//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- using System; using System.Text; using System.IO; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using Microsoft.Contracts; using Microsoft.Basetypes; // A translator from the Boogie AST to the VCExpr AST. // This was previously realised in the methods AbsyExpr.VCView namespace Microsoft.Boogie.VCExprAST { using Microsoft.Boogie; public class VCGenerationOptions { private readonly List! SupportedProverCommands; public bool IsProverCommandSupported(string! kind) { return SupportedProverCommands.Contains(kind); } public bool IsAnyProverCommandSupported(string! kinds) { if (kinds.IndexOf(',') < 0) { return IsProverCommandSupported(kinds); } else { return exists{string k in kinds.Split(',', ' '); IsProverCommandSupported(k)}; } } public VCGenerationOptions(List! supportedProverCommands) { this.SupportedProverCommands = supportedProverCommands; } } public delegate VCExpr! CodeExprConverter(CodeExpr! codeExpr, Hashtable/**/! blockVariables, List! bindings); public class Boogie2VCExprTranslator : StandardVisitor, ICloneable { // Stack on which the various Visit-methods put the result of the translation private readonly Stack! SubExpressions = new Stack (); private void Push(VCExpr! expr) { SubExpressions.Push(expr); } private VCExpr! Pop() { return SubExpressions.Pop(); } public VCExpr! Translate(Expr! expr) { this.Visit(expr); return Pop(); } public List! Translate(ExprSeq! exprs) { List! res = new List (); foreach(Expr e in exprs) res.Add(Translate((!)e)); return res; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// internal readonly VCExpressionGenerator! Gen; public Boogie2VCExprTranslator(VCExpressionGenerator! gen, VCGenerationOptions! genOptions) { this.Gen = gen; this.GenerationOptions = genOptions; UnboundVariables = new VariableMapping (); BoundVariables = new VariableMapping (); Formals = new VariableMapping (); } private Boogie2VCExprTranslator(Boogie2VCExprTranslator! tl) { this.Gen = tl.Gen; this.GenerationOptions = tl.GenerationOptions; UnboundVariables = (VariableMapping)tl.UnboundVariables.Clone(); BoundVariables = new VariableMapping (); Formals = new VariableMapping (); } public object! Clone() { return new Boogie2VCExprTranslator(this); } private IAppliableTranslator IAppTranslatorAttr = null; private IAppliableTranslator! IAppTranslator { get { if (IAppTranslatorAttr == null) IAppTranslatorAttr = new IAppliableTranslator (this); return IAppTranslatorAttr; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class for handling occurring variables private class VariableMapping : ICloneable { private readonly List!>! Mapping; public VariableMapping() { List!>! mapping = new List!> (); mapping.Add(new Dictionary ()); this.Mapping = mapping; } private VariableMapping(VariableMapping! vm) { List!>! mapping = new List!> (); foreach (Dictionary! d in vm.Mapping) mapping.Add(new Dictionary (d)); this.Mapping = mapping; } public object! Clone() { return new VariableMapping (this); } public void PushScope() { Mapping.Add(new Dictionary ()); } public void PopScope() { assume Mapping.Count > 0; Mapping.RemoveAt(Mapping.Count - 1); } public void Bind(VarKind! boogieVar, VCExprVar! vcExprVar) requires !Contains(boogieVar); { Mapping[Mapping.Count - 1].Add(boogieVar, vcExprVar); } public VCExprVar! Lookup(VarKind! boogieVar) { VCExprVar res = LookupHelp(boogieVar); assume res != null; return res; } [Pure] public bool Contains(VarKind! boogieVar) { return LookupHelp(boogieVar) != null; } public bool TryGetValue(VarKind! boogieVar, out VCExprVar res) { res = LookupHelp(boogieVar); return res != null; } [Pure] private VCExprVar LookupHelp(VarKind! boogieVar) { VCExprVar res; foreach (Dictionary! d in Mapping) { if (d.TryGetValue(boogieVar, out res)) return res; } return null; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private readonly VariableMapping! UnboundVariables; private readonly VariableMapping! BoundVariables; // used when translating the bodies of function expansions private readonly VariableMapping! Formals; internal void PushBoundVariableScope() { BoundVariables.PushScope(); } internal void PopBoundVariableScope() { BoundVariables.PopScope(); } internal void