using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Numerics; namespace Microsoft.Boogie.ModelViewer { public enum NameSeqSuffix { None, WhenNonZero, Always } public abstract class LanguageModel : ILanguageSpecificModel { protected Dictionary baseNameUse = new Dictionary(); protected Dictionary canonicalName = new Dictionary(); protected Dictionary invCanonicalName = new Dictionary(); protected Dictionary localValue = new Dictionary(); protected Dictionary sourceLocations = new Dictionary(); public readonly Model model; protected virtual bool UseLocalsForCanonicalNames { get { return false; } } public readonly ViewOptions viewOpts; public LanguageModel(Model model, ViewOptions opts) { this.model = model; viewOpts = opts; } public string AsPow2(Model.Integer elt) { var n = BigInteger.Parse(elt.Numeral); var pow = new BigInteger(4096*4); var k = 14; var neg = false; if (n < 0) { n = -n; neg = true; } while (k < 150) { var diff = pow / 1000; if (pow - diff < n && n < pow + diff) { diff = n - pow; var res = string.Format("2^{0}{1}{2}", k, diff >= 0 ? "+" : "", diff); if (neg) res = "-(" + res + ")"; return res; } if (n < pow) break; k++; pow *= 2; } return elt.ToString(); } // Elements (other than integers and Booleans) get canonical names of the form // "'", where is returned by this function, and is given // starting with 0, and incrementing when there are conflicts between bases. // // This function needs to return an appropriate base name for the element. It is given // the element. // // A reasonable strategy is to check if it's a name of the local, and if so return it, // and otherwise use the type of element (e.g., return "seq" for elements representing // sequences). It is also possible to return "" in such cases. // // The suff output parameter specifies whether the number sequence suffix should be // always added, only when it's non-zero, or never. protected virtual string CanonicalBaseName(Model.Element elt, out NameSeqSuffix suff) { string res; if (elt is Model.Integer || elt is Model.Boolean) { suff = NameSeqSuffix.None; return elt.ToString(); } suff = NameSeqSuffix.Always; if (UseLocalsForCanonicalNames) { if (localValue.TryGetValue(elt, out res)) return res; } return ""; } public virtual void RegisterLocalValue(string name, Model.Element elt) { string curr; if (localValue.TryGetValue(elt, out curr) && CompareFieldNames(name, curr) >= 0) return; localValue[elt] = name; } protected virtual string AppendSuffix(string baseName, int id) { return baseName + "'" + id.ToString(); } public virtual string CanonicalName(Model.Element elt) { string res; if (elt == null) return "?"; if (canonicalName.TryGetValue(elt, out res)) return res; NameSeqSuffix suff; var baseName = CanonicalBaseName(elt, out suff); if (baseName == "") suff = NameSeqSuffix.Always; if (viewOpts.DebugMode && !(elt is Model.Boolean) && !(elt is Model.Number)) { baseName += string.Format("({0})", elt); suff = NameSeqSuffix.WhenNonZero; } int cnt; if (!baseNameUse.TryGetValue(baseName, out cnt)) cnt = -1; cnt++; if (suff == NameSeqSuffix.Always || (cnt > 0 && suff == NameSeqSuffix.WhenNonZero)) res = AppendSuffix(baseName, cnt); else res = baseName; baseNameUse[baseName] = cnt; canonicalName.Add(elt, res); invCanonicalName[res.Replace(" ", "")] = elt; return res; } public virtual Model.Element FindElement(string canonicalName) { Model.Element res; if (invCanonicalName.TryGetValue(canonicalName.Replace(" ", ""), out res)) return res; return null; } public virtual string PathName(IEnumerable path) { return path.Select(n => n.Name).Concat("."); } public abstract IEnumerable States { get; } /// /// Walks each input tree in BFS order, and force evaluation of Name and Value properties /// (to get reasonable numbering of canonical values). /// public void Flush(IEnumerable roots) { var workList = new Queue(); Action> addList = (IEnumerable nodes) => { var ch = new Dictionary(); foreach (var x in nodes) { if (ch.ContainsKey(x.Name)) { // throw new System.InvalidOperationException("duplicated model entry: " + x.Name); } ch[x.Name] = x; } foreach (var k in