//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- using System; using System.Text; using System.IO; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using Microsoft.Contracts; using Microsoft.Basetypes; using Microsoft.Boogie.VCExprAST; // a naive method to turn VCExprs into strings that can be fed into Simplify namespace Microsoft.Boogie.VCExprAST { // Options for the linearisation. Here one can choose, for instance, // whether Simplify or Z3 output is to be produced public abstract class LineariserOptions { public readonly bool AsTerm; public abstract LineariserOptions! SetAsTerm(bool newVal); public abstract bool QuantifierIds { get; } public virtual bool UseWeights { get { return false; } } public virtual bool InverseImplies { get { return false; } } // whether to include type specifications in quantifiers public abstract bool UseTypes { get; } public virtual CommandLineOptions.BvHandling Bitvectors { get { return CommandLineOptions.BvHandling.None; } } // variables representing formulas in let-bindings have to be // printed in a different way than other variables public virtual List! LetVariables { get { return EmptyList; } } public virtual LineariserOptions! AddLetVariable(VCExprVar! furtherVar) { return this; } private static readonly List! EmptyList = new List(); public bool NativeBv { get { return Bitvectors == CommandLineOptions.BvHandling.Z3Native; } } public bool IntBv { get { return Bitvectors == CommandLineOptions.BvHandling.ToInt; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// protected LineariserOptions(bool asTerm) { this.AsTerm = asTerm; } public static readonly LineariserOptions! SimplifyDefault = new SimplifyOptions (false); internal static readonly LineariserOptions! SimplifyDefaultTerm = new SimplifyOptions (true); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private class SimplifyOptions : LineariserOptions { internal SimplifyOptions(bool asTerm) { base(asTerm); } public override bool QuantifierIds { get { return false; } } public override bool UseTypes { get { return false; } } public override LineariserOptions! SetAsTerm(bool newVal) { if (newVal) return SimplifyDefaultTerm; else return SimplifyDefault; } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Lineariser for expressions. The result (bool) is currently not used for anything public class SimplifyLikeExprLineariser : IVCExprVisitor { public static string! ToSimplifyString(VCExpr! e, UniqueNamer! namer) { return ToString(e, LineariserOptions.SimplifyDefault, namer); } public static string! ToString(VCExpr! e, LineariserOptions! options, UniqueNamer! namer) { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); SimplifyLikeExprLineariser lin = new SimplifyLikeExprLineariser (sw, namer); lin.Linearise(e, options); return sw.ToString(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private readonly TextWriter! wr; private SimplifyLikeOpLineariser OpLinObject = null; private IVCExprOpVisitor! OpLineariser { get { if (OpLinObject == null) OpLinObject = new SimplifyLikeOpLineariser (this, wr); return OpLinObject; } } internal readonly UniqueNamer! Namer; public SimplifyLikeExprLineariser(TextWriter! wr, UniqueNamer! namer) { this.wr = wr; this.Namer = namer; } public void Linearise(VCExpr! expr, LineariserOptions! options) { expr.Accept(this, options); } public void LineariseAsTerm(VCExpr! expr, LineariserOptions! options) { Linearise(expr, options.SetAsTerm(true)); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static string! MakeIdPrintable(string! s) { // make sure that no keywords are used as identifiers switch(s) { case andName: case orName: case notName: case impliesName: case iffName: case eqName: case neqName: case distinctName: case TRUEName: case FALSEName: s = "nonkeyword_" + s; break; } if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.BracketIdsInVC == 0) { // In this form, we go with any identifier, so we don't ever bother about brackets. // Except: @true and @false are always written with brackets return s; } bool looksLikeOperator = true; bool looksLikeSimpleId = true; bool useBrackets = false; foreach (char ch in s) { switch (ch) { case '=': case '<': case '>': case '+': case '-': case '*': case '/': case '%': case ':': // looks like