using System.Text; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Diagnostics.Contracts; namespace Microsoft.Boogie { [Immutable] public interface IToken { int kind { get; set; } // token kind string filename { get; set; } // token file int pos { get; set; } // token position in the source text (starting at 0) int col { get; set; } // token column (starting at 0) int line { get; set; } // token line (starting at 1) string/*!*/ val { get; set; } // token value bool IsValid { get; } } [Immutable] public class Token : IToken { public int _kind; // token kind string _filename; // token file public int _pos; // token position in the source text (starting at 0) public int _col; // token column (starting at 1) public int _line; // token line (starting at 1) public string/*!*/ _val; // token value public Token next; // ML 2005-03-11 Tokens are kept in linked list public static readonly IToken/*!*/ NoToken = new Token(); public Token() { this._val = "anything so that it is nonnull"; } public Token(int linenum, int colnum) : base() {//BASEMOVE DANGER this._line = linenum; this._col = colnum; this._val = "anything so that it is nonnull"; //:base(); } public int kind { get { return this._kind; } set { this._kind = value; } } public string filename { get { return this._filename; } set { this._filename = value; } } public int pos { get { return this._pos; } set { this._pos = value; } } public int col { get { return this._col; } set { this._col = value; } } public int line { get { return this._line; } set { this._line = value; } } public string/*!*/ val { get { return this._val; } set { this._val = value; } } public bool IsValid { get { return this._filename != null; } } } public static class ParserHelper { struct ReadState { public bool hasSeenElse; public bool mayStillIncludeAnotherAlternative; public ReadState(bool hasSeenElse, bool mayStillIncludeAnotherAlternative) { this.hasSeenElse = hasSeenElse; this.mayStillIncludeAnotherAlternative = mayStillIncludeAnotherAlternative; } } // "arg" is assumed to be trimmed private static bool IfdefConditionSaysToInclude(string arg, List/*!*/ defines) { Contract.Requires(arg != null); Contract.Requires(cce.NonNullElements(defines)); bool sense = true; while (arg.StartsWith("!")) { sense = !sense; arg = arg.Substring(1).TrimStart(); } return defines.Contains(arg) == sense; } public static string Fill(Stream stream, List/*!*/ defines) { Contract.Requires(stream != null); Contract.Requires(cce.NonNullElements(defines)); Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result() != null); StreamReader/*!*/ reader = new StreamReader(stream); return Fill(reader, defines); } public static string Fill(TextReader reader, List/*!*/ defines) { Contract.Requires(reader != null); Contract.Requires(cce.NonNullElements(defines)); Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result() != null); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); List/*!*/ readState = new List(); // readState.Count is the current nesting level of #if's int ignoreCutoff = -1; // -1 means we're not ignoring; for 0<=n, n means we're ignoring because of something at nesting level n while (true) //invariant -1 <= ignoreCutoff && ignoreCutoff < readState.Count; { string s = reader.ReadLine(); if (s == null) { if (readState.Count != 0) { sb.AppendLine("#MalformedInput: missing #endif"); } break; } string t = s.Trim(); if (t.StartsWith("#if")) { ReadState rs = new ReadState(false, false); if (ignoreCutoff != -1) { // we're already in a state of ignoring, so continue to ignore } else if (IfdefConditionSaysToInclude(t.Substring(3).TrimStart(), defines)) { // include this branch } else { ignoreCutoff = readState.Count; // start ignoring rs.mayStillIncludeAnotherAlternative = true; // allow some later "elsif" or "else" branch to be included } readState.Add(rs); sb.AppendLine(); // ignore the #if line } else if (t.StartsWith("#elsif")) { ReadState rs; if (readState.Count == 0 || (rs = readState[readState.Count - 1]).hasSeenElse) { sb.AppendLine("#MalformedInput: misplaced #elsif"); // malformed input break; } if (ignoreCutoff == -1) { // we had included the previous branch //Contract.Assert(!rs.mayStillIncludeAnotherAlternative); ignoreCutoff = readState.Count - 1; // start ignoring } else if (rs.mayStillIncludeAnotherAlternative && IfdefConditionSaysToInclude(t.Substring(6).TrimStart(), defines)) { // include this branch, but no subsequent branch at this level ignoreCutoff = -1; rs.mayStillIncludeAnotherAlternative = false; readState[readState.Count - 1] = rs; } sb.AppendLine(); // ignore the #elsif line } else if (t == "#else") { ReadState rs; if (readState.Count == 0 || (rs = readState[readState.Count - 1]).hasSeenElse) { sb.AppendLine("#MalformedInput: misplaced #else"); // malformed input break; } rs.hasSeenElse = true; if (ignoreCutoff == -1) { // we had included the previous branch //Contract.Assert(!rs.mayStillIncludeAnotherAlternative); ignoreCutoff = readState.Count - 1; // start ignoring } else if (rs.mayStillIncludeAnotherAlternative) { // include this branch ignoreCutoff = -1; rs.mayStillIncludeAnotherAlternative = false; } readState[readState.Count - 1] = rs; sb.AppendLine(); // ignore the #else line } else if (t == "#endif") { if (readState.Count == 0) { sb.AppendLine("#MalformedInput: misplaced #endif"); // malformed input break; } readState.RemoveAt(readState.Count - 1); // pop if (ignoreCutoff == readState.Count) { // we had ignored the branch that ends here; so, now we start including again ignoreCutoff = -1; } sb.AppendLine(); // ignore the #endif line } else if (ignoreCutoff == -1) { sb.AppendLine(s); // included line } else { sb.AppendLine(); // ignore the line } } return sb.ToString(); } } }