen); List! typePremisses = new List (newBoundVars.Count); triggers = new List (newBoundVars.Count); for (int i = 0; i < newBoundVars.Count; ++i) { VCExprVar! oldVar = oldBoundVars[i]; VCExprVar! newVar = newBoundVars[i]; VCExpr! typePremiss = AxBuilderPremisses.GenVarTypeAxiom(newVar, oldVar.Type, typeVarTranslation); if (!IsTriviallyTrue(substituter.Mutate(typePremiss, typeParamSubstitution))) { typePremisses.Add(typePremiss); // generate a negative trigger for the variable occurrence // in the type premiss triggers.Add(Gen.Trigger(false, HelperFuns.ToList(AxBuilderPremisses.TypeOf(newVar)))); } } typePremisses.TrimExcess(); triggers.TrimExcess(); return Gen.NAry(VCExpressionGenerator.AndOp, typePremisses); } // these optimisations should maybe be moved into a separate // visitor (peep-hole optimisations) private bool IsTriviallyTrue(VCExpr! expr) { if (expr.Equals(VCExpressionGenerator.True)) return true; if (expr is VCExprNAry) { VCExprNAry! naryExpr = (VCExprNAry)expr; if (naryExpr.Op.Equals(VCExpressionGenerator.EqOp) && naryExpr[0].Equals(naryExpr[1])) return true; } return false; } private VCExpr! HandleQuantifier(VCExprQuantifier! node, List! occurringVars, List! newBoundVars, VariableBindings! bindings) { List! typeVarBindings = AxBuilderPremisses.GenTypeParamBindings(node.TypeParameters, occurringVars, bindings, true); // Check whether some of the type parameters could not be // determined from the bound variable types. In this case, we // quantify explicitly over these variables if (typeVarBindings.Count < node.TypeParameters.Count) { foreach (TypeVariable! var in node.TypeParameters) { if (!exists{VCExprLetBinding! b in typeVarBindings; b.V.Equals(var)}) newBoundVars.Add((VCExprVar)bindings.TypeVariableBindings[var]); } } // the lists of old and new bound variables for which type // antecedents are to be generated List! varsWithTypeSpecs = new List (); List! newVarsWithTypeSpecs = new List (); if (!IsUniversalQuantifier(node) || CommandLineOptions.Clo.TypeEncodingMethod == CommandLineOptions.TypeEncoding.Predicates) { foreach (VCExprVar! oldVar in occurringVars) { varsWithTypeSpecs.Add(oldVar); newVarsWithTypeSpecs.Add(bindings.VCExprVarBindings[oldVar]); } } // else, no type antecedents are created for any variables List! furtherTriggers; VCExpr! typePremisses = GenTypePremisses(varsWithTypeSpecs, newVarsWithTypeSpecs, bindings.TypeVariableBindings, typeVarBindings, out furtherTriggers); List! newTriggers = MutateTriggers(node.Triggers, bindings); newTriggers.AddRange(furtherTriggers); newTriggers = AddLets2Triggers(newTriggers, typeVarBindings); VCExpr! newBody = Mutate(node.Body, bindings); // assemble the new quantified formula if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.TypeEncodingMethod == CommandLineOptions.TypeEncoding.None) { typePremisses = VCExpressionGenerator.True; } VCExpr! bodyWithPremisses = AxBuilderPremisses.AddTypePremisses(typeVarBindings, typePremisses, node.Quan == Quantifier.ALL, AxBuilder.Cast(newBody, Type.Bool)); if (newBoundVars.Count == 0) // might happen that no bound variables are left return bodyWithPremisses; foreach(VCExprVar! v in newBoundVars) { if (v.Type == AxBuilderPremisses.U) { newTriggers.Add(Gen.Trigger(false, AxBuilderPremisses.Cast(v, Type.Int))); newTriggers.Add(Gen.Trigger(false, AxBuilderPremisses.Cast(v, Type.Bool))); } } return Gen.Quantify(node.Quan, new List (), newBoundVars, newTriggers, node.Infos, bodyWithPremisses); } // check whether we need to add let-binders for any of the type // parameters to the