//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- using System; using System.Text; using System.IO; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics.Contracts; using Microsoft.Basetypes; using Microsoft.Boogie.VCExprAST; // Erasure of types using explicit type parameters for functions namespace Microsoft.Boogie.TypeErasure { using Microsoft.Boogie.VCExprAST; using HFNS = Microsoft.Boogie.VCExprAST.HelperFuns; public class TypeAxiomBuilderArguments : TypeAxiomBuilderIntBoolU { public TypeAxiomBuilderArguments(VCExpressionGenerator gen) : base(gen) { Contract.Requires(gen != null); Typed2UntypedFunctions = new Dictionary(); } // constructor to allow cloning [NotDelayed] internal TypeAxiomBuilderArguments(TypeAxiomBuilderArguments builder) : base(builder) { Contract.Requires(builder != null); Typed2UntypedFunctions = new Dictionary(builder.Typed2UntypedFunctions); MapTypeAbstracterAttr = builder.MapTypeAbstracterAttr == null ? null : new MapTypeAbstractionBuilderArguments(this, builder.Gen, builder.MapTypeAbstracterAttr); } public override Object Clone() { Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result() != null); return new TypeAxiomBuilderArguments(this); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // generate axioms of the kind "forall x:U. {Int2U(U2Int(x))} Int2U(U2Int(x))==x" // (this makes use of the assumption that only well-typed terms are generated // by the SMT-solver, i.e., that U2Int is only applied to terms that actually // are of type int) protected override VCExpr GenReverseCastAxiom(Function castToU, Function castFromU) { //Contract.Requires(castFromU != null); //Contract.Requires(castToU != null); Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result() != null); List/*!*/ triggers; VCExprVar/*!*/ var; VCExpr/*!*/ eq = GenReverseCastEq(castToU, castFromU, out var, out triggers); return Gen.Forall(HelperFuns.ToList(var), triggers, "cast:" + castFromU.Name, -1, eq); } protected override VCExpr GenCastTypeAxioms(Function castToU, Function castFromU) { //Contract.Requires(castFromU != null); //Contract.Requires(castToU != null); Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result() != null); // nothing return VCExpressionGenerator.True; } private MapTypeAbstractionBuilderArguments MapTypeAbstracterAttr = null; internal override MapTypeAbstractionBuilder/*!*/ MapTypeAbstracter { get { Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result() != null); if (MapTypeAbstracterAttr == null) MapTypeAbstracterAttr = new MapTypeAbstractionBuilderArguments(this, Gen); return MapTypeAbstracterAttr; } } protected override void AddVarTypeAxiom(VCExprVar var, Type originalType) { //Contract.Requires(originalType != null); //Contract.Requires(var != null); // no axioms are needed for variable or function types } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Symbols for representing functions // Globally defined functions private readonly IDictionary/*!*/ Typed2UntypedFunctions; [ContractInvariantMethod] void Typed2UntypedFunctionsInvariantMethod() { Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullDictionaryAndValues(Typed2UntypedFunctions)); } public Function Typed2Untyped(Function fun) { Contract.Requires(fun != null); Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result() != null); Function res; if (!Typed2UntypedFunctions.TryGetValue(fun, out res)) { Contract.Assert(fun.OutParams.Length == 1); // if all of the parameters are int or bool, the function does // not have to be changed if (Contract.ForAll(0, fun.InParams.Length, f => UnchangedType(cce.NonNull(fun.InParams[f]).TypedIdent.Type)) && UnchangedType(cce.NonNull(fun.OutParams[0]).TypedIdent.Type)) { res = fun; } else { Type[]/*!