%{ open Forro exception ParseError of string let StringsToVariables ss = [ for s in ss -> Var(s) ] let IdToField id = match id with | "head" -> Field.Head | "tail" -> Field.Tail | "valid" -> Field.Valid | _ -> raise (ParseError ("illegal field selector: '" + id + "' (legal selectors are 'head', 'tail', and 'valid')")) %} // The start token becomes a parser function in the compiled code: %start start // These are the terminal tokens of the grammar along with the types of // the data carried by each token: %token ID %token INT32 %token NULL %token DOT %token NOT %token PLUS MINUS %token STAR %token EQ NEQ LESS ATMOST %token AND OR %token OLD LPAREN RPAREN LCURLY RCURLY SEMI COMMA ASSIGN %token PROCEDURE REQUIRES ENSURES DO END %token NEW IF THEN ELSE WHILE INVARIANT CALL ASSERT %token EOF // This is the type of the data produced by a successful reduction of the 'start' // symbol: %type < Forro.Program > start %% // These are the rules of the grammar along with the F# code of the // actions executed as rules are reduced. In this case the actions // produce data using F# data construction terms. start: Prog EOF { Prog(List.rev($1)) } Prog: Proc { [$1] } | Prog Proc { $2 :: $1 } Proc: PROCEDURE Signature ProcedureSpec DO StmtList END SEMI { match $2, $3 with (outs,id,ins), (req,ens) -> Proc(id, StringsToVariables ins, StringsToVariables outs, req, ens, $5) } ProcedureSpec: REQUIRES Expression ENSURES Expression { $2, $4 } Signature: ID LPAREN IdList RPAREN { [], $1, $3 } | ID LPAREN RPAREN { [], $1, [] } | IdList ASSIGN ID LPAREN IdList RPAREN { $1, $3, $5 } | IdList ASSIGN ID LPAREN RPAREN { $1, $3, [] } IdList: ID { [$1] } | ID COMMA IdList { $1 :: $3 } Expression: AtomicExpr { $1 } | NOT Expression { Not($2) } | Expression PLUS Expression { Binary(Operator.Plus, $1, $3) } | Expression MINUS Expression { Binary(Operator.Minus, $1, $3) } | Expression STAR Expression { Binary(Operator.Times, $1, $3) } | Expression EQ Expression { Binary(Operator.Eq, $1, $3) } | Expression NEQ Expression { Binary(Operator.Neq, $1, $3) } | Expression LESS Expression { Binary(Operator.Less, $1, $3) } | Expression ATMOST Expression { Binary(Operator.AtMost, $1, $3) } | Expression AND Expression { Binary(Operator.And, $1, $3) } | Expression OR Expression { Binary(Operator.Or, $1, $3) } AtomicExpr: INT32 { Constant($1) } | NULL { Null } | ID { Identifier(Var($1)) } | OLD LPAREN Expression RPAREN { Old($3) } | LPAREN Expression RPAREN { $2 } | FieldSelect { match $1 with e,f -> Select(e,f) } FieldSelect: AtomicExpr DOT ID { $1, IdToField $3 } ExprList: | Expression { [$1] } | Expression COMMA ExprList { $1::$3 } VarList: | ID ASSIGN { [Var($1)] } | ID COMMA VarList { Var($1)::$3 } StmtList: StmtListX { Block($1) } StmtListX: { [] } | Stmt StmtListX { $1::$2 } Stmt: ID ASSIGN Expression SEMI { Assign(Var($1), $3) } | ID ASSIGN NEW LPAREN Expression COMMA Expression RPAREN SEMI { Alloc(Var($1), $5, $7) } | FieldSelect ASSIGN Expression SEMI { match $1 with e,f -> Update(e, f, $3) } | IF Expression THEN StmtList ELSE StmtList END SEMI { IfStmt($2,$4,$6) } | WHILE Expression Invariants DO StmtList END SEMI { WhileStmt($2,$3,$5) } | CALL ID LPAREN RPAREN SEMI { CallStmt([],$2,[]) } | CALL ID LPAREN ExprList RPAREN SEMI { CallStmt([],$2,$4) } | CALL VarList ID LPAREN RPAREN SEMI { CallStmt($2,$3,[]) } | CALL VarList ID LPAREN ExprList RPAREN SEMI { CallStmt($2,$3,$5) } | ASSERT Expression SEMI { Assert($2) } Invariants: { [] } | INVARIANT Expression Invariants { $2::$3 }