// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
// Dafny
// Rustan Leino, first created 25 January 2008
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Numerics;
using Microsoft.Boogie;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
readonly Expression/*!*/ dummyExpr;
readonly AssignmentRhs/*!*/ dummyRhs;
readonly FrameExpression/*!*/ dummyFrameExpr;
readonly Statement/*!*/ dummyStmt;
readonly Attributes.Argument/*!*/ dummyAttrArg;
readonly ModuleDecl theModule;
readonly BuiltIns theBuiltIns;
int anonymousIds = 0;
struct MemberModifiers {
public bool IsGhost;
public bool IsStatic;
// helper routine for parsing call statements
/// Parses top-level things (modules, classes, datatypes, class members) from "filename"
/// and appends them in appropriate form to "module".
/// Returns the number of parsing errors encountered.
/// Note: first initialize the Scanner.
public static int Parse (string/*!*/ filename, ModuleDecl module, BuiltIns builtIns) /* throws System.IO.IOException */ {
Contract.Requires(filename != null);
Contract.Requires(module != null);
string s;
if (filename == "stdin.dfy") {
s = Microsoft.Boogie.ParserHelper.Fill(System.Console.In, new List());
return Parse(s, filename, module, builtIns);
} else {
using (System.IO.StreamReader reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(filename)) {
s = Microsoft.Boogie.ParserHelper.Fill(reader, new List());
return Parse(s, filename, module, builtIns);
/// Parses top-level things (modules, classes, datatypes, class members)
/// and appends them in appropriate form to "module".
/// Returns the number of parsing errors encountered.
/// Note: first initialize the Scanner.
public static int Parse (string/*!*/ s, string/*!*/ filename, ModuleDecl module, BuiltIns builtIns) {
Contract.Requires(s != null);
Contract.Requires(filename != null);
Contract.Requires(module != null);
Errors errors = new Errors();
return Parse(s, filename, module, builtIns, errors);
/// Parses top-level things (modules, classes, datatypes, class members)
/// and appends them in appropriate form to "module".
/// Returns the number of parsing errors encountered.
/// Note: first initialize the Scanner with the given Errors sink.
public static int Parse (string/*!*/ s, string/*!*/ filename, ModuleDecl module, BuiltIns builtIns,
Errors/*!*/ errors) {
Contract.Requires(s != null);
Contract.Requires(filename != null);
Contract.Requires(module != null);
Contract.Requires(errors != null);
byte[]/*!*/ buffer = cce.NonNull( UTF8Encoding.Default.GetBytes(s));
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(buffer,false);
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(ms, errors, filename);
Parser parser = new Parser(scanner, errors, module, builtIns);
return parser.errors.count;
public Parser(Scanner/*!*/ scanner, Errors/*!*/ errors, ModuleDecl module, BuiltIns builtIns)
: this(scanner, errors) // the real work
// initialize readonly fields
dummyExpr = new LiteralExpr(Token.NoToken);
dummyRhs = new ExprRhs(dummyExpr, null);
dummyFrameExpr = new FrameExpression(dummyExpr.tok, dummyExpr, null);
dummyStmt = new ReturnStmt(Token.NoToken, null);
dummyAttrArg = new Attributes.Argument(Token.NoToken, "dummyAttrArg");
theModule = module;
theBuiltIns = builtIns;
bool IsAttribute() {
Token x = scanner.Peek();
return la.kind == _lbrace && x.kind == _colon;
letter = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".
digit = "0123456789".
posDigit = "123456789".
special = "'_?\\".
glyph = "`~!@#$%^&*()-_=+[{]}|;:',<.>/?\\".
cr = '\r'.
lf = '\n'.
tab = '\t'.
space = ' '.
quote = '"'.
nondigit = letter + special.
idchar = nondigit + digit.
nonquote = letter + digit + space + glyph.
