using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading; using System.IO; using System.Diagnostics; using Microsoft.Boogie.AbstractInterpretation; using Microsoft.Boogie; using Microsoft.Boogie.Z3; using Microsoft.Z3; using Microsoft.Boogie.VCExprAST; namespace Microsoft.Boogie.Z3 { internal class Z3TypeSafeTerm : Z3TermAst { private Term termAst; public Z3TypeSafeTerm(Term termAst) { this.termAst = termAst; } public Term TermAst { get { return this.termAst; } } } internal class Z3TypeSafePattern : Z3PatternAst { private Pattern patternAst; public Z3TypeSafePattern(Pattern patternAst) { this.patternAst = patternAst; } public Pattern PatternAst { get { return this.patternAst; } } } internal class Z3TypeSafeConstDecl : Z3ConstDeclAst { private FuncDecl constDeclAst; public Z3TypeSafeConstDecl(FuncDecl constDeclAst) { this.constDeclAst = constDeclAst; } public FuncDecl ConstDeclAst { get { return this.constDeclAst; } } } public class Z3SafeType : Z3Type { private Sort typeAst; public Z3SafeType(Sort typeAst) { this.typeAst = typeAst; } public Sort TypeAst { get { return this.typeAst; } } } public class Z3SafeLabeledLiterals : Z3LabeledLiterals { private LabeledLiterals labeledLiterals; public Z3SafeLabeledLiterals(LabeledLiterals labeledLiterals) { this.labeledLiterals = labeledLiterals; } public LabeledLiterals LabeledLiterals { get { return this.labeledLiterals; } } } public class Z3SafeContext : Z3Context { private BacktrackDictionary symbols = new BacktrackDictionary(); internal BacktrackDictionary constants = new BacktrackDictionary(); internal BacktrackDictionary functions = new BacktrackDictionary(); internal BacktrackDictionary labels = new BacktrackDictionary(); public Context z3; public Z3Config config; public Z3apiProverContext ctxt; private VCExpressionGenerator gen; private Z3TypeCachedBuilder tm; private UniqueNamer namer; public UniqueNamer Namer { get { return namer; } } private StreamWriter z3log; public Z3SafeContext(Z3apiProverContext ctxt, Z3Config config, VCExpressionGenerator gen) { Context z3 = new Context(config.Config); //if (config.LogFilename != null) // z3.OpenLog(config.LogFilename); foreach (string tag in config.DebugTraces) z3.EnableDebugTrace(tag); this.ctxt = ctxt; this.z3 = z3; this.config = config; = new Z3TypeCachedBuilder(this); this.gen = gen; this.namer = new UniqueNamer(); this.z3.SetPrintMode(PrintMode.Smtlib2Compliant); this.z3.TraceToFile("trace.c"); this.z3log = null; try { if (config.LogFilename != null) { this.z3log = new StreamWriter(config.LogFilename); this.z3log.NewLine = "\n"; } } catch (Exception _) { this.z3log = null; } } public void log(string format, params object[] args) { if (z3log != null) { var str = string.Format(format, args); // Do standard string replacement str = str.Replace("array", "Array"); z3log.WriteLine(str); z3log.Flush(); } } public void CloseLog() { if (z3log != null) { z3log.Close(); } z3log = null; } public void CreateBacktrackPoint() { symbols.CreateBacktrackPoint(); constants.CreateBacktrackPoint(); functions.CreateBacktrackPoint(); labels.CreateBacktrackPoint(); z3.Push(); log("(push)"); } public void Backtrack() { z3.Pop(); labels.Backtrack(); functions.Backtrack(); constants.Backtrack(); symbols.Backtrack(); log("(pop)"); } public void AddAxiom(VCExpr axiom, LineariserOptions linOptions) { Z3apiExprLineariser visitor = new Z3apiExprLineariser(this, namer); Z3TermAst z3ast = (Z3TermAst)axiom.Accept(visitor, linOptions); Term term = Unwrap(z3ast); log("(assert {0})", term); z3.AssertCnstr(term); } public void AddConjecture(VCExpr vc, LineariserOptions linOptions) { VCExpr not_vc = (VCExpr)this.gen.Not(vc); Z3apiExprLineariser visitor = new Z3apiExprLineariser(this, namer); Z3TermAst z3ast = (Z3TermAst)not_vc.Accept(visitor, linOptions); Term term = Unwrap(z3ast); log("(assert {0})", term); z3.AssertCnstr(term); } public void AddSmtlibString(string