//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading; using System.IO; //using ExternalProver; using System.Linq; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Diagnostics.Contracts; using Microsoft.Boogie.AbstractInterpretation; using Microsoft.Boogie; using Microsoft.Boogie.VCExprAST; using Microsoft.Boogie.Clustering; using Microsoft.Boogie.TypeErasure; using System.Text; namespace Microsoft.Boogie.SMTLib { public class SMTLibProcessTheoremProver : ProverInterface { private readonly SMTLibProverContext ctx; private readonly VCExpressionGenerator gen; private readonly SMTLibProverOptions options; private bool usingUnsatCore; [ContractInvariantMethod] void ObjectInvariant() { Contract.Invariant(ctx != null); Contract.Invariant(AxBuilder != null); Contract.Invariant(Namer != null); Contract.Invariant(DeclCollector != null); Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullElements(Axioms)); Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullElements(TypeDecls)); Contract.Invariant(_backgroundPredicates != null); } [NotDelayed] public SMTLibProcessTheoremProver(ProverOptions options, VCExpressionGenerator gen, SMTLibProverContext ctx) { Contract.Requires(options != null); Contract.Requires(gen != null); Contract.Requires(ctx != null); InitializeGlobalInformation("UnivBackPred2.smt2"); this.options = (SMTLibProverOptions)options; this.ctx = ctx; this.gen = gen; this.usingUnsatCore = false; TypeAxiomBuilder axBuilder; switch (CommandLineOptions.Clo.TypeEncodingMethod) { case CommandLineOptions.TypeEncoding.Arguments: axBuilder = new TypeAxiomBuilderArguments(gen); axBuilder.Setup(); break; case CommandLineOptions.TypeEncoding.Monomorphic: axBuilder = new TypeAxiomBuilderPremisses(gen); break; default: axBuilder = new TypeAxiomBuilderPremisses(gen); axBuilder.Setup(); break; } AxBuilder = axBuilder; Namer = new SMTLibNamer(); ctx.parent = this; this.DeclCollector = new TypeDeclCollector((SMTLibProverOptions)options, Namer); SetupProcess(); if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.StratifiedInlining > 0 || CommandLineOptions.Clo.ContractInfer) { // Prepare for ApiChecker usage if (options.LogFilename != null && currentLogFile == null) { currentLogFile = OpenOutputFile(""); } if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.ContractInfer) { SendThisVC("(set-option :produce-unsat-cores true)"); this.usingUnsatCore = true; } PrepareCommon(); } } ProcessStartInfo ComputeProcessStartInfo() { var path = this.options.ProverPath; switch (options.Solver) { case SolverKind.Z3: if (path == null) path = Z3.ExecutablePath(); return SMTLibProcess.ComputerProcessStartInfo(path, "AUTO_CONFIG=false -smt2 -in"); case SolverKind.CVC3: if (path == null) path = "cvc3"; return SMTLibProcess.ComputerProcessStartInfo(path, "-lang smt2 +interactive -showPrompt"); case SolverKind.CVC4: if (path == null) path = "cvc4"; return SMTLibProcess.ComputerProcessStartInfo(path, "--smtlib2 --no-strict-parsing"); default: Debug.Assert(false); return null; } } void SetupProcess() { if (Process != null) return; var psi = ComputeProcessStartInfo(); Process = new SMTLibProcess(psi, this.options); Process.ErrorHandler += this.HandleProverError; } void PossiblyRestart() { if (Process != null && Process.NeedsRestart) { Process.Close(); Process = null; SetupProcess(); Process.Send(common.ToString()); } } public override ProverContext Context { get { Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result() != null); return ctx; } } internal readonly TypeAxiomBuilder AxBuilder; internal readonly UniqueNamer Namer; readonly TypeDeclCollector DeclCollector; SMTLibProcess Process; readonly List proverErrors = new List(); readonly List proverWarnings = new List(); readonly StringBuilder common = new StringBuilder(); TextWriter currentLogFile; volatile ErrorHandler