PushFormalsScope() { Formals.PushScope(); } internal void PopFormalsScope() { Formals.PopScope(); } public VCExprVar! BindVariable(Variable! boogieVar) { if (boogieVar is BoundVariable) { VCExprVar! newVar = Gen.Variable(boogieVar.Name, boogieVar.TypedIdent.Type); BoundVariables.Bind((BoundVariable)boogieVar, newVar); return newVar; } else if (boogieVar is Formal) { VCExprVar! newVar = Gen.Variable(boogieVar.Name, boogieVar.TypedIdent.Type); Formals.Bind((Formal)boogieVar, newVar); return newVar; } else { // only bound variables and formals are declared explicitly assert false; } } public VCExprVar! LookupVariable(Variable! boogieVar) { BoundVariable bv = boogieVar as BoundVariable; if (bv != null) { return BoundVariables.Lookup(bv); } VCExprVar res; Formal fml = boogieVar as Formal; if (fml != null && Formals.TryGetValue(fml, out res)) return (!)res; // global variables, local variables, incarnations, etc. are // bound the first time they occur if (!UnboundVariables.TryGetValue(boogieVar, out res)) { res = new VCExprVar (boogieVar.Name, boogieVar.TypedIdent.Type); UnboundVariables.Bind(boogieVar, res); } return (!)res; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// internal readonly VCGenerationOptions! GenerationOptions; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public override LiteralExpr! VisitLiteralExpr(LiteralExpr! node) { Push(TranslateLiteralExpr(node)); return node; } private VCExpr! TranslateLiteralExpr(LiteralExpr! node) { if ( node.Val is bool ) { bool b = (bool) node.Val; if ( b ) { return VCExpressionGenerator.True; } else { return VCExpressionGenerator.False; } } else if ( node.Val is BigNum ) { return Gen.Integer(node.asBigNum); } else if ( node.Val is BvConst ) { return Gen.Bitvector((BvConst)node.Val); } else { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, "unknown kind of literal " + node.tok.ToString()); assert false; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public override AIVariableExpr! VisitAIVariableExpr(AIVariableExpr! node) { assert false; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public override Expr! VisitIdentifierExpr(IdentifierExpr! node) { assume node.Decl != null; // the expression has to be resolved Push(LookupVariable(node.Decl)); return node; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Because of our scheme for numbering incarnations of variables, the pre-state // value of a variable x is always just "x". (The first update to it in a method // causes it to become "x0". So we just remove old expressions with a visitor // before transforming it into a VCExpr. public override Expr! VisitOldExpr(OldExpr! node) { assert false; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public override Expr! VisitNAryExpr(NAryExpr! node) { Push(TranslateNAryExpr(node)); return node; } private VCExpr! TranslateNAryExpr(NAryExpr! node) { int n = node.Args.Length; List! vcs = new List (n); for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) { vcs.Add(Translate((!)node.Args[i])); } if (node.Type == null) { System.Console.WriteLine("*** type is null for {0}", node); assert false; } return IAppTranslator.Translate(node.Fun, node.Type, vcs, ToList((!)node.TypeParameters)); } private static List! EMPTY_TYPE_LIST = new List (); private List! ToList(TypeParamInstantiation! insts) { if (insts.FormalTypeParams.Count == 0) return EMPTY_TYPE_LIST; List! typeArgs = new List (); foreach (TypeVariable! var in insts.FormalTypeParams) typeArgs.Add(insts[var]); return typeArgs; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public override QuantifierExpr! VisitQuantifierExpr(QuantifierExpr! node) { Push(TranslateQuantifierExpr(node)); return node; } public override ExistsExpr! VisitExistsExpr(ExistsExpr! node) { node = (ExistsExpr) this.VisitQuantifierExpr(node); return node; } public override ForallExpr! VisitForallExpr(ForallExpr! node) { node = (ForallExpr) this.VisitQuantifierExpr(node); return node; } private VCExpr! TranslateQuantifierExpr(QuantifierExpr! node) { List! typeParams = new List (); foreach (TypeVariable! v in node.TypeParameters) typeParams.Add(v); PushBoundVariableScope(); List! boundVars = new List (); foreach (Variable! v in node.Dummies) boundVars.Add(BindVariable(v)); try { List! triggers = TranslateTriggers(node.Triggers); VCExpr! body = Translate(node.Body); VCQuantifierInfos! infos = GenerateQuantifierInfos(node); Quantifier quan; if (node is ForallExpr) quan = Quantifier.ALL; else if (node is ExistsExpr) quan = Quantifier.EX; else assert false; return Gen.Quantify(quan, typeParams, boundVars, triggers, infos, body); } finally { PopBoundVariableScope(); } } private List! TranslateTriggers(Trigger node) { List! res = new List (); Trigger curTrigger = node; while (curTrigger != null) { res.Add(Gen.Trigger(curTrigger.Pos, Translate(curTrigger.Tr))); curTrigger = curTrigger.Next; } return res; } private VCQuantifierInfos! GenerateQuantifierInfos(QuantifierExpr! node) { string qid = getQidNameFromQKeyValue(node.Dummies, node.Attributes); return new VCQuantifierInfos(qid, node.SkolemId, false, node.Attributes); } private string getQidNameFromQKeyValue(VariableSeq! vars, QKeyValue attributes) { // Check for a 'qid, name' pair in keyvalues string qid = QKeyValue.FindStringAttribute(attributes, "qid"); if (qid == null && vars.Length != 0){ // generate default name (line:column position in .bpl file) Variable v = vars[0]; assert v != null; // Rustan's claim! // Include the first 8 characters of the filename in QID (helpful in case we use /concat) // We limit it to 8, so the SX file doesn't grow too big, and who on earth would need // more than 8 characters in a filename anyways. int max = 8; StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(max + 20); string filename = v.tok.filename; if (filename == null) filename = "unknown"; for (int i = 0; i < filename.Length; ++i) { if (filename[i] == '/' || filename[i] == '\\') buf.Length = 0; if (buf.Length < max && char.IsLetterOrDigit(filename[i])) { if (buf.Length == 0 && char.IsDigit(filename[i])) { // Z3 does not like QID's to start with a digit, so we prepend another character buf.Append('_'); } buf.Append(filename[i]); } } buf.Append('.').Append(v.Line).Append(':').Append(v.Col); qid = buf.ToString(); } return qid; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public override BvExtractExpr! VisitBvExtractExpr(BvExtractExpr! node) { Push(TranslateBvExtractExpr(node)); return node; } private VCExpr! TranslateBvExtractExpr(BvExtractExpr! node) requires node.Start <= node.End; { VCExpr! bv = Translate(node.Bitvector); return Gen.BvExtract(bv, ((!)node.Bitvector.Type).BvBits, node.Start, node.End); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public override BvConcatExpr! VisitBvConcatExpr(BvConcatExpr! node) { Push(TranslateBvConcatExpr(node)); return node; } private VCExpr! TranslateBvConcatExpr(BvConcatExpr! node) { VCExpr! bv0 = Translate(node.E0); VCExpr! bv1 = Translate(node.E1); return Gen.BvConcat(bv0, bv1); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // all the other cases should never happen public override Cmd! VisitAssertCmd(AssertCmd! node) { assert false; } public override Cmd! VisitAssignCmd(AssignCmd! node) { assert false; } public override Cmd! VisitAssumeCmd(AssumeCmd! node) { assert false; } public override AtomicRE! VisitAtomicRE(AtomicRE! node) { assert false; } public override Axiom! VisitAxiom(Axiom! node) { assert false; } public override Type! VisitBasicType(BasicType! node) { assert false; } public override Type! VisitBvType(BvType! node) { assert false; } public override Block! VisitBlock(Block! node) { assert false; } CodeExprConverter codeExprConverter = null; public void SetCodeExprConverter(CodeExprConverter f){ this.codeExprConverter = f; } public override Expr! VisitCodeExpr(CodeExpr! codeExpr) { assume codeExprConverter != null; Hashtable/**/ blockVariables = new Hashtable/**/(); List bindings = new List(); VCExpr e = codeExprConverter(codeExpr, blockVariables, bindings); Push(e); return codeExpr; } public override BlockSeq! VisitBlockSeq(BlockSeq! blockSeq) { assert false; } public override List! VisitBlockList(List! blocks) { assert false; } public override BoundVariable! VisitBoundVariable(BoundVariable! node) { assert false; } public override Cmd! VisitCallCmd(CallCmd! node) { assert false; } public override Cmd! VisitCallForallCmd(CallForallCmd! node) { assert false; } public override CmdSeq! VisitCmdSeq(CmdSeq! cmdSeq) { assert false; } public