operator, not simple id looksLikeSimpleId = false; break; default: if (Char.IsLetterOrDigit(ch)) { // looks like simple id, not operator looksLikeOperator = false; } else { // looks like neither operator nor simple id looksLikeOperator = false; looksLikeSimpleId = false; } break; } if (!looksLikeOperator && !looksLikeSimpleId) { useBrackets = true; break; } } if (useBrackets) { return "|" + s + "|"; } else { return s; } } public static string! TypeToString(Type! t) { if (t.IsBool) return "$bool"; else if (t.IsInt) return "$int"; else if (t.IsBv) return "$bv" + t.BvBits; else { // at this point, only the types U, T, and bitvector types should be left if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.TypeEncodingMethod == CommandLineOptions.TypeEncoding.Monomorphic) return "U"; else { System.IO.StringWriter buffer = new System.IO.StringWriter(); using (TokenTextWriter stream = new TokenTextWriter("", buffer, false)) { t.Emit(stream); } return buffer.ToString(); } } } public static string! BvConcatOpName(VCExprNAry! node) requires node.Op is VCExprBvConcatOp; { int bits1 = node[0].Type.BvBits; int bits2 = node[1].Type.BvBits; return "$bv" + (bits1 + bits2) + "_concat[" + bits1 + "." + bits2 + "]"; } public static string! BvExtractOpName(VCExprNAry! node) requires node.Op is VCExprBvExtractOp; { VCExprBvExtractOp! op = (VCExprBvExtractOp)node.Op; return "$bv" + node.Type.BvBits + "_extract" + op.Total + "[" + op.Start + ":" + op.End + "]"; } internal void WriteId(string! s) { wr.Write(MakeIdPrintable(s)); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// The name for logical conjunction in Simplify /// internal const string! andName = "AND"; // conjunction internal const string! orName = "OR"; // disjunction internal const string! notName = "NOT"; // negation internal const string! impliesName = "IMPLIES"; // implication internal const string! iffName = "IFF"; // logical equivalence internal const string! eqName = "EQ"; // equality internal const string! neqName = "NEQ"; // inequality internal const string! lessName = "<"; internal const string! greaterName = ">"; internal const string! atmostName = "<="; internal const string! atleastName = ">="; internal const string! TRUEName = "TRUE"; // nullary predicate that is always true internal const string! FALSEName = "FALSE"; // nullary predicate that is always false internal const string! subtypeName = "<:"; internal const string! subtypeArgsName = "<::"; internal const string! distinctName = "DISTINCT"; /// /// name of the main inclusion relation /// internal const string! boolTrueName = "|@true|"; internal const string! boolFalseName = "|@false|"; internal const string! boolAndName = "boolAnd"; internal const string! boolOrName = "boolOr"; internal const string! boolNotName = "boolNot"; internal const string! termEqName = "anyEqual"; internal const string! termNeqName = "anyNeq"; internal const string! termLessName = "intLess"; internal const string! termGreaterName = "intGreater"; internal const string! termAtmostName = "intAtMost"; internal const string! termAtleastName = "intAtLeast"; internal const string! intAddName = "+"; internal const string! intAddNameReflect = "Reflect$Add"; internal const string! intSubName = "-"; internal const string! intMulName = "*"; internal const string! intDivName = "/"; internal const string! intModName = "%"; internal void AssertAsTerm(string! x, LineariserOptions! options) { if (!options.AsTerm) System.Diagnostics.Debug.Fail("One should never write " + x + " as a formula!"); } internal void AssertAsFormula(string! x, LineariserOptions! options) { if (options.AsTerm) System.Diagnostics.Debug.Fail("One should never write " + x + " as a term!"); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public bool Visit(VCExprLiteral! node, LineariserOptions! options) { if (options.AsTerm) { if (node == VCExpressionGenerator.True) wr.Write(options.UseTypes ? TRUEName : boolTrueName); else if (node == VCExpressionGenerator.False) wr.Write(options.UseTypes ? FALSEName : boolFalseName); else if (node is VCExprIntLit) { wr.Write(((VCExprIntLit)node).Val); } else assert false; } else { if (node == VCExpressionGenerator.True) wr.Write(TRUEName); else if (node == VCExpressionGenerator.False) wr.Write(FALSEName); else