currentErrorHandler; private void FeedTypeDeclsToProver() { foreach (string s in DeclCollector.GetNewDeclarations()) { Contract.Assert(s != null); AddTypeDecl(s); } } private string Sanitize(string msg) { var idx = msg.IndexOf('\n'); if (idx > 0) msg = msg.Replace("\r", "").Replace("\n", "\r\n"); return msg; } private void SendCommon(string s) { Send(s, true); } private void SendThisVC(string s) { Send(s, false); } private void Send(string s, bool isCommon) { s = Sanitize(s); if (isCommon) common.Append(s).Append("\r\n"); if (Process != null) Process.Send(s); if (currentLogFile != null) currentLogFile.WriteLine(s); } private void FindDependentTypes(Type type, List dependentTypes) { MapType mapType = type as MapType; if (mapType != null) { foreach (Type t in mapType.Arguments) { FindDependentTypes(t, dependentTypes); } FindDependentTypes(mapType.Result, dependentTypes); } CtorType ctorType = type as CtorType; if (ctorType != null && ctx.KnownDatatypeConstructors.ContainsKey(ctorType)) { dependentTypes.Add(ctorType); } } private void PrepareCommon() { if (common.Length == 0) { SendCommon("(set-option :print-success false)"); SendCommon("(set-info :smt-lib-version 2.0)"); if (options.ProduceModel()) SendCommon("(set-option :produce-models true)"); foreach (var opt in options.SmtOptions) { SendCommon("(set-option :" + opt.Option + " " + opt.Value + ")"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.Logic)) { SendCommon("(set-logic " + options.Logic + ")"); } SendCommon("; done setting options\n"); SendCommon(_backgroundPredicates); if (options.UseTickleBool) { SendCommon("(declare-fun tickleBool (Bool) Bool)"); SendCommon("(assert (and (tickleBool true) (tickleBool false)))"); } if (ctx.KnownDatatypeConstructors.Count > 0) { GraphUtil.Graph dependencyGraph = new GraphUtil.Graph(); foreach (CtorType datatype in ctx.KnownDatatypeConstructors.Keys) { dependencyGraph.AddSource(datatype); foreach (Function f in ctx.KnownDatatypeConstructors[datatype]) { List dependentTypes = new List(); foreach (Variable v in f.InParams) { FindDependentTypes(v.TypedIdent.Type, dependentTypes); } foreach (CtorType result in dependentTypes) { dependencyGraph.AddEdge(datatype, result); } } } GraphUtil.StronglyConnectedComponents sccs = new GraphUtil.StronglyConnectedComponents(dependencyGraph.Nodes, dependencyGraph.Predecessors, dependencyGraph.Successors); sccs.Compute(); foreach (GraphUtil.SCC scc in sccs) { string datatypeString = ""; foreach (CtorType datatype in scc) { datatypeString += "(" + SMTLibExprLineariser.TypeToString(datatype) + " "; foreach (Function f in ctx.KnownDatatypeConstructors[datatype]) { string quotedConstructorName = Namer.GetQuotedName(f, f.Name); if (f.InParams.Length == 0) { datatypeString += quotedConstructorName + " "; } else { datatypeString += "(" + quotedConstructorName + " "; foreach (Variable v in f.InParams) { string quotedSelectorName = Namer.GetQuotedName(v, v.Name + "#" + f.Name); datatypeString += "(" + quotedSelectorName + " " + DeclCollector.TypeToStringReg(v.TypedIdent.Type) + ") "; } datatypeString += ") "; } } datatypeString += ") "; } List decls = DeclCollector.GetNewDeclarations(); foreach (string decl in decls) { SendCommon(decl); } SendCommon("(declare-datatypes () (" + datatypeString + "))"); } } } if (!AxiomsAreSetup) { var axioms = ctx.Axioms; var nary = axioms as VCExprNAry; if (nary != null && nary.Op == VCExpressionGenerator.AndOp) foreach (var expr in nary.UniformArguments) { var str = VCExpr2String(expr, -1); if (str != "true") AddAxiom(str); } else AddAxiom(VCExpr2String(axioms, -1)); AxiomsAreSetup = true; } } public override int FlushAxiomsToTheoremProver() { // we feed the axioms when begincheck is called. return 0; } private void FlushAxioms() { TypeDecls.Iter(SendCommon); TypeDecls.Clear(); foreach (string s in