//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- using System; using System.Text; using System.IO; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using Microsoft.Contracts; using Microsoft.Basetypes; using Microsoft.Boogie.VCExprAST; // different classes for erasing complex types in VCExprs, replacing them // with axioms that can be handled by theorem provers and SMT solvers namespace Microsoft.Boogie.TypeErasure { using Microsoft.Boogie.VCExprAST; // some functionality that is needed in many places (and that should // really be provided by the Spec# container classes; maybe one // could integrate the functions in a nicer way?) public class HelperFuns { public static Function! BoogieFunction(string! name, List! typeParams, params Type[]! types) requires types.Length > 0; requires forall{int i in (0:types.Length); types[i] != null}; { VariableSeq! args = new VariableSeq (); for (int i = 0; i < types.Length - 1; ++i) args.Add(new Formal (Token.NoToken, new TypedIdent (Token.NoToken, "arg" + i, (!)types[i]), true)); Formal! result = new Formal (Token.NoToken, new TypedIdent (Token.NoToken, "res", (!)types[types.Length - 1]), false); return new Function (Token.NoToken, name, ToSeq(typeParams), args, result); } public static Function! BoogieFunction(string! name, params Type[]! types) { return BoogieFunction(name, new List (), types); } // boogie function where all arguments and the result have the same type U public static Function! UniformBoogieFunction(string! name, int arity, Type! U) { Type[]! types = new Type [arity + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < arity + 1; ++i) types[i] = U; return BoogieFunction(name, types); } public static List! GenVarsForInParams(Function! fun, VCExpressionGenerator! gen) { List! arguments = new List (fun.InParams.Length); foreach (Formal! f in fun.InParams) { VCExprVar! var = gen.Variable(f.Name, f.TypedIdent.Type); arguments.Add(var); } return arguments; } public static List! ToList (params T[]! args) { List! res = new List (args.Length); foreach (T t in args) res.Add((!)t); return res; } public static List! ToList(TypeVariableSeq! seq) { List! res = new List (seq.Length); foreach (TypeVariable! var in seq) res.Add(var); return res; } public static TypeVariableSeq! ToSeq(List! list) { TypeVariableSeq! res = new TypeVariableSeq (); foreach (TypeVariable! var in list) res.Add(var); return res; } public static List! Intersect(List! a, List! b) { List! res = new List (Math.Min(a.Count, b.Count)); foreach (T x in a) if (b.Contains(x)) res.Add(x); res.TrimExcess(); return res; } public static List>! ToPairList(IDictionary! dict) { List>! res = new List> (dict); return res; } public static void AddRangeWithoutDups(IEnumerable! fromList, List! toList) { foreach (T t in fromList) if (!toList.Contains(t)) toList.Add(t); } public static void AddFreeVariablesWithoutDups(Type! type, List! toList) { foreach (TypeVariable! var in type.FreeVariables) { if (!toList.Contains(var)) toList.Add(var); } } public static List! ToVCExprList(List! list) { List! res = new List (list.Count); foreach (VCExprVar! var in list) res.Add(var); return res; } public static List! VarVector(string! baseName, int num, Type! type, VCExpressionGenerator! gen) { List! res = new List (num); for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) res.Add(gen.Variable(baseName + i, type)); return res; } public static List! VarVector(string! baseName, List! types, VCExpressionGenerator! gen) { List! res = new List (types.Count); for (int i = 0; i < types.Count; ++i) res.Add(gen.Variable(baseName + i, types[i])); return res; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// internal struct TypeCtorRepr { // function that represents the application of the type constructor // to smaller types public readonly Function! Ctor; // left-inverse functions that extract the subtypes of a compound type public readonly List! Dtors; public TypeCtorRepr(Function! ctor, List! dtors) requires ctor.InParams.Length == dtors.Count; { this.Ctor = ctor; this.Dtors = dtors; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The class responsible for creating and keeping track of all // axioms related to the type system. This abstract class is made // concrete in two subclasses, one for type erasure with type // premisses in quantifiers (the semantic approach), and one for // type erasure with explicit type arguments of polymorphic // functions (the syntacted approach). public abstract class TypeAxiomBuilder : ICloneable { protected readonly VCExpressionGenerator! Gen; internal