// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
using System;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.Basetypes;
using Microsoft.Boogie.VCExprAST;
// Method to turn VCExprs into strings that can be fed into SMT
// solvers. This is currently quite similar to the
// SimplifyLikeLineariser (but the code is independent)
namespace Microsoft.Boogie.SMTLib
// Options for the linearisation
public class LineariserOptions
public static LineariserOptions Default = new LineariserOptions();
public bool LabelsBelowQuantifiers = false;
// Lineariser for expressions. The result (bool) is currently not used for anything
public class SMTLibExprLineariser : IVCExprVisitor
public static string ToString(VCExpr e, UniqueNamer namer, SMTLibProverOptions opts)
Contract.Requires(e != null);
Contract.Requires(namer != null);
Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result() != null);
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
SMTLibExprLineariser lin = new SMTLibExprLineariser(sw, namer, opts);
Contract.Assert(lin != null);
lin.Linearise(e, LineariserOptions.Default);
return cce.NonNull(sw.ToString());
private readonly TextWriter wr;
void ObjectInvariant()
Contract.Invariant(wr != null);
Contract.Invariant(Namer != null);
private SMTLibOpLineariser OpLinObject = null;
private IVCExprOpVisitor/*!>!*/ OpLineariser
Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result>() != null);
if (OpLinObject == null)
OpLinObject = new SMTLibOpLineariser(this, wr);
return OpLinObject;
internal readonly UniqueNamer Namer;
internal int UnderQuantifier = 0;
internal readonly SMTLibProverOptions ProverOptions;
public SMTLibExprLineariser(TextWriter wr, UniqueNamer namer, SMTLibProverOptions opts)
Contract.Requires(wr != null); Contract.Requires(namer != null);
this.wr = wr;
this.Namer = namer;
this.ProverOptions = opts;
public void Linearise(VCExpr expr, LineariserOptions options)
Contract.Requires(expr != null);
Contract.Requires(options != null);
expr.Accept(this, options);
private static void TypeToStringHelper(Type t, StringBuilder sb)
Contract.Requires(t != null);
TypeSynonymAnnotation syn = t as TypeSynonymAnnotation;
if (syn != null) {
TypeToStringHelper(syn.ExpandedType, sb);
} else {
if (t.IsMap && CommandLineOptions.Clo.UseArrayTheory) {
MapType m = t.AsMap;
// Contract.Assert(m.MapArity == 1);
sb.Append("(Array ");
foreach (Type tp in m.Arguments)
sb.Append(TypeToString(tp)).Append(" ");
} else if (t.IsMap) {
MapType m = t.AsMap;
for (int i = 0; i < m.MapArity; ++i) {
if (i != 0)
TypeToStringHelper(m.Arguments[i], sb);
TypeToStringHelper(m.Result, sb);
} else if (t.IsBool || t.IsInt || t.IsReal || t.IsBv) {
} else {
System.IO.StringWriter buffer = new System.IO.StringWriter();
using (TokenTextWriter stream = new TokenTextWriter("", buffer, /*setTokens=*/false, /*pretty=*/false)) {
public static string TypeToString(Type t)
Contract.Requires(t != null);
Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result() != null);
if (t.IsBool)
return "Bool";
else if (t.IsInt)
return "Int";
else if (t.IsReal)
return "Real";
else if (t.IsBv) {
return "(_ BitVec " + t.BvBits + ")";
} else {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
TypeToStringHelper(t, sb);
var s = sb.ToString();
if (s[0] == '(')
return s;
return SMTLibNamer.QuoteId("T@" + s);
public static string ExtractBuiltin(Function f)
Contract.Requires(f != null);
string retVal = null;
retVal = f.FindStringAttribute("bvbuiltin");
// It used to be "sign_extend 12" in Simplify, and is "(_ sign_extend 12)" with SMT
if (retVal != null && (retVal.StartsWith("sign_extend ") || retVal.StartsWith("zero_extend ")))