Axioms) { Contract.Assert(s != null); if (s != "true") SendCommon("(assert " + s + ")"); } Axioms.Clear(); //FlushPushedAssertions(); } private void CloseLogFile() { if (currentLogFile != null) { currentLogFile.Close(); currentLogFile = null; } } private void FlushLogFile() { if (currentLogFile != null) { currentLogFile.Flush(); } } public override void Close() { base.Close(); CloseLogFile(); if (Process != null) Process.Close(); } public override void BeginCheck(string descriptiveName, VCExpr vc, ErrorHandler handler) { //Contract.Requires(descriptiveName != null); //Contract.Requires(vc != null); //Contract.Requires(handler != null); if (options.SeparateLogFiles) CloseLogFile(); // shouldn't really happen if (options.LogFilename != null && currentLogFile == null) { currentLogFile = OpenOutputFile(descriptiveName); currentLogFile.Write(common.ToString()); } PrepareCommon(); string vcString = "(assert (not\n" + VCExpr2String(vc, 1) + "\n))"; FlushAxioms(); PossiblyRestart(); SendThisVC("(push 1)"); SendThisVC("(set-info :boogie-vc-id " + SMTLibNamer.QuoteId(descriptiveName) + ")"); SendThisVC(vcString); FlushLogFile(); if (Process != null) { Process.PingPong(); // flush any errors if (Process.Inspector != null) Process.Inspector.NewProblem(descriptiveName, vc, handler); } SendThisVC("(check-sat)"); FlushLogFile(); } private static HashSet usedLogNames = new HashSet(); private TextWriter OpenOutputFile(string descriptiveName) { Contract.Requires(descriptiveName != null); Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result() != null); string filename = options.LogFilename; filename = Helpers.SubstituteAtPROC(descriptiveName, cce.NonNull(filename)); var curFilename = filename; lock (usedLogNames) { int n = 1; while (usedLogNames.Contains(curFilename)) { curFilename = filename + "." + n++; } usedLogNames.Add(curFilename); } return new StreamWriter(curFilename, false); } private void FlushProverWarnings() { var handler = currentErrorHandler; if (handler != null) { lock (proverWarnings) { proverWarnings.Iter(handler.OnProverWarning); proverWarnings.Clear(); } } } private void HandleProverError(string s) { s = s.Replace("\r", ""); lock (proverWarnings) { while (s.StartsWith("WARNING: ")) { var idx = s.IndexOf('\n'); var warn = s; if (idx > 0) { warn = s.Substring(0, idx); s = s.Substring(idx + 1); } else { s = ""; } warn = warn.Substring(9); proverWarnings.Add(warn); } } FlushProverWarnings(); if (s == "") return; lock (proverErrors) { proverErrors.Add(s); Console.WriteLine("Prover error: " + s); } } [NoDefaultContract] public override Outcome CheckOutcome(ErrorHandler handler) { Contract.EnsuresOnThrow(true); var result = CheckOutcomeCore(handler); SendThisVC("(pop 1)"); FlushLogFile(); return result; } [NoDefaultContract] public override Outcome CheckOutcomeCore(ErrorHandler handler) { Contract.EnsuresOnThrow(true); var result = Outcome.Undetermined; if (Process == null) return result; try { currentErrorHandler = handler; FlushProverWarnings(); var errorsLeft = CommandLineOptions.Clo.ProverCCLimit; if (errorsLeft < 1) errorsLeft = 1; var globalResult = Outcome.Undetermined; while (true) { errorsLeft--; string[] labels = null; result = GetResponse(); if (globalResult == Outcome.Undetermined) globalResult = result; if (result == Outcome.Invalid) { IList xlabels; if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.UseLabels) { labels = GetLabelsInfo(); xlabels = labels.Select(a => a.Replace("@", "").Replace("+", "")).ToList(); } else { labels = CalculatePath(handler.StartingProcId()); xlabels = labels; } Model model = GetErrorModel(); handler.OnModel(xlabels, model); } if (labels == null || errorsLeft == 0) break; if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.UseLabels) { var negLabels = labels.Where(l => l.StartsWith("@")).ToArray(); var posLabels = labels.Where(l => !l.StartsWith("@")); Func lbl = (s) => SMTLibNamer.QuoteId(SMTLibNamer.LabelVar(s)); if (!options.MultiTraces) posLabels = Enumerable.Empty(); var conjuncts = posLabels.Select(s => "(not " + lbl(s) + ")").Concat(negLabels.Select(lbl)).ToArray(); var expr = conjuncts.Length == 1 ? conjuncts[0] : ("(or " + conjuncts.Concat(" ") + ")"); SendThisVC("(assert " + expr + ")"); SendThisVC("(check-sat)"); } else { string source = labels[labels.Length - 2]; string target = labels[labels.Length - 1]; SendThisVC("(assert (not (= (ControlFlow 0 " + source + ") (- " + target + "))))"); SendThisVC("(check-sat)"); } } FlushLogFile(); if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.RestartProverPerVC && Process != null) Process.NeedsRestart = true; return globalResult; } finally { currentErrorHandler = null; } } public override string[] CalculatePath(int controlFlowConstant) { SendThisVC("(get-value ((ControlFlow " + controlFlowConstant + " 0)))"); var path = new List(); while (true) { var resp = Process.GetProverResponse(); if (resp == null) break; if (!(resp.Name == "" && resp.ArgCount == 1)) break; resp = resp.Arguments[0]; if (!(resp.Name == "" && resp.ArgCount == 2)) break; resp = resp.Arguments[1]; var v = resp.Name; if (v == "-" && resp.ArgCount == 1) { v = resp.Arguments[0].Name; path.Add(v); break; } else if (resp.ArgCount != 0) break; path.Add(v); SendThisVC("(get-value ((ControlFlow " + controlFlowConstant + " " + v + ")))"); } return path.ToArray(); } private Model GetErrorModel() { if (!options.ExpectingModel()) return null; SendThisVC("(get-model)"); Process.Ping(); Model theModel = null; while (true) { var resp = Process.GetProverResponse(); if (resp == null || Process.IsPong(resp)) break; if (theModel != null) HandleProverError("Expecting only one model but got many"); string modelStr = null; if (resp.Name == "model" && resp.ArgCount >= 1) { modelStr = resp[0].Name; } else if (resp.ArgCount == 0 && resp.Name.Contains("->")) { modelStr = resp.Name; } else { HandleProverError("Unexpected prover response getting model: " + resp.ToString()); } List models = null; try { models = Model.ParseModels(new StringReader("Z3 error model: \n" + modelStr)); } catch (ArgumentException exn) { HandleProverError("Model parsing error: " + exn.Message); } if (models == null) HandleProverError("Could not parse any models"); else if (models.Count == 0) HandleProverError("Could not parse any models"); else if (models.Count > 1) HandleProverError("Expecting only one model but got many"); else theModel = models[0]; } return theModel; } private string[] GetLabelsInfo() { SendThisVC("(labels)"); Process.Ping(); string[] res = null; while (true) { var resp = Process.GetProverResponse(); if (resp == null || Process.IsPong(resp)) break; if (res != null) HandleProverError("Expecting only one sequence of labels but got many"); if (resp.Name == "labels" && resp.ArgCount >= 1) { res = resp.Arguments.Select(a => a.Name.Replace("|", "")).ToArray(); } else { HandleProverError("Unexpected prover response getting labels: " + resp.ToString()); } } return res; } private Outcome GetResponse() { var result = Outcome.Undetermined; var wasUnknown = false; Process.Ping(); while (true) { var resp = Process.GetProverResponse(); if (resp == null || Process.IsPong(resp)) break; switch (resp.Name) { case "unsat": result = Outcome.Valid; break; case "sat": result = Outcome.Invalid; break; case "unknown": result = Outcome.Invalid; wasUnknown = true; break; default: HandleProverError("Unexpected prover response: " + resp.ToString()); break; } } if (wasUnknown) { SendThisVC("(get-info :reason-unknown)"); Process.Ping(); while (true) { var resp = Process.GetProverResponse(); if (resp == null || Process.IsPong(resp)) break; if (resp.ArgCount == 1 && resp.Name == ":reason-unknown") { switch (resp[0].Name) { case "memout": currentErrorHandler.OnResourceExceeded("memory"); result = Outcome.OutOfMemory; Process.NeedsRestart = true; break; case "timeout": currentErrorHandler.OnResourceExceeded("timeout"); result = Outcome.TimeOut; break; default: break; } } else { HandleProverError("Unexpected prover response (getting info about 'unknown' response): " + resp.ToString()); } } } return result; } protected string VCExpr2String(VCExpr expr, int polarity) { Contract.Requires(expr != null); Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result() != null); DateTime start = DateTime.UtcNow; //if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.Trace) // Console.Write("Linearising ... "); // handle the types in the VCExpr TypeEraser eraser; switch (CommandLineOptions.Clo.TypeEncodingMethod) { case CommandLineOptions.TypeEncoding.Arguments: eraser = new TypeEraserArguments((TypeAxiomBuilderArguments)AxBuilder, gen); break; case CommandLineOptions.TypeEncoding.Monomorphic: eraser = null; break; default: eraser = new TypeEraserPremisses((TypeAxiomBuilderPremisses)AxBuilder, gen); break; } VCExpr exprWithoutTypes = eraser == null ? expr : eraser.Erase(expr, polarity); Contract.Assert(exprWithoutTypes != null); LetBindingSorter letSorter = new LetBindingSorter(gen); Contract.Assert(letSorter != null); VCExpr sortedExpr = letSorter.Mutate(exprWithoutTypes, true); Contract.Assert(sortedExpr != null); VCExpr sortedAxioms = letSorter.Mutate(AxBuilder.GetNewAxioms(), true); Contract.Assert(sortedAxioms != null); DeclCollector.Collect(sortedAxioms); DeclCollector.Collect(sortedExpr); FeedTypeDeclsToProver(); AddAxiom(SMTLibExprLineariser.ToString(sortedAxioms, Namer, options)); string res = SMTLibExprLineariser.ToString(sortedExpr, Namer, options); Contract.Assert(res != null); if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.Trace) { DateTime end = DateTime.UtcNow; TimeSpan elapsed = end - start; if (elapsed.TotalSeconds > 0.5) Console.WriteLine("Linearising [{0} s]", elapsed.TotalSeconds); } return res; } // the list of all known axioms, where have to be included in each // verification condition private readonly List!*/> Axioms = new List(); private bool AxiomsAreSetup = false; // similarly, a list of function/predicate declarations private readonly List!*/> TypeDecls = new List(); protected void AddAxiom(string axiom) { Contract.Requires(axiom != null); Axioms.Add(axiom); // if (thmProver != null) { // LogActivity(":assume " + axiom); // thmProver.AddAxioms(axiom); // } } protected void AddTypeDecl(string decl) { Contract.Requires(decl != null); TypeDecls.Add(decl); // if (thmProver != null) { // LogActivity(decl); // thmProver.Feed(decl, 0); // } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private static string _backgroundPredicates; static void InitializeGlobalInformation(string backgroundPred) { Contract.Requires(backgroundPred != null); Contract.Ensures(_backgroundPredicates != null); //throws ProverException, System.IO.FileNotFoundException; if (_backgroundPredicates == null) { string codebaseString = cce.NonNull(Path.GetDirectoryName(cce.NonNull(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location))); // Initialize '_backgroundPredicates' string univBackPredPath = Path.Combine(codebaseString, backgroundPred); using (StreamReader reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(univBackPredPath)) { _backgroundPredicates = reader.ReadToEnd(); } } } public override VCExpressionGenerator VCExprGen { get { return this.gen; } } //// Push/pop interface //List pushedAssertions = new List(); //int numRealPushes; public override string VCExpressionToString(VCExpr vc) { return VCExpr2String(vc, 1); } public override void PushVCExpression(VCExpr vc) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public override void Pop() { SendThisVC("(pop 