abstract MapTypeAbstractionBuilder! MapTypeAbstracter { get; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Type Axioms // list in which all typed axioms are collected private readonly List! AllTypeAxioms; // list in which type axioms are incrementally collected private readonly List! IncTypeAxioms; internal void AddTypeAxiom(VCExpr! axiom) { AllTypeAxioms.Add(axiom); IncTypeAxioms.Add(axiom); } // Return all axioms that were added since the last time NewAxioms // was called public VCExpr! GetNewAxioms() { VCExpr! res = Gen.NAry(VCExpressionGenerator.AndOp, IncTypeAxioms); IncTypeAxioms.Clear(); return res; } // mapping from a type to its constructor number/index private readonly Function! Ctor; private BigNum CurrentCtorNum; private VCExpr! GenCtorAssignment(VCExpr! typeRepr) { if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.TypeEncodingMethod == CommandLineOptions.TypeEncoding.None) return VCExpressionGenerator.True; VCExpr! res = Gen.Eq(Gen.Function(Ctor, typeRepr), Gen.Integer(CurrentCtorNum)); CurrentCtorNum = CurrentCtorNum + BigNum.ONE; return res; } private VCExpr! GenCtorAssignment(Function! typeRepr) { if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.TypeEncodingMethod == CommandLineOptions.TypeEncoding.None) return VCExpressionGenerator.True; List! quantifiedVars = HelperFuns.GenVarsForInParams(typeRepr, Gen); VCExpr! eq = GenCtorAssignment(Gen.Function(typeRepr, HelperFuns.ToVCExprList(quantifiedVars))); if (typeRepr.InParams.Length == 0) return eq; return Gen.Forall(quantifiedVars, new List (), "ctor:" + typeRepr.Name, eq); } // generate an axiom (forall x0, x1, ... :: invFun(fun(x0, x1, ...) == xi) protected VCExpr! GenLeftInverseAxiom(Function! fun, Function! invFun, int dtorNum) { List! quantifiedVars = HelperFuns.GenVarsForInParams(fun, Gen); VCExpr! funApp = Gen.Function(fun, HelperFuns.ToVCExprList(quantifiedVars)); VCExpr! lhs = Gen.Function(invFun, funApp); VCExpr! rhs = quantifiedVars[dtorNum]; VCExpr! eq = Gen.Eq(lhs, rhs); List! triggers = HelperFuns.ToList(Gen.Trigger(true, HelperFuns.ToList(funApp))); return Gen.Forall(quantifiedVars, triggers, "typeInv:" + invFun.Name, eq); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // the type of everything that is not int, bool, or a type private readonly TypeCtorDecl! UDecl; public readonly Type! U; // the type of types private readonly TypeCtorDecl! TDecl; public readonly Type! T; public abstract Type! TypeAfterErasure(Type! type); public abstract bool UnchangedType(Type! type); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Symbols for representing types private readonly IDictionary! BasicTypeReprs; private VCExpr! GetBasicTypeRepr(Type! type) requires type.IsBasic || type.IsBv; { VCExpr res; if (!BasicTypeReprs.TryGetValue(type, out res)) { res = Gen.Function(HelperFuns.BoogieFunction(type.ToString() + "Type", T)); AddTypeAxiom(GenCtorAssignment(res)); BasicTypeReprs.Add(type, res); } return (!)res; } private readonly IDictionary! TypeCtorReprs; internal TypeCtorRepr GetTypeCtorReprStruct(TypeCtorDecl! decl) { TypeCtorRepr reprSet; if (!TypeCtorReprs.TryGetValue(decl, out reprSet)) { Function! ctor = HelperFuns.UniformBoogieFunction(decl.Name + "Type", decl.Arity, T); AddTypeAxiom(GenCtorAssignment(ctor)); List! dtors = new List(decl.Arity); for (int i = 0; i < decl.Arity; ++i) { Function! dtor = HelperFuns.UniformBoogieFunction(decl.Name + "TypeInv" + i, 1, T); dtors.Add(dtor); AddTypeAxiom(GenLeftInverseAxiom(ctor, dtor, i)); } reprSet = new TypeCtorRepr(ctor, dtors); TypeCtorReprs.Add(decl, reprSet); } return reprSet; } public Function! GetTypeCtorRepr(TypeCtorDecl! decl) { return GetTypeCtorReprStruct(decl).Ctor; } public Function! GetTypeDtor(TypeCtorDecl! decl, int num) { return GetTypeCtorReprStruct(decl).Dtors[num]; } // mapping from free type variables to VCExpr variables private readonly IDictionary! TypeVariableMapping; public VCExprVar! Typed2Untyped(TypeVariable! var) { VCExprVar res; if (!TypeVariableMapping.TryGetValue(var, out res)) { res = new VCExprVar (var.Name, T); TypeVariableMapping.Add(var, res); } return (!)res; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Symbols for representing variables and constants // Globally defined variables private readonly IDictionary! Typed2UntypedVariables; // This method must only be used for free (unbound) variables public VCExprVar! Typed2Untyped(VCExprVar! var) { VCExprVar res; if (!Typed2UntypedVariables.TryGetValue(var, out res)) { res = Gen.Variable(var.Name, TypeAfterErasure(var.Type)); Typed2UntypedVariables.Add(var, res); AddVarTypeAxiom(res, var.Type); } return (!)res; } protected abstract void AddVarTypeAxiom(VCExprVar! var, Type! originalType); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Translation function from types to their term representation public VCExpr! Type2Term(Type! type, IDictionary! varMapping) { // if (type.IsBasic || type.IsBv) { // return GetBasicTypeRepr(type); // } else if (type.IsCtor) { // CtorType ctype = type.AsCtor; Function! repr = GetTypeCtorRepr(ctype.Decl); List! args = new List (ctype.Arguments.Length); foreach (Type! t in ctype.Arguments) args.Add(Type2Term(t, varMapping)); return Gen.Function(repr, args); // } else if (type.IsVariable) { // VCExpr res; if (!varMapping.TryGetValue(type.AsVariable, out res)) // then the variable is free and we bind it at this point to a term // variable res = Typed2Untyped(type.AsVariable); return (!)res; // } else if (type.IsMap) { // return Type2Term(MapTypeAbstracter.AbstractMapType(type.AsMap), varMapping); // } else { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Fail("Don't know how to handle this type: " + type); assert false; // please the compiler } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public TypeAxiomBuilder(VCExpressionGenerator! gen) { this.Gen = gen; AllTypeAxioms = new List (); IncTypeAxioms = new List (); BasicTypeReprs = new Dictionary (); CurrentCtorNum = BigNum.ZERO; TypeCtorReprs = new Dictionary (); TypeVariableMapping = new Dictionary (); Typed2UntypedVariables = new Dictionary (); TypeCtorDecl! uDecl = new TypeCtorDecl(Token.NoToken, "U", 0); UDecl = uDecl; Type! u = new CtorType (Token.NoToken, uDecl, new TypeSeq ()); U = u; TypeCtorDecl! tDecl = new TypeCtorDecl(Token.NoToken, "T", 0); TDecl = tDecl; Type! t = new CtorType (Token.NoToken, tDecl, new TypeSeq ()); T = t; Ctor = HelperFuns.BoogieFunction("Ctor", t, Type.Int); } public virtual void Setup() { GetBasicTypeRepr(Type.Int); GetBasicTypeRepr(Type.Bool); } // constructor to allow cloning internal TypeAxiomBuilder(TypeAxiomBuilder! builder) { Gen = builder.Gen; AllTypeAxioms = new List (builder.AllTypeAxioms); IncTypeAxioms = new List (builder.IncTypeAxioms); UDecl = builder.UDecl; U = builder.U; TDecl = builder.TDecl; T = builder.T; Ctor = builder.Ctor; CurrentCtorNum = builder.CurrentCtorNum; BasicTypeReprs = new Dictionary (builder.BasicTypeReprs); TypeCtorReprs = new Dictionary (builder.TypeCtorReprs); TypeVariableMapping = new Dictionary (builder.TypeVariableMapping); Typed2UntypedVariables = new Dictionary (builder.Typed2UntypedVariables); } public abstract Object! Clone(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Subclass of the TypeAxiomBuilder that provides all functionality // to deal with native sorts of a theorem prover (that are the only // types left after erasing all other types). Currently, these are: // // U ... sort of all individuals/objects/values // T ... sort of all types // int ... integers // bool ... booleans public abstract class TypeAxiomBuilderIntBoolU : TypeAxiomBuilder { public TypeAxiomBuilderIntBoolU(VCExpressionGenerator! gen) { base(gen); TypeCasts = new Dictionary (); } // constructor to allow cloning internal TypeAxiomBuilderIntBoolU(TypeAxiomBuilderIntBoolU! builder) { base(builder); TypeCasts = new Dictionary (builder.TypeCasts); } public override void Setup() { base.Setup(); GetTypeCasts(Type.Int); GetTypeCasts(Type.Bool); } // generate inverse axioms for casts (castToU(castFromU(x)) = x, under certain premisses) protected abstract VCExpr! GenReverseCastAxiom(Function! castToU, Function! castFromU); protected VCExpr! GenReverseCastEq(Function! castToU, Function! castFromU, out VCExprVar! var, out List! triggers) { var = Gen.Variable("x", U); VCExpr inner = Gen.Function(castFromU, var); VCExpr lhs = Gen.Function(castToU, inner); triggers = HelperFuns.ToList(Gen.Trigger(true, HelperFuns.ToList(inner))); return Gen.Eq(lhs, var); } protected abstract VCExpr! GenCastTypeAxioms(Function! castToU, Function! castFromU); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // storage of type casts for types that are supposed to be left over in the // VCs (like int, bool, bitvectors) private readonly IDictionary! TypeCasts; private TypeCastSet GetTypeCasts(Type! type) { TypeCastSet res; if (!TypeCasts.TryGetValue(type, out res)) { Function! castToU = HelperFuns.BoogieFunction(type.ToString() + "_2_U", type, U); Function! castFromU = HelperFuns.BoogieFunction("U_2_" + type.ToString(), U, type); AddTypeAxiom(GenLeftInverseAxiom(castToU, castFromU, 