/* exclude the characters in 'array' */
nondigitMinusA = nondigit - 'a'.
idcharMinusA = idchar - 'a'.
idcharMinusR = idchar - 'r'.
idcharMinusY = idchar - 'y'.
idcharMinusPosDigit = idchar - posDigit.
ident = nondigitMinusA {idchar} /* if char 0 is not an 'a', then anything else is fine */
| 'a' [ idcharMinusR {idchar} ] /* if char 0 is an 'a', then either there is no char 1 or char 1 is not an 'r' */
| 'a' 'r' [ idcharMinusR {idchar} ] /* etc. */
| 'a' 'r' 'r' [ idcharMinusA {idchar} ]
| 'a' 'r' 'r' 'a' [ idcharMinusY {idchar} ]
| 'a' 'r' 'r' 'a' 'y' idcharMinusPosDigit {idchar}
| 'a' 'r' 'r' 'a' 'y' posDigit {idchar} nondigit {idchar}.
digits = digit {digit}.
arrayToken = 'a' 'r' 'r' 'a' 'y' [posDigit {digit}].
string = quote {nonquote} quote.
colon = ':'.
lbrace = '{'.
rbrace = '}'.
IGNORE cr + lf + tab
= (. ClassDecl/*!*/ c; DatatypeDecl/*!*/ dt; ArbitraryTypeDecl at;
List membersDefaultClass = new List();
ModuleDecl submodule;
// to support multiple files, create a default module only if theModule is null
DefaultModuleDecl defaultModule = (DefaultModuleDecl)((LiteralModuleDecl)theModule).ModuleDef;
// theModule should be a DefaultModuleDecl (actually, the singular DefaultModuleDecl)
Contract.Assert(defaultModule != null);
bool isGhost;
{ (. isGhost = false; .)
[ "ghost" (. isGhost = true; .) ]
( SubModuleDecl
(. defaultModule.TopLevelDecls.Add(submodule); .)
| (. if (isGhost) { SemErr(t, "a class is not allowed to be declared as 'ghost'"); } .)
ClassDecl (. defaultModule.TopLevelDecls.Add(c); .)
| (. if (isGhost) { SemErr(t, "a datatype/codatatype is not allowed to be declared as 'ghost'"); } .)
DatatypeDecl (. defaultModule.TopLevelDecls.Add(dt); .)
| (. if (isGhost) { SemErr(t, "a type is not allowed to be declared as 'ghost'"); } .)
ArbitraryTypeDecl (. defaultModule.TopLevelDecls.Add(at); .)
| ClassMemberDecl
(. // find the default class in the default module, then append membersDefaultClass to its member list
DefaultClassDecl defaultClass = null;
foreach (TopLevelDecl topleveldecl in defaultModule.TopLevelDecls) {
defaultClass = topleveldecl as DefaultClassDecl;
if (defaultClass != null) {
if (defaultClass == null) { // create the default class here, because it wasn't found
defaultClass = new DefaultClassDecl(defaultModule, membersDefaultClass);
} .)
= (. ClassDecl/*!*/ c; DatatypeDecl/*!*/ dt; ArbitraryTypeDecl at;
Attributes attrs = null; IToken/*!*/ id;
List namedModuleDefaultClassMembers = new List();;
List idRefined = null, idPath = null, idAssignment = null;
bool isGhost = false;
ModuleDefinition module;
ModuleDecl sm;
submodule = null; // appease compiler
bool opened = false;
( "module"
{ Attribute[ }
[ "refines" QualifiedName ] (. module = new ModuleDefinition(id, id.val, isOverallModuleGhost, false, idRefined == null ? null : idRefined, attrs, false); .)
"{" (. module.BodyStartTok = t; .)
{ (. isGhost = false; .)
[ "ghost" (. isGhost = true; .) ]
( SubModuleDecl (. module.TopLevelDecls.Add(sm); .)
| (. if (isGhost) { SemErr(t, "a class is not allowed to be declared as 'ghost'"); } .)
ClassDecl (. module.TopLevelDecls.Add(c); .)
| (. if (isGhost) { SemErr(t, "a datatype/codatatype is not allowed to be declared as 'ghost'"); } .)