override Choice! VisitChoice(Choice! node) { assert false; } public override Cmd! VisitCommentCmd(CommentCmd! node) { assert false; } public override Constant! VisitConstant(Constant! node) { assert false; } public override CtorType! VisitCtorType(CtorType! node) { assert false; } public override Declaration! VisitDeclaration(Declaration! node) { assert false; } public override List! VisitDeclarationList(List! declarationList) { assert false; } public override DeclWithFormals! VisitDeclWithFormals(DeclWithFormals! node) { assert false; } public override Requires! VisitRequires(Requires! @requires) { assert false; } public override RequiresSeq! VisitRequiresSeq(RequiresSeq! requiresSeq) { assert false; } public override Ensures! VisitEnsures(Ensures! @ensures) { assert false; } public override EnsuresSeq! VisitEnsuresSeq(EnsuresSeq! ensuresSeq) { assert false; } public override Formal! VisitFormal(Formal! node) { assert false; } public override Function! VisitFunction(Function! node) { assert false; } public override GlobalVariable! VisitGlobalVariable(GlobalVariable! node) { assert false; } public override GotoCmd! VisitGotoCmd(GotoCmd! node) { assert false; } public override Cmd! VisitHavocCmd(HavocCmd! node) { assert false; } public override Implementation! VisitImplementation(Implementation! node) { assert false; } public override LocalVariable! VisitLocalVariable(LocalVariable! node) { assert false; } public override AssignLhs! VisitMapAssignLhs(MapAssignLhs! node) { assert false; } public override MapType! VisitMapType(MapType! node) { assert false; } public override Procedure! VisitProcedure(Procedure! node) { assert false; } public override Program! VisitProgram(Program! node) { assert false; } public override Cmd! VisitRE(RE! node) { assert false; } public override RESeq! VisitRESeq(RESeq! reSeq) { assert false; } public override ReturnCmd! VisitReturnCmd(ReturnCmd! node) { assert false; } public override ReturnExprCmd! VisitReturnExprCmd(ReturnExprCmd! node) { assert false; } public override Sequential! VisitSequential(Sequential! node) { assert false; } public override AssignLhs! VisitSimpleAssignLhs(SimpleAssignLhs! node) { assert false; } public override Cmd! VisitStateCmd(StateCmd! node) { assert false; } public override TransferCmd! VisitTransferCmd(TransferCmd! node) { assert false; } public override Trigger! VisitTrigger(Trigger! node) { assert false; } public override Type! VisitType(Type! node) { assert false; } public override TypedIdent! VisitTypedIdent(TypedIdent! node) { assert false; } public override Type! VisitTypeSynonymAnnotation(TypeSynonymAnnotation! node) { assert false; } public override Type! VisitTypeVariable(TypeVariable! node) { assert false; } public override Variable! VisitVariable(Variable! node) { assert false; } public override VariableSeq! VisitVariableSeq(VariableSeq! variableSeq) { assert false; } public override Cmd! VisitAssertEnsuresCmd(AssertEnsuresCmd! node) { assert false; } public override Cmd! VisitAssertRequiresCmd(AssertRequiresCmd! node) { assert false; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public class IAppliableTranslator : IAppliableVisitor { private readonly Boogie2VCExprTranslator! BaseTranslator; private VCExpressionGenerator! Gen { get { return BaseTranslator.Gen; } } private VCGenerationOptions! GenerationOptions { get { return BaseTranslator.GenerationOptions; } } public IAppliableTranslator(Boogie2VCExprTranslator! baseTranslator) { this.BaseTranslator = baseTranslator; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private List! args = new List(); private List! typeArgs = new List(); public VCExpr! Translate(IAppliable! app, Type! ty, List! args, List! typeArgs) { List! oldArgs = this.args; List! oldTypeArgs = this.typeArgs; this.args = args; this.typeArgs = typeArgs; VCExpr! result = app.Dispatch(this); this.args = oldArgs; this.typeArgs = oldTypeArgs; return result; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public VCExpr! Visit(UnaryOperator! unaryOperator) { assert unaryOperator.Op == UnaryOperator.Opcode.Not && this.args.Count == 1; return Gen.Not(this.args); } public VCExpr! Visit(BinaryOperator! binaryOperator) { return TranslateBinaryOperator(binaryOperator, this.args); } public