0)); AddTypeAxiom(GenReverseCastAxiom(castToU, castFromU)); AddTypeAxiom(GenCastTypeAxioms(castToU, castFromU)); res = new TypeCastSet (castToU, castFromU); TypeCasts.Add(type, res); } return res; } public Function! CastTo(Type! type) requires UnchangedType(type); { return GetTypeCasts(type).CastFromU; } public Function! CastFrom(Type! type) requires UnchangedType(type); { return GetTypeCasts(type).CastToU; } private struct TypeCastSet { public readonly Function! CastToU; public readonly Function! CastFromU; public TypeCastSet(Function! castToU, Function! castFromU) { CastToU = castToU; CastFromU = castFromU; } } public bool IsCast(Function! fun) { if (fun.InParams.Length != 1) return false; Type! inType = ((!)fun.InParams[0]).TypedIdent.Type; if (inType.Equals(U)) { Type! outType = ((!)fun.OutParams[0]).TypedIdent.Type; if (!TypeCasts.ContainsKey(outType)) return false; return fun.Equals(CastTo(outType)); } else { if (!TypeCasts.ContainsKey(inType)) return false; Type! outType = ((!)fun.OutParams[0]).TypedIdent.Type; if (!outType.Equals(U)) return false; return fun.Equals(CastFrom(inType)); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // the only types that we allow in "untyped" expressions are U, // Type.Int, and Type.Bool public override Type! TypeAfterErasure(Type! type) { if (UnchangedType(type)) // these types are kept return type; else // all other types are replaced by U return U; } [Pure] public override bool UnchangedType(Type! type) { return type.IsInt || type.IsBool || type.IsBv || (type.IsMap && CommandLineOptions.Clo.UseArrayTheory); } public VCExpr! Cast(VCExpr! expr, Type! toType) requires expr.Type.Equals(U) || UnchangedType(expr.Type); requires toType.Equals(U) || UnchangedType(toType); { if (expr.Type.Equals(toType)) return expr; if (toType.Equals(U)) { return Gen.Function(CastFrom(expr.Type), expr); } else { assert expr.Type.Equals(U); return Gen.Function(CastTo(toType), expr); } } public List! CastSeq(List! exprs, Type! toType) { List! res = new List (exprs.Count); foreach (VCExpr! expr in exprs) res.Add(Cast(expr, toType)); return res; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class for computing most general abstractions of map types. An abstraction // of a map type t is a maptype t' in which closed proper subtypes have been replaced // with type variables. E.g., an abstraction of [C a, int]a would be [C a, b]a. // We subsequently consider most general abstractions as ordinary parametrised types, // i.e., "[C a, b]a" would be considered as a type "M b" with polymorphically typed // access functions // // select(M b, C a, b) returns (a) // store(M b, C a, b, a) returns (M b) internal abstract class MapTypeAbstractionBuilder { protected readonly TypeAxiomBuilder! AxBuilder; protected readonly VCExpressionGenerator! Gen; internal MapTypeAbstractionBuilder(TypeAxiomBuilder! axBuilder, VCExpressionGenerator! gen) { this.AxBuilder = axBuilder; this.Gen = gen; AbstractionVariables = new List (); ClassRepresentations = new Dictionary (); } // constructor for cloning internal MapTypeAbstractionBuilder(TypeAxiomBuilder! axBuilder, VCExpressionGenerator! gen, MapTypeAbstractionBuilder! builder) { this.AxBuilder = axBuilder; this.Gen = gen; AbstractionVariables = new List (builder.AbstractionVariables); ClassRepresentations = new Dictionary (builder.ClassRepresentations); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Type variables used in the abstractions. We use the same variables in the // same order in all abstractions in order to obtain comparable abstractions // (equals, hashcode) private readonly List! AbstractionVariables; private TypeVariable! AbstractionVariable(int num) requires num >= 0; { while (AbstractionVariables.Count <= num) AbstractionVariables.Add(new TypeVariable (Token.NoToken, "aVar" + AbstractionVariables.Count)); return AbstractionVariables[num]; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The untyped representation of a class of map types, i.e., of a map type // [A0, A1, ...] R, where the argument types and the result type // possibly contain free type variables. For each such class, a separate type // constructor and separate select/store functions are introduced. protected struct MapTypeClassRepresentation { public readonly TypeCtorDecl! RepresentingType; public readonly Function! Select; public readonly Function! Store; public MapTypeClassRepresentation(TypeCtorDecl! representingType, Function! select, Function! store) { this.RepresentingType = representingType; this.Select = select; this.Store = store; } } private