//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading; using System.IO; using System.Text; using ExternalProver; using System.Diagnostics; using Microsoft.Contracts; using Microsoft.Boogie.AbstractInterpretation; using Microsoft.Boogie; using Microsoft.Boogie.VCExprAST; using Microsoft.Boogie.Clustering; using Microsoft.Boogie.TypeErasure; using Microsoft.Boogie.Z3; using Microsoft.Boogie.Simplify; namespace Microsoft.Boogie.Z3 { public class Z3ProcessTheoremProver : ProcessTheoremProver { private Z3InstanceOptions! opts; private Inspector inspector; [NotDelayed] public Z3ProcessTheoremProver(VCExpressionGenerator! gen, DeclFreeProverContext! ctx, Z3InstanceOptions! opts) throws UnexpectedProverOutputException; { this.opts = opts; string! backPred = opts.Typed ? "TypedUnivBackPred2.sx" : "UnivBackPred2.sx"; base(opts, gen, ctx, opts.ExeName, backPred); } private void FireUpInspector() { if (inspector == null && opts.Inspector != null) { inspector = new Inspector(opts); } } protected override Microsoft.Boogie.Simplify.ProverProcess! CreateProverProcess(string! proverPath) { opts.ExeName = proverPath; FireUpInspector(); if (inspector != null) { inspector.NewProver(); } return new Z3ProverProcess(opts, inspector); } protected override AxiomVCExprTranslator! SpawnVCExprTranslator() { return new Z3VCExprTranslator(gen, opts); } public override void BeginCheck(string! descriptiveName, VCExpr! vc, ErrorHandler! handler) { FireUpInspector(); if (inspector != null) { inspector.NewProblem(descriptiveName, vc, handler); } base.BeginCheck(descriptiveName, vc, handler); } } public class Z3InstanceOptions : ProverOptions { public int Timeout { get { return TimeLimit / 1000; } } public bool Typed { get { return CommandLineOptions.Clo.Z3types || BitVectors == CommandLineOptions.BvHandling.Z3Native; } } public int Lets { get ensures 0 <= result && result < 4; { return CommandLineOptions.Clo.Z3lets; } } public bool V1 = false; public bool V2 = false; // default set in PostParse public bool DistZ3 = false; public string! ExeName = "z3.exe"; public bool InverseImplies = false; public string? Inspector = null; protected override bool Parse(string! opt) { return ParseBool(opt, "V1", ref V1) || ParseBool(opt, "V2", ref V2) || ParseBool(opt, "REVERSE_IMPLIES", ref InverseImplies) || ParseString(opt, "INSPECTOR", ref Inspector) || ParseBool(opt, "DIST", ref DistZ3) || base.Parse(opt); } protected override void PostParse() { base.PostParse(); if (!V1 && !V2) { V2 = true; // default } else if (V1 && V2) { ReportError("V1 and V2 requested at the same time"); } else if (V1 && DistZ3) { ReportError("V1 and DistZ3 requested at the same time"); } if (V1) { ExeName = "z3-v1.3.exe"; } if (DistZ3) { ExeName = "z3-dist.exe"; CommandLineOptions.Clo.RestartProverPerVC = true; } } } internal class Z3LineariserOptions : LineariserOptions { private readonly Z3InstanceOptions! opts; public override CommandLineOptions.BvHandling Bitvectors { get { return opts.BitVectors; } } internal Z3LineariserOptions(bool asTerm, Z3InstanceOptions !opts, List! letVariables) { base(asTerm); this.opts = opts; this.LetVariablesAttr = letVariables; } public override bool UseWeights { get { return opts.V2; } } public override bool UseTypes { get { return opts.Typed; } } public override bool QuantifierIds { get { return true; } } public override bool InverseImplies { get { return opts.InverseImplies; } } public override LineariserOptions! SetAsTerm(bool newVal) { if (newVal == AsTerm) return this; return new Z3LineariserOptions(newVal, opts, LetVariables); } // variables representing formulas in let-bindings have to be // printed in a different way than other variables private readonly List! LetVariablesAttr; public override List! LetVariables { get { return LetVariablesAttr; } } public override LineariserOptions! AddLetVariable(VCExprVar! furtherVar) { List! allVars = new List (); allVars.AddRange(LetVariables); allVars.Add(furtherVar); return new Z3LineariserOptions(AsTerm, opts, allVars); } public override LineariserOptions! AddLetVariables(List! furtherVars) { List! allVars = new List (); allVars.AddRange(LetVariables); allVars.AddRange(furtherVars); return new Z3LineariserOptions(AsTerm, opts, allVars); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public class Z3VCExprTranslator : AxiomVCExprTranslator { public Z3VCExprTranslator(VCExpressionGenerator! gen, Z3InstanceOptions! opts) { Gen = gen; Opts = opts; TypeAxiomBuilder! axBuilder; switch (CommandLineOptions.Clo.TypeEncodingMethod) { case CommandLineOptions.TypeEncoding.Arguments: axBuilder = new TypeAxiomBuilderArguments (gen); break; default: axBuilder = new TypeAxiomBuilderPremisses (gen); break; } axBuilder.Setup(); AxBuilder = axBuilder; UniqueNamer namer = new UniqueNamer (); Namer = namer; this.DeclCollector = new TypeDeclCollector (namer, opts.BitVectors == CommandLineOptions.BvHandling.Z3Native); } private Z3VCExprTranslator(Z3VCExprTranslator! tl) { base(tl); Gen = tl.Gen; Opts = tl.Opts; // we assume that the options have not changed AxBuilder = (TypeAxiomBuilder)tl.AxBuilder.Clone(); UniqueNamer namer = (UniqueNamer)tl.Namer.Clone(); Namer = namer; DeclCollector = new TypeDeclCollector (namer, tl.DeclCollector); } public override Object! Clone() { return new Z3VCExprTranslator(this); } private readonly Z3InstanceOptions! Opts; private readonly VCExpressionGenerator! Gen; private readonly TypeAxiomBuilder! AxBuilder; private readonly UniqueNamer! Namer; private readonly TypeDeclCollector! DeclCollector; public override string! Lookup(VCExprVar! var) { return Namer.Lookup(var); } public override string! translate(VCExpr! expr, int polarity) { DateTime start = DateTime.Now; if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.Trace) Console.Write("Linearising ... "); // handle the types in the VCExpr TypeEraser eraser; switch (CommandLineOptions.Clo.TypeEncodingMethod) { case CommandLineOptions.TypeEncoding.Arguments: eraser = new TypeEraserArguments((TypeAxiomBuilderArguments)AxBuilder, Gen); break; case CommandLineOptions.TypeEncoding.Monomorphic: eraser = null; break; default: eraser = new TypeEraserPremisses((TypeAxiomBuilderPremisses)AxBuilder, Gen); break; } VCExpr! exprWithoutTypes = eraser != null ? eraser.Erase(expr, polarity) : expr; LetBindingSorter! letSorter = new LetBindingSorter(Gen); VCExpr! sortedExpr = letSorter.Mutate(exprWithoutTypes, true); VCExpr! sortedAxioms = letSorter.Mutate(AxBuilder.GetNewAxioms(), true); if (Opts.Typed) { DeclCollector.Collect(sortedAxioms); DeclCollector.Collect(sortedExpr); FeedTypeDeclsToProver(); } else { TermFormulaFlattener! flattener = new TermFormulaFlattener (Gen); sortedExpr = flattener.Flatten(sortedExpr); sortedAxioms = flattener.Flatten(sortedAxioms); } if (Opts.Lets != 3) { // replace let expressions with implies Let2ImpliesMutator letImplier = new Let2ImpliesMutator(Gen, Opts.Lets == 1, Opts.Lets == 2); sortedExpr = letImplier.Mutate(sortedExpr); sortedAxioms = letImplier.Mutate(sortedAxioms); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //SubtermCollector! coll = new SubtermCollector (gen); //coll.Traverse(sortedExpr, true); //coll.Traverse(sortedAxioms, true); //coll.UnifyClusters(); //Console.WriteLine(coll); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LineariserOptions linOptions = new Z3LineariserOptions(false, Opts, new List()); AddAxiom(SimplifyLikeExprLineariser.ToString(sortedAxioms, linOptions, Namer)); string! res = SimplifyLikeExprLineariser.ToString(sortedExpr, linOptions, Namer); if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.Trace) { TimeSpan elapsed = DateTime.Now - start; Console.WriteLine("finished [{0} s] ", elapsed.TotalSeconds); } return res; } private void FeedTypeDeclsToProver() { foreach (string! s in DeclCollector.GetNewDeclarations()) AddTypeDecl(s); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public class Factory : ProverFactory { public override object! SpawnProver(ProverOptions! popts, object! ctxt) { Z3InstanceOptions opts = (Z3InstanceOptions!)popts; return this.SpawnProver(((DeclFreeProverContext!)ctxt).ExprGen, (DeclFreeProverContext!)ctxt, opts); } public override object! NewProverContext(ProverOptions! options) { if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.BracketIdsInVC < 0) { CommandLineOptions.Clo.BracketIdsInVC = 0; } Z3InstanceOptions opts = (Z3InstanceOptions!)options; VCExpressionGenerator! gen = new VCExpressionGenerator (); List! proverCommands = new List (); proverCommands.Add("all"); proverCommands.Add("z3"); proverCommands.Add("simplifyLike"); if (opts.BitVectors == CommandLineOptions.BvHandling.Z3Native) proverCommands.Add("bvDefSem"); if (opts.BitVectors == CommandLineOptions.BvHandling.ToInt) proverCommands.Add("bvInt"); VCGenerationOptions! genOptions = new VCGenerationOptions(proverCommands); return new DeclFreeProverContext(gen, genOptions); } public override ProverOptions! BlankProverOptions() { return new Z3InstanceOptions(); } protected virtual Z3ProcessTheoremProver! SpawnProver(VCExpressionGenerator! gen, DeclFreeProverContext! ctx, Z3InstanceOptions! opts) { return new Z3ProcessTheoremProver(gen, ctx, opts); } } }