*/ types = new Type[fun.TypeParameters.Length + fun.InParams.Length + 1]; int i = 0; // the first arguments are the explicit type parameters for (int j = 0; j < fun.TypeParameters.Length; ++j) { types[i] = T; i = i + 1; } // followed by the actual parameters foreach (Variable/*!*/ x in fun.InParams) { Contract.Assert(x != null); types[i] = TypeAfterErasure(x.TypedIdent.Type); i = i + 1; } types[types.Length - 1] = TypeAfterErasure(cce.NonNull(fun.OutParams[0]).TypedIdent.Type); res = HelperFuns.BoogieFunction(fun.Name, types); res.Attributes = fun.Attributes; } Typed2UntypedFunctions.Add(fun, res); } return cce.NonNull(res); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// internal class MapTypeAbstractionBuilderArguments : MapTypeAbstractionBuilder { private readonly TypeAxiomBuilderArguments/*!*/ AxBuilderArguments; [ContractInvariantMethod] void ObjectInvariant() { Contract.Invariant(AxBuilderArguments != null); } internal MapTypeAbstractionBuilderArguments(TypeAxiomBuilderArguments axBuilder, VCExpressionGenerator gen) : base(axBuilder, gen) { Contract.Requires(gen != null); Contract.Requires(axBuilder != null); this.AxBuilderArguments = axBuilder; } // constructor for cloning internal MapTypeAbstractionBuilderArguments(TypeAxiomBuilderArguments axBuilder, VCExpressionGenerator gen, MapTypeAbstractionBuilderArguments builder) : base(axBuilder, gen, builder) { Contract.Requires(builder != null); Contract.Requires(gen != null); Contract.Requires(axBuilder != null); this.AxBuilderArguments = axBuilder; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// protected override void GenSelectStoreFunctions(MapType abstractedType, TypeCtorDecl synonym, out Function/*!*/ select, out Function/*!*/ store) { //Contract.Requires(synonym != null); //Contract.Requires(abstractedType != null); Contract.Ensures(Contract.ValueAtReturn(out select) != null); Contract.Ensures(Contract.ValueAtReturn(out store) != null); Contract.Assert(synonym.Name != null); string/*!*/ baseName = synonym.Name; int typeParamNum = abstractedType.FreeVariables.Length + abstractedType.TypeParameters.Length; int arity = typeParamNum + abstractedType.Arguments.Length; Type/*!*/[]/*!*/ selectTypes = new Type/*!*/ [arity + 2]; Type/*!*/[]/*!*/ storeTypes = new Type/*!*/ [arity + 3]; int i = 0; // Fill in the free variables and type parameters for (; i < typeParamNum; i++) { selectTypes[i] = AxBuilder.T; storeTypes[i] = AxBuilder.T; } // Fill in the map type if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.MonomorphicArrays) { selectTypes[i] = abstractedType; storeTypes[i] = abstractedType; } else { selectTypes[i] = AxBuilder.U; storeTypes[i] = AxBuilder.U; } i++; // Fill in the index types foreach (Type/*!*/ type in abstractedType.Arguments) { Contract.Assert(type != null); if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.Monomorphize && AxBuilder.UnchangedType(type)) { selectTypes[i] = type; storeTypes[i] = type; } else { selectTypes[i] = AxBuilder.U; storeTypes[i] = AxBuilder.U; } i++; } // Fill in the output type for select function which also happens // to be the type of the last argument to the store function if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.Monomorphize && AxBuilder.UnchangedType(abstractedType.Result)) { selectTypes[i] = abstractedType.Result; storeTypes[i] = abstractedType.Result; } else { selectTypes[i] = AxBuilder.U; storeTypes[i] = AxBuilder.U; } i++; // Fill in the map type which is the output of the store function if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.MonomorphicArrays) storeTypes[i] = abstractedType; else storeTypes[i] = AxBuilder.U; Contract.Assert(cce.NonNullElements(selectTypes)); Contract.Assert(cce.NonNullElements(storeTypes)); select = HelperFuns.BoogieFunction(baseName + "Select", selectTypes); store = HelperFuns.BoogieFunction(baseName + "Store", storeTypes); if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.UseArrayTheory) { select.AddAttribute("builtin", "select"); store.AddAttribute("builtin", "store"); } else { AxBuilder.AddTypeAxiom(GenMapAxiom0(select, store, abstractedType.TypeParameters.Length, abstractedType.FreeVariables.Length)); AxBuilder.AddTypeAxiom(GenMapAxiom1(select, store, abstractedType.TypeParameters.Length, abstractedType.FreeVariables.Length)); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The normal axioms of the theory of arrays (right now without extensionality) private VCExpr Select(Function select, List/*!*/ types, VCExpr map, List/*!*/ indexes) { Contract.Requires(map != null); Contract.Requires(select != null); Contract.Requires(cce.NonNullElements(indexes)); Contract.Requires(cce.NonNullElements(types)); Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result() != null); List/*!*/ selectArgs = new List(); selectArgs.AddRange(HelperFuns.ToVCExprList(types)); selectArgs.Add(map); selectArgs.AddRange(HelperFuns.ToVCExprList(indexes)); return Gen.Function(select, selectArgs); } private VCExpr Store(Function store, List/*!*/ types, VCExpr map, List/*!*/ indexes, VCExpr val) { Contract.Requires(val != null); Contract.Requires(map != null); Contract.Requires(store != null); Contract.Requires(cce.NonNullElements(indexes)); Contract.Requires(cce.NonNullElements(types)); Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result() != null); List/*!*/ storeArgs = new List(); storeArgs.AddRange(HelperFuns.ToVCExprList(types)); storeArgs.Add(map); storeArgs.AddRange(HelperFuns.ToVCExprList(indexes)); storeArgs.Add(val); return Gen.Function(store, storeArgs); } private VCExpr/*!*/ GenMapAxiom0(Function/*!*/ select, Function/*!*/ store, // bound type variables in the map type int mapTypeParamNum, // free type variables in the map // type (abstraction) int mapAbstractionVarNum) { Contract.Requires(select != null); Contract.Requires(store != null); Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result() != null); int arity = select.InParams.Length - 1 - mapTypeParamNum - mapAbstractionVarNum; List/*!*/ types = HelperFuns.VarVector("t", mapTypeParamNum + mapAbstractionVarNum, AxBuilder.T, Gen); List indexTypes = new List(); for (int i = mapTypeParamNum + mapAbstractionVarNum + 1; i < select.InParams.Length; i++) { indexTypes.Add(cce.NonNull(select.InParams[i]).TypedIdent.Type); } Contract.Assert(arity == indexTypes.Count); List/*!*/ indexes = HelperFuns.VarVector("x", indexTypes, Gen); VCExprVar/*!*/ m = Gen.Variable("m", AxBuilder.U); Contract.Assert(m != null); VCExprVar/*!*/ val = Gen.Variable("val", cce.NonNull(select.OutParams[0]).TypedIdent.Type); Contract.Assert(val != null); VCExpr/*!*/ storeExpr = Store(store, types, m, indexes, val); Contract.Assert(storeExpr != null); VCExpr/*!*/ selectExpr = Select(select, types, storeExpr, indexes); Contract.Assert(selectExpr != null); List/*!*/ quantifiedVars = new List(); quantifiedVars.AddRange(types); quantifiedVars.Add(val); quantifiedVars.Add(m); quantifiedVars.AddRange(indexes); VCExpr/*!*/ eq = Gen.Eq(selectExpr, val); Contract.Assert(eq != null); return Gen.Forall(quantifiedVars, new List(), "mapAx0:" + select.Name, 0, eq); } private VCExpr/*!*/ GenMapAxiom1(Function/*!*/ select, Function/*!*/ store, // bound type variables in the map // type int mapTypeParamNum, // free type variables in the map // type (abstraction) int mapAbstractionVarNum) { Contract.Requires(select != null); Contract.Requires(store != null); Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result() != null); int arity = select.InParams.Length - 1 - mapTypeParamNum - mapAbstractionVarNum; List/*!