using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.IO; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Diagnostics.Contracts; using Microsoft.Boogie; using Microsoft.Basetypes; namespace GPUVerify { class GPUVerifier : CheckingContext { public string outputFilename; public Program Program; public Procedure KernelProcedure; public Implementation KernelImplementation; public Procedure BarrierProcedure; public INonLocalState NonLocalState = new NonLocalStateLists(); private HashSet ReservedNames = new HashSet(); internal HashSet HalfDualisedProcedureNames = new HashSet(); internal HashSet HalfDualisedVariableNames = new HashSet(); private int TempCounter = 0; private int invariantGenerationCounter; internal const string LOCAL_ID_X_STRING = "local_id_x"; internal const string LOCAL_ID_Y_STRING = "local_id_y"; internal const string LOCAL_ID_Z_STRING = "local_id_z"; internal static Constant _X = null; internal static Constant _Y = null; internal static Constant _Z = null; internal const string GROUP_SIZE_X_STRING = "group_size_x"; internal const string GROUP_SIZE_Y_STRING = "group_size_y"; internal const string GROUP_SIZE_Z_STRING = "group_size_z"; internal static Constant _GROUP_SIZE_X = null; internal static Constant _GROUP_SIZE_Y = null; internal static Constant _GROUP_SIZE_Z = null; internal const string GROUP_ID_X_STRING = "group_id_x"; internal const string GROUP_ID_Y_STRING = "group_id_y"; internal const string GROUP_ID_Z_STRING = "group_id_z"; internal static Constant _GROUP_X = null; internal static Constant _GROUP_Y = null; internal static Constant _GROUP_Z = null; internal const string NUM_GROUPS_X_STRING = "num_groups_x"; internal const string NUM_GROUPS_Y_STRING = "num_groups_y"; internal const string NUM_GROUPS_Z_STRING = "num_groups_z"; internal static Constant _NUM_GROUPS_X = null; internal static Constant _NUM_GROUPS_Y = null; internal static Constant _NUM_GROUPS_Z = null; public IRaceInstrumenter RaceInstrumenter; public UniformityAnalyser uniformityAnalyser; public MayBeThreadConfigurationVariableAnalyser mayBeTidAnalyser; public MayBeGidAnalyser mayBeGidAnalyser; public MayBeGlobalSizeAnalyser mayBeGlobalSizeAnalyser; public MayBeFlattened2DTidOrGidAnalyser mayBeFlattened2DTidOrGidAnalyser; public MayBeLocalIdPlusConstantAnalyser mayBeTidPlusConstantAnalyser; public MayBeGlobalIdPlusConstantAnalyser mayBeGidPlusConstantAnalyser; public MayBePowerOfTwoAnalyser mayBePowerOfTwoAnalyser; public LiveVariableAnalyser liveVariableAnalyser; public ArrayControlFlowAnalyser arrayControlFlowAnalyser; public GPUVerifier(string filename, Program program, IRaceInstrumenter raceInstrumenter) : this(filename, program, raceInstrumenter, false) { } public GPUVerifier(string filename, Program program, IRaceInstrumenter raceInstrumenter, bool skipCheck) : base((IErrorSink)null) { this.outputFilename = filename; this.Program = program; this.RaceInstrumenter = raceInstrumenter; if(!skipCheck) CheckWellFormedness(); } public void setRaceInstrumenter(IRaceInstrumenter ri) { this.RaceInstrumenter = ri; } private void CheckWellFormedness() { int errorCount = Check(); if (errorCount != 0) { Console.WriteLine("{0} GPUVerify format errors detected in {1}", errorCount, CommandLineOptions.inputFiles[CommandLineOptions.inputFiles.Count - 1]); Environment.Exit(1); } } private Procedure CheckExactlyOneKernelProcedure() { return CheckSingleInstanceOfAttributedProcedure(Program, "kernel"); } private Procedure CheckExactlyOneBarrierProcedure() { return CheckSingleInstanceOfAttributedProcedure(Program, "barrier"); } private Procedure CheckSingleInstanceOfAttributedProcedure(Program program, string attribute) { Procedure attributedProcedure = null; foreach (Declaration decl in program.TopLevelDeclarations) { if (!QKeyValue.FindBoolAttribute(decl.Attributes, attribute)) { continue; } if (decl is Implementation) { continue; } if (decl is Procedure) { if (attributedProcedure == null) { attributedProcedure = decl as Procedure; } else { Error(decl, "\"{0}\" attribute specified for procedure {1}, but it has already been specified for procedure {2}", attribute, (decl as Procedure).Name, attributedProcedure.Name); } } else { Error(decl, "\"{0}\" attribute can only be applied to a procedure", attribute); } } if (attributedProcedure == null) { Error(program, "\"{0}\" attribute has not been specified for any procedure. You must mark exactly one procedure with this attribute", attribute); } return attributedProcedure; } private void CheckLocalVariables() { foreach (LocalVariable LV in KernelImplementation.LocVars) { if (QKeyValue.FindBoolAttribute(LV.Attributes, "group_shared")) { Error(LV.tok, "Local variable must not be marked 'group_shared' -- promote the variable to global scope"); } } } private void ReportMultipleAttributeError(string attribute, IToken first, IToken second) { Error( second, "Can only have one {0} attribute, but previously saw this attribute at ({1}, {2})", attribute, first.filename, first.line, first.col - 1); } private bool setConstAttributeField(Constant constInProgram, string attr, ref Constant constFieldRef) { if (QKeyValue.FindBoolAttribute(constInProgram.Attributes, attr)) { if (constFieldRef != null) { ReportMultipleAttributeError(attr, constFieldRef.tok, constInProgram.tok); return false; } CheckSpecialConstantType(constInProgram); constFieldRef = constInProgram; } return true; } private bool FindNonLocalVariables(Program program) { bool success = true; foreach (Declaration D in program.TopLevelDeclarations) { if (D is Variable && (D as Variable).IsMutable) { if (!ReservedNames.Contains((D as Variable).Name)) { if (QKeyValue.FindBoolAttribute(D.Attributes, "group_shared")) { NonLocalState.getGroupSharedVariables().Add(D as Variable); } else if(QKeyValue.FindBoolAttribute(D.Attributes, "global")) { NonLocalState.getGlobalVariables().Add(D as Variable); } } } else if (D is Constant) { Constant C = D as Constant; success &= setConstAttributeField(C, LOCAL_ID_X_STRING, ref _X); success &= setConstAttributeField(C, LOCAL_ID_Y_STRING, ref _Y); success &= setConstAttributeField(C, LOCAL_ID_Z_STRING, ref _Z); success &= setConstAttributeField(C, GROUP_SIZE_X_STRING, ref _GROUP_SIZE_X); success &= setConstAttributeField(C, GROUP_SIZE_Y_STRING, ref _GROUP_SIZE_Y); success &= setConstAttributeField(C, GROUP_SIZE_Z_STRING, ref _GROUP_SIZE_Z); success &= setConstAttributeField(C, GROUP_ID_X_STRING, ref _GROUP_X); success &= setConstAttributeField(C, GROUP_ID_Y_STRING, ref _GROUP_Y); success &= setConstAttributeField(C, GROUP_ID_Z_STRING, ref _GROUP_Z); success &= setConstAttributeField(C, NUM_GROUPS_X_STRING, ref _NUM_GROUPS_X); success &= setConstAttributeField(C, NUM_GROUPS_Y_STRING, ref _NUM_GROUPS_Y); success &= setConstAttributeField(C, NUM_GROUPS_Z_STRING, ref _NUM_GROUPS_Z); } } return success; } private void CheckSpecialConstantType(Constant C) { if (!(C.TypedIdent.Type.Equals(Microsoft.Boogie.Type.Int) || C.TypedIdent.Type.Equals(Microsoft.Boogie.Type.GetBvType(32)))) { Error(C.tok, "Special constant '" + C.Name + "' must have type 'int' or 'bv32'"); } } private void GetKernelImplementation() { foreach (Declaration decl in Program.TopLevelDeclarations) { if (!