//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This file contains the transformations that are applied to a module that is // constructed as a refinement of another. It is invoked during program resolution, // so the transformation is done syntactically. Upon return from the RefinementTransformer, // the caller is expected to resolve the resulting module. // // As for now (and perhaps this is always the right thing to do), attributes do // not survive the transformation. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Numerics; using System.Diagnostics.Contracts; using IToken = Microsoft.Boogie.IToken; namespace Microsoft.Dafny { public class RefinementToken : TokenWrapper { public readonly ModuleDecl InheritingModule; public RefinementToken(IToken tok, ModuleDecl m) : base(tok) { Contract.Requires(tok != null); Contract.Requires(m != null); this.InheritingModule = m; } public static bool IsInherited(IToken tok, ModuleDecl m) { while (tok is NestedToken) { var n = (NestedToken)tok; // check Outer var r = n.Outer as RefinementToken; if (r == null || r.InheritingModule != m) { return false; } // continue to check Inner tok = n.Inner; } var rtok = tok as RefinementToken; return rtok != null && rtok.InheritingModule == m; } public override string filename { get { return WrappedToken.filename + "[" + InheritingModule.Name + "]"; } set { throw new NotSupportedException(); } } } public class RefinementTransformer { ResolutionErrorReporter reporter; public RefinementTransformer(ResolutionErrorReporter reporter) { Contract.Requires(reporter != null); this.reporter = reporter; } private ModuleDecl moduleUnderConstruction; // non-null for the duration of Construct calls public void Construct(ModuleDecl m) { Contract.Requires(m != null); Contract.Requires(m.RefinementBase != null); Contract.Assert(moduleUnderConstruction == null); moduleUnderConstruction = m; var prev = m.RefinementBase; // Include the imports of the base. Note, prev is itself NOT added as an import // of m; instead, the contents from prev is merged directly into m. // (Here, we change the import declarations. But edges for these imports will // not be added to the importGraph of the calling resolver. However, the refines // clause gave rise to an edge in the importGraph, so the transitive import edges // are represented in the importGraph.) foreach (var im in prev.Imports) { if (!m.ImportNames.Contains(im.Name)) { m.ImportNames.Add(im.Name); m.Imports.Add(im); } } // Create a simple name-to-decl dictionary. Ignore any duplicates at this time. var declaredNames = new Dictionary(); for (int i = 0; i < m.TopLevelDecls.Count; i++) { var d = m.TopLevelDecls[i]; if (!declaredNames.ContainsKey(d.Name)) { declaredNames.Add(d.Name, i); } } // Merge the declarations of prev into the declarations of m foreach (var d in prev.TopLevelDecls) { int index; if (!declaredNames.TryGetValue(d.Name, out index)) { m.TopLevelDecls.Add(CloneDeclaration(d, m)); } else { var nw = m.TopLevelDecls[index]; if (d is ArbitraryTypeDecl) { // this is allowed to be refined by any type declaration, so just keep the new one } else if (nw is ArbitraryTypeDecl) { reporter.Error(nw, "an arbitrary type declaration ({0}) in a refining module cannot replace a more specific type declaration in the refinement base", nw.Name); } else if (nw is DatatypeDecl) { reporter.Error(nw, "a datatype declaration ({0}) in a refinement module can only replace an arbitrary-type declaration", nw.Name); } else { Contract.Assert(nw is ClassDecl); if (d is DatatypeDecl) { reporter.Error(nw, "a class declaration ({0}) in a refining module cannot replace a datatype declaration in the refinement base", nw.Name); } else { m.TopLevelDecls[index] = MergeClass((ClassDecl)nw, (ClassDecl)d); } } } } Contract.Assert(moduleUnderConstruction == m); moduleUnderConstruction = null; } IToken Tok(IToken tok) { if (moduleUnderConstruction == null) { return tok; } else { return new RefinementToken(tok, moduleUnderConstruction); } } // -------------------------------------------------- Cloning --------------------------------------------------------------- TopLevelDecl CloneDeclaration(TopLevelDecl d, ModuleDecl m) { Contract.Requires(d != null); Contract.Requires(m != null); if (d is ArbitraryTypeDecl) { var dd = (ArbitraryTypeDecl)d; return new ArbitraryTypeDecl(Tok(dd.tok), dd.Name, m, null); } else if (d is IndDatatypeDecl) { var dd = (IndDatatypeDecl)d; var tps = dd.TypeArgs.ConvertAll(CloneTypeParam); var ctors = dd.Ctors.ConvertAll(CloneCtor); var dt = new IndDatatypeDecl(Tok(dd.tok), dd.Name, m, tps, ctors, null); return dt; } else if (d is CoDatatypeDecl) { var dd = (CoDatatypeDecl)d; var tps = dd.TypeArgs.ConvertAll(CloneTypeParam); var ctors = dd.Ctors.ConvertAll(CloneCtor); var dt = new CoDatatypeDecl(Tok(dd.tok), dd.Name, m, tps, ctors, null); return dt; } else if (d is