*/ freeTypeVars = HelperFuns.VarVector("u", mapAbstractionVarNum, AxBuilder.T, Gen); List/*!*/ boundTypeVars0 = HelperFuns.VarVector("s", mapTypeParamNum, AxBuilder.T, Gen); List/*!*/ boundTypeVars1 = HelperFuns.VarVector("t", mapTypeParamNum, AxBuilder.T, Gen); List/*!*/ types0 = new List(boundTypeVars0); types0.AddRange(freeTypeVars); List/*!*/ types1 = new List(boundTypeVars1); types1.AddRange(freeTypeVars); List indexTypes = new List(); for (int i = mapTypeParamNum + mapAbstractionVarNum + 1; i < select.InParams.Length; i++) { indexTypes.Add(cce.NonNull(select.InParams[i]).TypedIdent.Type); } Contract.Assert(arity == indexTypes.Count); List/*!*/ indexes0 = HelperFuns.VarVector("x", indexTypes, Gen); List/*!*/ indexes1 = HelperFuns.VarVector("y", indexTypes, Gen); VCExprVar/*!*/ m = Gen.Variable("m", AxBuilder.U); Contract.Assert(m != null); VCExprVar/*!*/ val = Gen.Variable("val", cce.NonNull(select.OutParams[0]).TypedIdent.Type); Contract.Assert(val != null); VCExpr/*!*/ storeExpr = Store(store, types0, m, indexes0, val); Contract.Assert(storeExpr != null); VCExpr/*!*/ selectWithoutStoreExpr = Select(select, types1, m, indexes1); Contract.Assert(selectWithoutStoreExpr != null); VCExpr/*!*/ selectExpr = Select(select, types1, storeExpr, indexes1); Contract.Assert(selectExpr != null); VCExpr/*!*/ selectEq = Gen.Eq(selectExpr, selectWithoutStoreExpr); Contract.Assert(selectEq != null); List/*!*/ quantifiedVars = new List(); quantifiedVars.AddRange(freeTypeVars); quantifiedVars.AddRange(boundTypeVars0); quantifiedVars.AddRange(boundTypeVars1); quantifiedVars.Add(val); quantifiedVars.Add(m); quantifiedVars.AddRange(indexes0); quantifiedVars.AddRange(indexes1); List/*!*/ triggers = new List(); // different value arguments or different type arguments are sufficient // to conclude that that value of the map at some point (after an update) // has not changed List/*!*/ indexEqs = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < mapTypeParamNum; ++i) indexEqs.Add(Gen.Eq(boundTypeVars0[i], boundTypeVars1[i])); for (int i = 0; i < arity; ++i) indexEqs.Add(Gen.Eq(indexes0[i], indexes1[i])); VCExpr/*!*/ axiom = VCExpressionGenerator.True; int n = 0; foreach (VCExpr/*!*/ indexesEq in indexEqs) { Contract.Assert(indexesEq != null); VCExpr/*!*/ matrix = Gen.Or(indexesEq, selectEq); Contract.Assert(matrix != null); VCExpr/*!*/ conjunct = Gen.Forall(quantifiedVars, triggers, "mapAx1:" + select.Name + ":" + n, 0, matrix); Contract.Assert(conjunct != null); axiom = Gen.AndSimp(axiom, conjunct); n = n + 1; } return axiom; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public class TypeEraserArguments : TypeEraser { private readonly TypeAxiomBuilderArguments/*!*/ AxBuilderArguments; [ContractInvariantMethod] void ObjectInvariant() { Contract.Invariant(AxBuilderArguments != null); } private OpTypeEraser OpEraserAttr = null; protected override OpTypeEraser/*!*/ OpEraser { get { Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result() != null); if (OpEraserAttr == null) OpEraserAttr = new OpTypeEraserArguments(this, AxBuilderArguments, Gen); return OpEraserAttr; } } public TypeEraserArguments(TypeAxiomBuilderArguments axBuilder, VCExpressionGenerator gen) :base(axBuilder, gen){ Contract.Requires(gen != null); Contract.Requires(axBuilder != null); this.AxBuilderArguments = axBuilder; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public override VCExpr Visit(VCExprQuantifier node, VariableBindings oldBindings) { Contract.Requires(oldBindings != null); Contract.Requires(node != null); Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result() != null); VariableBindings/*!