SortFields(nodes)) workList.Enqueue(ch[k]); }; addList(roots); var visited = new HashSet(); while (workList.Count > 0) { var n = workList.Dequeue(); var dummy1 = n.Name; var dummy2 = n.Value; if (n.Element != null) { if (visited.Contains(n.Element)) continue; visited.Add(n.Element); } addList(n.Children); } } #region field name sorting /* static bool HasSpecialChars(string s) { for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; ++i) switch (s[i]) { case '[': case '<': case '>': case ']': case '#': case '\\': case '(': case ')': return true; } return false; } */ static ulong GetNumber(string s, int beg) { ulong res = 0; while (beg < s.Length) { var c = s[beg]; if ('0' <= c && c <= '9') { res *= 10; res += (uint)c - (uint)'0'; } beg++; } return res; } public virtual int CompareFieldNames(string f1, string f2) { /* bool s1 = HasSpecialChars(f1); bool s2 = HasSpecialChars(f2); if (s1 && !s2) return 1; if (!s1 && s2) return -1; */ var len = Math.Min(f1.Length, f2.Length); var numberPos = -1; for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { var c1 = f1[i]; var c2 = f2[i]; if ('0' <= c1 && c1 <= '9' && '0' <= c2 && c2 <= '9') { numberPos = i; break; } if (c1 != c2) break; } if (numberPos >= 0) { var v1 = GetNumber(f1, numberPos); var v2 = GetNumber(f2, numberPos); if (v1 < v2) return -1; else if (v1 > v2) return 1; } return string.CompareOrdinal(f1, f2); } public virtual int CompareFields(IDisplayNode n1, IDisplayNode n2) { var diff = (int)n1.Category - (int)n2.Category; if (diff != 0) return diff; else return CompareFieldNames(n1.Name, n2.Name); } public virtual IEnumerable SortFields(IEnumerable fields_) { var fields = new List(fields_); fields.Sort(CompareFields); return fields.Select(f => f.Name); } #endregion #region Displaying source code class Position : IComparable { public int Line, Column, Index; public int CharPos; public string Name; public int CompareTo(Position other) { if (this.Line == other.Line) return this.Column - other.Column; return this.Line - other.Line; } } public class SourceLocation { public string Filename; public string AddInfo; public int Line; public int Column; } public SourceViewState GetSourceLocation(string name) { SourceViewState res; sourceLocations.TryGetValue(name, out res); return res; } // example parsed token: @"c:\users\foo\bar.c(12,10) : random string" // the ": random string" part is optional public virtual SourceLocation TryParseSourceLocation(string name) { var par = name.LastIndexOf('('); if (par <= 0) return null; var res = new SourceLocation() { Filename = name.Substring(0, par) }; var words = name.Substring(par + 1).Split(',', ')', ':').Where(x => x != "").ToArray(); if (words.Length < 2) return null; if (!int.TryParse(words[0], out res.Line) || !int.TryParse(words[1], out res.Column)) return null; var colon = name.IndexOf(':', par); if (colon > 0) res.AddInfo = name.Substring(colon + 1).Trim(); else res.AddInfo = ""; return res; } static char[] dirSeps = new char[] { '\\', '/' }; public virtual string ShortenToken(string tok, int fnLimit, bool addAddInfo) { var loc = TryParseSourceLocation(tok); if (loc != null) { var fn = loc.Filename; var idx = fn.LastIndexOfAny(dirSeps); if (idx > 0) fn = fn.Substring(idx + 1); if (fn.Length > fnLimit) { fn = fn.Substring(0, fnLimit) + ".."; } var addInfo = addAddInfo ? loc.AddInfo : ""; if (addInfo != "") addInfo = ":" + addInfo; return string.Format("{0}({1},{2}){3}", fn, loc.Line, loc.Column, addInfo); } else { return tok; } } protected virtual void RtfAppend(StringBuilder sb, char c, ref int pos) { pos++; switch (c) { case '\r': pos--; break; case '\\': sb.Append("\\\\"); break; case '\n': sb.Append("\\par\n"); break; case '{': sb.Append("\\{"); break; case '}': sb.Append("\\}"); break; default: sb.Append(c); break; } } protected virtual void RtfAppendStateIdx(StringBuilder sb, string label, ref int pos) { label += "."; pos += label.Length; sb.Append(@"{\sub\cf5\highlight4 ").Append(label).Append("}"); } protected virtual void RtfAppendLineNo(StringBuilder sb, int num, ref int pos) { string n = string.Format("{0:0000}: ", num); pos += n.Length; sb.Append(@"{\cf6 ").Append(n).Append("}"); } protected virtual void GenerateSourceLocations(IEnumerable states) { sourceLocations = new Dictionary(); var files = new Dictionary>(); var sIdx = -1; foreach (var s in states) { var sn = s.CapturedStateName; sIdx++; var loc = TryParseSourceLocation(sn); if (loc == null) continue; List positions; if (!files.TryGetValue(loc.Filename, out positions)) { positions = new List(); files[loc.Filename] = positions; } positions.Add(new Position() { Name = sn, Line = loc.Line, Column = loc.Column, Index = sIdx }); } foreach (var kv in files) { var positions = kv.Value; positions.Sort(); string content = ""; if (System.IO.File.Exists(kv.Key)) { try { content = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(kv.Key); } catch { continue; } } else { continue; } var pos = new Position() { Line = 1, Column = 1 }; var currPosIdx = 0; var output = new StringBuilder(); RtfAppendLineNo(output, pos.Line, ref pos.CharPos); foreach (var c in content) { if (c == '\n') { pos.Column = int.MaxValue; // flush remaining positions in this line } while (currPosIdx < positions.Count && pos.CompareTo(positions[currPosIdx]) >= 0) { positions[currPosIdx].CharPos = pos.CharPos; RtfAppendStateIdx(output, positions[currPosIdx].Index.ToString(), ref pos.CharPos); currPosIdx++; } RtfAppend(output, c, ref pos.CharPos); if (c == '\n') { pos.Line++; pos.Column = 1; RtfAppendLineNo(output, pos.Line, ref pos.CharPos); } else { pos.Column++; } } var resStr = output.ToString(); foreach (var p in positions) { sourceLocations[p.Name] = new SourceViewState() { Header = p.Name, Location = p.CharPos, RichTextContent = resStr }; } } } #endregion } public abstract class NamedState : IState { protected Model.CapturedState state; private LanguageModel langModel; // no point making it protected - they will need VccModel, DafnyModel public NamedState(Model.CapturedState s, LanguageModel lm) { this.state = s; this.langModel = lm; } public Model.CapturedState State { get { return state; } } public virtual string Name { get { return langModel.ShortenToken(state.Name, 20, true); } } // by overriding this, one state can masqureade another public virtual string CapturedStateName { get { return State.Name; } } public virtual SourceViewState ShowSource() { return langModel.GetSourceLocation(CapturedStateName); } public abstract IEnumerable Nodes { get; } } public class EdgeName { static readonly Model.Element[] emptyArgs = new Model.Element[0]; ILanguageSpecificModel langModel; string format; string cachedName; Model.Element[] args; public EdgeName(ILanguageSpecificModel n, string format, params Model.Element[] args) { this.langModel = n; this.format = format; this.args = args; } public EdgeName(string name) : this(null, name, emptyArgs) { Util.Assert(name != null); } public override string ToString() { if (cachedName != null) return cachedName; cachedName = Format(); return cachedName; } public override int GetHashCode() { int res = format.GetHashCode(); foreach (var c in args) { res += c.GetHashCode(); res *= 13; } return res; } public override bool Equals(object obj) { EdgeName e = obj as EdgeName; if (e == null) return false; if (e == this) return true; if (e.format != this.format || e.args.Length != this.args.Length) return false; for (int i = 0; i < this.args.Length; ++i) if (this.args[i] != e.args[i]) return false; return true; } protected virtual string Format() { if (args == null || args.Length == 0) return format; var res = new StringBuilder(format.Length); for (int i = 0; i < format.Length; ++i) { var c = format[i]; /* var canonical = false; if (c == '%' && i < format.Length - 1) { if (format[i + 1] == 'c') { ++i; canonical = true; } } */ if (c == '%' && i < format.Length - 1) { var j = i + 1; while (j < format.Length && char.IsDigit(format[j])) j++; var len = j - i - 1; if (len > 0) { var idx = int.Parse(format.Substring(i + 1, len)); res.Append(langModel.CanonicalName(args[idx])); i = j - 1; continue; } } res.Append(c); } return res.ToString(); } public virtual IEnumerable Dependencies { get { return args; } } } }