ClassDecl) { var dd = (ClassDecl)d; var tps = dd.TypeArgs.ConvertAll(CloneTypeParam); var mm = dd.Members.ConvertAll(CloneMember); var cl = new ClassDecl(Tok(dd.tok), dd.Name, m, tps, mm, null); return cl; } else { Contract.Assert(false); // unexpected declaration return null; // to please compiler } } DatatypeCtor CloneCtor(DatatypeCtor ct) { return new DatatypeCtor(Tok(ct.tok), ct.Name, ct.Formals.ConvertAll(CloneFormal), null); } TypeParameter CloneTypeParam(TypeParameter tp) { return new TypeParameter(Tok(tp.tok), tp.Name); } MemberDecl CloneMember(MemberDecl member) { if (member is Field) { var f = (Field)member; return new Field(Tok(f.tok), f.Name, f.IsGhost, f.IsMutable, CloneType(f.Type), null); } else if (member is Function) { var f = (Function)member; return CloneFunction(Tok(f.tok), f, f.IsGhost, null, null, null); } else { var m = (Method)member; return CloneMethod(m, null, null); } } Type CloneType(Type t) { if (t is BasicType) { return t; } else if (t is SetType) { var tt = (SetType)t; return new SetType(tt.Arg); } else if (t is SeqType) { var tt = (SeqType)t; return new SeqType(tt.Arg); } else if (t is MultiSetType) { var tt = (MultiSetType)t; return new MultiSetType(tt.Arg); } else if (t is MapType) { var tt = (MapType)t; return new MapType(tt.Domain, tt.Range); } else if (t is UserDefinedType) { var tt = (UserDefinedType)t; return new UserDefinedType(Tok(tt.tok), tt.Name, tt.TypeArgs.ConvertAll(CloneType)); } else if (t is InferredTypeProxy) { return new InferredTypeProxy(); } else { Contract.Assert(false); // unexpected type (e.g., no other type proxies are expected at this time) return null; // to please compiler } } Formal CloneFormal(Formal formal) { return new Formal(Tok(formal.tok), formal.Name, CloneType(formal.Type), formal.InParam, formal.IsGhost); } BoundVar CloneBoundVar(BoundVar bv) { return new BoundVar(Tok(bv.tok), bv.Name, CloneType(bv.Type)); } Specification CloneSpecExpr(Specification spec) { var ee = spec.Expressions == null ? null : spec.Expressions.ConvertAll(CloneExpr); return new Specification(ee, null); } Specification CloneSpecFrameExpr(Specification frame) { var ee = frame.Expressions == null ? null : frame.Expressions.ConvertAll(CloneFrameExpr); return new Specification(ee, null); } FrameExpression CloneFrameExpr(FrameExpression frame) { return new FrameExpression(CloneExpr(frame.E), frame.FieldName); } Attributes.Argument CloneAttrArg(Attributes.Argument aa) { if (aa.E != null) { return new Attributes.Argument(Tok(aa.Tok), CloneExpr(aa.E)); } else { return new Attributes.Argument(Tok(aa.Tok), aa.S); } } MaybeFreeExpression CloneMayBeFreeExpr(MaybeFreeExpression expr) { return new MaybeFreeExpression(CloneExpr(expr.E), expr.IsFree); } Expression CloneExpr(Expression expr) { if (expr == null) { return null; } else if (expr is LiteralExpr) { var e = (LiteralExpr)expr; if (e.Value == null) { return new LiteralExpr(Tok(e.tok)); } else if (e.Value is bool) { return new LiteralExpr(Tok(e.tok), (bool)e.Value); } else { return new LiteralExpr(Tok(e.tok), (BigInteger)e.Value); } } else if (expr is ThisExpr) { if (expr is ImplicitThisExpr) { return new ImplicitThisExpr(Tok(expr.tok)); } else { return new ThisExpr(Tok(expr.tok)); } } else if (expr is IdentifierExpr) { var e = (IdentifierExpr)expr; return new IdentifierExpr(Tok(e.tok), e.Name); } else if (expr is DatatypeValue) { var e = (DatatypeValue)expr; return new DatatypeValue(Tok(e.tok), e.DatatypeName, e.MemberName, e.Arguments.ConvertAll(CloneExpr)); } else if (expr is DisplayExpression) { DisplayExpression e = (DisplayExpression)expr; if (expr is SetDisplayExpr) { return new SetDisplayExpr(Tok(e.tok), e.Elements.ConvertAll(CloneExpr)); } else if (expr is MultiSetDisplayExpr) { return new MultiSetDisplayExpr(Tok(e.tok), e.Elements.ConvertAll(CloneExpr)); } else { Contract.Assert(expr is SeqDisplayExpr); return new SeqDisplayExpr(Tok(e.tok), e.Elements.ConvertAll(CloneExpr)); } } else if (expr is MapDisplayExpr) { MapDisplayExpr e = (MapDisplayExpr)expr; List pp = new List(); foreach(ExpressionPair p in e.Elements) { pp.Add(new ExpressionPair(CloneExpr(p.A),CloneExpr(p.B))); } return new MapDisplayExpr(Tok(expr.tok), pp); } else if (expr is ExprDotName) { var e = (ExprDotName)expr; return new ExprDotName(Tok(e.tok), CloneExpr(e.Obj), e.SuffixName); } else if (expr is FieldSelectExpr) { var e = (FieldSelectExpr)expr; return new FieldSelectExpr(Tok(e.tok), CloneExpr(e.Obj), e.FieldName); } else if (expr is SeqSelectExpr) { var e = (SeqSelectExpr)expr; return new SeqSelectExpr(Tok(e.tok), e.SelectOne, CloneExpr(e.Seq), CloneExpr(e.E0), CloneExpr(e.E1)); } else if (expr is MultiSelectExpr) { var e = (MultiSelectExpr)expr; return new MultiSelectExpr(Tok(e.tok), CloneExpr(e.Array), e.Indices.ConvertAll(CloneExpr)); } else if (expr is SeqUpdateExpr) { var e = (SeqUpdateExpr)expr; return new