(decl is Implementation)) { continue; } Implementation Impl = decl as Implementation; if (Impl.Proc == KernelProcedure) { KernelImplementation = Impl; break; } } if (KernelImplementation == null) { Error(Token.NoToken, "*** Error: no implementation of kernel procedure"); } } protected virtual void CheckKernelImplementation() { CheckKernelParameters(); GetKernelImplementation(); if (KernelImplementation == null) { return; } CheckLocalVariables(); CheckNoReturns(); } private void CheckNoReturns() { // TODO! } internal void preProcess() { RemoveRedundantReturns(); RemoveElseIfs(); AddStartAndEndBarriers(); PullOutNonLocalAccesses(); } internal void doit() { if (CommandLineOptions.ShowStages) { emitProgram(outputFilename + "_original"); } preProcess(); DoLiveVariableAnalysis(); DoUniformityAnalysis(); DoMayBeTidAnalysis(); DoMayBeIdPlusConstantAnalysis(); DoMayBePowerOfTwoAnalysis(); DoArrayControlFlowAnalysis(); if (CommandLineOptions.ShowStages) { emitProgram(outputFilename + "_preprocessed"); } if (RaceInstrumenter.AddRaceCheckingInstrumentation() == false) { return; } ProcessAccessInvariants(); if (CommandLineOptions.ShowStages) { emitProgram(outputFilename + "_instrumented"); } AbstractSharedState(); if (CommandLineOptions.ShowStages) { emitProgram(outputFilename + "_abstracted"); } MakeKernelPredicated(); if (CommandLineOptions.ShowStages) { emitProgram(outputFilename + "_predicated"); } MakeKernelDualised(); if (CommandLineOptions.ShowStages) { emitProgram(outputFilename + "_dualised"); } ProcessCrossThreadInvariants(); if (CommandLineOptions.ShowStages) { emitProgram(outputFilename + "_cross_thread_invariants"); } if (CommandLineOptions.Eager) { AddEagerRaceChecking(); } GenerateBarrierImplementation(); GenerateStandardKernelContract(); if (CommandLineOptions.ShowStages) { emitProgram(outputFilename + "_ready_to_verify"); } if (CommandLineOptions.Inference) { ComputeInvariant(); } emitProgram(outputFilename); if (CommandLineOptions.DividedAccesses) { Program p = GPUVerify.ParseBoogieProgram(new List(new string[] { outputFilename + ".bpl" }), true); p.Resolve(); p.Typecheck(); Contract.Assert(p != null); Implementation impl = null; { GPUVerifier tempGPUV = new GPUVerifier("not_used", p, new NullRaceInstrumenter(), true); tempGPUV.KernelProcedure = tempGPUV.CheckExactlyOneKernelProcedure(); tempGPUV.GetKernelImplementation(); impl = tempGPUV.KernelImplementation; } Contract.Assert(impl != null); NoConflictingAccessOptimiser opt = new NoConflictingAccessOptimiser(impl); Contract.Assert(opt.NumLogCalls() <= 2); if (opt.NumLogCalls() == 2 && !opt.HasConflicting()) { FileInfo f = new FileInfo(outputFilename); string newName = f.Directory.FullName + "\\" + "NO_CONFLICTS_" + f.Name + ".bpl"; //File.Delete(newName); if (File.Exists(newName)) { File.Delete(newName); } File.Move(outputFilename + ".bpl", newName); //Console.WriteLine("Renamed " + ouputFilename + "; no conflicting accesses (that are not already tested by other output files)."); } } } private void DoMayBePowerOfTwoAnalysis() { mayBePowerOfTwoAnalyser = new MayBePowerOfTwoAnalyser(this); mayBePowerOfTwoAnalyser.Analyse(); } private void DoMayBeTidAnalysis() { mayBeTidAnalyser = new MayBeThreadConfigurationVariableAnalyser(this); mayBeTidAnalyser.Analyse(); mayBeGidAnalyser = new MayBeGidAnalyser(this); mayBeGidAnalyser.Analyse(); mayBeGlobalSizeAnalyser = new MayBeGlobalSizeAnalyser(this); mayBeGlobalSizeAnalyser.Analyse(); mayBeFlattened2DTidOrGidAnalyser = new MayBeFlattened2DTidOrGidAnalyser(this); mayBeFlattened2DTidOrGidAnalyser.Analyse(); } private void DoMayBeIdPlusConstantAnalysis() { mayBeTidPlusConstantAnalyser = new MayBeLocalIdPlusConstantAnalyser(this); mayBeTidPlusConstantAnalyser.Analyse(); mayBeGidPlusConstantAnalyser = new MayBeGlobalIdPlusConstantAnalyser(this); mayBeGidPlusConstantAnalyser.Analyse(); } private void DoArrayControlFlowAnalysis() { arrayControlFlowAnalyser = new ArrayControlFlowAnalyser(this); arrayControlFlowAnalyser.Analyse(); } private void DoUniformityAnalysis() { uniformityAnalyser = new UniformityAnalyser(this); uniformityAnalyser.Analyse(); } private void DoLiveVariableAnalysis() { liveVariableAnalyser = new LiveVariableAnalyser(this); liveVariableAnalyser.Analyse(); } private void ProcessAccessInvariants() { foreach (Declaration d in Program.TopLevelDeclarations) { if (d is Procedure) { Procedure p = d as Procedure; p.Requires = ProcessAccessInvariants(p.Requires); p.Ensures = ProcessAccessInvariants(p.Ensures); } if (d is Implementation) { Implementation i = d as Implementation; ProcessAccessInvariants(i.StructuredStmts); } } } private void ProcessAccessInvariants(StmtList stmtList) { foreach (BigBlock bb in stmtList.BigBlocks) { ProcessAccessInvariants(bb); } } private void ProcessAccessInvariants(BigBlock bb) { CmdSeq newCommands = new CmdSeq(); foreach (Cmd c in bb.simpleCmds) { if (c is AssertCmd) { newCommands.Add(new AssertCmd(c.tok, new AccessInvariantProcessor().VisitExpr((c as AssertCmd).Expr.Clone() as Expr))); } else if (c is AssumeCmd) { newCommands.Add(new AssumeCmd(c.tok, new AccessInvariantProcessor().VisitExpr((c as AssumeCmd).Expr.Clone() as Expr))); } else { newCommands.Add(c); } } bb.simpleCmds = newCommands; if ( is WhileCmd) { WhileCmd whileCmd = as WhileCmd; whileCmd.Invariants = ProcessAccessInvariants(whileCmd.Invariants); ProcessAccessInvariants(whileCmd.Body); } else if ( is IfCmd) { ProcessAccessInvariants(( as IfCmd).thn); if (( as IfCmd).elseBlock != null) { ProcessAccessInvariants(( as IfCmd).elseBlock); } } } private List ProcessAccessInvariants(List invariants) { List result = new List(); foreach (PredicateCmd p in invariants) { PredicateCmd newP = new AssertCmd(p.tok, new AccessInvariantProcessor().VisitExpr(p.Expr.Clone() as Expr)); newP.Attributes = p.Attributes; result.Add(newP); } return result; } private EnsuresSeq ProcessAccessInvariants(EnsuresSeq ensuresSeq) { EnsuresSeq result = new EnsuresSeq(); foreach (Ensures e in ensuresSeq) { result.Add(new Ensures(e.Free, new AccessInvariantProcessor().VisitExpr(e.Condition.Clone() as Expr))); } return result; } private RequiresSeq ProcessAccessInvariants(RequiresSeq requiresSeq) { RequiresSeq result = new RequiresSeq(); foreach (Requires r in requiresSeq) { result.Add(new Requires(r.Free, new AccessInvariantProcessor().VisitExpr(r.Condition.Clone() as Expr))); } return result; } private void ProcessCrossThreadInvariants() { foreach (Declaration d in Program.TopLevelDeclarations) { if (d is Procedure) { Procedure p = d as Procedure; p.Requires = new CrossThreadInvariantProcessor(this, p.Name).ProcessCrossThreadInvariants(p.Requires); p.Ensures = new CrossThreadInvariantProcessor(this, p.Name).ProcessCrossThreadInvariants(p.Ensures); } if (d is Implementation) { Implementation i = d as Implementation; new CrossThreadInvariantProcessor(this, i.Name).ProcessCrossThreadInvariants(i.StructuredStmts); } } } private void emitProgram(string filename) { using (TokenTextWriter writer = new TokenTextWriter(filename + ".bpl")) { Program.Emit(writer); } } private void AddEagerRaceChecking() { foreach(Variable v in NonLocalState.getAllNonLocalVariables()) { foreach (Declaration d in Program.TopLevelDeclarations) { if (!