DatatypeDecl (. module.TopLevelDecls.Add(dt); .)
| (. if (isGhost) { SemErr(t, "a type is not allowed to be declared as 'ghost'"); } .)
ArbitraryTypeDecl (. module.TopLevelDecls.Add(at); .)
| ClassMemberDecl
"}" (. module.BodyEndTok = t;
module.TopLevelDecls.Add(new DefaultClassDecl(module, namedModuleDefaultClassMembers));
submodule = new LiteralModuleDecl(module, parent); .)
"import" ["opened" (.opened = true;.)]
( NoUSIdent ( "=" QualifiedName ";"
(. submodule = new AliasModuleDecl(idPath, id, parent, opened); .)
| ";"
(. idPath = new List(); idPath.Add(id); submodule = new AliasModuleDecl(idPath, id, parent, opened); .)
| "as" QualifiedName ["default" QualifiedName ] ";"
(.submodule = new AbstractModuleDecl(idPath, id, parent, idAssignment, opened); .)
QualifiedName<.out List ids.>
= (. IToken id; ids = new List(); .)
Ident (. ids.Add(id); .)
{ "." Ident (. ids.Add(id); .)
= (. Contract.Requires(module != null);
Contract.Ensures(Contract.ValueAtReturn(out c) != null);
IToken/*!*/ id;
Attributes attrs = null;
List typeArgs = new List();
List members = new List();
IToken bodyStart;
{ Attribute][ }
[ GenericParameters ]
"{" (. bodyStart = t; .)
{ ClassMemberDecl
(. c = new ClassDecl(id, id.val, module, typeArgs, members, attrs);
c.BodyStartTok = bodyStart;
c.BodyEndTok = t;
ClassMemberDecl<.List/*!*/ mm, bool isAlreadyGhost, bool allowConstructors.>
= (. Contract.Requires(cce.NonNullElements(mm));
Method/*!*/ m;
Function/*!*/ f;
MemberModifiers mmod = new MemberModifiers();
mmod.IsGhost = isAlreadyGhost;
{ "ghost" (. mmod.IsGhost = true; .)
| "static" (. mmod.IsStatic = true; .)
( FieldDecl
| FunctionDecl (. mm.Add(f); .)
| MethodDecl (. mm.Add(m); .)
= (. Contract.Requires(module != null);
Contract.Ensures(Contract.ValueAtReturn(out dt)!=null);
IToken/*!*/ id;
Attributes attrs = null;
List typeArgs = new List();
List ctors = new List();
IToken bodyStart = Token.NoToken; // dummy assignment
bool co = false;
( "datatype"
| "codatatype" (. co = true; .)
{ Attribute][ }
[ GenericParameters ]
"=" (. bodyStart = t; .)
{ "|" DatatypeMemberDecl }
SYNC ";"
(. if (co) {
dt = new CoDatatypeDecl(id, id.val, module, typeArgs, ctors, attrs);
} else {
dt = new IndDatatypeDecl(id, id.val, module, typeArgs, ctors, attrs);
dt.BodyStartTok = bodyStart;
dt.BodyEndTok = t;
DatatypeMemberDecl<.List/*!*/ ctors.>
= (. Contract.Requires(cce.NonNullElements(ctors));
Attributes attrs = null;
IToken/*!*/ id;
List formals = new List();
{ Attribute][ }
[ FormalsOptionalIds ]
(. ctors.Add(new DatatypeCtor(id, id.val, formals, attrs)); .)
FieldDecl<.MemberModifiers mmod, List/*!*/ mm.>
= (. Contract.Requires(cce.NonNullElements(mm));
Attributes attrs = null;
IToken/*!*/ id; Type/*!*/ ty;
(. if (mmod.IsStatic) { SemErr(t, "fields cannot be declared 'static'"); }
{ Attribute][ }
IdentType (. mm.Add(new Field(id, id.val, mmod.IsGhost, ty, attrs)); .)