return "(_ " + retVal + ")";
if (retVal == null) {
retVal = f.FindStringAttribute("builtin");
if (retVal != null && !CommandLineOptions.Clo.UseArrayTheory && SMTLibOpLineariser.ArrayOps.Contains(retVal))
retVal = null;
return retVal;
public bool Visit(VCExprLiteral node, LineariserOptions options)
if (node == VCExpressionGenerator.True)
else if (node == VCExpressionGenerator.False)
else if (node is VCExprIntLit) {
BigNum lit = ((VCExprIntLit)node).Val;
if (lit.IsNegative)
// In SMT2 "-42" is an identifier (SMT2, Sect. 3.2 "Symbols")
wr.Write("(- 0 {0})", lit.Abs);
else if (node is VCExprRealLit) {
BigDec lit = ((VCExprRealLit)node).Val;
if (lit.IsNegative)
// In SMT2 "-42" is an identifier (SMT2, Sect. 3.2 "Symbols")
wr.Write("(- 0.0 {0})", lit.Abs.ToDecimalString());
else {
throw new cce.UnreachableException();
return true;
public bool Visit(VCExprNAry node, LineariserOptions options)
VCExprOp op = node.Op;
Contract.Assert(op != null);
var booleanOps = new HashSet();
if (booleanOps.Contains(op))
Stack exprs = new Stack();
while (exprs.Count > 0)
VCExpr expr = exprs.Pop();
if (expr == null)
wr.Write(" ");
VCExprNAry naryExpr = expr as VCExprNAry;
if (naryExpr == null || !booleanOps.Contains(naryExpr.Op))
Linearise(expr, options);
else if (naryExpr.Op.Equals(VCExpressionGenerator.NotOp))
else if (naryExpr.Op.Equals(VCExpressionGenerator.ImpliesOp))
else if (naryExpr.Op.Equals(VCExpressionGenerator.AndOp))
for (int i = naryExpr.Arity - 1; i >= 0; i--)
return true;
return node.Accept(OpLineariser, options);
public bool Visit(VCExprVar node, LineariserOptions options)
wr.Write(Namer.GetQuotedName(node, node.Name));
return true;
public bool Visit(VCExprQuantifier node, LineariserOptions options)
Contract.Assert(node.TypeParameters.Count == 0);
Namer.PushScope(); try {
string kind = node.Quan == Quantifier.ALL ? "forall" : "exists";
wr.Write("({0} (", kind);
for (int i = 0; i < node.BoundVars.Count; i++) {
VCExprVar var = node.BoundVars[i];
Contract.Assert(var != null);
string printedName = Namer.GetQuotedLocalName(var, var.Name);
Contract.Assert(printedName != null);
wr.Write("({0} {1}) ", printedName, TypeToString(var.Type));
wr.Write(") ");
VCQuantifierInfos infos = node.Infos;
var weight = QKeyValue.FindIntAttribute(infos.attributes, "weight", 1);
if (!ProverOptions.UseWeights)
weight = 1;
var hasAttrs = node.Triggers.Count > 0 || infos.qid != null || weight != 1 || infos.uniqueId != -1;
if (hasAttrs)
wr.Write("(! ");
Linearise(node.Body, options);
if (hasAttrs) {
if (infos.qid != null)
wr.Write(" :qid {0}\n", SMTLibNamer.QuoteId(infos.qid));
if (weight != 1)
wr.Write(" :weight {0}\n", weight);
if (infos.uniqueId != -1)
wr.Write(" :skolemid |{0}|\n", infos.uniqueId);
WriteTriggers(node.Triggers, options);
return true;
} finally {
private void WriteTriggers(List!*/> triggers, LineariserOptions options)
Contract.Requires(options != null);
Contract.Requires(triggers != null);
// first, count how many neg/pos triggers there are
int negTriggers = 0;
int posTriggers = 0;
foreach (VCTrigger vcTrig in triggers) {
Contract.Assert(vcTrig != null);
if (vcTrig.Pos) {
} else {
if (posTriggers > 0) {
foreach (VCTrigger vcTrig in triggers) {
Contract.Assert(vcTrig != null);
if (vcTrig.Pos) {
wr.Write(" :pattern (");
foreach (VCExpr e in vcTrig.Exprs) {
Contract.Assert(e != null);
wr.Write(" ");
var subPat = e;
var nary = e as VCExprNAry;
if (nary != null && (nary.Op == VCExpressionGenerator.NeqOp || nary.Op == VCExpressionGenerator.EqOp)) {
if (nary[0] is VCExprLiteral)
subPat = nary[1];
else if (nary[1] is VCExprLiteral)