*/ bindings = oldBindings.Clone(); // bound term variables are replaced with bound term variables // typed in a simpler way List/*!*/ newBoundVars = BoundVarsAfterErasure(node.BoundVars, bindings); // type variables are replaced with ordinary quantified variables GenBoundVarsForTypeParams(node.TypeParameters, newBoundVars, bindings); VCExpr/*!*/ newNode = HandleQuantifier(node, newBoundVars, bindings); Contract.Assert(newNode != null); if (!(newNode is VCExprQuantifier) || !IsUniversalQuantifier(node)) return newNode; VariableBindings/*!*/ bindings2; if (!RedoQuantifier(node, (VCExprQuantifier)newNode, node.BoundVars, oldBindings, out bindings2, out newBoundVars)) return newNode; GenBoundVarsForTypeParams(node.TypeParameters, newBoundVars, bindings2); return HandleQuantifier(node, newBoundVars, bindings2); } private void GenBoundVarsForTypeParams(List/*!*/ typeParams, List/*!*/ newBoundVars, VariableBindings bindings) { Contract.Requires(bindings != null); Contract.Requires(cce.NonNullElements(typeParams)); Contract.Requires(cce.NonNullElements(newBoundVars)); foreach (TypeVariable/*!*/ tvar in typeParams) { Contract.Assert(tvar != null); VCExprVar/*!*/ var = Gen.Variable(tvar.Name, AxBuilder.T); Contract.Assert(var != null); newBoundVars.Add(var); bindings.TypeVariableBindings.Add(tvar, var); } } private VCExpr HandleQuantifier(VCExprQuantifier node, List/*!*/ newBoundVars, VariableBindings bindings){ Contract.Requires(bindings != null); Contract.Requires(node != null); Contract.Requires(cce.NonNullElements(newBoundVars)); Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result() != null); List/*!*/ newTriggers = MutateTriggers(node.Triggers, bindings); Contract.Assert(cce.NonNullElements(newTriggers)); VCExpr/*!*/ newBody = Mutate(node.Body, bindings); Contract.Assert(newBody != null); newBody = AxBuilder.Cast(newBody, Type.Bool); if (newBoundVars.Count == 0) // might happen that no bound variables are left return newBody; return Gen.Quantify(node.Quan, new List(), newBoundVars, newTriggers, node.Infos, newBody); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public class OpTypeEraserArguments : OpTypeEraser { protected readonly TypeAxiomBuilderArguments/*!*/ AxBuilderArguments; [ContractInvariantMethod] void ObjectInvariant() { Contract.Invariant(AxBuilderArguments != null); } public OpTypeEraserArguments(TypeEraserArguments eraser, TypeAxiomBuilderArguments axBuilder, VCExpressionGenerator gen) :base(eraser, axBuilder, gen){ Contract.Requires(gen != null); Contract.Requires(axBuilder != null); Contract.Requires(eraser != null); this.AxBuilderArguments = axBuilder; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private VCExpr AssembleOpExpression(OpTypesPair opTypes, IEnumerable/*!*/ oldArgs, VariableBindings bindings){ Contract.Requires(bindings != null); Contract.Requires(cce.NonNullElements(oldArgs)); Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result() != null); // UGLY: the code for tracking polarities should be factored out int oldPolarity = Eraser.Polarity; Eraser.Polarity = 0; List/*!*/ newArgs = new List (); // explicit type parameters foreach (Type/*!*/ t in opTypes.Types){ Contract.Assert(newArgs != null); newArgs.Add(AxBuilder.Type2Term(t, bindings.TypeVariableBindings));} // and the actual value parameters Function/*!*/ newFun = ((VCExprBoogieFunctionOp)opTypes.Op).Func; // ^ we only allow this operator at this point int i = opTypes.Types.Count; foreach (VCExpr/*!