{ "," IdentType (. mm.Add(new Field(id, id.val, mmod.IsGhost, ty, attrs)); .)
SYNC ";"
= (. IToken/*!*/ id;
Attributes attrs = null;
var eqSupport = TypeParameter.EqualitySupportValue.Unspecified;
{ Attribute][ }
[ "(" "==" ")" (. eqSupport = TypeParameter.EqualitySupportValue.Required; .)
] (. at = new ArbitraryTypeDecl(id, id.val, module, eqSupport, attrs); .)
SYNC ";"
/* isGhost always returns as false if allowGhostKeyword is false */
= (. Contract.Ensures(Contract.ValueAtReturn(out id)!=null);
Contract.Ensures(Contract.ValueAtReturn(out ty)!=null);
isGhost = false; .)
[ "ghost" (. if (allowGhostKeyword) { isGhost = true; } else { SemErr(t, "formal cannot be declared 'ghost' in this context"); } .)
= (.Contract.Ensures(Contract.ValueAtReturn(out id) != null); Contract.Ensures(Contract.ValueAtReturn(out ty) != null);.)
= (. IToken/*!*/ id; Type/*!*/ ty; Type optType = null;
[ ":" Type (. optType = ty; .)
(. var = new VarDecl(id, id.val, optType == null ? new InferredTypeProxy() : optType, isGhost); .)
= (. Contract.Ensures(Contract.ValueAtReturn(out var)!=null); IToken/*!*/ id; Type/*!*/ ty; Type optType = null;
[ ":" Type (. optType = ty; .)
(. var = new BoundVar(id, id.val, optType == null ? new InferredTypeProxy() : optType); .)
= (.Contract.Ensures(Contract.ValueAtReturn(out id)!=null);
Contract.Ensures(Contract.ValueAtReturn(out ty)!=null);
Contract.Ensures(Contract.ValueAtReturn(out identName)!=null);
string name = null; isGhost = false; .)
[ "ghost" (. isGhost = true; .)
[ ":"
(. /* try to convert ty to an identifier */
UserDefinedType udt = ty as UserDefinedType;
if (udt != null && udt.TypeArgs.Count == 0) {
name = udt.Name;
} else {
SemErr(id, "invalid formal-parameter name in datatype constructor");
(. if (name != null) {
identName = name;
} else {
identName = "#" + anonymousIds++;
GenericParameters<.List/*!*/ typeArgs.>
= (. Contract.Requires(cce.NonNullElements(typeArgs));
IToken/*!*/ id;
TypeParameter.EqualitySupportValue eqSupport;
NoUSIdent (. eqSupport = TypeParameter.EqualitySupportValue.Unspecified; .)
[ "(" "==" ")" (. eqSupport = TypeParameter.EqualitySupportValue.Required; .)
] (. typeArgs.Add(new TypeParameter(id, id.val, eqSupport)); .)
{ "," NoUSIdent (. eqSupport = TypeParameter.EqualitySupportValue.Unspecified; .)
[ "(" "==" ")" (. eqSupport = TypeParameter.EqualitySupportValue.Required; .)
] (. typeArgs.Add(new TypeParameter(id, id.val, eqSupport)); .)
= (. Contract.Ensures(Contract.ValueAtReturn(out m) !=null);
IToken/*!*/ id;
Attributes attrs = null;
List/*!*/ typeArgs = new List();
IToken openParen;
List ins = new List();
List outs = new List();
List req = new List();
List mod = new List();
List ens = new List();
List dec = new List();
Attributes decAttrs = null;
Attributes modAttrs = null;
BlockStmt body = null;
bool isConstructor = false;
bool signatureOmitted = false;
IToken bodyStart = Token.NoToken;
IToken bodyEnd = Token.NoToken;
( "method"
| "constructor" (. if (allowConstructor) {
isConstructor = true;
} else {
SemErr(t, "constructors are only allowed in classes");
(. if (isConstructor) {
if (mmod.IsGhost) {
SemErr(t, "constructors cannot be declared 'ghost'");
if (mmod.IsStatic) {
SemErr(t, "constructors cannot be declared 'static'");
{ Attribute][ }
[ GenericParameters ]
[ "returns" (. if (isConstructor) { SemErr(t, "constructors cannot have out-parameters"); } .)
| "..." (. signatureOmitted = true; openParen = Token.NoToken; .)