subPat = nary[0];
Linearise(subPat, options);
} else if (negTriggers > 0) {
// if also positive triggers are given, the SMT solver (at least Z3)
// will ignore the negative patterns and output a warning. Therefore
// we never specify both negative and positive triggers
foreach (VCTrigger vcTrig in triggers) {
Contract.Assert(vcTrig != null);
if (!vcTrig.Pos) {
wr.Write(" :no-pattern ");
Contract.Assert(vcTrig.Exprs.Count == 1);
Linearise(vcTrig.Exprs[0], options);
public bool Visit(VCExprLet node, LineariserOptions options)
try {
foreach (VCExprLetBinding b in node) {
wr.Write("(let (");
Contract.Assert(b != null);
wr.Write("({0} ", Namer.GetQuotedName(b.V, b.V.Name));
Linearise(b.E, options);
Linearise(node.Body, options);
foreach (VCExprLetBinding b in node)
return true;
} finally {
// Lineariser for operator terms. The result (bool) is currently not used for anything
internal class SMTLibOpLineariser : IVCExprOpVisitor
private readonly SMTLibExprLineariser ExprLineariser;
private readonly TextWriter wr;
void ObjectInvariant()
Contract.Invariant(wr != null);
Contract.Invariant(ExprLineariser != null);
public SMTLibOpLineariser(SMTLibExprLineariser ExprLineariser, TextWriter wr)
Contract.Requires(ExprLineariser != null);
Contract.Requires(wr != null);
this.ExprLineariser = ExprLineariser;
this.wr = wr;
private void WriteApplication(string opName, IEnumerable/*!>!*/ args, LineariserOptions options)
Contract.Requires(options != null);
Contract.Assert(opName != null);
bool hasArgs = false;
foreach (VCExpr e in args) {
Contract.Assert(e != null);
if (!hasArgs)
wr.Write("({0}", opName);
wr.Write(" ");
ExprLineariser.Linearise(e, options);
hasArgs = true;
if (hasArgs)
wr.Write("{0}", opName);
public bool VisitNotOp(VCExprNAry node, LineariserOptions options)
WriteApplication("not", node, options); // arguments can be both terms and formulas
return true;
private bool PrintEq(VCExprNAry node, LineariserOptions options)
Contract.Requires(node != null);
Contract.Requires(options != null);
WriteApplication("=", node, options);
return true;
public bool VisitEqOp(VCExprNAry node, LineariserOptions options)
return PrintEq(node, options);
public bool VisitNeqOp(VCExprNAry node, LineariserOptions options)
//Contract.Requires(node != null);
//Contract.Requires(options != null);
wr.Write("(not ");
PrintEq(node, options);
return true;
public bool VisitAndOp(VCExprNAry node, LineariserOptions options)
WriteApplication("and", node, options);
return true;
public bool VisitOrOp(VCExprNAry node, LineariserOptions options)
WriteApplication("or", node, options);
return true;
public bool VisitImpliesOp(VCExprNAry node, LineariserOptions options)
WriteApplication("=>", node, options);
return true;
public bool VisitIfThenElseOp(VCExprNAry node, LineariserOptions options)
WriteApplication("ite", node, options);
return true;
public bool VisitCustomOp(VCExprNAry node, LineariserOptions options)
VCExprCustomOp op = (VCExprCustomOp)node.Op;
if (!ExprLineariser.ProverOptions.UseTickleBool && op.Name == "tickleBool")
ExprLineariser.Linearise(VCExpressionGenerator.True, options);
WriteApplication(op.Name, node, options);
return true;
public bool VisitDistinctOp(VCExprNAry node, LineariserOptions options)
//Contract.Requires(node != null);
//Contract.Requires(options != null);
if (node.Length < 2) {
ExprLineariser.Linearise(VCExpressionGenerator.True, options);
} else {
var groupings = node.GroupBy(e => e.Type).Where(g => g.Count() > 1).ToArray();
if (groupings.Length == 0) {
ExprLineariser.Linearise(VCExpressionGenerator.True, options);
} else {