readonly IDictionary! ClassRepresentations; protected MapTypeClassRepresentation GetClassRepresentation(MapType! abstractedType) { MapTypeClassRepresentation res; if (!ClassRepresentations.TryGetValue(abstractedType, out res)) { int num = ClassRepresentations.Count; TypeCtorDecl! synonym = new TypeCtorDecl(Token.NoToken, "MapType" + num, abstractedType.FreeVariables.Length); Function! select, store; GenSelectStoreFunctions(abstractedType, synonym, out select, out store); res = new MapTypeClassRepresentation(synonym, select, store); ClassRepresentations.Add(abstractedType, res); } return res; } // the actual select and store functions are generated by the // concrete subclasses of this class protected abstract void GenSelectStoreFunctions(MapType! abstractedType, TypeCtorDecl! synonymDecl, out Function! select, out Function! store); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public Function! Select(MapType! rawType, out TypeSeq! instantiations) { return AbstractAndGetRepresentation(rawType, out instantiations).Select; } public Function! Store(MapType! rawType, out TypeSeq! instantiations) { return AbstractAndGetRepresentation(rawType, out instantiations).Store; } private MapTypeClassRepresentation AbstractAndGetRepresentation(MapType! rawType, out TypeSeq! instantiations) { instantiations = new TypeSeq (); MapType! abstraction = ThinOutMapType(rawType, instantiations); return GetClassRepresentation(abstraction); } public CtorType! AbstractMapType(MapType! rawType) { TypeSeq! instantiations = new TypeSeq (); MapType! abstraction = ThinOutMapType(rawType, instantiations); MapTypeClassRepresentation repr = GetClassRepresentation(abstraction); assume repr.RepresentingType.Arity == instantiations.Length; return new CtorType(Token.NoToken, repr.RepresentingType, instantiations); } // TODO: cache the result of this operation protected MapType! ThinOutMapType(MapType! rawType, TypeSeq! instantiations) { TypeSeq! newArguments = new TypeSeq (); foreach (Type! subtype in rawType.Arguments) newArguments.Add(ThinOutType(subtype, rawType.TypeParameters, instantiations)); Type! newResult = ThinOutType(rawType.Result, rawType.TypeParameters, instantiations); return new MapType(Token.NoToken, rawType.TypeParameters, newArguments, newResult); } private Type! ThinOutType(Type! rawType, TypeVariableSeq! boundTypeParams, // the instantiations of inserted type variables, // the order corresponds to the order in which // "AbstractionVariable(int)" delivers variables TypeSeq! instantiations) { if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.Monomorphize && AxBuilder.UnchangedType(rawType)) return rawType; if (forall{TypeVariable! var in rawType.FreeVariables; !boundTypeParams.Has(var)}) { // Bingo! // if the type does not contain any bound variables, we can simply // replace it with a type variable TypeVariable! abstractionVar = AbstractionVariable(instantiations.Length); assume !boundTypeParams.Has(abstractionVar); instantiations.Add(rawType); return abstractionVar; } if (rawType.IsVariable) { // // then the variable has to be bound, we cannot do anything TypeVariable! rawVar = rawType.AsVariable; assume boundTypeParams.Has(rawVar); return rawVar; // } else if (rawType.IsMap) { // // recursively abstract this map type and continue abstracting CtorType! abstraction = AbstractMapType(rawType.AsMap); return ThinOutType(abstraction, boundTypeParams, instantiations); // } else if (rawType.IsCtor) { // // traverse the subtypes CtorType! rawCtorType = rawType.AsCtor; TypeSeq! newArguments = new TypeSeq (); foreach (Type! subtype in rawCtorType.Arguments) newArguments.Add(ThinOutType(subtype, boundTypeParams, instantiations)); return new CtorType(Token.NoToken, rawCtorType.Decl, newArguments); // } else { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Fail("Don't know how to handle this type: " + rawType); return rawType; // compiler appeasement policy } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public class VariableBindings { public readonly IDictionary! VCExprVarBindings; public readonly IDictionary! TypeVariableBindings; public VariableBindings(IDictionary! vcExprVarBindings, IDictionary! typeVariableBindings) { this.VCExprVarBindings = vcExprVarBindings; this.TypeVariableBindings = typeVariableBindings; } public VariableBindings() { this (new Dictionary (), new Dictionary ()); } public VariableBindings! Clone() { IDictionary! newVCExprVarBindings = new Dictionary (); foreach (KeyValuePair pair in VCExprVarBindings) newVCExprVarBindings.Add(pair); IDictionary! newTypeVariableBindings = new Dictionary (); foreach (KeyValuePair pair in TypeVariableBindings) newTypeVariableBindings.Add(pair); return new VariableBindings(newVCExprVarBindings, newTypeVariableBindings); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The central class for turning types VCExprs into untyped // VCExprs. This class makes use of the type axiom builder to manage // the available types and symbols. public abstract class TypeEraser : MutatingVCExprVisitor { protected readonly TypeAxiomBuilderIntBoolU! AxBuilder; protected abstract OpTypeEraser! OpEraser { get; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public TypeEraser(TypeAxiomBuilderIntBoolU! axBuilder, VCExpressionGenerator! gen) { base(gen); AxBuilder = axBuilder; } public VCExpr! Erase(VCExpr! expr, int polarity) requires polarity >= -1 && polarity <= 1; { this.Polarity = polarity; return Mutate(expr, new VariableBindings()); } internal int Polarity = 1; // 1 for positive, -1 for negative, 0 for both //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public override VCExpr! Visit(VCExprLiteral! node, VariableBindings! bindings) { assume node.Type == Type.Bool || node.Type == Type.Int; return node; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public override VCExpr! Visit(VCExprNAry! node, VariableBindings! bindings) { VCExprOp! op = node.Op; if (op == VCExpressionGenerator.AndOp || op == VCExpressionGenerator.OrOp) // more efficient on large conjunctions/disjunctions return base.Visit(node, bindings); // the visitor that handles all other operators return node.Accept(OpEraser, bindings); } // this method is called by MutatingVCExprVisitor.Visit(VCExprNAry, ...) protected override VCExpr! UpdateModifiedNode(VCExprNAry! originalNode, List! newSubExprs, bool changed, VariableBindings! bindings) { assume originalNode.Op == VCExpressionGenerator.AndOp || originalNode.Op == VCExpressionGenerator.OrOp; return Gen.Function(originalNode.Op, AxBuilder.Cast(newSubExprs[0], Type.Bool), AxBuilder.Cast(newSubExprs[1], Type.Bool)); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public override VCExpr! Visit(VCExprVar! node, VariableBindings! bindings) { VCExprVar res; if (!bindings.VCExprVarBindings.TryGetValue(node, out res)) return AxBuilder.Typed2Untyped(node); return (!)res; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// protected bool IsUniversalQuantifier(VCExprQuantifier! node) { return Polarity == 1 && node.Quan == Quantifier.EX || Polarity == -1 && node.Quan == Quantifier.ALL; } protected List! BoundVarsAfterErasure(List! oldBoundVars, // the mapping between old and new variables // is added to this bindings-object VariableBindings! bindings) { List! newBoundVars = new List (oldBoundVars.Count); foreach (VCExprVar! var in oldBoundVars) { Type! newType = AxBuilder.TypeAfterErasure(var.Type); VCExprVar! newVar = Gen.Variable(var.Name, newType); newBoundVars.Add(newVar); bindings.VCExprVarBindings.Add(var, newVar); } return newBoundVars; } // We check whether casts Int2U or Bool2U on the bound variables // occur in triggers. In case a trigger like f(Int2U(x)) occurs, // it may be better to give variable x the type U and remove the // cast. The following method returns true if the quantifier // should be translated again with a different typing protected bool RedoQuantifier(VCExprQuantifier! node, VCExprQuantifier! newNode, // the bound vars that actually occur in the body or // in any of the triggers List! occurringVars, VariableBindings! oldBindings, out VariableBindings! newBindings, out List! newBoundVars) { List castVariables = VariableCastCollector.FindCastVariables(node, newNode, AxBuilder); if (castVariables.Count == 0) { newBindings = oldBindings; // to make the compiler happy newBoundVars = newNode.BoundVars; // to make the compiler happy return false; } // redo everything with a different typing ... newBindings = oldBindings.Clone(); newBoundVars = new List (node.BoundVars.Count); foreach (VCExprVar! var in node.BoundVars) { Type! newType = castVariables.Contains(var) ? AxBuilder.U : AxBuilder.TypeAfterErasure(var.Type); VCExprVar! newVar = Gen.Variable(var.Name, newType); newBoundVars.Add(newVar); newBindings.VCExprVarBindings.Add(var, newVar); } return true; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public override VCExpr! Visit(VCExprLet! node, VariableBindings! bindings) { VariableBindings! newVarBindings = bindings.Clone(); List! newBoundVars = new List (node.BoundVars.Count); foreach (VCExprVar! var in node.BoundVars) { Type! newType = AxBuilder.TypeAfterErasure(var.Type); VCExprVar! newVar = Gen.Variable(var.Name, newType); newBoundVars.Add(newVar); newVarBindings.VCExprVarBindings.Add(var, newVar); } List! newbindings = new List (node.Length); for (int i = 0; i < node.Length; ++i) { VCExprLetBinding! binding = node[i]; VCExprVar! newVar = newBoundVars[i]; Type! newType = newVar.Type; VCExpr! newE = AxBuilder.Cast(Mutate(binding.E, newVarBindings), newType); newbindings.Add(Gen.LetBinding(newVar, newE)); } VCExpr! newbody = Mutate(node.Body, newVarBindings); return Gen.Let(newbindings, newbody); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public abstract class OpTypeEraser : StandardVCExprOpVisitor { protected readonly TypeAxiomBuilderIntBoolU! AxBuilder; protected readonly TypeEraser! Eraser; protected readonly VCExpressionGenerator! Gen; public OpTypeEraser(TypeEraser! eraser, TypeAxiomBuilderIntBoolU! axBuilder, VCExpressionGenerator! gen) { this.AxBuilder = axBuilder; this.Eraser = eraser; this.Gen = gen; } protected override VCExpr! StandardResult(VCExprNAry! node, VariableBindings! bindings) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Fail("Don't know how to erase types in this expression: " + node); assert false; // to please the compiler } private List! MutateSeq(VCExprNAry! node, VariableBindings! bindings, int newPolarity) { int oldPolarity = Eraser.Polarity; Eraser.Polarity = newPolarity; List! newArgs = Eraser.MutateSeq(node, bindings); Eraser.Polarity = oldPolarity; return newArgs; } private VCExpr! CastArguments(VCExprNAry! node, Type! argType, VariableBindings! bindings, int newPolarity) { return Gen.Function(node.Op, AxBuilder.CastSeq(MutateSeq(node, bindings, newPolarity), argType)); } // Cast the arguments of the node to their old type if necessary and possible; otherwise use // their new type (int, bool, or U) private VCExpr! CastArgumentsToOldType(VCExprNAry! node, VariableBindings! bindings, int newPolarity) requires node.Arity > 0; { List! newArgs = MutateSeq(node, bindings, newPolarity); Type! oldType = node[0].Type; if (AxBuilder.UnchangedType(oldType) && forall{int i in (1:node.Arity); node[i].Type.Equals(oldType)}) return Gen.Function(node.Op, AxBuilder.CastSeq(newArgs, oldType)); else return Gen.Function(node.Op, AxBuilder.CastSeq(newArgs, AxBuilder.U)); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public override VCExpr! VisitNotOp (VCExprNAry! node, VariableBindings! bindings) { return CastArguments(node, Type.Bool, bindings, -Eraser.Polarity); } public override VCExpr! VisitEqOp (VCExprNAry! node, VariableBindings! bindings) { return CastArgumentsToOldType(node, bindings, 0); } public override VCExpr! VisitNeqOp (VCExprNAry! node, VariableBindings! bindings) { return CastArgumentsToOldType(node, bindings, 0); } public override VCExpr! VisitImpliesOp (VCExprNAry! node, VariableBindings! bindings) { // UGLY: the code for tracking polarities should be factored out List! newArgs = new List (2); Eraser.Polarity = -Eraser.Polarity; newArgs.Add(Eraser.Mutate(node[0], bindings)); Eraser.Polarity = -Eraser.Polarity; newArgs.Add(Eraser.Mutate(node[1], bindings)); return Gen.Function(node.Op, AxBuilder.CastSeq(newArgs, Type.Bool)); } public override VCExpr! VisitDistinctOp (VCExprNAry! node, VariableBindings! bindings) { return CastArgumentsToOldType(node, bindings, 0); } public override VCExpr! VisitLabelOp (VCExprNAry! node, VariableBindings! bindings) { // argument of the label operator should always be a formula // (at least for Simplify ... should this be ensured at a later point?) return CastArguments(node, Type.Bool, bindings, Eraser.Polarity); } public override VCExpr! VisitIfThenElseOp (VCExprNAry! node, VariableBindings! bindings) { List! newArgs = MutateSeq(node, bindings, 0); newArgs[0] = AxBuilder.Cast(newArgs[0], Type.Bool); Type t = node.Type; if (!AxBuilder.UnchangedType(t)) { t = AxBuilder.U; } newArgs[1] = AxBuilder.Cast(newArgs[1], t); newArgs[2] = AxBuilder.Cast(newArgs[2], t); return Gen.Function(node.Op, newArgs); } public override VCExpr! VisitAddOp (VCExprNAry! node, VariableBindings! bindings) { return CastArguments(node, Type.Int, bindings, 0); } public override VCExpr! VisitSubOp (VCExprNAry! node, VariableBindings! bindings) { return CastArguments(node, Type.Int, bindings, 0); } public override VCExpr! VisitMulOp (VCExprNAry! node, VariableBindings! bindings) { return CastArguments(node, Type.Int, bindings, 0); } public override VCExpr! VisitDivOp (VCExprNAry! node, VariableBindings! bindings) { return CastArguments(node, Type.Int, bindings, 0); } public