VCExpr! Visit(FunctionCall! functionCall) { return TranslateFunctionCall(functionCall, this.args, this.typeArgs); } public VCExpr! Visit(MapSelect! mapSelect) { return Gen.Select(this.args, this.typeArgs); } public VCExpr! Visit(MapStore! mapStore) { return Gen.Store(this.args, this.typeArgs); } public VCExpr! Visit(TypeCoercion! typeCoercion) { assert this.args.Count == 1; return this.args[0]; } public VCExpr! Visit(IfThenElse! ite) { return Gen.Function(VCExpressionGenerator.IfThenElseOp, this.args); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private VCExpr! TranslateBinaryOperator(BinaryOperator! app, List! args) { assert args.Count == 2; switch (app.Op) { case BinaryOperator.Opcode.Add: return Gen.Function(VCExpressionGenerator.AddOp, args); case BinaryOperator.Opcode.Sub: return Gen.Function(VCExpressionGenerator.SubOp, args); case BinaryOperator.Opcode.Mul: return Gen.Function(VCExpressionGenerator.MulOp, args); case BinaryOperator.Opcode.Div: return Gen.Function(VCExpressionGenerator.DivOp, args); case BinaryOperator.Opcode.Mod: return Gen.Function(VCExpressionGenerator.ModOp, args); case BinaryOperator.Opcode.Eq: case BinaryOperator.Opcode.Iff: // we don't distinguish between equality and equivalence at this point return Gen.Function(VCExpressionGenerator.EqOp, args); case BinaryOperator.Opcode.Neq: return Gen.Function(VCExpressionGenerator.NeqOp, args); case BinaryOperator.Opcode.Lt: return Gen.Function(VCExpressionGenerator.LtOp, args); case BinaryOperator.Opcode.Le: return Gen.Function(VCExpressionGenerator.LeOp, args); case BinaryOperator.Opcode.Ge: return Gen.Function(VCExpressionGenerator.GeOp, args); case BinaryOperator.Opcode.Gt: return Gen.Function(VCExpressionGenerator.GtOp, args); case BinaryOperator.Opcode.Imp: return Gen.Function(VCExpressionGenerator.ImpliesOp, args); case BinaryOperator.Opcode.And: return Gen.Function(VCExpressionGenerator.AndOp, args); case BinaryOperator.Opcode.Or: return Gen.Function(VCExpressionGenerator.OrOp, args); case BinaryOperator.Opcode.Subtype: return Gen.Function(VCExpressionGenerator.SubtypeOp, args); default: assert false; // unexpected binary operator } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private VCExpr! TranslateFunctionCall(FunctionCall! app, List! args, List! typeArgs) { assert app.Func != null; // resolution must have happened VCExpr res = ApplyExpansion(app, args, typeArgs); if (res != null) return res; VCExprOp! functionOp = Gen.BoogieFunctionOp(app.Func); return Gen.Function(functionOp, args, typeArgs); } private VCExpr ApplyExpansion(FunctionCall! app, List! args, List! typeArgs) { assert app.Func != null; // resolution must have happened if (app.Func.doingExpansion) { System.Console.WriteLine("*** detected expansion loop on {0}", app.Func); return null; } Expansion exp = FindExpansion(app.Func); if (exp == null) return null; VCExpr! translatedBody; VCExprSubstitution! subst = new VCExprSubstitution(); try { BaseTranslator.PushFormalsScope(); BaseTranslator.PushBoundVariableScope(); app.Func.doingExpansion = true; // first bind the formals to VCExpr variables, which are later // substituted with the actual parameters for (int i = 0; i < exp.formals.Length; ++i) subst[BaseTranslator.BindVariable((!)exp.formals[i])] = args[i]; // recursively translate the body of the expansion translatedBody = BaseTranslator.Translate(exp.body); } finally { BaseTranslator.PopFormalsScope(); BaseTranslator.PopBoundVariableScope(); app.Func.doingExpansion = false; } // substitute the formals with the actual parameters in the body assert typeArgs.Count == exp.TypeParameters.Length; for (int i = 0; i < typeArgs.Count; ++i) subst[exp.TypeParameters[i]] = typeArgs[i]; SubstitutingVCExprVisitor! substituter = new SubstitutingVCExprVisitor (Gen); return substituter.Mutate(translatedBody, subst); } private Expansion? FindExpansion(Function! func) { if (func.expansions == null) return null; Expansion? exp = null; foreach (Expansion! e in func.expansions) { if (e.ignore == null || !GenerationOptions.IsAnyProverCommandSupported(e.ignore)) { if (exp == null) { exp = e; } else { System.Console.WriteLine("*** more than one possible expansion for {0}", func); return null; } } } return exp; } } }