if (groupings.Length > 1)
wr.Write("(and ");
foreach (var g in groupings) {
foreach (VCExpr e in g) {
Contract.Assert(e != null);
wr.Write(" ");
ExprLineariser.Linearise(e, options);
if (groupings.Length > 1)
return true;
public bool VisitLabelOp(VCExprNAry node, LineariserOptions options)
if (ExprLineariser.UnderQuantifier > 0 && !options.LabelsBelowQuantifiers) {
ExprLineariser.Linearise(node[0], options);
return true;
var op = (VCExprLabelOp)node.Op;
if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.UseLabels)
// Z3 extension
//wr.Write("({0} {1} ", op.pos ? "lblpos" : "lblneg", SMTLibNamer.QuoteId(op.label));
wr.Write("(! ");
wr.Write("({0} {1} ", op.pos ? "and" : "or", SMTLibNamer.QuoteId(SMTLibNamer.LabelVar(op.label)));
ExprLineariser.Linearise(node[0], options);
if (!options.LabelsBelowQuantifiers)
if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.UseLabels)
wr.Write(" :{0} {1})", op.pos ? "lblpos" : "lblneg", SMTLibNamer.QuoteId(op.label));
return true;
public bool VisitSelectOp(VCExprNAry node, LineariserOptions options)
var name = SimplifyLikeExprLineariser.SelectOpName(node);
name = ExprLineariser.Namer.GetQuotedName(name, name);
if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.UseArrayTheory)
name = "select";
WriteApplication(name, node, options);
return true;
public bool VisitStoreOp(VCExprNAry node, LineariserOptions options)
var name = SimplifyLikeExprLineariser.StoreOpName(node);
name = ExprLineariser.Namer.GetQuotedName(name, name);
if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.UseArrayTheory)
name = "store";
WriteApplication(name, node, options);
return true;
static char[] hex = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f' };
public bool VisitBvOp(VCExprNAry node, LineariserOptions options)
var lit = (VCExprIntLit)node[0];
var bytes = lit.Val.ToByteArray();
if (node.Type.BvBits % 8 == 0) {
for (var pos = node.Type.BvBits / 8 - 1; pos >= 0; pos--) {
var k = pos < bytes.Length ? bytes[pos] : (byte)0;
wr.Write(hex[k >> 4]);
wr.Write(hex[k & 0xf]);
} else {
for (var pos = node.Type.BvBits - 1; pos >= 0; pos--) {
var i = pos >> 3;
var k = i < bytes.Length ? bytes[i] : (byte)0;
wr.Write((k & (1 << (pos & 7))) == 0 ? '0' : '1');
return true;
public bool VisitBvExtractOp(VCExprNAry node, LineariserOptions options)
var op = (VCExprBvExtractOp)node.Op;
wr.Write("((_ extract {0} {1}) ", op.End - 1, op.Start);
ExprLineariser.Linearise(node[0], options);
return true;
public bool VisitBvConcatOp(VCExprNAry node, LineariserOptions options)
WriteApplication("concat", node, options);
return true;
public bool VisitAddOp(VCExprNAry node, LineariserOptions options)
WriteApplication("+", node, options);
return true;
public bool VisitSubOp(VCExprNAry node, LineariserOptions options)
WriteApplication("-", node, options);
return true;
public bool VisitMulOp(VCExprNAry node, LineariserOptions options)
WriteApplication("*", node, options);
return true;
public bool VisitDivOp(VCExprNAry node, LineariserOptions options)
WriteApplication("div", node, options);
return true;
public bool VisitModOp(VCExprNAry node, LineariserOptions options)
WriteApplication("mod", node, options);
return true;
public bool VisitRealDivOp(VCExprNAry node, LineariserOptions options) {
WriteApplication("/", node, options);
return true;
public bool VisitPowOp(VCExprNAry node, LineariserOptions options) {
WriteApplication("real_pow", node, options);
return true;
public bool VisitLtOp(VCExprNAry node, LineariserOptions options)
WriteApplication("<", node, options);
return true;
public bool VisitLeOp(VCExprNAry node, LineariserOptions options)
