using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using Microsoft.Boogie; using Microsoft.Basetypes; using System.Diagnostics; namespace GPUVerify { class LoopInvariantGenerator { private GPUVerifier verifier; private Implementation Impl; public LoopInvariantGenerator(GPUVerifier verifier, Implementation Impl) { this.verifier = verifier; this.Impl = Impl; } internal void instrument(List UserSuppliedInvariants) { HashSet LocalVars = new HashSet(); foreach (Variable v in Impl.LocVars) { LocalVars.Add(v); } foreach (Variable v in Impl.InParams) { LocalVars.Add(v); } foreach (Variable v in Impl.OutParams) { LocalVars.Add(v); } AddCandidateInvariants(Impl.StructuredStmts, LocalVars, UserSuppliedInvariants, Impl); } private void AddEqualityCandidateInvariant(WhileCmd wc, string LoopPredicate, Variable v) { verifier.AddCandidateInvariant(wc, Expr.Eq( new IdentifierExpr(wc.tok, new VariableDualiser(1, verifier.uniformityAnalyser, Impl.Name).VisitVariable(v.Clone() as Variable)), new IdentifierExpr(wc.tok, new VariableDualiser(2, verifier.uniformityAnalyser, Impl.Name).VisitVariable(v.Clone() as Variable)) ), "equality"); } private void AddPredicatedEqualityCandidateInvariant(WhileCmd wc, string LoopPredicate, Variable v) { verifier.AddCandidateInvariant(wc, Expr.Imp( Expr.And( new IdentifierExpr(wc.tok, new LocalVariable(wc.tok, new TypedIdent(wc.tok, LoopPredicate + "$1", Microsoft.Boogie.Type.Int))), new IdentifierExpr(wc.tok, new LocalVariable(wc.tok, new TypedIdent(wc.tok, LoopPredicate + "$2", Microsoft.Boogie.Type.Int))) ), Expr.Eq( new IdentifierExpr(wc.tok, new VariableDualiser(1, verifier.uniformityAnalyser, Impl.Name).VisitVariable(v.Clone() as Variable)), new IdentifierExpr(wc.tok, new VariableDualiser(2, verifier.uniformityAnalyser, Impl.Name).VisitVariable(v.Clone() as Variable)) )), "predicated equality"); } private void AddBarrierDivergenceCandidates(HashSet LocalVars, Implementation Impl, WhileCmd wc) { if (CommandLineOptions.AddDivergenceCandidatesOnlyToBarrierLoops) { if (!verifier.ContainsBarrierCall(wc.Body)) { return; } } if (verifier.uniformityAnalyser.IsUniform(Impl.Name, wc.Guard)) { return; } Debug.Assert(wc.Guard is NAryExpr); Debug.Assert((wc.Guard as NAryExpr).Args.Length == 2); Debug.Assert((wc.Guard as NAryExpr).Args[0] is IdentifierExpr); string LoopPredicate = ((wc.Guard as NAryExpr).Args[0] as IdentifierExpr).Name; LoopPredicate = LoopPredicate.Substring(0, LoopPredicate.IndexOf('$')); verifier.AddCandidateInvariant(wc, Expr.Eq( // Int type used here, but it doesn't matter as we will print and then re-parse the program new IdentifierExpr(wc.tok, new LocalVariable(wc.tok, new TypedIdent(wc.tok, LoopPredicate + "$1", Microsoft.Boogie.Type.Int))), new IdentifierExpr(wc.tok, new LocalVariable(wc.tok, new TypedIdent(wc.tok, LoopPredicate + "$2", Microsoft.Boogie.Type.Int))) ), "loop predicate equality"); foreach (Variable v in LocalVars) { if (verifier.uniformityAnalyser.IsUniform(Impl.Name, v.Name)) { continue; } string lv = GPUVerifier.StripThreadIdentifier(v.Name); if (GPUVerifier.IsPredicateOrTemp(lv)) { continue; } if (CommandLineOptions.AddDivergenceCandidatesOnlyIfModified) { if (!verifier.ContainsNamedVariable(GetModifiedVariables(wc.Body), GPUVerifier.StripThreadIdentifier(v.Name))) { continue; } } AddEqualityCandidateInvariant(wc, LoopPredicate, new LocalVariable(wc.tok, new TypedIdent(wc.tok, lv, Microsoft.Boogie.Type.Int))); if (Impl != verifier.KernelImplementation) { AddPredicatedEqualityCandidateInvariant(wc, LoopPredicate, new LocalVariable(wc.tok, new TypedIdent(wc.tok, lv, Microsoft.Boogie.Type.Int))); } } if (CommandLineOptions.ArrayEqualities) { foreach (Variable v in verifier.NonLocalState.getAllNonLocalVariables()) { if (!verifier.ArrayModelledAdversarially(v)) { AddEqualityCandidateInvariant(wc, LoopPredicate, v); } } } } private void AddCandidateInvariants(StmtList stmtList, HashSet LocalVars, List UserSuppliedInvariants, Implementation Impl) { foreach (BigBlock bb in stmtList.BigBlocks) { AddCandidateInvariants(bb, LocalVars, UserSuppliedInvariants, Impl); } } private void AddCandidateInvariants(BigBlock bb, HashSet LocalVars, List UserSuppliedInvariants, Implementation Impl) { if ( is WhileCmd) { WhileCmd