using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Diagnostics; using Microsoft.Boogie.GraphUtil; namespace Microsoft.Boogie { public interface IInterproceduralReachabilityGraph { bool MayReach(Block src, Block dst); void dump(); Block GetNewEntryBlock(string p); Block GetNewExitBlock(string p); Block GetNewBlock(Block block); } public class InterproceduralReachabilityGraph : IInterproceduralReachabilityGraph { private Program prog; private HashSet nodes; private Dictionary originalToNew; private Dictionary newProcedureEntryNodes; private Dictionary newProcedureExitNodes; private Graph reachabilityGraph; public InterproceduralReachabilityGraph(Program prog) { this.prog = prog; originalToNew = new Dictionary(); newProcedureEntryNodes = new Dictionary(); newProcedureExitNodes = new Dictionary(); nodes = new HashSet(); ProcessImplementations(); ProcessBodilessProcedures(); PatchUpGotoTargets(); AddCallAndReturnEdges(); reachabilityGraph = new Graph(); foreach(var n in nodes) { GotoCmd gotoCmd = n.TransferCmd as GotoCmd; if(gotoCmd != null) { foreach(Block b in gotoCmd.labelTargets) { reachabilityGraph.AddEdge(n, b); } } } } private IEnumerable OriginalProgramBlocks() { return prog.TopLevelDeclarations.OfType().Select(Item => Item.Blocks).SelectMany(Item => Item); } private void AddCallAndReturnEdges() { #region Add call and return edges foreach (var n in nodes) { if (n.Cmds.Count == 1 && n.Cmds[0] is CallCmd) { string proc = ((CallCmd)n.Cmds[0]).callee; GotoCmd gotoCmd = n.TransferCmd as GotoCmd; Debug.Assert(gotoCmd != null); for (int i = 0; i < gotoCmd.labelTargets.Count; i++) { (newProcedureExitNodes[proc].TransferCmd as GotoCmd).labelTargets.Add(gotoCmd.labelTargets[i]); (newProcedureExitNodes[proc].TransferCmd as GotoCmd).labelNames.Add(gotoCmd.labelNames[i]); } gotoCmd.labelTargets = new List { newProcedureEntryNodes[proc] }; gotoCmd.labelNames = new List { newProcedureEntryNodes[proc].Label }; } } #endregion } private void PatchUpGotoTargets() { #region Patch up goto targets foreach (var n in nodes) { var gotoCmd = n.TransferCmd as GotoCmd; if (gotoCmd != null) { List newTargets = new List(); foreach (Block t in gotoCmd.labelTargets) { if (originalToNew.ContainsKey(t)) { newTargets.Add(originalToNew[t]); } else { newTargets.Add(t); } } gotoCmd.labelTargets = newTargets; } } #endregion } private void ProcessBodilessProcedures() { #region Add single node CFG for procedures with no body foreach (var proc in prog.TopLevelDeclarations.OfType()) { if (!newProcedureEntryNodes.ContainsKey(proc.Name)) { Block newBlock = new Block(Token.NoToken, proc + "__dummy_node", new List(), new GotoCmd(Token.NoToken, new List())); nodes.Add(newBlock); newProcedureEntryNodes[proc.Name] = newBlock; newProcedureExitNodes[proc.Name] = newBlock; } } #endregion } private void ProcessImplementations() { #region Transform implementation CFGs so that every call is in its own basic block foreach (var impl in prog.TopLevelDeclarations.OfType()) { string exitLabel = "__" + impl.Name + "_newExit"; Block newExit = new Block(Token.NoToken, exitLabel, new List(), new GotoCmd(Token.NoToken, new List())); nodes.Add(newExit); newProcedureExitNodes[impl.Name] = newExit; foreach (Block b in impl.Blocks) { List> partition = PartitionCmds(b.Cmds); Block prev = null; int i = 0; foreach (List cmds in partition) { Block newBlock; if (prev == null) { newBlock = new Block(b.tok, "__" + impl.Name + "_" + b.Label, new List(cmds.ToArray()), null); nodes.Add(newBlock); originalToNew[b] = newBlock; if (impl.Blocks[0] == b) { newProcedureEntryNodes[impl.Name] = newBlock; } } else { string label = "__" + impl.Name + "_" + b.Label + "_call_" + i; newBlock = new Block(b.tok, label, new List(cmds.ToArray()), null); nodes.Add(newBlock); originalToNew[newBlock] = newBlock; prev.TransferCmd = new GotoCmd(Token.NoToken, new List { label }, new List { newBlock }); } prev = newBlock; i++; } Debug.Assert(prev != null); if (b.TransferCmd is ReturnCmd || (b.TransferCmd is GotoCmd && ((GotoCmd)b.TransferCmd).labelTargets.Count == 0)) { prev.TransferCmd = new GotoCmd(Token.NoToken, new List { exitLabel }, new List { newExit }); } else { if(b.TransferCmd is ReturnCmd) { prev.TransferCmd = new ReturnCmd(b.TransferCmd.tok); } else { var gotoCmd = b.TransferCmd as GotoCmd; Debug.Assert(gotoCmd != null); prev.TransferCmd = new GotoCmd(gotoCmd.tok, gotoCmd.labelNames, gotoCmd.labelTargets); } } } } #endregion } private List> PartitionCmds(List cmds) { List> result = new List>(); List current = new List(); result.Add(current); foreach(Cmd cmd in cmds) { if(cmd is CallCmd && current.Count > 0) { current = new List(); result.Add(current); } current.Add(cmd); } return result; } private Graph> ReachabilityGraphSCCsDAG; private Dictionary> BlockToSCC; private Dictionary, HashSet> MayReachCache = new Dictionary, HashSet>(); public bool MayReach(Block src, Block dst) { if (ReachabilityGraphSCCsDAG == null) { if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.Trace) { Console.WriteLine("Interprocedural reachability: computing SCCs"); } Adjacency next = new Adjacency(reachabilityGraph.Successors); Adjacency prev = new Adjacency(reachabilityGraph.Predecessors); StronglyConnectedComponents ReachabilitySCCs = new StronglyConnectedComponents( reachabilityGraph.Nodes, next, prev); ReachabilitySCCs.Compute(); BlockToSCC = new Dictionary>(); foreach (var scc in ReachabilitySCCs) { foreach (var s in scc) { BlockToSCC[s] = scc; } } ReachabilityGraphSCCsDAG = new Graph>(); foreach (var edge in reachabilityGraph.Edges) { if (BlockToSCC[edge.Item1] != BlockToSCC[edge.Item2]) { ReachabilityGraphSCCsDAG.AddEdge(BlockToSCC[edge.Item1], BlockToSCC[edge.Item2]); } } SCC dummy = new SCC(); foreach (var n in reachabilityGraph.Nodes) { ReachabilityGraphSCCsDAG.AddEdge(BlockToSCC[n], dummy); } if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.Trace) { Console.WriteLine("Interprocedural reachability: SCCs computed!"); } } return ReachableFrom(BlockToSCC[src]).Contains(dst); } private HashSet ReachableFrom(SCC scc) { if (!MayReachCache.ContainsKey(scc)) { HashSet result = new HashSet(); if (scc.Count() > 0) { result.UnionWith(scc); foreach (var nextSCC in ReachabilityGraphSCCsDAG.Successors(scc)) { result.UnionWith(ReachableFrom(nextSCC)); } } MayReachCache[scc] = result; } return MayReachCache[scc]; } public void dump() { foreach(var n in nodes) { Console.WriteLine(n.Label + " -> {"); GotoCmd gotoCmd = n.TransferCmd as GotoCmd; if(n != null) { foreach(Block m in gotoCmd.labelTargets) { Console.WriteLine(" " + m.Label); } } Console.WriteLine("}"); } } public Block GetNewEntryBlock(string proc) { return newProcedureEntryNodes[proc]; } public Block GetNewExitBlock(string proc) { return newProcedureExitNodes[proc]; } public Block GetNewBlock(Block b) { return originalToNew[b]; } } }