using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Diagnostics; using Microsoft.Boogie; using Microsoft.Basetypes; namespace GPUVerify { class MayBePowerOfTwoAnalyser { private GPUVerifier verifier; private Dictionary> mayBePowerOfTwoInfo; public MayBePowerOfTwoAnalyser(GPUVerifier verifier) { this.verifier = verifier; mayBePowerOfTwoInfo = new Dictionary>(); } internal void Analyse() { foreach (Declaration D in verifier.Program.TopLevelDeclarations) { if (D is Implementation) { Implementation Impl = D as Implementation; mayBePowerOfTwoInfo.Add(Impl.Name, new Dictionary()); SetNotPowerOfTwo(Impl.Name, GPUVerifier._X.Name); SetNotPowerOfTwo(Impl.Name, GPUVerifier._Y.Name); SetNotPowerOfTwo(Impl.Name, GPUVerifier._Z.Name); foreach (Variable v in Impl.LocVars) { SetNotPowerOfTwo(Impl.Name, v.Name); } foreach (Variable v in Impl.InParams) { SetNotPowerOfTwo(Impl.Name, v.Name); } foreach (Variable v in Impl.OutParams) { SetNotPowerOfTwo(Impl.Name, v.Name); } // Fixpoint not required - this is just syntactic Analyse(Impl); } } if (CommandLineOptions.ShowMayBePowerOfTwoAnalysis) { dump(); } } private void SetNotPowerOfTwo(string p, string v) { mayBePowerOfTwoInfo[p][v] = false; } private void Analyse(Implementation Impl) { Analyse(Impl, Impl.StructuredStmts); } private void Analyse(Implementation impl, StmtList stmtList) { foreach (BigBlock bb in stmtList.BigBlocks) { Analyse(impl, bb); } } private void Analyse(Implementation impl, BigBlock bb) { foreach (Cmd c in bb.simpleCmds) { if (c is AssignCmd) { AssignCmd assign = c as AssignCmd; assign = c as AssignCmd; Debug.Assert(assign.Lhss.Count == 1); Debug.Assert(assign.Rhss.Count == 1); if (assign.Lhss[0] is SimpleAssignLhs) { Variable v = (assign.Lhss[0] as SimpleAssignLhs).AssignedVariable.Decl; if (mayBePowerOfTwoInfo[impl.Name].ContainsKey(v.Name)) { if (isPowerOfTwoOperation(v, assign.Rhss[0])) { mayBePowerOfTwoInfo[impl.Name][v.Name] = true; } } } } } if ( is WhileCmd) { WhileCmd wc = as WhileCmd; Analyse(impl, wc.Body); } else if ( is IfCmd) { IfCmd ifCmd = as IfCmd; Analyse(impl, ifCmd.thn); if (ifCmd.elseBlock != null) { Analyse(impl, ifCmd.elseBlock); } Debug.Assert(ifCmd.elseIf == null); } } private bool isPowerOfTwoOperation(Variable v, Expr expr) { if (!( v.TypedIdent.Type.Equals( Microsoft.Boogie.Type.GetBvType(8)) || v.TypedIdent.Type.Equals( Microsoft.Boogie.Type.GetBvType(16)) || v.TypedIdent.Type.Equals( Microsoft.Boogie.Type.GetBvType(32)) )) { return false; } Microsoft.Boogie.Type bvType = v.TypedIdent.Type as BvType; if (!(expr is NAryExpr)) { return false; } NAryExpr nary = expr as NAryExpr; string bvPrefix = "BV" + bvType.BvBits + "_"; if (nary.Fun.FunctionName.Equals(bvPrefix + "MUL")) { Debug.Assert(nary.Args.Length == 2); return ( (IsVariable(nary.Args[0], v) || IsVariable(nary.Args[1], v)) && (IsConstant(nary.Args[0], 2) || IsConstant(nary.Args[1], 2)) ); } if (nary.Fun.FunctionName.Equals(bvPrefix + "DIV")) { Debug.Assert(nary.Args.Length == 2); return ( IsVariable(nary.Args[0], v) && IsConstant(nary.Args[1], 2) ); } if (nary.Fun.FunctionName.Equals(bvPrefix + "SHL")) { return ( IsVariable(nary.Args[0], v) && IsConstant(nary.Args[1], 1) ); } if (nary.Fun.FunctionName.Equals(bvPrefix + "ASHR")) { return ( IsVariable(nary.Args[0], v) && IsConstant(nary.Args[1], 1) ); } return false; } private bool IsConstant(Expr expr, int x) { if (!(expr is LiteralExpr)) { return false; } LiteralExpr lit = expr as LiteralExpr; if (!(lit.Val is BvConst)) { return false; } return (lit.Val as BvConst).Value.ToInt == x; } private bool IsVariable(Expr expr, Variable v) { return expr is IdentifierExpr && ((expr as IdentifierExpr).Decl.Name.Equals(v.Name)); } private void dump() { foreach (string p in mayBePowerOfTwoInfo.Keys) { Console.WriteLine("Procedure " + p); foreach (string v in mayBePowerOfTwoInfo[p].Keys) { Console.WriteLine(" " + v + ": " + (mayBePowerOfTwoInfo[p][v] ? "may be power of two" : "likely not power of two")); } } } internal bool MayBePowerOfTwo(string p, string v) { if (!mayBePowerOfTwoInfo.ContainsKey(p)) { return false; } if (!mayBePowerOfTwoInfo[p].ContainsKey(v)) { return false; } return mayBePowerOfTwoInfo[p][v]; } } }