(d is Implementation)) { continue; } Implementation impl = d as Implementation; if (impl.Name.Equals("_LOG_READ_" + v.Name) || impl.Name.Equals("_LOG_WRITE_" + v.Name)) { BigBlock bb = new BigBlock(v.tok, "__CheckForRaces", new CmdSeq(), null, null); RaceInstrumenter.CheckForRaces(bb, v, impl.Name.Equals("_LOG_READ_" + v.Name)); StmtList newStatements = new StmtList(new List(), v.tok); foreach(BigBlock bb2 in impl.StructuredStmts.BigBlocks) { newStatements.BigBlocks.Add(bb2); } newStatements.BigBlocks.Add(bb); impl.StructuredStmts = newStatements; } } } } private void ComputeInvariant() { invariantGenerationCounter = 0; for (int i = 0; i < Program.TopLevelDeclarations.Count; i++) { if (Program.TopLevelDeclarations[i] is Implementation) { Implementation Impl = Program.TopLevelDeclarations[i] as Implementation; List UserSuppliedInvariants = GetUserSuppliedInvariants(Impl.Name); new LoopInvariantGenerator(this, Impl).instrument(UserSuppliedInvariants); Procedure Proc = Impl.Proc; if (QKeyValue.FindIntAttribute(Proc.Attributes, "inline", -1) == 1) { continue; } if (Proc == KernelProcedure) { continue; } AddCandidateRequires(Proc); RaceInstrumenter.AddRaceCheckingCandidateRequires(Proc); AddUserSuppliedCandidateRequires(Proc, UserSuppliedInvariants); AddCandidateEnsures(Proc); RaceInstrumenter.AddRaceCheckingCandidateEnsures(Proc); AddUserSuppliedCandidateEnsures(Proc, UserSuppliedInvariants); } } } private void AddCandidateEnsures(Procedure Proc) { HashSet names = new HashSet(); foreach (Variable v in Proc.OutParams) { names.Add(StripThreadIdentifier(v.Name)); } foreach (string name in names) { if (!uniformityAnalyser.IsUniform(Proc.Name, name)) { AddEqualityCandidateEnsures(Proc, new LocalVariable(Proc.tok, new TypedIdent(Proc.tok, name, Microsoft.Boogie.Type.Int))); } } } private void AddCandidateRequires(Procedure Proc) { HashSet names = new HashSet(); foreach (Variable v in Proc.InParams) { names.Add(StripThreadIdentifier(v.Name)); } foreach (string name in names) { if (IsPredicateOrTemp(name)) { Debug.Assert(name.Equals("_P")); Debug.Assert(!uniformityAnalyser.IsUniform(Proc.Name)); AddCandidateRequires(Proc, Expr.Eq( new IdentifierExpr(Proc.tok, new LocalVariable(Proc.tok, new TypedIdent(Proc.tok, name + "$1", Microsoft.Boogie.Type.Bool))), new IdentifierExpr(Proc.tok, new LocalVariable(Proc.tok, new TypedIdent(Proc.tok, name + "$2", Microsoft.Boogie.Type.Bool))) )); } else { if (!uniformityAnalyser.IsUniform(Proc.Name, name)) { if (!uniformityAnalyser.IsUniform(Proc.Name)) { AddPredicatedEqualityCandidateRequires(Proc, new LocalVariable(Proc.tok, new TypedIdent(Proc.tok, name, Microsoft.Boogie.Type.Int))); } AddEqualityCandidateRequires(Proc, new LocalVariable(Proc.tok, new TypedIdent(Proc.tok, name, Microsoft.Boogie.Type.Int))); } } } } private void AddPredicatedEqualityCandidateRequires(Procedure Proc, Variable v) { AddCandidateRequires(Proc, Expr.Imp( Expr.And( new IdentifierExpr(Proc.tok, new LocalVariable(Proc.tok, new TypedIdent(Proc.tok, "_P$1", Microsoft.Boogie.Type.Bool))), new IdentifierExpr(Proc.tok, new LocalVariable(Proc.tok, new TypedIdent(Proc.tok, "_P$2", Microsoft.Boogie.Type.Bool))) ), Expr.Eq( new IdentifierExpr(Proc.tok, new VariableDualiser(1, uniformityAnalyser, Proc.Name).VisitVariable(v.Clone() as Variable)), new IdentifierExpr(Proc.tok, new VariableDualiser(2, uniformityAnalyser, Proc.Name).VisitVariable(v.Clone() as Variable)) ) )); } private void AddEqualityCandidateRequires(Procedure Proc, Variable v) { AddCandidateRequires(Proc, Expr.Eq( new IdentifierExpr(Proc.tok, new VariableDualiser(1, uniformityAnalyser, Proc.Name).VisitVariable(v.Clone() as Variable)), new IdentifierExpr(Proc.tok, new VariableDualiser(2, uniformityAnalyser, Proc.Name).VisitVariable(v.Clone() as Variable)) ) ); } private void AddEqualityCandidateEnsures(Procedure Proc, Variable v) { AddCandidateEnsures(Proc, Expr.Eq( new IdentifierExpr(Proc.tok, new VariableDualiser(1, uniformityAnalyser, Proc.Name).VisitVariable(v.Clone() as Variable)), new IdentifierExpr(Proc.tok, new VariableDualiser(2, uniformityAnalyser, Proc.Name).VisitVariable(v.Clone() as Variable)) )); } private void AddUserSuppliedCandidateRequires(Procedure Proc, List UserSuppliedInvariants) { foreach (Expr e in UserSuppliedInvariants) { Requires r = new Requires(false, e); Proc.Requires.Add(r); bool OK = ProgramIsOK(Proc); Proc.Requires.Remove(r); if (OK) { AddCandidateRequires(Proc, e); } } } private void AddUserSuppliedCandidateEnsures(Procedure Proc, List UserSuppliedInvariants) { foreach (Expr e in UserSuppliedInvariants) { Ensures ens = new Ensures(false, e); Proc.Ensures.Add(ens); bool OK = ProgramIsOK(Proc); Proc.Ensures.Remove(ens); if (OK) { AddCandidateEnsures(Proc, e); } } } internal void AddCandidateRequires(Procedure Proc, Expr e) { Constant ExistentialBooleanConstant = MakeExistentialBoolean(Proc.tok); IdentifierExpr ExistentialBoolean = new IdentifierExpr(Proc.tok, ExistentialBooleanConstant); Proc.Requires.Add(new Requires(false, Expr.Imp(ExistentialBoolean, e))); Program.TopLevelDeclarations.Add(ExistentialBooleanConstant); } internal void AddCandidateEnsures(Procedure Proc, Expr e) { Constant ExistentialBooleanConstant = MakeExistentialBoolean(Proc.tok); IdentifierExpr ExistentialBoolean = new IdentifierExpr(Proc.tok, ExistentialBooleanConstant); Proc.Ensures.Add(new Ensures(false, Expr.Imp(ExistentialBoolean, e))); Program.TopLevelDeclarations.Add(ExistentialBooleanConstant); } private List GetUserSuppliedInvariants(string ProcedureName) { List result = new List(); if (CommandLineOptions.invariantsFile == null) { return result; } StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(new FileStream(CommandLineOptions.invariantsFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)); string line; int lineNumber = 1; while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { string[] components = line.Split(':'); if (components.Length != 1 && components.Length != 2) { Console.WriteLine("Ignoring badly formed candidate invariant '" + line + "' at '" + CommandLineOptions.invariantsFile + "' line " + lineNumber); continue; } if (components.Length == 2) { if (!components[0].Trim().Equals(ProcedureName)) { continue; } line = components[1]; } string temp_program_text = "axiom (" + line + ");"; TokenTextWriter writer = new TokenTextWriter("temp_out.bpl"); writer.WriteLine(temp_program_text); writer.Close(); Program temp_program = GPUVerify.ParseBoogieProgram(new List(new string[] { "temp_out.bpl" }), false); if (null == temp_program) { Console.WriteLine("Ignoring badly formed candidate invariant '" + line + "' at '" + CommandLineOptions.invariantsFile + "' line " + lineNumber); } else { Debug.Assert(temp_program.TopLevelDeclarations[0] is Axiom); result.Add((temp_program.TopLevelDeclarations[0] as Axiom).Expr); } lineNumber++; } return result; } internal bool ContainsNamedVariable(HashSet variables, string name) { foreach(Variable v in variables) { if(StripThreadIdentifier(v.Name) == name) { return true; } } return false; } internal static bool IsPredicateOrTemp(string lv) { return (lv.Length >= 2 && lv.Substring(0,2).Equals("_P")) || (lv.Length > 3 && lv.Substring(0,3).Equals("_LC")) || (lv.Length > 5 && lv.Substring(0,5).Equals("_temp")); } internal bool ProgramIsOK(Declaration d) { Debug.Assert(d is Procedure || d is Implementation); TokenTextWriter writer = new TokenTextWriter("temp_out.bpl"); List RealDecls = Program.TopLevelDeclarations; List TempDecls = new List(); foreach (Declaration d2 in RealDecls) { if (d is Procedure) { if ((d == d2) || !