override VCExpr! VisitModOp (VCExprNAry! node, VariableBindings! bindings) { return CastArguments(node, Type.Int, bindings, 0); } public override VCExpr! VisitLtOp (VCExprNAry! node, VariableBindings! bindings) { return CastArguments(node, Type.Int, bindings, 0); } public override VCExpr! VisitLeOp (VCExprNAry! node, VariableBindings! bindings) { return CastArguments(node, Type.Int, bindings, 0); } public override VCExpr! VisitGtOp (VCExprNAry! node, VariableBindings! bindings) { return CastArguments(node, Type.Int, bindings, 0); } public override VCExpr! VisitGeOp (VCExprNAry! node, VariableBindings! bindings) { return CastArguments(node, Type.Int, bindings, 0); } public override VCExpr! VisitSubtypeOp (VCExprNAry! node, VariableBindings! bindings) { return CastArguments(node, AxBuilder.U, bindings, 0); } public override VCExpr! VisitBvOp (VCExprNAry! node, VariableBindings! bindings) { return CastArgumentsToOldType(node, bindings, 0); } public override VCExpr! VisitBvExtractOp(VCExprNAry! node, VariableBindings! bindings) { return CastArgumentsToOldType(node, bindings, 0); } public override VCExpr! VisitBvConcatOp (VCExprNAry! node, VariableBindings! bindings) { List! newArgs = MutateSeq(node, bindings, 0); // each argument is cast to its old type assert newArgs.Count == node.Arity && newArgs.Count == 2; VCExpr! arg0 = AxBuilder.Cast(newArgs[0], node[0].Type); VCExpr! arg1 = AxBuilder.Cast(newArgs[1], node[1].Type); return Gen.Function(node.Op, arg0, arg1); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// Collect all variables x occurring in expressions of the form Int2U(x) or Bool2U(x), and /// collect all variables x occurring outside such forms. /// internal class VariableCastCollector : TraversingVCExprVisitor { /// /// Determine those bound variables in "oldNode" all of whose relevant uses /// have to be cast in potential triggers in "newNode". It is assume that /// the bound variables of "oldNode" correspond to the first bound /// variables of "newNode". /// public static List! FindCastVariables(VCExprQuantifier! oldNode, VCExprQuantifier! newNode, TypeAxiomBuilderIntBoolU! axBuilder) { VariableCastCollector! collector = new VariableCastCollector(axBuilder); if (exists{VCTrigger! trigger in newNode.Triggers; trigger.Pos}) { // look in the given triggers foreach (VCTrigger! trigger in newNode.Triggers) if (trigger.Pos) foreach (VCExpr! expr in trigger.Exprs) collector.Traverse(expr, true); } else { // look in the body of the quantifier collector.Traverse(newNode.Body, true); } List! castVariables = new List (collector.varsInCasts.Count); foreach (VCExprVar! castVar in collector.varsInCasts) { int i = newNode.BoundVars.IndexOf(castVar); if (0 <= i && i < oldNode.BoundVars.Count && !collector.varsOutsideCasts.ContainsKey(castVar)) castVariables.Add(oldNode.BoundVars[i]); } return castVariables; } public VariableCastCollector(TypeAxiomBuilderIntBoolU! axBuilder) { this.AxBuilder = axBuilder; } readonly List! varsInCasts = new List (); readonly Dictionary! varsOutsideCasts = new Dictionary (); readonly TypeAxiomBuilderIntBoolU! AxBuilder; protected override bool StandardResult(VCExpr! node, bool arg) { return true; // not used } public override bool Visit(VCExprNAry! node, bool arg) { if (node.Op is VCExprBoogieFunctionOp) { Function! func = ((VCExprBoogieFunctionOp)node.Op).Func; if ((AxBuilder.IsCast(func)) && node[0] is VCExprVar) { VCExprVar castVar = (VCExprVar)node[0]; if (!varsInCasts.Contains(castVar)) varsInCasts.Add(castVar); return true; } } else if (node.Op is VCExprNAryOp) { VCExpressionGenerator.SingletonOp op = VCExpressionGenerator.SingletonOpDict[node.Op]; switch(op) { // the following operators cannot be used in triggers, so disregard any uses of variables as direct arguments case VCExpressionGenerator.SingletonOp.NotOp: case VCExpressionGenerator.SingletonOp.EqOp: case VCExpressionGenerator.SingletonOp.NeqOp: case VCExpressionGenerator.SingletonOp.AndOp: case VCExpressionGenerator.SingletonOp.OrOp: case VCExpressionGenerator.SingletonOp.ImpliesOp: case VCExpressionGenerator.SingletonOp.LtOp: case VCExpressionGenerator.SingletonOp.LeOp: case VCExpressionGenerator.SingletonOp.GtOp: case VCExpressionGenerator.SingletonOp.GeOp: foreach (VCExpr n in node) { if (!(n is VCExprVar)) { // don't recurse on VCExprVar argument n.Accept(this, arg); } } return true; default: break; } } return base.Visit(node, arg); } public override bool Visit(VCExprVar! node, bool arg) { if (!varsOutsideCasts.ContainsKey(node)) varsOutsideCasts.Add(node, null); return true; } } }