{ MethodSpec }
[ BlockStmt
(. if (isConstructor) {
m = new Constructor(id, id.val, typeArgs, ins,
req, new Specification(mod, modAttrs), ens, new Specification(dec, decAttrs), body, attrs, signatureOmitted);
} else {
m = new Method(id, id.val, mmod.IsStatic, mmod.IsGhost, typeArgs, ins, outs,
req, new Specification(mod, modAttrs), ens, new Specification(dec, decAttrs), body, attrs, signatureOmitted);
m.BodyStartTok = bodyStart;
m.BodyEndTok = bodyEnd;
MethodSpec<.List/*!*/ req, List/*!*/ mod, List/*!*/ ens,
List/*!*/ decreases, ref Attributes decAttrs, ref Attributes modAttrs.>
= (. Contract.Requires(cce.NonNullElements(req)); Contract.Requires(cce.NonNullElements(mod)); Contract.Requires(cce.NonNullElements(ens)); Contract.Requires(cce.NonNullElements(decreases));
Expression/*!*/ e; FrameExpression/*!*/ fe; bool isFree = false; Attributes ensAttrs = null;
( "modifies" { IF(IsAttribute()) Attribute][ }
[ FrameExpression (. mod.Add(fe); .)
{ "," FrameExpression (. mod.Add(fe); .)
] SYNC ";"
| [ "free" (. isFree = true; .)
( "requires" Expression SYNC ";" (. req.Add(new MaybeFreeExpression(e, isFree)); .)
| "ensures" { IF(IsAttribute()) Attribute][ } Expression SYNC ";" (. ens.Add(new MaybeFreeExpression(e, isFree, ensAttrs)); .)
| "decreases" { IF(IsAttribute()) Attribute][ } DecreasesList SYNC ";"
Formals<.bool incoming, bool allowGhostKeyword, List/*!*/ formals, out IToken openParen.>
= (. Contract.Requires(cce.NonNullElements(formals)); IToken/*!*/ id; Type/*!*/ ty; bool isGhost; .)
"(" (. openParen = t; .)
GIdentType (. formals.Add(new Formal(id, id.val, ty, incoming, isGhost)); .)
{ "," GIdentType (. formals.Add(new Formal(id, id.val, ty, incoming, isGhost)); .)
FormalsOptionalIds<.List/*!*/ formals.>
= (. Contract.Requires(cce.NonNullElements(formals)); IToken/*!*/ id; Type/*!*/ ty; string/*!*/ name; bool isGhost; .)
TypeIdentOptional (. formals.Add(new Formal(id, name, ty, true, isGhost)); .)
{ "," TypeIdentOptional (. formals.Add(new Formal(id, name, ty, true, isGhost)); .)
= (. Contract.Ensures(Contract.ValueAtReturn(out ty) != null); IToken/*!*/ tok; .)
= (. Contract.Ensures(Contract.ValueAtReturn(out tok)!=null); Contract.Ensures(Contract.ValueAtReturn(out ty) != null); tok = Token.NoToken; ty = new BoolType(); /*keep compiler happy*/
List/*!*/ gt;
( "bool" (. tok = t; .)
| "nat" (. tok = t; ty = new NatType(); .)
| "int" (. tok = t; ty = new IntType(); .)
| "set" (. tok = t; gt = new List(); .)
GenericInstantiation (. if (gt.Count != 1) {
SemErr("set type expects exactly one type argument");
ty = new SetType(gt[0]);
| "multiset" (. tok = t; gt = new List(); .)