if (node is VCExprIntLit) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Fail("One should never write IntLit as a predicate!"); } else assert false; } return true; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public bool Visit(VCExprNAry! node, LineariserOptions! options) { VCExprOp! op = node.Op; if (!options.AsTerm && (op.Equals(VCExpressionGenerator.AndOp) || op.Equals(VCExpressionGenerator.OrOp))) { // handle these operators without recursion wr.Write("({0}", op.Equals(VCExpressionGenerator.AndOp) ? andName : orName); IEnumerator! enumerator = new VCExprNAryUniformOpEnumerator (node); while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { VCExprNAry naryExpr = enumerator.Current as VCExprNAry; if (naryExpr == null || !naryExpr.Op.Equals(op)) { wr.Write(" "); Linearise((VCExpr!)enumerator.Current, options); } } wr.Write(")"); return true; } return node.Accept(OpLineariser, options); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public bool Visit(VCExprVar! node, LineariserOptions! options) { string! printedName = Namer.GetName(node, node.Name); if (options.AsTerm || // variables for formulas bound in a let-binding are never // written as an equation options.LetVariables.Contains(node) || // if variables are properly typed, they cannot be written as // equation either options.UseTypes) { WriteId(printedName); } else { wr.Write("({0} ", eqName); WriteId(printedName); wr.Write(" {0})", boolTrueName); } return true; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public bool Visit(VCExprQuantifier! node, LineariserOptions! options) { AssertAsFormula(node.Quan.ToString(), options); assert node.TypeParameters.Count == 0; Namer.PushScope(); try { string! kind = node.Quan == Quantifier.ALL ? "FORALL" : "EXISTS"; wr.Write("({0} (", kind); for (int i = 0; i < node.BoundVars.Count; i++) { VCExprVar! var = node.BoundVars[i]; string! printedName = Namer.GetLocalName(var, var.Name); if (i != 0) wr.Write(" "); WriteId(printedName); if (options.UseTypes) wr.Write(" :TYPE {0}", TypeToString(var.Type)); } wr.Write(") "); WriteTriggers(node.Triggers, options); if (options.QuantifierIds) { // only needed for Z3 VCQuantifierInfos! infos = node.Infos; if (infos.qid != null) { wr.Write("(QID "); wr.Write(infos.qid); wr.Write(") "); } if (0 <= infos.uniqueId) { wr.Write("(SKOLEMID "); wr.Write(infos.uniqueId); wr.Write(") "); } } if (options.UseWeights) { int weight = QKeyValue.FindIntAttribute(node.Infos.attributes, "weight", 1); if (weight != 1) { wr.Write("(WEIGHT "); wr.Write(weight); wr.Write(") "); } } Linearise(node.Body, options); wr.Write(")"); return true; } finally { Namer.PopScope(); } } private void WriteTriggers(List! triggers, LineariserOptions! options) { // first, count how many neg/pos triggers there are int negTriggers = 0; int posTriggers = 0; foreach (VCTrigger! vcTrig in triggers) { if (vcTrig.Pos) { posTriggers++; } else { negTriggers++; } } if (posTriggers > 0) { wr.Write("(PATS"); foreach (VCTrigger! vcTrig in triggers) { if (vcTrig.Pos) { if (vcTrig.Exprs.Count > 1) { wr.Write(" (MPAT"); } foreach (VCExpr! e in vcTrig.Exprs) { wr.Write(" "); LineariseAsTerm(e, options); } if (vcTrig.Exprs.Count > 1) { wr.Write(")"); } } } wr.Write(") "); } else if (negTriggers > 0) { // if also positive triggers are given, the SMT solver (at least Z3) // will ignore the negative patterns and output a warning. Therefore // we never specify both negative and positive triggers wr.Write("(NOPATS"); foreach (VCTrigger! vcTrig in triggers) { if (!vcTrig.Pos) { wr.Write(" "); assert vcTrig.Exprs.Count == 1; LineariseAsTerm(vcTrig.Exprs[0], options); } } wr.Write(") "); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public bool Visit(VCExprLet! node, LineariserOptions! options) { Namer.PushScope(); try { wr.Write("(LET ("); LineariserOptions! optionsWithVars = options; foreach (VCExprVar! var in node.BoundVars) optionsWithVars = optionsWithVars.AddLetVariable(var); string s = "("; foreach (VCExprLetBinding! b in node) { wr.Write(s); string! printedName = Namer.GetLocalName(b.V, b.V.Name); bool formula = b.V.Type.IsBool; if (formula) wr.Write("FORMULA "); else wr.Write("TERM "); WriteId(printedName); wr.Write(" "); Linearise(b.E, optionsWithVars.SetAsTerm(!formula)); wr.Write(")"); s = " ("; } wr.Write(") "); Linearise(node.Body, optionsWithVars); wr.Write(")"); return true; } finally { Namer.PopScope(); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Lineariser for operator terms. The result (bool) is currently not used for anything internal class SimplifyLikeOpLineariser : IVCExprOpVisitor { private readonly SimplifyLikeExprLineariser! ExprLineariser; private readonly TextWriter! wr; public SimplifyLikeOpLineariser(SimplifyLikeExprLineariser! ExprLineariser, TextWriter! wr) { this.ExprLineariser = ExprLineariser; this.wr = wr; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private void WriteApplication(string! op, IEnumerable! args, LineariserOptions! options, bool argsAsTerms) { WriteApplication(op, op, args, options, argsAsTerms); } private void WriteApplication(string! op, IEnumerable! args, LineariserOptions! options) { WriteApplication(op, op, args, options, options.AsTerm); } private void WriteTermApplication(string! op, IEnumerable! args, LineariserOptions! options) { ExprLineariser.AssertAsTerm(op, options); WriteApplication(op, op, args, options, options.AsTerm); } private void WriteApplication(string! termOp, string! predOp, IEnumerable! args, LineariserOptions! options) { WriteApplication(termOp, predOp, args, options, options.AsTerm); } private void WriteApplication(string! termOp, string! predOp, IEnumerable! args, LineariserOptions! options, // change the AsTerm option for the arguments? bool argsAsTerms) { wr.Write("({0}", options.AsTerm ? termOp : predOp); LineariserOptions! newOptions = options.SetAsTerm(argsAsTerms); foreach (VCExpr! e in args) { wr.Write(" "); ExprLineariser.Linearise(e, newOptions); } wr.Write(")"); } // write an application that can only be a term. // if the expression is supposed to be printed as a formula, // it is turned into an equation (EQ (f args) |@true|) private void WriteApplicationTermOnly(string! termOp, IEnumerable! args, LineariserOptions! options) { if (!options.AsTerm) // Write: (EQ (f args) |@true|) // where "args" are written as terms wr.Write("({0} ", eqName); WriteApplication(termOp, args, options, true); if (!options.AsTerm) wr.Write(" {0})", boolTrueName); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public bool VisitNotOp (VCExprNAry! node, LineariserOptions! options) { WriteApplication(boolNotName, notName, node, options); // arguments can be both terms and formulas return true; } public bool VisitEqOp (VCExprNAry! node, LineariserOptions! options) { if (options.AsTerm) { // use equality on terms, also if the arguments have type bool WriteApplication(termEqName, node, options); } else { if (node[0].Type.IsBool) { assert node[1].Type.IsBool; // use equivalence WriteApplication(iffName, node, options); } else { assert !node[1].Type.IsBool; // use equality and write the arguments as terms WriteApplication(eqName, node, options, true); } } return true; } public bool VisitNeqOp (VCExprNAry! node, LineariserOptions! options) { if (options.AsTerm) { // use equality on terms, also if the arguments have type bool WriteApplication(termNeqName, node, options); } else { if (node[0].Type.IsBool) { assert node[1].Type.IsBool; // use equivalence and negate the whole thing wr.Write("({0} ", notName); WriteApplication(iffName, node, options); wr.Write(")"); } else { // use equality and write the arguments as terms WriteApplication(neqName, node, options, true); } } return true; } public bool VisitAndOp (VCExprNAry! node, LineariserOptions! options) { assert options.AsTerm; WriteApplication(boolAndName, andName, node, options); // arguments can be both terms and formulas return true; } public bool VisitOrOp (VCExprNAry! node, LineariserOptions! options) { assert options.AsTerm; WriteApplication(boolOrName, orName, node, options); // arguments can be both terms and formulas return true; } public bool VisitImpliesOp (VCExprNAry! node, LineariserOptions! options) { if (options.AsTerm) { wr.Write("({0} ({1} ", boolOrName, boolNotName); ExprLineariser.Linearise(node[0], options); wr.Write(") "); ExprLineariser.Linearise(node[1], options); wr.Write(")"); } else if (options.InverseImplies) { wr.Write("({0} ", orName); ExprLineariser.Linearise(node[1], options); wr.Write(" ({0} ", notName); ExprLineariser.Linearise(node[0], options); wr.Write("))"); } else { WriteApplication(impliesName, node, options); } return true; } public bool VisitDistinctOp (VCExprNAry! node, LineariserOptions! options) { ExprLineariser.AssertAsFormula(distinctName, options); if (node.Length < 2) { ExprLineariser.Linearise(VCExpressionGenerator.True, options); } else { wr.Write("({0}", distinctName); foreach (VCExpr! e in node) { wr.Write(" "); ExprLineariser.LineariseAsTerm(e, options); } wr.Write(")"); } return true; } public bool VisitLabelOp (VCExprNAry! node, LineariserOptions! options) { VCExprLabelOp! op = (VCExprLabelOp)node.Op; wr.Write(String.Format("({0} |{1}| ", op.pos ? "LBLPOS" : "LBLNEG", op.label)); ExprLineariser.Linearise(node[0], options); wr.Write(")"); return true; } public bool VisitSelectOp (VCExprNAry! node, LineariserOptions! options) { assert false; // should not occur in the output } public bool VisitStoreOp (VCExprNAry! node, LineariserOptions! options) { assert false; // should not occur in the output } public bool VisitBvOp (VCExprNAry! node, LineariserOptions! options) { WriteTermApplication("$make_bv" + node.Type.BvBits, node, options); return true; } public bool VisitBvExtractOp(VCExprNAry! node, LineariserOptions! options) { WriteTermApplication(BvExtractOpName(node), node, options); return true; } public bool VisitBvConcatOp (VCExprNAry! node, LineariserOptions! options) { WriteTermApplication(BvConcatOpName(node), node, options); return true; } public bool VisitAddOp (VCExprNAry! node, LineariserOptions! options) { if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.ReflectAdd) { WriteTermApplication(intAddNameReflect, node, options); } else { WriteTermApplication(intAddName, node, options); } return true; } public bool VisitSubOp (VCExprNAry! node, LineariserOptions! options) { WriteTermApplication(intSubName, node, options); return true; } public bool VisitMulOp (VCExprNAry! node, LineariserOptions! options) { WriteTermApplication(intMulName, node, options); return true; } public bool VisitDivOp (VCExprNAry! node, LineariserOptions! options) { WriteTermApplication(intDivName, node, options); return true; } public bool VisitModOp (VCExprNAry! node, LineariserOptions! options) { WriteTermApplication(intModName, node, options); return true; } public bool VisitLtOp (VCExprNAry! node, LineariserOptions! options) { WriteApplication(termLessName, lessName, node, options, true); // arguments are always terms return true; } public bool VisitLeOp (VCExprNAry! node, LineariserOptions! options) { WriteApplication(termAtmostName, atmostName, node, options, true); // arguments are always terms return true; } public bool VisitGtOp (VCExprNAry! node, LineariserOptions! options) { WriteApplication(termGreaterName, greaterName, node, options, true); // arguments are always terms return true; } public bool VisitGeOp (VCExprNAry! node, LineariserOptions! options) { WriteApplication(termAtleastName, atleastName, node, options, true); // arguments are always terms return true; } public bool VisitSubtypeOp (VCExprNAry! node, LineariserOptions! options) { WriteApplication(subtypeName, node, options, true); // arguments are always terms return true; } public bool VisitSubtype3Op (VCExprNAry! node, LineariserOptions! options) { WriteApplication(subtypeArgsName, node, options, true); // arguments are always terms return true; } public bool VisitBoogieFunctionOp (VCExprNAry! node, LineariserOptions! options) { VCExprBoogieFunctionOp! op = (VCExprBoogieFunctionOp)node.Op; string! funcName = op.Func.Name; string? bvzName = op.Func.FindStringAttribute("external"); string! printedName = ExprLineariser.Namer.GetName(op.Func, funcName); if (bvzName != null) printedName = bvzName; if (options.UseTypes) { // we use term notation for arguments whose type is not bool, and // formula notation for boolean arguments wr.Write("("); ExprLineariser.WriteId(printedName); foreach (VCExpr! e in node) { wr.Write(" "); ExprLineariser.Linearise(e, options.SetAsTerm(!e.Type.IsBool)); } wr.Write(")"); } else { // arguments are always terms WriteApplicationTermOnly(SimplifyLikeExprLineariser.MakeIdPrintable(printedName), node, options); } return true; } } } }