WriteApplication("<=", node, options);
return true;
public bool VisitGtOp(VCExprNAry node, LineariserOptions options)
WriteApplication(">", node, options);
return true;
public bool VisitGeOp(VCExprNAry node, LineariserOptions options)
WriteApplication(">=", node, options);
return true;
public bool VisitSubtypeOp(VCExprNAry node, LineariserOptions options)
WriteApplication("UOrdering2", node, options);
return true;
public bool VisitSubtype3Op(VCExprNAry node, LineariserOptions options)
WriteApplication("UOrdering3", node, options);
return true;
public bool VisitToIntOp(VCExprNAry node, LineariserOptions options) {
WriteApplication("to_int", node, options);
return true;
public bool VisitToRealOp(VCExprNAry node, LineariserOptions options) {
WriteApplication("to_real", node, options);
return true;
private string ExtractDatatype(Function func) {
if (func is DatatypeSelector) {
DatatypeSelector selector = (DatatypeSelector) func;
Variable v = selector.constructor.InParams[selector.index];
return ExprLineariser.Namer.GetQuotedName(v, v.Name + "#" + selector.constructor.Name);
else if (func is DatatypeMembership) {
DatatypeMembership membership = (DatatypeMembership)func;
return ExprLineariser.Namer.GetQuotedName(membership, "is-" + membership.constructor.Name);
else {
return null;
public bool VisitBoogieFunctionOp(VCExprNAry node, LineariserOptions options) {
VCExprBoogieFunctionOp op = (VCExprBoogieFunctionOp)node.Op;
Contract.Assert(op != null);
string printedName;
var builtin = ExtractBuiltin(op.Func);
var datatype = ExtractDatatype(op.Func);
if (builtin != null)
printedName = CheckMapApply(builtin, node);
else if (datatype != null)
printedName = datatype;
printedName = ExprLineariser.Namer.GetQuotedName(op.Func, op.Func.Name);
Contract.Assert(printedName != null);
WriteApplication(printedName, node, options);
return true;
private static Type ResultType(Type type) {
MapType mapType = type as MapType;
if (mapType != null) {
return ResultType(mapType.Result);
else {
return type;
public static HashSet ArrayOps = new HashSet(new string[] {
"MapConst", "MapAdd", "MapSub", "MapMul", "MapDiv", "MapMod", "MapEq", "MapIff", "MapGt", "MapGe", "MapLt", "MapLe", "MapOr", "MapAnd", "MapNot", "MapImp", "MapIte" });
private static string CheckMapApply(string name, VCExprNAry node) {
if (name == "MapConst") {
Type type = node.Type;
string s = TypeToString(type);
return "(as const " + s + ")";
else if (name == "MapAdd") {
return "(_ map (+ (Int Int) Int))";
else if (name == "MapSub") {
return "(_ map (- (Int Int) Int))";
else if (name == "MapMul") {
return "(_ map (* (Int Int) Int))";
else if (name == "MapDiv") {
return "(_ map (div (Int Int) Int))";
else if (name == "MapMod") {
return "(_ map (mod (Int Int) Int))";
else if (name == "MapEq") {
Type type = ResultType(node[0].Type);
string s = TypeToString(type);
return "(_ map (= (" + s + " " + s + ") Bool))";
else if (name == "MapIff") {
return "(_ map (= (Bool Bool) Bool))";
else if (name == "MapGt") {
return "(_ map (> (Int Int) Int))";
else if (name == "MapGe") {
return "(_ map (>= (Int Int) Int))";
else if (name == "MapLt") {
return "(_ map (< (Int Int) Int))";
else if (name == "MapLe") {
return "(_ map (<= (Int Int) Int))";
else if (name == "MapOr") {
return "(_ map or)";
else if (name == "MapAnd") {
return "(_ map and)";
else if (name == "MapNot") {
return "(_ map not)";
else if (name == "MapImp") {
return "(_ map =>)";
else if (name == "MapIte") {
Type type = ResultType(node.Type);
string s = TypeToString(type);
return "(_ map (ite (Bool " + s + " " + s + ") " + s + "))";
else {
return name;