*/ arg in oldArgs) { Contract.Assert(arg != null); newArgs.Add(AxBuilder.Cast(Eraser.Mutate(arg, bindings), cce.NonNull(newFun.InParams[i]).TypedIdent.Type)); i = i + 1; } Eraser.Polarity = oldPolarity; return Gen.Function(opTypes.Op, newArgs); } // for the time being, we store both the types of the arguments and the explicit // type parameters (for most operators, this is more than actually necessary) private OpTypesPair OriginalOpTypes(VCExprNAry node){ Contract.Requires(node != null); List/*!*/ originalTypes = new List (); foreach (VCExpr/*!*/ expr in node) { Contract.Assert(expr != null); originalTypes.Add(expr.Type); } originalTypes.AddRange(node.TypeArguments); return new OpTypesPair (node.Op, originalTypes); } private VCExpr EqualTypes(Type t0, Type t1, VariableBindings bindings){ Contract.Requires(bindings != null); Contract.Requires(t1 != null); Contract.Requires(t0 != null); Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result() != null); if (t0.Equals(t1)) return VCExpressionGenerator.True; VCExpr/*!*/ t0Expr = AxBuilder.Type2Term(t0, bindings.TypeVariableBindings); Contract.Assert(t0Expr != null); VCExpr/*!*/ t1Expr = AxBuilder.Type2Term(t1, bindings.TypeVariableBindings); Contract.Assert(t1Expr != null); return Gen.Eq(t0Expr, t1Expr); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public override VCExpr VisitEqOp(VCExprNAry node, VariableBindings bindings) { Contract.Requires((bindings != null)); Contract.Requires((node != null)); Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result() != null); // we also have to state that the types are equal, because the // translation does not contain any information about the // relationship between values and types return Gen.AndSimp(base.VisitEqOp(node, bindings), EqualTypes(node[0].Type, node[1].Type, bindings)); } public override VCExpr VisitNeqOp(VCExprNAry node, VariableBindings bindings) { Contract.Requires((bindings != null)); Contract.Requires((node != null)); Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result() != null); // we also have to state that the types are (un)equal, because the // translation does not contain any information about the // relationship between values and types return Gen.OrSimp(base.VisitNeqOp(node, bindings), Gen.Not(EqualTypes(node[0].Type, node[1].Type, bindings))); } public override VCExpr VisitSubtypeOp(VCExprNAry node, VariableBindings bindings) { Contract.Requires((bindings != null)); Contract.Requires((node != null)); Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result() != null); // UGLY: the code for tracking polarities should be factored out int oldPolarity = Eraser.Polarity; Eraser.Polarity = 0; VCExpr/*!*/ res = Gen.Function(VCExpressionGenerator.Subtype3Op, AxBuilder.Type2Term(node[0].Type, bindings.TypeVariableBindings), AxBuilder.Cast(Eraser.Mutate(node[0], bindings), AxBuilder.U), AxBuilder.Cast(Eraser.Mutate(node[1], bindings), AxBuilder.U)); Eraser.Polarity = oldPolarity; return res; } public override VCExpr VisitSelectOp(VCExprNAry node, VariableBindings bindings) { Contract.Requires((bindings != null)); Contract.Requires((node != null)); Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result() != null); OpTypesPair originalOpTypes = OriginalOpTypes(node); OpTypesPair newOpTypes; if (!NewOpCache.TryGetValue(originalOpTypes, out newOpTypes)) { MapType/*!*/ rawType = node[0].Type.AsMap; Contract.Assert(rawType != null); TypeSeq/*!*/ abstractionInstantiation; Function/*!*/ select = AxBuilder.MapTypeAbstracter.Select(rawType, out abstractionInstantiation); Contract.Assert(abstractionInstantiation != null); newOpTypes = TypesPairForSelectStore(node, select, abstractionInstantiation); NewOpCache.Add(originalOpTypes, newOpTypes); } return AssembleOpExpression(newOpTypes, node, bindings); } public override VCExpr VisitStoreOp(VCExprNAry node, VariableBindings bindings) { Contract.Requires((bindings != null)); Contract.Requires((node != null)); Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result() != null); OpTypesPair originalOpTypes = OriginalOpTypes(node); OpTypesPair newOpTypes; if (!NewOpCache.TryGetValue(originalOpTypes, out newOpTypes)) { MapType/*!