using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using Microsoft.Boogie.VCExprAST; namespace Microsoft.Boogie.SMTLib { public class SMTLibNamer : UniqueNamer { // The following Boogie ID characters are not SMT ID characters: `'\# const string idCharacters = "~!@$%^&*_-+=<>.?/"; static string[] reservedSmtWordsList = { // Basic symbols: "", "!", "_", "as", "DECIMAL", "exists", "forall", "let", "NUMERAL", "par", "STRING", // Commands: "assert", "check-sat", "declare-sort", "declare-fun", "define-sort,", "define-fun", "exit", "get-assertions", "get-assignment", "get-info", "get-option,", "get-proof", "get-unsat-core", "get-value", "pop", "push", "set-logic", "set-info", "set-option", // Core theory: "and", "or", "not", "iff", "true", "false", "xor", "distinct", "ite", "=", "Bool", "=>", // implies (sic!) // Integers "Int", "*", "/", "-", "+", "<", "<=", ">", ">=", // Bitvectors "extract", "concat", "bvnot", "bvneg", "bvand", "bvor", "bvadd", "bvmul", "bvudiv", "bvurem", "bvshl", "bvlshr", "bvult", // arrays "store", "select", "const", "default", "map", "union", "intersect", "difference", "complement", "subset", "array-ext", "as-array", "Array", // Z3 (and not only?) extensions to bitvectors "bit1", "bit0", "bvsub", "bvsdiv", "bvsrem", "bvsmod", "bvsdiv0", "bvudiv0", "bvsrem0", "bvurem0", "bvsmod0", "bvsdiv_i", "bvudiv_i", "bvsrem_i", "bvurem_i", "bvumod_i", "bvule", "bvsle", "bvuge", "bvsge", "bvslt", "bvugt", "bvsgt", "bvxor", "bvnand", "bvnor", "bvxnor", "sign_extend", "zero_extend", "repeat", "bvredor", "bvredand", "bvcomp", "bvumul_noovfl", "bvsmul_noovfl", "bvsmul_noudfl", "bvashr", "rotate_left", "rotate_right", "ext_rotate_left", "ext_rotate_right", "int2bv", "bv2int", // SMT v1 stuff "flet", "implies", "!=", "if_then_else", // Z3 extensions "lblneg", "lblpos", "lbl-lit", "if", "&&", "||", "equals", "equiv", "bool", // Boogie-defined "int_mod", "int_div", "UOrdering2", "UOrdering3", }; static HashSet reservedSmtWords; static bool[] validIdChar; static bool symbolListsInitilized; static void InitSymbolLists() { lock (reservedSmtWordsList) { // don't move out, c.f. if (symbolListsInitilized) return; reservedSmtWords = new HashSet(); foreach (var w in reservedSmtWordsList) reservedSmtWords.Add(w); validIdChar = new bool[255]; for (int i = 0; i < validIdChar.Length; ++i) validIdChar[i] = char.IsLetterOrDigit((char)i) || idCharacters.IndexOf((char)i) >= 0; symbolListsInitilized = true; } } static string AddQuotes(string s) { var allGood = true; foreach (char ch in s) { var c = (int)ch; if (c >= validIdChar.Length || !validIdChar[c]) { allGood = false; break; } } if (allGood) return s; return "|" + s + "|"; } static string NonKeyword(string s) { if (reservedSmtWords.Contains(s) || char.IsDigit(s[0])) s = "q@" + s; // | and \ are illegal even in quoted identifiers if (s.IndexOf('|') >= 0) s = s.Replace("|", "_"); if (s.IndexOf('\\') >= 0) s = s.Replace("\\", "_"); return s; } public static string LabelVar(string s) { return "%lbl%" + s; } public static string QuoteId(string s) { return AddQuotes(NonKeyword(s)); } public override string GetQuotedLocalName(object thingie, string inherentName) { return AddQuotes(base.GetLocalName(thingie, NonKeyword(inherentName))); } public override string GetQuotedName(object thingie, string inherentName) { return AddQuotes(base.GetName(thingie, NonKeyword(inherentName))); } public SMTLibNamer() { this.Spacer = "@@"; InitSymbolLists(); } } }