//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace Microsoft.Boogie { using System; using System.IO; using System.Collections; using Microsoft.Contracts; public class TokenTextWriter : IDisposable { string! filename; TextWriter! writer; bool writerOpenedHere = false; bool setTokens = true; int line = 1; int col; private const int indent_size = 2; protected static string! Indent (int level) { return new string(' ', (indent_size * level)); } // Keywords, this array *must* be sorted public static readonly string[]! BplKeywords = { "assert", "assume", "axiom", "bool", "break", "call", "cast", "const", "else", "ensures", "exists", "false", "forall", "free", "function", "goto", "havoc", "if", "implementation", "int", "invariant", "modifies", "old", "procedure", "public", "requires", "return", "returns", "true", "type", "unique", "var", "where", "while", }; private IToken! CurrentToken { get { Token token = new Token(); token.filename = filename; token.line = line; token.col = col; return token; } } public void SetToken(Absy! absy) { this.SetToken(ref absy.tok); } public void SetToken(ref IToken! tok) { if (this.setTokens) { tok = this.CurrentToken; } } public static string! SanitizeIdentifier (string! name) { int index = Array.BinarySearch(TokenTextWriter.BplKeywords, name); if (index >= 0) { return "\\" + name; } else if (name.Length > 2 && name[0] == 'b' && name[1] == 'v') { int dummy; return int.TryParse(name.Substring(2), out dummy) ? "\\" + name : name; } else { return name; } } public TokenTextWriter(string! filename) { this.filename = filename; this.writer = new StreamWriter(filename); this.writerOpenedHere = true; base(); } public TokenTextWriter(string! filename, TextWriter! writer, bool setTokens) { this.filename = filename; this.writer = writer; this.setTokens = setTokens; base(); } public TokenTextWriter(string! filename, TextWriter! writer) { this.filename = filename; this.writer = writer; base(); } public TokenTextWriter(TextWriter! writer) { this.filename = ""; this.writer = writer; base(); } public void Write(string! text) { this.writer.Write(text); this.col += text.Length; } public void WriteIndent(int level) { this.Write(Indent(level)); } public void Write(string! text, params object[] args) { this.Write(string.Format(text, args)); } public void Write(int level, string! text) { this.WriteIndent(level); this.Write(text); } public void Write(int level, string! text, params object[] args) { this.WriteIndent(level); this.Write(text, args); } public void Write(Absy! node, string! text) { this.SetToken(node); this.Write(text); } public void Write(Absy! node, string! text, params string[] args) { this.SetToken(node); this.Write(text, args); } public void Write(Absy! node, int level, string! text) { this.WriteIndent(level); this.SetToken(node); this.Write(text); } public void Write(Absy! node, int level, string! text, params object[] args) { this.WriteIndent(level); this.SetToken(node); this.Write(text, args); } public void WriteLine() { this.writer.WriteLine(); this.line++; this.col = 0; } public void WriteLine(string! text) { this.writer.WriteLine(text); this.line++; this.col = 0; } public void WriteLine(string! text, params object[] args) { this.WriteLine(string.Format(text, args)); } public void WriteLine(int level, string! text) { this.WriteIndent(level); this.WriteLine(text); } public void WriteLine(int level, string! text, params object[] args) { this.WriteIndent(level); this.WriteLine(text, args); } public void WriteLine(Absy! node, string! text) { this.SetToken(node); this.WriteLine(text); } public void WriteLine(Absy! node, int level, string! text) { this.SetToken(node); this.WriteLine(level, text); } public void WriteLine(Absy! node, int level, string! text, params object[] args) { this.SetToken(node); this.WriteLine(level, text, args); } public void Close() { this.writer.Close(); } public void Dispose() { this.Close(); } } public class Helpers { public static string! BeautifyBplString (string! s) { // strip "^" if it is the first character, change "$result" to "result" if (s.StartsWith("^") || s == "$result") { s = s.Substring(1); } else if (s.StartsWith("call")) { s = s.Substring(s.IndexOf('@') + 1); if (s.StartsWith("formal@")) { s = "(value of formal parameter: " + s.Substring(7) +")"; } } // strip "$in" from the end of identifier names if (s.EndsWith("$in")) { return "(initial value of: " + s.Substring(0, s.Length-3) +")"; } else { return s; } } public static string! PrettyPrintBplExpr (Expr! e) { // anything that is unknown will just be printed via ToString // OldExpr and QuantifierExpr, BvExtractExpr, BvConcatExpr are ignored for now // LiteralExpr is printed as itself by ToString if (e is IdentifierExpr) { string s = e.ToString(); return Helpers.BeautifyBplString(s); } else if (e is NAryExpr) { NAryExpr ne = (NAryExpr) e; IAppliable fun = ne.Fun; ExprSeq eSeq = ne.Args; if (fun != null) { if ((fun.FunctionName == "$Length" || fun.FunctionName == "$StringLength" ) && eSeq.Length == 1) { Expr e0 = eSeq[0]; if (e0 != null) { string s0 = PrettyPrintBplExpr(e0); return s0 + ".Length"; } //unexpected, just fall outside to the default } else if (fun.FunctionName == "$typeof" && eSeq.Length == 1) { Expr e0 = eSeq[0]; if (e0 != null) { string s0 = PrettyPrintBplExpr(e0); return "(the dynamic type of: " + s0 + ")"; } //unexpected, just fall outside to the default } else if (fun.FunctionName == "IntArrayGet" && eSeq.Length == 2) { Expr e0 = eSeq[0]; Expr e1 = eSeq[1]; if (e0 != null && e1 != null) { string s0 = PrettyPrintBplExpr(e0); string s1 = PrettyPrintBplExpr(e1); return s0 + "[" + s1 + "]"; } //unexpected, just fall outside to the default } else if (fun.FunctionName == "$Is" && eSeq.Length == 2) { Expr e0 = eSeq[0]; Expr e1 = eSeq[1]; if (e0 != null && e1 != null) { string s0 = PrettyPrintBplExpr(e0); string s1 = PrettyPrintBplExpr(e1); return "(" + s0 + " == null || (" + s0 + " is " + s1 + "))"; } //unexpected, just fall outside to the default } else if (fun.FunctionName == "$IsNotNull" && eSeq.Length == 2) { Expr e0 = eSeq[0]; Expr e1 = eSeq[1]; if (e0 != null && e1 != null) { string s0 = PrettyPrintBplExpr(e0); string s1 = PrettyPrintBplExpr(e1); return "(" + s0 + " is " + s1 +")"; } //unexpected, just fall outside to the default } else if (fun is MapSelect && eSeq.Length <= 3) { // only maps with up to two arguments are supported right now (here) if (((!)eSeq[0]).ToString() == "$Heap") { //print Index0.Index1, unless Index1 is "$elements", then just print Index0 string s0 = PrettyPrintBplExpr((!)eSeq[1]); if (eSeq.Length > 2) { string s1 = PrettyPrintBplExpr((!)eSeq[2]); if (s1 == "$elements") { return s0; } else { if (eSeq[2] is IdentifierExpr) { // strip the class name out of a fieldname s1 = s1.Substring(s1.LastIndexOf('.') + 1); } return s0 + "." + s1; } } } //unexpected, just fall outside to the default } else if (fun is Microsoft.Boogie.BinaryOperator && eSeq.Length == 2) { Microsoft.Boogie.BinaryOperator f = (Microsoft.Boogie.BinaryOperator) fun; Expr e0 = eSeq[0]; Expr e1 = eSeq[1]; if (e0 != null && e1 != null) { string s0 = PrettyPrintBplExpr(e0); string s1 = PrettyPrintBplExpr(e1); string op = ""; switch (f.Op) { case Microsoft.Boogie.BinaryOperator.Opcode.Add: op = " + "; break; case Microsoft.Boogie.BinaryOperator.Opcode.And: op = " && "; break; case Microsoft.Boogie.BinaryOperator.Opcode.Div: op = " / "; break; case Microsoft.Boogie.BinaryOperator.Opcode.Eq: op = " == "; break; case Microsoft.Boogie.BinaryOperator.Opcode.Ge: op = " >= "; break; case Microsoft.Boogie.BinaryOperator.Opcode.Gt: op = " > "; break; case Microsoft.Boogie.BinaryOperator.Opcode.Iff: op = " <==> "; break; case Microsoft.Boogie.BinaryOperator.Opcode.Imp: op = " ==> "; break; case Microsoft.Boogie.BinaryOperator.Opcode.Le: op = " <= "; break; case Microsoft.Boogie.BinaryOperator.Opcode.Lt: op = " < "; break; case Microsoft.Boogie.BinaryOperator.Opcode.Mod: op = " % "; break; case Microsoft.Boogie.BinaryOperator.Opcode.Mul: op = " * "; break; case Microsoft.Boogie.BinaryOperator.Opcode.Neq: op = " != "; break; case Microsoft.Boogie.BinaryOperator.Opcode.Or: op = " || "; break; case Microsoft.Boogie.BinaryOperator.Opcode.Sub: op = " - "; break; case Microsoft.Boogie.BinaryOperator.Opcode.Subtype: op = " <: "; break; default: op = " "; break; } return "(" + s0 + op + s1 + ")"; } //unexpected, just fall outside to the default } else { string s = fun.FunctionName + "("; for (int i = 0; i < eSeq.Length; i++) { Expr ex = eSeq[i]; assume ex != null; if (i>0) { s += ", "; } string t = PrettyPrintBplExpr(ex); if (t.StartsWith("(") && t.EndsWith(")")) { t = t.Substring(1, t.Length -2); } s += t; } s += ")"; return s; //unexpected, just fall outside to the default } } } return e.ToString(); } private static readonly DateTime StartUp = DateTime.Now; public static void ExtraTraceInformation(string! point) { if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.TraceTimes) { DateTime now = DateTime.Now; TimeSpan timeSinceStartUp = now - StartUp; Console.WriteLine(">>> {0} [{1} s]", point, timeSinceStartUp.TotalSeconds); } } // Substitute @PROC@ in a filename with the given descName public static string! SubstituteAtPROC(string! descName, string! fileName) { System.Text.StringBuilder! sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(descName.Length); // quote the name, characters like ^ cause trouble in CMD // while $ could cause trouble in SH foreach (char c in descName) { if (Char.IsLetterOrDigit(c) || c == '.') { sb.Append(c); } else { sb.Append('_'); } } string pn = sb.ToString(); // We attempt to avoid filenames that are too long, but we only // do it by truncating the @PROC@ replacement, which leaves unchanged // any filename extension specified by the user. We base our // calculations on that there is at most one occurrence of @PROC@. if (180 <= fileName.Length - 6 + pn.Length) { pn = pn.Substring(0, max{180 - (fileName.Length - 6), 0}) + "-n" + sequenceNumber; sequenceNumber++; } return fileName.Replace("@PROC@", pn); } private static int sequenceNumber = 0; } }