(d2 is Implementation || d2 is Procedure)) { TempDecls.Add(d2); } } else if (d is Implementation) { if ((d == d2) || !(d2 is Implementation)) { TempDecls.Add(d2); } } } Program.TopLevelDeclarations = TempDecls; Program.Emit(writer); writer.Close(); Program.TopLevelDeclarations = RealDecls; Program temp_program = GPUVerify.ParseBoogieProgram(new List(new string[] { "temp_out.bpl" }), false); if (temp_program == null) { return false; } if (temp_program.Resolve() != 0) { return false; } if (temp_program.Typecheck() != 0) { return false; } return true; } public Microsoft.Boogie.Type GetTypeOfIdX() { Contract.Requires(_X != null); return _X.TypedIdent.Type; } public Microsoft.Boogie.Type GetTypeOfIdY() { Contract.Requires(_Y != null); return _Y.TypedIdent.Type; } public Microsoft.Boogie.Type GetTypeOfIdZ() { Contract.Requires(_Z != null); return _Z.TypedIdent.Type; } public Microsoft.Boogie.Type GetTypeOfId(string dimension) { Contract.Requires(dimension.Equals("X") || dimension.Equals("Y") || dimension.Equals("Z")); if (dimension.Equals("X")) return GetTypeOfIdX(); if (dimension.Equals("Y")) return GetTypeOfIdY(); if (dimension.Equals("Z")) return GetTypeOfIdZ(); Debug.Assert(false); return null; } public bool KernelHasIdX() { return _X != null; } public bool KernelHasIdY() { return _Y != null; } public bool KernelHasIdZ() { return _Z != null; } public bool KernelHasGroupIdX() { return _GROUP_X != null; } public bool KernelHasGroupIdY() { return _GROUP_Y != null; } public bool KernelHasGroupIdZ() { return _GROUP_Z != null; } public bool KernelHasNumGroupsX() { return _NUM_GROUPS_X != null; } public bool KernelHasNumGroupsY() { return _NUM_GROUPS_Y != null; } public bool KernelHasNumGroupsZ() { return _NUM_GROUPS_Z != null; } public bool KernelHasGroupSizeX() { return _GROUP_SIZE_X != null; } public bool KernelHasGroupSizeY() { return _GROUP_SIZE_Y != null; } public bool KernelHasGroupSizeZ() { return _GROUP_SIZE_Z != null; } internal Constant MakeExistentialBoolean(IToken tok) { Constant ExistentialBooleanConstant = new Constant(tok, new TypedIdent(tok, "_b" + invariantGenerationCounter, Microsoft.Boogie.Type.Bool), false); invariantGenerationCounter++; ExistentialBooleanConstant.AddAttribute("existential", new object[] { Expr.True }); return ExistentialBooleanConstant; } internal static string StripThreadIdentifier(string p) { if (p.Contains("$")) { return p.Substring(0, p.IndexOf("$")); } return p; } private void AddStartAndEndBarriers() { CallCmd FirstBarrier = new CallCmd(KernelImplementation.tok, BarrierProcedure.Name, new ExprSeq(), new IdentifierExprSeq()); CallCmd LastBarrier = new CallCmd(KernelImplementation.tok, BarrierProcedure.Name, new ExprSeq(), new IdentifierExprSeq()); FirstBarrier.Proc = KernelProcedure; LastBarrier.Proc = KernelProcedure; CmdSeq newCommands = new CmdSeq(); newCommands.Add(FirstBarrier); foreach (Cmd c in KernelImplementation.StructuredStmts.BigBlocks[0].simpleCmds) { newCommands.Add(c); } KernelImplementation.StructuredStmts.BigBlocks[0].simpleCmds = newCommands; // Last barrier is needed if we don't use eager race checking if (!CommandLineOptions.Eager) { CmdSeq lastCommand = new CmdSeq(); lastCommand.Add(LastBarrier); BigBlock bb = new BigBlock(KernelProcedure.tok, "__lastBarrier", lastCommand, null, null); KernelImplementation.StructuredStmts.BigBlocks.Add(bb); } } private void GenerateStandardKernelContract() { RaceInstrumenter.AddKernelPrecondition(); Expr AssumeDistinctThreads = null; Expr AssumeThreadIdsInRange = null; IToken tok = KernelImplementation.tok; GeneratePreconditionsForDimension(ref AssumeDistinctThreads, ref AssumeThreadIdsInRange, tok, "X"); GeneratePreconditionsForDimension(ref AssumeDistinctThreads, ref AssumeThreadIdsInRange, tok, "Y"); GeneratePreconditionsForDimension(ref AssumeDistinctThreads, ref AssumeThreadIdsInRange, tok, "Z"); if (AssumeDistinctThreads != null) { Debug.Assert(AssumeThreadIdsInRange != null); foreach (Declaration D in Program.TopLevelDeclarations) { if (!(D is Procedure)) { continue; } Procedure Proc = D as Procedure; if (QKeyValue.FindIntAttribute(Proc.Attributes, "inline", -1) == 1) { continue; } Proc.Requires.Add(new Requires(false, AssumeDistinctThreads)); Proc.Requires.Add(new Requires(false, AssumeThreadIdsInRange)); if (Proc != KernelProcedure) { RaceInstrumenter.AddNoRaceContract(Proc); } else { bool foundNonUniform = false; int indexOfFirstNonUniformParameter; for (indexOfFirstNonUniformParameter = 0; indexOfFirstNonUniformParameter < Proc.InParams.Length; indexOfFirstNonUniformParameter++) { if (!uniformityAnalyser.IsUniform(Proc.Name, StripThreadIdentifier(Proc.InParams[indexOfFirstNonUniformParameter].Name))) { foundNonUniform = true; break; } } if (foundNonUniform) { // I have a feeling this will never be reachable!!! int numberOfNonUniformParameters = (Proc.InParams.Length - indexOfFirstNonUniformParameter) / 2; for (int i = indexOfFirstNonUniformParameter; i < numberOfNonUniformParameters; i++) { Proc.Requires.Add(new Requires(false, Expr.Eq(new IdentifierExpr(Proc.InParams[i].tok, Proc.InParams[i]), new IdentifierExpr(Proc.InParams[i + numberOfNonUniformParameters].tok, Proc.InParams[i + numberOfNonUniformParameters])))); } } } } } else { Debug.Assert(AssumeThreadIdsInRange == null); } foreach (Declaration D in Program.TopLevelDeclarations) { if (!(D is Implementation)) { continue; } Implementation Impl = D as Implementation; RaceInstrumenter.AddNoRaceInvariants(Impl); if (QKeyValue.FindIntAttribute(Impl.Proc.Attributes, "inline", -1) == 1) { continue; } if (Impl.Proc == KernelProcedure) { continue; } new EnsureDisabledThreadHasNoEffectInstrumenter(this, Impl).instrument(); } } internal static void AddInvariantToAllLoops(Expr Invariant, StmtList stmtList) { foreach (BigBlock bb in stmtList.BigBlocks) { AddInvariantToAllLoops(Invariant, bb); } } internal static void AddInvariantToAllLoops(Expr Invariant, BigBlock bb) { if ( is WhileCmd) { WhileCmd wc = as WhileCmd; wc.Invariants.Add(new AssertCmd(wc.tok, Invariant)); AddInvariantToAllLoops(Invariant, wc.Body); } Debug.Assert(!( is IfCmd)); } internal static int GetThreadSuffix(string p) { return Int32.Parse(p.Substring(p.IndexOf("$") + 1, p.Length - (p.IndexOf("$") + 1))); } private void GeneratePreconditionsForDimension(ref Expr AssumeDistinctThreads, ref Expr AssumeThreadIdsInRange, IToken tok, String dimension) { foreach (Declaration D in Program.TopLevelDeclarations) { if (!