//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- using System; using System.IO; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Reflection; using System.Text; using System.Diagnostics.Contracts; using Microsoft.Basetypes; namespace Microsoft.Boogie { public class ProverOptions { public class OptionException : Exception { public OptionException(string msg) : base(msg) {//BASEMOVEA Contract.Requires(msg != null); //:base(msg); } } public string/*?*/ LogFilename = null; public bool AppendLogFile = false; public bool SeparateLogFiles = false; // Say (DBG_WAS_VALID) or (DBG_WAS_INVALID) after query public bool ForceLogStatus = false; public int TimeLimit = 0; public int MemoryLimit = 0; public int Verbosity = 0; public string ProverPath; private string/*!*/ stringRepr = ""; [ContractInvariantMethod] void ObjectInvariant() { Contract.Invariant(stringRepr != null); } [Pure] public override string ToString() { Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result() != null); return stringRepr; } // The usual thing to override. protected virtual bool Parse(string opt) { Contract.Requires(opt != null); return ParseString(opt, "LOG_FILE", ref LogFilename) || ParseBool(opt, "APPEND_LOG_FILE", ref AppendLogFile) || ParseBool(opt, "FORCE_LOG_STATUS", ref ForceLogStatus) || ParseInt(opt, "MEMORY_LIMIT", ref MemoryLimit) || ParseInt(opt, "VERBOSITY", ref Verbosity) || ParseInt(opt, "TIME_LIMIT", ref TimeLimit) || ParseString(opt, "PROVER_PATH", ref ProverPath); // || base.Parse(opt) } public virtual string Help { get { return @" Generic prover options : ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LOG_FILE= Log input for the theorem prover. The string @PROC@ in the filename causes there to be one prover log file per verification condition, and is expanded to the name of the procedure that the verification condition is for. APPEND_LOG_FILE= Append, rather than overwrite the log file. MEMORY_LIMIT= Memory limit of the prover in megabytes. VERBOSITY= The higher, the more verbose. TIME_LIMIT= Time limit per verification condition in miliseconds. PROVER_PATH= Path to the prover to use. The generic options may or may not be used by the prover plugin. "; } } public virtual void Parse(List/*!*/ opts) { Contract.Requires(cce.NonNullElements(opts)); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(stringRepr); Contract.Assert(sb != null); foreach (string/*!*/ opt in opts) { Contract.Assert(opt != null); if (!Parse(opt)) { ReportError("Unrecognised prover option: " + opt); } sb.Append(opt).Append(" "); } stringRepr = sb.ToString(); PostParse(); } public virtual void PostParse() { if (LogFilename != null && LogFilename.Contains("@PROC@")) { SeparateLogFiles = true; } } protected void ReportError(string msg) { Contract.Requires(msg != null); throw new OptionException(msg + "\n\n" + Help); } protected virtual bool ParseString(string opt, string name, ref string field) { Contract.Requires(name != null); Contract.Requires(opt != null); if (opt.Length >= name.Length && opt.StartsWith(name)) { if (opt.Length == name.Length) { field = ""; return true; } else if (opt[name.Length] == '=' || opt[name.Length] == ':') { field = opt.Substring(name.Length + 1); return true; } } return false; } protected virtual bool ParseBool(string opt, string name, ref bool field) { Contract.Requires(name != null); Contract.Requires(opt != null); string tmp = null; if (ParseString(opt, name, ref tmp)) switch (cce.NonNull(tmp).ToLower()) { case "1": case "true": case "": field = true; return true; case "0": case "false": field = false; return true; default: ReportError("Invalid Boolean option \"" + opt + "\""); return false; } return false; } protected virtual bool ParseInt(string opt, string name, ref int field) { Contract.Requires(name != null); Contract.Requires(opt != null); string tmp = null; int t2; if (ParseString(opt, name, ref tmp)) { if (int.TryParse(cce.NonNull(tmp), out t2)) { field = t2; return true; } else { ReportError("Invalid integer option \"" + opt + "\""); } } return false; } public virtual TextWriter OpenLog(string/*?*/ descName) { if (LogFilename != null) { string filename = LogFilename; Contract.Assert(filename != null); if (descName != null) filename = Helpers.SubstituteAtPROC(descName, filename); return new StreamWriter(filename, AppendLogFile); } else { return null; } } } [ContractClass(typeof(ProverFactoryContracts))] public abstract class ProverFactory { // Really returns ProverInterface. //public abstract object! SpawnProver(ProverOptions! options, object! ctxt); public abstract object SpawnProver(ProverOptions options, object ctxt); // Really returns ProverContext public abstract object/*!*/ NewProverContext(ProverOptions/*!*/ options); public virtual ProverOptions BlankProverOptions() { Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result() != null); return new ProverOptions(); } // return true if the prover supports DAG AST as opposed to LET AST public virtual bool SupportsDags { get { return false; } } public virtual CommandLineOptions.VCVariety DefaultVCVariety { get { Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result() != CommandLineOptions.VCVariety.Unspecified); return CommandLineOptions.VCVariety.Dag; } } public virtual void Close() { } public static ProverFactory Load(string proverName) { Contract.Requires(proverName != null); Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result() != null); Contract.Ensures(cce.IsNew(Contract.Result()) && cce.Owner.New(Contract.Result())); string/*!*/ path; if (proverName.IndexOf("/") > 0 || proverName.IndexOf("\\") > 0) { path = proverName; } else { string codebase = cce.NonNull(System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName( cce.NonNull(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location))); path = System.IO.Path.Combine(codebase, "Provers." + proverName + ".dll"); } Assembly asm = cce.NonNull(Assembly.LoadFrom(path)); string name = cce.NonNull(asm.GetName().Name); System.Type factoryType = cce.NonNull(asm.GetType("Microsoft.Boogie." + name.Replace("Provers.", "") + ".Factory")); return cce.NonNull((ProverFactory/*!*/)Activator.CreateInstance(factoryType)); } } [ContractClassFor(typeof(ProverFactory))] public abstract class ProverFactoryContracts : ProverFactory { public override object NewProverContext(ProverOptions options) { Contract.Requires(options != null); Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result() != null); throw new NotImplementedException(); } } }