smtlibString) { FuncDecl[] decls; Term[] assumptions; Term[] terms; Sort[] sorts; string tmp; z3.ParseSmtlibString(smtlibString, new Sort[] { }, new FuncDecl[] { }, out assumptions, out terms, out decls, out sorts, out tmp); // TBD: check with Nikolaj about the correct position of assumptions foreach (FuncDecl decl in decls) { Symbol symbol = z3.GetDeclName(decl); string functionName = z3.GetSymbolString(symbol); functions.Add(functionName, new Z3TypeSafeConstDecl(decl)); } foreach (Term assumption in assumptions) { log("(assert {0})", assumption); z3.AssertCnstr(assumption); } } public string GetDeclName(Z3ConstDeclAst constDeclAst) { Z3TypeSafeConstDecl typeSafeConstDecl = (Z3TypeSafeConstDecl)constDeclAst; Symbol symbol = z3.GetDeclName(typeSafeConstDecl.ConstDeclAst); return z3.GetSymbolString(symbol); } private List Unwrap(List terms) { List unwrap = new List(); foreach (Z3TermAst term in terms) { Term unwrapTerm = Unwrap(term); unwrap.Add(unwrapTerm); } return unwrap; } private List Unwrap(List patterns) { List unwrap = new List(); foreach (Z3PatternAst pattern in patterns) { Z3TypeSafePattern typeSafePattern = (Z3TypeSafePattern)pattern; unwrap.Add(typeSafePattern.PatternAst); } return unwrap; } private Sort Unwrap(Z3Type type) { Z3SafeType typeSafeTerm = (Z3SafeType)type; return typeSafeTerm.TypeAst; } private Term Unwrap(Z3TermAst term) { Z3TypeSafeTerm typeSafeTerm = (Z3TypeSafeTerm)term; return typeSafeTerm.TermAst; } private FuncDecl Unwrap(Z3ConstDeclAst constDeclAst) { Z3TypeSafeConstDecl typeSafeConstDecl = (Z3TypeSafeConstDecl)constDeclAst; return typeSafeConstDecl.ConstDeclAst; } private Z3TypeSafeTerm Wrap(Term term) { return new Z3TypeSafeTerm(term); } private Z3TypeSafeConstDecl Wrap(FuncDecl constDecl) { return new Z3TypeSafeConstDecl(constDecl); } private Z3TypeSafePattern Wrap(Pattern pattern) { return new Z3TypeSafePattern(pattern); } public Z3PatternAst MakePattern(List exprs) { List unwrapExprs = Unwrap(exprs); Pattern pattern = z3.MkPattern(unwrapExprs.ToArray()); Z3PatternAst wrapPattern = Wrap(pattern); return wrapPattern; } private List GetTypes(List boogieTypes) { List z3Types = new List(); foreach (Type boogieType in boogieTypes) { Z3Type type = tm.GetType(boogieType); Sort unwrapType = Unwrap(type); z3Types.Add(unwrapType); } return z3Types; } public Z3TermAst MakeQuantifier(bool isForall, uint weight, string qid, int skolemid, List varNames, List boogieTypes, List patterns, List no_patterns, Z3TermAst body) { List unwrapPatterns = Unwrap(patterns); List unwrapNoPatterns = Unwrap(no_patterns); Term unwrapBody = Unwrap(body); List bound = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < varNames.Count; i++) { Z3TermAst t = GetConstant(varNames[i], boogieTypes[i]); bound.Add(Unwrap(t)); } Term termAst = z3.MkQuantifier(isForall, weight, z3.MkSymbol(qid), z3.MkSymbol(skolemid.ToString()), unwrapPatterns.ToArray(), unwrapNoPatterns.ToArray(), bound.ToArray(), unwrapBody); return Wrap(termAst); } private static bool Equals(List l, List r) { Debug.Assert(l != null); if (r == null) return false; if (l.Count != r.Count) return false; for (int i = 0; i < l.Count; i++) if (!l[i].Equals(r[i])) return false; return true; } private Z3ErrorModelAndLabels BuildZ3ErrorModel(Model z3Model, List relevantLabels) { BoogieErrorModelBuilder boogieErrorBuilder = new BoogieErrorModelBuilder(this); Z3ErrorModel boogieModel = boogieErrorBuilder.BuildBoogieModel(z3Model); return new Z3ErrorModelAndLabels(boogieModel, new List(relevantLabels)); } private void DisplayRelevantLabels(List relevantLabels) { foreach (string labelName in relevantLabels) { System.Console.Write(labelName + ","); } System.Console.WriteLine("---"); } public ProverInterface.Outcome Check(out List boogieErrors) { Microsoft.Boogie.Helpers.ExtraTraceInformation("Sending data to the theorem prover"); boogieErrors = new List(); LBool outcome = LBool.Undef; Debug.Assert(0 < this.config.Counterexamples); while (true) { Model z3Model; outcome = z3.CheckAndGetModel(out z3Model); log("(check-sat)"); if (outcome == LBool.False) break; Debug.Assert(z3Model != null); LabeledLiterals labels = z3.GetRelevantLabels(); Debug.Assert(labels != null); List labelStrings = new List(); uint numLabels = labels.GetNumLabels(); for (uint i = 0; i < numLabels; ++i) { Symbol sym = labels.GetLabel(i); string labelName = z3.GetSymbolString(sym); if (!labelName.StartsWith("@")) { labels.Disable(i); } labelStrings.Add(labelName); } boogieErrors.Add(BuildZ3ErrorModel(z3Model, labelStrings)); if (boogieErrors.Count < this.config.Counterexamples) { z3.BlockLiterals(labels); log("block-literals {0}", labels.ToString()); } labels.Dispose(); z3Model.Dispose(); if (boogieErrors.Count == this.config.Counterexamples) break; } if (boogieErrors.Count > 0) { return ProverInterface.Outcome.Invalid; } else if (outcome == LBool.False) { return ProverInterface.Outcome.Valid; } else { Debug.Assert(outcome == LBool.Undef); return ProverInterface.Outcome.Undetermined; } } public ProverInterface.Outcome CheckAssumptions(List assumptions, LineariserOptions linOptions, out List boogieErrors) { Microsoft.Boogie.Helpers.ExtraTraceInformation("Sending data to the theorem prover"); boogieErrors = new List(); LBool outcome = LBool.Undef; Model z3Model; Term proof; Term[] core; Term[] assumption_terms = new Term[assumptions.Count]; var logstring = ""; for (int i = 0; i < assumptions.Count; i++) { Z3apiExprLineariser visitor = new Z3apiExprLineariser(this, namer); Z3TermAst z3ast = (Z3TermAst)assumptions[i].Accept(visitor, linOptions); assumption_terms[i] = Unwrap(z3ast); logstring += string.Format("({0}) ", assumption_terms[i]); } log("(get-core {0})", logstring); outcome = z3.CheckAssumptions(out z3Model, assumption_terms, out proof, out core); if (outcome != LBool.False) { Debug.Assert(z3Model != null); LabeledLiterals labels = z3.GetRelevantLabels(); Debug.Assert(labels != null); List labelStrings = new List(); uint numLabels = labels.GetNumLabels(); for (uint i = 0; i < numLabels; ++i) { Symbol sym = labels.GetLabel(i); string labelName = z3.GetSymbolString(sym); if (!labelName.StartsWith("@")) { labels.Disable(i); } labelStrings.Add(labelName); } boogieErrors.Add(BuildZ3ErrorModel(z3Model, labelStrings)); labels.Dispose(); z3Model.Dispose(); } if (boogieErrors.Count > 0) { return ProverInterface.Outcome.Invalid; } else if (outcome == LBool.False) { return ProverInterface.Outcome.Valid; } else { Debug.Assert(outcome == LBool.Undef); return ProverInterface.Outcome.Undetermined; } } public void TypeCheckBool(Z3TermAst term) { Term unwrapTerm = Unwrap(term); bool boolType = z3.GetSort(unwrapTerm).Equals(z3.MkBoolSort()); if (!boolType) throw new Exception("Failed Bool Typecheck"); } public void TypeCheckInt(Z3TermAst term) { Term unwrapTerm = Unwrap(term); bool intType = z3.GetSort(unwrapTerm).Equals(z3.MkIntSort()); if (!intType) throw new Exception("Failed Int Typecheck"); } public void DeclareType(string typeName) { log("(declare-sort {0})", typeName); } public void DeclareConstant(string constantName, Type boogieType) { Symbol symbolAst = GetSymbol(constantName); Z3Type typeAst = tm.GetType(boogieType); Sort unwrapTypeAst = Unwrap(typeAst); Term constAst = z3.MkConst(symbolAst, unwrapTypeAst); constants.Add(constantName, Wrap(constAst)); log("(declare-funs (({0} {1})))", constAst, unwrapTypeAst); } public void DeclareFunction(string functionName, List domain, Type range) { Symbol symbolAst = GetSymbol(functionName); var domainStr = ""; List domainAst = new List(); foreach (Type domainType in domain) { Z3Type type = tm.GetType(domainType); Sort unwrapType = Unwrap(type); domainAst.Add(unwrapType); domainStr += unwrapType.ToString() + " "; } Z3Type rangeAst = tm.GetType(range); Sort unwrapRangeAst = Unwrap(rangeAst); FuncDecl constDeclAst = z3.MkFuncDecl(symbolAst, domainAst.ToArray(), unwrapRangeAst); Z3TypeSafeConstDecl typeSafeConstDecl = Wrap(constDeclAst); functions.Add(functionName, typeSafeConstDecl); log("(declare-funs (({0} {1} {2})))", functionName, domainStr, unwrapRangeAst); } private List GetSymbols(List symbolNames) { List symbols = new List(); foreach (string symbolName in symbolNames) symbols.Add(GetSymbol(symbolName)); return symbols; } private Symbol GetSymbol(string symbolName) { if (!symbols.ContainsKey(symbolName)) { Symbol symbolAst = z3.MkSymbol(symbolName); symbols.Add(symbolName, symbolAst); } Symbol result; if (!symbols.TryGetValue(symbolName, out result)) throw new Exception("symbol " + symbolName + " is undefined"); return result; } public Z3TermAst GetConstant(string constantName, Type constantType) { Z3TypeSafeTerm typeSafeTerm; if (!constants.ContainsKey(constantName)) this.DeclareConstant(constantName, constantType); if (!constants.TryGetValue(constantName, out typeSafeTerm)) throw new Exception("constant " + constantName + " is not defined"); return typeSafeTerm; } public Z3TermAst MakeIntLiteral(string numeral) { Term term = z3.MkNumeral(numeral, z3.MkIntSort()); Z3TypeSafeTerm typeSafeTerm = Wrap(term); return typeSafeTerm; } public Z3TermAst MakeTrue() { Term term = z3.MkTrue(); Z3TypeSafeTerm typeSafeTerm = Wrap(term); return typeSafeTerm; } public Z3TermAst MakeFalse() { Term term = z3.MkFalse(); Z3TypeSafeTerm typeSafeTerm = Wrap(term); return typeSafeTerm; } public Z3TermAst MakeLabel(string labelName, bool pos, Z3TermAst child) { Symbol labelSymbol = this.GetSymbol(labelName); Term unwrapChild = Unwrap(child); Term labeledExpr = z3.MkLabel(labelSymbol, pos, unwrapChild); Z3TypeSafeTerm wrapLabeledExpr = Wrap(labeledExpr); labels.Add(labelName, wrapLabeledExpr); return wrapLabeledExpr; } public Z3LabeledLiterals GetRelevantLabels() { Z3SafeLabeledLiterals safeLiterals = new Z3SafeLabeledLiterals(z3.GetRelevantLabels()); log("get-relevant-labels"); return safeLiterals; } public Z3TermAst Make(string op, List children) { Term[] unwrapChildren = Unwrap(children).ToArray(); Term term; switch (op) { // formulas case "AND": term = z3.MkAnd(unwrapChildren); break; case "OR": term = z3.MkOr(unwrapChildren); break; case "IMPLIES": term = z3.MkImplies(unwrapChildren[0], unwrapChildren[1]); break; case "NOT": term = z3.MkNot(unwrapChildren[0]); break; case "IFF": term = z3.MkIff(unwrapChildren[0], unwrapChildren[1]); break; // terms case "EQ": term = z3.MkEq(unwrapChildren[0], unwrapChildren[1]); break; case "NEQ": term = z3.MkNot(z3.MkEq(unwrapChildren[0], unwrapChildren[1])); break; case "DISTINCT": term = z3.MkDistinct(unwrapChildren); break; // terms case "<": term = z3.MkLt(unwrapChildren[0], unwrapChildren[1]); break; case ">": term = z3.MkGt(unwrapChildren[0], unwrapChildren[1]); break; case "<=": term = z3.MkLe(unwrapChildren[0], unwrapChildren[1]); break; case ">=": term = z3.MkGe(unwrapChildren[0], unwrapChildren[1]); break; case "+": term = z3.MkAdd(unwrapChildren); break; case "-": term = z3.MkSub(unwrapChildren); break; case "/": term = z3.MkDiv(unwrapChildren[0], unwrapChildren[1]); break; case "%": term = z3.MkMod(unwrapChildren[0], unwrapChildren[1]); break; case "*": term = z3.MkMul(unwrapChildren); break; default: { FuncDecl f = GetFunction(op); term = z3.MkApp(f, unwrapChildren); } break; } Z3TypeSafeTerm typeSafeTerm = Wrap(term); return typeSafeTerm; } private FuncDecl GetFunction(string functionName) { Z3TypeSafeConstDecl function; if (!functions.TryGetValue(functionName, out function)) throw new Exception("function " + functionName + " is undefined"); FuncDecl unwrapFunction = Unwrap(function); return unwrapFunction; } public Z3TermAst MakeArraySelect(List args) { Term[] unwrapChildren = Unwrap(args).ToArray(); return Wrap(z3.MkArraySelect(unwrapChildren[0], unwrapChildren[1])); } public Z3TermAst MakeArrayStore(List args) { Term[] unwrapChildren = Unwrap(args).ToArray(); return Wrap(z3.MkArrayStore(unwrapChildren[0], unwrapChildren[1], unwrapChildren[2])); } } }