(D is Procedure)) { continue; } Procedure Proc = D as Procedure; if (QKeyValue.FindIntAttribute(Proc.Attributes, "inline", -1) == 1) { continue; } if (GetTypeOfId(dimension).Equals(Microsoft.Boogie.Type.GetBvType(32))) { Proc.Requires.Add(new Requires(false, MakeBitVectorBinaryBoolean("BV32_GT", new IdentifierExpr(tok, GetGroupSize(dimension)), ZeroBV(tok)))); Proc.Requires.Add(new Requires(false, MakeBitVectorBinaryBoolean("BV32_GT", new IdentifierExpr(tok, GetNumGroups(dimension)), ZeroBV(tok)))); Proc.Requires.Add(new Requires(false, MakeBitVectorBinaryBoolean("BV32_GEQ", new IdentifierExpr(tok, GetGroupId(dimension)), ZeroBV(tok)))); Proc.Requires.Add(new Requires(false, MakeBitVectorBinaryBoolean("BV32_LT", new IdentifierExpr(tok, GetGroupId(dimension)), new IdentifierExpr(tok, GetNumGroups(dimension))))); } else { Proc.Requires.Add(new Requires(false, Expr.Gt(new IdentifierExpr(tok, GetGroupSize(dimension)), Zero(tok)))); Proc.Requires.Add(new Requires(false, Expr.Gt(new IdentifierExpr(tok, GetNumGroups(dimension)), Zero(tok)))); Proc.Requires.Add(new Requires(false, Expr.Ge(new IdentifierExpr(tok, GetGroupId(dimension)), Zero(tok)))); Proc.Requires.Add(new Requires(false, Expr.Lt(new IdentifierExpr(tok, GetGroupId(dimension)), new IdentifierExpr(tok, GetNumGroups(dimension))))); } } Expr AssumeThreadsDistinctInDimension = Expr.Neq( new IdentifierExpr(tok, MakeThreadId(tok, dimension, 1)), new IdentifierExpr(tok, MakeThreadId(tok, dimension, 2)) ); AssumeDistinctThreads = (null == AssumeDistinctThreads) ? AssumeThreadsDistinctInDimension : Expr.Or(AssumeDistinctThreads, AssumeThreadsDistinctInDimension); Expr AssumeThreadIdsInRangeInDimension = GetTypeOfId(dimension).Equals(Microsoft.Boogie.Type.GetBvType(32)) ? Expr.And( Expr.And( MakeBitVectorBinaryBoolean("BV32_GEQ", new IdentifierExpr(tok, MakeThreadId(tok, dimension, 1)), ZeroBV(tok)), MakeBitVectorBinaryBoolean("BV32_GEQ", new IdentifierExpr(tok, MakeThreadId(tok, dimension, 2)), ZeroBV(tok)) ), Expr.And( MakeBitVectorBinaryBoolean("BV32_LT", new IdentifierExpr(tok, MakeThreadId(tok, dimension, 1)), new IdentifierExpr(tok, GetGroupSize(dimension))), MakeBitVectorBinaryBoolean("BV32_LT", new IdentifierExpr(tok, MakeThreadId(tok, dimension, 2)), new IdentifierExpr(tok, GetGroupSize(dimension))) )) : Expr.And( Expr.And( Expr.Ge(new IdentifierExpr(tok, MakeThreadId(tok, dimension, 1)), Zero(tok)), Expr.Ge(new IdentifierExpr(tok, MakeThreadId(tok, dimension, 2)), Zero(tok)) ), Expr.And( Expr.Lt(new IdentifierExpr(tok, MakeThreadId(tok, dimension, 1)), new IdentifierExpr(tok, GetGroupSize(dimension))), Expr.Lt(new IdentifierExpr(tok, MakeThreadId(tok, dimension, 2)), new IdentifierExpr(tok, GetGroupSize(dimension))) )); AssumeThreadIdsInRange = (null == AssumeThreadIdsInRange) ? AssumeThreadIdsInRangeInDimension : Expr.And(AssumeThreadIdsInRange, AssumeThreadIdsInRangeInDimension); } internal static Expr MakeBitVectorBinaryBoolean(string functionName, Expr lhs, Expr rhs) { return new NAryExpr(lhs.tok, new FunctionCall(new Function(lhs.tok, functionName, new VariableSeq(new Variable[] { new LocalVariable(lhs.tok, new TypedIdent(lhs.tok, "arg1", Microsoft.Boogie.Type.GetBvType(32))), new LocalVariable(lhs.tok, new TypedIdent(lhs.tok, "arg2", Microsoft.Boogie.Type.GetBvType(32))) }), new LocalVariable(lhs.tok, new TypedIdent(lhs.tok, "result", Microsoft.Boogie.Type.Bool)))), new ExprSeq(new Expr[] { lhs, rhs })); } internal static Expr MakeBitVectorBinaryBitVector(string functionName, Expr lhs, Expr rhs) { return new NAryExpr(lhs.tok, new FunctionCall(new Function(lhs.tok, functionName, new VariableSeq(new Variable[] { new LocalVariable(lhs.tok, new TypedIdent(lhs.tok, "arg1", Microsoft.Boogie.Type.GetBvType(32))), new LocalVariable(lhs.tok, new TypedIdent(lhs.tok, "arg2", Microsoft.Boogie.Type.GetBvType(32))) }), new LocalVariable(lhs.tok, new TypedIdent(lhs.tok, "result", Microsoft.Boogie.Type.GetBvType(32))))), new ExprSeq(new Expr[] { lhs, rhs })); } internal Constant GetGroupSize(string dimension) { Contract.Requires(dimension.Equals("X") || dimension.Equals("Y") || dimension.Equals("Z")); if (dimension.Equals("X")) return _GROUP_SIZE_X; if (dimension.Equals("Y")) return _GROUP_SIZE_Y; if (dimension.Equals("Z")) return _GROUP_SIZE_Z; Debug.Assert(false); return null; } internal Constant GetNumGroups(string dimension) { Contract.Requires(dimension.Equals("X") || dimension.Equals("Y") || dimension.Equals("Z")); if (dimension.Equals("X")) return _NUM_GROUPS_X; if (dimension.Equals("Y")) return _NUM_GROUPS_Y; if (dimension.Equals("Z")) return _NUM_GROUPS_Z; Debug.Assert(false); return null; } internal Constant MakeThreadId(IToken tok, string dimension) { Contract.Requires(dimension.Equals("X") || dimension.Equals("Y") || dimension.Equals("Z")); string name = null; if (dimension.Equals("X")) name = _X.Name; if (dimension.Equals("Y")) name = _Y.Name; if (dimension.Equals("Z")) name = _Z.Name; Debug.Assert(name != null); return new Constant(tok, new TypedIdent(tok, name, GetTypeOfId(dimension))); } internal Constant MakeThreadId(IToken tok, string dimension, int number) { Constant resultWithoutThreadId = MakeThreadId(tok, dimension); return new Constant(tok, new TypedIdent(tok, resultWithoutThreadId.Name + "$" + number, GetTypeOfId(dimension))); } internal Constant GetGroupId(string dimension) { Contract.Requires(dimension.Equals("X") || dimension.Equals("Y") || dimension.Equals("Z")); if (dimension.Equals("X")) return _GROUP_X; if (dimension.Equals("Y")) return _GROUP_Y; if (dimension.Equals("Z")) return _GROUP_Z; Debug.Assert(false); return null; } private static LiteralExpr Zero(IToken tok) { return new LiteralExpr(tok, BigNum.FromInt(0)); } private static LiteralExpr ZeroBV(IToken tok) { return new LiteralExpr(tok, BigNum.FromInt(0), 32); } private void GenerateBarrierImplementation() { IToken tok = BarrierProcedure.tok; List bigblocks = new List(); BigBlock checkNonDivergence = new BigBlock(tok, "__BarrierImpl", new CmdSeq(), null, null); bigblocks.Add(checkNonDivergence); IdentifierExpr P1 = new IdentifierExpr(tok, new LocalVariable(tok, BarrierProcedure.InParams[0].TypedIdent)); IdentifierExpr P2 = new IdentifierExpr(tok, new LocalVariable(tok, BarrierProcedure.InParams[1].TypedIdent)); checkNonDivergence.simpleCmds.Add(new AssertCmd(tok, Expr.Eq(P1, P2))); if (!CommandLineOptions.OnlyDivergence) { List returnbigblocks = new List(); returnbigblocks.Add(new BigBlock(tok, "__Disabled", new CmdSeq(), null, new ReturnCmd(tok))); StmtList returnstatement = new StmtList(returnbigblocks, BarrierProcedure.tok); // We make this an "Or", not an "And", because "And" is implied by the assertion that the variables // are equal, together with the "Or". The weaker "Or" ensures that many auxiliary assertions will not // fail if divergence has not been proved. = new IfCmd(tok, Expr.Or(Expr.Not(P1), Expr.Not(P2)), returnstatement, null, null); } bigblocks.Add(RaceInstrumenter.MakeRaceCheckingStatements(tok)); BigBlock havocSharedState = new BigBlock(tok, "__HavocSharedState", new CmdSeq(), null, null); bigblocks.Add(havocSharedState); foreach (Variable v in NonLocalState.getAllNonLocalVariables()) { if (!ArrayModelledAdversarially(v)) { HavocAndAssumeEquality(tok, havocSharedState, v); } } StmtList statements = new StmtList(bigblocks, BarrierProcedure.tok); Implementation BarrierImplementation = new Implementation(BarrierProcedure.tok, BarrierProcedure.Name, new TypeVariableSeq(), BarrierProcedure.InParams, BarrierProcedure.OutParams, new VariableSeq(), statements); BarrierImplementation.AddAttribute("inline", new object[] { new LiteralExpr(tok, BigNum.FromInt(1)) }); BarrierProcedure.AddAttribute("inline", new object[] { new LiteralExpr(tok, BigNum.FromInt(1)) }); BarrierImplementation.Proc = BarrierProcedure; Program.TopLevelDeclarations.Add(BarrierImplementation); } public static bool HasZDimension(Variable v) { if (v.TypedIdent.Type is MapType) { MapType mt = v.TypedIdent.Type as MapType; if (mt.Result is MapType) { MapType mt2 = mt.Result as MapType; if (mt2.Result is MapType) { Debug.Assert(!