using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Diagnostics; using Microsoft.Boogie; namespace GPUVerify { class Predicator { private bool AddPredicateParameter; private int WhileLoopCounter; private int IfCounter; private static HashSet RequiredHavocVariables; internal Predicator(bool AddPredicateParameter) { this.AddPredicateParameter = AddPredicateParameter; WhileLoopCounter = 0; IfCounter = 0; RequiredHavocVariables = new HashSet(); } internal void transform(Implementation impl) { Expr Predicate; if (AddPredicateParameter) { VariableSeq NewIns = new VariableSeq(); Variable PredicateVariable = new LocalVariable(impl.tok, new TypedIdent(impl.tok, "_P", Microsoft.Boogie.Type.Bool)); NewIns.Add(PredicateVariable); foreach (Variable v in impl.InParams) { NewIns.Add(v); } impl.InParams = NewIns; Predicate = new IdentifierExpr(impl.tok, PredicateVariable); } else { Predicate = Expr.True; } impl.StructuredStmts = MakePredicated(impl.StructuredStmts, Predicate, null); AddPredicateLocalVariables(impl); } private StmtList MakePredicated(StmtList sl, Expr predicate, IdentifierExpr EnclosingLoopPredicate) { StmtList result = new StmtList(new List(), sl.EndCurly); foreach (BigBlock bodyBlock in sl.BigBlocks) { List newBigBlocks = MakePredicated(bodyBlock, predicate, EnclosingLoopPredicate); foreach (BigBlock newBigBlock in newBigBlocks) { result.BigBlocks.Add(newBigBlock); } } return result; } private List MakePredicated(BigBlock b, Expr IncomingPredicate, IdentifierExpr EnclosingLoopPredicate) { // Not sure what to do about the transfer command List result = new List(); BigBlock firstBigBlock = new BigBlock(b.tok, b.LabelName, new CmdSeq(), null,; result.Add(firstBigBlock); foreach (Cmd c in b.simpleCmds) { if (c is CallCmd) { CallCmd Call = c as CallCmd; List NewIns = new List(); NewIns.Add(IncomingPredicate); foreach (Expr e in Call.Ins) { NewIns.Add(e); } CallCmd NewCallCmd = new CallCmd(Call.tok, Call.callee, NewIns, Call.Outs); firstBigBlock.simpleCmds.Add(NewCallCmd); } else if (IncomingPredicate.Equals(Expr.True)) { firstBigBlock.simpleCmds.Add(c); } else if (c is AssignCmd) { AssignCmd assign = c as AssignCmd; Debug.Assert(assign.Lhss.Count == 1 && assign.Rhss.Count == 1); ExprSeq iteArgs = new ExprSeq(); iteArgs.Add(IncomingPredicate); iteArgs.Add(assign.Rhss.ElementAt(0)); iteArgs.Add(assign.Lhss.ElementAt(0).AsExpr); NAryExpr ite = new NAryExpr(assign.tok, new IfThenElse(assign.tok), iteArgs); List newRhs = new List(); newRhs.Add(ite); AssignCmd newAssign = new AssignCmd(assign.tok, assign.Lhss, newRhs); firstBigBlock.simpleCmds.Add(newAssign); } else if (c is HavocCmd) { HavocCmd havoc = c as HavocCmd; Debug.Assert(havoc.Vars.Length == 1); Microsoft.Boogie.Type type = havoc.Vars[0].Decl.TypedIdent.Type; Debug.Assert(type != null); RequiredHavocVariables.Add(type); IdentifierExpr HavocTempExpr = new IdentifierExpr(havoc.tok, new LocalVariable(havoc.tok, new TypedIdent(havoc.tok, "_HAVOC_" + type.ToString(), type))); firstBigBlock.simpleCmds.Add(new HavocCmd(havoc.tok, new IdentifierExprSeq(new IdentifierExpr[] { HavocTempExpr }))); List lhss = new List(); lhss.Add(new SimpleAssignLhs(havoc.tok, havoc.Vars[0])); List rhss = new List(); rhss.Add(new