GenericInstantiation (. if (gt.Count != 1) {
SemErr("multiset type expects exactly one type argument");
ty = new MultiSetType(gt[0]);
| "seq" (. tok = t; gt = new List(); .)
GenericInstantiation (. if (gt.Count != 1) {
SemErr("seq type expects exactly one type argument");
ty = new SeqType(gt[0]);
| "map" (. tok = t; gt = new List(); .)
GenericInstantiation (. if (gt.Count != 2) {
SemErr("map type expects exactly two type arguments");
else { ty = new MapType(gt[0], gt[1]); }
| ReferenceType
= (. Contract.Ensures(Contract.ValueAtReturn(out tok) != null); Contract.Ensures(Contract.ValueAtReturn(out ty) != null);
tok = Token.NoToken; ty = new BoolType(); /*keep compiler happy*/
List/*!*/ gt;
List path;
( "object" (. tok = t; ty = new ObjectType(); .)
| arrayToken (. tok = t; gt = new List(); .)
GenericInstantiation (. if (gt.Count != 1) {
SemErr("array type expects exactly one type argument");
int dims = 1;
if (tok.val.Length != 5) {
dims = int.Parse(tok.val.Substring(5));
ty = theBuiltIns.ArrayType(tok, dims, gt[0], true);
| Ident (. gt = new List();
path = new List(); .)
{ (. path.Add(tok); .)
"." Ident
[ GenericInstantiation ] (. ty = new UserDefinedType(tok, tok.val, gt, path); .)
GenericInstantiation<.List/*!*/ gt.>
= (. Contract.Requires(cce.NonNullElements(gt)); Type/*!*/ ty; .)
Type (. gt.Add(ty); .)
{ "," Type (. gt.Add(ty); .)
= (. Contract.Ensures(Contract.ValueAtReturn(out f)!=null);
Attributes attrs = null;
IToken/*!*/ id = Token.NoToken; // to please compiler
List typeArgs = new List();
List formals = new List();
Type/*!*/ returnType = new BoolType();
List reqs = new List();
List ens = new List();
List reads = new List();
List decreases;
Expression body = null;
bool isPredicate = false; bool isCoPredicate = false;
bool isFunctionMethod = false;
IToken openParen = null;
IToken bodyStart = Token.NoToken;
IToken bodyEnd = Token.NoToken;
bool signatureOmitted = false;
/* ----- function ----- */
( "function"
[ "method" (. isFunctionMethod = true; .)
(. if (mmod.IsGhost) { SemErr(t, "functions cannot be declared 'ghost' (they are ghost by default)"); }
{ Attribute][ }
[ GenericParameters ]
| "..." (. signatureOmitted = true;
openParen = Token.NoToken; .)
/* ----- predicate ----- */
| "predicate" (. isPredicate = true; .)
[ "method" (. isFunctionMethod = true; .)
(. if (mmod.IsGhost) { SemErr(t, "predicates cannot be declared 'ghost' (they are ghost by default)"); }
{ Attribute][ }
[ GenericParameters ]
[ Formals
[ ":" (. SemErr(t, "predicates do not have an explicitly declared return type; it is always bool"); .)
| "..." (. signatureOmitted = true;
openParen = Token.NoToken; .)
/* ----- copredicate ----- */
| "copredicate" (. isCoPredicate = true; .)
(. if (mmod.IsGhost) { SemErr(t, "copredicates cannot be declared 'ghost' (they are ghost by default)"); }
{ Attribute][ }
[ GenericParameters ]
[ Formals
[ ":" (. SemErr(t, "copredicates do not have an explicitly declared return type; it is always bool"); .)
| "..." (. signatureOmitted = true;
openParen = Token.NoToken; .)
(. decreases = isCoPredicate ? null : new List(); .)