((mt2.Result as MapType).Result is MapType)); return true; } } } return false; } public static bool HasYDimension(Variable v) { return v.TypedIdent.Type is MapType && (v.TypedIdent.Type as MapType).Result is MapType; } public static bool HasXDimension(Variable v) { return v.TypedIdent.Type is MapType; } private void HavocAndAssumeEquality(IToken tok, BigBlock bb, Variable v) { IdentifierExpr v1 = new IdentifierExpr(tok, new VariableDualiser(1, null, null).VisitVariable(v.Clone() as Variable)); IdentifierExpr v2 = new IdentifierExpr(tok, new VariableDualiser(2, null, null).VisitVariable(v.Clone() as Variable)); IdentifierExprSeq ModifiedVars = new IdentifierExprSeq(new IdentifierExpr[] { v1, v2 }); bb.simpleCmds.Add(new HavocCmd(tok, ModifiedVars)); bb.simpleCmds.Add(new AssumeCmd(tok, Expr.Eq(v1, v2))); } internal static bool ModifiesSetContains(IdentifierExprSeq Modifies, IdentifierExpr v) { foreach (IdentifierExpr ie in Modifies) { if (ie.Name.Equals(v.Name)) { return true; } } return false; } private void AbstractSharedState() { List NewTopLevelDeclarations = new List(); foreach (Declaration d in Program.TopLevelDeclarations) { if (d is Variable && NonLocalState.Contains(d as Variable) && ArrayModelledAdversarially(d as Variable)) { continue; } if (d is Implementation) { PerformFullSharedStateAbstraction(d as Implementation); } if (d is Procedure) { PerformFullSharedStateAbstraction(d as Procedure); } NewTopLevelDeclarations.Add(d); } Program.TopLevelDeclarations = NewTopLevelDeclarations; } private void PerformFullSharedStateAbstraction(Procedure proc) { IdentifierExprSeq NewModifies = new IdentifierExprSeq(); foreach (IdentifierExpr e in proc.Modifies) { if (!NonLocalState.Contains(e.Decl) || !ArrayModelledAdversarially(e.Decl)) { NewModifies.Add(e); } } proc.Modifies = NewModifies; } private void PerformFullSharedStateAbstraction(Implementation impl) { VariableSeq NewLocVars = new VariableSeq(); foreach (Variable v in impl.LocVars) { Debug.Assert(!NonLocalState.getGroupSharedVariables().Contains(v)); NewLocVars.Add(v); } impl.LocVars = NewLocVars; impl.StructuredStmts = PerformFullSharedStateAbstraction(impl.StructuredStmts); } private StmtList PerformFullSharedStateAbstraction(StmtList stmtList) { Contract.Requires(stmtList != null); StmtList result = new StmtList(new List(), stmtList.EndCurly); foreach (BigBlock bodyBlock in stmtList.BigBlocks) { result.BigBlocks.Add(PerformFullSharedStateAbstraction(bodyBlock)); } return result; } private BigBlock PerformFullSharedStateAbstraction(BigBlock bb) { BigBlock result = new BigBlock(bb.tok, bb.LabelName, new CmdSeq(), null,; foreach (Cmd c in bb.simpleCmds) { if (c is AssignCmd) { AssignCmd assign = c as AssignCmd; Debug.Assert(assign.Lhss.Count == 1); Debug.Assert(assign.Rhss.Count == 1); AssignLhs lhs = assign.Lhss[0]; Expr rhs = assign.Rhss[0]; ReadCollector rc = new ReadCollector(NonLocalState); rc.Visit(rhs); bool foundAdversarial = false; foreach (AccessRecord ar in rc.accesses) { if (ArrayModelledAdversarially(ar.v)) { foundAdversarial = true; break; } } if (foundAdversarial) { Debug.Assert(lhs is SimpleAssignLhs); result.simpleCmds.Add(new HavocCmd(c.tok, new IdentifierExprSeq(new IdentifierExpr[] { (lhs as SimpleAssignLhs).AssignedVariable }))); continue; } WriteCollector wc = new WriteCollector(NonLocalState); wc.Visit(lhs); if (wc.GetAccess() != null && ArrayModelledAdversarially(wc.GetAccess().v)) { continue; // Just remove the write } } result.simpleCmds.Add(c); } if ( is WhileCmd) { WhileCmd WhileCommand = as WhileCmd; = new WhileCmd(WhileCommand.tok, WhileCommand.Guard, WhileCommand.Invariants, PerformFullSharedStateAbstraction(WhileCommand.Body)); } else if ( is IfCmd) { IfCmd IfCommand = as IfCmd; Debug.Assert(IfCommand.elseIf == null); = new IfCmd(IfCommand.tok, IfCommand.Guard, PerformFullSharedStateAbstraction(IfCommand.thn), IfCommand.elseIf, IfCommand.elseBlock != null ? PerformFullSharedStateAbstraction(IfCommand.elseBlock) : null); } else { Debug.Assert( == null || is BreakCmd); } return result; } internal static GlobalVariable MakeOffsetZVariable(Variable v, string ReadOrWrite) { return new GlobalVariable(v.tok, new TypedIdent(v.tok, "_" + ReadOrWrite + "_OFFSET_Z_" + v.Name, IndexTypeOfZDimension(v))); } internal static GlobalVariable MakeOffsetYVariable(Variable v, string ReadOrWrite) { return new GlobalVariable(v.tok, new TypedIdent(v.tok, "_" + ReadOrWrite + "_OFFSET_Y_" + v.Name, IndexTypeOfYDimension(v))); } internal static GlobalVariable MakeOffsetXVariable(Variable v, string ReadOrWrite) { return new GlobalVariable(v.tok, new TypedIdent(v.tok, "_" + ReadOrWrite + "_OFFSET_X_" + v.Name, IndexTypeOfXDimension(v))); } public static Microsoft.Boogie.Type IndexTypeOfZDimension(Variable v) { Contract.Requires(HasZDimension(v)); MapType mt = v.TypedIdent.Type as MapType; MapType mt2 = mt.Result as MapType; MapType mt3 = mt2.Result as MapType; return mt3.Arguments[0]; } public static Microsoft.Boogie.Type IndexTypeOfYDimension(Variable v) { Contract.Requires(HasYDimension(v)); MapType mt = v.TypedIdent.Type as MapType; MapType mt2 = mt.Result as MapType; return mt2.Arguments[0]; } public static Microsoft.Boogie.Type IndexTypeOfXDimension(Variable v) { Contract.Requires(HasXDimension(v)); MapType mt = v.TypedIdent.Type as MapType; return mt.Arguments[0]; } private void AddRaceCheckingDeclarations(Variable v) { IdentifierExprSeq newVars = new IdentifierExprSeq(); Variable ReadHasOccurred = MakeAccessHasOccurredVariable(v.Name, "READ"); Variable WriteHasOccurred = MakeAccessHasOccurredVariable(v.Name, "WRITE"); newVars.Add(new IdentifierExpr(v.tok, ReadHasOccurred)); newVars.Add(new IdentifierExpr(v.tok, WriteHasOccurred)); Program.TopLevelDeclarations.Add(ReadHasOccurred); Program.TopLevelDeclarations.Add(WriteHasOccurred); if (v.TypedIdent.Type is MapType) { MapType mt = v.TypedIdent.Type as MapType; Debug.Assert(mt.Arguments.Length == 1); Debug.Assert(IsIntOrBv32(mt.Arguments[0])); Variable ReadOffsetX = MakeOffsetXVariable(v, "READ"); Variable WriteOffsetX = MakeOffsetXVariable(v, "WRITE"); newVars.Add(new IdentifierExpr(v.tok, ReadOffsetX)); newVars.Add(new IdentifierExpr(v.tok, WriteOffsetX)); Program.TopLevelDeclarations.Add(ReadOffsetX); Program.TopLevelDeclarations.Add(WriteOffsetX); if (mt.Result is MapType) { MapType mt2 = mt.Result as MapType; Debug.Assert(mt2.Arguments.Length == 1); Debug.Assert(IsIntOrBv32(mt2.Arguments[0])); Variable ReadOffsetY = MakeOffsetYVariable(v, "READ"); Variable WriteOffsetY = MakeOffsetYVariable(v, "WRITE"); newVars.Add(new IdentifierExpr(v.tok, ReadOffsetY)); newVars.Add(new IdentifierExpr(v.tok, WriteOffsetY)); Program.TopLevelDeclarations.Add(ReadOffsetY); Program.TopLevelDeclarations.Add(WriteOffsetY); if (mt2.Result is MapType) { MapType mt3 = mt2.Arguments[0] as MapType; Debug.Assert(mt3.Arguments.Length == 1); Debug.Assert(IsIntOrBv32(mt3.Arguments[0])); Debug.Assert(!