*/ rawType = node[0].Type.AsMap; TypeSeq/*!*/ abstractionInstantiation; Function/*!*/ store = AxBuilder.MapTypeAbstracter.Store(rawType, out abstractionInstantiation); newOpTypes = TypesPairForSelectStore(node, store, abstractionInstantiation); NewOpCache.Add(originalOpTypes, newOpTypes); } return AssembleOpExpression(newOpTypes, node, bindings); } private OpTypesPair TypesPairForSelectStore(VCExprNAry/*!*/ node, Function/*!*/ untypedOp, // instantiation of the abstract map type parameters TypeSeq/*!*/ abstractionInstantiation) { Contract.Requires(node != null); Contract.Requires(untypedOp != null); Contract.Requires(abstractionInstantiation != null); List/*!*/ inferredTypeArgs = new List (); foreach (Type/*!*/ t in node.TypeArguments){Contract.Assert(t != null); // inferredTypeArgs.Add(AxBuilder.MapTypeAbstracter.AbstractMapTypeRecursively(t)); inferredTypeArgs.Add(t);} foreach (Type/*!*/ t in abstractionInstantiation) { Contract.Assert(t != null); inferredTypeArgs.Add(t);} Contract.Assert(untypedOp.InParams.Length == inferredTypeArgs.Count + node.Arity); return new OpTypesPair (Gen.BoogieFunctionOp(untypedOp), inferredTypeArgs); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public override VCExpr VisitBoogieFunctionOp(VCExprNAry node, VariableBindings bindings) { Contract.Requires((bindings != null)); Contract.Requires((node != null)); Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result() != null); OpTypesPair originalOpTypes = OriginalOpTypes(node); OpTypesPair newOpTypes; if (!NewOpCache.TryGetValue(originalOpTypes, out newOpTypes)) { Function/*!*/ oriFun = ((VCExprBoogieFunctionOp)node.Op).Func; Contract.Assert(oriFun != null); List/*!*/ inferredTypeArgs = new List (); foreach (Type/*!*/ t in node.TypeArguments){Contract.Assert(t != null); // inferredTypeArgs.Add(AxBuilder.MapTypeAbstracter.AbstractMapTypeRecursively(t)); inferredTypeArgs.Add(t);} VCExprOp/*!*/ newOp = Gen.BoogieFunctionOp(AxBuilderArguments.Typed2Untyped(oriFun)); newOpTypes = new OpTypesPair (newOp, inferredTypeArgs); NewOpCache.Add(originalOpTypes, newOpTypes); } return AssembleOpExpression(newOpTypes, node, bindings); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // cache from the typed operators to the untyped operators with // explicit type arguments. the keys are pairs of the typed // operator and the actual types of the argument expressions, the // values are pairs of the new operators and the types that have // to be given as explicit type arguments private readonly IDictionary/*!*/ NewOpCache = new Dictionary(); private struct OpTypesPair { public readonly VCExprOp/*!*/ Op; public readonly List/*!*/ Types; [ContractInvariantMethod] void ObjectInvariant() { Contract.Invariant(Op != null); Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullElements(Types)); } public OpTypesPair(VCExprOp op, List/*!*/ types) { Contract.Requires(op != null); Contract.Requires(cce.NonNullElements(types)); this.Op = op; this.Types = types; this.HashCode = HFNS.PolyHash(op.GetHashCode(), 17, types); } [Pure] [Reads(ReadsAttribute.Reads.Nothing)] public override bool Equals(object that) { if (that is OpTypesPair) { OpTypesPair thatPair = (OpTypesPair)that; return this.Op.Equals(thatPair.Op) && HFNS.SameElements(this.Types, thatPair.Types); } return false; } private readonly int HashCode; [Pure] public override int GetHashCode() { return HashCode; } } } }