triggers (otherwise, the triggers will // contain unbound/dangling variables for such parameters) private List! AddLets2Triggers(List! triggers, List! typeVarBindings) { List! triggersWithLets = new List (triggers.Count); foreach (VCTrigger! t in triggers) { List! exprsWithLets = new List (t.Exprs.Count); bool changed = false; foreach (VCExpr! e in t.Exprs) { Dictionary! freeVars = FreeVariableCollector.FreeTermVariables(e); if (exists{VCExprLetBinding! b in typeVarBindings; freeVars.ContainsKey(b.V)}) { exprsWithLets.Add(Gen.Let(typeVarBindings, e)); changed = true; } else { exprsWithLets.Add(e); } } if (changed) triggersWithLets.Add(Gen.Trigger(t.Pos, exprsWithLets)); else triggersWithLets.Add(t); } return triggersWithLets; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public class OpTypeEraserPremisses : OpTypeEraser { private TypeAxiomBuilderPremisses! AxBuilderPremisses; public OpTypeEraserPremisses(TypeEraserPremisses! eraser, TypeAxiomBuilderPremisses! axBuilder, VCExpressionGenerator! gen) { base(eraser, axBuilder, gen); this.AxBuilderPremisses = axBuilder; } private VCExpr! HandleFunctionOp(Function! newFun, List! typeArgs, IEnumerable! oldArgs, VariableBindings! bindings) { // UGLY: the code for tracking polarities should be factored out int oldPolarity = Eraser.Polarity; Eraser.Polarity = 0; List! newArgs = new List (typeArgs.Count); // translate the explicit type arguments foreach (Type! t in typeArgs) newArgs.Add(AxBuilder.Type2Term(t, bindings.TypeVariableBindings)); // recursively translate the value arguments foreach (VCExpr! arg in oldArgs) { Type! newType = ((!)newFun.InParams[newArgs.Count]).TypedIdent.Type; newArgs.Add(AxBuilder.Cast(Eraser.Mutate(arg, bindings), newType)); } Eraser.Polarity = oldPolarity; return Gen.Function(newFun, newArgs); } public override VCExpr! VisitSelectOp (VCExprNAry! node, VariableBindings! bindings) { MapType! mapType = node[0].Type.AsMap; TypeSeq! instantiations; // not used Function! select = AxBuilder.MapTypeAbstracter.Select(mapType, out instantiations); List! explicitTypeParams = AxBuilderPremisses.MapTypeAbstracterPremisses .ExplicitSelectTypeParams(mapType); assert select.InParams.Length == explicitTypeParams.Count + node.Arity; List! typeArgs = new List (explicitTypeParams.Count); foreach (int i in explicitTypeParams) typeArgs.Add(node.TypeArguments[i]); return HandleFunctionOp(select, typeArgs, node, bindings); } public override VCExpr! VisitStoreOp (VCExprNAry! node, VariableBindings! bindings) { TypeSeq! instantiations; // not used Function! store = AxBuilder.MapTypeAbstracter.Store(node[0].Type.AsMap, out instantiations); return HandleFunctionOp(store, // the store function never has explicit // type parameters new List (), node, bindings); } public override VCExpr! VisitBoogieFunctionOp (VCExprNAry! node, VariableBindings! bindings) { Function! oriFun = ((VCExprBoogieFunctionOp)node.Op).Func; UntypedFunction untypedFun = AxBuilderPremisses.Typed2Untyped(oriFun); assert untypedFun.Fun.InParams.Length == untypedFun.ExplicitTypeParams.Count + node.Arity; List! typeArgs = ExtractTypeArgs(node, oriFun.TypeParameters, untypedFun.ExplicitTypeParams); return HandleFunctionOp(untypedFun.Fun, typeArgs, node, bindings); } private List! ExtractTypeArgs(VCExprNAry! node, TypeVariableSeq! allTypeParams, List! explicitTypeParams) { List! res = new List (explicitTypeParams.Count); foreach (TypeVariable! var in explicitTypeParams) // this lookup could be optimised res.Add(node.TypeArguments[allTypeParams.IndexOf(var)]); return res; } } }