(mt3.Result is MapType)); Variable ReadOffsetZ = MakeOffsetZVariable(v, "READ"); Variable WriteOffsetZ = MakeOffsetZVariable(v, "WRITE"); newVars.Add(new IdentifierExpr(v.tok, ReadOffsetZ)); newVars.Add(new IdentifierExpr(v.tok, WriteOffsetZ)); Program.TopLevelDeclarations.Add(ReadOffsetZ); Program.TopLevelDeclarations.Add(WriteOffsetZ); } } } foreach (IdentifierExpr e in newVars) { KernelProcedure.Modifies.Add(e); } } internal static GlobalVariable MakeAccessHasOccurredVariable(string varName, string accessType) { return new GlobalVariable(Token.NoToken, new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken, MakeAccessHasOccurredVariableName(varName, accessType), Microsoft.Boogie.Type.Bool)); } internal static string MakeAccessHasOccurredVariableName(string varName, string accessType) { return "_" + accessType + "_HAS_OCCURRED_" + varName; } internal static IdentifierExpr MakeAccessHasOccurredExpr(string varName, string accessType) { return new IdentifierExpr(Token.NoToken, MakeAccessHasOccurredVariable(varName, accessType)); } internal static bool IsIntOrBv32(Microsoft.Boogie.Type type) { return type.Equals(Microsoft.Boogie.Type.Int) || type.Equals(Microsoft.Boogie.Type.GetBvType(32)); } private void PullOutNonLocalAccesses() { foreach (Declaration d in Program.TopLevelDeclarations) { if (d is Implementation) { (d as Implementation).StructuredStmts = PullOutNonLocalAccesses((d as Implementation).StructuredStmts, (d as Implementation)); } } } private void RemoveElseIfs() { foreach (Declaration d in Program.TopLevelDeclarations) { if (d is Implementation) { (d as Implementation).StructuredStmts = RemoveElseIfs((d as Implementation).StructuredStmts); } } } private void RemoveRedundantReturns() { foreach (Declaration d in Program.TopLevelDeclarations) { if (d is Implementation) { RemoveRedundantReturns((d as Implementation).StructuredStmts); } } } private StmtList RemoveElseIfs(StmtList stmtList) { Contract.Requires(stmtList != null); StmtList result = new StmtList(new List(), stmtList.EndCurly); foreach (BigBlock bodyBlock in stmtList.BigBlocks) { result.BigBlocks.Add(RemoveElseIfs(bodyBlock)); } return result; } private void RemoveRedundantReturns(StmtList stmtList) { Contract.Requires(stmtList != null); BigBlock bb = stmtList.BigBlocks[stmtList.BigBlocks.Count - 1]; if ( is ReturnCmd) { = null; } } private BigBlock RemoveElseIfs(BigBlock bb) { BigBlock result = bb; if ( is IfCmd) { IfCmd IfCommand = as IfCmd; Debug.Assert(IfCommand.elseIf == null || IfCommand.elseBlock == null); if (IfCommand.elseIf != null) { IfCommand.elseBlock = new StmtList(new List(new BigBlock[] { new BigBlock(bb.tok, null, new CmdSeq(), IfCommand.elseIf, null) }), bb.tok); IfCommand.elseIf = null; } IfCommand.thn = RemoveElseIfs(IfCommand.thn); if (IfCommand.elseBlock != null) { IfCommand.elseBlock = RemoveElseIfs(IfCommand.elseBlock); } } else if ( is WhileCmd) { ( as WhileCmd).Body = RemoveElseIfs(( as WhileCmd).Body); } return result; } private StmtList PullOutNonLocalAccesses(StmtList stmtList, Implementation impl) { Contract.Requires(stmtList != null); StmtList result = new StmtList(new List(), stmtList.EndCurly); foreach (BigBlock bodyBlock in stmtList.BigBlocks) { result.BigBlocks.Add(PullOutNonLocalAccesses(bodyBlock, impl)); } return result; } private BigBlock PullOutNonLocalAccesses(BigBlock bb, Implementation impl) { BigBlock result = new BigBlock(bb.tok, bb.LabelName, new CmdSeq(), null,; foreach (Cmd c in bb.simpleCmds) { if (c is CallCmd) { CallCmd call = c as CallCmd; List newIns = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < call.Ins.Count; i++) { Expr e = call.Ins[i]; while (NonLocalAccessCollector.ContainsNonLocalAccess(e, NonLocalState)) { AssignCmd assignToTemp; LocalVariable tempDecl; e = ExtractLocalAccessToTemp(e, out assignToTemp, out tempDecl); result.simpleCmds.Add(assignToTemp); impl.LocVars.Add(tempDecl); } newIns.Add(e); } CallCmd newCall = new CallCmd(call.tok, call.callee, newIns, call.Outs); newCall.Proc = call.Proc; result.simpleCmds.Add(newCall); } else if (c is AssignCmd) { AssignCmd assign = c as AssignCmd; Debug.Assert(assign.Lhss.Count == 1 && assign.Rhss.Count == 1); AssignLhs lhs = assign.Lhss.ElementAt(0); Expr rhs = assign.Rhss.ElementAt(0); if (!NonLocalAccessCollector.ContainsNonLocalAccess(rhs, NonLocalState) || (!NonLocalAccessCollector.ContainsNonLocalAccess(lhs, NonLocalState) && NonLocalAccessCollector.IsNonLocalAccess(rhs, NonLocalState))) { result.simpleCmds.Add(c); } else { rhs = PullOutNonLocalAccessesIntoTemps(result, rhs, impl); List newLhss = new List(); newLhss.Add(lhs); List newRhss = new List(); newRhss.Add(rhs); result.simpleCmds.Add(new AssignCmd(assign.tok, newLhss, newRhss)); } } else if (c is HavocCmd) { result.simpleCmds.Add(c); } else if (c is AssertCmd) { result.simpleCmds.Add(new AssertCmd(c.tok, PullOutNonLocalAccessesIntoTemps(result, (c as AssertCmd).Expr, impl))); } else if (c is AssumeCmd) { result.simpleCmds.Add(new AssumeCmd(c.tok, PullOutNonLocalAccessesIntoTemps(result, (c as AssumeCmd).Expr, impl))); } else { Console.WriteLine(c); Debug.Assert(false); } } if ( is WhileCmd) { WhileCmd WhileCommand = as WhileCmd; while (NonLocalAccessCollector.ContainsNonLocalAccess(WhileCommand.Guard, NonLocalState)) { AssignCmd assignToTemp; LocalVariable tempDecl; WhileCommand.Guard = ExtractLocalAccessToTemp(WhileCommand.Guard, out assignToTemp, out tempDecl); result.simpleCmds.Add(assignToTemp); impl.LocVars.Add(tempDecl); } = new WhileCmd(WhileCommand.tok, WhileCommand.Guard, WhileCommand.Invariants, PullOutNonLocalAccesses(WhileCommand.Body, impl)); } else if ( is IfCmd) { IfCmd IfCommand = as IfCmd; Debug.Assert(IfCommand.elseIf == null); // "else if" must have been eliminated by this phase while (NonLocalAccessCollector.ContainsNonLocalAccess(IfCommand.Guard, NonLocalState)) { AssignCmd assignToTemp; LocalVariable tempDecl; IfCommand.Guard = ExtractLocalAccessToTemp(IfCommand.Guard, out assignToTemp, out tempDecl); result.simpleCmds.Add(assignToTemp); impl.LocVars.Add(tempDecl); } = new IfCmd(IfCommand.tok, IfCommand.Guard, PullOutNonLocalAccesses(IfCommand.thn, impl), IfCommand.elseIf, IfCommand.elseBlock != null ? PullOutNonLocalAccesses(IfCommand.elseBlock, impl) : null); } else if ( is BreakCmd) { =; } else { Debug.Assert( == null); } return result; } private Expr PullOutNonLocalAccessesIntoTemps(BigBlock result, Expr e, Implementation impl) { while (NonLocalAccessCollector.ContainsNonLocalAccess(e, NonLocalState)) { AssignCmd assignToTemp; LocalVariable tempDecl; e = ExtractLocalAccessToTemp(e, out assignToTemp, out