SeqUpdateExpr(Tok(e.tok), CloneExpr(e.Seq), CloneExpr(e.Index), CloneExpr(e.Value)); } else if (expr is FunctionCallExpr) { var e = (FunctionCallExpr)expr; return new FunctionCallExpr(Tok(e.tok), e.Name, CloneExpr(e.Receiver), e.OpenParen == null ? null : Tok(e.OpenParen), e.Args.ConvertAll(CloneExpr)); } else if (expr is OldExpr) { var e = (OldExpr)expr; return new OldExpr(Tok(e.tok), CloneExpr(e.E)); } else if (expr is MultiSetFormingExpr) { var e = (MultiSetFormingExpr)expr; return new MultiSetFormingExpr(Tok(e.tok), CloneExpr(e.E)); } else if (expr is FreshExpr) { var e = (FreshExpr)expr; return new FreshExpr(Tok(e.tok), CloneExpr(e.E)); } else if (expr is AllocatedExpr) { var e = (AllocatedExpr)expr; return new AllocatedExpr(Tok(e.tok), CloneExpr(e.E)); } else if (expr is UnaryExpr) { var e = (UnaryExpr)expr; return new UnaryExpr(Tok(e.tok), e.Op, CloneExpr(e.E)); } else if (expr is BinaryExpr) { var e = (BinaryExpr)expr; return new BinaryExpr(Tok(e.tok), e.Op, CloneExpr(e.E0), CloneExpr(e.E1)); } else if (expr is ChainingExpression) { var e = (ChainingExpression)expr; return CloneExpr(e.E); // just clone the desugaring, since it's already available } else if (expr is LetExpr) { var e = (LetExpr)expr; return new LetExpr(Tok(e.tok), e.Vars.ConvertAll(CloneBoundVar), e.RHSs.ConvertAll(CloneExpr), CloneExpr(e.Body)); } else if (expr is ComprehensionExpr) { var e = (ComprehensionExpr)expr; var tk = Tok(e.tok); var bvs = e.BoundVars.ConvertAll(CloneBoundVar); var range = CloneExpr(e.Range); var term = CloneExpr(e.Term); if (e is ForallExpr) { return new ForallExpr(tk, bvs, range, term, null); } else if (e is ExistsExpr) { return new ExistsExpr(tk, bvs, range, term, null); } else if (e is MapComprehension) { return new MapComprehension(tk, bvs, range, term); } else { Contract.Assert(e is SetComprehension); return new SetComprehension(tk, bvs, range, term); } } else if (expr is WildcardExpr) { return new WildcardExpr(Tok(expr.tok)); } else if (expr is PredicateExpr) { var e = (PredicateExpr)expr; if (e is AssertExpr) { return new AssertExpr(Tok(e.tok), CloneExpr(e.Guard), CloneExpr(e.Body)); } else { Contract.Assert(e is AssumeExpr); return new AssumeExpr(Tok(e.tok), CloneExpr(e.Guard), CloneExpr(e.Body)); } } else if (expr is ITEExpr) { var e = (ITEExpr)expr; return new ITEExpr(Tok(e.tok), CloneExpr(e.Test), CloneExpr(e.Thn), CloneExpr(e.Els)); } else if (expr is ParensExpression) { var e = (ParensExpression)expr; return CloneExpr(e.E); // skip the parentheses in the clone } else if (expr is IdentifierSequence) { var e = (IdentifierSequence)expr; var aa = e.Arguments == null ? null : e.Arguments.ConvertAll(CloneExpr); return new IdentifierSequence(e.Tokens.ConvertAll(tk => Tok(tk)), e.OpenParen == null ? null : Tok(e.OpenParen), aa); } else if (expr is MatchExpr) { var e = (MatchExpr)expr; return new MatchExpr(Tok(e.tok), CloneExpr(e.Source), e.Cases.ConvertAll(c => new MatchCaseExpr(Tok(c.tok), c.Id, c.Arguments.ConvertAll(CloneBoundVar), CloneExpr(c.Body)))); } else { Contract.Assert(false); throw new cce.UnreachableException(); // unexpected expression } } AssignmentRhs CloneRHS(AssignmentRhs rhs) { if (rhs is ExprRhs) { var r = (ExprRhs)rhs; return new ExprRhs(CloneExpr(r.Expr)); } else if (rhs is HavocRhs) { return new HavocRhs(Tok(rhs.Tok)); } else { var r = (TypeRhs)rhs; if (r.ArrayDimensions != null) { return new TypeRhs(Tok(r.Tok), CloneType(r.EType), r.ArrayDimensions.ConvertAll(CloneExpr)); } else if (r.InitCall != null) { return new TypeRhs(Tok(r.Tok), CloneType(r.EType), (CallStmt)CloneStmt(r.InitCall)); } else { return new TypeRhs(Tok(r.Tok), CloneType(r.EType)); } } } BlockStmt CloneBlockStmt(BlockStmt stmt) { if (stmt == null) { return null; } else { return new BlockStmt(Tok(stmt.Tok), stmt.Body.ConvertAll(CloneStmt)); } } Statement CloneStmt(Statement stmt) { if (stmt == null) { return null; } Statement r; if (stmt is AssertStmt) { var s = (AssertStmt)stmt; r = new AssertStmt(Tok(s.Tok), CloneExpr(s.Expr)); } else if (stmt is AssumeStmt) { var s = (AssumeStmt)stmt; r = new AssumeStmt(Tok(s.Tok), CloneExpr(s.Expr)); } else if (stmt is PrintStmt) { var s = (PrintStmt)stmt; r = new PrintStmt(Tok(s.Tok), s.Args.ConvertAll(CloneAttrArg)); } else if (stmt is BreakStmt) { var s = (BreakStmt)stmt; if (s.TargetLabel != null) { r = new BreakStmt(Tok(s.Tok), s.TargetLabel); } else { r = new BreakStmt(Tok(s.Tok), s.BreakCount); } } else if (stmt is ReturnStmt) { var s = (ReturnStmt)stmt; r = new ReturnStmt(Tok(s.Tok), s.rhss == null ? null : s.rhss.ConvertAll(CloneRHS)); } else if (stmt is AssignStmt) { var s = (AssignStmt)stmt; r = new AssignStmt(Tok(s.Tok), CloneExpr(s.Lhs), CloneRHS(s.Rhs)); } else if (stmt is VarDecl) { var s = (VarDecl)stmt; r = new VarDecl(Tok(s.Tok), s.Name, CloneType(s.OptionalType), s.IsGhost); } else if (stmt is CallStmt) { var s = (CallStmt)stmt; r = new CallStmt(Tok(s.Tok), s.Lhs.ConvertAll(CloneExpr), CloneExpr(s.Receiver), s.MethodName, s.Args.ConvertAll(CloneExpr)); } else if (stmt is BlockStmt) { r = CloneBlockStmt((BlockStmt)stmt); } else if (stmt is IfStmt) { var s = (IfStmt)stmt; r = new IfStmt(Tok(s.Tok), CloneExpr(s.Guard), CloneBlockStmt(s.Thn), CloneStmt(s.Els)); } else if (stmt is AlternativeStmt) { var s = (AlternativeStmt)stmt; r = new AlternativeStmt(Tok(s.Tok), s.Alternatives.ConvertAll(CloneGuardedAlternative)); } else if (stmt is WhileStmt) { var s = (WhileStmt)stmt; r = new WhileStmt(Tok(s.Tok), CloneExpr(s.Guard), s.Invariants.ConvertAll(CloneMayBeFreeExpr), CloneSpecExpr(s.Decreases), CloneSpecFrameExpr(s.Mod), CloneBlockStmt(s.Body)); } else if (stmt is AlternativeLoopStmt) { var s = (AlternativeLoopStmt)stmt; r = new AlternativeLoopStmt(Tok(s.Tok), s.Invariants.ConvertAll(CloneMayBeFreeExpr), CloneSpecExpr(s.Decreases), CloneSpecFrameExpr(s.Mod), s.Alternatives.ConvertAll(CloneGuardedAlternative)); } else if (stmt is ParallelStmt) { var s = (ParallelStmt)stmt; r = new ParallelStmt(Tok(s.Tok), s.BoundVars.ConvertAll(CloneBoundVar), null, CloneExpr(s.Range), s.Ens.ConvertAll(CloneMayBeFreeExpr), CloneStmt(s.Body)); } else if (stmt is MatchStmt) { var s = (MatchStmt)stmt; r = new MatchStmt(Tok(s.Tok), CloneExpr(s.Source), s.Cases.ConvertAll(c => new MatchCaseStmt(Tok(c.tok), c.Id, c.Arguments.ConvertAll(CloneBoundVar), c.Body.ConvertAll(CloneStmt)))); } else if (stmt is AssignSuchThatStmt) { var s = (AssignSuchThatStmt)stmt; r = new AssignSuchThatStmt(Tok(s.Tok), s.Lhss.ConvertAll(CloneExpr), CloneExpr(s.Assume.Expr)); } else if (stmt is UpdateStmt) { var s = (UpdateStmt)stmt; r = new UpdateStmt(Tok(s.Tok), s.Lhss.ConvertAll(CloneExpr), s.Rhss.ConvertAll(CloneRHS), s.CanMutateKnownState); } else if (stmt is VarDeclStmt) { var s = (VarDeclStmt)stmt; r = new VarDeclStmt(Tok(s.Tok), s.Lhss.ConvertAll(c => (VarDecl)CloneStmt(c)), (ConcreteUpdateStatement)CloneStmt(s.Update)); } else { Contract.Assert(false); throw new cce.UnreachableException(); // unexpected statement } // add labels to the cloned statement AddStmtLabels(r, stmt.Labels); return r; } void AddStmtLabels(Statement s, LabelNode node) { if (node != null) { AddStmtLabels(s, node.Next); if (node.Label == null) { // this indicates an implicit-target break statement that has been resolved; don't add it } else { s.Labels = new LabelNode(Tok(node.Tok), node.Label, s.Labels); } } } GuardedAlternative CloneGuardedAlternative(GuardedAlternative alt) { return new GuardedAlternative(Tok(alt.Tok), CloneExpr(alt.Guard), alt.Body.ConvertAll(CloneStmt)); } Function CloneFunction(IToken tok, Function f, bool isGhost, List moreEnsures, Expression moreBody, Expression replacementBody) { Contract.Requires(moreBody == null || f is Predicate); Contract.Requires(moreBody == null || replacementBody == null); var tps = f.TypeArgs.ConvertAll(CloneTypeParam); var formals = f.Formals.ConvertAll(CloneFormal); var req = f.Req.ConvertAll(CloneExpr); var reads = f.Reads.ConvertAll(CloneFrameExpr); var decreases = CloneSpecExpr(f.Decreases); var previousModuleUnderConstruction = moduleUnderConstruction; if (moreBody != null || replacementBody != null) { moduleUnderConstruction = null; } var ens = f.Ens.ConvertAll(CloneExpr); moduleUnderConstruction = previousModuleUnderConstruction; if (moreEnsures != null) { ens.AddRange(moreEnsures); } Expression body; if (replacementBody != null) { body = replacementBody; } else if (moreBody != null) { if (f.Body == null) { body = moreBody; } else { body = new BinaryExpr(f.tok, BinaryExpr.Opcode.And, CloneExpr(f.Body), moreBody); } } else { body = CloneExpr(f.Body); } if (f is Predicate) { return new Predicate(tok, f.Name, f.IsStatic, isGhost, f.IsUnlimited, tps, f.OpenParen, formals, req, reads, ens, decreases, body, moreBody != null, null, false); } else { return new Function(tok, f.Name, f.IsStatic, isGhost, f.IsUnlimited, tps, f.OpenParen, formals, CloneType(f.ResultType), req, reads, ens, decreases, body, null, false); } } Method CloneMethod(Method m, List moreEnsures, BlockStmt replacementBody) { Contract.Requires(m != null); var tps = m.TypeArgs.ConvertAll(CloneTypeParam); var ins = m.Ins.ConvertAll(CloneFormal); var req = m.Req.ConvertAll(CloneMayBeFreeExpr); var mod = CloneSpecFrameExpr(m.Mod); var decreases = CloneSpecExpr(m.Decreases); var previousModuleUnderConstruction = moduleUnderConstruction; if (replacementBody != null) { moduleUnderConstruction = null; } var ens = m.Ens.ConvertAll(CloneMayBeFreeExpr); if (replacementBody != null) { moduleUnderConstruction = previousModuleUnderConstruction; } if (moreEnsures != null) { ens.AddRange(moreEnsures); } var body = replacementBody ?? CloneBlockStmt(m.Body); if (m is Constructor) { return new Constructor(Tok(m.tok), m.Name, tps, ins, req, mod, ens, decreases, body, null, false); } else { return new Method(Tok(m.tok), m.Name, m.IsStatic, m.IsGhost, tps, ins, m.Outs.ConvertAll(CloneFormal), req, mod, ens, decreases, body, null, false); } } // -------------------------------------------------- Merging --------------------------------------------------------------- ClassDecl MergeClass(ClassDecl nw, ClassDecl prev) { // Create a simple name-to-member dictionary. Ignore any duplicates at this time. var declaredNames = new Dictionary(); for (int i = 0; i < nw.Members.Count; i++) { var member = nw.Members[i]; if (!declaredNames.ContainsKey(member.Name)) { declaredNames.Add(member.Name, i); } } // Merge the declarations of prev into the declarations of m foreach (var member in prev.Members) { int index; if (!declaredNames.TryGetValue(member.Name, out index)) { nw.Members.Add(CloneMember(member)); } else { var nwMember = nw.Members[index]; if (nwMember is Field) { reporter.Error(nwMember, "a field declaration ({0}) in a refining class ({1}) is not allowed replace an existing declaration in the refinement base", nwMember.Name, nw.Name); } else if (nwMember is Function) { var f = (Function)nwMember; bool isPredicate = f is Predicate; string s = isPredicate ? "predicate" : "function"; if (!(member is Function) || isPredicate && !(member is Predicate)) { reporter.Error(nwMember, "a {0} declaration ({1}) can only refine a {0}", s, nwMember.Name); } else { var prevFunction = (Function)member; if (f.Req.Count != 0) { reporter.Error(f.Req[0].tok, "a refining {0} is not allowed to add preconditions", s); } if (f.Reads.Count != 0) { reporter.Error(f.Reads[0].E.tok, "a refining {0} is not allowed to extend the reads clause", s); } if (f.Decreases.Expressions.Count != 0) { reporter.Error(f.Decreases.Expressions[0].tok, "decreases clause on refining {0} not supported", s); } if (prevFunction.IsStatic != f.IsStatic) { reporter.Error(f, "a function in a refining module cannot be changed from static to non-static or vice versa: {0}", f.Name); } if (prevFunction.IsUnlimited != f.IsUnlimited) { reporter.Error(f, "a function in a refining module cannot be changed from unlimited to limited or vice versa: {0}", f.Name); } if (!prevFunction.IsGhost && f.IsGhost) { reporter.Error(f, "a function method cannot be changed into a (ghost) function in a refining module: {0}", f.Name); } else if (prevFunction.IsGhost && !f.IsGhost && prevFunction.Body != null) { reporter.Error(f, "a function can be changed into a function method in a refining module only if the function has not yet been given a body: {0}", f.Name); } if (f.SignatureIsOmitted) { Contract.Assert(f.TypeArgs.Count == 0); Contract.Assert(f.Formals.Count == 0); } else { CheckAgreement_TypeParameters(f.tok, prevFunction.TypeArgs, f.TypeArgs, f.Name, "function"); CheckAgreement_Parameters(f.tok, prevFunction.Formals, f.Formals, f.Name, "function", "parameter"); if (!TypesAreEqual(prevFunction.ResultType, f.ResultType)) { reporter.Error(f, "the result type of function '{0}' ({1}) differs from the result type of the corresponding function in the module it refines ({2})", f.Name, f.ResultType, prevFunction.ResultType); } } Expression moreBody = null; Expression replacementBody = null; if (isPredicate) { moreBody = f.Body; } else if (prevFunction.Body == null) { replacementBody = f.Body; } else if (f.Body != null) { reporter.Error(nwMember, "a refining function is not allowed to extend/change the body"); } nw.Members[index] = CloneFunction(f.tok, prevFunction, f.IsGhost, f.Ens, moreBody, replacementBody); } } else { var m = (Method)nwMember; if (!(member is Method)) { reporter.Error(nwMember, "a method declaration ({0}) can only refine a method", nwMember.Name); } else { var prevMethod = (Method)member; if (m.Req.Count != 0) { reporter.Error(m.Req[0].E.tok, "a refining method is not allowed to add preconditions"); } if (m.Mod.Expressions.Count != 0) { reporter.Error(m.Mod.Expressions[0].E.tok, "a refining method is not allowed to extend the modifies clause"); } if (m.Decreases.Expressions.Count != 0) { reporter.Error(m.Decreases.Expressions[0].tok, "decreases clause on refining method not supported"); } if (prevMethod.IsStatic != m.IsStatic) { reporter.Error(m, "a method in a refining module cannot be changed from static to non-static or vice versa: {0}", m.Name); } if (prevMethod.IsGhost && !m.IsGhost) { reporter.Error(m, "a method cannot be changed into a ghost method in a refining module: {0}", m.Name); } else if (!prevMethod.IsGhost && m.IsGhost) { reporter.Error(m, "a ghost method cannot be changed into a non-ghost method in a refining module: {0}", m.Name); } if (m.SignatureIsOmitted) { Contract.Assert(m.TypeArgs.Count == 0); Contract.Assert(m.Ins.Count == 0); Contract.Assert(m.Outs.Count == 0); } else { CheckAgreement_TypeParameters(m.tok, prevMethod.TypeArgs, m.TypeArgs, m.Name, "method"); CheckAgreement_Parameters(m.tok, prevMethod.Ins, m.Ins, m.Name, "method", "in-parameter"); CheckAgreement_Parameters(m.tok, prevMethod.Outs, m.Outs, m.Name, "method", "out-parameter"); } var replacementBody = m.Body; if (replacementBody != null) { if (prevMethod.Body == null) { // cool } else { replacementBody = MergeBlockStmt(replacementBody, prevMethod.Body); } } nw.Members[index] = CloneMethod(prevMethod, m.Ens, replacementBody); } } } } return nw; } void CheckAgreement_TypeParameters(IToken tok, List old, List nw, string name, string thing) { Contract.Requires(tok != null); Contract.Requires(old != null); Contract.Requires(nw != null); Contract.Requires(name != null); Contract.Requires(thing != null); if (old.Count != nw.Count) { reporter.Error(tok, "{0} '{1}' is declared with a different number of type parameters ({2} instead of {3}) than the corresponding {0} in the module it refines", thing, name, nw.Count, old.Count); } else { for (int i = 0; i < old.Count; i++) { var o = old[i]; var n = nw[i]; if (o.Name != n.Name) { reporter.Error(n.tok, "type parameters are not allowed to be renamed from the names given in the {0} in the module being refined (expected '{1}', found '{2}')", thing, o.Name, n.Name); } } } } void CheckAgreement_Parameters(IToken tok, List old, List nw, string name, string thing, string parameterKind) { Contract.Requires(tok != null); Contract.Requires(old != null); Contract.Requires(nw != null); Contract.Requires(name != null); Contract.Requires(thing != null); Contract.Requires(parameterKind != null); if (old.Count != nw.Count) { reporter.Error(tok, "{0} '{1}' is declared with a different number of {2} ({3} instead of {4}) than the corresponding {0} in the module it refines", thing, name, parameterKind, nw.Count, old.Count); } else { for (int i = 0; i < old.Count; i++) { var o = old[i]; var n = nw[i]; if (o.Name != n.Name) { reporter.Error(n.tok, "there is a difference in name of {0} {1} ('{2}' versus '{3}') of {4} {5} compared to corresponding {4} in the module it refines", parameterKind, i, n.Name, o.Name, thing, name); } else if (!o.IsGhost && n.IsGhost) { reporter.Error(n.tok, "{0} '{1}' of {2} {3} cannot be changed, compared to the corresponding {2} in the module it refines, from non-ghost to ghost", parameterKind, n.Name, thing, name); } else if (o.IsGhost && !n.IsGhost) { reporter.Error(n.tok, "{0} '{1}' of {2} {3} cannot be changed, compared to the corresponding {2} in the module it refines, from ghost to non-ghost", parameterKind, n.Name, thing, name); } else if (!TypesAreEqual(o.Type, n.Type)) { reporter.Error(n.tok, "the type of {0} '{1}' is different from the type of the same {0} in the corresponding {2} in the module it refines ('{3}' instead of '{4}')", parameterKind, n.Name, thing, n.Type, o.Type); } } } } bool TypesAreEqual(Type t, Type u) { Contract.Requires(t != null); Contract.Requires(u != null); return t.ToString() == u.ToString(); } BlockStmt MergeBlockStmt(BlockStmt skeleton, BlockStmt oldStmt) { Contract.Requires(skeleton != null); Contract.Requires(oldStmt != null); var body = new List(); int i = 0, j = 0; while (i < skeleton.Body.Count) { var cur = skeleton.Body[i]; if (j == oldStmt.Body.Count) { if (!(cur is SkeletonStatement)) { MergeAddStatement(cur, body); } else if (((SkeletonStatement)cur).S == null) { // the "..." matches the empty statement sequence } else { reporter.Error(cur.Tok, "skeleton statement does not match old statement"); } i++; } else { var oldS = oldStmt.Body[j]; /* See how the two statements match up. * cur oldS result * ------ ------ ------ * assert ...; assume E; assert E; * assert ...; assert E; assert E; * assert E; assert E; * * var x := E; var x; var x := E; * var x := E; var x := *; var x := E; * var x := E1; var x :| E0; var x := E1; assert E0; * var VarProduction; var VarProduction; * * x := E; x := *; x := E; * * if ... Then else Else if (G) Then' else Else' if (G) Merge(Then,Then') else Merge(Else,Else') * if (G) Then else Else if (*) Then' else Else' if (G) Merge(Then,Then') else Merge(Else,Else') * * while ... LoopSpec ... while (G) LoopSpec' Body while (G) Merge(LoopSpec,LoopSpec') Body * while ... LoopSpec Body while (G) LoopSpec' Body' while (G) Merge(LoopSpec,LoopSpec') Merge(Body,Body') * while (G) LoopSpec ... while (*) LoopSpec' Body while (G) Merge(LoopSpec,LoopSpec') Body * while (G) LoopSpec Body while (*) LoopSpec' Body' while (G) Merge(LoopSpec,LoopSpec') Merge(Body,Body') * * ...; S StmtThatDoesNotMatchS; S' StatementThatDoesNotMatchS; Merge( ...;S , S') * * Note, LoopSpec must contain only invariant declarations (as the parser ensures for the first three cases). * Note, there is an implicit "...;" at the end of every block in a skeleton. * * TODO: should also handle labels and some form of new "replace" statement */ if (cur is SkeletonStatement) { var S = ((SkeletonStatement)cur).S; if (S == null) { if (i + 1 == skeleton.Body.Count) { // this "...;" is the last statement of the skeleton, so treat it like the default case } else { var nxt = skeleton.Body[i+1]; if (nxt is SkeletonStatement && ((SkeletonStatement)nxt).S == null) { // "...; ...;" is the same as just "...;", so skip this one } else { // skip up until the next thing that matches "nxt" while (!PotentialMatch(nxt, oldS)) { // loop invariant: oldS == oldStmt.Body[j] body.Add(CloneStmt(oldS)); j++; if (j == oldStmt.Body.Count) { break; } oldS = oldStmt.Body[j]; } } } i++; } else if (S is AssertStmt) { var skel = (AssertStmt)S; Contract.Assert(((SkeletonStatement)cur).ConditionOmitted); var oldAssume = oldS as PredicateStmt; if (oldAssume == null) { reporter.Error(cur.Tok, "assert template does not match inherited statement"); i++; } else { // Clone the expression, but among the new assert's attributes, indicate // that this assertion is supposed to be translated into a check. That is, // it is not allowed to be just assumed in the translation, despite the fact // that the condition is inherited. var e = CloneExpr(oldAssume.Expr); body.Add(new AssertStmt(skel.Tok, e, new Attributes("prependAssertToken", new List(), null))); i++; j++; } } else if (S is IfStmt) { var skel = (IfStmt)S; Contract.Assert(((SkeletonStatement)cur).ConditionOmitted); var oldIf = oldS as IfStmt; if (oldIf == null) { reporter.Error(cur.Tok, "if-statement template does not match inherited statement"); i++; } else { var resultingThen = MergeBlockStmt(skel.Thn, oldIf.Thn); var resultingElse = MergeElse(skel.Els, oldIf.Els); var r = new IfStmt(skel.Tok, skel.Guard, resultingThen, resultingElse); body.Add(r); i++; j++; } } else if (S is WhileStmt) { var skel = (WhileStmt)S; var oldWhile = oldS as WhileStmt; if (oldWhile == null) { reporter.Error(cur.Tok, "while-statement template does not match inherited statement"); i++; } else { Expression guard; if (((SkeletonStatement)cur).ConditionOmitted) { guard = CloneExpr(oldWhile.Guard); } else { if (oldWhile.Guard != null) { reporter.Error(skel.Guard.tok, "a skeleton while statement with a guard can only replace a while statement with a non-deterministic guard"); } guard = skel.Guard; } // Note, if the loop body is omitted in the skeleton, the parser will have set the loop body to an empty block, // which has the same merging behavior. var r = MergeWhileStmt(skel, oldWhile, guard); body.Add(r); i++; j++; } } else { Contract.Assume(false); // unexpected skeleton statement } } else if (cur is AssertStmt) { MergeAddStatement(cur, body); i++; } else if (cur is VarDeclStmt) { var cNew = (VarDeclStmt)cur; var cOld = oldS as VarDeclStmt; bool doMerge = false; Expression addedAssert = null; if (cOld != null && cNew.Lhss.Count == 1 && cOld.Lhss.Count == 1 && cNew.Lhss[0].Name == cOld.Lhss[0].Name) { var update = cNew.Update as UpdateStmt; if (update != null && update.Rhss.Count == 1 && update.Rhss[0] is ExprRhs) { // Note, we allow switching between ghost and non-ghost, since that seems unproblematic. if (cOld.Update == null) { doMerge = true; } else if (cOld.Update is AssignSuchThatStmt) { doMerge = true; addedAssert = CloneExpr(((AssignSuchThatStmt)cOld.Update).Assume.Expr); } else { var updateOld = (UpdateStmt)cOld.Update; // if cast fails, there are more ConcreteUpdateStatement subclasses than expected if (updateOld.Rhss.Count == 1 && updateOld.Rhss[0] is HavocRhs) { doMerge = true; } } } } if (doMerge) { // Go ahead with the merge: body.Add(cNew); i++; j++; if (addedAssert != null) { body.Add(new AssertStmt(addedAssert.tok, addedAssert)); } } else { MergeAddStatement(cur, body); i++; } } else if (cur is AssignStmt) { var cNew = (AssignStmt)cur; var cOld = oldS as AssignStmt; if (cOld == null && oldS is UpdateStmt) { var us = (UpdateStmt)oldS; if (us.ResolvedStatements.Count == 1) { cOld = us.ResolvedStatements[0] as AssignStmt; } } bool doMerge = false; if (cOld != null && cNew.Lhs.Resolved is IdentifierExpr && cOld.Lhs.Resolved is IdentifierExpr) { if (((IdentifierExpr)cNew.Lhs.Resolved).Name == ((IdentifierExpr)cOld.Lhs.Resolved).Name) { if (!(cNew.Rhs is TypeRhs) && cOld.Rhs is HavocRhs) { doMerge = true; } } } if (doMerge) { // Go ahead with the merge: body.Add(cNew); i++; j++; } else { MergeAddStatement(cur, body); i++; } } else if (cur is IfStmt) { var cNew = (IfStmt)cur; var cOld = oldS as IfStmt; if (cOld != null && cOld.Guard == null) { var r = new IfStmt(cNew.Tok, cNew.Guard, MergeBlockStmt(cNew.Thn, cOld.Thn), MergeElse(cNew.Els, cOld.Els)); body.Add(r); i++; j++; } else { MergeAddStatement(cur, body); i++; } } else if (cur is WhileStmt) { var cNew = (WhileStmt)cur; var cOld = oldS as WhileStmt; if (cOld != null && cOld.Guard == null) { var r = MergeWhileStmt(cNew, cOld, cNew.Guard); body.Add(r); i++; j++; } else { MergeAddStatement(cur, body); i++; } } else { MergeAddStatement(cur, body); i++; } } } // implement the implicit "...;" at the end of each block statement skeleton for (; j < oldStmt.Body.Count; j++) { body.Add(CloneStmt(oldStmt.Body[j])); } return new BlockStmt(skeleton.Tok, body); } bool PotentialMatch(Statement nxt, Statement other) { Contract.Requires(!