using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.IO; using System.Diagnostics; namespace GPUVerify { class CommandLineOptions { public static List inputFiles = new List(); public static string outputFile = null; public static bool OnlyDivergence = false; public static bool FullAbstraction; public static bool Inference; public static string invariantsFile = null; public static bool DividedArray = false; public static string ArrayToCheck = null; public static bool DividedAccesses = false; public static bool Eager = false; public static bool Symmetry = false; public static bool SetEncoding = false; public static int Parse(string[] args) { for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { bool hasColonArgument = false; string beforeColon; string afterColon = null; int colonIndex = args[i].IndexOf(':'); if (colonIndex >= 0 && (args[i].StartsWith("-") || args[i].StartsWith("/"))) { hasColonArgument = true; beforeColon = args[i].Substring(0, colonIndex); afterColon = args[i].Substring(colonIndex + 1); } else { beforeColon = args[i]; } switch (beforeColon) { case "-help": case "/help": case "-?": case "/?": return -1; case "-print": case "/print": if (!hasColonArgument) { Console.WriteLine("Error: filename expected after " + beforeColon + " argument"); Environment.Exit(1); } Debug.Assert(afterColon != null); outputFile = afterColon; break; case "-onlyDivergence": case "/onlyDivergence": OnlyDivergence = true; break; case "-fullAbstraction": case "/fullAbstraction": FullAbstraction = true; break; case "-dividedArray": case "/dividedArray": if (hasColonArgument) { ArrayToCheck = afterColon; } DividedArray = true; break; case "-dividedAccesses": case "/dividedAccesses": DividedAccesses = true; break; case "-divided": case "/divided": DividedAccesses = true; DividedArray = true; break; case "-symmetry": case "/symmetry": Symmetry = true; break; case "-setEncoding": case "/setEncoding": SetEncoding = true; break; case "-eager": case "/eager": Eager = true; break; case "-inference": case "/inference": Inference = true; if (hasColonArgument) { Debug.Assert(afterColon != null); invariantsFile = afterColon; } break; default: inputFiles.Add(args[i]); break; } if (OnlyDivergence) { DividedArray = false; DividedAccesses = false; } } return 0; } private static bool printedHelp = false; public static void Usage() { // Ensure that we only print the help message once if (printedHelp) { return; } printedHelp = true; Console.WriteLine(@"GPUVerify: usage: GPUVerify [ option ... ] [ filename ... ] where