tempDecl); result.simpleCmds.Add(assignToTemp); impl.LocVars.Add(tempDecl); } return e; } private Expr ExtractLocalAccessToTemp(Expr rhs, out AssignCmd tempAssignment, out LocalVariable tempDeclaration) { NonLocalAccessExtractor extractor = new NonLocalAccessExtractor(TempCounter, NonLocalState); TempCounter++; rhs = extractor.VisitExpr(rhs); tempAssignment = extractor.Assignment; tempDeclaration = extractor.Declaration; return rhs; } private void MakeKernelDualised() { List NewTopLevelDeclarations = new List(); foreach (Declaration d in Program.TopLevelDeclarations) { if (d is Procedure) { new KernelDualiser(this).DualiseProcedure(d as Procedure); NewTopLevelDeclarations.Add(d as Procedure); continue; } if (d is Implementation) { new KernelDualiser(this).DualiseImplementation(d as Implementation); NewTopLevelDeclarations.Add(d as Implementation); continue; } if (d is Variable && ((d as Variable).IsMutable || IsThreadLocalIdConstant(d as Variable))) { NewTopLevelDeclarations.Add(new VariableDualiser(1, null, null).VisitVariable((Variable)d.Clone())); if (!HalfDualisedVariableNames.Contains((d as Variable).Name)) { NewTopLevelDeclarations.Add(new VariableDualiser(2, null, null).VisitVariable((Variable)d.Clone())); } continue; } NewTopLevelDeclarations.Add(d); } Program.TopLevelDeclarations = NewTopLevelDeclarations; } private void MakeKernelPredicated() { foreach (Declaration d in Program.TopLevelDeclarations) { if (d is Procedure) { Procedure proc = d as Procedure; IdentifierExpr enabled = new IdentifierExpr(proc.tok, new LocalVariable(proc.tok, new TypedIdent(proc.tok, "_P", Microsoft.Boogie.Type.Bool))); Expr predicateExpr; if (!uniformityAnalyser.IsUniform(proc.Name)) { // Add predicate to start of parameter list VariableSeq NewIns = new VariableSeq(); NewIns.Add(enabled.Decl); foreach (Variable v in proc.InParams) { NewIns.Add(v); } proc.InParams = NewIns; predicateExpr = enabled; } else { predicateExpr = Expr.True; } RequiresSeq newRequires = new RequiresSeq(); foreach (Requires r in proc.Requires) { newRequires.Add(new Requires(r.Free, Predicator.ProcessEnabledIntrinsics(r.Condition, predicateExpr))); } proc.Requires = newRequires; EnsuresSeq newEnsures = new EnsuresSeq(); foreach (Ensures e in proc.Ensures) { newEnsures.Add(new Ensures(e.Free, Predicator.ProcessEnabledIntrinsics(e.Condition, predicateExpr))); } proc.Ensures = newEnsures; } else if (d is Implementation) { Implementation impl = d as Implementation; new Predicator(this, !uniformityAnalyser.IsUniform(impl.Name)).transform (impl); } } } private void CheckKernelParameters() { if (KernelProcedure.OutParams.Length != 0) { Error(KernelProcedure.tok, "Kernel should not take return anything"); } } private int Check() { BarrierProcedure = CheckExactlyOneBarrierProcedure(); KernelProcedure = CheckExactlyOneKernelProcedure(); if (ErrorCount > 0) { return ErrorCount; } if (BarrierProcedure.InParams.Length != 0) { Error(BarrierProcedure, "Barrier procedure must not take any arguments"); } if (BarrierProcedure.OutParams.Length != 0) { Error(BarrierProcedure, "Barrier procedure must not return any results"); } if (!FindNonLocalVariables(Program)) { return ErrorCount; } CheckKernelImplementation(); if (!KernelHasIdX()) { MissingKernelAttributeError(LOCAL_ID_X_STRING); } if (!KernelHasGroupSizeX()) { MissingKernelAttributeError(GROUP_SIZE_X_STRING); } if (!KernelHasNumGroupsX()) { MissingKernelAttributeError(NUM_GROUPS_X_STRING); } if (!KernelHasGroupIdX()) { MissingKernelAttributeError(GROUP_ID_X_STRING); } if (!KernelHasIdY()) { MissingKernelAttributeError(LOCAL_ID_Y_STRING); } if (!KernelHasGroupSizeY()) { MissingKernelAttributeError(GROUP_SIZE_Y_STRING); } if (!KernelHasNumGroupsY()) { MissingKernelAttributeError(NUM_GROUPS_Y_STRING); } if (!KernelHasGroupIdY()) { MissingKernelAttributeError(GROUP_ID_Y_STRING); } if (!KernelHasIdY()) { MissingKernelAttributeError(LOCAL_ID_Y_STRING); } if (!KernelHasGroupSizeY()) { MissingKernelAttributeError(GROUP_SIZE_Y_STRING); } if (!KernelHasNumGroupsY()) { MissingKernelAttributeError(NUM_GROUPS_Y_STRING); } if (!KernelHasGroupIdY()) { MissingKernelAttributeError(GROUP_ID_Y_STRING); } if (!KernelHasIdZ()) { MissingKernelAttributeError(LOCAL_ID_Z_STRING); } if (!KernelHasGroupSizeZ()) { MissingKernelAttributeError(GROUP_SIZE_Z_STRING); } if (!KernelHasNumGroupsZ()) { MissingKernelAttributeError(NUM_GROUPS_Z_STRING); } if (!KernelHasGroupIdZ()) { MissingKernelAttributeError(GROUP_ID_Z_STRING); } return ErrorCount; } private void MissingKernelAttributeError(string attribute) { Error(KernelProcedure.tok, "Kernel must declare global constant marked with attribute ':" + attribute + "'"); } public static bool IsThreadLocalIdConstant(Variable variable) { return variable.Name.Equals(_X.Name) || variable.Name.Equals(_Y.Name) || variable.Name.Equals(_Z.Name); } internal void AddCandidateInvariant(WhileCmd wc, Expr e, string tag) { Constant ExistentialBooleanConstant = MakeExistentialBoolean(wc.tok); IdentifierExpr ExistentialBoolean = new IdentifierExpr(wc.tok, ExistentialBooleanConstant); PredicateCmd invariant = new AssertCmd(wc.tok, Expr.Imp(ExistentialBoolean, e)); invariant.Attributes = new QKeyValue(Token.NoToken, "tag", new List(new object[] { tag }), null); wc.Invariants.Add(invariant); Program.TopLevelDeclarations.Add(ExistentialBooleanConstant); } internal Implementation GetImplementation(string procedureName) { foreach (Declaration D in Program.TopLevelDeclarations) { if (D is Implementation && ((D as Implementation).Name == procedureName)) { return D as Implementation; } } Debug.Assert(false); return null; } internal bool ContainsBarrierCall(StmtList stmtList) { foreach (BigBlock bb in stmtList.BigBlocks) { if (ContainsBarrierCall(bb)) { return true; } } return false; } private bool ContainsBarrierCall(BigBlock bb) { foreach (Cmd c in bb.simpleCmds) { if (c is CallCmd && ((c as CallCmd).Proc == BarrierProcedure)) { return true; } } if ( is WhileCmd) { return ContainsBarrierCall(( as WhileCmd).Body); } if ( is IfCmd) { Debug.Assert(( as IfCmd).elseIf == null); if (ContainsBarrierCall(( as IfCmd).thn)) { return true; } return ( as IfCmd).elseBlock != null && ContainsBarrierCall(( as IfCmd).elseBlock); } return false; } internal bool ArrayModelledAdversarially(Variable v) { if (CommandLineOptions.AdversarialAbstraction) { return true; } if (CommandLineOptions.EqualityAbstraction) { return false; } return !arrayControlFlowAnalyser.MayAffectControlFlow(v.Name); } internal static Expr StripThreadIdentifiers(Expr e) { return new ThreadIdentifierStripper().VisitExpr(e.Clone() as Expr); } internal Expr GlobalIdExpr(string dimension) { return GPUVerifier.MakeBitVectorBinaryBitVector("BV32_ADD", GPUVerifier.MakeBitVectorBinaryBitVector("BV32_MUL", new IdentifierExpr(Token.NoToken, GetGroupId(dimension)), new IdentifierExpr(Token.NoToken, GetGroupSize(dimension))), new IdentifierExpr(Token.NoToken, MakeThreadId(Token.NoToken, dimension))); } } class ThreadIdentifierStripper : StandardVisitor { public override Variable VisitVariable(Variable node) { node.Name = GPUVerifier.StripThreadIdentifier(node.Name); return base.VisitVariable(node); } } }