(nxt is SkeletonStatement) || ((SkeletonStatement)nxt).S != null); // nxt is not "...;" Contract.Requires(other != null); if (nxt is SkeletonStatement) { var S = ((SkeletonStatement)nxt).S; if (S is AssertStmt) { return other is PredicateStmt; } else if (S is IfStmt) { return other is IfStmt; } else if (S is WhileStmt) { return other is WhileStmt; } else { Contract.Assume(false); // unexpected skeleton } } else if (nxt is IfStmt) { var oth = other as IfStmt; return oth != null && oth.Guard == null; } else if (nxt is WhileStmt) { var oth = other as WhileStmt; return oth != null && oth.Guard == null; } // not a potential match return false; } WhileStmt MergeWhileStmt(WhileStmt cNew, WhileStmt cOld, Expression guard) { Contract.Requires(cNew != null); Contract.Requires(cOld != null); // Note, the parser produces errors if there are any decreases or modifies clauses (and it creates // the Specification structures with a null list). Contract.Assume(cNew.Decreases.Expressions == null); Contract.Assume(cNew.Mod.Expressions == null); var invs = cOld.Invariants.ConvertAll(CloneMayBeFreeExpr); invs.AddRange(cNew.Invariants); var r = new WhileStmt(cNew.Tok, guard, invs, CloneSpecExpr(cOld.Decreases), CloneSpecFrameExpr(cOld.Mod), MergeBlockStmt(cNew.Body, cOld.Body)); return r; } Statement MergeElse(Statement skeleton, Statement oldStmt) { Contract.Requires(skeleton == null || skeleton is BlockStmt || skeleton is IfStmt); Contract.Requires(oldStmt == null || oldStmt is BlockStmt || oldStmt is IfStmt); if (skeleton == null) { return CloneStmt(oldStmt); } else if (skeleton is IfStmt) { // wrap a block statement around the if statement skeleton = new BlockStmt(skeleton.Tok, new List() { skeleton }); } if (oldStmt == null) { // make it into an empty block statement oldStmt = new BlockStmt(skeleton.Tok, new List()); } else if (oldStmt is IfStmt) { // wrap a block statement around the if statement oldStmt = new BlockStmt(oldStmt.Tok, new List() { oldStmt }); } Contract.Assert(skeleton is BlockStmt && oldStmt is BlockStmt); return MergeBlockStmt((BlockStmt)skeleton, (BlockStmt)oldStmt); } /// /// Add "s" to "stmtList", but complain if "s" contains further occurrences of "...", if "s" assigns to a /// variable that was not declared in the refining module, or if "s" has some control flow that jumps to a /// place outside "s". /// void MergeAddStatement(Statement s, List stmtList) { Contract.Requires(s != null); Contract.Requires(stmtList != null); var prevErrorCount = reporter.ErrorCount; CheckIsOkayNewStatement(s, new Stack(), 0); if (reporter.ErrorCount == prevErrorCount) { stmtList.Add(s); } } /// /// See comment on MergeAddStatement. /// void CheckIsOkayNewStatement(Statement s, Stack labels, int loopLevels) { Contract.Requires(s != null); Contract.Requires(labels != null); Contract.Requires(0 <= loopLevels); for (LabelNode n = s.Labels; n != null; n = n.Next) { labels.Push(n.Label); } if (s is SkeletonStatement) { reporter.Error(s, "skeleton statement may not be used here; it does not have a matching statement in what is being replaced"); } else if (s is ReturnStmt) { reporter.Error(s, "return statements are not allowed in skeletons"); } else if (s is BreakStmt) { var b = (BreakStmt)s; if (b.TargetLabel != null ? !labels.Contains(b.TargetLabel) : loopLevels < b.BreakCount) { reporter.Error(s, "break statement in skeleton is not allowed to break outside the skeleton fragment"); } } else if (s is AssignStmt) { // TODO: To be a refinement automatically (that is, without any further verification), only variables and fields defined // in this module are allowed. This needs to be checked. If the LHS refers to an l-value that was not declared within // this module, then either an error should be reported or the Translator needs to know to translate new proof obligations. } else { if (s is WhileStmt || s is AlternativeLoopStmt) { loopLevels++; } foreach (var ss in s.SubStatements) { CheckIsOkayNewStatement(ss, labels, loopLevels); } } for (LabelNode n = s.Labels; n != null; n = n.Next) { labels.Pop(); } } // ---------------------- additional methods ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- public static bool ContainsChange(Expression expr, ModuleDecl m) { Contract.Requires(expr != null); Contract.Requires(m != null); if (expr is FunctionCallExpr) { var e = (FunctionCallExpr)expr; if (e.Function.EnclosingClass.Module == m) { var p = e.Function as Predicate; if (p != null && p.BodyIsExtended) { return true; } } } foreach (var ee in expr.SubExpressions) { if (ContainsChange(ee, m)) { return true; } } return false; } } }