1)"); DeclCollector.Pop(); } public override int NumAxiomsPushed() { throw new NotImplementedException(); //return numRealPushes + pushedAssertions.Count; } private void FlushPushedAssertions() { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public override void Assert(VCExpr vc, bool polarity) { string a = ""; if (polarity) { a = "(assert " + VCExpr2String(vc, 1) + ")"; } else { a = "(assert (not\n" + VCExpr2String(vc, 1) + "\n))"; } AssertAxioms(); SendThisVC(a); } public override void DefineMacro(Macro f, VCExpr vc) { DeclCollector.AddFunction(f); string printedName = Namer.GetQuotedName(f, f.Name); var argTypes = f.InParams.Cast().MapConcat(p => DeclCollector.TypeToStringReg(p.TypedIdent.Type), " "); string decl = "(define-fun " + printedName + " (" + argTypes + ") " + DeclCollector.TypeToStringReg(f.OutParams[0].TypedIdent.Type) + " " + VCExpr2String(vc, 1) + ")"; AssertAxioms(); SendThisVC(decl); } public override void AssertAxioms() { FlushAxioms(); } public override void Check() { PrepareCommon(); SendThisVC("(check-sat)"); FlushLogFile(); } public override void SetTimeOut(int ms) { SendThisVC("(set-option :SOFT_TIMEOUT " + ms.ToString() + ")\n"); } public override object Evaluate(VCExpr expr) { string vcString = VCExpr2String(expr, 1); SendThisVC("(get-value (" + vcString + "))"); var resp = Process.GetProverResponse(); if (resp == null) throw new VCExprEvaluationException(); if (!(resp.Name == "" && resp.ArgCount == 1)) throw new VCExprEvaluationException(); resp = resp.Arguments[0]; if (resp.Name == "") { // evaluating an expression if (resp.ArgCount == 2) resp = resp.Arguments[1]; else throw new VCExprEvaluationException(); } else { // evaluating a variable if (resp.ArgCount == 1) resp = resp.Arguments[0]; else throw new VCExprEvaluationException(); } if (resp.Name == "-" && resp.ArgCount == 1) return Microsoft.Basetypes.BigNum.FromString("-" + resp.Arguments[0].Name); if (resp.ArgCount != 0) throw new VCExprEvaluationException(); if (expr.Type.Equals(Boogie.Type.Bool)) return bool.Parse(resp.Name); else if (expr.Type.Equals(Boogie.Type.Int)) return Microsoft.Basetypes.BigNum.FromString(resp.Name); else return resp.Name; } /// /// Extra state for ApiChecker (used by stratifiedInlining) /// static int nameCounter = 0; public override Outcome CheckAssumptions(List assumptions, out List unsatCore, ErrorHandler handler) { unsatCore = new List(); Push(); // Name the assumptions var nameToAssumption = new Dictionary(); int i = 0; foreach (var vc in assumptions) { var name = "a" + nameCounter.ToString(); nameCounter++; nameToAssumption.Add(name, i); string vcString = VCExpr2String(vc, 1); AssertAxioms(); SendThisVC(string.Format("(assert (! {0} :named {1}))", vcString, name)); i++; } Check(); var outcome = CheckOutcomeCore(handler); if (outcome != Outcome.Valid) { Pop(); return outcome; } Contract.Assert(usingUnsatCore, "SMTLib prover not setup for computing unsat cores"); SendThisVC("(get-unsat-core)"); var resp = Process.GetProverResponse(); unsatCore = new List(); if (resp.Name != "") unsatCore.Add(nameToAssumption[resp.Name]); foreach (var s in resp.Arguments) unsatCore.Add(nameToAssumption[s.Name]); FlushLogFile(); Pop(); return outcome; } public override void Push() { SendThisVC("(push 1)"); DeclCollector.Push(); } public override Outcome CheckAssumptions(List hardAssumptions, List softAssumptions, out List unsatisfiedSoftAssumptions, ErrorHandler handler) { unsatisfiedSoftAssumptions = new List(); // First, convert both hard and soft assumptions to SMTLIB strings List hardAssumptionStrings = new List(); foreach (var a in hardAssumptions) { hardAssumptionStrings.Add(VCExpr2String(a, 1)); } List currAssumptionStrings = new List(); foreach (var a in softAssumptions) { currAssumptionStrings.Add(VCExpr2String(a, 1)); } Push(); AssertAxioms(); foreach (var a in hardAssumptionStrings) { SendThisVC("(assert " + a + ")"); } Check(); Outcome outcome = GetResponse(); if (outcome != Outcome.Invalid) { Pop(); return outcome; } int k = 0; List relaxVars = new List(); while (true) { Push(); foreach (var a in currAssumptionStrings) { SendThisVC("(assert " + a + ")"); } Check(); outcome = CheckOutcomeCore(handler); if (outcome != Outcome.Valid) break; Pop(); string relaxVar = "relax_" + k; relaxVars.Add(relaxVar); SendThisVC("(declare-fun " + relaxVar + " () Int)"); List nextAssumptionStrings = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < currAssumptionStrings.Count; i++) { string constraint = "(= " + relaxVar + " " + i + ")"; nextAssumptionStrings.Add("(or " + currAssumptionStrings[i] + " " + constraint + ")"); } currAssumptionStrings = nextAssumptionStrings; k++; } if (outcome == Outcome.Invalid) { foreach (var relaxVar in relaxVars) { SendThisVC("(get-value (" + relaxVar + "))"); FlushLogFile(); var resp = Process.GetProverResponse(); if (resp == null) break; if (!(resp.Name == "" && resp.ArgCount == 1)) break; resp = resp.Arguments[0]; if (!(resp.Name != "" && resp.ArgCount == 1)) break; resp = resp.Arguments[0]; if (resp.ArgCount != 0) break; int v; if (int.TryParse(resp.Name, out v)) unsatisfiedSoftAssumptions.Add(v); else break; } Pop(); } Pop(); return outcome; } } public class SMTLibProverContext : DeclFreeProverContext { internal SMTLibProcessTheoremProver parent; public readonly Dictionary> KnownDatatypeConstructors = new Dictionary>(); public SMTLibProverContext(VCExpressionGenerator gen, VCGenerationOptions genOptions) : base(gen, genOptions) { } protected SMTLibProverContext(SMTLibProverContext par) : base(par) { } public override object Clone() { return new SMTLibProverContext(this); } public override string Lookup(VCExprVar var) { VCExprVar v = parent.AxBuilder.TryTyped2Untyped(var); if (v != null) { var = v; } return parent.Namer.Lookup(var); } public override void DeclareFunction(Function f, string attributes) { if (f is DatatypeConstructor) { CtorType datatype = (CtorType) f.OutParams[0].TypedIdent.Type; if (!KnownDatatypeConstructors.ContainsKey(datatype)) KnownDatatypeConstructors[datatype] = new List(); KnownDatatypeConstructors[datatype].Add(f); } base.DeclareFunction(f, attributes); } } public class Factory : ProverFactory { public override object SpawnProver(ProverOptions options, object ctxt) { //Contract.Requires(ctxt != null); //Contract.Requires(options != null); Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result() != null); return this.SpawnProver(options, cce.NonNull((SMTLibProverContext)ctxt).ExprGen, cce.NonNull((SMTLibProverContext)ctxt)); } public override object NewProverContext(ProverOptions options) { //Contract.Requires(options != null); Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result() != null); VCExpressionGenerator gen = new VCExpressionGenerator(); List/*!>!*/ proverCommands = new List(); proverCommands.Add("smtlib"); var opts = (SMTLibProverOptions)options ; if (opts.Solver == SolverKind.Z3) proverCommands.Add("z3"); else proverCommands.Add("external"); VCGenerationOptions genOptions = new VCGenerationOptions(proverCommands); return new SMTLibProverContext(gen, genOptions); } public override ProverOptions BlankProverOptions() { return new SMTLibProverOptions(); } protected virtual SMTLibProcessTheoremProver SpawnProver(ProverOptions options, VCExpressionGenerator gen, SMTLibProverContext ctx) { Contract.Requires(options != null); Contract.Requires(gen != null); Contract.Requires(ctx != null); Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result() != null); return new SMTLibProcessTheoremProver(options, gen, ctx); } public override bool SupportsLabels(ProverOptions options) { return ((SMTLibProverOptions)options).SupportsLabels; } } }