wc = as WhileCmd; AddBarrierDivergenceCandidates(LocalVars, Impl, wc); AddLoopVariableBoundsCandidateInvariants(Impl, wc); AddPowerOfTwoCandidateInvariants(Impl, wc); verifier.RaceInstrumenter.AddRaceCheckingCandidateInvariants(Impl, wc); AddUserSuppliedInvariants(wc, UserSuppliedInvariants, Impl); AddCandidateInvariants(wc.Body, LocalVars, UserSuppliedInvariants, Impl); } else if ( is IfCmd) { IfCmd ifCmd = as IfCmd; AddCandidateInvariants(ifCmd.thn, LocalVars, UserSuppliedInvariants, Impl); if (ifCmd.elseBlock != null) { AddCandidateInvariants(ifCmd.elseBlock, LocalVars, UserSuppliedInvariants, Impl); } } else { Debug.Assert( == null); } } private void AddPowerOfTwoCandidateInvariants(Implementation Impl, WhileCmd wc) { foreach (Variable v in Impl.LocVars) { string basicName = GPUVerifier.StripThreadIdentifier(v.Name); if (verifier.uniformityAnalyser.IsUniform(Impl.Name, basicName)) { if (verifier.mayBePowerOfTwoAnalyser.MayBePowerOfTwo(Impl.Name, basicName)) { if (verifier.ContainsNamedVariable(GetModifiedVariables(wc.Body), basicName)) { verifier.AddCandidateInvariant(wc, MakePowerOfTwoExpr(v), "pow2 disjunction"); for (int i = (1 << 15); i > 0; i >>= 1) { verifier.AddCandidateInvariant(wc, GPUVerifier.MakeBitVectorBinaryBoolean("BV32_LT", new IdentifierExpr(v.tok, v), new LiteralExpr(v.tok, BigNum.FromInt(i), 32)), "pow2 less than " + i); } verifier.AddCandidateInvariant(wc, Expr.Neq(new IdentifierExpr(v.tok, v), new LiteralExpr(v.tok, BigNum.FromInt(0), 32)), "pow2 not zero"); } } } } } private Expr MakePowerOfTwoExpr(Variable v) { Expr result = null; for (int i = 1 << 15; i > 0; i >>= 1) { Expr eq = Expr.Eq(new IdentifierExpr(v.tok, v), new LiteralExpr(v.tok, BigNum.FromInt(i), 32)); result = (result == null ? eq : Expr.Or(eq, result)); } return Expr.Or(Expr.Eq(new IdentifierExpr(v.tok, v), new LiteralExpr(v.tok, BigNum.FromInt(0), 32)), result); } private void AddLoopVariableBoundsCandidateInvariants(Implementation Impl, WhileCmd wc) { if (verifier.uniformityAnalyser.IsUniform(Impl.Name, wc.Guard)) { VariablesOccurringInExpressionVisitor visitor = new VariablesOccurringInExpressionVisitor(); visitor.VisitExpr(wc.Guard); foreach (Variable v in visitor.GetVariables()) { if (!verifier.ContainsNamedVariable(GetModifiedVariables(wc.Body), v.Name)) { continue; } if (IsBVType (v.TypedIdent.Type)) { int BVWidth = (v.TypedIdent.Type as BvType).Bits; verifier.AddCandidateInvariant(wc, GPUVerifier.MakeBitVectorBinaryBoolean("BV" + BVWidth + "_GEQ", new IdentifierExpr(v.tok, v), new LiteralExpr(v.tok, BigNum.FromInt(0), BVWidth)), "loop guard variable non-negative"); } } } } private bool IsBVType(Microsoft.Boogie.Type type) { return type.Equals(Microsoft.Boogie.Type.GetBvType(32)) || type.Equals(Microsoft.Boogie.Type.GetBvType(16)) || type.Equals(Microsoft.Boogie.Type.GetBvType(8)); } private void AddUserSuppliedInvariants(WhileCmd wc, List UserSuppliedInvariants, Implementation Impl) { foreach (Expr e in UserSuppliedInvariants) { wc.Invariants.Add(new AssertCmd(wc.tok, e)); bool OK = verifier.ProgramIsOK(Impl); wc.Invariants.RemoveAt(wc.Invariants.Count - 1); if (OK) { verifier.AddCandidateInvariant(wc, e, "user supplied"); } } } internal static HashSet GetModifiedVariables(StmtList stmtList) { HashSet result = new HashSet(); foreach (BigBlock bb in stmtList.BigBlocks) { HashSet resultForBlock = GetModifiedVariables(bb); foreach (Variable v in resultForBlock) { result.Add(v); } } return result; } private static HashSet GetModifiedVariables(BigBlock bb) { HashSet result = new HashSet(); foreach (Cmd c in bb.simpleCmds) { VariableSeq vars = new VariableSeq(); c.AddAssignedVariables(vars); foreach (Variable v in vars) { result.Add(v); } } if ( is WhileCmd) { HashSet modifiedByLoop = GetModifiedVariables(( as WhileCmd).Body); foreach (Variable v in modifiedByLoop) { result.Add(v); } } else if ( is IfCmd) { HashSet modifiedByThen = GetModifiedVariables(( as IfCmd).thn); foreach (Variable v in modifiedByThen) { result.Add(v); } if (( as IfCmd).elseBlock != null) { HashSet modifiedByElse = GetModifiedVariables(( as IfCmd).elseBlock); foreach (Variable v in modifiedByElse) { result.Add(v); } } Debug.Assert(( as IfCmd).elseIf == null); } return result; } } }