{ FunctionSpec }
[ FunctionBody
(. if (isPredicate) {
f = new Predicate(id, id.val, mmod.IsStatic, !isFunctionMethod, typeArgs, openParen, formals,
reqs, reads, ens, new Specification(decreases, null), body, Predicate.BodyOriginKind.OriginalOrInherited, attrs, signatureOmitted);
} else if (isCoPredicate) {
f = new CoPredicate(id, id.val, mmod.IsStatic, typeArgs, openParen, formals,
reqs, reads, ens, body, attrs, signatureOmitted);
} else {
f = new Function(id, id.val, mmod.IsStatic, !isFunctionMethod, typeArgs, openParen, formals, returnType,
reqs, reads, ens, new Specification(decreases, null), body, attrs, signatureOmitted);
f.BodyStartTok = bodyStart;
f.BodyEndTok = bodyEnd;
FunctionSpec<.List/*!*/ reqs, List/*!*/ reads, List/*!*/ ens, List decreases.>
= (. Contract.Requires(cce.NonNullElements(reqs));
Contract.Requires(decreases == null || cce.NonNullElements(decreases));
Expression/*!*/ e; FrameExpression/*!*/ fe; .)
"requires" Expression SYNC ";" (. reqs.Add(e); .)
| "reads" [ PossiblyWildFrameExpression (. reads.Add(fe); .)
{ "," PossiblyWildFrameExpression (. reads.Add(fe); .)
] SYNC ";"
| "ensures" Expression SYNC ";" (. ens.Add(e); .)
| "decreases" (. if (decreases == null) {
SemErr(t, "'decreases' clauses are meaningless for copredicates, so they are not allowed");
decreases = new List();
DecreasesList SYNC ";"
= (. Contract.Ensures(Contract.ValueAtReturn(out e)!=null);
e = dummyExpr; .)
/* A decreases clause on a loop asks that no termination check be performed.
* Use of this feature is sound only with respect to partial correctness.
( "*" (. e = new WildcardExpr(t); .)
| Expression
= (. Contract.Ensures(Contract.ValueAtReturn(out fe) != null); fe = dummyFrameExpr; .)
/* A reads clause can list a wildcard, which allows the enclosing function to
* read anything. In many cases, and in particular in all cases where
* the function is defined recursively, this makes it next to impossible to make
* any use of the function. Nevertheless, as an experimental feature, the
* language allows it (and it is sound).
( "*" (. fe = new FrameExpression(t, new WildcardExpr(t), null); .)
| FrameExpression
= (. Contract.Ensures(Contract.ValueAtReturn(out fe) != null);
Expression/*!*/ e;
IToken/*!*/ id;
string fieldName = null; IToken feTok = null;
fe = null;
(( Expression (. feTok = e.tok; .)
[ "`" Ident (. fieldName = id.val; feTok = id; .)
(. fe = new FrameExpression(feTok, e, fieldName); .)
) |
( "`" Ident (. fieldName = id.val; .)
(. fe = new FrameExpression(id, new ImplicitThisExpr(id), fieldName); .)
= (. Contract.Ensures(Contract.ValueAtReturn(out e) != null); e = dummyExpr; .)
"{" (. bodyStart = t; .)
"}" (. bodyEnd = t; .)
= (. Contract.Ensures(Contract.ValueAtReturn(out block) != null);
List body = new List();
"{" (. bodyStart = t; .)
{ Stmt
"}" (. bodyEnd = t;
block = new BlockStmt(bodyStart, body); .)
Stmt<.List/*!*/ ss.>
= (. Statement/*!*/ s;
OneStmt (. ss.Add(s); .)
= (. Contract.Ensures(Contract.ValueAtReturn(out s) != null); IToken/*!*/ x; IToken/*!*/ id; string label = null;
s = dummyStmt; /* to please the compiler */
BlockStmt bs;
IToken bodyStart, bodyEnd;
int breakCount;
( BlockStmt (. s = bs; .)
| AssertStmt
| AssumeStmt
| PrintStmt
| UpdateStmt
| VarDeclStatement
| IfStmt
| WhileStmt
| MatchStmt
| ParallelStmt
| CalcStmt
| "label" (. x = t; .)
NoUSIdent ":"
OneStmt (. s.Labels = new LList]