NAryExpr(havoc.tok, new IfThenElse(havoc.tok), new ExprSeq(new Expr[] { IncomingPredicate, HavocTempExpr, havoc.Vars[0] }))); firstBigBlock.simpleCmds.Add(new AssignCmd(havoc.tok, lhss, rhss)); } else { Debug.Assert(false); } } if ( is WhileCmd) { string LoopPredicate = "_LC" + WhileLoopCounter; WhileLoopCounter++; IdentifierExpr PredicateExpr = new IdentifierExpr(, new LocalVariable(, new TypedIdent(, LoopPredicate, Microsoft.Boogie.Type.Bool))); Expr GuardExpr = ( as WhileCmd).Guard; List WhilePredicateLhss = new List(); WhilePredicateLhss.Add(new SimpleAssignLhs(, PredicateExpr)); List WhilePredicateRhss = new List(); WhilePredicateRhss.Add(IncomingPredicate.Equals(Expr.True) ? GuardExpr : Expr.And(IncomingPredicate, GuardExpr)); firstBigBlock.simpleCmds.Add(new AssignCmd(, WhilePredicateLhss, WhilePredicateRhss)); WhileCmd NewWhile = new WhileCmd(, PredicateExpr, ( as WhileCmd).Invariants, MakePredicated(( as WhileCmd).Body, PredicateExpr, PredicateExpr)); List UpdatePredicateRhss = new List(); UpdatePredicateRhss.Add(Expr.And(PredicateExpr, GuardExpr)); CmdSeq updateCmd = new CmdSeq(); updateCmd.Add(new AssignCmd(, WhilePredicateLhss, UpdatePredicateRhss)); NewWhile.Body.BigBlocks.Add(new BigBlock(, "update_" + LoopPredicate, updateCmd, null, null)); = NewWhile; } else if ( is IfCmd) { IfCmd IfCommand = as IfCmd; string IfPredicate = "_P" + IfCounter; IfCounter++; IdentifierExpr PredicateExpr = new IdentifierExpr(, new LocalVariable(, new TypedIdent(, IfPredicate, Microsoft.Boogie.Type.Bool))); Expr GuardExpr = IfCommand.Guard; List IfPredicateLhss = new List(); IfPredicateLhss.Add(new SimpleAssignLhs(, PredicateExpr)); List IfPredicateRhss = new List(); IfPredicateRhss.Add(GuardExpr); firstBigBlock.simpleCmds.Add(new AssignCmd(, IfPredicateLhss, IfPredicateRhss)); Debug.Assert(IfCommand.elseIf == null); // We need to preprocess these away StmtList PredicatedThen = MakePredicated(IfCommand.thn, Expr.And(IncomingPredicate, PredicateExpr), EnclosingLoopPredicate); foreach (BigBlock bb in PredicatedThen.BigBlocks) { result.Add(bb); } if (IfCommand.elseBlock != null) { StmtList PredicatedElse = MakePredicated(IfCommand.elseBlock, Expr.And(IncomingPredicate, Expr.Not(PredicateExpr)), EnclosingLoopPredicate); foreach (BigBlock bb in PredicatedElse.BigBlocks) { result.Add(bb); } } } else if ( is BreakCmd) { firstBigBlock.simpleCmds.Add(new AssignCmd(b.tok, new List(new AssignLhs[] { new SimpleAssignLhs(b.tok, EnclosingLoopPredicate) }), new List(new Expr[] { new NAryExpr(b.tok, new IfThenElse(b.tok), new ExprSeq(new Expr[] { IncomingPredicate, Expr.False, EnclosingLoopPredicate })) }) )); = null; } else { Debug.Assert( == null); } return result; } private void AddPredicateLocalVariables(Implementation impl) { for (int i = 0; i < IfCounter; i++) { impl.LocVars.Add(new LocalVariable(impl.tok, new TypedIdent(impl.tok, "_P" + i, Microsoft.Boogie.Type.Bool))); } for (int i = 0; i < WhileLoopCounter; i++) { impl.LocVars.Add(new LocalVariable(impl.tok, new TypedIdent(impl.tok, "_LC" + i, Microsoft.Boogie.Type.Bool))); } foreach (Microsoft.Boogie.Type t in RequiredHavocVariables) { impl.LocVars.Add(new LocalVariable(impl.tok, new TypedIdent(impl.tok, "_HAVOC_" + t.ToString(), t))); } } } }